Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1947, p. 1

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k. 7- i i % ®l)je /kgl)ierlM ^^j^muc^^ \'0L. 67; KO. 28 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY, DHCEMP>ER 10, 1947 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, oa St. Mary's GuUd Hold Thelir Oiristmas Party The St. Mary's Ladies' Guild Maxwell h«ld tsheir Christmas paity ait the home oi Mrs. G. Seeley. The meeting opened with the Lord's Piayer and the singing of the hymn waag at the wedding of Princess Eli- zabeth. Mrs. Dodds gave a reading "Get right with yourself, followed by a Christanas quizz contest and a reading by Mrs. A. Gruimmett. The drawing of gifts was made, after which Mrs. Pinkerton cut the Christ- mas cake. An enjoyable afternoon was spent by all present. In Memoriam LEVER â€" In loving memory of the late Mr. T. R. Lever who passed away on Dec. 8, 1939. Dear dad, you are not forgotten Though on earth you are no more, Still in memory you are with us As you always were before. â€"Ever remembered by daughter Elva. Before the amateur flier gives a plane the gun. he should know all alboiit chuteing. » Mrs. McCauley Again Heads St. John's La<ties' Aid The Woman's Association of St. John's United Chiirch held their an- nual meeting last week and report a vei'y successful year. There were 44 members and over f500 was rais- ed, almost fl20 being credited t» the bazaar. The slate of offacers for 1&48 is as follows: President â€" Mrs. H. A. McCauley. Vice-Pres. â€" Mrs. W. J. McMillan Secretary â€" Mrs Frank Taylor. Asst. Sec. â€" Mrs. J. Hutchison. Treasui-er â€" Mrs. Jo&n Heard. Devotional Com. â€" Miss T. Hend- erson and Mrs. C. Park. Parsonage Com. â€" Mrs. W. Moore and Mrs. W. I. Henry. Visiting C-om. â€" Mrs. R. Fisher, Mrs. T. Sled. Mrs. J. Stewart. Flower Com. â€" Mrs. MeNichol and Mrs. Wm. Tumey. ARTEMESIA DISTRICT LOL OFFICERS ELECTED FOR THE WORD IS GETTING AKOVHD NONE MORE BEAUTIFUL IN too YEARS ,1847 ROGERS BROS. ZAe 100th Anniversary Pattern A IhrilKng new piquont in id b*avly _ dmigiMd le b««em* â- â€¢ (rsdirionally himoin a* !•• pradacaiten . th« c*nfvry". Election and installation of officers for the Arteniesia District LOL were conducted by Past County Master E- .\cheson of Proton in Markdale on Tuesday of last week, as foUows: District Master â€" J. E. McKee Chaplain â€" Ernest .^creson Rec. Sec. â€" G. W. Littlejohns. Fin. Sec. â€" .A,lex. Miller Treasurer â€" W. A. Hawken Marshal] â€" Art Jackson Lecurei-s â€" Wm. Nixon and Stoddart. 1st Com. â€" Farl Croft Tyler â€" Lewis Fishjr. Central Ontario Hockey Loop Has Six Teanu Centi-al Ontario Hookey League will cuui3)rise six teams this year: Markdale, Flesherton, Dundalk, Shel- burne, Grand Valley and Erin, the latter being a new entry. At a well attended meeting at Shelburne Thursday evening, plans for the comiing winter's activities were made and officers eU.'ted, as follows: Hon. Pres., Dr. S. A. Mc- Kelvie, Shelburne; President, Dr. R. L. Carefoot, Markdale; 1st Vice, Dr. S. C. Sudden, Dundalk; 2nd Vice, Bob Phillips, Flesbei-ton; Secr,i<-ary, Earl Rayburn, Shelburne. The league voted $25 to Fle.sher- ton to assist in fitting up the arena which is undei'going extensive aher- ations and repairs. A further meet- ing will be held at Dundalk Monday night, Dec. 15th, to draw up a ched- uJe. .A. complete list of players must be presented at this meeting. Non- resident students will be permitted to plp.y. .A.n-angements ftjr p'u'j-r.Jfs will also be made at this meeting. Wm, Gesture Of Good- Will Appreciated Here Financial Statement Of Service Club Committee I U. F. Co-operative Had I Successful Year 52 -PIECE SERVICE FOt EIGHT $62.75 E. I. HOLLEY Dundalk, Ont. HAD JOYFUL FUN You folk did get such joyful fun Out of the prose of Council's run. That 1 am tempted now to try To prove I wiote it, and that I Wrote it in fun and for the livin' And expected it taken in the spirit given. It was not meant for jibe or slight, If you can't lose, you shouldn't fight. The new year could be a wonderlul timie To start anew and try to climb Back to a height we once did know AVhen once good-feeling we did show We used to try and help the one Whose luck was down and never shun Our duty in a manly way Alas! It is ot so to-day. Yet if we all took heart and tried I'm sure those feelings have not died, We've just allowed a callous state To let in greed and maybe hate. Let's start anew, let's have a plan In our treatment of the other man. Let's help him up, not treat him spare And really make him think we care No one thing that we could do Would make the world brighter to you. Let's start right now, coime off the shelf And next year will look after itself. â€" iShake Stauff FLESHERTON HIGH SCHOOL In High School Auditorium Friday December 12 to commence at 8:.'{0 p.m. Music by i Murray Simmon's Orchestra .\dmtssiou: 50c ' t n ii nm i»i » »»*»i>* i ii n « t *****>****« »»> »> *♦*♦♦< The action of the Central Ontario Hockey League in donating Â¥''.5.00 to cessary for the cash purchase assist in the renovation of tho Flesh- erton rink is greatly appreciated by those in charge locally. The job has been a tremendous one and during the past week over 350 yards of earth has been removed from the playing surface of the rink, by men shovelling into trucks. Each after- noon and night gangs of resi'lpntT donated their survices in ord;- to have the job done as cheeply as pos- sible and nobody can deny tha: thoy did not do a good job. This Tuesday the County grader was being used to level the ground. The men in charge should be given a i-eal hand, too. The lighting system of the rink has been changed and wll be one of the best lighted on the circuit, as 24 li.ghts will be available for hockey games. Born H.A.RVEY â€" At Mrs Nuhn's Nur- sing Home, Fleshei-ton, on Tuesday. Dec. 9th, 1947, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Harvey of Priceville, a son. JOHNSONâ€" At Markdale Hospital on Tuesday, Dec. 2. 1947. to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson, Eugenia, a son, William Thcxmas. United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macpherson, Minister B.A. •'Those Crazy Missionaries" is the subject of the sermon for Sunday, Dec. 14. at Flesherton 11 a.m.; at Eugenia 7:30 p.m. (White Gift ser- vice Pioton at •? p.m.) -Annual Candle-lighting service on Sunday evening, Doc. 14, at V:3»y con- ducted by the CGIT. Everyone is welconie. Choir practices at St. John's on Thmsday. Dec. 11: Junior at 3:45 and Senior at 8:15 p.m. Christmas meeting of St. John's WMS at the home of Mrs. A. G- Macpherson Friday evening at 8. Everybody welcome. Parents are reminded of the ini poi-tance oif Sunday Schools held every Sunday as follows: Fleshertir 11 a.m.; Kiitrcnia 11 a.m.: Inistioge and Proton 2 p-ni. Classes for all ages, including adults. Canadians a)e people who stand up for themselves, says a writer. And the street car and bus companies are doin-g a gi'and job of teaching them how. In view of the pi-ogress which has been nrnde in renovating the local skating rink to a condition of safety and pennanance, it is felt that the residents of this conuii'Unity should be kept pro^perly informed in respect to the condition of the finances, the method of financing and objectives. At the time the Flesherton Service Club was formed, the first urgent project undertaken was that of pro- viding adequate skating and hockey flac!liti<»s. The local skating rink, privately owned, was not in suitable condition for operation and it was the unanimotis opinion of the Club to purchase it, and effect such re pairs as would make it a pemianent or serai-peiTnanent going concern. There wa^ some doubt as to whether the building could be sati.sfactorily repaired- Present condition of t*i» building and the method of rsp.i.ia effected, clearly indicate that the building can now be positively con- sidered sound :in(l permanent. Owing to the fact that other inter- ests were prepared to immediately negotiate for the pui-chase of tne buildng from the vendor, it was :; matter of expedience for the Seivice Club to raise the required funds ne- on vei-y shoit notice. The finance com- mittee of Fleshei-ton Old Home Week unanimously approved of the trans- fer of $850.00 of cash on hand, to be applied toward the purchasing of th. building. To complete the agree- ment it appeared that the plausible method .under the pressing time factor) lay in the securing of a large number of collateral notes from citi zens of tangible assets, which in turr could be immediately converted intt bank credit. .Approximately S.'^OOO.O' of collateral security was obtained in a matter of a few days on which the local bank approved a loan ol $2000,00. The purchase of the rink was satisfactorily negotiated. It is now the intention of the fin- ance committee to matte this project solvent and to this end efforts wi" be directed : (1) To public donation within the local community. (2) To financial support from coi^i panies and individuals outsi<f the "community. (3) To financial assistance f the local municipality. The canvas of the local comm- ity has i;ow cwnmenced. It is hone: that everyone will be ^iven an l^ortunity to a.ssist this worth-wb' project. A list of all those who have p-^- financial assistance will periodically. â€"Finjlftce Committee: R. j. MacD.ui ^^all. Doug. MacArthur. Howard Mr Gee, Frank Taylor, K. G. Goheen. NOTE HOLDERS $50.00 Coila-teral Ba.,k Security. H .-v. McCauley, J. MV;\Villiam. F Eagles. C. J. C.os.sley, A. B- Chard. G. Cairns, F. D. MacTavish, Flesher ton creamery, A. Sparks, E. Best, W. J. Chard H. W, Kernahan. \. Scar- row, L. Tm-vey, W. Littlejohns, R J Brackenbury. K. a. Betts, G Mae- ramK c. MacTavish, A. .Aberdeln, A 0. Macpherson. W. C Adams. M. »annoM. R. P„,.k. K. G. trtjheen J Phil"' \^?^''"' »â-  -^ii'"*ra" bJ; A. Boyd. G. B Welton. G. Amstiong F tti,?''; ^' ?.°'''"'''^- ^'"^- '^â- '"^â- ""â-  r; â- ' V.'"',''*'"'- *â-  • J. Kennedy, J. W Cook. E. J. Fisher, J. T, Pa VU; r' Richards. F. H. W. HicHin^ P S S. Staiufer. P, Taylor, W. Hamilton, H. McGee. C. .1. Bell.-imy, H Rich- ardson. R. B, Heard. W, Rus.^el) Lwm.. R. Stevens. H. .^kins. Genoe, Jas. Oliver, W Tur Best (By Hugh Bailey; At a time when the farmers of Ontario are at the crossroads re- garding the future, when they face uncertainty regarding markets, sup- plies and delivery of feed, prices for their livestock, dairy and poultry products and in estdmating blieir cost of production, and when they face adjustments in tariffs and quotas. your central wholesale is able to re- port progiess â€" progress, which, I believe, if extended far enough, would assist very materially in solving these problems. Our volume for the year, including livestock sales on a commission basis, was $27,414,439.78. Net savings for the year, after providing for depre- ciation, interest on loan capital and employees' bonus, amounted to $322,- $871. ;J4. The liquid position has im- ,,roved during the year and now stands at .|58o,802,22. The proportion of our total sales made to affiliated co-operatives has increased, so that it now stands at 70 percent. Distribution of earnings to members amounted to $140,971.36, half of which was paid in cash. In a<ldition, individual shippers of eggs, poll try and cream are bing paid $80,068.28. A copy of the consolidated balance sheet and statement of earnings has been mailed to shareholders, along with interest cheques and a full re- port of the company's affairs ^vas presented to the annual meeting held in Toronto on December 3rd and 4th. Future Events SPRINGHILL CONCERT Concert at Springhill school <m Tuesday, Dec. IGtb, at 8:30 p.m. The main feature is a minstrel show. Ad- mossion: 26c and 16c. SINGHAMPTON DANCE Dance in Hammill's Hall, Sing^ liaaiipton, Friday night, Dec. 12tk, 1947. Music by Grove's Orchestra. Dancing 9 to 1- Admission:: 50c. AUCTION SALE -\uction sale of implements and Household Furnishings Estate of Donald Cameron, Wednesday, Dec 17h, at Mclntyre, Osprey Townhaip. Harry Thompson, .Administrator. â€" Geo. E. Duncan. Auctioneer. DANCE AT KHMBERLET Dance in Kimberley CoTnnHinity Hall. Friday. Dec. 12th. under ans- !)ices of hall comsmittee. Rusidl Hill's Orchesti-a. featuring BiU* Miller and his Sax. Admission: BOc Rod And Gun Club Hunt Although 14 hunters turned out to the jackrabbit hunt last Saturday, the catch was small, only four jacks and two foxes being taken. Frank Taylor's bus has been charted for Saturday, so there should be a good turn-out, the fare being only 35 cents each. The hunt is still open to everyone., but you are invited to join the club at only $1 a year for memtoership. » A meeting of the Rod and Gun Club will be held at the Munshaw House next Tuesday evening, Dec. 16, at 8:15, so be oii hand. DANCE IN TORONTO .Again we invite you. one and al. to fun and frolic in Fairbank Orange Hall. cor. Lauder Ave. and Vaughaa Rd.. Toronto. Saturday night. Dee. 13tb. Geo. Whiteside's Orchestra. â€" David Jamieson and Kenneth McKee. CEYLON CONCERT Christmas concert at Ceylon scho<A on Thursday, Dec. ISth, at 8:30 -Admission: 25c. ROCK MILLS CONCERT Rock Mills Public School conewt will be held on Friday, Dec. 19th, «g S o'clock p.m. Be sure and mak* aj-rangements to attend. Admissioii; 25c and 15c. be pu !)'â- â- - "i^CMiYCnt ARTEMESIA FEDERATION ANNUAL MEETING The .Artemesia Federation of .Ag- riculture annual meeting will be held in the town hall. Flesherton, on Sat., December 13th. at 2 p.m. Mr. W. Magwood, secretary of the Grey County Federation, will be the guest speaker. E\-erybodv invited. WE WELCOME [ANY SUGGESTION ON HOW WE XAN IMPROVE, [OUR newspaper! O.D.R. SCHOOL CONCERT ".A Little Clodhopper" will be pre- sented in ODR school Wednesday, Dec. I7th. at 8:15. .Admission: 26c. TOPCLIFF CONCERT Be silre to attend the Topcliff Christmas Concert, Dec. 16. Specaal attraction is: "Hemi-y's Mail-Order Wife,, presenti^l by the yoiinp people .Admission: 25c. CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNERAL CHAPEL |?4 Avenue Rd. KI.4344 rney. G R H CASH DONATIONS applied against reduction of $50 collateral notes: G. Royd $50. R. R. Heard $25 Rev «o.-^n Macpherso,, &>/,. w. Russell P % VV,"'''^ P' E. J. Fisher S2o P. S. MiicDouffali $25. .7. Nuhn $50. G. Betts $50. ANNUAL MEETING OF FLESHERTON CURLING CLUB The annual meeting of Flesherton Curling Club will be held this Wed- nesday, Dec. 10th, in the curling rink at 8 p.m., to organize for the eominff year. .All members are urged to a'fc- tend.â€" F. H. W. Hickling. Sec. EUGENIA SCHOOL CONCERT Christmas Concert. Reser^'e PrJ., December 19th. for Eugenia Publi« School concert in the LOL h,q!l at 8:15 p.m. Admission: 25c and 15c. Card of Thanks Mrs. Fred Jamieson and I'aaily wish to thank their many friendi and neighbours for their sympathy and many kind acts shown them dTnw ing their bei-eavement, also for tilw iMMiitifii! floral tributes. A. K .1. CASH DONATIONS (Flesherton D«,ry) $50. J. \uh„ $50 R u'^^jt *?^' •'^'^'^- He'-'lerson $5. Bob McCraeken $2. Some kids get littl igrina' "deasâ€" when spell irig. e credit foy or- they concern One c-.n never <!ay that -he uresent <'ny girh are all wrapped up in their clotnes. I ST. JOHN'S UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19 at 8 o'clock i).in. VARIED PROGRAM SANTA TO DISTRIBUTE GIFTS FROM TREE Admission: 35c, Children -.e

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