Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1947, p. 4

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Wednesday, December 10, 194/ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE >•««>«• ^•♦^•♦♦^>*««:'<-:««:~X":-m~:>««:-m«*««<:«««<mm.«*«.>*^.^i>,^^4^^>4 C ream We are predicting- liij^her prices for cream during- the winter months, extjja care should be given your milch cows. iThey will earn you more hioney. You can be assured that our cream-paying prices are always the highest, and we also pay 1 cent per pound butteVfat over truck prices for cream delivered to the cream cry. We test your cream and make payment within 20 minutes. Eggs The egg market is still firm. We try hrrd to give the producer the very best grade to comply with government regulations. Market your eggs often, as eggs held too long become stale and must be placed in lower grades. We Tiave a very good market for eggs, and our prices are always up to the market. Poultry We are continually striving to secure the best possible markets for poultry, so that we, in turn, can pay the producers the highest poss- ible prices. If your poultry is ready for market deliver them to the creamerx-. or have our truck pick them up. We have raised prices 2 cents per pound for dressed chickens over 5 lbs. in weight. '• DUCKS AND GEESE Wit hthe present high feed price.s. we think 'it dvisable tn market your ducks and gee!?e now, instead of waiting for the Christmas market. Our prices are good. * Flesherton Creamery \ ; fiit.i us Avis, Manager Phone 66 I FLESHERTON, rio ♦♦♦♦<•♦*♦«•♦<>♦<~><"^*^~MK~:•♦<"XK~>4^•~^<~^.}♦.XMX..^^^^ THE flesherhii Advance :*ublished on Collingwood St., FlMhertori, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1,100. Price 12.00 a year in Canada, paid in uavance; |2.50 per year in the United States. P. J. THURSTON, Editcr PORTLAW KIMBERLEY Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts of Flesh- erton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Waber. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward and family •pent Sunday with Mrs. Ward's father, Mr. Fred Wickens and sister Ireno, of Clarksburg-. The W. A. held their December meeting- and election of officers at the home of Mrs. F. T. Weiber, with 17 members present The officers of last year were all re-elected. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Fawcett visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cornfield at Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCracken. of Flesherton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ran Hutchinson. Mr. Leslie McMullen spent the week end in Toronto with his bro- ther, whose wife is quite ill. The school children and teachers are quite busy preparing for their annual Christmas concert. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts and fa- mily of Markdale spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt. Chester Plantt is porting a new Ford car these days- The Wilkinson family enjoyed a fowl supper in the ho'me of Jas. Wil- kinson here. Mr. John Wilkinson who was celebrating his 80th birth- day, was the honored guest. The pupils and their teacher, Mrs. Lyons, are busy preparinjg for their school concent. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lyons and Alvin McKenzie attended the Moore-Shear- down wedding in Toronto Thursday. Francis Ferguson has accepted a position in Toronto for the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee and June of Toi-onto spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs- Clarence Londry and fajmily spent a day "with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce. We are sorry to report Mrs. Art Wilson very sick at present. MrS' Boyce and Mrs. Love are assisting: in caring for her. Two motorists met on a narrow biiilire. ''I never back up for an idiot," snailed one of them. The other tipped his hat. shifted into reverse, and smiled: "It doesn't matter, 1 always do." SEND US YOUR Cream and E99S We pay cash for Cream, Eggs And Poultry We buy Live or Dredded Poultry eve*y FRIDAY We are proud of our most Modem Locker Storage and you are invited to come 'in look it over. Telephone Thombury 648r33 for prices. Kimberley Dristrict Co-operative ** * ** * ******************* III I » H > 1 1 1 1 nn ********* * * SUNDAY Chicken Dinners $1.00 including extras Each Sunday, from now until Chrisbiiaus, we are serving a Special Chicken Dinner from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. Make your reservations early, if possible. BEST GRILL FLESHERTON Phone 13 H. Best, Prop. H^t**^*t»t9t fm **t>% f ***************** * ******** ^* the Late Wesley â- 'amieson (By Eugenia Reporter) Our community was saddened by the untimely passinigr of one of oui respected young men, Wesley James Jamieson, on Nov. 28th, in his 29th year. He \vas the youngest son of Mrs. Jamieson and the late Fred Jamieson, 8th line, Artemesia. Wes- ley's health became impaired over a year ago and he spent last winter in the Toronto General Hospital. He came home in the spring and was progressing favorably, but took ill again this fall. He entered Mark- dale hospital On Monday, Nov. 24th, and passed away the following Friday. Deceased was of a jovial disposi- tion, even when not feeling the best havincr his little jokes. He made many friends who will deeply mourn his i)ns.<!ing. He attended the Unit ed riiuroh and was a member of the Kugenia Orange Lodge. The funeral on Monday, Dec. 1st. was largely attended. Following a private sei-vice at his late home, the riMuaiiis were taken to Eugenia Un- ited Church, where his pastor. Rev, A. G. Macphersoii. delivered a very comfortiuig messajje. the texit being taken from the 2i9th Psalm. The choii' eradered "Face to Face." Other hymns used were "Rock of .\ges" and "Safe in The Arms of Jesus." Inter- ment was made in Flesherton Ceme- tery, Chapel, from where the remains will be taken in the spring and in terred in the family plot. The pallbearers were Ben and Bryce Hanley, Jim Maigee, Gerald Magee, Laurie McKechnie and Ian Wilson- The flower bearers were: Billie McMillan, Billy Hanley, Billie Magee Ken Magee, Ken MoKcchnie, Stanley Miagee and Norman Harris. Among the beautiful floral tributes were a vo'eath from 8th Line neigh- bors, Goodyear Company and others Besides his sorrowing mother he leaves in sad bereavement one sister, Mrs. Jaok Patterson (Dorottihy) and one brother, Jark, of Toronto. We extend our aympatiiy to the faimily left in sad bereavement. Remembrance is the rose that bloonw Eternal year by year. Sweet memories clinging to the heart Will keep our loved ones near. The tender thouijrhts that linger on Are links that ever bind The loved one who has gone ahead, With those he left behind. Mrs. Jos. Oliver Passes (Ky PriceviUe Reporter) There passed away on Thursday \ afternoon at her home on the Q.D.R., iVlrs. Jos. Oliver, a highly respected resident of this area for many years. .Mrs. Oliver, who was 84 years of age, has not bpen enjoying goo<l health for the past few months. The late Mrs. Oliver was born in Hamilton, daughter of the late John and BUen Meads, and came to this district by wagon when 15 months old. She grew up in this neighbor- hood and was married 61 years ago Mr. Oliver predeceased his wife five years last February. The late Mrs. Oliver was a kind and oblig-ing neighbor and friend, always willing to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. She leaves to mourn her passing five sons, Robert at home, John on farm nearby, Willie and Jaimes in Detroit and Joe of Montreal. An adopted daughter, Gladys, died in 1933. Mrs. Oliver raised her two grandchildren, Eric and Hazel, now married and residing in Toronto. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon and was largely attended by friends and neighbors, who came to pay their last tribute of respect to one who was so well known and loved by all who knew her. Rev. M. C. Gandier had charge of the ser- vice and gave a comforting messagre. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery, South Line. The pallbearers were: Eric Oliver. Douglas Bullock, R. J. Turner, Thos. Gurrie, Leroy Meads, Lloyd Vause The casket was surrounded by many beautiful floral tributes, which bore silent messages of love, and were carried by neigM>or8. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Eric Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Bullock, Mr.i Jim Turner and son, R. J.. Messrs; Will and Jim Oliver of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Oliver Eccles and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mc- Kenzie, Holstein. In Memoriam LONG â€" In loving memory of a dear htisband, Albert L. Long, who December 14th. 1944. I have lost my soul's companion, A life linked with my own: And day by day T miss him more. As I walk through life alojie â€" Sadly missed by Wife, .Alnn y***** * **** * *** * *- Christmas Suggestions FOR THE HAPPY HOMEMAKERS Lovely English Dinnerware in 50 and 66-piece Sets Silver Cream and Sugars Buttetr Dishes Pyrex Ware Pressure Cookers Roasters and other Enamelware Cutlery Coleman Lamps, Lanterns and Gas Irons Alarm Clocks Wrist Watches Electric Clock Electric Irons Electric Cozette Heaters Step and Save Tables and Ladders New "Sunshine" Baby Carriage $23.95 Wood Heaters Coal Heaters and Circulators Oil Heater Stromberg-Carlson Radio Eveready Batteries FOR THE YOUNGER FOLK Ski-is 5'/j feet, 6 feet, 6!/j feet, from $4.75 to *11.60 Ski Poles Ski Harness Boys' Sleighs and Wagons Sunshine Tricycles Hockey Sticks Jack Knivea Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets Schick and Gillette Razors Shave Brushes Flashlights Perkins Bill Folds and Key Cases Men's and Ladies' Toilet Sets Mwj's Club Bags and Travelling Cases Also on Hand Wagner Electric Motors Electric Cream Separators I Tin Wash Boilers with copper bottoms Combination Doors Good selection of Used Radios from $10.00 up^ Guaranteed in good condition What you are unable to see: ask about. WE AIM TO HE(LP YOU J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM t > »» ♦ 1 1 i * * * * * ** * ********* * ** •♦! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 » H «4 In Miemoriam LONG â€" In loving memory of our dear father, Albert L. Long, who died in Toronto on Dec. 14th, 1946. A wonderful dad, man and aid; One who was better God never made. fi. wonderful worker, so loyal and true; One in a million, that, dad was you. Just in your Judgiment always right Honest and liberal, ever upright; Loved by your friends and all whom yon knew; A wonderful dad, that, dad was you â€" Sadly missed by Irene, Sam, Barbara and Joan, Daisy, Burton and Garry, and Murray. In Memoriam Let other people get the best of you and keep the worst for yourself. Life is a matter of organization. Brother, how is your organization to-<Ifiy. PORTEOUS â€" In loving memory of our dear father ad mother, John and Caroline Porteous, who passed away Dec. 4th, 1939, and Dee. 16*. 1945 respectively. Gone from ua but leaving memories Death can never take away. Memories that will always linger While u/pon this earth we stay. â€"Art and Bertie. In Memoriam -LAXIGHLIN â€" In ever loving mem- ory of Sapper Archie Laughlin, who was killed in action in Holland on December 14h. 1944. We often sit and think of him When we are all alone. For memory is the only thing That grief can call its own. â€" Ever remamlbered by Mother, BTOthers and Sisters. CHRISTA^AS SUGGESTIONS "THE FRINGE OF THE WAY" NEW Booklet of Poems by RRV. CHAS. D. COX LO\'KLY CHRISTMAS GIFT NOW ON SALE AT Flesherton 5c - $1 Store BEDROOM SUITES 3 Pieces $69.95, $89.95, $95.00 $119.50 $139.95 $189.50 Odd Dressers, plate glass mirror $32.50 Odd Chiffs $22.50 UNFINISHED FURNITURE Dressers, Vanities, Chiflfoniers, Benches Night (Tables, Kitchen Tables Chairs and Stools MATTRESSES Cotton Felt, all sizes $11.95 Layer Felt, all sizes $15.50 Spring Filled, all sizes ,. $27.50 v^prings, all sizes $8.50, $12.50 DINING ROOM SUITES A few left at the old price 9 pieces $145.00 $184.50 CHESTERFIELD SUITES A good range of covers 3 pieces From $115.00 STUDIO COUCHES Many good covers to choose from. Complete with back and wardrobe $53.50 and up Hampers $7.50 and up End Tables $4.7''« and up Occasional Chairs $13.50 up Satin Cushions $.V25 up Mats $1.59 up Hassocks $2.7r< 'Pelephone Sets $18 25 Trays 95c Corner Cupboard $11.05 Bed Lights $1.95 Table Lamps $4.95 Card Tables , $2.25 Boudoir Lamps $4.95 Medicine Cabinets $3.25 un What Nets _... 95c Coffee Tables (folding) $3.49 Bedroom Chairs $9 75 ^}^]-^ors ".;â- â- ;;;; ^715 Smokers $2 9; Oriental Riig-s 6 ft. 6 in.4x ft. 6-in $38 ^5 K"ffJ?age ^3.2^ tff?r\; " ^^-^O Radio G.E $28.95 v'^^'!,' • T ', ^^•^" „, . , , .,r Maqazme Racks t"? =;n Weighted Waxers .$3,49 Rook Cases ...Z.. Igo- Carpet Sweeper $6.0^ Cabinets (metal) .*.*.'......."..*.".'.".'.'.*."*$11 95 DOLL CARRIAGES $3.39 Sleighs, Wagons, Scooters, Wheelbarrows. Tj-icvcles, and Trailers Walkers, Baby Baths Phone 78w Richards We Deliver FLESHERTON \' ^\ I I

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