Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Dec 1947, p. 5

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J - Wednesday, December 10. 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE \' »» n i mt i nnm i mnnn iiii t » » »»»»»» » »,»»4i »4 .4i»»»»»» IN STOCK ; Electric Washing; Machines, Wood's Electric Chopper New and Used Hand Washers Electric Cream Separators Renfrew Cook Stoves 6 inch plates for Electric Chopper Beatty Litter Carrier Buckets Beatty Pumps I Repairs for Utter Carrier W. E. BETTS Pbone 46J FLESHERTON ii m ii inu ii*tiiii nf ^ti in >»«i nM i n <i i iiiii nw ! CO-OPS are ^^^x 115 AFFILIATED CO-OPERATIVES in Ontario used their Provincial Wholesale in 1946-47 to a greater degree than ever before. As a result the Wholesale was able to increase its volume, earnings and patronage returns. The local co-operatives in turn distributed these wholesale earnings to their farmer members. Working together in an increasing number of common undertakings, the. Central and the local co-operatives record with pride a year of progress. THt UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVi CO. LTD. *•.„ <^'i ^ou&fSt/o^ r LEAVE FLESHERTON (Standard Time) TO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO d 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m. 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. .a: - Saturday only. Bus Connections at Brampton for London and at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay K V A FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Tax Included - $59.65 WINNIPEG - $50.05 29.60 REOINA - 61.30 46.70 C.M<G.\RY - 81.35 TICKETS AND INFORM.A.TI0N AT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Flesherton, Ont. QUEBEC HALIFAX ST. JOHN Pleaie turn off lightt and a|>- pJiancetwhen not needed. THE HYDRO-ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO ROCK MILLS The mill has been running steady des.pite the cold spell we had. The old stock of log's will take three weeks yet to saw. Fresh cut logs are now beginning to come in again and the company expects to put in a large stock this winter for another season's sawig. The teacher, Miss Hass, and pupils are busy practising for their Christ- mas conceit to be held in the school DeceiTibei- 10. Mr. Elwood Partridge is impro- ing nicely now and gaining strength i-^ipidly. Hp was able to visit on Sun- day at the homt! of his brothers. Ken and Lloyd, along with Mrs. Partiiduf ;ind Shirley and Joan and VVa.vne McMaster- ^Vh-.^. Walter Russell is also im- proving nicely after her operation and also Mrs. HaiTy Patten. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest .\itcheson of Bethel visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell and Elva. The heavy rain has taken most of the snow away and left the roads very icy and slippery for travelling. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Russell and EHva were at Proton on Saturday to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. F. Irish, an old neighbour of theirs when they both lived in the Ware- ham district. We extend our sym- pathy to the bereved family in the los.s of a loving Cluistian mother. Our sympathy is extended to the Oliver famlily in their bereavment by the passing of a loving and kind mother. EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Mage 'of Aner- oid, Sask., have taken apartments in the Martin residence, Inkennan St. A dance was held in the hall on Thursday evening, \ov. 27th, in hon- oi- of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald (Cayle Genoe). During the cour.se of the evening they were presented with an address and a set of dishes from the community. .\ very pleas- ant tinio was spent. Mr. Ed. Breadner attended the funeral of '.ate Mr. John Menary of Collingwood on Saturday. We are Mn-\-y to report our school teacher, Miss Joyce Patterson, ill in Markdale Hospital with an attack of atppendicties. We wish her a speedy recovery. Bom â€" In Markdale Hospital on Tuesday. Decamfber 2 1947, to M'r. and Mrs. Russell Johnson, a son. Mrs. Russell Johnson and new son rertumed home from the hospital on Monday of »his week. Mr. Cecil Magee of Malton, Earl Magee. Bill Phillips and Bates Faw- cett of Islington were home over the week end. Time is Getting Short for CHRISTMAS SHOPPING In spite of the shortage of many seasonable lines of merchandise, you will find our slock offers a wonderful selection of worth-while items suitable for Christmas Gifts. Shop early for best choice. Some Gift^Suggestions PRICEVILLE "Ob, well," the husband remarked philosophically. ''When all is said an" done " "When all is said and done what?" asked his wife. "When all is said and done, there's betta a lot more said than done." The quiet man in the crowd had grown tired of the boastful talk of the others. During a lull in the con- versation, he said: "My brother has just secured a novel mechanical contrivance which operates in a most amazing way." "How?" said someone. "Well, by means of a fulcrum lever pedal attachment it converts vertical reciprocal motion into circular im- petus. Its principal part is a huge hardened disk that revolves parallel t« gravitation ray.s of force. Powoi' is appied through the axis of the disk, where the hardest steel may he worked into shape." "What is this marvelous machine?" "X arindstonc.'" (Intended for Lut Wa«k) Wednesday night friends and neighbours met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher to spend a social hour with them before leaving for their new hoane at Holstein, where he has purchased a garage. The evening was spent in dancing, with music being supiplied by Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn McFadden of Fleshe'- ton. At the midnigrt honr M . and Mrs. Fisher and boys, Arthur and Mervyn, were aslked to come forward .when an address was read by Mrs. Wim. Beaton and the presentation of a lovely floor lamp was n»ade by Cecil Fawcett. MVs. Jim Sturrock also read an address to Mrs. Fisher and the presentation of a lovely table lamp from the club members, where she has been a faithful mem- ber since 1921. Mr. Fisher on behalf of his wife and family voiced his appreciation and thanks for the good wishes and gifts and invited all to visit them at their new home. All joined and sang. "For they are Jolly Good Fellows." Lunch ^vas sei-ved and a social time spent. They will be much missed in the community, where they were ever ready to help ill any way they could. .\ mmibcr foi^m here attended the commenceiments at Fleshei-ton nn:I Dundalk last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ritz of Niagara Falls were recent visitors at Mrs. McLach- lan's. Mr. Gordon Nichol of London spent the week end at his home. A number of the V.P. attended church at Durham Sunday. Mrs. T. Nichol is visitino; at the hom^ of her son, John. Mrs. Pedlar returned tc> Torontn Overcoats Men's Suits Sweaters Mufflers Neckwear Fancy Socks Parkas Dressirig- Gowns «S Kid. and Wool Gloves Felt Hats Men's Cloth Caps Wallets Pocket Books Bedroom Slippers Snow Suits Ski Jackets Ski Slacks Ski :vl tts Cike Plates Tea Pots Water Sets Plastic Hand Rags Printed Table Cloths Hemsttched Sheeu Pillow Slips Fancy Handkerchiefs Fancy Aprons Bridg-e Covers Infants" Dresses Cushion Covers Ladies' Scarves Bath Towels Bed Spreads Fancv Stationery Christinas Cards Tea Sets Dinner Sets Glass Ware Pyrex Ware China Cups, Saucers Berry Sets Comeland Visit TOYLAND UPSTAIRS Toys and Games for Children of all aji'c-s. A beauti- ful assortment of Dolls. The best selection we have ever offered. F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. liter spending the summer with her Mrs. Harold Karstedt, when the draw will be made for the blanket, that Kis been on display in Karstedts daughter, Mrs. Geo. Fisher. Messrs Ken Meads and John Stot- hart left Monday morning for an ex- tended visit to Florida. The W.I. will be held this Thurs- <lay, December 4th at the home of store window. Small .Advertisements br'ty r^aioV â- nilts. Radio and Sound Service NOW IS THE TIME TO AND DONTT FOBGET OUR Get Your Radio in Condition Home Recordings SI'IRELLA FOUNDATION GAUMENTS A a.uestion in Everyon's mind: "What to buy?" This may be an.wered with the gift of a Spir- ella Gannent, individually design-.... ed to meet the fiK'ure require- meiit. .\sk about our CHBISTOI'AS GOOD-WILL OFFER for three weeks only. Mr«. A. E. BELLAMY Corscticre Flesherton, Ont. AND NEW YEAR SEASON IN GOOD CONDIXrON FOR CHRISTMAS We will check it over and give you an estim- ate on cost of repair- All work done by a graduate Radio 'Engineer, Authorized Philr. Radio Service and member of Radio Manu- facturers' Service. It costs no more to have your radio repaired in our up-to-date Radio EnKineering Lai>ora lory â€" one of the most advanced Electronic Service Shops in Ontario. All work Guaran teed 90 days â€" and we DO stand back of oui guarantee to the limit. A NUMBER OF Good Used Radios Hcconditionsd, guaranteed 90 days. .Vsk ti see and hear them play â€" 1 Good (i-volt mo<lel, which plays en- tirely from a 6- volt wet battery; no "B' batteries required. A number «f L4 volt modern Super heterodyne Battery Sets of very low hat tery drain. A COMPLETE LINE OF V Belts and Pulleys is kept in stock at all times to meet all you, belt and pulley requirements. Liberal ex change and refund allowed if not enlirel: satisfactory. We have the very finest of professional equip- ment for making "Home" (Istantaneous Recordings of your voice or of any musicm instrument â€" individually or in large or small groups. These "Home" Records are made while you talk or sing, and can be taken wii. and played [hundreds of times on your own Phono machine. THEBE IS NO FINER OHBISTMAS OR NEW YEAB'S GIFT (but welcome at all times), than one of oui own recordings of your voice in ispeoch o song. Make up a 2 or 3 minute meaMff« and Greetings â€" Call us for an appointment ant^ we (will record it for you and will mail it to any address in Canada, the States or Eng land. For that distant loved one â€" Mother Father, Son. Daughter or Sweetheart â€" it> the next best thing to a visit from you your.^elf. Phono Needles Royal .Icwel Permanent Sapphire-Point will make the old Phono sound like new and "ill prolong the life of your records â€" thi very finest needle to be had at only $2.30. also standard needles in packages: 25 for 25c HRITISH-MADE Decca Recordings for sale. Popular numbers â€" available ;, they are released to us from the pressings. ! W. COOK RADIO AND SOUND ENGINEER Radio and Sound "Engineer Member Uritish I'nstitule Engineering Tech. Member Institute of Radio EnKineer.<i FLESHERTON Member of Radio Manufacturers' Service Member of Institute of Electronics .\uthori7.ed Phiico Service Enginee--

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