''L> • t- 7i % OffilST f i J r < -- . Sjjirt^itRd Otoe Thing ot Anothei By FRANK MANN HARRIS â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Like millions of other fight fans, we sat by our radio the night of the Louis-Walcott affair; and as round followed round, with the Brown Bomber showing up worse and worse, we mentally mourned the passing of probably the greatest heavyweight who ever lived. We felt really bad about it, but not quite at bad as a more youthful member of the family, who hasn't as yet been in hot water so many times as his old man, and so hasn't had a chance to become quite so hard -boiled. * * ^; Next morning, he was just as •orrowful over the plight of Mr. Louis. "After what Walcott did to him, and the way the crowd booed him," he said, "I'll bet poor Joe feels just terrible." By this time, how- ever, we had thought things over a trifle. "Before you go'^ shedding any more tears over Mr. Louis, just think of this?' we said. "If he'd flattened Walcott in a couple of rounds, as everybody figured him to do, he wouldn't have another opponent in light, and a return bout wouldn't draw flies at the box oftice." r ' * * * "The way it is," we went on, "in a return bout he and Walcott will draw the biggest gate in history, and Louis's cut will probably be anything from half a million dollars up. Wal- cott did more than knock Louis onto the bosom of his britches last night â€" he clouted him into a fortune he otherwise wouldn't have had a chance of even fingering. So reach for the porridge, my lad, instead of a cry- ing-towel." * * * Now, a week or so later, we sec no reason to revise that opinion. Joe Louis's name is removed from our Christmas shopping-list He's already had all the Christmas present any man deserves from a Lady called Luck. .And if we know anything about him, he'll proliably tear Mr. Walcott to pieces some fine evening in June or thereabouts! » « * Bernard Sliazt- is /j llu- fore a/)ain with his idea that habitual and dangerous criminals should be put out of existence quickly and painlessly â€" not in a spirit of revenge or as a moral lesson, hut for the same reason ive destroy rats, iivl-cerines and other sttch creatures, because they're more peril to the u'orld than they're ti-orth. * * « " ! Ids is by no means a new notion on the part of Mr. Shaw; but again it raises roars of shocked protest from the tender-hearted. The latter much prefer our present system of catching a xvonnded murderer, nurs- ing him back to life -cith medical at- tention impossible for most people to get, foiling at great e.vpense all his attempts to commit suicideâ€" and then hanging him, in the sacred name of Justice! « * » It was fine to read about Ted Reeve speaking up so plainly in favor of Canadian football rules, as op- posed to -Americanâ€" and to have his opinion backed by Frank Filchock. The latter is a man who should know something about the two styles, hav- ing .starred in both ; and Reeve's word on any sort of football just has to be respected. We Canadians hear so many "thrill- ing" broadcasts of so-called United States "classics", and read so many of those illustrated articles about famous plays and players that we're in real danger of developing some- ting of an inferiority complex in this regard. * ♦ ♦ For whatever value it may have we don't mind sticking in our de= preciatcd two cents worth' and saying that, cither from a spectator's or a player's standpoint, we ha\e a game that is head and shoulders above the American brand. Here, the sport still belongs, at least partly, to the play- ers; over there, it's strictly a coaches' affair. In a recent New York pro. game fifty-five forward passes were thrownâ€" or attempted â€" almost one per minute. They n»ay call it foot- ballâ€"we think "open air basketball" would be closer to the mark. « « * Maybe you've hear it before, but recent storms and traffic tieups hare resurrected the one about the truck- driver who was trying, zvith no success at alt, to get his crate through a big drift, blaspheming loudly and' vigor- ously as he did so, for all the world l« hear. Along came a preacher who stopped, listened, then admonished "Instead of blaspheming and mis- Mfitig the name of the Almighty that way." he said, "wouldn't it be far nicer if you iiisl said a little prayerT" * ♦ • W''i(/i great effort the truck-driver choked back the retort that was ris- ing in his throat. "O.K. Reverend." he said, "in a /i.r like this I'll try anything once.'' Bending his head iiid rcmoi'ing his cap. he muttered -m few prayerful words. Then he tried to move the truck once more- mud it slid through onto the open road like magic. I he truck-driver just sal there, absolulely dumbfound- "Is Thar Gold In Them Hills.'"â€" Th..y still pa n for gold up in the Far North . . . although far more money is being made taking advan tage of its many other natural resources. "THE NEW NORTH" Kational Film Board Picture Vividly Portrays Modern \'ersion of -Trail of '9^"' and the '"Last Country of Opportunity in the Far North" During the war, the .Alaska High- way came into prominence as a defeii'ie measure against possible invasion by the Japanese. But, to I aiiiidians. it came to mean much more than that: it meant that at â- last, the legendary northland of the Yukon and North- West Territories has really become a part of Canada. Save for the stories of early explor- ers and prospectors, it has been an unknown land, at once savage and romantic. Last year, the National Film Board decided to show Canadians what sort of country this is, and to t.ace the rapid developments which have taken place there. Thus was bom the film, "The New North", which is now be- ing shown on the rural film pro= granunes in Ontario. « « « "The New North" is partly a story of transportation, always an import- ant story in Canada. We see the new highway as it winds past such his- toric and romantic spots as the Peace* River country. Fort St. John, Fort Nelson, the Liard River valley and the "town" of Whitehorse. To some extent, the highway fol- lows the famous "Trail of '98", and Whitehorse is used as • sort o( base of operations. Many people who â- I I â- Serbian Christmas Falls in January The Serbian Christmas Is rich In Its symbolism ot Our Lord's birth in Bethlehem. It is celebrated on January 7 in accordance with Jul- ian calendar, established in 46 B. C. and used when Christ was bpm. The head of the family br^gi a small Christmas tree bito the houie and bums part of it The sparks signify how th* shepherds came into the manger to see the Christ cliild and warm themselves. In Europe, the Serbs place the tm- burned part of the tree into the barn or stable to signify fruitfulness. In another custom, the father leads the family into the house, and they scatter straw over the flpor to signify the warmth of the stable. ed. His admonishtr, who had been watching with great interest what went on, threw up his hands and cried in tones of utter amasemtnt. "IVell, I will be teetotally dammedr * • * .And as we won't have a chapce of doing so again before the Great Day here's all the best to all our long-suffering readers, and to all others interested in sports. Over the years writers have tried hundreds of different ways of saying itâ€" but no- body yet has ihanaged to come tip with any improvtment on the old- time "Merry Christmas to you and SLOANS Goodhr jusv »»niT â- » OS come are on the look-out for gold, but there are many other minerals to be found there. Deposits of coal, iron, oil, silver and copper are now being worked. In addition, "new" minerals, such as tungsten, is being mined, which is now used for hard- ening steel and making electric light filaments. There is also molybden- um, which has come to be used to make tough and deep-hardening steel. » * • But miners are not the only new- comers: there are also farmers, geo- logists, business men, adventurers. It may seetn surprising, but truck and dairy farming are now everyday occupations in the new north. Even as far north as Dawson "City" such farms are active and flourishing. Then there is the tourist. There Is a wild, strange beauty about this north country which is beginning to attract the summer visitor. The high mountains, the swift, glacier - fed streams, and the dense forests make it a summer playground equalled no where else in the world. But even more than that, undreamed-of hunf ing, fishing and mountain climbing opportunities are to be found at every turn. To make sure that this always remains the case, a national park of some 10.000 square miles has been set aside. Yes, there are opportunities aplenty in the new north I It is a land of opportunity for men and women with courage and the pioneering spirit Reduce Christmas Hazards With Care To avoid tragic Christmas acci- dents In the home, the Fire Protec- tion Institute Issues these precau- tionary tips: â€"Use a flame-proof compound ta spray wreaths and other pine deco- rations. â€"Use materials marked Qame- proof for tree trimmlngi and home , decorations U they are obtainable. â€"Inspect Christmas tree llghti, •nd repair frayed wires or loose â- ockets. â€"Never leave Christmas llghti btiming tmless someone is around. â€"Never unwrap gifts near aa open lire or flickering flame. Dl»t pose of paper and other inflam- mable wrappings Immediately. Prairie Provinces Want Sugar Maples It is learned from the Dominion Experimental Station at Morden, Manitoba, that research is under way in an effort to cultivate the sugar maple tree in the prairie provinces. ^ Unfortunately this beautiful tree â€" esteemed for its value as a state- ly ornamental shade tree, for its wavy-grained furniture wood, and for its sugary sap â€" is a native to only a part of the country. Al- though it grows as far south as Georgia it fails to extend far north in Canada. The western boundary of its native range appears to be in the Thunder Bay hills flanking Lake Superior. Tests made at Morden reveal that trees raised from seed obtain- ed in Southern Ontario and Que- bec are too tender to escape injury during severe Winters. Seedling* from Thunder Bay Hills, near Fort William, are doing well and pro- duce crops of seed, unless weather is adverse for Spring blossoms. T)TT pCJâ€" ModBrn medl.al kI- X^AijCiO^"*'* *'â- " overcome all- g^enjl formerly thgu^ht inii>ossible. Pile« v^Ttt considered one of them. That's nontienae todftr. The i)ew ryltene treatment has proven It- ^f In thoueandi ot the moet etuli- t»rn caeee. It leti reeulte becetiie '^^itr llrat bottle (a liquid talcen kr It (oee direct to the Interne! eauie. mouth) aliowe you the difference, er that price refunded at ence. All motlft^n Druffviale. Classified Advertising ATTK.NTION F.1R.1IERS Even Skunk 'Aroma' Conquered at Last Seems almost too good to believe; but modern science has come up with something that eliminates the most offensive of odors â€" even that used by a skunk as means of defense. Technically it's called alkyldime- thyl - benzyl-ammonium - chloride. But don't worry about either the spelling or pronunciation. To the trade it's known as R2L. During the war it was government proper- ty, but now it's on the open market Proponents of R2L claim that a gallon of this solution, mixed, with 500 gallons of water, can be sprayed in a place like a fish factory and in a hour, presto, no fish odor. .\nd anyone who has ever come into close contact with a fish factory will realire that this is no mean trick. The method of operation is simple. Once the mi.tture is made it is 'put into a sprayer and sprayed around the premises until the odor disappears. It can also be used at full strength. One man in charge of making the mi.xtiire popular with the public sold a gallon of his brew to a dry clean- ing plant A little later a man came in carrying a bundle on a pole in front of him and demanded that the skunk odor be eliminated from his once-upon-a-time best suit. The dry cleaner was stumped until he remembered the R2L and then with a well-I'll-try-anything- once attitude dipped the suit into the gallon mi.xure. .\nd, after dry- ing, the suit was as sweet as a rose. FOR S.\LE â€" Tractor T:rei. made of rubtwr. ffultablti for boltiiut on eteel wheels. IK. OS each, rear wheels: $7.50 each, front wheels. When orderins aiate diameter and wldtb of wheels. National Rubber Co. Ltd.. I Wilt- shire Ave.. Toronto. Ont. HAIBOBBSSIKO LXARN Halrdreislns the Robertson metbod Information on request recardlni classes Robertaon'i Halrdresalna Aeademr. IS7 Ae» nue Road. Toronto RrSINKSB OPPOBTUNiril AJ^ OFriCR to every mventor â€" List of Inren- tlons and rull Information sent tree, rbf Ramsay ro Registered Pment Attomars 17? Bank Srrcei Ottawa PROVIDING you are an enercetlo /oun( man wlllins to work hard to build a sue. oessful buainess and future for jrouraelt. we have an ovenins tor S'ou. now In this dist- rict, as district distributor ol our products Previous experience unnecessary. Apply to Home Offlce Blue Brand Products Co. Ltd.. TS27 Alexandra Street. Montreal. BABT CalCE^ KKDICAL DON'T Delay! Every sufferer ot Rheumatte Patna or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rsm- edy. Uunro's Drug Store. ISt Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid HOP _^_ PROVEN Renii-ds â€" Every sufferer ot Rheu- matic Pains ur Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro'd Drtis Store, S8S KUla, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. <»FPIIRTI'NIT1»S roB »VOMKI» 1048 should be a good poultry year. Canada's shrewdest poultrr producers ars continu- ing their full production programme for next year. Agriculture Statistics prors that early batched chicks are SI percent to 7S percent more protltable than late chicks. Thal'e i lot of extra profit. Send for frea catalogue and take delivery of your chlcka early. Top Notch Chitk Sales. Guelph, Ontario, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SrHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Halrdreaalne Pleasant dicnlfled profeoaion. good waaas thousands succesaful Mar\'el graduates America's i;re:ti.>st ayatem lUULtrated nata- loBue tree Write or Call MAP.Vr.L aAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS Hi Bloor St W.. Toronto Branches 44 King St., HamlltOB a 74 R.fle.-iu Street. Ottawa .BABY CHICK BUYERS Bft certain that you buy good. bealtby chicki tbla coming aea&on. Inaur* delivers date by plactns your order dow Ail breeders Oovemmeut banded and puHorum tested. Write for our 1948 catalogue and price Mat MONKTON POULTRY FARM .MONKTON. ONTARIO IT'S not U'n late to purchnae choice pullets 18 weeks to laying. Barred Rocks. New Hamnahirei, White Leghorns. Whits Rocks. Light Sussex. Also day old chlcka for Im- mediate or future delivery. Free catalogue, Tweddlo Cliick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ontario, SEA ahells, M;ike your own shell Jewelry. Writa tor !:er price list. Ruby's SheU Shop, 245Vi B:mk Street, Ottawa, Ont. 0PPOBTCNIT1E9 FOR MEN AND WOMKM Become Sieno«rai)her quickly through ABC slmpUQed shorthand. Free folder Uua-' tratee. Cassan Systems. Dept. W., Torootp. PATENTS FETHBRSTO.NALGH 4 Cciniliany Patent Solicitors, Established 1S90, 14 Elng West, Toronto Booklet of Information n request. I'EKStlN.Vi WANT chicks now? We havs them for Im- mediate delivery, started and dayoflds. Write for list. Bray Hatchery, 180 John N,. Hamilton. Ont, LONKSOME'' Homantic Correspondece Hag- aatne containa, photoa, descriptions. 10c With addresses 50c. One year IS. World Federation Club, Parkei-vlew, Saslt. IS weeks to laying pullets for immediate delivery: White Leghorns? Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, Light Sussex and many other popular breeds. Also day old chicks for Immediate or later delivery. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario, BIO Rock Farm Chicks are stlli the best bet on the farm because they lay plenty of big eggs and make a good profit. They are strong liveable chlcka sired by high egg record males. Discount on early orders. Write toiliiy tor free calendar and price list. Big Rock Farm. Mills Roches. Ont. WANTED BOOKS â€" Catholic Encyclopedia. Brltannlca. set Dickens, ulher books describe. Box ISS, 78 Adelaide W'. Toronto. WH.^T to expect in 1948. Will em prices go hlBher or lower? What la the feed out- look? Is the high consuiniitlon of egga likely to cntinue? Will chicks bought this Spring show a profit? Conditions are ahapln(J up for what looks like an iiimsual opportunity for pouUrymen in 1948. The opportunity lies In the likelihood of an unusunlly good ei;g market In the laat halt ot the year. The old adage to "plant potatoes when others are disgusted with the potato buainesa" alMiliej ts poultry too. It will pay you to start your usual number of chlcka this Spring and start them early. Free catalokue, Alao older pullets, Tweddla Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fsrgus, Ontario, Businesses Wanted Do you wish to sell your business? We specialize In the sellinc of all types Ot Businesses and Buaineaa Properties. Ws have clients waiting to buy (5ener*l Storea. Hardware, aaragea. Tourist Resort*. Groceries, etc.. eic. Contact us iminedlately. Ton will be pleased with the reiults. Scale & Deering, Busincfis & Real Kstnte Brokers 16 Coilcre St.. Toronto. .MI. OTIS PICTURES of Nofth American scenes, p.ilnt- Ings. prints, etc, wanted tor caah. Box lt*0, 7S Adelaide W, Toronto, EGGS Wanted. Poultry farm white egn preferred. High prlce.<. Write, Player Produce, 9^1 Osslngton. Toronto. WORK WANTED Kxpert Electric wiring â€" an>-"h,'ro, we don't caret Write today. New Day Electric St. Thomas. Ont BUY WAYS CHICKS Luckv number wjlth eveiT order betore Januar^• !3ih. Folder, prices on reauest. Way's Hal.hery * Farms. Stratford. Oni__ DVKINO Aim CUtAMNO HAVE YOU anything neeila dyeing or clean- ing* Write to us for information. Wo are glad to answer your aueatlona. Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited 7»] Tonge Street. Toronto. Ontario, FOR S.A.LE H.\RLEY D.WIDSON MOTORCYCLES Pans and Service, Bert E Kennedy * Son, 419 College St. Toronto. JOHNSON Iron Horse engines. H H.P 161.45 1 34 H.P. $70,00, Immediate delivery. Cur- rey Bulmer. Egllnton a Bathurst, Toronto. RECORDS. Fres catalogus ot favorlts hlll- blllv and dance artists. National Radex Ltd.. Dept. O. 419 Portage Ave.. Winnipeg, Man. _^ B.ATTERY operated Radio Set tor sale. De- forest Crossley Corona model. 8 tubes, spsclally equipped with Romaco Blimlnator for use with either storage bsttory or dry cells. New cost over 8300, Make offer, A fine and losting Christmas gift. Box 161. 71 Adelaide W.. Toronto. ^^ HEAvv WOOL WORK socas aSc Fins wool knitting yarns 4-4 uz. skeins, $1.I8 pound. Fine botany wood diamond socks, fancv colors 81.98 pair. Direct from 5ur woollen mill. Money back guarantee, PARIS MAIL ORDER HOUSB P. O. Box •»«. Paris. Ontario. . L.ARGE eiistcr Lllybulba each 76c 8 for 82.10. Postpaid. Culture notes enclosed. Kuyper s Bulbs. Hatr.ic, B.C. NEW Briggs Sl Stratlon Alr-Coolod gaaollne engines. Aaaorted elr.es. Write tor Des- crptlve Folders and prices. Scope Bales Co.. 826 Queen St., Ottawa Ont DOBER.MAN Plnscher Puppies. 7 weeks old. MahoKuny red, 860,00 from registered stock, very afreolionate. Lovely Christmas gifu. Miss Murlyn Ptjff, CooksviUe, Ontario, AIRSEAL WALLBOARJD Ideal for partrtiona. lining attics, chFcken houses, barns, etc. Keeps out drafts and insullti" Has many uses on the ffcrm, sample mailed on request. Present stock 4' « 8' X '-1 " thick, only 7:c each. Minimum shipment 10 sheets, wo pay trslght to your station. For use Over Joints. Gummed Tape. 150 foot rolls J" wids lOc each. ROBERT JONES LUMBER COMPANY Tl.\mLTm\ ONT. • • and SUEP If you don't sleep well â€" if nights are inter- nipteil by restletinegs â€" look to your kid- neys. If your kidneys are out of order and failing to cleanse tlie blood of poisoiu and excess acidiâ€" your rest it likely sufferinf hm. Then is the time to use Dodd's Kidney Pilli. Dodd's help your kidneys gel lid af trouble-making poisons and acidsâ€" iialp restore them to noiinal action. Se* how much better you rest at night â€" how much brighter you feel in the morninf. Gel â- nd uie Dodd'8 Kidney Pills today. 1 45 Dodkb Kidney Pilfs SWISS Ul'l.L • moa. from rstlstered atadi. T B, free, for sale. Apply Bdcar KlU. ^.I^, 8, Wo«t Monkton, Ont, FOR .f.VLK â€" Cutters, Sleighs and Bumles. For iJilorinatlon writs Jack Thyme, R.ll. 1. Britssels. out. EXPORT ANADA S FINt'T Scamaa Tripis Tiller Prspares ths around for seeding in oae epsra- tlon. Write for description and vrloea to: deansan Triple Tillers, Riverside, Ontario, ISSUB SIâ€" IMT POP-Of No Um f »• YOU A l*0«KtT I • FlIKft CX- I #!^TIN6UISH&R By J. MILLAR WATT HO TMANKS ! r NCVEtl. HAVr FIRCS IN AAV POCKET .' â- A