Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1947, p. 4

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*i*^»*t*)*l^*-''V,.fJ.».- Wednesday, Dt-ceniber 24, 1947 We Wish You A Merry Christmas Merry Christmas and Happy and Pros- perous New Year 'I'o All, and sincere thankfulness to all Patrons who have helped to make my first year in the gfar- ae:e business a real Success. , Littlejohns Garage Wfes Littlejohns Cliff Littlejohns Now That Christmas is Here 9 The charm of the Youletide Season lies in- the memory of our friends We wish to express our appreciation to friends for the chance of giving our ser- vices to them during- the present year. ___ We hope to continue our cordial relation durinfir 1948. "RICHARDS" J. A. Richards F. Gorrell R. Richards. Flesberton, Ontario Around The Christmas Tree This is the hig-h tide of the year, Christ- mas, steeping- every heart in the benevo- lent spirit of Him whose birthday it is. May the day find you blessed with all the fulfillment of 3-our desires. HI. Richardson Trucker Flesherton, Ontario Greetings . . 9 May the Christmas Day of 1947 be merrier than any Christmas Day you have ever had before, and the hap- piest holiday season. I wish to express my appreciation for your patronage and extend to you best wishes for the coming year. Howard MiilSsan Barber Flesherton AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE As you and your loved ones gather 'round your g-aily decorated tree on Christmas mom, vre want you to know that our thoughts are with you. It is our way of showing you our appreciation tor your gtnerous patronage during the past. C. J. KENNEDY Superior Store Flesherton THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Flesherton Advonce PablUhed on CoUinffwood St., Flaaiierton, Wedneadajr of each week. Circulation 1,100. Priea 92.00 a year in Canada, paid in adTaaee; 92.60 per jraar in the United States. P. J. THURarON, Editor Henderson - Copeland The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Copeland, Iniabioge, effectively decor- ated" with an ardh of evergreens and flowers, was the setting for the mar- riage on Wednesday, Dec. 17th, oif their daughter. Ruby Viola, to Eldon Laverne Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Beit Henderson of Corbetton. Rev. A. G. Macpherson of Flesherton pei-formed the ceremony and Mrs. A. G. Miicpherson played the wedding inu-sdc. '-V' Given in marriage by her father, llie bride wore aqua blue dressmaker suit with a shoulder-lengrth veil, flower hcafldress and' a corsage of red carnations. Her attendants were her sister, Miss Hazel Copeland, and Miss Margaret Burnett. Both wore blue dressmaker suits with matching shoulder-length veils and flower headdresses. Their corsages were pinik carnations. Ross Lyon of Cor- betton was best man. At the reception, Mrs. Copeland received her guests, wearing navy blue with a corsage of bronze 'mums. SI* was assisted (by the groom's mother, who wore black with a cor- sage of white carnations. When the young couple left on their wedding trip to Toronto, the ibride wore a blue coat with black accessories. On their return IMlr. and Mrs. Henderson -will i>eside at Corlbetton. Moore - Sheardown In Toronto, at the bride's home, was the scene o* an interesting wed- ding on Thursday, Dec 4th, at 7 p. m., when Mary Irene, daughter of Mr. Lewis Sheardown and the late Mrs. Sheardown, fonmerly of Portlaw, became the bride of Alfred Walter Moore of Toronto. Rev. Jay of Perth Avenue United Church performed the ceremony. The ibride, given in marriage by her father, lookely lovely in a srtreet- lertgith dress of roselbud emibossed cjiepe, and carried red roses a^d" a white dress of orange blossoms. Her bridal attendant was a clo«e friend. Mis. .\u.stin Hill, who wore a dresk of pale blue sheer and carried pink roses and blue 'mums, with a head- dress of blue flowers. Reginald Moore was his brother's best man. The groom's gift to his bride was, a very beautiful tliroo-piece dre.sser â- el of yn-eii plastic, to the bride's aiti'nd'aiu a strinR of pearls, to the siiloist a strinfr of pearls, a wallet to Ml'. Wesley Rhodes, who played tb* weddintr music, and a cigarette case ti) the best man. Mrs. Steane sang -'I'll walk beside you." before the wedding music and "Because" dur- ing the signing of the register. .At the reoop'tion, Mrs. Fred West- lake, aunt of the bride, received the ffue.^ts, wearing u black crepo dress with corsage of yellow 'muims and roses, with Mrs. Moore, the groom's iiKiLliir. assisting, wearing navy bluo crepe with corsage of pink roses and 'mums. The buffet supper was served by "aunts of the bride to about forty guests. Later the young couple left on a wedMing trip to Island Balls, the bride wearing a dress of gold wool, wine coat with black accessories. On their return they will reside in Toronto. Sister Beatrice Priestley W.M. Of MaxweU L.O.B.A. Maxwell Maple Leaf Lodge No. SiiC) of the Ladies' Orange Benevo- lent Association, dormant for the past seven years, was re-organized at Maxiwell Orange Hull recently. R.W. Grand Deputy Mistress of the Grand Lodge of Ontario West, was presiding officer over the entire cer- emony, assisted by her degree team of Owen Sound. Nine of the former memlbers were reinstated and eigbt new members initiated. At the dose of the initiation, R.W. Grand Secre- tary of Ontario West, Bro. Jas. Jack- son and R.W. Grand Treasurer of the Royal Black Precoptory of On- tario West, Bro. Wright, both of Owen Sound, were introduced and given Grand Lodge honors. Visiting sisters were also present from Coll- ingwood iind Dundalk. The sisters of Maxwell served a sumptuous ban- quet to about sixty members. R.W. Sister Jackson presided over the election and installation, and was assisted by Sister Doner, W.M. of ColUingwood, Sister Flossie Smith, W.M. of Dundalk, Sister Wellwood of Dundalk, Sister Blooman of Col- lingwood'. Sister Mai-y Sohlorf of Owen Sound, and Sister Anne Cam- eron and * Bro. Elmer Wright of Owen Sound. Following are the installed officers: W.M., Sister Beatrice Priestley; D. M., Sister Margaret Ferris; J.D.M., Sister Elsie Pallister; Chaplain, Sis- ter Gertrude Seeley; Rec. Sec., Sister Marjory Ball; Pin. Sec., Sister Pearl Long; Treas., Sister Irene Sled; Guardian, Sister Lillian Kerton; D. of C, Sister Rowena -Porteous; Ist Lect., Sister Edith -WTiite; 2nd Lect., Sister Edith Blakey; Pianist, Sister Olive Seeley; LG., Sister Marjory Winters; Q.G.. Sister Mary Hardy; 2nd Com., Sister Jessie Winters; Srd Ooon., Sister, Annie Porteous; 4th Com., Sister Maggie Heron; Audit- or, Sisters Gertrude Seeley, Annie Porteous and Marjorie Winters; Sick and Visiting Com., Sister Beatrice Priestley and Sister Ellsie Pallister. At tile close of the installation ceremony. Sister Beatrice Priestley, W.M., expressed her thanks and pre- sented R.W. Sister Jackson with a gift, for which she suitalbly replied. Bach of the nenvly initiated mem- bers and visiting Sisters Doner, Langdon. SmitSi, Pitts, Livingston and Schlorf, gave a few words on the good and welfare of the Lodge. At the close of the meeting the sisters served refreshments, everyone returning home feeling that they had a very inspirational meeting. Inistioge W.A. Elects Officers For 1948 Music Teachers and Pupils ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC OF TORONTO MIDWINTER EXAMINATIONS THEORY-February 13th and 14th PRACTICAL -As arranged Applications and fees must reach the Conservatory not later than JANUARY 10th, 1948 135 College Street, Toronto 2B' (By Victoria Corners Reporter) The annual meeting of Inistioge W.A. was held' in the home of Mr."* John Duncan Thursday afternoon. Dec. 11th. with l;{ ladies present, as well as Rev. .\. G. Macpherson. Fol lowing the opening exercises, bus- iness was discussed and the presi dent, Mrs. Oscar Patterson, declared the ofl'ices vacant. Mr. Macpherson conducted tK^ election of officers, which resulted as follows: Hon. Pres. â€" Mrs. Jas. Batchelor • President â€" Mrs. Russell Patterson 1st Vice-Pres. â€" Mrs. J. Duncan 2nd Vice-Pi-es., â€" Mh's. Geo. Moore Ti-oasurcr â€" Ohristena Duncan Rec. Sec. â€" Laurene Talbot Asst. Rec. Sec. â€" Mrs. 0. Patter- son; Corr. Sec â€"Mrs. Elmo Stevens; Pin. Sec. â€" Mrs. Wm. Crockford; Missionary Conveners â€" Mrs. A. G. Macpherson, Mrs. Geo. Moore; Tem- penince Convener â€" ^Mrs. A. Jack- son; Flower Com.. Mrs. W. NichoUs, Mrs. Brnie Stewart, Muriel Talbot; Lunch Com. â€" Mrs. M. Nicholls, Mrs. Jos. Coiieland; Gift Com. â€" Mrs. E. A. Stinson, Mrs. A. E. Walker; Sun- shine Com. â€" ^Mrs. F. Linton, Mrs. G. Acheson, MVs. A. Jackson, Mrs. A. E. Walker; Buying Com. â€" Mrs. Russell Patterson, Mrs. O. Patterson, Mrs. John Duncan; Organist r:- Mrs. W. Nicholls; Asst. Organist â€" Mrs. G. Arilieson; Auditors â€" Mrs. G. Batch- elor. Mrs. Russell Acheson. The meeting closed with the hymn "Blest Be the Tie That Binds." fol- lowed by the closing prayer by Rev. Macpherson. The next meeting will be combined with the annual church meeting in the hoime of Geo. Moore Thursday afternoon, Jan. 15t'h. n i M i n i u i nM i m i m >i i iiiii m t nn iii nnn i»» i Some people achieve greatness, some arc born great and some just gi-atp on you. IN STOCK ; Electric Washing Machines, Wood's Electric Chopper ! New and Used Hand Washers • Electric Cream Separators Renfrew Cook Stove* ; ; 6 inch plates for Electric Chopper I Beatty Litter Carrier Buckets Beatty Pumps Repairs for Litter Carrier W. E. BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON ♦•♦ f l'» 1 **4****** * *4 1 1 1 » » *«s»»»s »»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ < m M •» ♦ BUCKINGHAM Mr. Allan Tupling of Toronto spent a couple of (Says last week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs.' Arnold Ralph enter- tained neighbors and friends at a progressive euchre party in their home on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. AU. Hawton won the prizes for highest scores for men and 'adies and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Mullin the consolation prizes. Quite a number, including the par- ents, enjoyed the concert held in the school Friday afternoon by the teach- er, Mrs. Livingstone, and pupils, Al- thouigb the number of pupils attend- ing the school is not large, a very enjoyalble pro^riam was griven,' after which lunch was served. USEFUL GIFTS GIVEN OUT AT CEYLON PARTY A very pleasant evening of euchre was held in Ceylon school recently when the following received useful gifts: blankets wenj to Mrs. Jaa. Sinclair, Mr. and Mrs. John Buttwwb, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Plester and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kennedy, a motor rug to Mr. Richards and a gift of money going to Mrs. Allan Reade and iMrs. H. J. Sorley, a substantial balance of money going to Ceylon Flower Fund. â- ^- mme»Kme0immmmfmmmsmmmm fm SERVICE TO FARMERS WE WILL PICK UP ALL DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK FREE OF CHARGE HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES NICK PECONI, Owner PHONE 146, DUNDALK REVRRSK CHARGE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COVERAGE EXTENDED (Authority, P.C. iSSi, dated December Srd, 19i7) ON AND AFTER January 1st, 1948, everj; employee in insui'able employment paid by; the month whose annual remuneration does not exceed $3,120.00 vM be insured under the Unemployment Insurance Act. AT PRESENT those paid by the month whose annual remuneration is $2,400.00 or less are insured under the Act. THE CHANGE will not affect the coverage of all hourly, daily and piece rated employees and those paid on a mileage basis, who will continue to be insured regardless of earnings. WEEKLY RATED employees whose earn- ings are expected to be ^3,120.00 or less per year will continue to be insured under the Act. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION J. G. BissoN, Chief Commissi(yner â-  R. J. T.\LLON, C. A. L. MUBCHISON, Covimissioner CommissioiMr t A < ^OH&fSt^ \COAcni \lINI-,\s/' LEAVE FLESHERTON (Standard Time) TO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO d 12.05 p.m. g 4.0.S p.m. 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m: i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. ^ - Saturday only. •« > Biu Connections at Brampton for London and at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip - Tax Included V QUEBEC - $59.65 WINNIPEG - $50.05 jt> HALIFAX 29.60 REGINA 6L30 X ST. JOHN 46.70 CALGARY - 8L35 .«* TlOKBrrS AND INFCXRMAOTOK AT Jk FIRESIDE LUNCH . R. BODEN •f Phone «3 Flesherton, Ont. .A

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