Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1947, p. 4

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1 \ Wednesday, December 31, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE flesherton Advance Poblidicd on Collii«woad St., FlMhwrton. Wedncadajr of each week. Circulation 1,100- Priea ^•04 • year in Canada, paid in «<lTuee; f2.50 per jrear in tha United States. F. J. THURSTON. Editcr Mrs. Wm. Burnett Passes STEPHEN'S CORNERS (By Ceylon Reporter) For the third time within a week, less entered the Ceylon village and community, when it was learned ttaAt Mrs. Will Burnett, the former A^nes Muir, daughter of tlie late William and Mary Muir, and beloved wi£e of the late Wm. Burnett, had' passed away in her 9 1st year, at her home in Ceylon on Monday, Dec. 22. Ifr. Burnett passed away three years ago. He late Mrs. Burnett was a life- lOBK resident of .\rtemesia Town- rMp and moved to the village of Oe^on six years ago. Deceased at- tended the United Church in Flesli- eirton while health permitted and was a kindly neighbor, always will- tnp to lend a helping hand in time of need. She will bo much mis.'ed by a host of friends. The lute Mrs. Burnett is survived by one daughter. Mary (Mrs. Irwin) Of Ceylon, who tenderly cared for her mother in her illness. Three sons passed away in infancy. Two grand- daughters, Aynes (Mrs. T. W. Mat- â- on) and Miss Ethel Irwin of To- ronto and a great grandson. Jimmy, •urvive. The funeral was held on Wednes- day at 2:30 p.m. from her late home With Rev. W. A. White in charge vt the service, giving a comforting aessage to the bereaved. The hymns â- img were "Blest be the Tie that Binds" and "Jesus Lover of my Soul." The casket bearers were: Messrs. Joe Stauible, Fred Chislett, Sam IfacDermid, Bert Sparks, Wilfred Mjvwtt and Emerson Wtekena. The beautiful floral tributes were •Oent meesages of love and sympa- •by and were carried by Gordon Irwin, Ken Muir, Will Irwin and Jim Stewart* Hiom front a diatance attendinjc' -tlM funeral were: Mrs. T. W. Matson and Wsf Bllton, Iron Bridge, Algoma; Mr. and Mrs. Will MIcKechnle, Mr. and Mn. Bob Anderson of Bramp- ton; Mr. Walter Muir. Corbettnn; ICr. and Mra. John Kyle, Malple; Mr. and Mrs. H. Scott, Diirham. {Deceased was the last surviving mamiber of a famny of four si?tr. •nd three brothers. Interment vvn« nade in tfip Ple.'^ierton Cemetery Chapel. We wih the Editor, staff and read- ers of The Advance a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. We are glad to see Mr. Harold Brownridge, who had his foot sev- erely injured on October 10th, able to bf home again. Harold has spent the past couple of months in the Thesaalon Rpd Cross Hospital. While Harold's foot has he;Jed rapidly, it will be some time yet before he will be able to return to work. •Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Fevez of Toron- to visited on Wednesday with the latter'a father, Mr. David Winters, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters. Miss EWhel Fenwick, Reg.N., of Petorhoro sipent Ohrist'mas at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous spent Christmas with the letter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magce, H5ugenla. Miss Hazel Fenwick, teacher at No. 12, Osprey, is spending the holi- days at her home here. Mr. Rodffe .A.llison of Toronto vls- iti'd at Christmas with his parents, .Mr. and Mr.s. Tels. Allison. Mr. and Mr.«. Soymour Londry of V.-ntry visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Hedge Ijondry and Jim. Our sympathy goes out to Mr. .Archie Campbell and family in the death of a devoted wife and mother, who died so very suddenly Dec. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters and sons spoilt Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Seelcy. Max-\vel1. Mr. and Mr,.^. Rmerson Wright .<pent "Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morri.son, Maxwell. PRICEVILLE Happy New Year to the Editor, staff and readers. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Nichol and Mr. Ken Nichol of Ottawa spent the Chriatmaa holidays hers. Mr. Elmer Neun spent Chris .nas week in Toronto with bis parents. Messrs. Bob Meads of Toronto and Emerson Meads of Guelph spent the Oiriatmas vacation witti their par- ents, Mr. Snd Mrs. Wm. Meads. Mr. Angius McLadhlan, Toronto, and Laurene McArthur, Orillia, spent a few days at their homes. Hia. Pearl Hoi>klna of Pontiac, Mieh., qient a few days with mem- bers of the MaoOnslc Csraily. 8TH LINE OSPKEY We wish The Advance and readers a very Happy and Pi-osperoois New Year. The lovely weather was enjoyed by everyone and the i-oads were good for motorists. iMrs. Francos Foster of Vandeleur, Mr. and Mts. Lloyd Stephen, Mary and Jimmie, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell spent Christmas in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fadden and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Richardson, Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Ghas. Hanley enter- tained the family on Christmas at their home. Mr. Nomiun Harris .spent Christ- mas in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Horb Poole of Coll- infl|vvood spent Christmas with Mr" and Mrs. Harold Fenwick. We are sorry that Mrs. M. M'ur- phy is not so well at time of wTitinp but hope she will be well soon. P O R T L A W "^ BOWL Mr. Nell Shortreed and son, Don- Miss Et*iel Irwin, Toronto; Mr. 1 aid, of Pickering visited at the home of his mother. Mr. Dan McKinnon of Malton was home for a few days at Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Pedan and daughter, Betty, of Fergus spent a few days at Christmas with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Sims. Mr. and Mra. Alfred Hinoks and Marilyn of Toronto visited Wednes- day at the home of A. L, Hincks and with Durham friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKechnie spent Christmas Day at Duitem. Mr. Jack McConkcy of Toronto University spent the Christmas hol- idays at his parental home here. The Late John Allan Houden John Allan Houden passed away suddenly at his residence, 236 Hum- barside Ave., Toronto, on Monday, Oac. 16tih. For many years he had been active as a builder and contrac- tor, and had built many residences in the Hiig<h Park, Runnymede, Baby Point and Kingswuy districts. Mr. Houden was born in Elmvale, Ont., and as a buy started In the tanilding industry in the IClmvalc dist- rict with his father, the luto John Houden. In I'.Klfi lie went to Toronto. He was a mennber of Victoria Pres- byterian Church and the West Toron- to Bowling Club. Surviving are hi« widV)w, the for- mer Alva May Petch, daughter of the late Mr. and MVs. William Petch of H«flierton, a brother, Roas Houden, of Glidden, Sank., and a sister, Mary (Mrs. Guy F. Martin) of Cooksville. Interment was made in Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. Aluking ininuti's count for years and years is nvlvu pixxluices most of our unen of the hour. There is no use in going back look- in*r for lost opiwi-tunity. Someone else has found it. Soveral imen were travelling by train. Presently one produced a large fruit cake, wthich he devoured gi-eed- ily. Time passed. Suddenly he began giy)anirig and doubling himstelf up and Htaightening out again. This had gone on for some time, a friend asked liiin: " lSmatt<T. Jim?" "Tlint cuike I ate," groaned the sulerer, "It had Huts, and 1 think tihe misses forgot to shell them." "lior!" said his friend. "And can you crack 'om just by bending?" Chinstm.ns visitors in the different homes were: Mr. and Mrs. Kennetli McKee, Ruth and Joyce, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce; -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meldruni. Mr. and Mrs. Pol) Moldmm. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Meldrum; Mr Fatten, Dundalk, with Mr. and Mrs Stanley Patton; Mr. and Mrs. Orval Russell, baby Shirley and Mr."*. B. Russell with Mr- and Mrs. Geo. Wil- kinson; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mac- Arthur and Douglas, Collingwood.- with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopps; Mr. and Mrs. Dillon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred BeWs, Toronto, with Mr. an.I Mrs, Herb Bofets; Miss Evelyn Fiaher of Owen Sound with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walkee Fisher; Mr and Mrs, iKarry Fisher witti Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hill, Maxwell. Miss Nathalla Patton of Iroadon â-¼isited witti her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Psttoa. Mr. and IMrs. Clifford Taylor and sons spMt CMUbms with Mis. Taylor's parents, BIr. and Mrs. llMiBpsmi; Mr. "Vrsd Itifjn aad Staakr «aioysi CMstmas wllh Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor, Plesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Ererette BWlcoum, Ruth and Allen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart, Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Fisher sptnt Ohristmaa with Mr. and Mra. R. J. Fisher, Plesherton; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Talbot, with Mr. Talh.>t and family in Dundak; Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar with the Stewau fam- ily at Flesherton; Mr. and Mrs. John .MiKee with Mr. and .Vlrs. Bert Sparks at Fluslierlo'n. Mrs. Jas. Hopps is visiting this week with Mr. and Mts. Frank Mac- Arthur at Nottawa. Mrs. Fred Plantt and sons, Chester and Delbert, Mrs. Ferguson and Aubrey, also D. A. Fisher, spent a day in Toronto. .Mti-s. Jas. Pedlar has not been en- joying good health the pa*c week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Talbot of I'oronto spent a day with Mr. anu Mrs. Earl Talbot liere. Mr. and Mrs. John Badge row and Ine« spent Ohristmas Day with Mr. awl Mrs. Calvin Boyce and family in Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. John McKee visited w.'fa the former's uncle, Mr. <?eorge Pe.'lar, in Durham, who Ym been bedri;st for some time. VICTORIA CORNERS WOICTH REMICMHKRING Our Best Wishes We CKtetul to all our Custonu-rs and iMiciul- the Coini)limeiits ot' tlic Siasoii and wish yoii a I'lill im-asiiro of Health, Happitic^^s and I'l-nsiK-rit)- throughout 1948 WILFRED ADLAM South End Garage Flesherton, Onl. You may call a woman a kitten, but you nvust not call her a cat. You may will her a unouse, but you niiist not call her a rat. You may call ilior a chicken, but .vou must not call her ii hen. You imay call her a duck, but you must not call her « goose. Yini iniay call her a vision, tnit you Miusl not call her u sight. HOUDAY PARTIES Best wishes for a Happy New Year! We trust you have made some good resolutions and hope you will be able to abide by them. Our resolu- tion is to give you practical, econom- ical ideas and to write a newsy Mix- ing Bowl column every week. We appreciate your helpful letters at all times. Thank you kindly for your festive messages, and for enquiries throughouft the past year. RESOLUTIONS Resolve to allocate your food al- lowance; One-third for milk and meat; one-third for fruits and vege- tables and one-third for cereals, sugar and' butter. To cook nutritiously â€" only until tender and in wise proportions. Con- sider health and fuel. To storu perishables and left-overs carefully. To operate the home wisely. Resolve to be happy and content with the comforts in the home. Resolve t take care of your health and your family's health. â- Resolve to consider tlie little things you can do for others. Resove to be a good citizen of your community and of your country. TAKE A TIP 1. If you cook in dishes tiiat you can bring right to the table, food will stay bot longer and you will sav^ dishwashing. 2. Sift flour onto a sheet of waxed paper or paper towelling. You will not have to wash a bow! Do not throw the waxed p!4>er away after using. Fold it and store in sifter. 3. Gi-ease new pans slightly and then put in a warm oven and they will l>e much less likely to rust. 4. Use animonia (except where glass is trimmed with gold) to wash dishes, glass and silver. 5. Be careful not to start pre- heating the oven too far in advance. The rin^ring telephone or doorbell is also the signal to turn off the oven if you are not prepared to use it. 6. Y'ou don't have to baste meats if the oven heat is constant. The fewer times you open the door, the more heat and electricity you save. 7. A (fi-eat deal of cooking can be done with heat stored in the electric oven after the current has been turn- ed off. 8. In surface cookery, whtn foods come to a ftdl steam, switch to one o.f the lower positions. It will help i conserve vitamins, too. 0. Do not use a higher heat than necessary. The temperature of boil- ing water is the same whether boil- ing easily or madly. 10. If you soak dried fruit before cooking, do not toss away the water. Cook the fruit in it. It Is far more healthful. THE QUESTION BOX Mrs. M. S. asks: Should I use a pressing cloth wilih my new steam iron? Answer: It is not necessary, es- pecially with a" automatic controlled steam iron â€" although it is wise to do so when ironing wool gabardine and serge. Mrs. W. H. asks: How to remove candlewax front line? Answer: Scrape off excess with a dull knife. Place stained portion over several thicknesses of plain blotting |»aper. Touch gently \vlth ii lukewarm iron. A Happy, Prosiperous New Year to aU! The public school concert at No. 4 wag held Thursdiay night, Dec. 18, with a large crowd present. An ex- pellent program was presented by the teacher, Miss Mtarjorie Stevens, and pupils, along with Mrs. Lenore Waddell, Ehindalk, music supervisor, being accompanist for the evening. Mr. E. A. Stinson was tiie efficient chairman. Proceeds of the evening amounted to a little over |20. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Saunders and Robert of Obatsworth were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. Moore. We trust that the majority of on. readers, the Editor and staff, may have had a very fine Ohristmas. Much Ohristzaas activity was In evidence on Christmas Day and the festive week. Miss Donna Hall visited from Sun- day until Friday evenmsr with her aunt, Mrs. Archie MacMUllan, Mr. and Mrs. MacMillan entertaining Christ- mas Day all members of the Fenwick family, including Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick of Pi-oton Station. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ferewick and four children, Mrs. Edith Hall and Donna, Miss Ptcrgy Linton, Mr. and Mrs. C'lrence Biiisar, all of Owen Sojnd. .Mr. and M'-:v Russell Linton ai t tliis community. Others entertain- in their own homes were: Mr and Mrs. Ellwood Stevens, the former's mother, Mrs. Albert Stevens. Melanc. thon; Mr. and Mrs. EJmie Stewart, entertaining Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Copeland and family; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson had the pleasure of the company of all memibers of their family; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson, Brantfopd, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jack- son, Dundalk, Mr- Harold Jackson. Misses Marjorie and Hazel Jackson, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Ban- non had their daugi>ter, Doris, from Toronto for Christmas Day meal, re- maining until Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchelor and Florence bad Mr. and Mrs. Bill Batchelor and family, Mr. Les. atchelor aad Mr. and Mirs. Gordon Batchelor; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicholls entertained Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hamiltoa and family of Redickville; Mr. and Mrs. Brown enjoyed the presence of all their family at Christmas, including Ron- nie and Clifford Ghepstone. Meaford, and Doreen Browxi, Belleiville. the latter remaining for the Christmas vacation. â- n^ose spending: Christmas else- where were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Moore and Garry, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stin- son, Mrs. Wm. Ludlow, Mr. and Mrs. Walter .\pheson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred linton and family, •with MV. and Mrs. Jas. F. .A.cheson; Mr. Russell Winters, Owen Sotmd, with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Winters and .A.nne at Mr. Harry Jackson's. Wareham: Mr. and Mn. B. A. Stiosoo, Don aad B«< with tlM Bert Banderson fsail) Gorbetton; Mr. and Mis. G. Ladh»a f Mr. and Mrs. Elvia Moore aad ESii ': abetb joining the Sherson families i. the home bf Abe. Sherson, ProtoA Station; Mr. and Mra. Ehno Steren/, and Maijorie with the R. G. Acheso^ family at ti>e home of Russell Aflh- son. Proton Station; the Lathe; ' Love family with Robt. Hannah at Berkeley; Mr. and Mis. Jos. Cope. land, Jean and Oonnie, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair, C«ylon; Bfr. aad Mrs. Wilfred GaUaogher and Jim wttb Mr. and Mrs. Bmeraon GaH- augiher and family. Wareham; Mrs. Wm. Dingwall with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Reding, London; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nich- olls and Dorothy with Mr. and Mra. Cbester Patton, Dundalk; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Betts, Grant and Gail, with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts, near Markdale; Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Nicholls with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Oldfield. near Dundalk; Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacMillan enjoyed Christmas evening meal with the former's par- ents at Shallow Lake. Miss Margaret Burnett, DundaQc, was a week end guest of her friend, Miss Christena Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Henderson re- turned tTom their wedding trip the Douj-Ias of beginning of the week, after spend- ing a day or so with the tater's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Copelan^i. went to their home at Corbetton. Very best wishes of the neighbor- hood are with Eldon ancj Ruby, a^ they begin on their matrhnonial road of life. Master Beverley Betts. Markdale, is spending the Christmas vacation wia> his cousin, Grant Betts. Mjr Jack Bannon motored to To- ronto Wednesday to brijvg Mr. and Mrs. Don Robinson to their mother'-; home in Dundalk, for the remaini-ii? part of Christmas week. Don is a patient in Christie Street Hosirftal. The Y.PJ3. is holding theb watch- night meeting in the hoime of Mr. and Mrs. Ardhie iMacMillan on Nerw Year's ere. COLLECTIONS ....It's our long es:perience handling collections that makes possible the splendid results wt effect for ovtr clients... Tluit ia why 30 many business and pro- fessional men send us their lists from year to year. Send in yours, too. KELLY & AlKINS The Collectors 0RANGE\1LLE, Ont. II would lie interesting to know hm\ niiuiy Clirislnias presents will ln' iisi'il .|s wedding pn^sents conu' •fune. COAi- TO ARRIVE k car of Ronding .Vnthraciti' (hard coal) bri(iuets to arrive tbis week end. â€"-0. M.'icTAVISll >^' SO\.^ FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS WE WILL i'U'K UP ALL DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK FREE OF CHARGE HK.HKST PRICES PAID FOR OL» HORSi:*; NICK PECONt, Owner PHONE 11(5, DrNDVI.k UKVViJSK (11 \U(;e ^ou^Si^ LEAVE FLESHERTON (StanitoiHl Time) TO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO 12.05 p.ui. o- 4.0^ p.m. w.05 a.ii!. d 7.-k' p.in: i 8.40i\ni. il Suik1;i\ ai'fl HuUiIh) oui> i Daily except Sat. i>- - Satnrdav onlv. Bus Connections at Brampton for London and at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Rounut Trip • IVx Included H.\1JF.\X ST. JOHN 46.70 WINNIPKG RECIN.A C.XT.CARV $50.05 61.30 81.35 T'TKn'S A\n INPORM.\TIOX AT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phono 63 Flesherton. (,)nt. t Newr fool with a fooJ â€" he might fool yon. tirr 4f h ft 1 Ik- 5 > ^- .n / < ^ \ 'I 4 i 4 'M <(

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