Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1947, p. 7

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J' I 4 •4 I: ^ 'mi 'A M if- 1^! /«»• A Most Valuable Cargo to leave Port Arthur thi s seasonâ€" 306,554 ' bushels of flax valued at $2,250,000â€"13 unloaded from 480-foot lake carrier Sir Thomas Shaughnessy at Owen Sound as she ended her record navigation season. Shaughnessy came through heavy snowstormi using her radar equipment. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS ("A Sixbit Critic") = Following a custom dishonored by time we dras out the old binoculars â€" incidentally wishing a certain famous camera-man who borrowed the only good pair wc ever owned IS years ago would get around to returning thcin â€" to take our usual peek into the future, trying' to discern what 'he year has in store for lovers â- of sport* t * * Here wc raifiht reiterate that a cagey plan for readers is to slip all such expert annual predictions and carefully sa\c same as a guide to future wagering. Wc don't like to J>oast â€" not if wc can persuade sonic- Dody to do it tor usâ€" but over the years a man could have become wealthy by placing a flat bet on all our personal forecasts. That is. of course, with a copper on, or in plain language, to lose. * * ♦ So we foresee thai the first liig feature of the year will be the Win- ter Olympics, and ha\c no hesita- tion in pro?;nostieatin,!; that a flocic of new records will be set. Among the old ones due to be shattered are the marks for back-biting, alibi- heaving, conversation â-  endurance, bull-tossing and official-wrangling. International relationships will he so improved that the paiiers arc bound to be full of talk advocating compul- sory military service for everybody above the age of eight {\ni why not? \Mien they get that age they know cvervihin'.; â€" whv not let ihem do it?) ' â-  Barbara .iiiii S,:oH cilhcr fio.iitivc- ly will or posiliviiy Xi'oii'l win the figure skalinq title. If she does, it tvill be siiiilttc iitstici: If not, sus- pect dirty â- ;vorh at the cro.fsroads and look for the Mayor of Ottaua to jump off the Chateau l.aurier roof. Canada may. or may not he i reprc.<:cntcd tn hockey, ff not, no doubt it's alt for the best. * ♦ ♦ During b\'bruar> aiul March there wilt be a lot of ganus and some hockey played in the "Big T.cague." Frank Selke. Dick Irvin, V'rankie Boucher, Tack .\danis. Conn Sni.\thc and a few other shrinking violets will b,- regretfully compelled to ac- cuse one another, and their respec- tive teams, of every crime on the calendar, or in the dictionary. They will be greatly abashed at all the •pace these .squabbles get in the pa- pers. * ♦ ♦ When playoff time arrives it will b« diicovercd that there is a three- way tie-off for fourth position. Somebody will come up with the kr^ht suggestion that thoy start afresh â€" all six of them â€" from Mfatch, and continue their search Sr the champion all summer. This WW be properly frowned upon as too revolutionaryâ€" as yet. * ♦ * Ntw York Ranpcrs ivill find llicm- tikes <H the finals and the dignity •t The li'orfd's f-astcst .Sport will gtt another huge ^""â- <' through be- ing heavd out in favor of Rinnling Brother' /•'-â- -'â- -â- â- .',? b\'ore 'he series it over When the final audit is made The Maple Leafs zvill have re- tained the Stanley Cup, or maybe not. If they do, simple jusice again, ff not, lousy officiating. * * * Baseball, by this time or evet. several weeks before, will be in full swing; and about now the Brooklyn fans will be wondering why they ever hollered for the reinstatement of Leo Durocher. This holler is liable to become more and more chronic, if the pitching they showed in the last World's Series was on the level. When the All Star Game is played the same Mr, Durocher will reluctantly yield to terrific public pressure and consent to lead the National League Representatives, al- though wc do not think they will have to twist his arm to the tortue- point. .\hout five thirty that evening he will be wishing he'd let Shotten do it. * « * Pul ice are getting ahead of our- self. In the merry month of May, horse racing comes baclc â€" officially, tliat is. the "-xinter tracks'" being beneath the dignity of any real lover of The Turf; although somehow or other tve notice e.vactty the same steeds running on them as perform on the more halloived 07'als. « « * If a burse entitled KING MIDAS should happen to win the classic Kentucky Derby do not be too much surprised â€" although we will, as we only mention him because his is the sole name among the entries we can recall. Nor can we remember the name of the steed that is a sure thing for the Classic King's Plateâ€" as a matter of fact we can't remember the name of the one which took the last one, and doubt if you can either. * « • Along about knee deep in .lune a gentleman named Jersey Joe Wal- cott will find the cure he has long been seeking for his insomnia â€" in fact he will find himself asleep so suddenly that he'll wonder how he got there. The next morning Mr. Walcott will be telling folks he was shamefully misquoted when report- ed, this December, as saying he could lick a gentleman named Mr, Louis any time, any place. Mr. Louis will sink back into his habitual state of semi-coma until the next time somebody ta.gs him too rudely. * * * 1 here's a tot more coming in \946, which we can clearly foresee but haven't the time to tell you about. Maybe we'll do so later! but, if not, don't let it blight your life too much. One thing, however, wc ore etrtoin of coming to pass, ,'iport broadcast- ers will get a greater quantity of e.xciltment from icatching sport than anybody cl.ie â€" or anyway soui\d as though- they do! • â€" Be a Sport Take a chance! Kvcn a turtle gets nowbore until be sticks his neck out. Prophets Made Bad Guesses Even Then Back in the year 1883 there wai an English clergyman, The R«v. F. Barliam Zincke, one of th« "chaplains in ordinary" to Queen Victoria. He published a phamphi let in which he gave his views of .what the world would be like a century from then â€" that it t* say, ill 1983. By that time, according to hit calculations, there will be % thousand millions of English-speak- ing people in the world â€" 800 mil- lion in the United States, 64 mil- lion in Canada, 48 million in Aua- tralia, 16 million in South Africa and 70 million in the United Kingdom. Among these thousand million, he thought, there will be no savag- es, no serfs, no slaves and very few drones or Sybarites. All will be able to read and write and in- clined to turn such knowledge to good account. They will all occupy their own land and manage their own political affairs. They will have a high standard of morality and have women occupying a far higher position than they did at the time he wrote. Competition be- ween nations will be intellectual, not military. .\lmost OS years have passed since he made these prophecies; and if tlie shade of the Rev. Mr, Zin- cke is hovering around, we would say that â€" with a mere 35 yeart or so to go â€" time is rapidly running out on ihem. Still, we have prophets of our own, these days, whose "batting averages" aren't imicli better. Rain and Snow In Ontario Rainfall during the growing season for most crops, April- September, during 1949 was 13.89 inches. This was 8.17 inches less than the preceding year, and in comparison with a 65-year period, 1883-1946, this was 8,28 inches be- low the average. One month was above normal and five below. May with 0.55 above and July 0.93 below had the greatest de- partures during the growing sea- son. The total amount of rainfall from November 1940, to .March, 1947, inclusive, was .">. 17 inches, 0.53 below average for Oij years. In this pe iod there was a snow- fall 01 88.5 inches or 19. !• above normal. SiboteiLirs in Canada Cause Uatcld Ruin Saboteurs are at work umler. miiiing the foundation of th'ous- ands of Canadian homes. While they are seldom detected, their sabotage goes on day and night. They are not hireliiiKs of a for- eign power, however, but are the destructive fungi which cause wood rot responsible for losses amounting to several million dol- lars annually in the Dominion alone. The ravages ot these unseen enemies is evidenced everj-where â€" the rotting foundations of wooden houses and barns, sagging mine timbers, crumbling porch pillars and steps, bulging well casings and shaky bridge planking. But the losses do not stop here. Numerous accidents and even deaths are caused each year by the collapse of rotten structures. It took a war and the clever hand of the chemist to find some- thing to combat this insidious foe. The weapon was copper naphthen- ate â€" hailed by last war troops as a wonder chemical which added many years of life to ropes, net- ting, tents, boats and wooden barges. Pale- green in color, copper naphthenate solution contains two per cent copper. When applied on wood or canvas, it appears as a light green stain which can. be covered over with ordinary house paint if desirable. While it may be brushed or sprayed on, it is best applied by dipping â€" allowing the wood to soak in the solution for two to three minutes. According to paint chemists, the preservative is also highly effec- tive in prolonging the life of tar- paulins, canvas chair coverings, binder canvases, awnings, tents and nets. It is safe to handle, harmless to livestock and poultry, and does not affect plants and seed grains stored in treated bins or granaries. The popular impression is tliat wood rot is confined solely to hish humidity southern countries, but a survey has shown it is equally destructive in the Dominion and per capita loss to Canadians is as much as anywhere in the world. The fungi which cause wood rot ind mildew are invisible organisms carried in the atmosphere in great numbers. When they come to rest anywhere and are given sufficient moisture, they immediately set to work feeding on the cellulose in wood, rope and fabrics of vege- table origin. Destruction is quick nad sure â€" unless the fungi are killed. Copper naphtenate does this very effectively. Classified Advertising Ari'KMlUN FAKMEBS FOR SAI.Uâ€" Tractor Tres, made of rubber, t uitattU- tor bnltins on bteel wheel*. 116.00 each, rear wheels; %t CO each, front wheels. Whun nr<lt'i inu mate dia meter and wtdtb of nhetl« N'at tonal Rubber Co. Ltd.. i Wilt- shire Avt . Toronto, Onl. FOB HAUB IMHINESH OI'PORTUNiTIl AN orKICR TO pvery Invc-ntor â€" Lfat of inven- tions and full informniinn nent fra*. The Ramsay Co,. rtt-Bieiered I'ntenl Attorsnr* I7]l BanK tfUi'H. Ottawa BABY CUlCHb W« believe 1948 la solai; to be « baaaer yaar for I he production ot summer aa4 fall eiTSs and the most important bimlneMi deci- sion you aa a DouUryman has to moke each year, is tJie source from which you buy bsbv chicks. Yea. It's the chick and you that wtU write the poultry history fur 1048. Tou will n(H-d eveiy assMrunce th.ii the okb production of your floi'lt will more than balance the cost of feed and labour for the year. Top Notch chlcka have been making profits every jt^r tor our customers. Free caialorue and 1(48 price list. Also laying pullets. lop Notch Chick Sales. Uuelph, Ontario. PIG Rock Farm Chlcka "are "still the be^ bet on the (ana because they lay plenty of bic esB9 and make a eood profit. They are filrong liveable chicks sired by hlg^h erv record males. Discount on early orders. Write today tor free calendar and price Hot. Ble Rock Farm. Mllle Roches. Ont. COCKER BARGAINS. To maks room for oomlnr Utters must ooll several hlsb cloos* black, red and buff Cocker puppies, mostly Champion sired. 8 to 11 months, trath aazM, retflbtered. somb as low as $25.00. Bouleror^ Kennels. Lacolle. Que. HAIBDBJES8I.no L.£;arN Hairdressln^ the Robertson mathod. Information on roQUsst re^ardlnv olaoaaa. Robt-rtson'tf Hairdresslnv Academy. 18T At^ nue Rood. Toronto. MBDICAI. It is an old e;a.yiiig amuni; uuccessfut farmers that "the time to stay in any line of farm production la when the other fellows are Bolng- out". 1948 Is the year to buy chirks. Start them early, January or February. Our prediction in that okks "'111 reach a new hich before 1948 Is out. Before orderinw elsewhcrt? send for our cutaloffue and 19*8 price Hit. For 24 years Tweddle chicks hRve bet-n maKins profits for farmers all over Canada. Also laytns pullets. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fereus. Ontario. MonktuM Poultry ChickH â€" You buy baby chicks for one reason. To receive diridenda on your investment, jou must bs certain where ynur money !s Investe-d. We offer you baby chicks from a Poultry £arra with every breeder pullorum tested and eoverninent banded. Take advantage of our early dis- count. Write for our 1945 catolorus and price list. Monkton Poultry Farms. Monkton, Ontario. DON'T Delay! Every suffsrer of RheumaUo Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- f^y. Uunro's Drug Store, 836 Elcln. Ottawa. Postpaid tl.OO. INTESTINAL COMFOHT. ^send now. Oas Dollar trial packacs. Box 28, Toronto t, PROVEN Remedy â€" Every sufferer of Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dlxon'a Remedy. Munro's Dnis Store, S3& Blaia. Ottawa. Postpaid 11.00. OPPOBTUMTlBa FUR WO.MEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CA.NADAS LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hatrdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good waaes ' houaanda tsucceiiBful Marvel sraduates America's xreatcsi system lUu&trated rata* loeup free Write or Call MAItVKL HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOLS S&b liloor St W.. Toronto Branches 44 King St.. Hamilton A 74 riideau Street. Ottawa PATENTS FETHEHSTONAUGU * Company Patent Solicitors Kstablished 1S90. u Kizis West. i'oronto. Booklet of Information n request I'KBSONAL LONKSOML" Homantic Corr»\viiundece Ma»* azioe cuntams, photos, decjcriptions. lOc \V Ith addresses &0c. One year $ 2. World Federation Club, Parkervlew. Sask. â- ELIJAH COMINU Before Christ', wonder I ful book free Heaiddo Mission, Rocbestsr I 11. N.Y. Chicks â€" day old and started for prompt , shipment. "Write for List. We suggest you ; g-et the chick question for 1948 settled by i ordering Bray Chicks now for delivery In ! 1948. Contact nearest agent, hatchery or , direct. Bray Hatcheries. 130 John North, Hnmilion. BUY WAY'S CHICKS Luc3(y number wtth every order before January 15 th. Folder, prices on request. Way's Halchery ft Farms. Stratford. Ont. DTEINO &I«V CI.BAM1NO HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write lo us for Information We are glad to answer your questions. Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited 781 Tonge Street. Toronto, Ontario ECGS Wanted. Poultry farm white eggs preferred. High prices. W ri te. Player Produce. 951 Osamgton. Toronto WHITE HOLLAND Turkey Btnly FeatheA wanted. Particulars on Illustrated folder. K. P. Hollander, 707 Read Bldy^.. Montreal, Que. STAMP COLLECTION. largely Canada an* United States, describe. Box 157, 73 Ade- laide W.. Torontc. Wetter Water Puts Fires Out Faster FOR SAI.K Stuniped A member of the Baker Slreet Irregfulars declared confidently at the clan's annual meeting that good old Sherlock Holmes could find anything "Hnipl," grumbled a more skeptical brother. "I'd like to see the old coot find an apart- ment in the city today." H.^RLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Service Ben E Kennedy A Son. 419 ColleBe St. Toronto RECORDS. Free catalogue billy and dance artists. Ltd.. Dept. O. 419 PortnBe Man. of favorite fatlN National Rsdex Ave . Winnh'Ptr. BATTERY operated Radio Set for sale. De- forest Crosaley Corona model. S tubes, specially equipped with Rom^ico Eliminator for ure with either ttuniKe battery or dry cells. New cost over $;;Oii. Make offer. A fine and lasting Christmas gift. Box ISl, ^t Adelaide \V.. Toronto. .JOHNSON Iron Horse engines. H H.P 151. 45 1 34 Ei.P $70.00 Immediate delivery Cur- rey Buhner Egllntnn A Fiafhurst. Toronto LARGE eitater Lllybulba each 75c I for 12.10. Postpaid. Cloture notes enclosed. Kn>Tfr*B Bulba. Hat::ic. B.C. AIRSEAL W.\LLBOARD Ideal for partitions, lining attics, chicken houses, banis. etc. Keeps out drafts and Insulates. Has many uses on the farm, sample mailed on request. Present slock 4' X 8' s ^i " thick, only 72c each. Minimum shipment 10 sheets, we pay freight to your titatfon. For use over joints. Gummed Tape, 150 foot rolls 2" wide "Oc each, ROBERT [ONES LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON. ONT. Fire-fighting scientists offered a "wet water" as man's newest weap- on in fighting disastrous forest firei and other blazes. Tlie new agent, described as a chemical "'penetrant" increases the extinguishing action of water 200 to 400 perceiu. The substance, known as "unox,'' is a concentration of organic clicmi- cals of "extremely fast penetrating action" and is added to water in small amounts. Five gallons of unox added to 1,000 gallons of water quickly extinguished a fire in a small woods. The fire control experts said that in tests by municipal fire depart- ments it was indicated that "on the average building, fire extinguish- ment can be effected more rapidly with three to five times less water. In every case there was a marked reduction in smoke generation and water damage was practically elim- inated." Australia has put millions of dol- lars into fences, the longest of which is 1.100 miles, to barricade rabbits and dingoes. HmCOIDSaffect Your KIDNEYS The kidneys are rerr delicate organt, easily affected â€" especially by a cold. Their duty is to filter impurities and excess acids from the blood. When you have a cold extra work is thrown upon your kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills help your kidneys clear your system of excess acids and poisons caused by colds, and give you a chance to shake infection soonerâ€" feel belter Faster. If you hare a cold get and us* Dodd's Kidney Pills. 139 Do<MsKkineYPill$ Home For Christmasâ€" This little lady ar.Acd ai ihc Canadian Xational Rail\vays station in Montreal with a tickei almost a.- lone as herself. The camera caught her cxchangini; a happy Ciirisimas smile with the Red Cap who helped her with an armful of i^ifts. T)TT t*^ piâ€" Modern medical scl- _f'^J^JL'£j^ ni"*' has overcome ail- ments formerly thought l:uiM.i-.s itic I'iies were fonsUlcred one of liu-m. Thai's nonsense today. The new I*>l(one treatiueni has proven It- self In ihouirinds of the most stub- horn t-ases. It eets results because Vour first boUle (n liquid inUen by mou t h > shows you Iho clift'errnce. or U ROCS direct to the Internal cnutc. thai price refunded at once All modern Drus;;; sts. ISSUE 1â€"1948 POP Literally Speaking OOVOU THINK- I'D OE -IF 1 COULD OET AWAV FROAiN THIS B>\.f<Z.lhX(Si OFFICE m^ :j '^\^ By J. MILLAR WATT .sajV^ "m^xO^

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