Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Dec 1947, p. 8

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-^ednesiiay, December 31, 1947 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wtm. A. G. M«c*h«noB, U-A. MiiusteT A HAPPY NEW YEAR Stuiday, Jan. 4tfa, Mrvicee of wor- ships £ug«nia 11 •.».. Suodaiy Sdiool •t 12; Inistioe*, 3 p-m.. Sunday BElKMfl at 2; Flesherton, 7J30 p.m., fionday School at 11 «•>». SPECIAL MEETINGS, Jan. 4 to U «ad*r kaderahip of Rev. H. L. Troyer of Torontt, and sponsored by Ccdar- •Me and St. John's Clhurfhes. Young people arc invited to take advantage Of Mr. Troyer's expert counsel for Cnidance in choosing life work. (Sce advt. in tliis issue of The A<Svaiicc). Home is not where some men hang their hats â€" it's where they toss them onto chairs. AUCTION SALE OF CUTTERS An auction sale of cutters will be held at Duncan's Garage, Hundalk. on Saturday, Jan. 3» 1948, at 2 p.m. - Geo. Ehvncan, Auctioneer. LmiI tai f ernnl Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Boy's skates, tubes, size 2 Reg. Boyd, Fleaherton. FOR SALE â€" 9 chunks of pigs. â€" •Norval Betts, Eugenia. 31cl FOR SALE â€" Boy's skatts, size 5H Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Akins of Toronto are visiting the former's parenta, •Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Loucks for Ohriatraas were: Geo. Loucks of Queen's Uni- versity, Jean Loucks, teaching at Conniston, Vema Loucks of Owen Sound and Carman Loucks, Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Genoe and son, Wayne, spent Christmas witb Mrs. Genoe's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Henry, at Durham. During the afternoon Mrs. Genoe received a tel- ephone call from her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Miskell, of San Francisco, Oalif. Wayne said "hello" to his grandparents and was heard clearly. Among the Christmas and week end visitors in town were: Mr. and Mrs. Harol Bates and daughter of Hamil- ton, with Mrs. J. J. Brown; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bellamy of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bellamy, with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Bellamy; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ball and two chilchren, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Teeter and two children, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Prank Teeter; Jim Tb-urston of To- ronto and Earle Thurston of Sevei-n P*rk, with their parents; Mtr. and Mrs. Ted Pallett, Dixie, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacTavish; Mi-ss Marjorie Tristlewaite of Toronto and Cecil Thistlebhwiate of Shelburne, with their parents; Mr. and Mrs. C. J. FOR SALE â€" Pur^-n-ed Shorthorn toull, 12 months old^ â€" Gbas. McDer- Tnid, Flesherton, pnone 43 w2 p â- ~ : 'â-  // .r ANTED â€" AnuDt'Ji suitable for mink and fox ie*d. â€" Bert Mclntost Eugeni*., ph6&« Fe»er8i>»-i 6r26 like new. Apply at The Adva^e crossley and John. Toronto, with Mrs. **°^*'^' ^ W. Boyd; Mr. and Mrs. Don Kelson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Mc- Cracken; Miss Marjorie Brackenbury. Toronto, with her parents; Mr. and Mrs. Lome Fawcett, Aldershot, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Pedlar; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Colquette, Owen Sound', with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fisher; Mr. anrl Mrs. Joe Banks, Toronto, Cipl. Thos. Banks, Camp Borden, and Ted Banks, Ayr, with their parents; Mr. and Mr."?. W. Henry, Dundalk, and Ken Henry, Hamilton, with their mother, Mrs. Arthur McDonald; Jack McDonald of Islington, with his parents; Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaittinpr and Wayne, of Preston, with the former's pav,>n!s; Miss Jean Duncan, Toronto, with her parents; Miss Genevieve Mi'n'" of Queen's University, at her home. FOR SALE â€" Number of chunks of pigs. â€" Alex. Duncan, Ceylon, tel- ephone Flesherton 40J4 31c2 FOR SALE â€" Durham cow, 8 years old, due to freshen in January. â€" Jas. McKenzie, Feverslham, phone Feversham I0rl4. 30p2 IXXST â€" 2 male hounds, black and white speckled, the other tan head, black body, wJiite breast and white tail. Finder notify Luther Love, phone Dundalk 71J2. 29p3 FOB SALE â€" Men's speed skates, Bize 8 boot, $3.60; pair ladies' high heel suede pumps, siae 6, narrow •width, hardly worn, |2 â€" phone Qftw Flesherton. 31c2 t FARMS WANTED We have some people inquiring for farmfl for aprii^ possession, if you •re wantiryg to sell write giving full particulars. WATSON & WATSON Dundalk, Ontario HARRIS A DUNLOP BARRISTERa SOLICITORS, Ete- Phone 88 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PJIÂ¥8ICIAN A SURGEON Gfaduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Ple^l.FrtPn C. J. BELLAMY vr.LACE CLERK A CoBHlMlnMr for Ukfasc AffMovlta bner of Mmrriafc Lieâ€" m CONVEY ANCING WmmX MORTGAGES, IW 'fi, Bte. OfflM: Toraato 3trmL nmttmu* WM. KMTTING LICENSED AUCTlONBfeH for the Coaiity of Grey Farm and Stock Mle« cur vy nhj Tnma: rM«on»Ue. Sstisfactios u VQaranttfd. Dates arraneed at Tlit A<l*ttne« office or phon* 4 v. â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" • -' I â€" . NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All penona having claime againat EtM» of Frederick WiUiam Jh, late of the Village of mon, in tiie County of Grey, 'M on tile Srd day of March, aM nqaired to («Bd particulars 12ih LINE, OSPREY Visitors with Mir. and Mrs. Alex. Maxiwell for the Christmas holidays were: Mr. aid Mrs. Ohas. Ardell of North Bay and Miss Shirley Max- well attendinj? Normal in that city. Miss Edna Maxwell of Toronto, Mrs. May Leboff of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Eagles and children of Ravenna and Mbr. and Mrs. Earl Maxwell and two boys. Holiday visitors witih Mr. and Mrs Josh Dobson and girls were: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Benson and daughter, Mr. Earl Fenwick, nil of Eugenia, and Mrs. J6hn Dobson, Snr., grand old lady of tihe Twelfth) Line, also enjoyed Christmas with them. We are happy to report Mrs, Sam Sanderson able to be home for Christmas, from the Markdale Hos- pital, where »he has been ill. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Vic McKenzie for he Christmas holiday were: Mr. and Mi's. Ohas. Turner oY Feversham and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark of Eugenia. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Dobson on the airival of a son, and that Mrs. Dobson and babe were able to be home for Christmas dinner wiBh Mr. ^nd Mrs. Gyrus Short. Miss Grace Wright, teacher of S. S. No. 6, Oaprey, with only seven pupils, pave an interesting scfhoo] concert aiid Christmas tree and treats for all, with Santa Claus talk- ing^ prominent part. Holiday visitors' with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKenzie were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKenzie and Stewart of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mc- Kenzie, Bliine, Darle and Paul, of CoUingwooi!. Mr. and .^^:.s. .lohn Izard enter- tained thtlr family to Christmas dinner, "7 in all being present. Mr. and Mrs. Berel McGonnell of Kim<berley and Mr. and Mrs. Siteve Sutton of Flesherton were Christina" gruests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple. Mr. and Mrs. Edger Dobson and daAig);Aer of CoUingiwood were holi- day visitors with Mr. and Mr*- Wm. Poole, John and Shirley. Miss Pansy Thomson of Toronto EUGENIA Ha^y New Year to ye Editor, •taff and readers of The Adivance. iMIrs. Patterson of Petrolla spent Christmas wirtJi her son, Jack, and wife and babe and Mrs. F. Jaonieson. Ohristotae visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee were: Earl Magee of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ma- gee and George, Mr. and Mrs. Kil- bourne Mlagee, Eugenia, Mr. and Jilra. Joe. Porteous, Maxwell; Mr. and Mrs. R. Patsons and children, 8t/h line; Mr. and Mrs. Lawson White, Flesherton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little, Dundalk. Misses Mary and Isabel McKee ahd Mr. McCarthy, Toronto, were Christ- mas visitors with the formers' par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. McKee. iMr. Russell Park of Flesherton and sister, Miss Marge, of Toronto called on friends here Friday. Christmas and week end visitors were; Misses Winneta and Carmelle Martin of Toronto and Argyle Mar- tin, with Mr. and Mrs. C. Maitin; Jean Tudor, Toronto, with her father and sisters; Mr. and M^rs. Geo Stew- art, Dundas, with Mr. and M>;.:. Rus- sell Johnso.i: Mr. and Mrs. Howard MacDOnald, Joan and Oeor^i;, To- ro':t.>, with Mr. aUd Mrs. Kl. Bread- ner; Mr. and Mrs. Walter M^Bride and Bonnie, Tobermory, at the Mac- Millan home; Mr. and Mrs. • Will Thompson a.id Bonnie, Owen Sound, with the Burton family; Mr. and Mrs. .'oe Williams and Cl.ireni;-? Will* ia'v..\ Toronto, with Mr. ai-..^ Mrs. Joe Williams Sr.; Bill Piiillips. _^To. ronto, at his parental homo; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jamieson and Judy, To- ronto, and' Mrs. Jamies^m's mother, Mrs. Cheney of Ottawa, with Mrs. Fred Jamieson; Mr. and >Ir3. Glen Pedlar, Stamford Centre, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Magee and Me. and Mrs. A. P. Pedlar; Mr. Del'o.'vt ."Vlagee I and friend, Toronto, at his parental home; Fred Boyce, Toronto, with " • parents; Dennis Campbell, Toronco, at his parental home; Mr. and Mrs. Allan McGregor, Gait, ait the Fawcett home; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross, To- ronto, with Mr. and M'ts. F. Duckett; Patsy and Walter Stewart of St. Catharines, with Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Johnson. Miss Dorothy Genoe of Toronto spent the week end with her father, Dave Genoe. The Martin family apent Christ- Das with Mrs- T. Lever and Harold at Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Albei-t Williams, 8th line, Mrs. K. Hawkins, Flesherton, were Christimas visitors \i^ Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee spont Christmas Day with Mr. aud Mrs. Stanley Magee. Maxiwell. Mr. and Mrs. Pinkerton and Mrs. Blais spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. M. Hasg in Flesh.irton. We are sorry to report Mrs. John Spanihouse, Snr., on the sick list. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Alex. Carruthers is visitiwSr with Mrs. J. Campbell aiui assisting her in caring: for her m'>tlie', Mrs. W. Rislop, who is ill. Wj hope that Mrs. Hislop is soon well <igain. Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Ellis and Miss Stafford spent Christmas with Mr. R. Stafford and family, Kimberley. Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell, accom- panied by Messrs. Robt. Purvis and Jake Williams, are spe.iding tiie Christmas holidays in Toronto. Mr. Pui-vis attended the wedding of his granddaughter, Shirley Purvis, and Mr. "Bud" Richfter of Long Island, which took place on Saturday. Miss Joyce Patterson, teacher, is spending her Christinas holidays at her home near Dundalk. The school concert was held Fri., December 19th, with a good attend- ance. Mhich credit is due teacher and pupils for such an excellent con- cert. There was a well-laden Ohrisit- mas tree, and Santa Claus was there to p.H'e out the gifts. Miss Margpe Martin, t^aacher at McKeans mill Sv'rrtl, is ho'id^aying at her parental home. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Cairns and Heather of Ceylon, Mrs. J. Cairns and Shirley apent Ohristmas with Mr and Mra. Wilfred Ma/ee. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and some members of their family spent Christmas vdth the Partridge ftwn- ilies at Rock Mills. REV. H. C. TROYER of Twonto Outstanding Speaker Specialist in Youth Leadership and Vocational iGuidance Rev. W. A. White, E.D. Cedarsidc Rev. A. G. Macphesrson, St. John's Werfhip Inspiration Vocational Guidance JANUARY 4 - It, IMS Cedarsidc Baptist St. John's United Sunday, Jan. 4th â€" 11 A.M. â€" jCedarside Baptist Church. 3 P^M. â€" Rock Mills Baptist Church, Kv^" 7:30 P.M. >â€" St. John's United Church. Monday, Jan. 5 th â€" 2:30 P.M. â€" Prayer Service St, John's. 4 P.M. â€" Vocational Guidance, St John's. 7:30 P.M. -r- "Splitting The Sky," St. John's. Thursday, Jan. 8th â€" 2:30 PJW. â€" Prayer Service, Cedarsidc. 4 P.M. â- â€" Vocational Gnidsncc. Cedarsidc. 8 P.M. â€" "FooHsh Praydra," Cedarsidc. Friday, Jan. 9th â€" 2:30 P.M. r- Prayer Service, Cedarsidc. 4 P.M. â€" Vocational Guidance, Cedarsidc. 8 P.M "Around The World in 60 Minutes," Cedarsidc. Saturday, Jan. 10th â€" 8 P.M. â€" Youth Rally, St. John's United. Sunday, Jan. 81th â€" 11 AJM Eugenia United Church. 3 P.M. â€" Proton United Church. 7:30 PJtf. â€" SU John's United Church. .>( Mm â- ame to th« undenigned on or I iihe Slat day of January, VMi, waa home for the holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ball and Miss Margaret Douglas, Mr. and Mre. Joe Doberskcy, all of Toronto were vjsttors with Mr. and Mrs. Melville lioVMrlas. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Blakey and children and Mr. 'Bmeat Brownridge of Wareham were visitors with Mr. lAicb diato the t^Brnta urill be tfatriboted, haHng nvard to the «lalau of wUeii the Bueotora shall 4Imb have Botiee. Dsted at Tonmto this 2iBHh day of Dceenber, 1947 â- *» McMASTCR A McMASTER, 286© Dundas St. West, Toronto 9 Solicitors for the Eaneator* and Mrs. Bberaian Ottewell. Keep young folk bu»y, advises a judge. When tihere's nothing they shoud do is when tiiey do sometiiing they should not. SEWING MACHINE SERTICB All makea. ^ Work Guaranteed. Machines Electrified Needles and Belts Call DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Phone M Flenhetawo AccompKshment Did you know how many tradesmen Were included in our town? I could dare you just to name thenr, And would on your figures frown. No one knew just how to do it, But they all turned engineers When a skeptic said it can't be done And' more expressed their fears. But tre spbeme got under motion. And' in fairness to the ones Who played engineers and draughts- man, â- auop Xiqou suAvr}, tjiuipB ^snj.^ No one knew just what the other Had in mind, or where to start. But they started in to do it, And with such a mighty heart. Men with hammers, claws and crow- bars Started in to rip out boards, Having not much more idea Than the British House of Lords. Next came John McBeth and mixer. Stone and sand and cement, too, Water tank, more men with shovels Timbers, big ones, and more crew. Two stout walls were put in length- wise Then the beams •were jacked up Ihagher, And bolted to the timbers good. Now a foot more heigrht was needed And the trucks came into play. Tractors, Scrapers and tJieir drivers, Lalbored hard day after day. Now in case you have not guessed it (I refer to our rink). It has had its face uplifted Go see it, say what you think. Many thanks we should be girio; To the ones who did the job, Reg and Lome and George and Harry, Ban and Russ, and Buck and Bob. Preacher, Barber, Clerk and Miner Soldier, Sailer, and Marine, And the ones who came a distance To help caiTy out the scheme. I can't mention all youi- names boys But give you thanks the same as they. You will feel a glow of pride, boys. When it comes to opening day. It has been almost completed And the town should glow with pride Knowing that the old rink building Has not gone out with the tide. And now, dear people of our town. Don't let the other fellow down. He gave so freely of his labor. You play your part and be good neiglibor. It's money we need to pay for tho rink, And wlien you're asked, jutt stop and think It's nice to Uve in land that's free, Make your contritoutioB to Liberty. And if you have a girl or boy Who in this new rink will enjoy, Give tihanka that they can be near home, And not in Paris, London or Rome. And when t^e^e is a hockey game. Come to the rink atnd lend your name To the ranks of the s^norting crowd Who believe in liberty and yell it loud. l|III U I II I U t l!mi » « «« t « I I I III IM I HH I Best Wishes At this time of year, we cannot help but think of our good friends with whom we have been associated this past year. J[t is with sincere appreciation of pleasant relations that we extend to you our best wis'hes for a HAPPY NEW YEAR W. E. BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON ♦♦* § »*♦*♦>« I II * l l>* M * tM i*«<<* fM »«l I II 1 1 ll t»MM ADDITIONAL LOCALS Mr. Saan Croft spent Cibristmas in Toronto with his son, Harvey. Mr. Geo. Armstrong and Miss Flor- ence Armstrong spent Quistnias A'ith their parents at Meaford. Mr. and Mrs. John Beecro^ft, Owen Sound, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bmerson Wickens. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Prwnm and family of Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy. Mrs. Frank Eagles and two daugh- ters visited a couple of days last week w^ith her sister, Mrs. D. J. Torrie, at New HambDBg. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Scrace' and three children returned to their home at Todmordten, adBter spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Ms. Geo. Cains. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Richards, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. McDongall ana two children and Mr. Bay Richards spent Christmas at their parent*! horns at Lueknow. Mrs. Jas. McMillan of Dundalk was a Christmas visitor witb her sister, Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson. Mlrs. McMil- lan was 88 years old tihis Tuesday and can still enjoy an Irislh joke. Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Ferris and children of New Liakeard spent the Christmas holidays with their parentS; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ferris and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. 91oan. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe spent Christmas with their dUEVughiter, Mrs. Jas. Pattinson, and family at Owen Sound and Boximg Day with th^ ^ daughter, Mrs. Fred Amett, «nd fam- ily at Duriham. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald for Christmias were- Mlss ^ KaiJxleen McDonald, Mrs. Alex. Doyle, Miss OlUe McDonald, Mr. Bob RUey, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Engli*, son and daughter, all of Toronto. Card of Thadcs On beihalf of the children and my- self, I would like to thank all of our friends and neighbors for all the lovely treats and gifts, and also tfte lovely basket wihioh they sent us. It certainly made Ohristmas more dheer- ful and will never be fci^gotten. â€" Mrs. Irene Croft. â- Some men get a reputation for truthfulness because they cant tJiInk quickly enough. F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Best Wishes 9 To You, Our Valued Customer : Wc extend most sincere thanks for your valued patronage during the year just closing. May the New Year bring Success and Happiness to You and Yours. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd Phone 7 Markdale & /Jtk ^, 4! r I

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