â- * 1 ^ Wedaesday, Januar>- 21, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE -« â- * >â- - V> .1- : t > » ROCK MILLS ilany friends here were orrj to hear of the death last we«k, of the late Alexander (Sandy > Hoy, which occurred in Toronto. Sandy spent the greater part of hi« life in this cotnmunity and 'fas well known throughout this district and his sud- den passing caused much regret to his many friends here. He wag of a kind, jovial nature and was es- pecially fond of children, and they, in turn, thought much of hina. Oar sincere symp«thy is extended to his wife, sister and brothers in their sad beresTemeBt. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Dobson of Fe- â-¼ersham visited on Saturday with fcis brother here. Mr. Mannie Dob- son, and family. Messrs. Roy and Geo. Phillips and Mrs. Jos. Phillips of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. r>ick Clark. Sock Mills hockey team hang up a victory over Feversham in the re- turn gr.nu' played last witsk CEYLON •ver Sunday -.vitk Mr. and Mrs. A. Park at .A.llan Park. Mr. Bill Clerk w*t to Toronto on Tuesiday to spend a few days. The Sacrament of th« Lord'* Sup- per was obaerved last Sunday wea- isg IB the United Choreh here. We were »orry there was a larger nuun- ber present. Rev. M. C. Gandier, minister of Ceylon Uniced CSiuich, and the Ohurch Board' would appreciate a goodly number present at the even- ing service Sunday, Jan. 25th. at 7:.30 pjn.. when the annual con^Tfe- grational meetinig of the church will be h«ld at the close of the regular church service. The business of the church for 1^7 will be diacuaaed and plans will he made for 104S in connection with the church. Mr. LeRoy Meads of the OJD.R. has returned to his heme, after hav ir.ar his tonsiles removed in the Owen Sound hoapital. PRiCEVILLE Messrs. Gordon and .\fchie Stoc- rock 'aavc gone to Georgetown where they have procured work for the winter. -VKsB Reta Whyte returned to To- ronto after visiting at her home. Meaers. Wallace Meads and A. L. Hincka spent Friday at Fergus. Mr. .\ngus Mclachlan. Toronto, spent the week end at bis borne. Mr. Dan Gampbeil of Gait ^xnt a couple of days at she home oi Mr. B^n M«Kenaie. Mrs. Donald McKinnon spent a law days visiting at Bramptor.. .Mrs. AUie Muir left the eni of tiie week to spend awhile in Toronto. .\[rs. Percy Hunt entertained the Farm Federated Women on Wed- ne^Kiay. with Mrs. Beaton presiding. .Aiter the usual opening exercises. Mrs. Bradev Injrn save a ver.- in- Mr. Ge<>. Fisher of Holitrrn was .1 visitor on Saturday with Mr. and i teresting account of her trip • Mrs. Joe Staahle. Manitoalin Island last summer. Mrs. Mr. Wen. Whittaker of Moatrea! 'â- E'l-ar Patterson conducte-i a contest was a visitor with his mother. Mrs. and the prize was won by Mrs. Hunt. Mr. and -Mis. Dick Qark visited f^.ichard Whitt.iker. for a eoaple of -^ delicious lunch was served by the laat week. ^<iptess ;ind a social rime spent. Mr. Emerson Meads of Guelph spent the week er.d at His h'>â€" •â- VICTORU CORNERS Jays ".Although there are thousands of subjects for elegant conversation. A critic says jazz songs will never I there are persons who cannot meet a I 5l^. Lawrence McArtbar of Oril- !ta spent the week end at his home. Sebool re-opened for the wi-nte:- term Tuej>«ia/ morning Jan. 6th, dwiiig to jth« illoe&s of the teacher OS Xooday. MiS;> Marjory Steveoa, ite regular teJcher, assisted by Mis:3 Reta Scott of Hopevilk. a Toronto N'owbbI School pupil, were at the helm to b*gi[i a new year and an- oth-er sc:.<jol term. The nrst meeting o<f the School Board of Eh<f new year was iield in the sciiool hc'xjt Tuesday evening, Jan. t:"th. with all members present- Mi-. Russell Lintor was re-hired as caretaker at an increase- in salary. The John Duncan family have treated thetnselves to a newer model car. a Dxiire. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moore and Garry were visitors with* relativea in Toronto from Jan. Sth to 12tii. Orv Friday evening: George w^u .-i guest of the Shoudice Sursery ban- quet at the Royal York h'KeL We are pleased to know that Gt»r^* brings back a satisfactory report -^f his check-up. fi>U'>win-e an 'loomnon las: May. WhiTa ia the city they visited in she General Hospitji v--'-. VALLEY ROAD SOUTH Mrs. Gordon Acheson. \i t ^re turns of the day. pleased to report Mr^ Acbeson har- t \[r. ing successfully undergone n very- Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibeoa aod fam- ily of Pricevule, accompanied by Mi-. John Wickens, visited Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wickens at Vteaford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wright -ii Barrie were week end r«tors at the home of Merle Weber. While goiz:ig to work at the Power House, from his hom« a: E'age'v â- Mr. .Arthur Proctor had an exper- ience he would 20t wish to repeat. The L'ar he was driving rwerved oa th- roadway as he approached owe <d the bridges aver &e Bea-ver River and clinibed one yi the abut- meocs. tile r«&r whe«rl3 remai- i" On the irounti. It wa^ ym. the virge of turning over into the river. With a.^sistance. the car w«a ptH on Its . four whet?l<s Monday morning. Mr. L'nd Mi-i. G. Wi'iey and little d-"ighter. Devoaa. ..f PricevUle vis- I ited on Sunday with Mrs. John j Wicketjs. wh.-> is fee-ling improved j at »ime of -writiag. • Mr. Wm. Weber received a phone ] call ?r<>'r his daughter at a Oshawa •» tke occasion af his ?3rd birth- day, wjj.niaii: him m-jaT ajo:?-.- r>f- .i^^js/eooy- HECTRlClT'i ducr.on the' mean. greater h for «?'> A bee was held Saturday after^ : serious ..loerarion there T-je<.:av die. But some bends will keep oni cripple without talkine trying to murder them. I feet" â€" Chinese Proverb. about "*^" ^^^ ^^* purpose of cleaning oat â- morning. Jan. 13tfa. Latest word is WANTED YOUNG MEN, AGE 18 - 25 YEARS For light, clean work in a large textile plant, klt-al working conditions. Applicants must be willing- to work shifts or steady late shift. Learners guaranteed 65c per hour. Permanent employ- ment and higher future earnings dependent on ability to do the work. Limited biKirding; accommodation available. Dominion Woollens & Worsteds Limited HESPELER, ONTARIO the shed. Several teams and mea were on hand and a good job was accompliahed. ORANGE VALLEY to the etfecs that the patient is atn!" ine favorable progress. On Sunday. Jan. 11th. six men from our midst. Messrs. Elm.- ?-.,--- ens, Oscar Patterson, Rassel! Pat- terson. .\lex. Sherson. Ren .Acheson o^t Warehani and RusseU .Acheson of Pr"t.>n Stanon. motored to Toronto and gave their blood to the blood iiank in favor of Mrs. Acheson. Hockey sjntr-asiasts are sorry to I learn of Mr. Russell .A.chesoa's -j:i- The Farm Forum nwet at lie Some Of Mr. Elliott Smith with only a sn-alt attendani."e. owing to stormy weather. The subject was "'TX-i -we need a Xational Marketing .A.cr?' Question 1 â€" SK->u!d farmers have : ''ortunatc accident, when he had hi^ the right to control A« marfcetins ! *hou!de:- accidenraUy broke!', in a of their own pn.xluct * Yes. we .â- hockey ^ante against Dundalk. '. Mrs. T'>h- W-.c!»=!is Sad i the pleasure of speakiag by pkcme tot their daiigbter. Mrs. R. McDwald. Mr McDonald and little son :n Thursday evening from their home at Gold Pines i- north-western On- tario. TTiey were griad. itideed, to hear from the absent n',->r!-..h.ers of their fan-lv. .A mid'AesT police s.'t'ie: p-escriijes : music as a cure for •.•rime. Wl^ ; catches the criminaTs j: thev face the music ' I • Ke«p unnecessary tightt swrfcHed o/f • Do no* use eiscrric '^ hea+-9-<-i Of graf«s. • Cook complete m«a4s is oven a^ often as po*- siWe • Switch top-stove sJ««n«fl«» to '"off" as soon v3« pos- sible and use stored h«a(. • SAVE ELECTRICITY IN EVERY WAY YOU CAN, THE MVDIO-ELECTIfe POWEB cdamissioN of oNiAtio PROMPT P.VYMEXT CEDAR POST 4''2 -6 inch tops. S t'eet long-, wanted t\'r earlv deliver^-, state if dry and peeled. Quote prices f.o.b. cars, also for LUMBER and CORDWOOD H. J. SEMLER WA2177 137 WeUington St W.. TORONTO think they should. Question 2 â€" Some people clainr that marketing schemes, set up by the provincial marketinie lagislati-on. are undemocratic because their reg- ulations ai-e compulsory on all pro li'tcts eoncerneo. What is your op- inion ? Yes. uncemocratic. The VJ*.!.*. T.eeting. slated tc '^ held Friday evenin? in the home of E. .A. Stinson. wss cancelled due to cold and stormy weather. Frientis here are pleased to know that Luther Love's sister. M-^. Robt. Hannah, of Berkeley, successfully underwent a goitre operation in th« Question :Jâ€"Hc>w would .1 national! ^1-*''^'*=*-^'' hosp.tui Tuesday lUter- , marfcetinff act as outlined on pages j "'^° ^^ '^'^ ^'â- 'S'^^- -^I^s. Love is at | â- 1 and 3 of leaflet atfect (a^ Inter-; Berkeley attended to Mrs. Hannah's; h'-^usehold d-ities. Despite h;gh wind and severe frost On Thursday afternoon, a good ! attendii.nce of l-i nitMubers were out i for the Iniscioge W^A.. meeting in the home of Mrs. Geo. Moore. With tile new pres oU-nt. Mrs. Russell Pat- pr»vincial trade (O.K.>. Export trade (Fine.) Mr. Clarence .\lco.x and son. Les- lie, were on a business trip to To- ronto recently. Mr. Wm. Smith of Toronto called ' >•â- ! the .Alcos familv the first of the \y^^ I terson. presidiiig. the meeting ope:-.- Miss nora Boland spent a. dav "^ â- *•* *e hyn;n â- 'Sta.ndir.g at the «-ith Miss Crladys McaFdden. Portal" and the Lord's P'.-ayor re-, peated in unison. Mrs. Oscar Pat- ; terson read th« Scripture and th-e i lesson thought. The ousiness pc.-- '. tion of the meeting heai-d the read- â- ing of several letters of appivciA- i tion regarding boxes griven where j sickness had i>een d-welling. Some j plaas. as mcney-riaking and prv- j gram ;>;ds. were made. .\lrs. .Art | Jackson. Mrs. Wm. Crockford a"d Miss Hazel Walker gave readings. Mrs. E. .A.. Stinson ver>- capably outlined the life in the northland -^' Cockburr. Island, which proved very interestin.g , to all. The meetinit closed witft the Mizpah benediction, followed by kmch .Auntie: "i)o you eve.- play with had little boys. Willie?" Willie: "'Yes. .Auntie." .Auntie: "Why don't you play with 'rood little bo\-s?" Willie: "Their v.ic»the'.-» wxvn't let me." WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES Dw* 1947-1954 Your War Savings Certidc*t«s may b« r«deemed bf endorsing 4nd sending them, as they fall due. to th« Registrar, War Savings CertilicatM^ 550 King Edw*rd Avenue, Ott*w-*. •f For your greater coavenience, you may leave »ll your Certificates no-^- with x^ branch of this Bank. We sh.iU send them to Onaw* as they tall due *nd credit ihe proceeds to a Savings amount In your name xi settlements are received. Rates on itpplication «( any brtnch ol THE CANADIAN BA|iK OF COMMERCE Fleshftron Branch ;'K B. Heard. Mat»;ft.'er Mt*.-y FAITHFUL SERVANT \e*. Folk. »e can supph you with Pedlar or Beatty Litter Carrier Outfits that will do faithful labor-saving work for you for the rest of your da>s. It will save you getting all â- wet. all dirt and a sore back, and » iH aUo save you tiaie. We have three available for installation now. Water Bowls Pressure Svstems ^â- ^ e have in stL>ck Otjico" \\ ater B-'wls at <v.i3 each, aad wiH endeavor to supply enough ptpe to m^tal same. Beattv l^eep-well aiui ^hallo*-»eil Pressure Systems Pump standards, Brady Body Cylinder. Rauiges Heaters Medium site Colf?nT:in Oil Burner ^Ici lary i"i>a! vircjiators .tnd Quebec Heaters Em-pire WoDd Heaters aad Circuators Washing Machines - Electric Ranges "Easy" Oyrator or ^ aouiim Cup Washers McClary Range Beacty Electric Washer Electric Heaters Toasterv; and Irons COME rO ST.AFFORDtf;. WHEKE YOU RECEIVE THE GC»ODS AVD <TUl HWE >OME IMiLL VRS LEFT Tc> T.AKE HOME. J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinerv Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM STH LINE, OSPREY (hiteiiued IOC Last \Veek> -Mrs. Pete Somers.. Helen. MervLn and Vincent. ct' Brantioai spent the week end with Mr. and M'-s. Thc«s. Stepihens. Mr. an.d .Mt^. Ja^. Ottewell, Mr. Lloyd Stephens and Mrs. J. Craw- ford attended the funer.-.l of M-. ' (.HteweU's cousin. Miss Bertha Col- } quette, c>f Tv^ronto, which w-as held at FleshertoK on Wed:'.esday of last week. i The Far^n Fv^ruiu w-as ivUi at the i home of Walter liiwler last Monda>- j cvwing:. Mr. a-id M'.'s- Waiter lawie tertained the r'.etghbor* on th * line to a euc';»r<> partj- Friday •fveaing, Mrs. Lloyd Stephens was wiiiner <»f the ladW* ;ind Mr. John Stephens v'>f the !«en"«. The Tu'Xt eachr» party will h«> this Frivlay even'tic (V,,. >,.^.>.,. .^t" Fve«l Hale. I ohot^<<.> .-.?',• .».!.>â- the offensive kitid. SEWING MVCniNF «'''*V»' » .All ai..-ikcs Work Guaranteed. Machines Flectnfied Ne.oTes and Pelv Cill DUXC VN"? H VRDW ARK CREAM Our productii.'u ot butter ha< txeen increasing from year to year, and in comparing the months ot LVtober. November of 1*^. with the corres- ponding month? of UUr. which are low produc- tion months, we tind ata increase in cream volume even in those months. W'e find that the answer to the increase in production is: always paying: top market prices for your cream, and givins: the ven,- best creamery- service to the farmer. A further service we can render to the patrons who reside on the unpKnved sideri.iads: you can telepiione us and our truck will meet you on the highway, tv-" ha\ e your cream picked up. EGGS The new export price on eggs becomes effective on February- 1st. 1*M8. and we understand it will be higher than last vear's export nrice. POULTRY We are ye.i :,.â- .>â- -.md buyc:> ^i I'ju'. .;-.;.,; C;v,.\-v ens. dressed or alive. You are always assured of top market nrices for vour Poitltrv. Fiesherton Creamery Angus Avis. \Wina?er Phone 66 Fiesherton Ontario