Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1948, p. 8

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«| â-  IIHIP M Wednesday, January 21, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SAI4E â€" Good outtei-.â€" Z. Ran- dall, phone 11&W.-3 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of good hay and some oat sheaves. Apply at The Adrance office. 3apl FOR SALE â€" Yorkshije sow, due about Jan. 2l8t. second itter.â€" C. J. McKcchnie, phone 76R. FOR SALE â€" Quebec heater, fair condition, $15. â€" E. J. Thomson, phone 7BJ12 Fle8h€rton. 32p2 Local aod Personal FOR SALE -- Hereford bull calf, 8 months old- â€" D. W. Adams, phone 102w4 Flesherton. 33pe FOR SALE â€" Two cutters, one with doors and one without. â€" Jos. Por- teous, Maxwell. 34p2 FOR SALE â€" Purebred Hereford bull calf, 10 months old â€" ^Norman Loucks, R.R. 2 Flesherton. 32p2 Miss Dell Thiuston of Toronto spent tile week end at hev home. Reeve K. G. Betts left Tuesday to attend Coujity Council being held in Owen Sound this week. Mr. and -Mrs. Wm. Kaitting spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley .Menzios at Berkeley. Mr. Cecil Chard of Hamiltau was a week end visitor with his -oa-c-nts, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller nUnrieil to their home in Dundalk Sundi-y, after spending a week with Mr. and MVs. Geo. Cairns. Mrs. Miller suf- fered a heart attack while here, hut we are pleased to know that -ih' i^ improving nicely. Two rinks of Flesherton curlers defeated two rinks from Markdale last week on the District Cup play, by three points. Th« local rinks were skipped by J. O. Darj>-av(l and H. A. McCauley, while the visitors were skipped by Lou Thibar('' .n and Elgin Boyd. They were to have Smi<th, Lousrheedl centre, Halls; wings, RoBzell, Fines; alternates, H. Hurren, O. Hurren, F. Steen, J. Cun- ningham, Moody, Miller. Flesherton â€" goal, E. Ferris; de- fence. H. Best, F. Bannon; centre, C;. Boyd; wings, K. Chard, G. Chard; alternates. Piper, Dargavel, Teeter, Cairns, Tumey, R. Best, MacTavish and Gorrell. Rock Mills Won 11-4 JTA-NTES â€" AJiMMiS sa#UifeVe tsi mink and fox iMd. â€" Beit Mdatosb Euc«Kia, yhMM F«««nh»-i BcM FOR SALE â€" Cook sove in good condition good heater and cooker. â€"Phone 51wl Flesherton. 34p2 played .Mlenford here Monday but due to the storm the v could not get through. 'liu'hl Flesherton 15, Erin 4 Rock Mills Semi-Pro team turned about on Thursday night and wall- oped Feversham 11-4, after having been defealted the week previous. Uock Mills had three new men on their line-up from Kimberley, Brucs Hodigkinson, Mervin Ellis and La- verne -Miorewood in goal, and this made a gi'eat difference in their of- fensive acbvivities. BUis played at centre ice and scored three goals. Rock Mills led 3-0 at the end of the fust .session and in the second Elmer Mullen made it 3-1 when Rock Mills were short-handed by a penalty to Partridge, and one to Seeley while the other was in force. Seeley was the next counter and Geo. Sled add- ed one for Feversham, but Laurie Rus«ell, Gordon Breadner and two by Ellis, made the score 8-2 for the Rock Mills clan. Hall and Neil for Feversham and dark, Partridge and Seeley for I^ock Mills ended the scoring. Fevershcwn â€" goal, M. Sled; def- ence, G. Sled, L. Hudson; centre, E. Lockshart; wings, R. Hall and G. Essland; alterraates, K. Hawkins, E. Mullin, I. Short, D. Davidson, E. Neil, R. Davidson, J- Stephens. E«ck Mills â€" goal, E. Morwood; de- fence, 0. Breadner, B. Hodgkinson; ceivtre. Grun^mett; witvgs, Clark and Seeley; alternates, R. Phillips, M. EHis, L. Partridge, D. Smith, J. English, B. Clark. An attempt was made to have Feversham rink ready for skating and hockey, but we understand the water situaliion is unsurmour<table at the present time, and Feversham home games will have to be run in at Flesherton whenever opportunity presents itself. The modem girl is wise according to a college professor. And why not? 'She passes an examination every time she meets a man. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persona having claims agiainst tk^ Estate of Frederick Williatn NichoUon, late of the Village of Flesherton. in the County of Grey, who died on the 8rd day of Man^, 1947, are required to a«iid partieolsra of t^ sam« to tli« undersigned os or befoie die Slat day of January, 1948, after wbidi (tate the aaaeta will be diatriboted, having regard to the claims of which the Ezecutora ahall then have notice. Dated at Toronto thia 26th day of December, 1947 McMASTESt A McMASTER, 2889 Dvndu St. Weat, Toronto 9 Solicitors for the Exeentora WANTED â€" Highest prices paid for horse hides, beef hides and sheepskins. â€" Frank Eagles, phone 41J3 Flesherton. 3;ip4 "You know, old man," said Brown "fellow is too smart for me. Do you know wihat he did?" "No, What?" said Green. "Well, he sold me a plot of land that was two feet iiinder water. I Went around and demanded my money back." "Did you get it?" "Get nothing! He sold me a moto' boat!" CO.L HOCKEY will b« held in the FLESHERTON ARENA Monday, Jan. 26 Shelburnc vs Flesherton Game called at 8.30 Admission: 3Sc and 15c FOR SALE â€" Folding leatherette baby carriage, also Coleman lamp with shade. â€" Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Flesherton. 32p2 FOR SALE â€" 130 International '2 ton truck, complete with heater and stock racks, in good running con- dition. â€" Frank Eagles, phone 41 J3, Flesherton. 32p2 NOTICE â€" Employers, farmers, Poultr>m€n, married veteran, age 41. n'> children, reliable handyman, good appearance, seeks employ- ment, would consider partnership or lo^^'er wage for right offer, references. Write Box 275, care of The Advance, Flesherton. WANTED â€" Reliable man as deale"" in Grey County. Experience not necessai-y. A fine opportunity to into old profitable businf-ss where Rawleigh Products have been sold for yeai-s. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Raw- leigh Dept. ML-A-206-16;^, Mon- treal, Que- HELP WANTED â€" Mother's helper in small modern suburban home adjacent Weston by young couple with 2 small children; every con- venievnce and special privele^s; good pay according to capabilities, fare advanced. Write Mrs. T. P. Burton, 22 Boylen Ave., Weston or interview Mrs. J. E. Smith, 338 6th St. E., Owen Sound. 34cl FARMS WANTED We have some people inquiring for farms for spring possession, if you are wanting to sell write giving full particulaTS. WATSON & WATSON Dundalk, Ontario HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. Etc Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m DR. T. D. PARK PilÂ¥SICIAN & SURGEON Oisduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C J. BELLAMY Vir.LACB CLBRE A CaBBtaeimMr for tektes AVMavHa iasMT af Marrtof e I ie e« n a CONVEY ANCING DBEDC MORTGAGES, WII ' S, Bte. Offlae: Terairte Street. With the one-sided score of 15-4, Fles.herton defeated the big Erin team in the Central Ontario League g-ame in Flesherton Saturday night before one of the largest crowds of the season. Flesherton players com- bined well and the line or Turney, Cairns and R. Best stood out in the first period to rack up six goals, four to Tumey and two to Cairns, to make the score '>-0. In the second ppriod the Boyd and Chards lin^ began to get results and Ken Chard and Boyd counted one each and G. Chard nabbed two. Two of the goal.s wei'e nicely set up by Boyd, who played a strong, heady game all throujrli. Boy<i is not showing tK- speed he displayed on the ice lanes a few years aeo. but he makes up for the speed by his knowledge of the game and feinting the other fel- low out of position. Erin counted two jroals -he second ii^o'lod by ' Steen and H. Hun-en, the latter on | a lovely play making Ferris movii first and then flipping the biscuit into the empty side of the net. In the third period Erin opened the scoring with a goal by Fines and (iordon Ohard added another for Flesherton, â-  followed by Miller scor- ing for Erin on a drive that failed to leave the ice and fooled Ferris. Then Fle.sherton added three more by Caims fronr Tumey and R. Best. Piper fi-om Teeter and Teeter from Pil>er. This was Teeter's first goal of the season, although he has done some nice playing, but his ef- forts were not productive. Turney received a heavy bo<Iy cheek in the thii-d period that gave him a charlie- horse and it is not known whether he will be able to play in Markdale this Wednesday night. Ferris played a nice game in goal, and although a couple of easy ones went pa.st him. many times stopped the opposition cold when they got throuR-h to him. Flesherton is for- tunate in having two goalies such as Ferris and Andrews, to play that position. Both give crowd-pleasing exihibitions. Keep *em out, boys. Four penalties were handed out by R(if«i'ee MKOullough of Mark- dale, whose work for his first time off-ciatinsr. was real good. Three of the penalties went to Erin. Erin â€" goal, Maggill; defence. WM. K\ITT1NG LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County o* Grey Farm and Stock sales our sy ftlty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction U ^8rtnfe»rt. Date? arranged st The Advsnct offiop or phom^ t* Official Opening of Flesherton fee Palace will be held on Fri., Jan. 23 Look for Bills Don't miss this big night of the season. SAVE AT Hill's Pre -Inventory Sale MEN'S WINTER OVERCOATS A high-light value in this sale. Navy and black Real quality fabrics. Reduced One-Third BOYS' AND GIRLS' SKI SUITS All-wool Freize and Blanket Cloth, 2-tone and plain shades. Reduced 20% MISSES & WOMEN'S WINTER COATS Trimmed and untrimmed in this seasun's styles. Reduced 20 to 50% MINK DYED CONEY FUR COATS A rich, brown, glossy coat. Regular $135.00. Sale Price $108.00 GIRLS' ALL-WOOL WINTER COATS Trimmed and untrimmed, well lined, sizes for all. Reduced 20% LADIES' KID GLOVES Small sizes only, real quality for smart shoppers Regular $1.89. Clearing $1.00 BOYS' CORDUROY PANTS Sizes 29 to 32 only, brown. Regular $6.75. Clearing $4.95 PASTEL CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Double bed size, slightly counter soiled Reduced One-Third BOYS' 3-PIECE COAT SET Fine quality, warm and durable, sizes 2- 7 â€" Coat Leggings and Helmet Regular $10.50 to $11.95. Clearing $8.95 MISSES AND WOMEN'S SMART DRESSES This season's styles in crepes. Early shoppers get the best choice. 25% Off MEN'S WINDBREAKERS Heavy Melton and Blanket Cloths, some zipper fronts. Regular $6.50 and $6.95 Sale Price $5.49 WOMEN'S VELVET FUR-TOP GOLOSHES Warm, practical footwear at a bargain price. Regular $4.75. Clearing $3.79 MEN'S WORSTED PANTS Tweeds and plain shades, sizes to 44. Reduced 20% SPECIALS ON GROCERIES White Cooking Figs 2 lbs. 25c Australian Raisins .... 2 lbs. 35c.... Dried Appl<^s 15c lb. Dried Apricots 22c lb. Eating Figs 15c lb Dried Peaches 32c lb. Currants 2. lbs. 45o Purity Floqr ^.69 bag. (M-apefruit Juice 2 tins 19c Diced Carrots 2 tins 15c Diced Beets 2 tins 15c lilended Fruit Juice 10c tin Cut Wax Beans 2 tins 15c Assorted Soups 3 tins 25c \.ge. Post's Bran Flakes .. 2 for 25 Post's Corn Toasties 2 for 19c Red Plums 2 tins 27c iTomato Juice 2 tins 19c A.ssorted Baby Foods 5c tin We re offering many Special Values not listed in this advertisement. Come in and look around during this Sale F. Trtlill & Co., Limited Markdale, Ontario « * ♦ 'â-  « * -♦ w. I 'â- 1 ItlSlilJliWMMUMWWIWB i i JWItir I

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