Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1948, p. 5

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1MI I Z - - Wednesday, February 4, 1948 /br &oifi6/e'fiee Ssrr/ce Thb work of burring telephone wires or placing theot 1b orerhead cable continues year after year. Today, over 4 milUon miles of telephone wires, 95% of our total, are in cable, safer firom storms. Serrice intermptiona caused by weather are fewer, and still our constant aim is to pro\'iii» eren better service. Not only is our service becoming more dependable, but it's growing, too. We are fillina: orders for telephones just as fast as new equipment is available. More telephones plus more dependable service â€" and always at the lowest possible cost â€" mean greater telephone value for everv user. THK BEUL TEILEPHO:>iE: COMPATVY OFCAXASA A motorist ia a citizen who tfainka lie's obeying the Iww when he slows down as he passes tiie stop sign. If s good news now to the wbola family tiiat Mom pat np preserrw last aoaniner â€" and tiiey're spresdiag it •rotisd. Peopte who marry for real lOf* have a fine habit of seldom doiog it asrain. Numerous movie stars h&Te bsm adoptda^ childon. PiH that at ths head af the good news oat of Holly- wood. FRS SERVia TO FARMERS WE WILL PICK UP ALL DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK FREE OF CHARGE HIGHBST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES NICK PECONI, Owner â- V .'J* PHONE 146, DUNDALK REVERSE CHARGE >â-  Y<^^GffH/ou t « I i * • 4 4i 4 I -r â- * 4 4' * « 4 4 LEAVE FLESHERTON (Standard Time) TO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO d 12.05 p.m. g 4.0.S p.m. 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. g - Saturday only. i Bus Connections at Brampton for London and at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and Nor^ Bay FARES ARE LOW Raoaat Tri» • Tax lacfaiM - $59.65 WINNIPEG 29.60 REGINA 46.70 CALGARY TIOKJmS AND INPOmiATION AT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Flesherton. Ont QUEBEC HALIFAX ST. JOHN $saQ5 6LX) 81.35 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Percy Smith, Billie and Margaret, returned to their home in Hamilton, after q;>ending the past week with the former's par^ ents. Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith. Congratulajaons to Mr. Deibert Miagee, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee, on completing his course in refrigeration and has accepted a position with the Borden Company, Hamilton. Mrs. W. Pinkerton and Mr«. Fred Jamieson are apendinfir this week v^-ith friends in Toronto. Mrs. M. Hass, Flesherton, spent a few days last week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Pinkerton. Billie lIcMillan and Shirley Cairns are on the siek list. Hope tkey are soon well affain and able to return to school. Mr. Stan Teeter, who has been ill for the past week or so, is able to be out again. Mrs. Russell Johnson and children are spending a couiple of weeks with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mage«. ac- compan'ed by Mr. and Mrs- Bob Blakey, visited recently with Mrs. Ma ?ep's anT!t Mrs. .John Stoiidard. at Paisley. Miss Alice Tudor went to Owen Sound on Sunday, where she has so- cured a position with the N'oma Toy Company. Master John Phillips had the mis- fortune to accidentally fall whfle skating in 'ffie Flesherton rink Tues- day evening of last week and suffer- ed a broken leg. We hope John has a speedy recovery, as he is in the Entrance class and being unable to attf^nd school, it will be cjnite a handicap. Mrs. Calvin Boyce is spending a few days with her daughter-in-law, 'i-s. Eldri(^ Boyee, la O^Ha^irood. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Boyd of Rocfc- lyn visited recently with the litter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith. 8th Line. Mr. Cecil Magee was home from Islington over â- &€ w^ek end. Mr. Ear! Sta^ee is worHitg' with the H.EJ».C. at Kingston. VICTORIA CORNERS CEYLON Much ezti'eme cold and stormy weather is the main topic of newa these tiineii. The mercury sank very low during the past week end. Feb- ruary arrived in due moderatiion« only to turn over a leaf into the sec- ond day with a blustery snow storm and low temperature. Despite cbat, the; groundhog would liave occasion CO look liie outdoor world over and •"see hi.s shadow" in the sunhght. We are glad to report Mrs. Mil- ton Ba.'.non'i condition considerably improved this week end. Mrs. Ban- non enjoyed the coinpany of her son and daugiit. r. Jim and Doris, of Toronto, at the hospital during the week end, they being at the parental home on a viait. Mr. and Mrs. EUwood Stevens, Mr. Walter .\cheson and Mrs. George Moore attended the funeral of Mr. Samuel Simmons at his late home in Dundalk Saturday afternoon. Friday evening the yo'ong people held their meeting at the home of Geo. Moore, witb 15 in attendance. Irene Chepstcne read the Scripture, .Joyce Patterson led in prayer. Chris- tir.a Duncan presented a missionary paper, and appropriate hymns were song-. The yoking people have pro- CTired a book recently published, by Rev. Dr. .\r.drew- Thompson, re- cently on this charge but now in To- ronto, and a former missionary to China. .After a recreational period lunch was served. "Blest be the Tie that Binds" brougH the evening to a close. Master Jack Linton has missed two weeks of school and has beer under the doctor's care with a mouth infection. He is being cared for by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stinson. Mrs. Lndkiw is showing satisfactory improvement. KIMBERLEY Mrs. E. C. Mitchell viaited iriA friends in Toronto last Thursday. MV. Wallace McDermid of Toronto spent th* week end with his fatter, Mr. J. S. .McDermid, and Melville. Mrs. Matt. Hunter of Brampton ! was a week end visitor wi-tis her I father. Mr. J. Kennedy. I Mr«. .A.. E. Goessell returned to her home the first of the week, after | spending the past week with friends at Kincardine. Master Stanley McKechnie and sisters. Edna and Ha. of Flesherton visited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Irwin and also called on Mr. Robt. Smith. Mrs. F. J. ColHnson attended the funeral of an aunt on Monday hi Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stauble visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .\lex. Stoneouse of Pricevflle. The Ladies' Aid held their Janu- ary meeting at the home of Miss Agnes Mlacphail last Wednesday, with Mrs. W. Gibson as president for month, in charge of the meetin.g with the secretary. Mrs. J. Mc Will- iam, to take care of her duties. De- spite the weather conditions, there were several ladies present. Miss Macphail gave a reading on how the first Sunday School in England \tos established. Mts. Geo. Jaynes and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair conducted con- tests, the prizes being won by Mrs. Will Gibsor. and Mrs. Dave Adams. The hostess and her assistants served a dainty lunch. Everyone is enjoying dse milder weather after the severe cold snap. Service was not held in the United church on Sunday, owing to the ill- ness of the pastor. Rev. West, with the 'flu. 'Quite a number from here atteod- ed the hockey game at Flesherton on Friday mght. Mi. and Mrs. C W. Otiwr of Markdale visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. Graper. The monthly meeting of the WJ. was held at the h<Mne of Mrs. Leslie McMullen on Thursday and despite cold weather there was a fair at- tendance. They had a display and sale of homemade articles, which went over very well, wii3i many use- ful articles being displayed and sold at a good price. .A. contest was con- ducted by Mrs. J. .Alfred and a read- ing was given by Mrs. R. HutcNn- son. It was decided to st&ge a play in the near future. Conmitmity singing was enjoyed by all and lunch was sen-ed by the hostess and the lunch committee. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Cornfield of Flesherton spent Simday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Paweett. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McCracken of Flesherton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson. Dalton Fergnson and Garry EHis of Islinston spent Sunday at their â- '•Mues here. FEVERSHAM SCHOOL REPORT P O R T L A W Miss Evelyn Fisher. Owen Sound, spent the week end with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher. Miss Jean Lyons was teacher in our school last Monday, while her mother was visiting with friends in Toronto. Miss Marie White is home from Flesherton higli school and has been sick with "measles." Edgar Betts received severe inja»- ies at Flesherton rink Wednesday night last, while keeping score for the hockey teams. He fell about 12 feet to the ice. breaking his nose and right wrist and received a nuni- ber of bruises to his body. Bdgsr is in Mai*dale hos<pital at present. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. HeA Betts. Friends here hope that Bdgar win have complete recovery. COAL TO ARRIVE €M«ad rf ant slM tl^racHe coal to arrhre about Ttb. 1. D. MacTaviflh A Sobs Pkene 9w Flesliwtoii Grade S â€" Marion Fenwick 92, Warren Hannah 91, Joan Davidson t.i''>'. Retlge Tyler 49. Grade 7 â€" Paul Hudson 5J:. Merle MoMullon 51". Xorris Moore 50*. Grade ti â€" Doi-othy Fenwick 7", John Stewart 76*, Stanley Wright TO*. Melville Wright 63*. Sadie ! Stewart 33'. Gerald Teeter 28. Grade 5 â€" Stephen Eby 76. John Fedlar 5S*. Shirley Wi-ight 51*. Grade 4 â€" Sliirley Sammons 79, Cheryl Light 65. Evel\-n Pedlar 56*. i Velda Teeter 5-*. j Gnuie :; â€" Joan Parker". Gene McMullen*. John Sled. Robert Jack- i son*. Irwin Stewart. Edward Smith*. ' Grade 2 â€" Eleanor Sled. Joan i Short*. C.armen Wright*. i Grade 1 â€" Harvey Sammons, Dou- | glas Moore. Jack Teeter*. ! Numbers are percentages; * de- notes one or more days .abserkt: Xo. ] on roll 32: a^'- attendance 2^.3. â€"Mrs. F. J. Seeley. Teacher COLLECTIONS ....It^ our long experience handling <»l!ections th.nt makes possible the splendid results wi effect for o«r ettents... That is why 90 many business and pw- foMional men send us their Usta from y«ar to y«ar. Send in yxwrs. too. KELLT & AIKINS Th« CoUecten* ORANGEVILLE. Ont. HEAR doeen's Park Report k 3 by PREMIER GEORGE DREW ''EDUCATION TO-MORROW" FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6 CFRBatSpon. CFOS at 7:45 pjn. 860 k.c. â€" on your <Hal â€" 1470 k.c PROMPT PAYMENT CEDAR POSTS 4^ - 6 inch tops. 8 feet louir. wanted for early deliven,-, state if dry and peeled. Quote prices f.o.b. cars, also for LUMBER and CORDWOOD WA2177 H. J. SEMLER 137 WeUington St W., TORONTO FAITHFUL SERVANT Yea, Folk, we eaa supply you with Pedlar or fieatty Litter I Carrier Ovtfits that -tvUl do faithfal tabor-saring work for jtm for the re«t of yonr days. It wiQ save you getting «D wat, aB I dirt and a sore i>ack, and wiS also save you timei We ksre ' tliree available for installation now. Water Bowls Pressure Systems We iiave in stock ""Otaco" Water Bowls at ^Aa eath. and wfll endeavor to supply eaoagii pipe to instal s*<ne. I Beatty Oeep-well and ShaUow-wefl Pressure Systenu ! P»mp Standards. Brady Body Cy!ta«ler. Riuiges - Heaters [ Medium size Coleman Oil Burner i McClary Coal Circulators and Quebec Heater* Empire Wood Heaters and Circuators t Washing Machines - Electric Remges "Easy" Gyrator or Vacuum Cup Washers McClary Raas* Beatty Electric Washer Electric Heaters I Toasters and Irons COME TO STAFFORD'S. WHERE YOU RECEIVE THE GOODS I .\XD STILL H.WE SOME DOLLARS LEFT TO TAKE HOMS. J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Maciiinerv Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM More Money in the New Year As we see it â€" A greater production of cream for butter is now necessary if we are to keep oleomargarine off the market. The present price of cream certainly warrants a greater herd, addi- tional feeding" and better care of the milch cows. EGGS A word to the wise â€" In the near future we will be able t-:' pay more niotiey in comparison with last year's prices for your egg's -for export. POULTRY We are still buying live and dressed poultry and do custom killing. _ ». The creamery will be closed Saturday nights until further notice. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone M Flesherton Ontario

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