Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1948, p. 8

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Wednesday, Fehruarv If?. 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" A number of Durham lieifiTS due in March and April.- - Gordon Irvvin, Klesherton. 38pl FOR SALi: - 7-room brick house, stable and garaRe in Markdale; new furnace, bath; all conveniences possession immediately. .Apply to I Harris & Dunlop, Markdale. POR SALE â€" Used cutter, new set of b(>baleig>hs (Noble) â€" Geo. Smith Durham, Ont. 36c2 FOR SAL â€" Lady's fur coat, size 16 yejirs, reasonably price<i. Tel- ephoni- 41"wl Flesht-rton. 38c2 POR SALE â€" Duck and drake. â€" Mrs. Tho.s Fenwick, Proton Sta- tion, phone Dundalk l<»6r4. .SSpa JfAHTED â€" AiHiMls si^table fo: mink arid fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntott Eugenia, phoa* Vtir^rthti (r2fi POR SALE â€" ll>31 Dtirant Deluxe sedan, nerw tires, ibatlery, bjakcs, heaie^ and motor job, sell or trade; well pump, like new, priced to sell. -Phono Flesherton 110w2. 38 Local and Personal FOR SALE â€" Number collie pups 2 months old, from gowl heeling stock. â€" Harry .\kiiis. Flesherton, phone 41.12. 38pl FOR SALEâ€" '38 International truck with good tires, steel rack 14 feet long, in Kood running order; also 20 tons timothy and alfalfa hay. â€" T. Wood, phone 4,'').J12 Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" Pair 6 ',2 ft. ski-is with harness, and ski boots size T^-s, all in good condition. â€" Ted Mc- Cracken, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" 1931 Chevrolet coach in good shape, new tires, sell cheap. Can be seen at Adiam's garage. â€" Bob Croft, phone f»7 Flesherton. FOR .SALE â€" 2 Cows, due to fresh- en in February. â€" Kilbourne Haw- kins, phont 30r42, Feversha, at noon hour. 37p2 FOR SALE â€" Purebred Yorkshire sow due April 2, second litter; purebred Yorkshire boar; 1 cord of 18 in. cedar â€" Alex. Duncan, Ceylon, phone 40J4 Flesherton. SEED FOR SALE â€" Beaver Oats. - gi-ade 1, germination at 6 davs SS*};, control sample certificate No. 47-5743. Price $1.60 per bu at Dundalk. hags extra. â€" Lloyd Ache- son, Dtindalk, phone 3:i. ?^-2 WANTED â€" Man for Bteady travel among consumers in Grejr Covnbf. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable host- ler considered. Write Bawtoigli Derpt. ML-B-SQ2-181, UmtnaL .'VI r. Milton Hut<rhinson spent the wck end with Kiniberley friends. Mr. and .Mrs. Stan Menzies and son, Arthur, of Berkeley spent Sun- day with Mr. Wm. Kaitting. Mr. Ray Richards was in Toronto for a couple of days last week tak- ing a course at a service school. Muski-ate season in Grey County will be from March 20 to April 21 this year. Mr. A. E. Bellamy spent the past week in Torojjto with his brother, Robt. P. Bellamy. Mrs. Archie Stewart has returned to her home, alter nursing Mrs. R. Hanmih at Berkeley the past couple of weeks. Ml-. C. .1. Bellamy left .Mtonday morning 10 attend the funeral ser- vice Monday evening of his sister- in-law, Mrs. R. P. Bellamy. Mrs. Francis Gonoe entertained a number of hei' Eugenia friends at a fowl sui)f)<.r on .Monday, evening, in observance of her birthday. Master Bobbie Best, 2',2 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Host., has been in the Alarkdale HospiUil for the past week with pneumonia, contracted from measles. Bobbie was a very sick boy for a few days, but we an- glad to say is now jmpi-oving. Tile "Friendly Hour" following the evening service in St. John's United Church was conducted by the young people, with -Miss Jean Mc- Oacken presiding. Mr. Geo. Arm- strong showi-d the moving pictures of the first and second Old Home Week celebrations and also of the mountains of snow- of last winter. The evening was really enjoyed. Mrs. Kussell .Andrews rendeied a lovely soprano solo. Markdale 10, Flesherton 6 Markdale took the second game of the (luarter final series played at Markdale Wednesday night last by the .score 10-6, after Flesherton had led in the first period 4-3. The game was one of the fastest played this winter and the large crowd en- joyed a real good game. Penalties and injuries had their effect on the local team in the dying minutes of the game when Markdale rapped in five goals in the last period. Oherry opened the scoring at the 39 second market and then Boyd tied it up unassisted, followed by Turney taking Cairns pass to place the team aliead. Wodehouse tied it up again and then two goali? by Cairns from Turney and R. Best from H. Best placed them two adead and H. Wo<lehouse took Hartley's pass to leave Markdale one down. H. Best received a tripping penalty. In the second period Markdale ended the period one up when H. Wodehouse notched two goals. Three minor penalties were handed Flesh- erton in this period, Bannon, Boyd and Dargavel. Markdale 9, Fieiherton 8 Flesherton Majors lost their sec- ond giime in the Central Ontrio play- offs Saturday night, when they drop- ped a close y-8 game to Markdale Lumber Kin^ in a driving finish. The game was featured with seven penalties handed to Fleshevton by Referee Bob Phillips and two to Markdale. Phillips was pressed into service when Banks and Grainger of Shelburne failed to arrive due to the severe stoiro prevailing. It was not a fair deal to either Phillips or the Flesherton team, but Bob refer- eed a good game and dealt out tihe penalties where they were deserved and while he missed on a couple of Markdale crashes into the boards and butt-ends by one Markdale play- er, especially, the penalties he gave out were earned. However, it was not Phillips who lost the game, bui the players, thomselves, who receiv- ed the penalties. They had a fair chaiK-e to beat Markdale Saturday night but a penalty in the third period gave Markdale two goals after the gairtie had been tied up by i Flesheiton. The first period was all Markdale British Dominions are the last stronghold of the blonde, according to an anthropologist. Of course, aren't we gentlemen? "Why don't you marry her?? "She has a slight impediment in her speech." "How sa<l. What is it?" "She can't say yes." Ca rns t ed up the game again foi _ „, , 1 r. : _„ „.n«,.w„H i when P itzsimanons, Oherry and Mc- Fk'sherton when Cairns converted , , , w li. w ,•„,. ,„ , , V rv.Q,vl «.tit Cullough counte( befoi-e the Majors Turney .s pass and K. ChaM sent '- _ _. . FOR S.-^LE - Ral)y |)iuni in goo<l condition; bedroom outfit: bed, spring, maittress. dresser; jacket heater and tank; cord 4 ft. wood; hockey equipment; men's footwear and oivercoats â€" Roy Hall, Fever- sham. a«c2 FARMS WANTED We have some people inquiring for farms for spring possession, if you are wanting to sell write giving full particulars. WATSON & WATSON Dundalk, Ontario FARM FOR SALE THE GOOD MAN Lots 161-162, S.W. T. & S.R., Art- tme&ia, 1^4 miles south of Fleshei- ton on No. 10 Highway, ideal past- Si* lota, 60 acies workable, 35 acres fseentiy seeded to long-term past- sre. 20 acres good hardwod bush, 3 •aedleot spHng ereehs; priced to Almost every day you can pick up some paper and read an editorial on the subject of the badness of the hu- man rare. It may be juvenile de- lin<iuency, adult depravity, the in- ciease of violent crimes or something similar, l)ut it will be depressing to read and distressing to think about and maybe it will do a lot of good if thought leiuls to action. That is the general idea in writing editorials. Hut just go about your day's work trying to do good, and you probably never mal<e the editorial page. So once we are going to try to place a hit of ciedit where credit is due and to give a hand to the vast majority of fellow citizens who never con- template crimes, who nive their daily lives in at least the semblance of good fellowshij), and in whom charity Kieatly overshadows the minor faults of icossip and envy and maybe a bit of malice to which sins we are all heii-s and all too prone to take up our inheritance. This is about Bill Jones and John Smith who wake up in the morning, prolxibly groan a bit and then so about the daily business of earning I leii bread and that of their famil- it)- as" a matter of fact Th.'y steal ' nothing more serious I'.ia.i an e.xtrp hout of sleep, they do •> goou Job "ihe Majors ahead when he beat Stewart on G. Chard's pass. "Hank" Best plowed into the Markdale net and hit the goal post with his bad .shoulder, which slowed him down and Doug Cairns lifted the Markdale net from its fastenings and injured his side with five minutes to go and that was the end for Flesherton. Cherry tied up the contest again and four i""i''' eoals were scored to bag the game. H. Wodehouse unassisted, Fit/simmons from the two Wode- house boys, Hartley unassisted and MeCuUough from Cherry. Flesherton - goal. Ferris; defence Rannon, Best; centre, Boyd; wings. G. Chard, K. Ohard; alternaU's: Turney. Cairns, R. Best, Piyei'. Gor- rell, Dargavel, Teeter. Markdale â€" goal, Stewart; de- fence. Fitzsimmons. Mayne; centre. McCullough; wings. Cherry, Falls; alternates: H. Wodehouse, Hartley, D. Wodehouse, Alton, Proctor. Referee: Art. Hayward. Owen Sound; Linesman: Banks, Shelburne. SEMI-PRO. STANDING Won Lost Pts. Dundalk ..â-  Pniton Markdale ••â-  Flesherton . Rock Mills Feversham 11 1 18 () 4 12 5 4 10 .5 5 10 :5 7 »; 1 8 2 Brooder Coal We have a few tons of Brooder Coal on hand now land would advise you making sure of your supply while it lasts. Briquettes We expect a carload of Reading Anthracite Briquettes to arrive next week. Phone yoHr orders ehr\y D. MacTovish & Sons FLESHERTON came through with one by G. Chard from Boyd. Then Alton and A. Wodehouse scored, and Boyd added another foi- Flesherton, the period ending 5-2 for Markdale. Penalties were given to Cairns, Turney and Bannon for Flesherton and McCul- lough for Markdale. The second period was more even with each team counting twice when Flesherton made the score 5-4 on goals by G. Chard from K. Ohard and Bo>-d and Cairns from Turney. Two more were counted by Markdale to make the count 7-4 at the end of thf secund i>e "iod by Alton from Mc- Cullouigh j.nd Cherry from McCul- lough. Pfci alties were awarded to Fitzsimmon: of Markdale and Mac- Tavish and Turney of Flesherton. Three go; .Is by Flesherton in the first eleveri minutes of the third period tied the score at 7-7, these being tapperl home by Tuniey from H. Best, G. Chard from Dargavel and Cairns from Turney. "Hank" Best then took a trip to the peniten' bench, and we mean just that, when he took the feet from under an op- ponent, and then Markdale put on the pressure with the result that Fitzsimmons and McOullough put them 2 up. ."^t 18.47 of the per- iod Boyd handed Cairns a lovely 10 pass that put Flosherton in the run- again, but in the remainder minute and 13 seconds were unable to tie it up, when Cairns was forced to retire when he was put into the boards by Fitzsin^mons, aggravating the injury received in Markdale? Wednesday. While it was a tough game to lose, it was only caused by penalties. The team is not down and out yet and if they play the hockey of which they capable this Wedne.stlay night in the Markdale arena, will win the gaixie. "Hank" Best did not come into the game until the third period, which was played under protest by Mark- dale, as he has had considerable ill- ness in his family during the past week and was securing a nurse for his little son in Markdale hospital with pneumonia. We doubt if we have heard a player gfiven such an ovation on Flesherton ice as when "Hank" sicated out to take his place in the third period. The cheers were not punctured with jeers as is the usal custom of hi.s opponents. Both friend and foe lauded his appearance in order to help the team along, de- spite the won-y he has been under. Liquid Oats lor the Iron Horse Every Tractor Owner should have a tank and gasoline pump. Mail your enquires to-day to The Shale Oil Co. Orangeville, Ont, I know a fellow who's an artist, and he's always drawing and paint- ing pictures of people with no clothes on. One day I asked him: "Why do always paint and draw people in the nude?" "Oh," he said, "I suppose it's be- cause I was born that way." NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Charles Maxwell Heron of the Town- ship of Osprey, deceased. AH persons having claims against the Estate of Charles Maxwell Heron, late of the Township of Os- prey, in the County of Grey, Merch- ant, deceased, who died on or abou* the 5th day of January, 1948, are required and hereby notified to send prepaid to the undersigned Solicitor of the Estate, on or before the let day of March, AD. 1948, full par* ticulars verefied by statutory de- claration Immediately after the said 1st dajr of March. 1948, the Estate will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the solicitors shall then have had notice. Dated at Markdale this 9th day of February, A.D. 1948. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Markdale, Ont. Solicitors for the Estat*. HARRIS A DUNLOP BARRISTEIta 90LIcrroitS, Bl*. PWm as MAREDALC If*. Dunlop wUl b« in C. J. B«Uany'i office eTery 8tt- srday from 6 to ^M p.n. •bILâ€" E. J. PaAer; for inforaiatJon i ^ . u ^ » ,, i j T ' i |*«me lBw8 FI«Aerton. .15c3 " - " 1 T'' ' ""^ " ''* then wives and &mi!i.3, happy to know the events of the day and more ready foi- sleep in preparation for the neict day's woi*; Nobody ever takes any notice oif them unless thoy go on strike or die, and neither is a vpi-y happy occasion. And yet, foi* every criminal â- *[,â- . make.'* the headlines there are tho'is- ands and thousands of Sbiitlis and Jones an ! olher Canadian families Of good lOjKiU who only get there when H-.ey become material for an obituary. It just isn't fair. So we are paying tribute to the good, God bless them. All the little men in little towns and big mM M big towns and honest men in bo»;„ who are the wai-p and woof of the falric of our liviiv», w^io Pght for us in War and live for us in peace. They are the life and the hope of Canada.â€" Elora Express. PR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A BUtGBON Orachiata of T»rant« VnlmMtf Offka: Kmnadv Wmtk n»M 77 FlMrtMrtaa C J. BELLAMY Vir.LACB CLKBK OONVBTAMCBIO WM. KAITTING LICENSED ArcrrONBEH for the County of Grey Fam and Stodc sale* our gi -alty. Tamu: raaaordtUe. Saticfaetioo la ffiwraatotd. Dates arranc«d at IIm A^MMc ofTie* or phono 4w. "Bobby," said the teachei- sternly, "you know that you have bi-oken the eighth commandiment by stealing .John's apple?" "Well, mi.ss," replied the unrepent- ant boy, "I thought I might as well break the eig-hth and have the apple as breatc the tenth and only covet it." New Merchandise For the Ladiei Prints, Chambrays, Taffeta, Sccrsiieker, Printed and Plain Piqnota, Stripwl and Plain FUnnclette, Curtan Materiat^ Draperice and Cotton MarqaiaettM Flannelette and Woollen BUidcets, Moitor Rugs, Bedspruia and Down Confortcra Terry Towels, Bath Towela, Linen To» Towels, Tea Toweaing and Terry Towelling by the yard. Sweater Wool, 2 and 3-ply Home's Yam and Scotch Pintering. Woaun's Pullovers and Cardigan Sw«»tera in pMtd shadM Nylons and Lingerie; Spun and Prfnt Dresses, White and Colored Shirt WaUts For th« M«n Man's Work and Dress Trouaera and Jackets; Fine and Work Skirts; Sweatera, lJn4orwear, Ovenlb. K>OTWEA» FX>Jl ALL THE FAMILY We are Gordon McKay's Syndicate Dealer for this district. RUSSELL ELLIS PhoM: M8r22 Thombury Kimberley, Ont. BABY CHICKS AND ' POULTRY SUPPLIES We are agents for SEILING and GILMORE HIGH tiUALITY CHICKS • Phone your order to us at our expense As fewer chicks are being raised, this year may be your lucky year. ELECTRIC, OIL and COAL BROODERS in various sizes and makes: $19.50 and up. It will pay you to call and see us before you buy. FOUNTS and FEEDERS â€" small or large. Feeders have grill top Or spinner, whichever you prefer. RANGES & ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES IN STOCK McClary, Clare Jwel and Empire Ranges Coleman Oil Heaters Sunshine and Graham Ranges and Rangettes Hot Plates Electric Irons Steam Electric Irons Toasters Electric Clocks Westclox Watches and Clocks A good stock of STAINLESS DESSERT KNIVES ANT) FORKS IN GIFT BOXES Silver Creams and Sugars Butter Dishes Casseroles and Trays English Dinnerware â€" .'lO and G6-piece setts $28.98 STROM BERG-CARLSON and PHILCO RADIOS Battery and Electric CALL AND SEE US. J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM F. T. HILL & CO., Limited will amtinue for the Month of February the Pre - Inventory Sale Ouism^fi^g B.nH.i» SOME OF THE MONEY-SAVING GROCERY SPECIALS LISTED BELOW Pumpkin, 28 oz. tins 10c Green Beans, 20 oz. tins 2 for 15c Baby Vegetables tin 5c Diced Beets, 20 oz. tin 2 for l5c Assorted Soups 3 for 25c Babbitt's Cleanser tin 5c Barker's Plain Biscuits lb. 25c Grapefruit Juice, 20 oz. tin 2 for 19c Diced Carrots, 20 oz. tin 2 for 15c F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale A •* -• â- â- < > :1 : t t « T * 1,

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