Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Mar 1948, p. 1

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f 4 », •t i:hje gkB\)ttii?n ^^DmncA VOIy. 67; NO. 41 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, .MARCH 10, 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, 4i SEWn/b MACHINE SERVICS All makes. Work Guaranteed. Machines Electrified Needles and Belts Call DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Phone M Floshetron 1 lb Box 90c Hunt's CHOCOLATES 2 lb Box $1.80 We are exclusive agents for all Hant's Cho(!olates and Candies. Order your Easter box early. BEST'S GRILL Phone 13 FLESHERTON Artemesia F. of A. Urges Warble Fly Elimination The Board ctf Directors of .A.rte- mesiu met '.â- t-con.tiy m Flosherton when a resolution was passed urging all catile owners in the Townsiiip to co-operate 100% in the drive to eliminate the warble fly in cattle. Arrangements were made to canvas the Township for the Canadian -A-ppeal for Children. Substantial prizes were offered for the public speaking contest to be held next siuiiimer. Discussion "took place on co-operative auitotnobile insurance, extension of the Rural Co-oiperator. and delegates were appointed to the annual meeting of the Hog Produc- ers' Association i-n Toronto and the Farm Pomm conference at Paisley. Flesherton Council Reduces 1948 Taxes By 2 MUIs Flesherton li<48 tax rate was set at 4^ mills, a drop of two mills from the 1947 rate, at the i-egular monthly meeting of the Village Council Mon- day might. It was decided to pur- chase a new tiie extinguisher for the fire department, the type used for the extinguishing o' gasoline fires. Various accounts for work on streets and Welfare weie passed and Lome Tui-vey was paid $U)7 for snowplow- ing the village streets ti) March 3rd, and received a ch^iue oif $27 from Mr. Turvey as rent of plow for out- side work. Hydro accounts for |1200 were ordered paid, including cwo new transformers and five new type street lamps. "Do you know what good clean fun is?" "No, what good it is?" T •» SCARROWS BAKERY PIES « '4 ♦ 4 4 « ♦ CHERRY DATE RAISIN MINCEMEAT FRESH APPLE LEMON CHOCOLATE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR ICE-BOX CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE WEEK-END SPECIALS Chocolate Cake with Marshmallo'v Fresh Banana Cake also Cream Puffs Sugar Do-Nuts Tarts, etc Tfoprng J. T. McKenzie Retires As | Proton Meet Dundalk Osprey Road Superintendent I Winning From Flesherton CEYLON Thos. Croft Will Be 96 On Thursday, March 12 (By Rock Mills Reporter) .Mr. Thus. Croft, formerly of JTarkdaJe an*! who is spending the winter at the home of nis nephew. Edward Cx'oft Uspiey Township is losing its vet- eran Road Superintendent, Mr. Jas T. .McKenzie, who has vei-y capably held that position for the past 15 years. His i-esignation was tendered to the Ospiey Council at their regu- lar meeting on Saturday, but upon reguest was persuaded to carry on the work until the next meeting in .•Vpril, when it is expected the new position will be tilled. Prior lo assuming the duties of Ruad Superintendent, Mr. McKenzie sei-ved as a Sub-oveiseer from the time that Statute Lal>or was abolish- ed in the Township, and since that time he has served under the regime of live dilferemt Reeves. During his long tenn of sei-vice. his duties were Proton Beara won the decidiing game against Flesherton tj-l Tues- day night and will now meet Dun- dalk, who won in two straight with Markdale. It was a well deserved victory for Proton and best wishes were extended to the Bears for ftnal victory against Dundalk. Flesherton took the first goal whe^ Gibson net- ted Teeter's pass and then Proton went one up on goals by G. Lyons from French and R. Lyons from White. Flesherton tied it up when Gibson took Thureton's pass from the corner, drew Blackbui-n uut and shoved the disc in the oipen net. The period ended when White took .\ch- eson's pass at centre ice and counted. The scoring in the second period at times very oneio us, 'especially dur- was limited to Pi-oton when .\cheson ing the early years he held the office, but succeeded in giving a saiisfactory service throughout the municipality. He was instrumental in directing th<' many chang-es in road coiisiruction and maintenance, from the deliver- ing of gravel by horse and manual will mark his 9fith , labor to trucks, swid tlien again to birthdiiy on Tuesday, iUirch Itith. | the present system of crushing and Mr. Croft is Very active and smart loading by the modern machines of to get about, despite his advanced to-day and spreading on roads by years, and is enjoying the best of I Heets of tl-ucks. health. .A. host of friends join inj Mr. McKenzie plans to retire to his We are sorry lo learn that &SV« Gandier was unable to hold chureli service here on Sunday, op. accooB* of a cold which alfocted his iluoat We hope he niay soon be in his uaual good health. Miss Marjurie Connell of Owea Sound spent the week end with Mr and Mrs. Win. Cairne and laaiiijf. Visitors Sunday at the J. S. If^ Dermid home were: Mr. Shortr««i^ Roy .McDermid and son of Top ClifFa and Miss Dorothy Snell, Islinjiton. Miss Hilda Duckett spent the week end in Toronto. Master Monty Wag- ner returned to his home in Toront* after visiting at the EVuckett hooM. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Genoe visited oa Sunday \vith the latter* s parsatSa Mr. and Mrs. R. Dickson, Markdale. Mr. Wilfred Magee, Eugenia, wi»- ited On Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Cairns. The many friends of Mr. S. Hemp- hill are giad to know there is a slight impi-ovement in his cooditioa. We hope that he may continue t» improve in health. Miss .-\.gnes Macphail went to T«^ ronto on Friday. .Mr. Qias. Irish of Toronto, Mrs. AJf. Harrison of EHindalk, Rev. BeU and Mi-s. Bell of Ferversham I wishing this esteeaned gentleman a i vei-y happy birthday and trust he I will be spared to see many more of them ajui reseh the century mark. M \ R R 1 E n .MacJlillan â€" Stucki y â€" .\t the Parsonage, Parkdale Uniteij Church. Toronto, on Thursday, Jan. S. IMS, at 8 p.m. .A.vnes Grace Elizabeth, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Mac-.Mill;in. Flesherton. to Glenn Ivan, third son i>f Mr., and .Mrs. H. Stuckey. Weston. Ont. Mr. Stuckey was transferred from Wes- ton No. 1 Depot. RC.\F, to Mai-a- thoii, Ont. â-  on March 1st. Mrs. M'-s. Stuckey will join her husl)and there at the close of the school term. Phone 60 FLESHERTON LONG TERM DEPENDABILITY IN EVERY PEDLAR BARN ROOF Dependability includes:- Weather protection, fire protection. lightning protection. You pay for these once, you get them for a life-time! That is genuine economy. Pedlar RAINBCW RIB ROOFINGâ€" galvanized steelâ€" this is a tried and pnoven product, backed by reputations almost 100 years old. It is the permanent or Hfe-time roofing! Easily applied, of good appearance, and most important 'Of all: com- pletely deppendable. We have it on hand and we .suggest you g^et your share while it lasts. We can deliver. BEATTY and PEDLAR Litter Carriers, Barn Track and Hay Carriers. We iustal if desired. Beatty Pressure Systems. Galvanized Sap Pails 3ac Galvanized Spiles .$3.73 per 100 Syrup Tins Ton will find it a goiod investment to call on us. We have a full line of Hardware, Builders' Supplies and M.-H. Farm Machinery Massey-Harris Pony Tractor 2l-plate Tractor Disc 2-furrow Horse-drawn Plows mi hand J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM Future Events HOCKEY SATLRD.W MGHT I'roton Bears and Dundalk play the second game of tlie finals in the Semi-Pro. League in Flesherton on Saturday night at S p.m. Skating following game. Public skating also on Friday night. 2O0-acie farm which he iias been op- ! in Toronto having his broken no.<e ei-ating with only the assistance of } repaired. Joe Gibson was playing his wife aiid daughter. He will make I â- ^^i^h a cracked rii>. Russ .Achei^eii a break of ntficia! connection with a I "'^de his first appearance since he host of friends, yet there is no doubt ] '^^'i a shoulder fracture early in the that his advice will yet be sought on season. many matters which oflly actual ex- I perience can solve. | THE FIRST GAME I Flesl'orr â-  ' â- " ^* :: are staging made a lone rush and fooled Scar- row with his drive and with one sec- ond to go Bates scored, witih assists going to White and R. Lyons. Flesherton counted twice in the third period to make the score 5-4. when WiLson scored on a face-off and Thurston from Wilson. With Flesh- erton pre.ssi'ng hard White took a pass from R. Lyons and waltzed through to end the scoi-hig. It was a slow game, .sloppy in spots. The absence of Milne was felt, as he was i visitors on Sunday at the home ot Mr. S. Hemphill. Misses Ena Adams TORO.NTO ELCHHE AND D.VNCE| BY OLD BOYS .\>D GIRLS ! Flesherton Old Boys and Girls of Toronto are holding a euchie and dance in Liberty Hall;' 29i)l Dunda- St. W. (at Quebec .-Vve.) on Friday. -Miarch 19th. Square and modern dancing with iucky number and spot prizes, etc.. as well as euchre prize.<. .-V g(H>d orchesti'a has been secured fOr your entertainment. All for 75c eachk Come and meet your oh I friends. .MR. HICK LING RETUR.NED HOME .\l CTION SALE .\n extensive auction sale uf farm stock, implt?nients, etc.. w;'.! be held by Mir. J. T. Parker at Lot 1'61, 2 S. W., .\itC(mesi-;, on Thursday. Alaixrh ^5th. â€" ^Geo. E. Duncan, .\uctioneer. .ST. PATS St)CI.\L. ELGE.MA .-\ St. Patrick's social will bi' held in Eugenia United Church Fi-iday evening, .March Ti, at 8 p.m.. under the au.^pices of Eugenia W. A. C"mi and enjoy yourself to a good pro- gram, followed by Irish stew and pie. .\dmission. 35c and '-'I'c. IRISH SI PPER IN ST. JOHNS UNITED CHI KCH The annual Irish Supper will be held in St. John's L'nited Chuix-h. Flesherton on Wednesday. Maicli 17. under auspices of the ^V. A. Supper ft'om 5:30 to 7, slides aftei-. .Admis- sion; 40c and 36c. DANCE AT MARKDAIE Dance to the music of Lewi* Mac- donald and His 9-piL>ce Orchestra at the Markdale .Armories. 8:45 p.m.- Saturday. March l.'lth. .Air. K. H. \V. Hickling, who had the misfortune to fall and break his hip on Februan- ItJth. is making a wonderful recovei-y and was brought to his home by anvbulance last Thursday. He will have to remain in bed for an indefinite period, but his many friends wi.sh him a speedy and full i-ecoverv. of Booth villa and Frances Adams of Owen Sound spent the week end at their parent- al home. MVs. M. Hogarth and son, Larry, spent a couple of days the past week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goessel and an interestin.g battle in the semi- ' Mr. and Mrs. G. Jaynes entertain«d final round of the Semi-Pro. League.' their friends to a pleasant evening Proton won Thui-sday night of last' in the School on Friday, wiie« week 8-t>. Thurston opened thej there were nine tables of euchre, "nj* scoring in the first period, when i high score for ladies went to Mrs. he counted twice, one on a pass' from Teeter and trien Proi.>n ' Born CARSON â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- sing Home, Flesherton, on Monday. March S. 1;>-1<!. to Mr. and Mrs Dick Cai-son of Priceville, a daughter. Rebecca Rose. HANLEV - Al Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- sing Home. Flesherton. on Monday. March S. 1948, t« Mr. and .Mrs. Ben Hanley of .Artemisia, a daughter. Evelvn Rosemarv. In Memorieum LAWLER â€" In loviiiu' nienuiry o'" a dear husband and father. George Laiwler. who passed away on March 11th, 1947. He is gone but not forgotten. .And as dawns another year, In our lonely hearts of thinking Thou.ghis of him are alwa.vs near. Days of sadness* till come o'er us, Frii-nds may think the wound is healed. But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart coaled. â€" 'Lovingly reniemibered by went to work and counted five by C. White. Bates from White. G. Lyons from White, R. Lyons from White and Bates and McCauley from Frtnch. In the second two goals were scored by tJibson and Miine from Thurston, and then White broke away and beat Scanow at li».41 to relieve the pressure and place Proton two up. In the thii-d Bates counted again from White and again Flesherton came within one of tying the score on goals by Milne from Teeter and Gibson froan Milne and Thurston, but scoring ended at 18.30 when Bates made a i-ush the length of the ice and wirh nobody back With 14 seconds of the period to play Thurston took a penalty for boarding and aS h<' passed the Pro- ton bench going to the penalty bo.\, one of the Proton spectators jumped to the ice and hit the player. This was the signal for fire-works and in a moment spectators and players were in one of the worst fights we have seen for many a day. It was a poor ending to an otherwise goo*i game and if the person who .started it all had lomained where he should have been, there would not liave been any scrap, a* this was the only penalty of the game. i R. Rutledge and to Mr. K.-n Stewart for the men. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hunt of Price- ville visited on Saturday with Mrs. C Archibald. STEPHEN'S CORNERS his Wife. Maud. Sons and Daughters. CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily acccMiblt by tht city't leading auto- mobile and atrtct car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks 'UNERAL CHRPEl i?4Avi:nui; Rd. KI.4344 In Memoriam L.AWI.ER â€" In loving memory of George Lawler. who passed away on March 11 th, 1P47. He is gone but not forgotten, .And as dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinging. 'Thoughts of him are always near. â€" Fondly remembered by his lov- ing Daughti'r. Zaida, and Family. Old Pop Dinkle bad somethin.t: ; when he said: "A pat on the b;ick I dwekiT>s t^araoter If admiini.stpre<1 I young enough, often enooigh and j low enoxiigrh. OVERTIME TIE Saturd«.y ni.sjht the secoiul game of the series was played, resulting in a lie ^i-"^- after ten minutes over- time. As has been the custom with the local entry they allowed Protoj. to secure a -^-1 le«<l the first period. White from Rates and G. Lyons from French gave Proton two i*oals when Thurston counted on assists iroxw Milne and Teeter, followed oy tAVo more by Bates from White and Wh te from R. Lyons. In the second period Proton affain outscored Fle- shettton four to two. Milne from Gib- son. Gibson from Milne, while C. White nabbed three and R. Lyons took White's pass for the fourth. At the close of the second pericni Milne was struck on the nose with a "golfed" puck and had to retire with a broken no-'^t'- With Proton leading 8-.3 it looked almost hopeless for Flesherton. but went to >vork and tied uip the giune S-S, when Thurston tixvk Teeter's pass to start the .scoring, followed by three goals by Gibson, two of them on assists by Tlmrston. who tied the game on Gibson',^ pass. It was fa,st hockey all the way and Scarrow had to make some spectac- ular saves to keep Proton ont. The overtime .«aw Teeter sink Thurston's pa.'s at 4.27 nnd -vit^- dpRpp"atlon White ."snarpd a loost puck inside the defence and scored easily. Th«» Flesherton players d«- ( intended for Last Week) We extend our s}-mpathy to Mr. Jas. Pedler and family in the death of a dear wife ond mothier. Our sympathy also goes out to tlie sis- ters and brothers. Mrs. Joe Porteous spent a few days caring for her mother, .Mrs. Bert Magee who has been quite iU. Mrs. Mary 'Lougheed is on an ex- tended visit with her daughter. Mrs, Frank Deane, at Brampton. Mr. and -Mrs. Clarence WinterSt accompanied by .Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Lawler, attended the -5th weddr ing anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Will Winters at Shrigley on Friday night. Owing to the slorai they were forced to remain until Saturday. Miss Laura .Allison, who is eai> ployed in Peel Memorial Hospital at Brampton, spent the week end wirh he-- parents. Mr. and Mrs. Tela -AULson. Mr. Harold Brownridu'e. who haa spent the past two months in th* Toronto General Hospital, has be«l triinsferred to the Malton Conval- e.s^'i-nt Hos^jital. If the skiing season was all gave our country the jumps thai we'd held nndoi- it's bound watae o bob be okay. Truth ma.v be for a while, but up some time. The time to teach i-^ading is from the first grade until pupils can read â€" if it's senior year in college. sei-ve great credit for their showl»|r to date, as they have been shorts handed with players being injtmi and sickness with others. Picture Show In Town Hall FLESHERTON Wednes., March 17 'DAKOTA* K Starring John Wayne, Vera Ralston and Walter Brennan CRAZY HOUSE CARTOON .<how to commen.ce at *:15 p.Ba. Admission: .Adults '^>c, Childroi SOc

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