il T w» nmn» l | WHnil ll l |i M i l »i n i». â€" - ' :a-,v. W„^-.-;..^'!.51T:."!r;5!.iii.~^'.«i^lL. L JLL... ll^iiM^SflWBWBflil Wednesday, March 17, 1948 I'HE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR fJAI-K - Litur of 12 pigs, G •weeks old. Joi- Radley. •12c2 FOR SALE â€" Number of slightly used sap buckets and spiles. - Oliver Turner, Eugenia. 4lp2 ^IAlNTEH â€" KMtumui iiitUble tot mink and fox feed. â€"Bert MclntoM Buc«ni»., phon« Fe*«rBii»-i 6r2£ FOR SALE - Bug>gy and light har- mless, good organ ;ind bex stove.â€" Robe. Siiirlh, C<.yloii. 43<-2 FCR SALli^Cicvcle in good condi- tion, also bicycle generator and lig'ht. Phone 86w Flesherton. FOR SALE - - 500 capacity electric brooder, like new.â€" G. Annstrong, Flesberion. 4202 PASTURE â€" 100 acres to rent foi pasture for suinmcr season. Apply to L. R. Thieilethwaitf, :}8 Roosc- Tclt Rd., Toronto U. iit.f. Applications For Road Superintendent Applications in vsealed envelopes plainly marked (Applications for Road Supeiintendenl) will be received until 12 o'clock noon on Saturday, April 3rd, 1048. The successful ap- plicartt will be remunerated at the rate of 60c per hour for work per- forme in co7npliance with Departme^vt of Highways regulations. Dated Feversham, March 10, 1948. C. N. LONG, Cleik Township «f Osprey FOR S.A1.E Marmnoth clover seed, well deanud; While Leghorn cock- . erels; dark drake. â€" Mrs. Thos. | Fenwick, I'roton Station , phone Dundalk r.»6T4. 42c2 FOR SALE â€" 2 »<;t 8.25x20 or 7.50 x20 truck chains foi- dual wheels, also set of Burdizzo pinchers. â€" Wes Young. Maxwill, phone llrl5 Feversham. 41ip2 FOR SALE â€" In Euj^mia, 6-room house in gootl r*ipaii', hydro, hard and ^ofi water; stable, new mod- ern double-deck he'll house 20x40, also ne^v colony house 10x12; 14 acres, 10 of which a't "<vorkiible. â€"Ray Genoe, Eugenia, phone 119 wl Flesherton. 42p4 Farm For Sale 150 acres. Lots 161-2-3, S.W., Art- emesia, good clay loam with about '00 acres under cutlivation; al>out 10 acres hardwood bush, balance swamp and pasture, over 70 acres meadow, 20 acres plowed; orchard; drilled well at house and spring creek in pasture. House large square brick, with cement flpor in basompnt, cis- tern, furnace, hot and coW water pressure system heated by electric units, electrc ligHs throughout, storm windows, good summer kitchen and woodshed; pump house over well at rear of house with electric force pump and large tank for bam; double garage and workshop; brood- er house with electric brooder. Two large bams with steel roof, driving shed, hen house and sheep pen; stock barn has cement floor, electric lights, chopper, separator, pulper. fanning mill, electric power, litter carrier, new steel hay track in barn, running water throughout stable, all in good repair; in high school district and church, mail route and telephone in house. Also for sale Lots 161-2, 1 S.W., 1'''4 miles south of WeRherton on No. 10 Hierhway, B5 acres cleared, 35 seeded to long-term pasture, three good spring creeks crossing farm, balance bush aid pasture, good clay loam. For full particulars apply to .T. T. Parker, R. R. 3, Proton Station. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Et«. Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will bt in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Tenders Wanted Seale<l ttmders will be received for the purchasing and removing the sheathing and shingles of the Priceville Community shed. The sheathing will estimate al>out 9670 board feel of lumber, more or less, the work to be done in a workman- like manner and to be completed by April 7, l'.*48. Tenders to be in the bonds of the .S<'cretary by March 221 1W8. Highest or any tendei- not necessarily acoept<'d. â€" Donald Xichol, Secty. Priceville, Ont. AUCTION SALE FARM ST(JCK, I.MI'LE.MI^NTS, HARNESS, ETC. Local aud Personal TORONTO EUCHRE AND DANCE BY OLD BOYS AND GIRLS DR. T. D. PARK I'HYSrciAN & SURGEON Ctaduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY Vir.LACE CLERK A CmaaiMloner for takh.R Affidavlta baaer oi Marriage LIcotmm OONVBTANCINO DEEDr MORTGAGES, Wn ^S, Etc, OflM: Toronto Stroet, WM. KMTTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the Count; ot Grey Farm and Stock a«let our op 'atty. Tonnt: roasonablo. 3atii<*ctlon ia giurant««d. Dates arranc«d at Hm A<lvane« office or phoM 4m. WHS r. PARKER will sell by public auction on LOT 161, 2 S.W., ARTE;MESIA THURSDAY, jMARCH 25TH, 1948 the following: HORSESâ€" Matched Teamâ€" Brown Mare and Horse, 4 and 7 years old;' Heavy Bay Horse, 10 years old. CATTLE, Etc. â€" Durhani Cow, 7 years old, calf at foot; 2 Durham Cows, 3 years old, calves at foot; Herefrd Cow, 6 years old, sup. due March 16; Durham Cow, 5 years old, sup. due March 21; Durham Cow, 5 years old, sU-P- due March 30; Dur- ham Cow, 7 years old. sup. due April 4; Durham Cow, 6 years old, sup. due April 12; Durham Cow, I years old. sup. due in April; 4 Steers, 2 years old; 2 Heifers, 2 years old; 9 Yearl- ing Steers and Heifers; Yorkshire Sow, due March 16; 10 Oxford I>own Ew(.vs, sup. ill laiub; iiaai, year-old. IMPLEMS)NTS, Etc. -- Ford-Fer- guson Tractor, un rubber, good as new; Disc Harrow; Smoothing Har" row; Tractor .\k)wer, 6-foot cut; M.- H. Disc Plow, tractor hitch; Land Roller; No. 4 Cockshutt Manure Spreader, good as new; M.-H. Ferti" lizer Drill, 13-disc; Sipring-tooth Harrow; Scuffler; Walking Plow; Harrow Cart; Buzz Saw Frame, 2 saws and belt; M.-H. Binder, 7-foot cut, tractor and horse hit<;h; M.-H. Hay Ixyador; M.-H. Hay R;il;c, 10- foot; Cockshutt Sidc-delivei-j' Bake; Rubber Tire Wagon, new; Cutter; Chatham Wagon Box and Spring- Seat; Heavy MacTavish Sleigh and Rack; Light MacTavish Sleigh with box and stock rack; 2 Hay Racks; Gravel Box; 2.0O0-lb. Seniles with stock rack; Chatham Fanning Mill and Ragger; M.-H. Cultivator; M.- H. Pulper; Buggy; Cream Separaloi "Prima"; Over 1 ton of Fertilizer; M;'.nure Sleigh; Stonehoat; Skidding Tongs; C,iinthii(>ks; Whiirietree Sets; Forks; Shovels; BroiKlcr Stove' with Hover; Galvanized Water Tank; Gas Diuni.-i and Pump; New Burdizzo Pinchers; Veterinary Syringe and .Seiiini; (^^.lon (irain Bags and Sacks; "Royal .Jewel" Kitchen Range .\ibout 2.5 Tons Mixed Hay; Quan- tity of Grain and Bran; Seed Pota- toes: Household Pjffects. Harness â€" Double Set of Brass- nioutned Harness, good as new; Set Single Harness; .Saddle and Bi'idle; Horse Ulankets; Storm Covers; Set Double Work Harness; 2 Roli.-s; Nuni'ber of Hoi-se Collars 'I'he Farm will be offered for Kale if not previously sold. .SALE AT 1 O'CIXX'K P.M. Roads will be open for cars. No re- serve as owner is giving up farming. TBRM.Sâ€" Trsictor and Equipment. Hay, (irain, and all sums of SIO.OO and undei-. Cash; over th«t amount 6 mon. cied'» will be gi'ven on joint notes satisfactory to Canadian Bank of Commerce, Flesherton, with int- erest at 6%. GEO. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer Mtr. a"d Mrs. Nonnan Becker of Durham visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nonuan Scarrow. Mr, Mark Wilson and grandson, Mark, .spent several days at London, returning on Monday. Mrs. Geo. MacTavish spent the past we(-k with liei' daughter, Mrs. Ted Pallett, at Islington. Mrs. Al. Duxter returned to her home, after undergoing an operation in the Markdale Hospital. Dr. J. E. Milne and Jack were in Toionto Tuesday consulting a spec- ialist about Jack's broken nose. Mrs. Walter Poole of Callingwood and Mrs. Neil Thomson of Nottawa visited on Thursday with their mother, Mis. Geo. Lawler. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald of Toronto spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mrs. Fred Brackeubury of town re-ceived a lovely bouquet of flowers on Tliur&day from her son, George, of Kirkland Lake, it being her 75tb biithday anniversary. She was also pleased t<) receive other gifts and cards. E. J. Galbraith, manager of the Walkertn distrist of the Bell Tele- phone, has been transferred to To- ronto, a-s supervisor of large private branch e.x.changt;s. He was in charge of the Flesherton branch. Mr. Gal- braith is succeeded by Mr. Middleton Reed of Toronto. Mr. Gaibraith's courteous manner and efficient serv- ice to Bel! Telephone customers and his genial and friendly associations throughout the distiict will be sin- cerely missed. AND WHO PAYS? Who pays for th.- "Baby lionus?" Who pays for old af?e pensions? Who would pay foj- subsidinzing housing? Public opinion in Canada is so strong in favor o-f measures of social secur- ity to give every Canadian a certain minimum stan<i'ard of living that the subject should be dismisseil as not worthy of argument. What remains is to decide how this ideiil can be reached. The fact is that the toUil supply of jjoods in Canada is insufficient to give all the people of Canada the standard of living which we think should be the minimum. That is a very simple fact. It i.s proved by the fact that the very people who are calling for more social security pay- ments are the same people who sty tihat there is so much purchasing power in existence so that price con- trol should be put back into effect. That means that, by the methods wliifh are being suggested to the qxtent to which we redisribute pur- chasing power by taking itxim those who have a surplus and giving to those w"ho have less thiin they need, we shall drive prices upwards. To the e.xtent to which we do not drive prices upwards social security will have to be paid for by someone reducing his standaixl of living, so that someone else can raise his. To the extent to which we do drive prices upwanis, we leave the situa- tion where it was before, except for having ruined the purchasing power of everyone's savings. The more that this qluestion is studietl, the more it will be realized that it is not to distribute more money, but to prodiice more goods which its people neetled in order to maintain a proper standard of living, then the mere process of producing these goods would prodaice enough jobs and enough pay so that the people m general could provide thom- stlves with a decent standard of liv- ing. As long as the supiply of goods is lest tihRv h nreded, to distribute more money for this puiTiose seems to be moving in the wrong direction. â€" Calgai-y Albertan. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS All those intending to ship pig.i to Barrie next week, inform me of your intention by Tuesday night, March 23rd, as due to the holiday Friday, I am making the trip Wednes'lay. W. J. McMASTBR Phone TBwS Flesherton Flesherton Old Boys and Girls of Toronto are holding a euchre and dance in Liberty Hall, 2991 Dunila^ St. W. (at Quebec Ave.) on Friday, Mkirch 19th. Square and modern dancing with lucky number and spot prizes, etc., as well as euchre prizes. A good orchestra has been secured foj. your entertainment. All for 76c each; Come and meet your old friends. /â- i "I didn't see you in church on Sunday." "I notice<l that â€" when I took up the collection." It was during prohibition. The railroad station was packed with a gay going-away throng. Over at one side of the waiting room stood a quiet little man, fidgeting about and attempting to hide himself from the crowd. A policeanan noticed that the stranger had something in his coat pocket from which drops were falling in slow trickles. The officer, wtth a gleam in his eye, collared the gent, put a finger out under the drops, caught one and tasted it. Then he spoke to the man. "Scotchff" "Nope," replied the stranger, "An Airdale pup!" UNINSURED ACCIDENTS ARE COSTLY PILOT INSURANCE • AeeidcMt happen in • flMh. If yon are nM i» •Dred, repiynent may coat jon your home, your MTingi or montlM of income. Let ni explain PilM Auiomobfle inMranee to yon. It coat* ao Uttloi Ve vrrite Pilot Inrarance to eovor leleeted riik* in Aatomobile, Fire, Peraonal Property Floitcr, Bnrilary, Plau Claaa, Public Liability and otbcr loneral inninuiee. ^ H. W. KERNAHAN FLESHERTON COMPANY COLLECTIONS ...It's our long experience handling collections that makes possible the splendid results Wi effect for our clients... That is wby so many business and pro- fessional men send us their lists from year to year. Send in yours, too. KELLY & AIKEN The Collectors ORANGEVILLE, Ont, YOUR HARDWARE CAN PROVIDE HELP ' FOR YOUR SPRING WORK By supplying you with the necessiliiM for Syrup Making Buckets, Spouts, Tapping Bits, Syrup Cans Bush Work Crosscut Saws, Axes, Swede Saws and Blades We have a good selection of these tools Baby Chicks Oil, Electric and Coal Brooders; Chick Founts and Troughs Thermometers, Royal Purple Remedies. "Our Oil Brooders operate economically on coal oil" House Cleaning Wax, Polish, Floor Cleaners, Linseed Soap, Floor Mops Mop Sticks and Clothes Painting Sherwin-Williams and Canada Varnish, Paints, Enamels Varnishes^ Stains, Brushes and Boilers TRY THE NEW MIRAOLE WALL VARNISH,â€" KEM-TONE One coat covers like magic â€" dries in one hour â€" Washable /'. f A,, Papering See our new 1948 Paper Samples BBATTT and EAST WASHING MACHINES and VACUUM CLEANERS Duncan's Hardware COAL â€" ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES â€" STOVES Phone 54 FLESHERTON, Ont. %sar â- ^There are two kinds of men who never ajnount to very much," Cyrus H. K. Curtis, the famous publisher. remarked one day. "Those who can- not do what they are told, and those who can do nothing else." 4 i/^- illiilliiltOifflHilHi li ^HL^ fO/oday is built on YESTERDAY'S <i w A- In the beginning men moved slowly . . . building strongly and surely on firm foundations. This Bank, with over 80 years of banking experience, has helped to build up Canadian farming. Let us work with you to build for TODAY and TOMORROW on these same firm foundations. See our local Manager about your financial needs. U4-a '/ i. / THE CANADIA BANK OF COMMERCE Fleshetron Branch: R. B. Heard, Manager I* V TS '«r