Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1948, p. 7

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J t A f <. i t A. ^ i M '7 Olympics Center at Famed Wembley Stadium â€" Here i-. W embk'} ^tadium near London, lie- ing readied as the main center of the seven where 01> tupic contests are scheduled this summer. King George will open the 17-event contests at Wembley before a possible capacity 120.000 spectators. A seven-lane running track is being completed. Sports -And One Thing or Another "^l^-^^a; aseball Spring training camps rs famous for the "fanning bees" which take place in the evenings, when gangs of players and news- paper men sit around on the vei'an- dah o£ some Southern hotel, recall- ing indents of the past. One name which almost always crops up is that of Hans Lobert, former Phillie man- ager and now connected with the New York Giants as a coach. The Dutchman, as he's generally called, had a peculiar sense of humor and many tales are told of screwy things he's pulled. ♦ ♦ ♦ Once he was walking along a street in a certain Florida city and hap- pened to notice a colored boy mowing « lawa. "That doesn't look like much «f a Job;" said Lobert, "how would you like to earn yourself five dollars ( day, for the easiest sort of work?" The lad was keenly interested, and asked just what sort of work it was. "â-  ♦ » « Wearing a deadpan expression Lo- bert told him that he was owner of « circus, and wanted help in catch- ing wild alligators. "There's nothing to it,'" he went on. "We go out in a swamp until we find a small island. Then we chain you to a tree while the rest of us go and hide. The scent »{ human flesh attracts the alligat- •rs, of course ; and when they climb out of the mud, we catch tliem with nets. * « ♦ The boy, thwgh still interested, was just a trifle dubious and in- quired if Lobert had ever done thit 'gator-catching stuff before. "Cert- ainly I have fn fact vie tried it just the day before yesterday." "And what happened to the boy you chain to dat tree'" ii'as the next question. "Oh, him?" ansivered the Dutchman. 'Xoiv that lias just a trifle unfortun- ate. Vmi see, right tvhen he tvcu ready to grab a great big one, tht man with the net happened to slip!" « ♦ * .And those xiho uere present, list- ening to the discussion, always say, ifs a great pity nobody happened to have a stop-zvatch handy. For they're certain that, as he disappeared in tht distance, that colored kid broke all tvorld's records for speed afoot. * ♦ * One of the great mysteries of the present hockey season, to a lot of the "experts", is just what has been mak- ing the New York Rangers click. Outside of O'Connor and two or three of the otliers, Frankie Bouch- er's boys dcm't appear to lie in the same class with teams like the Maple Leat's, the Red Wings, or even the Boston Bruins ; and while some of their intricate passing plays are very pretty to watch, they somehow always look as it a good hustling outfit should break them up without too much trouble. * * * Yet there they are. in I'nr a help- ing of the playoff gravyâ€" and don't be too nuich surprised if tliey should happen to take The Cup. It's hard to call them to beat teams such as the others mentioned, but stranger things have happened. Of course, by the BOILS COuMcu ol Mtcu Nlltv* ptin, brlns out coraib ub quickly, no km. Sk. 3Sc, 90e, SI .00. MECCA" OINTMENT mm WtTHING FOR PAIN Of NEURITIS Rhstantine 12 TABterS FOA By FRANK MANN HARRIS = ("A Sixbit Critic") = time this appears, they may already be on their way to elimination. Still, we have sort of hunch this might be their year â€" although we wouldn't advise you to wager toolieavily that we're right. * * * If you're a horse-pla> erâ€" w hich we hope and trust is not the caseâ€" you probably know all about Form Charts, those closely-printed, small- type affairs which the students pore over with such earnestness in their efforts to dig up a winner. But only a very small percentage of the devotees have any idea of how those Charts are made, and how much speed and skill goes into their man- ufacture. We personally get about as big a kick from watchfng and listening to an expert Chart maker and his "call taker" in action as from anything else connected with the sport of kings. * * Often there will be a dozen or more starters in a race; and in the brief space of time it takes to run it, the names of each of that dozen â€" in addition to his position and the distance he is ahead of the next in line â€" must be called no less than six times. There's a call at the startâ€" at the quarter â€" the half and the tliree-quarterf. Then comes the "stretch call"â€" a sixtcentli of a mile from the wire, then the one at the finish. * « « With the horses 'constantly shifting positions â€" and racing colors often practically indistinguishable from one another â€" it tal;cs not only knowledge but l:;4htriny-lilie speed; and it is a manel to us that so few mistakes occur. It's highly-paid work, and deserves to be. Yet. strangely enough, of all the Chart Makers we ha', e had the pleasure of knowing, we nc\er met one who could beat the races consistently â€" in fact, at the end of the day. they were gen- erally just as broke as you or I, who select them by stabbing a pro- gram with a pin. .Ind here's a real "oldie" which, until the other day. ue hadn't heard in many years. It's about the country girl, nho during a railzvay joui â- '•y, had to change trains at To- ronto. Before leazing home she had been zcarncd against the big city slickers. So "iltcn a young chap at the Toronto depot â€" noticing that she looked bezvildcred â€" asked her if he could help in any zvay, she teas prop- erly discreet, finally telling him that she zias going To catch the next train for Montreal. "That Montreal train teazes in just tzio minutes," he anszcercd. "You-ie ju.\'t time to make it. Come on. I'll carry your hag." By putting on speed, he just managed to get the young lady aboard as the train zcas pulling out. Standing on the rear platform she zcailed till the train zias making good headzcay before de- liz'eriiui the cnishcr. "I've heard all about your kind, taking adiantage of gfrl.i:" she cried. "But here's one that f.'oled vou. ror SRI-. I'M RE.-iL- lY cblXG TO CniC.-iGO!" The Green Thumb By Oordon L. Smith Plan Layout of Your Garden The foundation of any garden is good seed. It is a small item so far as expense goes, but all the c a re and pre- paration go for naught if the jiced is not right. Descriptions in the seed cata- logues are based 9 n actual fact. The pictures are actual photo- graphs and any gardener of reasonable experience can reproduce them faithfully in his own back-yard. In addition, there will be found in most Canadian catalogues a lot of useful information regarding sea- son, time of flow^ing or, in the case of maturity, time of reaching r-aturity. Experts advise also some of the government bulletins cover- ing local conditions. Armed with this liti ature and good seed, satis- faction is guaranteed. General Picture For the average layout around the home, it is advisable to use a con-.bination of vines, shrubberj', trees, perennial flowers and annu- als. At the back against the house, vines and tall shrubber>-, the latter planted in clumps, make the best background. In front of this, groups of smaller shrubs and larger per- ennial flowers ca.i be planted with the room between, especially when tht shrubbery is still small, filled in with clumps of annuals, .\long the front tiny edging plants are used, then will come a piece of green lawn. Use clumps rather than straight rows and a wavy edge along the front of the bed is pre- ferred to straight edges. In the foreground, of course, will be the lawn, the shrubbery acting as the main frame for the general picture. Good Equipment Helpg With a small garden all the tools needed are a rake, a hoe and a spade or digging fork. These are rainimuni requirements. With a Htt! • more equipment much labor can be saved. Digging forks, cul- tivators, specia' wecders, dutch hoes, etc., will make the work easier and more interesting. For larger gardens a small gard- en tractor that will cultivate, plow, etc., might be considered. They art not expensive and very cheaply op- erated. One can get all sorts of attachments to go with them â€" lawn mowers, cultivators, mowers for cutting tall grass and weeds â€" even snowplows. ISSUE 14 â€" 1948 wrMSMmFOFm£pm/o Gathering and interpreting the news from the far corners of the earth; bringing ihe world to our hornet every day through the medium of the newspaper. The Newspaperman â€" deroting hit talenta, energy and integrity to the people't Interetti. Mea like tibit. Mine of Canada's Ibett, are in the publio't terrieeâ€" at yma service. ' DAWES BLACK HORSI BREWERY "Pw» g/ g itnts of advertis$ments in tribute to thosi'Canadiant h HU ifvie$ of th4 public Classified Advertising AfiENTS WA.NTJED OILS, GKEASES, TIRES, InsMtlcldea. Electric Fenca ConuaAUra, Hoom and Barn Paint, Roof Coatlnvi. •to. De*!- •TM wanted. Writ* Warco GreaM A OU Limi- ted. Toronto. BU8INES8 »PP(»RTUMTIK14 as OFFER 10 every inventor â€" Llet ot inven- dons and full Information sent fra*. The Ramaty Co. ReffUtered Patent Attomer*. tlZ Bank Street. Ottawa. BABT CHICKb Order Your Baby Chicks Now Our Broeda are White Leghorn, liampatalre Christie tflratn, Hamp x Rock, Suaaez z Hanip. Rock x Lechom. kX\ chicks are suar- anteed and are bred from blood teated hlffh producing stock. Send for prlceilat or phone now. Poole Hatchery. Poole. Ont. Phone &T K'lZ. Milverton. FOUR-WEEK-OLD PULLETS Two, thre*-. four week and older pulleti. Stan with early-hatched chicka and tcet the high prices for »^egs next isuminer und early Fall. Large Type White Leghorns and seven other popular breeds. Send for price list. Manage- nient Cutde :ind ca:alosue and book your order now. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM EXETER ONTARIO DDN't basr- your plans on present feed costs and present egg prices. A fair guess lu lower feed loats next fall and vastly hleher egg prices. The fatti growth â€" the UvabtUty â€" the money-making breed m qualities of Top Notch chicks are an old storyâ€" but It Is new with every hatch of chicks â€" new with every customer who started Top Notch chicks on their way to profita. This year more than ever we ret.'ommend an early start. Be ready to profit. Order your Top Notch chicka today. We can give prompt delivery on day old, two and three week old aiartad chicks In all popular pure breeds and cross breads. Alao pullets eight weeks to laying. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph, Ontario. BAHY Chuks ironi an R.O.P. Breeding Farm. It pays to buy the best. White Lechom Pulleta 2Sc. Heavy Breeds Mixed I5c, Pullets -6c. Cox 5c. Satisfaction guaranteed. Blen- I'.eim Hatchery Blenheim. Ont. THlri :3 the year to raise poultry. Egg and mea: prices will be high this year. Be sure and buy your chicks from an estnbllahad farm. All chicks fmra our farm are from Government approved and pullorum tasted breeders. Write for prices and citalogue. Monktnn Poultry l-'arms. Monktj-i, Ont. HEAVY-BREED COCKERELS SPECIAL, prues to broiler producers in large orders. Fajit feathering Barred Rocks, Rock X Hamps, Sussex. Sussex x Hampa. This la the year to make real money in cockerels. Send for 3i»eclal low prices. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM WEIN BROS. EXETER, ONT. M.\KK bigger meat and egg proflt» with Hollywood leghorns. They are as large as most htrtvy breeds. These Real big, lojv- combed beauties are backed by SO years breeding for every quality you need for top poultry profits â€" Championship llvablUty to cut chick and layer losaes. Gu&rantaad egg breeding for big. white, premium ecgs. Raally a big leghorn for more moat. Fast Uniform growth for quickest of all broilers. Raise these big profit makers ones and you wtll raise them always. Writs for prioaltst and free calendar. Big Rock Farm. MUle Rochas, Ontario. THIS year can be your golden opportunity in the poultry business â€" let ma tell you why â€" I don't know when the outlook for big proflta from eggs and poultry maat looked better. Next Fall and Wlntar ahoutd ass tba highest pricea for ogga and poultry maat wa have had In some time. Why? Baoauva only about 50 per cent oC tha normal chick arop has been hatched durlnjr January. Fabruary and March this year. Proapecta look good for a splendid crop and this la bound to maan lower feed cttsts. Don't delay another day send fur the new Tweddla 194S oataloffua and price list aad order your chicka at ones. Wa can give prompt delivery on ail popular breeds and hybrid croaiea lo day old, two and three week old in non-aexed. pulleta or eook- erela. A^k about our bargaina In four and dve week old heavy cockerels. Also puHsts eight weaks to laying. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus. Ontaxio. 3 - 4 WEEK OLD CAPONS THERE is good money In raising Capons. Capona sell for as much or mora par pound than Turkeys. AH raised under Ideal oondl- rionii, .^end fir price Urt and full particulars. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM WEIN BROS. EXETER, ONT. BRUNTON REDS FREE BOOK A $25,000 bi-ee.Iing farm devoted axolualTaiy to one si-ont egg-prorti breed. Tha atrain that produced "Red Lady", ona of the world's high- •»at official record laying hens . . . 34« aggs In one year. Day-old chicks . . . S-waak-old pullets. Ask for catalogus and fraa booklet Hruiiton Farms. Port Perry. Ontario. -•^END for barium prices on two and threa week old started pullets cockerela or non- -texe.l. Wa have a limited number of four week old heavy breed cockerela at rook bottom prices. l''!"e catalogue. Top Notch Chlok Sales. Guelph. Ontario. t'ATCH up. luder some of our two and threa week tld w^'U-atarted chicka in pulleta. non- sexed CT cockerela. Also write for apaolal price Hat on 'our and Ave weak old hfaTy cockerela. Free catalogue. Tweddle (jblck Hafherl^'s Litniieil, Fergus. Onci; lo. 6-8-12 WEEK TO READY-TO-LAY PULLETS 8000 PCLI.ETS avallabl* for April and liarl Book your onier now I It looks aa It pulleta will be aa scarce aa hen'a te«th br aummar. H:kv prices iiro bound to ba hivh. Faed prloaa ara solne down, d-o-w-nl All pullata r«la«<l on fre« rmiffo undar Ideal condlt'.ona. Book your order NOW. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM WEIN BROS. EXETER, ONT. iHi.ST loee t>sB and poultry mai-kata to o!hi.'rs. Her« or overtfeaa. They've baan biplt up for Canadian poultrykeepera. Ordar miu. and catch up quicker with Bray atartad pullets aiid cockerels, quick shipment. Oat special prices. Bray Hatchery. IJO John N., Hamilton, Ont. B.ABY CHICK RAISINC, MEAT CHICKEN SUPREME Brunton Farms Light SuLwex x Red Hybrid la proving Itself evpr> where to ba the Ideal maat producer either for broilers or roasters. Ptum- uK« comes white for easy dressing. Carrylos iho blood of our World Famoua Egg Laying UMs through their mothers they make axeaK lent layers as well. Rrunton F.irms, Port Perry. Ontario, (.'in ulur fv--t^ OYELNCJ AND CLE.4NINQ HAVE YTOl." aiiyihiiiK necdB d}einB or clean- ing? Write to us for information. Wa are slad to answer your quejuiona. Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited 791 Tonga Street. Toronto. Ontario. FOB 8A1^ BEST quality Dark. No. I pasteurized honay. 12 tins 4 lb for $11 75 The Henderson Aplnrlfs. _Bpx " ti. O.trleton Pl.ice. Ontario. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts and Sorvice. Berl E. Kennedy A 8on. *19 College St . Toronto. i^t'ds that are dependable for Garden htmr*. Market Gardrners; Write for our frea cat- alogue. Ontario Scnl Company. Wntarloo. Ontario. Bought for cash Ont. CHERRY LOGS Writa Box S04. rar*us. ATRSHIRS^, bulla, calves to breeding n«a. from R.O.P. dania. George Spiiiig. Thora- hlU. Ontario WATCH THEM GROW in a new Transparent Electric Poultry Brood- •r. 500 capacity. Very ccnomcal. Write for descriptive literature. Black Electric and M.?nuafactnrlng. R. No. 1. Woodstock. Ont. SCALK:^. ChoppL^ra. Power Meat S:iW8 â€" New. Uaed. Repairs. The Scale Shop. <91 Bay 3t,. forf'nto. QUEEN BROODER STOVES WHOl.KSALK lUid Rotail New Pot i) pa wlck- leas, ens- to operate; cuts work to a minimum. We have used these new poC typa Oil Brooder Stuveg with great nntlsfactton. Big dfnroiints for early bookings. Also ROOM IlKATKllS aa Ii>w na $.12.00 and New Pot typo giKRN HANGH: OIL nCRNRUII. Si'. Ill) whil' O'."- l;*."il ! LAKEVIEW HATCHERY ^ND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETEK ONTARIO FOB 8A1.B H.UIDT t-year Litbam Raspberry canaa. $6.00 par hundred, Prernter StrawberrlM $2.00 per hundred A. Crowla. R.R. 1. Ulln*- ton, Ont. BAITERT-OPERATED Radio Set for Deforeai Croasley Corona model. 8 tubas* specially equipped wltb Romaco Hlllmloatar for as wltb either atoraxa battary or 4rv cells. New coat over $300 Uaka offar A fine and lasting gift Box ISI. Tt AdetaMa W., Toronto. MARK5M.<N Thousand-Shot Air RiUea. Bs- pert construction. Shipped anywhere tt»M> Marathon A«ency, 1340 C«rraia Saat. llW- onto. Dealers write for auotationa. BOWMAN'S Rub, an aff active remedy for sinus troubla. flu. awollen vlaoda. broncbltla. waak ayea, awollen throat. Address Ml Qnoen St. W Toroiito. Price $1.00. PUMPS, ETC. McI>ougall ahallow snd doep well ayateooa. electric or gaaollne powered, only $118.00 com- plete with tank. Clinton gasoline aiutlnea. 2V^ h. p. . only $96. 75. Contractora pumpa. Farm lighting ayatema. 110 volt, only $95.00 Rend for fr«a cataioi^ues Buy direct from factury distributors and aavf> TERRY MACHINERY Company Limited. Dept. "7". St. Lnuresit Montreal 9). Que., or Dfpt. "7". 24 Industrial Street, Leaaide. Toronto. JOIN our long Hat of aatl£^cd customers for Fruit Trees. Shrubs, Evargreens and Roaea, etc. Order early. Free catalogue. A. Q. Hull St **on. Central .N'tirseriea, 3t. Catherlnea. Ontario. BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS XUo !9MALL WHITES und BKUwVIK BK£.%STED BKONZK X SMAIX WHITES and SMALL B.B.B.'» THIS looks the y^ur to muive renl money la turkeys. Send for our Turkey Guide and let- ter to gat all the detaila. There Is a gcx>d Ajnsrlcan market and demand. The duty la down X cents per lb. X^eed prices are coins down. Quotations for May delivery for grata are down $13.00 to $17.00 per ton. Ameri- can Breader flocks are down 40-50 pw cent. Poult production will be away aown. It la expected that Canadian poults will be shipped to U. S. A., by May or before at good pricea. Plan to raise pouusi This la the year! Book your order now! Big diacounis tor April delivery. 8«id for Turkey Management Gulda and circular which tells all about proflta. prevention of disease, and rearing raeihoda. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO YARD GOODS SPECIAL CHECKED GINGHAM â€" Good duality wovaa Gingham In Ave popular checks â€" tfreen-Whlla, Brown-White, Red- White, Blue-Whlte. Blaok- Whlta. t< Inchea wide at only $1.00 par yard. Poatpald. PRINT POPLIN â€" Heart and Flower daam. 86 '.nchea wide. Can ba had in Red or Blua daaign on White background. Priced at .it per yard. Postpaid. Offerlns a real special in White and Coloured Cloths, width around 40 Inchea and aultabla for pillow cases, aprons, plnaXoras. Iciddlaar' droaasa. ate. Order today at thla price: Whit* .19 par yard, Blua, Pink. Tallow. Green airt Belga at .49 par yard. Poatpald. Sheer Chlflton â€" Fin* quality Shear CbifCon 41 Inches wlda. Phik, Blua. Black and Wtilta at $1.S9 par yard. Postpaid. Aldan Company. Ltd.. Dapt. M. 40t Ontarla St.. Waet. Montreal. PREMIER A Senator Ounlap Strawbarn' Plants. Tan Dollars thousand. W. J. Barry. Route 4, Cobourg. FORD Powar Unit wltb govarnora and puUar. Slightly uaed ISOO. Stan Olan. Mltlhrook. OnUrlo. FOR S AI..B â€" Uaed M llkar units. DirCrrant makest racodltioned and priced to aaJl. Apply a. a. Ro wa A Co. Ltd. , 4 7 Cranff Aranua Toronto, Ont. FOR 8AXJ& Farmall B Tractor on rub bar, powar 11-19 model 1941 In good abapa. Plow McCormlok-Daerlng. adjuatabla. Prioa IflO*, Apply to Jas. A. Waleh, RR $ Coldwatar, Ont. BRONZB turkey poults from broad-breaatad stock for May and June, 8&c. W. 0. Klogston. Dobblnton. Ont. SCHOOL DESKS FOR SALE Standard Iron Base. ISO Btnglo No. t, I, i, I 10 Doubla. Oood CondlUon. DallveiT June this yMu-. Ap»ljr Townahlp School area No. 1. aioooaatar. t. W, Hartwick. Secrolary-Trwaaurer, 9$ Rua- aall Road. Qvorbrook. Ont. CR.\FT Suvpllea: Frea Catalogus. NVa stock a fuM Una In tha following crafta: Shall- craf t, Laatharcraf t , Fal tcraf t . Baadc raft. Handycraft Supply Company Petprborougti, Ontario. CHAlJL£Na£B Panstetf. X apaciallsa In pan- alaa. Larf* blooma. baautlful oolors. Pack- age l6o. H. W. Nlchola. 361 Howard Ava., Nanalmo. B.C. IRISH \p'atar Spanlal Pupplaa, 4 monthg. Prload reasonable. Kan Fltichar. RR 4. Oshawa. Ont. FOR qA^ J. new d! John Daera Tractor, atartar, Uvhts. powar taka-off on 14" rubber. Lata modal 2S-&0 whlta steel mill Kherai^ Faader, olpvar attachment, itks new. 36-41 Ooodlaon Mill Clover attachment, good run- ning ordar. Complete sat steal whaala for Intamatloaal Tractor. 9taal rear wbeaia for 60 and 90 or 19 alinar Tractor. Albert Boua- ton. 60 Omnia St., Chatham, Ont. Phona a686M. HI POWKRKD Rinea. Nawiy convertad. Bportlnx models. Writ* for deacrlptlon and prlcas. Scops Snlea Co.. 826 Queen St., Ottawa. Ont T-:o INTBRMATIONAL Crawler Tractor equipped with Buoyrua Eria Hydraulla Angledoaar. Prlca I2S00. Can arranga tarraa for rallabla party. For further partlculara and inspaotlon write Box 6, 7S Adelaide W., Toronto. BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALS NSW pot typa Quean OU Burning Broodai- atovea, naw. 120.00 or $21.00 dehvarad t« your atatlon. Act quickly, while they la&t. Subject to cbaoo without notioa. To racatra tbli bargain prloa anoloaa this ad with your order. iAKEVIEW SUPPLY COMPANY XETER ONTARIO BAIRDKESSINO LEAKN Ualrdre6ti>ng xhs Kobertson luelhoi. InfurmAtloa on re^ueat resardlnB cUniM. Rob.rCaon'a Batrilresalns Academy, 1S7 At*. nua Road, Toronto. UEIIICAJ. OOOD ADVICE â€" Every auffarar of Rheum»- tto Patna or NourUla ahoutd trr Dlxon'a Rtmedy. Munro'a Drus Stora, 336 ICleIn, Ottawa. Postrald $1.00. MONACAJP '"â- " Ecaenia. tha now matoh- lesa and amcacloua olntnieot. By mall 60a. LaTrapra, North Kogeravllla. N.B. IT'S OIPORTA.ST â€" rv«:y «u(t»rer of Rhaum*- tlo Palua or Nauritia ahould try DJxoa'a Remady. Munro'a Drus Stora. 3.^6 1 Icla. Ottawa. Postpaid f'..00. OPPOR-TIMTIES KOR Wd.ME.N BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHO">I. Great Opportunity Learn HalrdresslnK Ploaaant dtgnlHe^l profeaalon, Bood wo^aa. thouaanda aucecssful Marvel sradiL>taa. Aniarlca'a sroateat aysteni. Illuatrated eata- lo»ua tree. Wrlta or Call MARVEL HAIRDRBSSINQ SCHOOLS S5S Bloor St. 'W.. Toronto Branchea: <i Kins St.. Hamilton * 7« RlJeau Slr> !t. Ottawa. PATBMTB FKTHERSTONAUGH « Company. Patent SullcUora. Gatablliihe^ 18»0. 14 Kins 'Waat, Toronto. Booklet of Itiiormatlon on rai3ua«t. PBRSUNAL "BLIJ.VB Coming Beloro Chrfst'. \ 'ondarfvl book fraa. Mfsiildo Mission, Roch atar U, N.T. PHUTOCiRAPBV ELGIN Photo*. I'eve. oping and I prlnta 14* Reprlnta .0«c. .Iiiniboa .t.'io. Writv for apao- tnla on FUmn, Rnlnrgetnenta. Mounta Framaa. Roj T^IU. St Thoma.i. Ont. HBLP WANTED LOCAL advarllsinc r^preaantatlva wanted for monthly publication with raada^ ooveraca In yotir locality. Subatantlal comititMlon ar* rangamant on axclualva County contract. f^H detaila to Alnfley Adr-irtlalna Acanclaa. Nina Richmond ttaet. Toronto. WantkD: Borntworktra, lOasy iroA ran wortb OU balD, Sun|>4*^ OalalU

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