Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1948, p. 8

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Wednesday, March 31, 1948 3r» feSHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads POji SALK â€" ;; male collie pups, black and white. â€" Jas. Morrison, R.R. 6, Markdale. 4;}pl VALLEY ROAD SOUTH jTANTEJ} â€" Aiuma'ui sutUble foi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntosx ISug<enii>., phon« Per«r8ti»".i 6r26 TOR SAUC â€" l^iai'Sc corner cupboad ia (,'••! •ondition. â€" \V, Hanult -ii, phone T--1 Flesherton. 43c2 FOUNi* â€" â-  Car license plate No. t'*!!'.'!. Owner can have same at riif AtiTance office. ^ FOR SALE â€" lost) Desoto coupe in good condition. â€" Ted Campbell, Eugenia, phone Flesherton 74rl. FOR SALEâ€" .\bout 45 .<ap backets *nd apiles. â€" Mrs. J. K. .McLeod, C6y)on, phone 40J2. 43e2 F('K SALlr--15icvele in good coH«li- ti»n, alB» bicycle generator and ligkt. Pkone 66w Flcbheiton. FOR SALEâ€" Britannia kitchen range :n good condition. â€" Norman Loucks R.R. 2, Fleabei-ton. 43p2 FOR SALEâ€" 2 Dresses, sizes 1.5 and 16, may be seen at the home of Mrs. Prank Taylor, Flesherton. â€" Lucy MacDonakl. 4.ip2 FOR SALE â€" ^Ajax and Beaver oats, good for seed; electric brooder, *00-capacity, used 1 year. â€" Leslie Seeley, phone llr32 Ffversham. PASTURE â€" 100 acres to rent foi pasture for summer season. -Apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 38 Roose- velt Rd., Toi-omto 0- 42t.f. Mr. Clilfonl Ward is in the maple syruij) business, but so far the sea- son is not the best. Mr. and 3Irs. Mural Webta- ami fam ly visited .Mr. and Mrs. 1). Win- ters at OoUingwood on Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett of Pricevilk' visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Welliivjrton Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs. John Wiekons spent Easter Sun<lay at Priceville. iMlrs. Dan Mclvor of Oshawa visit- ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Weber, and Tat, last week. First plowing has been done by .Ml-. Well. Fawcett in the Valley. Miss S. Weber and Miss Evelyn Gibson of Pi-iceville are spending their Easter holiday in the Valley. Mr. Alf. Pickles' of Toronto spent Easter at his home at the Powei House. BUCKINGHAM FOR SALE â€" M.-H. mower, cut 3 crops; M.-H, stiff- tooth cultivat- or; set IC-plate discs â€" Gerald Magt-e, Eugenia, Telephone Fev- ei-sham 30r5. 44p2 WANTED â€" Second-hand cook stove with good fire box, write stating price; also 12-gauL'-e short gun. â€" Bruce Young, Eupenia, P.O. 44tf .Miss Norma Bleakley of Brampton s])ent the Easter week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cameron of Torolno were with the fonner's moth- er, Mbs. ^L Cameron, and brothers for Easter. iMr. and Mrs. Ken Eagles and family spent Easter Sunday with Mrs. Eagles' parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Ale.x. Maxwell, Providence. Miss Alda Hawton of Toronto, Miss Jean Cox of Wareham and Miss Edna Smith of Oshawa are at their re.spective homes for the Easter holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ball and Miss Margaret Douglas of Toronto spent Easter with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Davidson and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bby of ,Fev- ersham visited a recent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. FOR SALE â€" 1930 Chwrolet coach in good condition, new battery ami license, 4 good tires, $1(50. Can be seen at Earl McLean's, Price- ville.â€" W. L. Robinson. 4.3p2 FOR SALE â€" M.-H. 14-plate disc with forecarriage; M.-H. disc plow M.-H. cultivator; the above imple- snents in real good repair.-^Jas. Allei:. phone 45w3 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" - Toronto windmill (oil bath) and 30-foot tower in Al condition; '20 model Ford A sedan in good running order.â€" G. Ud.-U, 1 V* miles west of Maxwell, phone Fcversham llrO. 4^.i^â- 2 TRESPASSERS - Notice is hereby given that hunting, trapping or trespassing is strictly prohibited on Lots 30, 31 and 32, Con. 7. Artomesia, and will be enforced.â€" John MacDonald, Eugenia. FOR S.\LE - Team of work horses, 6€t team harness, long-sti-aw 23 in. horse collar, Cockshutt seed drill. M.-H. cultivator, set of di.scs, wa- gon, M.-H. cream separaloi-, (>o<Ki a.s new. â€" Joe Porteous, Maxwell. FOR SALE â€" '29 Frdson tractor, new- crankshaft and new main beai'ing."?, rebored, new pistons, iserts, new bearigns in rear ^'ar ease and front wheels. tM^JSt be sold thi.<? week, cheap. For information ap- ply at The Advance office. FOR SALE â€" In Eugenia, 6-rooni house in good re^sair, hydro, hard and soft water; stable, new mod- ern dou'ble-deck hi>n hou.se 20x40, also new colony house 10x12; 14 acres, 10 of which are workable. â€"Ray Genoe, Eugenia, phone 119 wl Flesherton. 4a])4 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc- Phone M MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop wiU be In C. J. BcUamy'a office erery Sat- nrday from 6 to 8:«0 p.m. United Church Notes Kev. A. G. .'Macphersun Minister The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- pi'i' will be administered on Sun<lay. April 4th, at Flesherton, Proton and Eugenia. All menrbers and adher- ents are asked to join in the spirit of this sacred observance as fully as possible. New membo-rs are bcint; received on profession of faith and by certificate. ' St. John's V/.A. meets on Tuesday, -â- Vpril 6th, 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. P. S. MacDougall. Eugenia Young People's Union meets Friday, April 2nd, at 8 p.m., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McMillan. Everybody welcome. Thfl annual repoi-ts for 1947 arc available. Be sure to secure youi' n)l)y. FOR SALEâ€" 8 Yearling ewes, sup- posed Lo lamb in ..May. â€" H. Kieh anison, phone 3'''w;^, collect, Fle- sherton. .lii'^ FOR SALE â€" Several varieties of apples, guoil (juality; (piantity of carrots; set curtain stretchers. â€" Rol)t. Gorley, phone 2-'!\v. 44i1)L' FOR .SAK - Barley: O.A.C. No. 21, (Jalore and No-barb, also quantity seed oats, all Convmercial No. ].â€" Alex. S. Muir, Ceylon. i>hoiie Fle- liherton 104J3. -Up-) FARM FOR .SALE STEPHEN'S CORNERS 'M\j-. Will Winters of Shrigley vis- ited on Friday with his fath<'r, Mr. David Winters and .VIr. and Mrs. Clarence Winters. Mr. Harold Brownridge of Malton spent t'he juist week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lan'c Browmidge. He returned .Monday to the convalescent hospital at Malton, where he will receive further tioatment on his foot which was injured some time ago. Mr. and Mrs. Beit Magee and Mr. Jas. Magee of Eugenia, and Mr. Earl Miagee of Islington visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Portoous. Mr. a"d Mrs. Lance nrownridge and Harold attened the golden wed- ding anniversary of -^Irs. Brown- ridge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hawton, Stayner. We hope that Mr. and Mrs. Hawton will be spared to enjoy many more years of happy married life. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Tels. Allison is not so well at time of writing. We hope to soon hear Off more improvement in Mrs. Alli- son's condition. Fnends here are sorry to hear that Rev. Holmes has accepted a call to become pastor on the Kemble charge. All will regret to see Rev. and Mrs. Holmes leave in June as they have been highly regarded. ROCK MILL^ Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Partridge and Shirley and Joan and Wayne Mc- Master spent the holidays with their family at Gait. Misses Ruby and Eunice Dobson of Owen Sound were visitors oiver the holiday at their home. Mr. Bill Clark of Thistletown was home over the week end. Mr. .Art Newell of Durham called on friends here during the week. Mrs. Clara Wiley of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Goi'don Wiley of Markdale and Ml', and Mrs. Lionel Turner of Guelph were recent visitors with Mr. and Mli-s. Russell Phillips. We are please<l to report Mrs. Robt. McMuUen feeling better again, after being confined to lied for a few days. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark were: Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Clark, Mrs. Joe Phillips and son, Bob, of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Del- bert Hopkins and family, Thistletown. Miss IIcHen Belts of Owen Sound spent the Easter holiday with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Frank Betts. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts on Easter were: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fawcett and Vernon of Van- deleur and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard of Flesherton. iMirs. Wes Smith had an operation last week in Markdale Hospital for the removal of her tonsils. We are plea.sed to report she is now feeling somewhat improved in health. Quite a number from around here «ttended the auction sale held by Mr. John T. Parker Thursday of last week, and report a very successful sale with good prices being realized. Not many of the fanners tappert this spring, as sugar-makinji looked uncertain, owing To the mild weathe, earlier. SOLI) VILLAGE IfESIDENCE Mr. Goi-don ^Stuart has sold his res'dence and property in towTi to Mr. I>iuirie Facey of Toronto, wiho takes possesion inwiediately. Local and Personal Mr. and Mr. ('. J. Bellamy .-^pent the holiday week end with their son. Ben, and Mrs. Bellamy, Owen Sound, Mrs. R. VV. Shaw of Lions Hea<i spent Good Friday with her .mother, Mrs. VV. H. Thurston. Mr. and -Mrs. G. B. Weltoii an Florence spent Ea.ster at Durham and Mt. Fore.'d. -Mr. and Mrs. Don McKinnon, Owen Sound were Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. -Mel Buchanan, Meaford Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Flynn and son, Brian, of Brantford were in town on Satu)-day. Miss Helen Durrant of Toronto spent Eiister with her aunt, Mliss D. Thurston. Master John Cro.ssley of Toronto is spendingh is Easter vacation with his gi-andmther, Mrs. W. Boyd. Mr. Eldon Fishof^ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher and Miss Sadie Young of Toronto visited on Easter with Mrs. Ed. Fisher. Mrs. E. Wolfe, Lavenie and Joanne Wood of Hamilton spent Sunday with Mrs. S,. Bentham. The latter re- mained for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Davidson of To- ronto were Easter visitors with the latter's (parents, Mr. and iMrs. W. J. Chard. MiT. JinaThurston and M'ss Verna Young of •oronto spent Easter with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Visitors for Easter with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Parker were: Mr. and Frank Ball and daughters of Toron- to, Everette Parker of London and Miss Ailine Johns of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Moore and two sons, Boliby and Jimmy, of Toronto and Mrs. Robt. Watson, Owen Sound, Were Easter week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Dargav'el. Mr. Art McDonald has purchased a residence at Acton and he and Mrs. McDonald are leaving this week for their new home. We are sorry to see them leave. Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Thistlewaite were: Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Macdonald and son and Marjorie Thistlewaite of Toronto and Cecil Thistlewaite of Shelburne. Don Banks of Pickering', Ted Banks of .-\yr, David Aberdein of Burling- ton and Ken Henry of Hamilton were Easter visitors at their resi)(>ctive homes in town. Mr. Roy Thistlelhwaite and son, Bernard, spent the Easter holiday in town. Mrs. Thistlethwaite returned with them to their home in Toronto, aftei' spendinK a week with her sis- ter, Mrs. Russell Park, .Vmon.u- the teaehers who are home for the Easier vacation are: Laura Bo.vd and Dell Thurston of Toronto, .Margaret Turney of Port Colborne. .Anile -Akins of Rouge Hill, Evelyn MacTavish and Lucy MacDonald of Toroto, and Alice Heard of Wing- ham hifrh school. Grader Operator Wanted TOWNSHIP OF ARTBMESIA DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Qimdnate of Toronto Unireraity Office: Kennedy Block Phone 77 Fleaherton C. J. BELLAMY VI', LACE CLERK A CoamiMioner for t»Mt,g AITidaTit* iMoer ol Marriaire Licensee rv«»w. co^a^^yANCING DBBDf MORTGAGES, WII'S, Et« On»: ToroBto Street. Ftaekertm iM 178, 2 S.W., Ai-temesia, neai Saugeen Jet., 7G acres more or les>* 'cement house, large L-shaped barn j drilled well, well watered. Good prict for quick sale. Apply to â-  \ MRS. ETHEL BLACKBURN, Flesherton, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate o' William Ernest Myers of the Villagf of FleHherton, deceased. All per8on.s having claims against the Estate of William Ernest Myers, late of the Village of Flesherton, in tihe Coainty of Grey, Insurance Agent, deceased, who died on or about the l'6th day of March, 1048, at the Village off Markdale, are re- quired and her«iby notified to send pre?>aid to the undersigned Solicitors to the Administratrix, on or liefore the mh day of .April, 1048, full par- ticulars verefied by statutory de- clai'ation. Iimnie(Jiat)eIy aiter the said 12th day of April, li>4«, the Estate will be distributed amonp- the parties en. titled thereto, having yC'gRrd only to the claims of which the solicitors shall then have had notice. Dated at Markdale this 22nd day Of March, A.D. 1018 â€" HARftt'<^ f> DUN',X)P. M*Vkdale, Ont. Solicitors to .the Administratrix SEND IN YOUR RENEW AI^ Applications for the position of operator of a Diosel-powei'ed road grader wnH be received by the under- signed up to and including WedneS' day, Aipril 7th, 1048. â€"ART CHARD, Clerk Flesherton, Ont. LONG TERM DEPENDAB1LI»Y IN EVERY PEDLAR BARN ROOF Dependability includes:- Weather protection. Are protection, lightning protection. You pay for these once;, you get them for a life-time! That is genuine economy. Pedlar RAINBOW RIB ROOFINGâ€" galvanized steelâ€" this is a tried and pnoven product, backed by reputations almost 100 years old. It is the permanent or life- time tooling! Easily applied, of good appearance, and most important 'Of all: com- pletely deppendable. We have it on hand and we suggest you get your share while it lasts. We can deliver. BEATTY and PKDLAR Litter Carriers, Barn Track and Hay Carriers. We iustal if desired. Beatty Pressure Systems. Galvanized Sap Pails 3^ Galvanised Spiles $3.75 per 100 Syrup Tins You will find it a goiod investment to call on us. We have a full line of Hardware, Builders' Supplies and M.-H. Farm Machinery Massey-Harris Pony Tractor 2B-plate Tractor Disc 2'furrow Horse-drawn Plows aa hand J. M. STAFFORD Ot^aler in Modern F-iitn Machinefv Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM YOUR HARDWARE CAN PROVIDE HELP FOR YOUR SPRING WORK By supplying you with the necessities for Syrup Making Buokets, Spouts, Tapping Bits, Syrup Cans Bush Work Crosscut Saws, Axes, Swede Saws and Blades We have a good selection of these tooli Baby Chicks Oil, Electric and Coal Brooders; Chick Founts and Troughs Thermometers, Royal Purple Remedies. "Onr Oil Brooders operate economically on coal oil" House Cleaning Wax, Polish, Fleor Cleaners, Linseed Soap, Floor Mops Mop Sticks and Clothes Painting Sherwin-Williams and Canada Varnish, Paints, Enamels Varnishes, Stains, Brushes and Rollers TRY IME NEW MIRAOLE WALL VARNISH,â€" KEM-TONE One coat covers like magicâ€" dries in one hour â€" Washable Papering See onr new 1948 Paper Samples BEATTY and EASY WASHING MACHINES and VACUUM CLEANERS Duncan's Hardware COAL â€" ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES â€" STOVES Phone 54 FLESHERTON, Ont. > . ^y*^- --T'- \ f J <- A FREE SERVICE TO FARMERS WE WILL PICK UP ALL - DEAD OH CRIPPLED FARM STOCK FREE OF CHARGE HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES NICK PECONI, Owner â- '^m PHONE 146. DUNDALK REVERSE CHARGE t .'^JS .\n extensive Soviet exhibition is to il>e held in New York. Will the display contain a sample of good- will ? -A pedestrian apolog-ized after being lit by a motorist. And scienoe spends millions searching for freaks of nature. F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Spring Arrives in Our Ladies' Ready-to- Wear Department Smart Fashions Mother and Daughter We have Large Selection of COATS and SHORTEES A wide range of wanted Spring shades; sizes for all. Prioed from .« 17.95 THE GIBSON GIRL BLOUSE and BALLERINO SKIRT A Clever EnsehiUe for $10.90 SEE OUR CHILDREN'S COAT SETS Sites 4, 6 and 6z. Bonnet and Coat in Shetland Wools A full selection of EASTER MILLINERY Chic Styles for Matron and Miss; Straws and Felts. Stages to 52 in oar HOUSE DRESS GROUP Fine quality Washable Frocks; Priced Economically. SUMMER STORE HOURS We will dose all Mondays, starting April 12th. We will open Wednesday Night, all day Thursday and Saturday Nighttf as naual, F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 MarkdJp'e -*• i 4 * ♦

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