Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1948, p. 5

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i A. I Wednesday, April 28. 1948 »HE FLESHERTQN ADWANOi 4 r A, 1^ <- * » BUCKINGHAM Mr. E^le Ha'wkins of Toronto TiaiW with his sister, Mrs. Alfred Hawton, and faonily. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hou«:h and faiimly of Js'ottaiwa spent Sunday with his brother, Mr. Lloyd Hough. Mrs. Jas. Fa-wxsett of CoUing'woQd â-¼isited a recent Sunday with her ancle, Mr. Herb Hawton, and family. Jfr. and Mrs. W. A. Hanvkeii at Flesherton arid Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark and little son of Eugenia spent Sunday with iMr. and Mrs. J. .Brown. 3!lr. Gilford Mullin spent last week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Miller of the to^imline and Miss Alda Hawton of Toronto were Sunday visitors with llr. and Mrs. Herb Hawton and Jim. Mr. and Mrs. Pred Brackenbury and Mr. and Mrs. John Brackenbury of Fleafcerto* were with Mr. and Kw. John BiHJ-wm on Sunday. Use The Advance Sjnall Advts. in Imping or selling. WOOL GROWERS ORCANOXnON SHIP COLLECT TO WESTON, ONTARIO Shippers may obtain sacks and twine withut charge from VIC. YOUNG. M.4XWELL or by writing direct to CAXADIAX CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto EUGENIA Misses Maxy and Isobel McKee an<i Mr. McCarhty of Toronto aipent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and JVfrs. Thos. McKee. Mrs. Robt. Haney. has returned home somewhat improved, aftei spending serveral days with her dauighter, Mrs. Doupe, Flesherton. Mr. Jos. Williams has been on the sick list for a numlber of days with a heart coadition. We h»pe that he is well aigain soon. Mrs. Sam Paul has returned home after spending a .week in Toronto. Coragratulartions to Mlrs. Wm. His- lop and Mrs. Ed. Baker on celebrat- ing another birthday* anniversary on Sunday, April 26th. We hope th«t thes€ two elderly ladies will live to enjoy more happy returns of the day. The Partridge family of Rock Mills spenit the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Navy Wife: "Your honour, e broke every dish in the house orei imy head. He treated me cruelly and threatened to put in for sea duty." Judge; "Did he apolopze or exp- ress regrets?" Navy Wife: "No, your honour, the ambulance took bisn before he re- g-ained consciousness." Fishing Opens May 1 Alcock. Laight & Westwood fish- ing tackle and other sporting goods. REG. BODEN B.-A. Station Flesherton I WELDING ELECTRIC ARC and OXY-ACETYLENE Specializing in all kinds of metals Government approved operator Come in and give us a try ; we can satisfy you. L. McCRACKEN & SON FLESHERTON â-  • Mersco Paints I We aer receiving regulaurly a limited quantity of the«e popular pre-war low-price quality Paints and Enamels House Paint, quarts $1.15; Gallons $3.95 Red Bam Pamt gallons $3.00 Enamel quarts $1.35 5c to $1.00 Store E. J. Fisher, Prop. Flesherton, Ont. : , ; : Change of Creamery Ownership The Flesherton Creamery & Produce, Ltd., have sold their creamery business to Mr. Cecil M. Norris and associates of Barrio. Ont., as ot April 19th. 1948. Mr. Atig'us Avis will remain as manager, and assures the I'losherton Crcan\ery patrons the same congenial creamery service in the future as he has given them in the past. We wish [o thank all our patrons for their past patronage and for theii- friendly remarks they have made to us in learning that we are retii^ng from the creamery business. We also wish to thatik Mr. Angus Avis and his staff for the effic- ient .services they are rendering to the patrons and for their loyalty to us. Sincerely yours, Flesherton Creamery & Produce, Ltd. Louis Ra|)p, I'lesitlent. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. Jack Bannon was down to Pennsylvania, U^.A., for a few days recently. Attending the birthday reception in honor of Mrs. John G. Batehelor, held in the home of her sister, Mrs. W. K. McLean, Hopeville, on Satur- day, April 17th, were: her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batehelor, and her grandchildren. Mr. Leslie Batehelor and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Batehelor. We might add that Mrs. Batehelor was celeibrating her 8«.th birthd.iy anniversary. Mr. Wilfred Gallaugher was in To- ronto from Wednesday to Friday ot last week attending the funeral on Thursday of his cousin, Mr. Wm. Miskelley. We are soriy to report Mr. Walter .Acheson confined to bed again since Wednesday wth another attack of undulant fever. Week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Forbes were: Mr. and Mrs. Roy James and Marlene, Mrs. Alex. Adam^ and son, Kenneth. Toronto. Guests on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Dickeson and family of Elmvale. Miss Kaye Smith of Elora wa.s a ealier in the \V. Gallaugiier home on Friday evening, picking ui> hei mother, Mrs. Wm. Smith, who wa= returning to their home at Hunts- ville, after a three weeks' visit here Quite a number from here attend- ed the de^iication services at Proton Station United Church on Sunday. The Proton Station congregation is to be highly eo>mmended on their newly decorated church. PORTLAW KIMBERLEY The Jolly Jimmy Shows of Van- couver gav« shows on Monday and Tuesday nights, which were enjoyed by good attendances. Friday night a shower was held in the Community Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Hindle, recent bride and groom, when a large number were present rhey received a generous number ol gifts. Messrs. Raissell Chard and Garry Ellis spent the week end at their parental homes. Mr. D. Ferguson spent the week end with his mother; Mt. and Mrs. Earl Alexander and children of Col- lingwood with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber. Mr. and Mrs. l>. A. Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Don Grahajn and Donelda of Feversham called on Mrs. S. S. Burritt on Sunday. Rev. Britten accompanied Mr. Cairns in his work on Sunday. He expects to accompany him Saturday night and bring slides taken in Jamaica, while he was there with the Army, and also assist in the work on Sunday. Miss Leona Kirkpatrick of Toron- to spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. i.iid Mrs. Jas. K:rkpa:r.ck. Mr. and Mrs. Elgar McConnell, Mr. and ilrs. Ted McCi-acken and ' Velma Hutchinson spent Sunday at the home of Ran Hutchinson. â-  â- . and Mrs. Rosa Ellis and funn- ily of Rocklyn visited on Sunday with Mi', and Mrs. F, J. Weber. PRICEVILLE Mrs. Fraser and little son of Owen Sound spent Bwo weeks wiith th,e foraier's parents, Mr. ard Mrs. Frank Shiers. Messrs. Frank Shier and Harold Shier have been at Pickering taking down a bai-n which they intend to erect here on Frank's property. liCr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce aie in Toronto visiting- their daughter. Mrs Tm-ville, who is to have an operation and also with their granddaughter Ruth McKee. who has undergone an operation on her heart by Dr .Murray. We are sorry to report Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Croft not enjoying good health this spring. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Allison of To- ronto and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Batehelor of Dundalk were wsitors recently with Mr. and Mrs. VVilben Fisher. Miss Evelyn Fisher. Owen Sound, spent tile week end with her oar- eiits, Mr. and -Mrs. Wallace Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cooke of Shel- bmne visited recently with .Mr. and M'rs. Laurie Pedlar. 'Mr. and .Mrs. John McKee are visiting, in Toronto and Hamilton this week. | Friends here are soro' to hear \ that Garfield Lyons has been suifer- j ing for some time with pains in his j face ami head, and also Chester Plantt, who has had a severe attack of neuritis. Victor You«g has sold his ti-uck and business to his brother, Cecil. Visitors with Mr. Jas. Pedlar and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Talbot last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Myles and daughters. Ruth and Joan of Owen I Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. J. \ Fisher of Flesht?rton. Mrs. Royden McDonald and sou of Ear . Falls and Mr. ard Mifs. John Wickens of Kimlberley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Meldrum." FOR SALE â€" 5 Square biua asphalt thicki-butt twin shingles. â€" E. J. Fisher, phone 72J. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibson were: Mrs. Royden Mc Donald and son of Ear Falls, Mr. and Mrs. John Wickens of Kimberley and Mr. and Mrs. .Art Idle and fam- ily of Durham. A presentation was hela Friday night in Tionor of one of our Price- ville 'ooys. Robert Odell. and bride, who are visiting his parents and brothers, following their marriag-e in Quebec. The evening was spent in dancing, music being supplied by Mr. and Mrs. Thus. McDougall a:id Bill McKechnie. At the midnight hour. Mr. and Mrs. Odell were accorded a short speech by Mr. Thos. .McDougal! and the bridal couple were presented with a purse of money by Mrs. Em- erson Burnett. Bob thanked one and all for their best wishes and gift in a few well chosen words. All joined in singing "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows.'' iMr. Lawrence McArthur. Toronto. spent the week end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter .Aldcorn of Toronto spent the week end with his mother in the village. I Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison and I Wallace and Mr. Hiiiry Tucker visit"' ed at Stayner on Saturday. Mrs. Thos. Xichol returned Satur- day from visitiij^g her daughter at .Mclntyre. A large congregation was present Sunday in St. .Andrew's Chuix-h to hear Mr. Matthews preach his fare- well sermon. The choir rendered an anthem "Jesus Never Fails." AH regret the removal of Mr. Matthews, who has been here for the past year adn a half and his sermons each Sun- day were inspiring. Ne.\t Sunday Rev. Mr. Simpson will have charge of the service and wll be held for the ne.^t few months. Now is a fine thne for politicians to buy two hats â€" one to toss into the ring, the othwr to talk through. ROCK MILLS The frequent showers and warmei weather are causing rapid growth. .Mr. Heniy Martin spent the week end at his home at Bigwcod. Mr. and Mrs. John Newell. Mrs. M. Pullen and three children of Durhiun were visitors over Sunday with the former's brother, Mr. Chas. Newell, and Mrs. Newell. | Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark of To- ronto visited on Moudav at the home I of Dick Clark. | Mr. Glen Croft of Port Cremt j spent the week end at his home. | Mrs. Dick Clark is a patient in ' Mai»kdale Hospital at present. Mr. Harry Patton has not been | enjoying good health lately. He is ; holdiitg an auction sale of farm stock and implements on Friday of ! this week and will take things a ' bit easier now. The I'nitod .Missionary Cliurch will | hold prayer meeting at the home of lx)rnc .-Vtkiiisan on Wednesday even- inu- of this week. Miss -Ada .Vtkinson of Fevershani visited willi her brother. Lome, and family. K» "Hai-.l-werking little wife you've ffot. Bill" saiil the traveller to the small shopkeeper as he watched the man's w fe busy in the shivp. "My word, yesi" replied the shop- keeper. "I only wish I 'ad a couple moro like 'er!" MOTHERS- DAY SINOAY, MAY SIh UNITED STATES • Existing regulations make it illegal for any Canadian resident to retain in his possession more than $10 in United Stotes cash. • You are required to turn in to your bonk, for ex- change into Canadian money, any amount you have in excess of SIO in United States funds, without delay. THERE'S A REASON »The reason is that Canada must have the U.S. dollars spent here by tour- ists, in order to make them available for the payment of Imported goods and ser- vices needed to keep pro- duction and employment at a high level. ' tw®v*>}*^ ^<^^S^ LEAVE FLESHERTON (Daylight Saving Time) TO OWEN SOUND To TORONTO d 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m. 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m: i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Daily except Sat. ^ - Saturday only. Bus G}imections at Brampton for London and at Toronto for MontreiJ, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Soimut Trip - Tax Includ«d QUEBEC - $59.65 WINNIPEG HALIFAX - 29.60 REGINA ^T. JOHN - 46.70 CALGARY CH.VRTERED BUSES FOR PRIVATE P.VRTIES .VT LOW RATES TICKBTS AND INFORMATION AT FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Fleshenon, Ont. $50.05 6L30 81.35 Don't Use An Old Cream Separator THAT TURNS HARD AND LOSES CREAM If you need a new Cream Separator, let me dem- onstrate in your own dairy a smooth, easy-turn- ing Rtinfrew that gets every last drop of cream. Increase your cream seques and help increase the butter production. Give us a call at any time. (>rii-,i yciir Cut Flowers and Flowisitiir I'faiits fmm W A. HXUKKN 1 I'hoite 17 Flesherton | fOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD uiuw« WtMv^JlSMi^ NOMINATING CONVENTION A PUBLIC MEETING WILL BE HELD IN Town Hall, Durham THURSDAY, MAY 6th AT 2:30 P.M. For the Purpose of Selecting the Liberal Candidate to Represent the Riding of South Grey in the Forthcoming Provincial Election. SPEAKERS: Hon. Farquhar Oliver, and otrers. EX'ERYHODY WELCOME Dr. J. A. McArthur, Secretary. A. D. MAlister, President. (^,(")P SAVE THE T.TNC,

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