»- V -I w 1 i i 1 â- t k^ « k 4 T -A t Province Protects Motorists' Tires â€" The self-described vehicle above spends the summer cruising Ontario's major highways, removing the metal flotsam that often plays hob with motor car tires. Consisting of two electro-magnets, powered by a motor in the body of the truck, the swinging beams at the rear pick up everything from nails to scythe blades. Driver's biggest problem is stopping to answer questions of curious L'.S. tourists. Sports - And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS • ===== ("A StxWt Critic"! =^===== In the course of a fanning ses- sion with a great former athlete the other day, the matter of color in sports â€" skin color, that is â€" happen- ed to come up. "We used to draw the line because of personal pre- judice and the idea that we whites are naturally a superior race," he said with a doleful shake of the head. "Xow it begins to look as if we'll have to draw it all over again, simply because those coWed boys are getting too good for us." * * * We had just been reading the news that, out in Lawrence, Kan- sas, two longstanding world re- cords- â€" the l-'O yard high hurdles and the shot putt â€" had just been shattered, both by colored athletes. « * * The one notable â€" almost glaring â€" exception is the sport of hockey, where the colored boys just don't seem able to climb up to the upper branches with any degree of suc- cess. Of course this is probably because of lack of natural aptitude for "the world's fastest sport". » • * Long - standing timidity of big league baseball magnates to include negroes in their lineups â€" include them frankly as negroes, we mean â€" was due principally to their fear of unfavorable reaction in the more southerly cities of those loops. Brooklyn's experience last year with Jackie Robinson did a lot to kill that fear; and what happened during Dodgers' recent Spring training jaunt should just about finish the job. « « ♦ With both Robinson anj Roy Campanells as advertised attrac- tions, The Bums played seven ex- hibitions in Asheville, D-allas, Fort Worth, Oklahoma City and Tulsa â€" all cities that had never before seen negroes competing wit'n whites on a ball field, and all placfs where race feeling is supposed to run fair- ly high. And although the recep- tion the two colored boys received from the "white "rooting sections was nothing to rave atiout, in base- ball actions speak louder than words; and the record-breaking 03 thousand customers who paid to see those games will probably do more to convince the moguls than all the talk about "freedom and enuality" ever spouted since the days of Abraham Lincoln. •« • * This being the time of year when all sports writers peek into the tea- leaves and call the pennant-winners, why should we try and fracture such a long established custom? It has the advantage of filling a cer- tain amount of space in a fairly dull period of sport; and if we call them wrong, nobody will remember who we picked anyway. Naturally, if by some miracle we happen to pick them right, we can always re- mind you of the fact when Autumn rolls aromid. * * • Anyway, for no particular reason, we don't believe that either the Brooklyn Dodgers or the New York Yankees will be back with an encore of their last season's performance. In fact we wouldn't be too greatly surprised to see the next World Series an all - Boston affair â€" with the Braves and the Red Sox fighting it not for all the glory and mighty little dough, see- ing that Beantown seating' capacity is much below that of puces like the Yankee Stadium. * • V There have been many remark- able performers in sport; but one of the most remarkable of all time is a party most of us hardly ever hear about. When a man who was old enough to be a machine-gunner in World War One is still suffi- ciently good to defend, with ease, his championship title in one of the toughest and most exacting of all games, he must be a wonder in- deed. That man is a little Basque gentleman named Pierre Etche- baster, and the game is the ancient and regal sport known as" court tennis. * * * One expert describes it as "the absolute of games" â€" one which calls for stamina, courage and dar- ing, for the alertness of chess, the skill of billiards, the generalship of polo and the speed of hockey. It's played indoors on a court UO X 3S feet. The net, in center, is 5 feet high at the ends, sloping to 8 feet at the middle. The court is cluttered up with "hazards" quite foreign to lawn tennis; and the ball is made from strips of cloth wound so tightly together that many players have been stunned by a fast rebound coming oflF the walls and connecting with the noggin. * « • Because of the cost of the courts, it's a wealthy man's game; and be- cause of lack of room for many spectators, comparatively few ever see it played. But it's no game for a weakling, as anybody who has ever tried it will attest. And for a nfen like Etchebaster â€" at the ago of 54 â€" still to be without • rival in a gam« he's ruled for more than ao years, stamps him as one of the marvels of sport. Jtist the other day he turned back the challenger and amatetir title-holder, Ogden Phipps, seven sets to two; and h« did it with such ease that now they're saying the only person with a chance of catching up with Pierrs is an old party carrying a scythe, sometimes known as "The Grim Reaper". ROLL YOUR OWN iirnR CIGARETTIS W/T/f canantti TtfOtdi Mother Earth Puts on Weight The earth is either putting on weight, or else packs a whole lot more poundage than anybody ever suspected. Take a deep breath and we'll give you the latest and most exact figures. It's 6.620 trillion tons. Or if you'd rather have it all in figures, just write down 6.620 and then start making zeros. There should be eigiiteen fff them, after the 6,620, when you're done. That's rightâ€" 6. 0-:o. 000.000. 000,- 000.000,000 tons. Xo wonder the old lady seems to be rather weary at times! For centuries scientists have been trying to establish the exact weight of the earti:. In 1793 Lord Caven- dish made the first determination and devised the method, which with many modifications, was used in the latest tests made at Washington by the Bureau of Standards. But the newest method is a great im- provement even over the one used at the last test, in 1930; and as a result there has been a large correc- tion in the figure of this globe's weight â€" hundreds upon hundreds of millions of pounds being added to the estimates. These e.xperiments have not been carried on just out of idle curiosity, eitlier. .\ctualiy, this information is immensely important in many fields of scientific work â€" to astronomers, astro-physicists, just plain physic- ists as well as many others engaged in basic researc'i. That's Different A French valet, violently opposed to capitalism, spent most of his spare time attending Communist meetings. His employer didn't ap- prove but was tolerant, for the man was an unusually efficient servant. But then the valet suddenly stopped going to tlie meetings. Asked for an explanation, he said: "\t tht last meeting I attended it was prov- ed that if all the wealth in the couiUry were divided equally the share of each p erson would be 2000 francs." "So what?" asked his employer. "Well," replied the valet, "I have BOOO frances." Have You Noticed? Lots of fellows know a good thing the moment the other fellow sees it first. Here's Speedy Relief foe Tender, Aching, Burning Feet Tour fe«t msy b« so awoUea and In- flamed that roa think 70a oan t vo a&- •filer step. Your shoes mar feel aa If tb«r an eattlns risht Into the flaah. Too fe«I •lok all over with pain and tartvr«; roo'd rive anythinc to set tvUef. Two or thre« appliotttlons of Moone'a Sinerald Oil and In a few mlnat«« the pala aod sorcuess dUappears. No nattar bow dlsoourtticed 70U have been. If too bar* Mt tried Emerald OU then yoa haTo tom^ vine to learn. Ask for a bottle today tt g^od dras ttoFM all oTer Canada. ISSUE 18 - 194« Classified Advertising AGE>Ta WANTED OILS. GREASES. TIRES, nic'.a'^a. Eieetrlc Fence ContrgllerB. Bouae and Bum Paint. Roof Coatinsa. etc. Deal- ire wajited. Write W»rco Greoae * OU Llmi ted. Toronto _^___^^^^_ BABY CHICKS UBAT and other staple aliorta«es may b« a reality. That's when esffa and poultry flU in. You'll And Kood marketa. Immetllate dttlWery chicks, and started. Ask tor bar- gain llat. Bray Hatchery. 130 John North. Hamilton, • _-4i/^ â€" Heavy Breed Cockerelsâ€" oc â€" 3uasex. .-juasex X New Haniy. Ne-.v Ha.:noa, prompt delivery: 6c. After Apnl 2i)tii: 5--;c. May 1st to May 10th: Sc. Rhode Uland Reda 4'-sc. Rock z Leghorn and :3U3aex z Leshom He. Leghorns Ic. Faat Feathering RocUa and Rock X New Hampo to May «th 8c. May l-lOth: Te. T'; receive these speclala enclose this ad with order. All pricea subject to change without notice. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY. London. 'Ont. BABY CHICK.i FREE! 100 HEAVY-BREED COCKERELS with every order T»f 100 puUeta, Larse Type White Leghorn putlpts t2i S>i. New Hampo. tZS.OO. To receive this apecial encloae this ad with yu\ir ordL-r HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY. LONDON. ONT. U.\K£ oigser meat and esg profita with Hullywoiid levhorna They ire as larsa as most htavy oreads. These Real bis. (ep- combed heautiea are bacUed by 20 years breedms for every quality you need tor lop poultry prtJiita â€" Cha.T.uionahip Uv^bility to cut chicli and layer losjea Guarantee<l fsts breeding (or big, white, premium egga. Really a big leghorn for more meat Faat UniJorm growth tor quickest o? ail Droilera Uaise these big proiit makers once and you will raiae t.. ^m always. Write for orn-eiiat and free calendar Big Rock Farm. VfiKe Rorhes. Ontariq ^ STAJITED chick bargama while they last. ;- week-old Barred Rocka. N-jw Hampshire z Barred .P.ock, Light aujsex x Barred Rock. New Hampshire x Light Suaaes â€" non-sesed JO. 95. pulleo 32.95. cockerels 10.45. Wh:te Leghoma Barred Rock x White Legaoma. Auatra White â€" pullets 35.95. Black Minorca X White Leghorn puileUi 35.35. New Hamp- L hires â€" non-aexed 20.45. pulleta 34.95. cocker- ela :j.43. Assorted Breeds l.dO per hundred lesa. Three- week -old add 5.00 per hundred. 7- week-o;d pulleta â€" New Harapahires 50.35. 8- week-old â€" Elack Austraiorp pullets 51.95. 5- week-otd Burred Rocka 4T.35. Day old cock- erels Barred Rocks. New Humpahire x Barre*! Rock. Light :3Uasex, Light ^usvex x New Harapahirea, Black Ausiraiorpa 4.45. New Hampahirea 3.45. Assorted heaviea Z.'ii. Prompt delivery. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. DON'T miss these started chick bargains. Immediate delivery. Pullets: 2 weeka old â€" Whrte Leghorn, White Leghorn i Barred Rock. Light Sussex x White Leghorn i4.d5. i Black Minorca x White Leghorn 38.95. New Hampahirea. White Rocks. Light Sussex 33.95. Barred Rocks. New Humpahire x Barred Rock. L.ijht Sussex x Barred Rocks. 31.35. Aaaorte-J Bre^ia 1.00 per hundred less. Also non-aextr-l and cockerela at bargain prices. 6- week-old pulleta Black .\ui.^ralorps 43-95. White Rocks. Barred Rocks. 33.35. 4-week- old. New Harapahirea. White Rocks. 4^.95. Baned Rocks 44.95. Day-old cockerels: Barred Rocks. New Hampshire x Barred Rock, Light Sussex X Barred Rock. Light Susaex. Light Suases X New Hampirtilrea 4,45. New Hamp- ahires 3.45. Assorted heavies 3.95. Send for complete t»»t of bargains. Top Notch Chick Sales. Cuelph. Ontario. FREE: 100 Heavy Breed Cockerela With every order of 100 piiU*rts. Large type White Le;ihom pulleta 128,50. New Hamps: 128. QO. To receive this L»p^cial encloaa this ad wtth your order. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY. LC'NDON. On'ario DVEING AND CLEANING Have you anything aeeds dyeing or clean- tng"^ Write to ua for information We are glad tc answer your questions Department H, Parker' â- Dye Works Um it ed T9 1 Tonse Street. Toronto, Ontario FOB 8 ALE RINO-NECK Pheasant Eggaâ€"jr.OO p*'r ast^ ting. £. Whitmora. Edgel'-y. Ontario. FAR.HS for aale ia this district, C35 mtlsa from Prince Rupert, on the C.X.R. lias. Write J J, WatMon. Smlthera. B.C. OLIVER Standard "T*": J'»lm Deere Modal H: Oliver Row Crop "«0" , C-neral Row Crop: Maa»ey-Harria 101. Junior: Maaaer- Harria 101. Super: Maasey-Harrts (Wallace). The above trac-ors are In e-ijell^nt m»-'-hanl- cal condition and look like new. Batemaa Motors Lim:^e*l. BellevlIU Ont. Phone 2851. COMMERCIAL grower of Strawberriea smc« 1321. Several varieties. Reiriest atirartivs pricea. Earl Bow»r, Kcmptv:!!''. 'Jr.t- NO. 1 AMBER Honey, twelve four lb. can* S12.00. mixed Oladtoiua, 30 bulbs for Sl.O*. postpaid. W. E^iwnea. Route s. L« ndon. Ont. FOB »At.E WHEN other people are cutting down or staying out of the chicken business that ta a good time to buy your usual number. We look for the beat egg and poultry prices this Fall and Winter that we have had for some time. Prospects look bright for a good crop. which will mean lower feed prices. Juat the combination that will make you those extra dollars. We can give you prompt delivery on all the popular breeds, day-old, started chicks, and older pullets eight weeks to laying. If you haven't received our 134i catalogue send for It to-day. It Is free. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus. Ontario. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parta and -ierv.ce Ben E K(»niicdy A Son 419 College St., Tor onto BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS .\lso SMM.L WHITER and BRO.AU- BREASTED BRONZE X SMALL WHITE* and S.MALL B.B.B. S THIS 100K3 t.^if year to ma«e real money In turkeys Send for our Turkey Guide and let- ter to get all the details There fa a good American marKet and demand The duty Is down 2 cents per lb Feed prices are going down. Quotations for May delivery for grain are down JIJ 00 to JK 00 per tan Ameri- can Breeder tlockj are down 40-50 per cent Poalt production wll! be away down It is expected that Canadian poults will be afaipped to C S A by &i ay or before at good pncee Plan to raise Dn,jltar This la the vear! Book your order nnw' Big discounts tor April delivery Send tor Turkey M.mascmoit Guide and circulai which tella hI\ atKjin profits. prevaition of dijease. and rear'ng raethoda LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO BARGAIN! STOCK REDUCING SALE .VKW pol-ry^e uutfen Oil Burning Brooder stovea. n«w 520 00 or IJ' KO dehrererl to your station. Act quicklj. nrhll* they last. Subject to chauxe witliout noUce. To rwrelve thta barraic Prtr» enclose thia a«l with your or4'?r. .\1*> ROOM HE.\TER3 u low u $31.00 «nd Mew Pot-T>l!e UUEEN RA.N'GE Ort. BLTIN- ERS. J43 O.) wh:!e they Lis!' LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO XEAR-OL.D Raspberry plants. Latham and Taylor Varieties 5c each. Improved Saoator Dunlop strawberry plants $2 00 htisdred. Rlvervlew Gardens. Kitchener. Ontario. HIGH PRICES â€" USED BAGS illnimuni ; ;.i:r â- v ;''>0 bags. W r:\- \VESTEP..\ EA-; A BfRLA? <:OM?A.NT ST Front .St re-*' Eaat Toronto. Ont. DEPENDABLE Electric Mo'.jr.H, S0-U5 O'-is- Oeneratora, TranE-formera. .Storaire Tanks. P'jrape. Swit- ches. Cumpressors. New or uaed guaranteed. R. SPR.\TT AND COMPANY. 1563 Egiinton AT.-*. W.. TornrA') WEED conrml w.th chemicals is easy, quick effective and i!^ unomical with use of Han- son ipra-.era ar.d chemkals. Write for Jn- f'jrmat;on '.n G'-jr^re White A iona Company Limite-i, Lon-l'in <>titario. n HAIK|IRe>Kl\<i LEARN Hii:r<:rc»s-ri^ iL« Kui.t..".£Kjn cnetnod. In .^urma t:on on request reg-n rd i ng ciat ses. Rooertaon a H-t rd re«<ai ng Aeadeniy 1 3T a v» nue Road. Toronto VIEUU \l WANTED â€" E.-ry sufferer -f RMeumatig Pains or Nt^ur: t is to try Dixrin ' a Remedy. M'anro'a Drug St-jre. 335 Elgm. utlawa. Postpaid SI 00 FRUIT juk-'-s The principal insredlenis In Dixon's Remedy for R.'ieumatir Pain^ Neuritis Munro'a Drug Store, 33S Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1-|)0. OPPOHTLMTIES? FOB WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN C.OiADAS UEADl.NG ^rHOOL Gr'-af Opportunity Learn Haird resting Pleaaant dlgn:ded prof*»saion. eood wagea. rhoosands aucceasful Uarvei graduates Ameri ca ' s grea : est system H ! u at ra ted cata- logue free Write or Call MARVEL H.VIRDRESSING SCHOOLS S5S Blour St- W . Toronto Branches: 4 4 K..nB St.. Ha.-niltoii. A 74 Rideau Street. Of.awa BEAQLE Pups from Field Trial Champion stock, ready to train, also trained doga. J. J. Farmer. Suite 100. 20 J Queen St.. Ottawa. Ont. ENSILAGE Harveater. McCormIck D«erlng No. J. Har-ily used, perfect condition, RIt- Isre Chauda Farm. Reg'd.. Pont Rouge. Qua ONTI AND TWO ROW JOHN DEESS POTA- TO PLANTERS IN STOCK NOW. W. F. McKEXZIE CO.. DISTRIBUTORS 3INCR 13g<. PHO.VE 2S. LEAMINGTON. ONT. HAiLDT i-year X^tham Raapberry eanea. 15.00 per hundred. Premier Strawberries 12.00 per hund.-ed. A. Crowle. R,R. L Isling- ton. Ont. PSAS â€" Government Registered No. 1 Chancsl- lor and OAC 181. Limited auppiy. Sealed In two bushel baga. $4.50 bu. W. .\_ Prica, it OPPOBXrNlTlES FOB MEN AND WOMEN E.VRN ilONET AT HOJtE SPA-R.S or full-time money-making Le^im u make candy at homa and earn as you lean; correspondencfl course. National tnat;tute of Confectionary Reed. Del'trimler P O.. Boa 153. Montreal. Que. PATKNTS rETH£R5T0N A UGH it Compa.ny. patent Solicitors. Establtsbed iS90. 14 King West, Toronto. Bookie*, of :nforma:!on on reQuesC PHOTOGRAPHY b&ND your Alms to our new p,a.i: :or unaur- paaaed Quality. Our ^>arklii!g s'.osay prints wlU pieaoe jrou. $ or I exposure' rolls 30c postpaid, reprints 03c ea. SS (or SI Gamma Photo Centre. Box 71. Chapleau, Ont.ario. BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS =?^- Thomas gt . Toronto. Randolph 5141 OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS All double bl'jod tested, banded and inspected. Many customers have had years of continuous succeEB. wuh Lakeview chicks. Tou can too. From John Coles, Graven hurst, Ontario â€" * 'Many thanks for ttnt shipment. I have 100-:^ Uvabtllty." "V-'ondorful succesa. 75 to $0% production with your Sussex." reports Arthur .\ryere, Osvoode. Ontario. EGG SHORTAGE Total chick hatchittffa down 5J -I'o from year _ _ _ _ „ a«o. FeeJ prices wil be lower anj egg prices | Pumbine flit'jres '"and e'iectrlca! appliances. ''â- K*'"'- I Send stamp tor circular. E.-oncmy DIatribU' POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE ""• Slrg^on. Ontario. BBMIS O.XE .\ND TWO-ROW HORSB a:«D TRACTOR-DRAWN TOB.iCCO ^VND TOM- ATO. ETC.. TRANSPLANTERS .AVAILABLE NOW. SEE YOUR LOCAI, DEAI.EK OR w. F. Mckenzie co.. DiSTRrsuTORs SINCE ISSj. PHONE !«. LE-i_M rNGTON. ONTARIO. 1 B.O. CLETR.\.C Overhead Shovel and Angle- dozer. U3eU 5 months. New condition. Hamden A Kln». Contractors. GrafSfin. Ont. Phone 37 ~ BUILDERS' SuppUea avallahle immediately. Nails â€" Cast-iron »oll-p:?e and FlttlnxM. Reports show cocitereis started to dat.? down BEAUTIFUL baby budjflea. «'.:arantaed male*. 70 to S')'-^ from year aso. 3-4 lb. bnjilers are selllnK tor 35 to 40c lb live welsht, margin of profit la greater than ever. PROMPT DELIVERY 50,000 LaKeviow chlcka we-ek'.y. \Vo cm e:vi? prompt delivery la moat breeds. Give JnJ i weeks old. C.O.D. $1S. Canary alnvara. The '-'a.refuUy chosen for color and son*. $16. â- C.O.D. Groom Pet Supphea. 939 Bloor W.. Toronto. Ont. THERE are thousands of hens beUiff shipped to the United State* each week, there has been 40 to 50 percent lesa chicks hatched to date. The proapects for a alplendid crop look koo*1. Don't 'you think this Is the year to fill your brooder house. Don't be wishing and not cashing tn next fall and winter when e^s and poultry prices will be the boat we have had for some time. Send for our new ld4S catalosue Just oft the prea*. We can «ive prompt delivery on day old and atarted chicks. also older pullets alffht weeks to laytni. Top Notch Chick Salea. Guelph. Ontario. WI^JCONSIN AJR COOLED 0.\S0LINB3 ENGINES Delivery from stock, 2 - -<0 h.p. IlEPAIRS AND P.AJITS DIstrlbutiort required In certain terrltorlsa. CONSOLIDATED ENGINES A MACHINKRT COMP.\NT New Toronto Ontario LATH.AM raspberry canes, i'^.'.)'d per hundred. Gordon B:-;dg:nan. R.K. 2. Puallnch. Ont. HI-POWERED R:flea â€" Write for deMnptlYe ^ ^^ „....^., ,„ .„.„. «.. „..„ ..« folders and prices. SCOPE SALES CO.. choice ot breed' trpossible. Breeds "availahie 33< Queen St.. Ottawa. On:. Sussex. Sussex x N. Hanips.. B. Rock x Hamps. . Barr^ Rocks, N. Hamps. . Rhode Island Reds, Large tj-po W. Leghorns. Rock X Leghorn. Sussex z Leghorn. N. Hamp. x Leghorn. STARTED PULLETS 4 wks.-24 wks. | Get a head start with started pullets or book I order for future delivery 3 weeics to ready to j lay. It looks like It will be Inu'oasible to buy well-started pulleta later on. All older puUct^ raised on free ranee under Ideal condttiona. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousands available we'.'k'y Send for special low prices on large orders . CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE There la good money in ruismg Capons. Sell for as much per lb. as turkeys. 35 to 40c per lb. alive now. Send for large Illustrated catalogue and man- agement book and weekly special list of day old. started pulleta and capons. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY FRSB enlargement with roll 3'.>c. or wtt^ 10 r«pr!nts 33c. Include this ad. Art PHoto, Boi 1:3. Station B. Montreal fUEr^l&s FUR COATS REMODELLED Old coats made Uka new by maat-^r 'urrier. P*rfl« Insured atorage on repairs and t^raodels. Write for Information. Cptcwn Furs. 551 Tonjre St . TaDP.M, fVA^TTBD WANTED! 115.1)0 pHid for Winchester 1»»4 and Uarlin 1393 loniy) rifles wtth worn-out oarrels The Gun Shop. T« Wari. Port Hope. On tar-, o. WANTED: Muekr^t are in good demand. Kor top prices and prompt retuma ship your raw furs to: Alan Ja.iie*. Lindsay On' BARLEY GROWERS WANTED to produce reg'.stered Montcaim seed barley on contract. Seed supplied and a prem:tua over Winnipeg market for the crjp at harvest. Q. H. Snyder, phone 6«W. Lynden. Ont. HELP WAITED SENATOR Dunlop strawberry planU. well roote«1, heaviest producers, hundred 11.50. thousand SS. Order sarly. Percy Tarrow. Route S. Trenton. Ont. PRIZE winners. Black cocker spaniel Stud. Proven bttehes. Pupplee. Reasonable. Dtxm- ford Kennels. •> - 5 Peel St. . W jodstock. Ont. EAT HONEY. Nature's finest sweet, ws will supply a case of 11 four-pound cans of de- licious fine ilavored clovsr honey for only 110.00. Order today while this bargain pries lasts. Big R-vk Farm. Mil'.e Roches. Ont , MACHINERY NOW IN STOCK. Beatty Jeep and shallow well pressure systems, deep well Hand Pumps, and Pump Jacks. Air Compressors, all sixes both stationary and portable. Complete line of woodworking machinery. Electric Motors. all sixes In 25 and 80 cycle. Portable Electric Welders. 100 amp. caxMiclty. Writs for prices and descriptive Itteraturs to: Mllgrom Electric Limited :â- -* King Street West Hamilton. Ontario HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housekeeper to 1 ve n. periiianen: poeltloa, S adults only. Apply Mrs. Bert Weir. T€l Richmond St., London. Ont. WANTED Four (4) General duty nurses. A;30 night supervlaor tll-T â- . Attractive salary wtth t»- creaas aftsr one year" s service. Full main- tenance prov.ded. Apply the Dlr*>ctor ot Nursing. Well.inil County General Hospital. Welland. Ontario TWO PROTEST .VNT te&chers wanted for town- ship school ar'ca No. S. Black River, enrol- ment In No. 2 school 13. grades 1 to I. enrolment In No. S school IS, grades 1 to I. Salary In each school SI. 800. Duties to com- msnce tn September. Mr. George S. Gray. Sec.-Treas., Township school area No. 1. Black River. Mathesoa. Ontario. WANTED; Reg-.atered Nuraea for General Duty. <0-bed HospltAl B hra. Duty. Apply Superintendent St. Joseph's Hospital. Kenora, Ontario. PROTEST.ANT teachers wanted for Townehlp School Area of Kennebec. State aualiflca^ tlonav name of last Inspector and salary expected. DUTIES to commtMics Sept. 1. 1J4S. Apply J. B. Hughes, Seo.-Tre«s., Arden. Ont. la^ic â€" ^urondalc Chicks â€" 12^c All Breeders do^ibls-Moodtested and banded. backed by high pedigreed foundation st^-'Ck. Many customers report "Best chicks I ever hid. and prices so reasonable". "The chicks I had from you have done splendidly" reports James Wright. Owen Sound. Pure Sussex mixed: 14c: Sussex x New Hatnp. Rock X New Hamp. Barred Rock and New Hamp mUed: 12 He; pullets: Z*c. Rock x Leghorn. Sussex x Leghorn. New Hamp x Lsghorn to May 20th: mixed: 14o, pulleu: -Tc. cockerela: :'c. After May 20th. Mtxsd 13 '-»c. Pulleta 2*0. Large type White Leghorn Pullets 24c. mixed 13 H c. Fast Feathering Rock and Rock x New Hamp cockerels ic to May 1st: Suaaex x New Hump and Broad Breasted New Hamp cockerela to May Ist: 6\kQ. May I - 10th: 6c. Assorted Mixed chicks lie, a.4sorted pulleta: :23c. .\asorted hsavy cockerels, 6c when available. All prices aubject to change without notice. 100% Uvs Delivery to your Station. $1.00 psr 100 deposit, bajancs C.O.D. Order from and enclose this ad. HURO.VDALB CHICK 1 Bloor St HATCHERY. LO.VDON. Ontario. ROOFING â€" SIDING Bargain â€" Mill Ends â€" Factorv Seconds 310 lb Asphalt Shingles 14.75 Sq. 125 lb. Asphalt Shingles t.95 6a Colours â€" Green. Red. Blue. Black. Green Blend. Red Blend. *i* thick Brick Sldfn*. RM or Red Blend $3.96 Sq. Smooth RoI.e^l RoofIn« 45 lb. SI 55. SS lb. $2.10. Rock faced 90 lb. Roofing $3.65 8^. Red. Green & Black. FOB. Hamilton. The4» are real vauea at the above prices Order Now. Siuv-k limited. ROBERT JONES LUMBER CO. HAMIL TON ONTARIO ART HALLIWELL AUTO WRECKERS ALL PARTS Thoroughly guaranteed, wrecki^^l and catalogu- ed. Shipped with no mistakes anvwhers. Mall ordsrs a specialty. Alt cor res pon denes an- swaced dally No part too hard -^ cct. Try our fast and accurate service. V, e c;san. re- pair, or recore any make of radiator. Glass installs^ while you wait. Lakeside 443S. 1405 Bloor St. W . T^TvMito. Ont!irL> ^'rtte Wire Ph^nc COOK Genera!. Hge 30-45 required for two adults and one schoolgirl. Lake Slnicos la summer, travel'.'ng south In winter. High- est wages, private room, new home, othsr help kept. Art>!y ^y ".etter. T F.'reet W'ood* Toronto. ACHES& PAINS BY RUBBING IN ^ Brings quick relief. Qreaselesa, fast-drying, no strong (xlor. Isrgs* scenomlciH siie, 6:'c I9-4< HfMsof PilW- ^jmNT^ POPâ€" Sliin Ouuice By J. MILLAR WATT VBS I "i EXPECT WELL HAVe TO SHOOT