Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1948, p. 8

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« Wednesday, April 28. 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALEâ€" Driving horse, 2 years oW.â€"nDonald Reiley, Pricevillf. FOR SAjLE â€" Heifer calf, 2 weeks old.â€" iRussell Park, phone 16J. FOR aAl£ â€" Young oow and calf. â€"Ernie Proctor, Eugenia. 4^2 HELP WANTED â€" Kitchen help for a few hours daily- â€" ^Fireside Lunch FOR SALE â€" CJyde mare, 9 years old, sound. â€" M. S. McLeod, phone 41J1 Flesherton. 47c2 jITANTEC â€" ADMMia n^Ubl* fot mink and fox f*«d. â€" Bert Mclntou Eugcni*. rhoM P«T«nh»-i (rSC FOR SALE â€" Young Yorkshire sow, due in June. â€" Cecil Monaghan, .Maxwell, phone Fevershami 4i"13. FOR S.'XX.E â€" Quantity of clovei hay in the bam. â€" Mrs. Chris. Thom.%on. phone 51J1 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Three-quarter wagon. .â- \rchie McKechnie, Priceville. tel- ephone Flesiierton y2w2. 47pl WAXTED â€" Party to go shares in garden lot on Alice St. in Flesher- ton, across from the high school. Planting A Tr«e What do "we plant when we plant the tree? We plant the ship whieh will crosA the »ea, We plant the mast to can? the sails Wc plant the planks to withstand the gales â€" The keel, the keelson, the beam, the knee, We plant the ship when we plant the tree. What do we plant when we plant the tree ? Wc plant the houses for you and one, We plant tlie rafters, the shingles, the floors. We plant the studding, the laths, the doors. The beams and siding all parts that be; Wc plant the house when we plant the tree. What do we plant when we plant the tree ? A thousand things that we daily see: We plant the spire that out-towers the crag, Wc plant the staff for our country's flag; We plant the shade from the hot sun fiee, Wc plant all these when we plant a tree. â€" Henry Abbey FOR SALEâ€" Nchbarb barley.â€" Geo. Boyce, CoUingwood gravel, 5 miles east yf Fieshertoii, phone it()J4. FOR SALE â€" ^Taco raneg in real good Condition. â-  â€" Jos. Porteous R.K. 1 Maxwell. 48pi; FOR SALE â€" Coo<l general-purpose hoi-se, makes good work horse or driver. â€" Geo. Armstrong. CATTLE WANTED - 10 Htud ol cattle to pasture, yearlings only, large i-ange, Saugeen livcr.â€" J. E. McKce, phone 4:lwl2 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" .Set of M.-H, Disc harrows, 14-plate with forecarriage â€" Fred Russell. R.R. 2, Flesherton* phone Mjirkdale G()0r4. 48pl FOR SALE â€" Potatoes: Waibas, Irish Cobbler, Chippawa and Kat- ahdin. Grade No. 1. â€" Alex. S. .Muir. (k-ylon, phone iy4J;{. 4Sp2 PASTURE â€" 100 acres to rent foi pasture foj summer aesson. Apply to L. R. Thistlethwaite, 3S fioose- velt Rd., Toronto »;. 42t.f. Here's hoping no peach crops are killed this spring while Jack Frost is having a little nip. Spring Changeover (.;rea.sinK, Washing, etc B.-A. STATION I'hone 6:} Flesherton FOR SALEâ€" Seed peas. â€" Ben Mc- Kenzic, phone 104 J 1 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Jersey cow. fresh 2'- months. â€" Cecil Magee, Eugenia, jihone Feversham 5r4. 48c2 FOR SALE â€" 1110 Bu. Lincoln oats cleaned. â€" Edgar Wiight, Hi ;nile.<! north of Swinton Park, phone 14(iJ.S Dundalk. 48p2 FOR SALE â€" Geneial Purpose horse, will work anywhere; road cart in first class condition; 500 capacity electric brooder, like new. â€" Geo. .\rni strong, Fleshi-rton. FOR S.-\LE â€" Good kitchen range, medium size; also good rubber tire wagon. â€" Laurie Genoe,- phone .51 w] Tleshei-ton. 4Gp2 NOTICE â€" Diirant car parts for sale; good l!ix.5.(Mj tires and tubes, rims, good gearings. â€" Bruce Young. Eugenia P.O. 48c3 FOR SALE â€" Quarter-cut „ak hall seat with large bevel-edge miri-or to match, in good condition.â€" J. F. Co!lin.son. Ceylon, phone 10.5J1. FOR SALEâ€" Roan Shorthorn ball, months old. eligible foi- registra- tion. â€" J. F. Collinson, Cicylon, phone F'lesherton 10,5J1. 47c2 HOUSEKEEPER W.ANTEI) â€" Bach- eloi- in forties with gond homi., all conveniences, requires housekecpcu' under 4.=5. /Vpply to P.O. Box 21 Chesley, Ont. 48p2 FOR S.ALEâ€" -.M-.H. Ki-hoe drill with cultivator and grass st'cd attach- ment, priced reasonably. â€" Edgar Patteison, R.R. 2, Priceville, phone Flesherton 22ftv;i. 48c2 FOR SALE â€" 1 Heintxman and 1 Williams piano, both snutll sizes al.so trenches; and some other mtikes. â€" Willard Blakey, Proton .Station, phone ll)tiw2 Dundalk. 47p8 WANTEDâ€" Reliable man as Dealer in Grey County. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Pro- ducts furni.shed on credit. Write Rawdeigh Dept. ML-) -6-205 -'63, Montreal, Que. 45c4 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, EU- Phone S8 MARK DALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. BeUsmy's office every Sat- orday from 6 t« 8:80 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Qiaduate of Toronto UniTenity Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 FleshertOB For .SALE â€" Wild Goose wheal, heiivy yielder; <iuantity No-lxirb inirley. â€" Kendal Hawkins, jihoiK' Feversham 4(t0r42 at noon or at U o'clock p.m. lTc2 COTTACJE FOR SALE â€" Situated on Eugenia Lake, near the,(l;un, :, rooms and furnished $1200.00; also good â- luiilding lots. â€" Ilarolc licsl l'"l.'shei-lo]i. 47p2 LOST â€" Between Flesherton and Proton corner, upholstered chair, covered with tarpaulin. Please notify Edwin .Ajl>crcronil)ie. CeilJ- arville, Ont. 48ip2 FOR S.ALE â€" Cream separator in Hood working older; cliurti. buttc|- ilish an<l ladle; hay rack; seed drill; will sell reasonable. â€" .Mrs. .Archie Stewart, Flesherton. â- lHp2 FOR SALE â€" 2 .Sows due June 15 second litters; cow due June lO; leather horse collar, size 20 in. â€" ClinLoii lVlagi;e, phone Fevei'shain llr42. 48c 1 LOST â€" Will the party who took a handbag by mistake from Frater- nal Hall Saturday night kindly rcdiiiii to the caretaker and avoid further trouble. PASTURE FOR RENTâ€" Lot 0, Con. 8, Ospiey Township, farm of the late Jos. McGrade. running walei and plenty of shade. Apply Mrs. Wini. Madden, (ireonwood, B.C. P.O. box 515. 48p4 Local and Personal Ml'. Ivan Henderson spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hazard of Gait spent the week end in town wish friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. Clarke of Delhi arc visiting thejr friends, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Boden. Mr. Cecil Thistlewaite of Shel- burne spent the week end with his parents in town. Mr. Leo Patton, London, is spend- ing this week with his father, Mr. Harry Patton, 4th line. Miss Beatrice Thistlethwaite has returned to her home after spending the winter in Toronto. Quantity of B-H paint to clear at half price, while it lasts. â€" F. H. W. Hickdlinig, Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. J. Metherall of Sing- hanipton visited with Mrs. Jos. Blakeley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting and son, Wayne, of Preston spent the week end v^dth the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting. Mrs. Emerson .A.danis and Mirs. Jim .\danis of Toronto spent a day last week with Mi-, and Mrs. D. W. .â- \dams. :\lr. and Mrs. Roy Thistlethwaite and son, Bernard, of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park. Mrs. Geo. L;v\vler returned home Monday evening, after spending the ])ast month with her dauffhter, Mrs. W. Irwin, at Win<lsor at friends at London. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Graham oi .Markdale, Mi'. Gordon Irwin, Mrs. W. Moore and Mrs. J. J. Brown at- tended the funeral in Toronto on Friday of the late Alfred Carter. hu.sl)and of the former Mary Murphy. Modern protection for to-day's re- quirements: Health and .Accident, -Auto, Fire, Casualty Insurance. Have me check your insurance needs. â€" G. I). -MiacArthiir, agent, Flesherton, l>lione 82J. SOMETHING NEW In FLESHERTON ICE .^. L. Stautfer has oponi'd a re- freshment booth at TTis home in town and will cool drinks with ice. If anyone in town would wish to l)uy icc we will l)e slad to supply the same. Please phone your requirements and we will look after you. STAUFFER'S BOOTH l'h<i ITcsherlon TENDEItS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned uj) to noon on Weil. .May 7th, 11)48, for l>0 tons of sLoker coal, d(divered in the bin at Fle.sli- erlon High School. Tender please sulnnit analysis. â€"A. n. CHARD, Secty. Flesherton Hello Homemakers! One serving of potatoes daily is a rule in the fice-star plan of good ntitrition. Thank goodness, we can atill talk tbout their food value without cringing at the thought of expense. We, who have "been aWe to store potatoes diiring Iharvost time are more fortunate. Eiven though it takes time we should pick over ti>e "cobblers" and pluck off any sproojts at this season of the year. Now, we cannot tell any hoone- maker much about cooking them except to remind her to cook only until done â€" 25 mins. for whole me- dium potatoes bfliiliad in their jackets. SPICED CREAM POTATO SOUP 3cups diced potatoes, l^ cup celery leaves, 1 clove garlic '2 t.sp. chili powder, 1 tsp. salt, 2 cups water, 2 tbsps. dripping, 2 Cbsips. flour, 3 cupc milk. Cook potatoes, celery, garlic and seasonings in water until vegetables are tender. Melt dripping, blend in flour; add milk gradtially; cook, stir ring constantly. Add to potato mix- ture. Take out garlic and celery le- aves and ceivo. Six servings. PUFFY POTATO LOAF 4 eggs, separated, 2 cups mashed potatoes, 1 large onion. l/, cup diced bologna, fat dripping, salt and popper. Use Grade B or cracked egge. Add egg yolks to potatoes and beat well. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into potatoes. Brown onion and bol- ogna in fat and add also. Season and pour into greased casserole. Bake in slectric oven at 400 degrees for 30 to 65 minutes. Serves 5. MASITED POTATKS WITH SOlK-( REAM ONION SAUCE 4 peidod, cooked potatoes. 1 tsp. salt, V4 tsp. pepper, '.i cup flour. 1 onion, minced, .3 tbsps. dripping, '2 cup potato liquid, I/, cup sour cream, 'i cup grated cheese. M'ash 4 loft-over potatoes with '2 cup of potato cookig water. Add salt, pepper and flour. Pat into a greased casserole; add a minced on- ion which has been browned in drip- pinp and the sour cream. Top with DEPENDABILITY SERVICE I MASSEY-HARRIS FARM EQUIPMENT Quality Hardware Buildert' Supplie* STOCK ON HAND PONY TRACTOR â€" It's ability to pull its weight and lusrinK power warrants your investigation- 2-Furrow Tractor Plow. 2- Furrow Horse-Drawn Plows Heavy Duty Rubber Tire Wagons 7-foot Binders Smoothing Harrows Walking Plows 5 ft. and 6 ft. Mowers Used Drill in good condition $23.00 Used Cultivator, 13-tooth, good as new, $65.00 RITB-WAY MILKER â€" Save 65% of your time! The Milker the <Jow likes, and the man that awns one likes the right way: the suction and massage way of milking. We instal. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES INSULBRIK and ROLBRIK SIDING EVE TROUGH ASPHALT ROOFING STEEL ROOFING PRESSURE SYSTEMS BARN TRACK and CARRIERS LITTER CARRIERS HAY FORKS and SLINGS. We insta l Prepare now for he rush period; goods are still in short supply. STOVES and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES McClary, Clare, Jewel, Good Cheer and Empire Stoves Coleman ^-burner Hot Plate Monarch 3-burner Oil Stoves Electric Irons Toasters Hot Plates Ranges and Rangettes J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM grated cheese. Bake in electric oven at -350 degrees for 15 mins. Serves 4. NOTICE TO ll().VO SUB-OVERSEKUS OF OSI'KEY TOWNSHIP All lOad accounts must be in the hands of the Siiperintendant on or before the ;^)th day of the month, otherwise they will be carried over until the following month. â€"ARTHUR WILSON, Road Superiiitendant Osprey Township 'JEIIIT AUCTION SAIL STO( K, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. COWS FOR SALEâ€" Durham cow, 5 years old, due al>out June 1; Here- foi-d cow. 7 years old, with calf 3 months old; Bicycle, good as new, "Royal Flier", balloon tires. â€" Dor- land Campbell, Eugenia, phone 74J12 Flesherton. 46p3 CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of .Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A commissioner for taking affidavits Of ke, Toronto Street, Flesherton FARM FOR SALE West half of Lot 167. 2 S.W., .\rt- mcsia, consisting of 40 acres, 30 of which is good pasture land, balance bush and swamp. A/pply to HaiTy Patton, R.R. 3, Flesherton. 47p2 FARM FOR SALE Lot 178, 2 S.W., Artemesia, near Saugeen Jet., 76 acres more or less, cement house, large L- shaped barn, drilled well, well \vatered. Good price for quick sale. Apply to MRS. ETHEL BLACKBURN, Flesherton, Ont. FARM FOR SALE lyots l«l-lfl2, 1 S.W.. Arteme.sia, 1 '1 miles south of Flesherton on No. 10 lli.ivhway, 65 acres cleared, 35 is secdeii to long-term pasture, ;[ good .spirng creeks crossing farm, Iwdance bush and pa.sture, good clay loam. For full particulars aPP'y to Everette J. Parker, Proton Station. 46p4 HARRY P.VTTON Lot 28, Con. 4, Artemesia FRIDAY, APRJL :<OTH, 1948 the following, namely HORSES â€" Bay Horse, 8 years old; Grey Mare, G years old. CATTLE â€" Durham Cow, 6 years i)ld. Calf at foot; Brindle Cow, 5 yrs. old, P'resh; White Face Cow, 4 years old, supposed due July 1; Grey Cow. 5 years old. Milking; Red Cow. 4 years old. Fresh; Grade Bull, 1 year old; (i Yearlings. PIGS, SHEEP â€" Sow and 10 Pigs, 7 weeks old; 20 Ewes and their Lanvbs. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. â€" Steel Hay Rake; M.-H. Binder, 6 foot cut, near- ly new; Wagon; Set Disc Harrows; M.-H. Hay Loader; Sleigh; Cutter; Set Iron Harrows; M.-H. Seed Drill; Cockshutt Walking Plow, No. 21 ; Fanning Mill and Sieves; Grain Bags Colony House 9x10 feet; Set 2,000 pound scales; Force Puonp; 3 Horse Collars; 2 Robes; Horse Blankets; Blacksmith Vise; Set Now Double Harness; Set Single Harness; 150 Bu.shels Mixed Grain; Well Pump and 'Pipes; Quantity Dry Hemlock Plank; Numerous Other Articles. HOUSEHOLDS EFFECTS â€" Bed and Springs; Couch; Rocking Chair; KiU'hen Table; 5 Kitchen Chairs; Toilet Set; 2 9-l)ay Clocks in good working order; Tub and Tub Stand; Pails; Lamps; Dishes. SALE AT 1 O'CLOCK P.M. Terms of Sale: Cash. GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer NOTICE TO TKESPASSER.S Tiespassinfi' on Lots â- S.'i and ;i4 Con. 12, Artemesia. strictly prohib- ited. .Any person found tres))assinK on the pro))ertv will he prosecuted. - BERT MAGEE. Eugenia f LOW COST ^ PROTECTION FOR INDIVIDUALS, FAMILY GROUPS THE MUTUAL BENEFIT ^^ HEALTH Qnd ACCIDENT ^ ASSOCIATION . will help you pay HOSPITALIZATION * MEDICAL and SURGICAL fees •^f will give you INCOME PROTECTION For complete information on a plan suited to your parti- cular needs, consult your Mutual Benefit representa- tive. I NAMI I STRUT CITY OR TOWN AGI .OCCUPATION.. M-B'f MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH and ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION 34 King rt. east TORONTO Concluding the Sunday school lesson with a clinching question, the teaijher asked, "Why did N'oah take two of each kind of animal into the ark?" â- 'Because." answered a bright lad, "he didn't believe in the stork." SEWING MACHINE SERVICH All makes. Work Guaranteed. Machines Electrified Needles and Belts Call DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Phone 54 Fieshetxon Progressive Conservative Organization Meetings of South Grey Progressive Conservative Association fdr Flesherton and Artemesia Township will he held in the FLESHERTON TOWN HALL TUESDAY, MAY 4th, 1948, At 8 P.M. and for The Township of Osprey in the ORANGE HALL, MAXWELL MONDAY, MAY 3rd, 1948, At 8 P m. .\1-1 pi'ixin-; interested in tre welfare ot the party are invited to attend. GOD SAVE THE KING [ F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Grocery Bargains THAT ARE MONEY-SAVERS Heinz & Ayhner Baby Fruit & Vegetables 5c tin Assorted Meat and Fish Sauces Bottle lOc Dalton's Artificial Vanilla 2 oz. bottle 5c Assorted Custards pkg-. 5c Assorted Soups 2 for 15c Cut Green Beans 20 oz. tin, 2 for 15c \'iau Soda Biscuits, 2 lb .pkg- 39c each Kamenol Soap Beads, 20 oz. pkg 24c Omdy Saw Logs 5c each vStandard Peas, 20 oz. tins 2 for 25c Cream-style Corn, 20 oz. tin 19c each Bishop's Tomatoes, 28 oz. tins , 23c tin Assorted Blended Juices, 48 oz 2 for 49c Red Plums, 20 oz. tin 2 for 25c Choice Pumpkin, 28 oz. tin 2 for 25c Grapefruit Juice, 20 oz. tin 2 for 19c Pickled Beets, 16 oz. jars 2 for l5c Sinnott's Pea Soup, 28 oz. tin 10c each Aylmer Phtm Jam,. 12 oz. tin 19c each Purity Flour, 98 lb. bag $4.25 F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd.! Phone 7 Markdale A 4*. » A. t A. A. .â- *- A A -< < A i I A A • J t

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