Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 May 1948, p. 8

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Wedntsdav, Mav 5, 1948 THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALEâ€" Driving horse, 2 years old. â€" ^Donald R«ile.v, Pricevillt'. FOR SAL£ â€" Heifer «alf, 2 weeks old. -Russell Park, phone 16J. FOR SALE â€" Young cow a'i<l calf. â€" Ernie Proctor, Eugenia. 48c2 HELP WANTED â€" Kitchen help for a few hours daily. â€" Fireside Lunch FOR S.^LE - A few bags of graiAi. lar fertilizer 8-18-l».â€" Jim Stewart phone ;i3w4 Fleshei-ton. 4'Jc2 WANTED â€" Ajunui'Ji rait«bl« foi mink and fox teed. â€" Bert Mclntotli Eu^ni>, phoa« Fe*«ni}M>~'i 6r£6 ^â€" »â-  M .. - â-  I ^ ^â€" .. â-  II-.,. FOR S.ALEâ€" Young Y'orkshire sow, due in June. â€" Cecil Monaghan, Maxwell, phone Keversham 4rl3. FOR SALE â€" Purebred Spaniel, 6 years old with 7 puppies. â€" Luther Mills, Feversham, phone 17rl3. WANTF.D â€" Party to go shares in g-arden lot on --Mice St. in Flesher- ton, across from the high school. FOR SALE â€" Taco rane.g in real good Condition. â€" Jos. Porleous R.R. 1 Maxwell. 48p2 .MOTHERS' DAY SLNDAV, MAY 9th tH-der your Cut Flowi>rs a"d Flowering Plants from W A. HAWKKN I'hone 17 FleMherton FOR SALE â€" Ajax oats and barley, good for seed. â€" W. J. McFadden phone ;i3J2 Mlarkdale. 4;tc2 FOR SALE â€" Jersey cow. fresh 2'2 month ;••. â€" Cecil Magce, Eugenia. ' phone Fevershani 5r4. 48c2 CATTLE WANTED â€" 10 Head oi c'lttlc to pasture, yearlings only, lai-ge range, Saugeon river. â€" J. E. .McKee. phone 4ywr2 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Set of .AI.-H. Disc hanows, 14-plate with forecarriage â€" Fred Russell, R.R. 2, Flesherton* phone .Markdale 600r4. 4«pl PASTURE â€" 100 acres to rent for pasture for summer season. Apply to L. R. Thistlcthwaite, 38 Roose- velt Rd., Toronto 0. i2t.f. FOR SALE â€" Barn 40x40, steel roof, in good rej)air, .sieel track, on Lot 14, Con. 5, Osprey.-Luther Mills, Fevershani, phone 17rl3. NOTICEDâ€" Durant car parts for sale; good IStxS.OO tires and tubes, rims, good gearings. â€" Bruce Young Eugenia P.O. 48c3 FOR SALE â€" Quarter-cut oak hall seat with large beVel-edge mirror to match, in good condition.. â€" J.F. Collinsoii. Ceylon, phone 105J1. illlCTION Wl The undersigne<l .\uctioner has rccfivid instructions from the ESTAlli OF THE LATE DOIGALD .McUOLGALL to sell by Pul)lic -Auction at his Uili' premises ill the VILLAGE OK PRICEVILLK on SATURDAY, MAY 8th, 1»48 thw following: lIOI{.SE â€" _ Aged brown driving horse. •C'XJW â€" Young cow, due .May 4. POLTLTRYâ€" 3!3 Hens and Rooster. IMPLEMENTS â€" Peter Hamilton binder; Peter Hamilton mower; hay rake; hay rack; wagon box; set of sleighs; hay foik; liglit wagon; 2 hay forks; 2-furrow plow; 2 cutters; wheelbarrow; ropes; sugar kettle; 4 cords shbb wood; 1 vise; forks, shov- els; logging chains and numerous other articles. FURNITURE â€" "Happy Thought" rage; electric radio; number kitchen chairs; extension table; 4 bedsteads and mattresses; -2 toilet sets; kitchen cabinet ; nun»ber of dressers ana wash stands; cupboani; 2 sideboard?, organ; box stove; nujnber of quilts and blankets; dishes. Sale at 2 o'clock shai-p TERMS OF SALE â€" Cash. Noth- ing to be removed until settled for. Stiinley .\cheson. Clerk. â€" GEO. DUNC.4N, .\wtioneor FOR SALE â€" Taco kitchen range in «o(Hi condition. â€" .Joe Poi'teous -Maxwell. 4i)p2 FOR SALE â€" 2 Squaie blue asphalt thick-butt twin shingles. â€" E. J. Fisher, phone 72J. FOUND â€" Spare wheel and tire. Owner can have same at home of R. Peebles Springhill, phone 41 w4 Flesherton! 40p2 Local and Personal Mr. Wm. Kaitting spent the week end at Chatsworth with his daugh- ter Mrs. Stanley Mcnzies. Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon Stuart and family left on Friday for their new liom<! at Burk.s Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Dave William.^ and daughter spent .Vlonday with rela- tives at Wellesley, Unt. Mr. Jim Thurston and Miss Verna Youiiig of Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston. .VI rs. J. Latimer, Tonmto, is assist- ing her brother, C. N. Richardson, in the d,iug stoi-o, as he is a suffer- er with shingles at present. Mrs. -Myrtle Shaw returned to Owen Sound suftjer spending thiee weeks with her mother, Mi-s. W. H. Thurston. .Me.ssrs. Harvey Perigoe of Toron- to and Charlie Perigee of Malton spent the week end with Mr. and -Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hyslop and family of Owert Sound vi.siterl the week end with the Stoddart and .Mexander families. Mr. and -Mrs. E. D. Bentham and family and Mir. and Mrs. Len Hill aiul son of Toronto spent the week end with their mother, Mis. R. Ben- tham, and enjoyed the fishing. -Modern protection for to-day's re- (luii-enients; Health and -Accident, -Auto, Fire, Casualty Insurance. Have me check your insurance needs. â€" G. U. M'acArthur, aj-^'ut, Flesherton, |)l)oiie 82J. Mr. and Mrs. Richaid Wraggett ol Dundalk, Mr. and Mis. Gordon Ach- esoii and family of Proton and Mrs. J. Abercronvbie oif Kimberley were week end visitors with Mrs. G. .A. Hutchin-sun. Congratulations to -Miss Eleanor Williams wliu has successfully com- pleted her slenographic course at Owen Sound Business College. -After a I'Vief holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Williams, she will take a position with th-e Bank of.- Montreal, Owen Sound. ADDITIONAL LOCALS .Mr. and .Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Toronto spent the week end at their cottage. Mr. Earl Thurston with the H.E P.f'., Campbellford, spent the past week with his parents. Mr. and .Mrs. Wes White and daughter of Severn Park spent sev- eral <lays last week with the form- er's father, .Mr. Geo. White. Flesherton Women's Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Mc- Millan on Tues<lay, .May 11th, at 8 p.m. Progam, Mrs.^. Corfield and Mi-s Hoddei-; Lunch Com. â€" cake, Mrs Hutchison, .Mrs. Taylor and Mrs Hell; sandwiches, Mrs. T. J. FMsher, Mrs. P'awcett and Mrs. Milligan. Recent visitors with -Mr. and Mlrs. Harry Palton, 4th line were: Mr. and Mrs. John Scott and two child- ren, Mr. and Mrs. I.,eo Patton and two children of London, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sensabaugh and three daughters of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mi-s. Chas. Howard and Marion, and Mr. and .Mrs. Harvey Nui'corwbe of Toronto. FOR SALEâ€" General Pui-pose horse, will work anywhere; road cart in first class condition; SuO capacity electric brooder, like new. â€" Geo. Armstrong, Flesherton. HOUSEKEEPER W.ANTBD â€" Bach- elor in forties with good home, all conveniences, requires housekeeper under 46. Apply to P.O. Box 21 Chesley, Ont. 4Sp2 FOR aALEâ€" M-.H. 13-ho(. drill with cultivator and grass seed attach- ment, priced reasonably. â€" Edgar Patterson, R.R. 2, Priceville. phone Flesherton 22w3. 48c2 PASTURE FOR RENTâ€" Lot ;», Con. 8, Osprey Township, farm of thr late Jos. McGradc, ninning watei and plenty of shade. Apply Mrs. Wim. Madden, Greenwood, B.C., P.O. box 615. 48p4 FOR SALE â€" 1 Heintzman and 1 Williams piano, both simail sizes also benches; and some other makwi. â€" Willarxi Blaikey, Proton Station, phone 19ftw2 Dundalk. 47p8 WAJ<TEDâ€" Reliaible man as Dealer in Grey County. Esfpcrience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable bft*ineefl where Rawleigh Products have been sold for yeai-s. Big profits. Pro- ducts furnished on credit. Writ« Ravdeigh Dept. ML-) -6-206 -'63, Montre*], Que. 45c4 FOR SALE â€" Potatoes: Warbas, Irish Cobbler, Chippawa and Kat- ahdin, Grade No. 1. â€" .Alex. S. Mu;r. Ceylon, phone l'J4J3. 48p2 FOR SALE â€" 100 Bu. Lincoln oats cleaned. â€" Edgar Wright, I'/i miles north of Swinton Park, phone 146J3 Dundalk. 48p2 -An Englishman boasted that he had been mistaken for a member of the Royal family. .A Scotsman, heai-ing him, repHed that he had been addressed as the Duke of .Argyll. Whereupon an Irishman said that he had been taken for a far greater person than cither, for as he was walking along the street one day. a friend came up to him, exclaim- ing; "Holy .Moses! Is that you?" Spring Changeover Greasing, Washing, etc. B.-A. STATION Phone 63 Flesherton SEWING MACHINE SERVICE -All makes. Work Guaranteed. Machines Electrified Needles and Belts Call DUNCAN'5 HARDW.ARE Phone 64 Pleshetror. LOST â€" Between Flesherton and Proton corner, upholstered chair. covered with tarpaulin. Please notify Edwin .Abercrombic, Cedj- arville, Ont. 48<p2 FOR SALE â€" 2 Sows due June 15 second litters; cow duo June 16; leather horse collar- shie 20 in. â€" Clinton -Magce, phone Feversham llr42. 48c] LOST â€" Will the party who took a handbag by mistake from Frater- nal Hall Saturday night kindly return to the caretaker and avoid further trouble. FARM FOR SALE West half of Lot 167. 2 S.W., Art- mesia, consisting of 40 acres, 30 of which is goo<I pasture land, balance bush and fiwamp. Aipp'V fo Hari'y Patton, R.R. :i. Flesherton. 47p2 HARRIS & DUNLOP BABRISTER8. SOLICITORS, BU- Phone S8 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellaniy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHTSIOAN * 8U1ME0N (kaduat* of Toronto UniTer^ity Offieei KenneitT Bloek Phone 77 Flet|tftAB CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Isauer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreoments A comimisgioner for taking affidavits Of ice, Toronto Street, Flesherton FARM FOR SALE L..t.s 16I-1G2. 1 S.W., Artemesia, I'l milea south of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway, 65 acres cleared, 35 is seeded to long-term pasture, -3 good spirng creeks crossing farm, balance bu.sh and pasture, good clay loam. For full particulars apply to Everette J. PaJ'ker, Proton Station. 46p4 ^'V ONTARIO mm\m plan rIFTY PER CENT REDUCTION OF DOWN PAYMENTS ON NEWLY CONSTRUCTED LOWER COST HOUSES UNDER THE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT ACT (ONTARIO) The Province of Ontario will arrange lor the loan of fifty per cent of the difference bct'.'.ecn the .inK)imt of the first mortgage .^^r^ rhe .sale price of a newly constructed house, the Provincial advances not to ex- ceed Si, 250. 00 on any one house. The loan will be repayable on a twenty year amortization plan with interest at 3}-^ per cent per annum. Satisfactory evidence will be required that the amount of fhe first mortgage advance is a reasonable propor- tion of the value. Application fnriih iiiU •til hiTi'i./i v mjiirmati',it m./i br ublitiiied Irom. THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING and DEVELOPMENT Room 4602, East Block, Queens Park, Toronto Ontario The Honourable Dana Porter, K.C. HEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW o/scuss . . . "THE PROVINCIAL ELEaiON JUNE 7" SATURDAY • MAY 8th • 10.00 fo 10.30 p.m. MONDAY • MAY 10th • 8.00 fo 8.30 p.m. WEDNESDAY • MAY 12th • 1.15 fo 1.45 p.m. Vote t>ROGRESSlVE CONSERVATIVE JUNE 7 PubltiHed by th« Pr«9ra»slvn C«nitrvaMv« Porty of Ontario DEPENDABILITY SERVICE MASSEY-HARRiS FARM EQUIPMENT Quality Hardware Builders' Supplies T . STOCK ON HAND I'ONY TRACTOR â€" It's ability to pull its weight and lugging power warrants your investigation. 2-Furrow Tractor Plow. 2- Furrow Horse-Drawn Plows Heavy D«ty Rubber Tire Wagons 7-foot Binders Smoothing Harrows Walking Plows 5 ffc. and 6 ft. .Mowers Used Urill in good condition $23.00 Used Cultivator, 13-tooth, good as new, $63.00 RITE- WAY MILKER â€" Save 65% of your time! The Milker the cow likes, and the man that owns one likes, the right way: the suction and massage way of milking. We instal. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES I.N'SULBRIK and ROLBRIK SIDING EVE TROUGH ASPHALT ROOFING STEEL ROOFING PRESSURE SYSTEMS BARN TRACK and CARRIERS LITTER CARRIERS HAY FORKS a,pd SLINGS. We instal Prepare now for he rush period; goods are still in short supply. STOVES and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES .McClary, Clare. Jewel, Good Cheer and Empire Stoves Coleman 2l-burner Hot Plate Monarch 3-burner Oil Stoves Electric Irons Toasters Hot Plates Ranges and Rangettes J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM C. V. PORCH and FLOOR Gives good hard wearing surface $L65 qt. C. \. i'aint .... $5.50 gal., $L50 qt. Sunset Enamel $L65 quart We also have on hand Bicycle Enamel Aluminum Paint Varnishes Wagon and Implement Enamel Varnish Stains Paint Brushes Brush Cleaner Paint Oil 'rin-pcntiiK- Dry Cleaning Solvent Good Seelction if SUNWORTHY WALL PAPERS We invite you to look over our samples Phone 16 H. C. EBY FEVERSHAM, Ont. F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Grocery Bargains THAT ARE MONEY-SAVERS Heinz & Ayhner Baby Fruit & Vegetables 5c tin Assorted Meat and Fish Sauces Bottle 10c Dalton's Artificial Vanilla 2 oz. bottle 5c .\ssorted Custards pkg. 5c .\ssorted Soups 2 for 15c Cut Green Beans 20 oz. tin, 2 for 15c Viau Soda Biscuits, 2 lb .pkg 39c each Kamenol Soap Beads, 20 oz. pkg 24c Candy Saw Logs ' 5c each Standard Peas, 20 oz. tins 2 for 25c Cream-style Corn, 20 oz. tin 19c each Bishop's Tomatoes, 28 oz. tins 23c tin Assorted Blended Juices, 48 oz 2 for 49c Red Plums, 20 oz. tin 2 for 25c • Choice Pumpkin, 28 oz. tin 2 for 25c Orapefruit Juice, 20 oz. tin 2 for 19c Pickled Beets, 16 oz. jars 2 for l5c Sinnott's Pea Soup, 28 oz. tin 10? each Aylmer Plum Jam, 12 oz. tin 19c each Purity Flour, 98 lb. bag $4.25 F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale 2 .A. 1 > 4 m t: * « X

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