Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 May 1948, p. 1

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« 'T > -< EJjje /ksi)erU*n %isitmitjt. V VOL. 67; NO. 50 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, Future Events V B.Y.P.U. SPRING RALLY The Baptist Young' People's Union luring Rally will be held in. the town hall, Flesherton, on Friday, ^^lay 14th. at 7:4.=> p.m. Miss Orra Heiian of Toronto, who attended the Oslo Conference last summer, will be the special speaker. Come and bring others with you. AUCtlON SALE -Auction sale of live stock, house- hold effects,, etc., will be held by Ray Genoe at Eugenia on Saturday, May 22nd, at 2 o'clock p.m. â€" Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. DANCE AT MAXWELL Dance in Orange Hall, Ma.xwell on .Friday, May lith, under auspices of Maple Leaf L.O.B.A. Music by the Priestley orchestra. Lunch will be served. .Admission: 35c. SHORTHORN SALE Grey County Sh-orthorn Breeders' (jonsignment sale in the skating rink, Chatsworth, on Wednesday, June 2nd â€" ^12 males, 15 feniales. Catalogue on request. T. Stewart Cooper, Secretary, Markdale. Mother's Day Services Were Well Attended F. R. OLIVER CHOSEN LIBERAL CANDIDATE MADE START TO PLANT [ Former District Residants FARM IN TREES Candidates In June 7 Election WATCH FOR PLAY Watch the announcetnent for play in Flesherton town hall, Friday. May 21, under auspices of St. John's W.A. DANCE AT FEVERSHAM Old time and modern danceing at Feversham, Thurs.. May 20; Grove's orchestra. .Admission: 50c. MOTOR BIKE Enjoy" Life Outdoors j America's thriftiest power transporta- ticn. You'll 90 125 miles on o gallon of 905! It's a transportation treat that s hard to beat. Whizzer Motor with all necessary attachments $169.00 Complete Standard Motor Bike - $249.00 Semi Deluxe with spring fork - $269.00 Remit with order â€" or send 10% deposit, bolance C.O.D. PEERLESS BICYCLE WORKS 195 Dundat St. W. Toronta Larg'e cong:i'eg:ations marked the observance af Mother's Day through- out the United Church pasioral charge. The Sunday Schools pro- vided readings, and also a drama entitled "Sta-ndards of Worth"' sent out by the Ontario Religious Educa- tion Council. The junior choir was in charge of the music at St. John's, and also rendered a lovely anthem '•Mother Dear." At Proto» the sing- ing was led by a mothers' choir and sang the odd favorite ''Jesus Savior, Pilot Me" for their anthem. The Sacrament of Baptism was admini-stered by Rev. A. G. Mac- pherson to the following children: Gei-ald Marshall Abei-deis, son of Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. Abei-dein; Kar- ine Hizalieth Phillips daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Phillips, Juditii Anne Beattie, daughter of Mr. and Mi-s. John S. Beattie. Part of the offerings were dedi- cated, as usual, to the .Ontario Rel- igious Education C-ouncil. which pro- \ motes the work of leadershi]» train- ing, boys' and girls' camps, etc. throughout the province. Fai-quhar R. Oliver, Ontario Lib- eral leader, was the unanimous choice, as was expected, of the party nominating convention held at Dur- ham on Thursday of last week. His was the only name brought before the conventioin. It is his 7th time to receive the unanimous rhoice of a South Grey convention, although fur several times he was running as a U.F.O. candidate. .Mr. Oliver was nominated by Dougal McDonald, Reeve of Bentinck, and seconded by Edgar Pepplei- of Hanover. ,,JIr. Oliver was the only speaker during the afternoon and gave an I large D.D.G..M. VISITS GREY CHAPTER O.E.S. AT FLESHERTON D.D.G.M. Mrs. Mary A. SiveU of .Arthur made h^r officiial visit to Grey Chapter, O.E.S., Flesherton, on Mondav evening. Present for the occasion were Sister Pearl McDonald of Cooksville, Grand .Associate of the Grand Chapter of tkc Order of the Eastern Star and visitors from Markdale, OVangevUle and -Arthur. Followin? the meeting, abomt si.xty enjoyed the splendid banquet. e.xcellent speach before gathering. In his remarks Mr. Oliver stated tHat Premier Drew had e.xpected to catch the Liberal party asleep, but they were wid awake and had more candidates in the field now than ai the others put together.. "I thinik yoo all know me fairly well. I am in this campaign " with determination," stated Mr. Oliver, "and the' realization that after June 7th I will no longer be leader of the Opposition, but that the Liberal party will assume the reins of office. You good people in South Grey can carry on in my absence,, while I have to travel througbou! the province Sipeaking at various centres throughout the country, and continue to .spread the broad mantle ; of Kbealisan throughout the dis- trict. An ambitious reforestation piTiject has Ijeen undertaken in Artemesia township, the first step to be made on any farm rn Grey C-ounty, on the property owned by Mrs. R. Ben tham. south of Flesherton. E. D. Bentham, only son of Mrs. Benthasn, is superintending the work, under the supei-vision of Mr. John Jacksoiv, Chief Forester for Grey and Bruce Counties. This project is a fore- runner for other projects in Grey Co-unty. Work commenced on Monday with the task of planting 5,000 trees of various species on a tract of land in the centre of the farm. Seven local residents were occupied in the work On Monday, and Tuesday afternoon the senior boys of the Public School were occupied in the work, which was creditetl to Uieu- atrricultural -subject in the school. Most of the trees were planted in row s six feet ap;wt. i^nd after a furrow was plow- ed the length of the field, the small ti'ees, securer from the Midhursl Reforestation Station, were spaded in by hand and the earth packed firmly around each small tree. A major plan has been developed by ill-. Bentham and e:;^'h year he â- Many of our readv: - a..: Inter- ested to know of foraier residcnt.s why are now candidates fo*' the election on June 7th. W. J. Gram- mett, a former Wareham boy, is the C.C.F. candidate in Cochrane South and held .the seat in the last Legis- lature; Agnes C. Macphail is C.C.F candidate in East York and John .A. .McVicar, formerly of Priceville, is running on the Liberal ticket in a Toronto riding. It is also of inter- est to many that Eddie Sergant. present mayot- of Owen Sound, and a son of a former Ceylon resident, Wm. Sergant. is ninning on the Liberal ticket in North Grey. St. John's Parents' Night The relation, of home and school, home and community and home and church in the training- of youth were considered in i-ound-table discussion during the Parents' Night at St. John's United Ciui'ch on Monday evening. Mr. K. G. Goheen led the group in study of the mutual prob- lems of teachers, ministers and par- ents. Vocational guidance, author- intemis to plant ceitain areas of thej ''>'. and the growth of religious e.x- larm until in five years or so he will I perience .were some of the topics have the entire farm reforested. It cons'idercHi. The discussio:; period is an ambitious program and should was preceded by a few rounds of lead the way to many other farmers t^We tennis, and followed by lunch It is hoped that these Paients' Nights will grow in interest and The Late Frank W. Taylor In Memoriam WILLIAMS â€" In lori*- memory of ouv dear mother, Elizabeth Stew- art, who passed away May 19, 1933. Memores are treasures no •ne can steal; Death is a heartache no one can heal ; Some may forget you now that you're gone. But We shall remember no matter how long. â€" Lovingly remember by he Hus- band. Jake, and Family. Lightning stunned three Georgia golfers. Let that be a warning to fishermen who lie. Like Home Baking 1 PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR ICEBOX CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE Specials This Week Tropical Spice Cake Dutch Cream Cake also Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Turnovers Date Squaers Cocoanut Squares Ci«un FuCFs Sugar Do-Nuts FOR MOTHER'S DAY Have us ice a Special Cake for Mother's Day. Phone your order early, call 60 Scarrow^s Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON Local Men See Deer And Dog Playing Together Last week while motoring along the county highway west of Shel- 1 burne and through a swamp. Messrs. \ Wallace Hamilton and John McKii:- vy,n were surprised a see a deer stantiing on the ahead of them and a dog close by on the side of the road. Mr. Hamilton left the truck when they came close and walked up to the deer and almost had his hand placed on its side when the animal moved off a short distance, .-^igain Mr. Hamilton approached the deer and again it moved off a few steps. The dog then came up and both dog and deer walked off into the bush together. We under- stand the deer is a pet and makes its home at a farm close by. It was an interesting experience for the men. as they did not at firist^know the animal was a pet. to plant their waste land to trees, so that ill the years to come the country will have a reserve of tini- bei- from which to draw. While it will take many years for the trees p'anted to become merchantable timber, the end justifies the means and the land will give rich returns when the harvest time comes. value in the community. SAMPLE â€" GLY The wedidng took place -quietly at the Cnited Church Parsonage at Ma.\rw<rll on Saturday, -jf Sarah Jane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. N. ; Guy of Midland, to Mr. Gordon John ! Sanitple, son of 3Irs. V. Carter of â€" : Feversham, the ceremony being Flesheiton Branch of the Canad- \ performed by Rev. 0. W. Holmes. "^ ian Legion is opening its hall to; The bride was attired in a brown village and township organizations | tweed suit, brown hat and brown for committee meetings and other | accessories, and carried a bouquet Rooms For Meetings Legion Will Provide SOFTBALL STANDING Won Lost Pts. South Line 10 2 Flesherton 1 2 Dundalk 10 Feversham 10 Markdale Eugenia Games Played This Week Flesherton 11. Dundalk 4 South Line 18, Feversham 5 Games This Week Friday â€" ^ Eugena at Markdale; Diindalk at South Line to be played at Flesherton. public gatherings where no cftarge is made. We know that this action of the Legion will be well received by various organizations, as some homes are too small in which to hold meetings. .Accommodation can be secured through A. E. Bellamy. The Legion is planning a celebration on •July 1st and one of the events will be a fishing derby for children \i years and under. There will also, be water sports at the pond and sports at the ball park in the afternoon. Frank \V. Taylor, a life-long resi- dent of Euphrasia township, died â-  the -Markdale Hospital on Thursday April â- ^, 1948. He was in his T** year, being boi'n on Nov. 12. 1872, •â-  what is known as the Geo. Tayiof farm on the 11th line, Eu]ihra9»si» and was the -eldest son of the taM Walti'r Taylor and Mary Ami Bur- ion. He had lived on hie late iaxm home for 54 years. He was married to Estella Etkcl Boland, daug-hier of the late Mr. aad Mrs. John Boland of V'andeleur •• July 1.3, 1898. Had he lived until .luly they would have celebra*«4 their golden wedding. Mr. Taylor was well known mM through the district as a successful farmer. .A prominent Shorthorn breeder, he was director of the Grey County Shorthorn Breeders' .Aaaac He had been a director of Markdato .Agricultuarl Society for some \«e«r9 and had held die office of vica-pjw*- dent. His keen interest in the w«i- fare of this socialy had earned kitn a" honorary membership. Mr. Tayl»t was also a member of the Ebene«*I L'nited Chuixh. and had been as- elder of the church for many years. Surviving are his wife and two sons: Jack on the home farm Fre^ u* Toronto, and five grandchil»fc«n, Leona. Mrs. Jack Martin, of Pro-»»a, Lorena and Leah of Toronto, Wayne and Bonnie at home. Two sisters survive: Mrs. John Brown of Fever- -sham and Mrs. W. A. Hawken •* Flesehrton. A brother. G-mrge. pass- ed away a year ago and two sisters, Mrs. A. T. Hutchinson of Scro lefield and Mrs. T. J. Coleman of Mark*iJe ai'e also predeceased. Teh funeral Saturdav aftern«»«, held in -Annesley United Chtu'ch »t Markdivle, was largely attended. The pastor, Rev. W. M. Lee, had chaigje of the service, when two favorite hjTnns "Nearer, MS,- God to Thee," and ".Jesus Savior, Pilot Me" w««e sung. Buria! mad<' ' ' Ifcr^- ! da'e Cemetery. The pallbearers were:- fiusseli aail Roy Freeman, Norman Genoe, Wes- ley Douglas. Wm. Morriyon and S-n*- sell Foster. â€" Standard. of white 'mums. The wedding dinne was served at the home of Mrs. I Elizabeth Dobson, the table being I ; centred with a lovely wedding cake. I The bride and gi-oom will reside in i The best thing to put Flesherton. i niyde nies is vour teeth. I 1*1 1*1 ih 1*1 1*1 1*1 1*1 1*1 1*1 1 • • V â- Â»*•**••*••*••••••* into home- -i-^'l" Picture Show IN THE FRATERNAL HALL FLESHERTON TUESDAY, MAY 18th Geogre Brent and Joan Blondell in "THE CORPSE CAME C. O. D." Les Elgart and Orchestra TWO SHOWS: 7 and 9 P.M. .Admission: .\dults 40c, Children 25« CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily •ccesilble by the city'* leading «uto> â- loblle and ttreet car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks LM Av Bom KINSMANâ€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- sinsr Home, Flesherton, on Sat., May 8th. 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kinsman (.\lma Shute) of Priceville a son, Wayne Kenneth. LAWLER â€" At Durham Hospital on Fridijy. .May 7th. l'J4*l, to Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur Lawlei- of Durham, a | son. .McDonald â€" in Markdale Hos- ! pital. on Wednesday. .May 5th, 1948, | to .Mr. and Mrs. J. D. .McDonald ' (nee Gayle Genoe) of Flesherton, a son. Raymond John Daniel (Dannie). MEREDITH â€" .At Mrs. Nuhn's -Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Sun.. May 9th, 19-tS, to M'l-. and -Mrs. Jas. -Meredith (Grace Thivierge) of Cor- betton. a son. William James. PRIDDLEâ€" .At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- sing Home. Flesherton, to .Mr. and Mrs. .Alywin Priddle of Dundalk. a son, Gordon James. i T I In Memoriam H.-\NLEY â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father, -Albert Edward Hanley, who passed a-wav .A.pril ;mh. 1945. Loving and kind in all his ways. Upright and just to the md of his days. Sincere and kind in heart and mind; What a beautiful memory he left behind. â€" Sadly missed by his Wife and Faniilv. In Memoriam .AIcLEAN â€" In loving memory of a dear husband and father. .A.llen -McLean, who passed awav Mav 13th, 1W3. .Memories are treasures none can steal; Death leaves a heartache none can steal; Uoved dearily in life and living yei In the hearts of those who can never forget. He had a nature j-ou could not help loving. And a heart that was purer than gold. .\nd to those who knew him and loved him This memory will never grow cold. â€" Ever re!meinbei<e<i by his Wife and Family. To The Electors of South Grey Ladies and Gentlemen: I deeply appreciate the honor of again bein.c chosen Liberal s^tandard-bearer in this riding, and. if elected, will do my best to bring in legisla- tion oi particular benefit to the masses of the people, especially respecting agriculture, indus- try and education. It would be my personal desire to spend the entire campaign in my home ritiing of South Grey. You can ajipreciate the fact, however, that being Liberal leader, necessitates me visit- ing every riding in the province. This means that I will be able to spend little or no time in South Grey. Fur that reason I am making a special appeal to my supporters who have loy- ally stood by me in the past to a.^ain rallv their efforts on my behalf. I am sincere when I sav your interests, as in the past, will be mv inter- ests, and I will continue, to do my best to serve vou. FARQUHAR OLIVER | gimi^ m.

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