Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 May 1948, p. 8

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M â-  Wednesday, Mav 12, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 1^ Small Ads URAI'KRâ€" I'OOLE HELI' UANTKD -- Kiuhun help for a ftw hours daily. â€" Kiicsidc Lunch FOR S.A.LE â€" A few bags of granu. lar fertilizer 3-18-'.).â€" Jim Stewart phone 3i3\v4 Fleshtrton. 4yc2 .fANTiCD - AJiuuBid suitable tui mink and fox feed.- Bert MclntORi Eutreni*. phon« Ver^mixp-i 6r26 P^OK S.ALK "Hoover" Special electric sweeper, price $20; can ln' seen at The .A<lvanie office. FOR S.ALE â€" Purebred Spaniel, 6 years old with 7 puppies. â€" Luther Mill?. F<-versham, phone 17rl3. W.AXTEl) â€" Person to plow my garden and put in on shares. â€" Mrs. M. Gilbert, phone 99J3. FOR SALEâ€" 2 Recislered Hereford hulls, ready for sei"vice. â€" Burton Huiiton, Fevershani, phone Tr4. FOR SALE â€" Ajax oats and barley, good for seed. â€" W. J. McFadden phone 33J2 MlaVkdale. 4'.'c2 CATTLfc WANTED â€" 10 Head ol catllf to pasture, yearlings only. large range, Saugeen river. â€" J. E. McKee, phone 4y-wl2 Flesherton. FOR SALE •â€" Quantity mixt^ hay; Ajftx oats and 0..>V.C. barley, also (jUfintity alfalfa seed. â€" Alco.x Bros., phone ,j;jwl .Markdale. PASTURE â€" 100 acres to rent foi pasture for summer season. Apply to L. R. TWstlethwaite, 34 Roose- velt Rd., Toronto C. 42t.f. Pink snapdragon and fern funned the setting in Trinity United Church, Collingwood, on Saturday afternoon, ! lor the marriage oi Uulii Koniaynu, daughter ui Ml'- and Mm. Leslie I'oole, lo Mi: (jeorge Artiiur Draper, son of .Mrs. Draper and the laie .Vilhur Diaper. Miss Marguorili.' Long, .-V.T.C.W., played the weddiny ]|iu.sic, and duiiiig- tile siginny of llie regirfifj-, -Uiss l-'lorunce I'rentici s.mg- ""lieeause." The bride was given in niarnajjc by her father. Her gown of while crepe was styled un ininc»?ss lines. -â- \ front panel, tnlged in lac«, tiared into a peplum which fell into grace- ful I'uUne.ss at the sides of llie skirl. Three-quarter sleeves and a .sweet- heail nekJine were features of her gown. Her full vei4' of hand em- broitlered net, fell .from a cluster of white lilies, and she carried a cas- cade of pink rosebuds anil stejihan- otis. She wore the biideg^room's gift of a striple-strand of pearls. Her atteiidanUs were her sister- in-law . .Mrs. (iuy i'oole, in pink, as m''l-''on of honor, and Misses Jo-Berta I'erry of Collingwood and Jactiuelinu IJIalchford of Toronto, liolh in blue, as bridesmaids. Their gowns were of dotted Swiss, made with very full skirts and bustle back, and puffed sleeves. Each wore a matching sprig of floNTers in her hair and carried a noseg'ay of pink gladioli and swecl peas. Mr. Bruce Poole, cousin ol the bride, was best man and the ushers were the bride's brother, Mr. (iuy Poole, and .Mr. Orville .Neat, cousin of the groom. The wedding reception was hekl at the bride's parental home on Ste Marie St., when seventy-five guests were presant. Mrs. Poole and Mrs. iJiajU'r received with the bridal party, the former in grey ercpi with pink trim, navy accessories and the latter in aqua blue with navy accessories an*! corsage of gardenias. For their wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Draper left on a motor trip lo MotitJ-ea! and Eastern States. The bride travelled in a navy IwUerina suit with inatchiiig accessories, a grey shortee coat and a corsage of pinJk sweetheart roses. They will reside in Collingwood. <; nests were present from Port ('olborne, Owen Sound ami Toronto. United Church Notes Rev. A. O. .Macpherson Minister "A Promise Fulfilled,' (Acts 2:4) is the theme for Sunday. May 16th, when we celebrate the Day of Pent- ecost at Flesherton, Inistioge and Eugenia. St. John's choir practice Thursday evening. May l.'ith, H:l,5 p.m., at the home of Mrs. J. K. Milne. A full attendance is requested. Eugenia Y.P.U. meets on Friday evening. May 13th, at 8:15, in the church basament. Every^fie wel«ome. l-iiU SALE â€" Barn lU.xGO, steel roof, in good repair, .steel track, on Lot 14, Con. 5, Osprey.-Luther Miils, Fevershani, phone 17rl3. FOR SALEâ€" 1!».3() Oldsjnobile coupe in irood condition. â€" A. G. Pickles, R.R. 4 Markdale, phone 13^J3 at Flesherton. 50c2 NOTICE â€" Durant car parts for sale; . good li)x5.00 tire.« and tubes, rims, good gearings. â€" P'-.!'" Young. Eugenia P.O. 48c3 FOR SALE â€" :J-burner coal oil stove; battery radio in good oonrlition with new batteries. â€" W. J. Mc- Mast-r. Flr.sherton. 50p2 FOR RENT â€" 7-roO'in house and .'iood size garden with apple trees and some small fruit. Lot 14. Con. 5, Osprey.â€" Phone 17rl3 Luther Mills, Fevershani. -'jIc'', WANTED â€" Ice regrigeiator, any house size; al.so large capacity ice cream freezer. We have ice for sakt â€" S. L. Stjuiffer. })horw'.')7, Flesherton. 50|)2 LOST â€" Between Flesherton anc) Feversham, small express parcel containing bottles with fluid. Any person finding same please notify Laurie .Sewell, ?V'versh;iin. hOpV, PA.STUKE I'OR RENTâ€" Lot It. Con. *!, Osprey Township, farm of the late Jos. Mctjrade. running walei and plenty of shade, .â- ^pply .Mrs. Wmi. Madden, (ireenwood, B.C., P.O. box 51.5. 48pl FOR SALE â€" 1 Heintzman and 1 Williams piano, both s.niall sizes also benches; and some oihei (makes. â€" Willard Blakey, Proton Station, phone ]!lt<w2 Dundalk. 47pS WANTUD - .Man for steady travel among consumers in Cirey County. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hust- Jer considered. Write Ravvleigh D.<pt. .\IIW-E^206-1.3n, Montreal, Que. 50c3 â€" It^ our first considera- tion on the highway or in the Hume. And speaking of the Home â€" should your income be cut ofi' through illness or accident, is your family safp from hunger and hardship? â€" It can be, you know, and very cheaply too. Play it safe brother! Fill out the coupon below and send it in. It will bring you that safety news you need. MUTUAL BENEFIT HEALTH & ACCIDENT ASS'N LISTEN TO JIM HUNTER CFRB 8 A.M. & 6.30 P.M. EXCEPT SUNDAYS f ^ o a. O . . . you and your girl friend doiii^ lioiiie -work together, by tt'h'i>lioii».'. Hill it iloes tie iiji the parly line â€" pcrliaps when .sonit'one needs it badly. So please <lon't make it a hahil ... Check? PARTY LINE COURTESY IS CATCHING... Pulling it into practice un every call you make is your bc!;l guarantee that others will do the same for you. li Keep calls brief. 2. Space your calls. 3. Give right-of-way to emergency calls. 34 KING ST. EAST TORONTO THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA Local and t^ersonal Sound Mr. .litn Wilso^i of Owen, .si)ent the week end in town. Mrs. T. F. Andrew of Stayner is visiting with Mr. and -Mrs. A. F- Bellamy. Colder weather came along Friday night and Saturday morning the ground was well covered with .snow. Mr. Fred .MacTavish of Streets- ville spent a couple of days in town last week. Mrs. Harvey Griffen of Tjronto spent the first of the week with hei Mstov. Mrs. Geo. Cairns. .Misses Evelyn MacTavish and Jean Duncan of Toront<j spent the week end at their respective honus Mrs. Geo. Lawler is spendng a few d^ys wth Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Lawler at Durham. Mi-s. C. W. Henry of Cowansville, tiue., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ted MacTavish. Mr. Royden McDonald of Ear Falls arrived in twn on Monday to join his wife and son and speml a month visitingr in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. .-^cheson of I'roton Station, accompanied hy Mrs. Ai-thtu- Blair, called on Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins Sunday t-Toning. Misses Irene Phillips, Georgina Berry and Helen Merrill of Toronto were the guests of Miss Kate Mac- inillan over the week end. Mrs. E. F. Arnistronii' and son, Jim, of Cobalt visited a couple of days last week with Mr. and -Mrs. P.'h. W. Hickling. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. .•^kins of To- ronto, .Mr. and Mrs. Herh Akins and daughter of Lansing and Miss Anne Akins of Rouge Hill were home foi Mother's Day. Mr. W. J. McMaster has purchas ed the residence and property in the village owned by Mr. Jas. Pedlar formerly the Colgan home, and moved his family thereto last week. Mrs. A\ex. McDonald of Cooksville and Mlrs. G. Hayes of OrangevUle were the guests of Mr. and -Mrs. G. A. Cairns over Monihsy night, while attending Eastern Star. Mr. F. H. W. Hiekling, who has been quite ill the past week with a slight att^ick of pU'urisy, is making a good recovery. Being confined to lii*^ bed for the past three months, we are hoping that he will soon be around <igain. Mrs. Jas. Robertson arrived back in Canada last week, after spending the past two and a half years in Scotland. She spent the week end with her friend, Mrs. Chris. Thom- son, and expects to return shortly for a longer \'isit. 12TH LINE, OSPREY Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. (iordon Sample, who were mamed .),i Wednesday by R'w. Holmes ot Maxwell United Church. We wish them much happiness. .Mr. Robt. Tyson of Osprey and .Mr. John Tyson of Huntsville visit- ed with the l"ormer'.s mother at .Maple Grove, and other relatives. Visitors at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Jas. MrKenzie or Mother's Day were; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. .McKenzie and son, Stewart, of .Mark<lale, Mr. and Mrs. Xeil .McKi^nzie and boys of Collingwood, Mr. and Mrs. Earle .Maxwell and boys, .Miss (iwondolyn Eagles Mr. Chas. Fryer and Royden Ma,xwell. .Mrs. Violet Armstrong of Hamil- ton visited with her sister, Mrs. Sam Sander.son, whom she has not seen since lOOH. Two Follette bi-others of Toronto were up on the week end looking over the lot where the new residence was burned last fall. We hear they are thinking of building again. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Percy St^mple. Mr. and Mrs. B. .McConnell and fliildnMi of Kimbevley were Moth- er's Da" visited with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Semple. â- ,\'ili's. iBurtoB Wickens and -'â- * Velma Wickens of Clarksburg vis- ited with the former's mother, Mrs. lohn DO'bson, who has been suffer- na with lumbago. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark and son and !Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Turner were visitors -with Mr. and Mrs. Vic McKenzie. LEAVE THEM ALONE Explorers have been digging a- round the shores of Georgian Bay and claim to have found existence ot Indian life that had a civilization all its own. We imagine the Indians must have had a fairly good time. No person ever honked a horn at them and made them jump. They never had to stop, look and listen at a railway crossing. Out in the coun- try no on© ever hollered "fore" at them. They nevei had to take a hand" ful of dry corn and a bite of bear and run for it when the whistle blew in the morning. They never had to go to the telephone and find out that it was a wrong number. No barber ever paused td remark it's getting a little thin on top. The wives of the braves never played bridge. So why does this restless age want to go digging up the bones of men who lived and died in peace? â€" Chuthum Daily News. PAINTING PAPER HANGING MRS. MARTHA DUNCAN l'"uneral rites for the late Mrs. M;iitha Duncan were held in St. .An- drew's Presbyterian Church on Sat- urd.iy afternoon, .April 17, at 2:;10, aii<l were conducted by Rev. J. Hyde. Mrs. Duncan, who passed away at lier home on Thursday morning, .April If), after a short illness, was liorn at Kildare. Joliettc Co., Que- liec.on April U), 18(57. Wilien a young woman the i.\v- ceasod, formerly Miss Ahirtha l.awlei-, came to Ontario a'ld in 1899, in O.sprey Township, (irey County, Ontario, married iMr. William Dun- can, who predeceased her 10 years ago. It was over 87 years since Mr. and Mi-s. Duncan went to .Arm- strong. The last of a family of twelve, Mrs. Duncan is survived by one son, R. J. Duncan, at home, and one (laughter, Mrs. F. I. Bannister of Montreal; also four grandchildren. Pallbearers were Mr. J. B. Elder, .Mr. C. Hoover, Mr. G. K. Landon, Mr. K.. B. McKechnie, Mr. W. McMulIen and Mr. E. Quist. Interment was in the -Amistrong Cemetery. â€" Armstrong .Advertser. The late Mrs. Dimcan was a sister- in-law of Mrs. George Laiwler of Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Ix>t> 161 -1«2, 1 S.W.. Artemesia, 1 '.'4 miles south of Fleshei'ton on No. 10 Hig'h-way, 66 acres cleared, 35 is seeded to loni'-term pasture, 3 good spirng creeks crossing farm, balance bush and pa.sture, good clay loam. Fo) full particulars aPply to Everette J. Parker, Proton Station. 4dp4 HARRIS A DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, EU- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every S«t- nrday from 6 to 6:S0 p.m- DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Giadukte of Toronto Universit; Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Agreements A comm issioner for taking affidavits Office, TorONlo Street, Flesherton HEAR PREMIER GEORGE DREW DISCUSS . . . "THE PROVINCIAL ELEQION JUNE 7" Monday, May 24, 10.30 to 11 p.m., Station CBL Friday, May 28, 8.30 to 9 p.m., Station CBL Vote PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE JUNE 7 Publlthffd by th« Prograttivo Conteivollve Party of Ontaric Interior and exterior paint;ng, and paper hanging. Let me give you an estimate. J. A. CARSON Phone 2r2 Flesherton Priceville I DEPENDABILITY SERVICE MASSEY-HARRIS FARM EQUIPMENT Quality Hardware Builders' Supplies STOCK ON HAND PONY TR,\( TOR â€" It's ability to pull it-s weight and lugging power warrants your investigation. 2-Furro\v Tractor Plow. 2-Furrow Horse-Drawn Plows Heavy Duty Rubber Tire Wagons "-foot Binders Smoothing Harrows Walking Plows ") ft. and 6 ft. Mowers I'sed Drill in good condition $2.}.O0 I'i-ed Cultivator, 13-tooth, good as new, $65.00 RITH-WAY .MILKFR â€" Save 65% of your time! The Milker the cow likes, and tho man that owns one likes the right way: Jhe suction and massage way of milking. We instal. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES INSILUUIK and ROI.HRIK SiDINC, EVE TROUGH A.SPHAI.r ROOFING STEEL ROOFING PKES.srUE SYSTE.MS BARN TRACK and CARRIERS LlTTliR CARRIERS HAY FORKS and SLINGS. We instal I're|)are now for he rush period; goods are still in short supply. STOVES and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES McClary, Clare. Jewel, Good Cheer and Empire Stoves Coleman i-burner H:H Plate Monarch 3-burner Oil Stoves Electric Irons Toasters Hot Plates Ranges and Rangettes I STAFFORD ph Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery one 4r22 FEVERSHAM F. T. Hlf.L & CO., Limited Grocery Bargains THAT ARE MONEY-SAVERS Heinz & Ayliner Baby Fruit & Vegetables 5c tin Assorted Meat and Fish Sauces Bottle 10c I)alton's Artificial Vanilla 2 oz. bottle 5c .'Vssorted Custards pkg. 5c Assorted Soups 2 for 15c Cut Green Beans 20 oz. tin, 2 for 15c Viau Soda Biscuits, 2 lb .pkg- 39c each Kamenol Soap Beads, 20 oz. pkg 24c Candy Saw Logs 5c each Standard Peas, 20 oz. tins 2 for 25c Creatn-style Corn, 20 oz. tyi 19c each Bishop's Tomatoes, 28 oz. tins 23c tin Assorted Blended Juices, 48 oz 2 for 49c Red Plums, 20 oz. tin 2 for 25c Choice Pumpkin, 28 oz. tin 2 for 25c Qrapefruit Juice, 20 oz. tin 2 for 19c Pickkd Beets, 16 oz. jars 2 for 15c Sinnott's Pea Soup, 28 oz. tin 10c each Aylmer Plum Jam, 12 oz. tin 19c each Purity Flour, 98 lb. bag $4.25 F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale » i- >â-  A A r ♦ n « lUiHii

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