Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1948, p. 7

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«* t t > < ft f i A A A Iports-And One Thing or Another By Frank Mann Harris When he steered Citation under the wire, three and a half lengths ahead of his stablemate Coaltown, Eddie Arearo became the first Jockey to be aboard a Kentucky Derby winnir four times. And right after the weighing-in rites had been performed Arearo remarked, somewhat wrylj', "Well, that's one time I pic'!:ed the right one." » » • He \va= thinking, no doubt, of some of his previous Derby ex- periences â€" of the horses he had thought were a cinch that failed to come through, and of the ones he didn't feel had a chance which won. For crack jockeys can pick ultimate losers that look like cer- tain winners, even as you and '• .\rcaro's first D<rby mount was Nellie Flag, back in 1945. Every- body had Xillie pegged as the greatest filly since Regret â€" the only one of her sex ever to win the great Julep Belt event. But Eddie dis- covered â€" as have many others be- fore and since â€" that fillies are a risky proposition early in the year, and Nellie Flag finished up with three others in front of her. * * • •His next mount, three years later, was Lawrin â€" and if Arearo had had his own way, he'd have missed the thrill of forking his first Derby winner. "I want no part of that one," he told Ben Jones, the trainer, when asked to ride, "I've got no confidence in him." But Jones per- suaded the jockey that Lawrin had one burst of speed that was bound to take him to the front. Rounding the bend for home Arearo turned that burst loose; and that was that. 1 r T < k k- A >. -< ^ * Eddie confesses that he was also dubious regarding Whirlaway's chances, in 1941. He didn't like the way Whirlaway had been beaten in the Blue Grass Stakes and in the Derby Trial; and he knew that â- Â» the horse had crazy habits and was i just as liable to climb the fence into I the infield as not. One of Arcaro's 4 great regrets is thac he didn't ^ take a little of the 10 to 1 somebody J offered him against the horse â€" as all Whirlaway won by was a mere eight lengths. ^ In the 1942 reiiewal Eddie had T his pick of two mounts â€" and grab- "â€"' 6rf the wrong one. They were Shut Out and Devil River. Arcaro's choice was Devil River; and al- tliough, two days before the race, when he breezed both horses. Shut Out felkand wprked better, he re- fused to switch, and stuck to his original choice. Shut Out was the winner. • • » Although his mount in the 1944 Derby was the favorite, and there wasn't much to beat, Eddie had his doubts as to the horse's ability to last the mile and a quarter distance. He was right. Stir Up failed to go the route and Pensive won Next year he was in the saddle on Hoop Jr. and didn't have to work any harder than he did this month on Citation. Hoop Tr, bust off in front and never had even a glimpse of another horse until they were pulling up after the finish. • * * Lord Boswell was his mount in 194G â€" a horse that everybody tliought would come from behind with terrific speed, mowing down all contenders in the stretch run. But it was a big field, hard to get through, and the chances are that Lord Boswell wasn't all the horse the experts said he was. .\nyway, he didn't make it. -> >â-  » A •• + Arearo still thuiks and maintains that he gave Phalanx, the 1947 favorite, as good a ride as pos- sible; although there were a whole heap of onlookers who don't agree, and say that Eddie was distinctly outridden. That race still troubles his dreams, and he's studied the movies dozens of times looking for, and failing to find, any mistakes he made. "Phalan.x was a slow horse to pick up speed so I didn't hurry him away from the gate," Eddie says. "Starting with the backstretch I thought we should be passing some of the ones in front When I saw .that we weren't I hit Phalanx at the five-eighths pole. From the stands it might have looked as if we were flying then, but I'm still not convinced that we were Even at the head of the stretch we were unable to gain on Jet Pilot; and the only reason we gained on him on end was because he was coming back to us. I couldn't have given him a better ride" Just For Fun .\ cull reporter on an English newspaper was reprimanded for going too much into detail. "Keep it brief." ordered the editor. The next day he found the following on bis desk : "Shooting tragedy last night Loul Hapless, a guest at Lady VVistful's, complained of feeling ill. took a highball, liij hat and cca;. no notice of anyone, hit de- parture, a taxi, a pistol from his pocket, and his life. Good char^. Res lets." I.iyhlning rods protect Uuildings •nly when the cvfluiectiont to the (round are good. "Canning" Help for the Cancer Fight â€" Like all others who re- alize the importance of combatting this great killer, railway workers throughout the Dominion are helping the "Fight Cancer" Fund. A novel plan has been adopted by railway freight department employees ; and pictured here is one of two jam tins which will travel across Canada and back for con- tributions, just before it left Vancouver aboard the C.P.R.'s fast freight "Seaboard" on its way to Halifax and intermediate points. A similar can will travel over the lines of the Canadian Xational Railroad. The idea originated at X'ernon, B.C., and the two "tins with silver linings" will finally be returned to that point for delivery to Cancer Fund authorities. What Goes On In The World By Norman Blair Western Europe In March the Foreign Ministers of Britain, France, Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg put their signa- tures to a treaty of mutual defense. That was the stai t of the European Western Union; and on*he same day the treaty was signed. President Truman pledged the L'nited States to give the L'nion assistance, in the time of need. "by appropriate means'*. Now a joirt general staff lias been established among the five nations; and in an effort to let the L'nited States know just how much assist- ance would be needed, have made an estimate of what the strength of the Western Union Nations would be ill term' of iianpower. Army Navy Air Force Britain S.T.UOO j07.000 147.000 France 465,000 58.000 7J.000 Holland 110.000 38,000 7.000 Belgium 58.1.00 none 7,000 Luxembourg (Strength neglible) Australia With so much talk about rising prices and the advisability of re- imposing price controls in Canada, it may b • of interest to know a little of. what goes on "Down L'nder" The most recent available reports say that price controls still apply to goods sold within .\ustralia; and while the Pri^e Commissioner has autiiorizcd certain advances, on the whole the level has been pretty well maintained. A review uf etail prices i.. six .Australian state capitals showed that the index for the three months end- ing last September â€" ^witli the l'j;!6- l''o9 average taken as equal to 100 â€" were as follows; Food and groc- eries, liii; Rent of small houses, 106; Clothing. 191; Miscella-eous goods and services, 126. Wholesale price of basic materials and foodstuffs have also risen to some extent, altb.ough not nearly as much as on this Continent. The wholesale index for November 1947 â€"compared on the same basis as above â€" was lo9 for coals and metal; 158 for oils, fats and waxes; 281 for textiles; 143 for chemicals; 130 for hides and rubber: 189 for building materials; 150 for foodstuffs and to-t baceo. It is interesting to note that the index for goods principally imported into .Australia was 195. while that for goods principally produced at home was only 139. .\s at the end of 1947 consumer rationing still con- tinued to apply to meat, tea, butter, clothing and ga<oh''ie. The Unit€d States Of special interest to many Cana- dians is the victory scored at Wash- ington for the pro-margarine forces. In New York, for instance, marga- rine is selling at 45 cents a pound, against butter price of more than double that. Dairy interests have long contended that present restric- tive laws and taxes must continut, fearing that unrestricted margarine may eventually mean â€" literally â€" the end of their bread and butter. But in spite of bitter opposition the House of Represenatives voted by over two to one to repeal the Feder- al tax. However, rougher sledding it expected in the Senate, where the •smaller dairying states carry Just •• much weight as those having big city populations. Palestin* Affair* in that much-troubled land continue to rcmalB ta k eondi- tion of chaos, and there are many who regard the Arab threat of in- vasion, with the purpose of taking the whole country, a very real one. Tlie one man who may hold the key to the whole Palestine situation is .Abdullah Ibn El-Hussien, king of the mountainous little country of Trans-Jordan. For although Abdul- lah's country is small (population only 335,000) and was recognized as a sovereign, independent kingdom only two years ago. his Arab Legion is by far the trongest -Arab array in the Middle Hast, and what he says carries the utmost weight in the seven-state .Arab league. The Legion has 15,000 trained and disciplined fighters, who have tanks, mobile artillery and other modern mech- nized equipment. The top- ranking officers are British, the Legion commander being John Bagot Glubb Pasha. .And very close ties are said to exist between Ab- dullah and the British Foreign Of- fice. Great Britain In April, for the fourth successive month, Britain's steel industry broke its own production record. The suc- cessful drive for more scrap iron was apparently a contributing factor, which has carried steel production far beyond the goal set by the Gov- ernment. • Production last munth was at an annual rate of over 15 million tons, whereas the year's target was only 14 million tons. Pig iron production also rose in .April, with the industry evidently feeling the benefit of new blast furnaces. DOES ' INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? H*lp Your Forgotten "28" For The leind 01 Reliel That Helps Mike You lUrio' To Go More than batf of your digeation ia done below tho belt -in your 28 feet of bowels. So whea indiecvtioD sirikea, try •oraething that helps diKoeiioa in the stomaob AND below the belt. What you may need ia Carter's Little Lirar Pilla to give needed help to that "forfotteu 28 feel" of bowels. Take one Carter's little Liver Pill beforv and one after meals. Take them acoordiux to directions. They help wake up a largernow of the 3 main digestive juices Ln yourstomaofa AND bowels â€"help you digest what you hare eaten in Nature's own wajr. Then moet folks get the kind ot relief that makes you feel better from your head to your toes. Just be sure you get the genuine Cetier'i Littlo LiTer Pills from your druggistâ€" 85c ISSUE 2i - 1948 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WA24TKD OILS, GREASES, TIRES, InaeoUcldea. Bleatrlo Fenca Controllers. Houm and Barn P«int. ftoof Coatings, etc. Deal- era wanted. Write Warco Qrease A OU Limi- ted. Toronto. ^^ BABT CHICKS OOOD profits come with sood braeding. Don't bank on miracles â€" you can't get fast growth and heavy production out of chicks with a poor breeding background. Top Notch chicks are all from Government Approved PuUorum tested breeders and have been satisfying the most exacting poultryraen in Canada for the past 15 years. Can give prompt deltvery on all popular pure breeds and cross breeds In non- aexed. puileia and cockerels. Also started chicks and older palleta 8 weeks to laying. Send for r*^duct»d prtcelist. for May. Free catalogub. Top Notch Chick Sales, Guelph. Ontario. â€" 414 â€" Heavy Breed Cockerelsâ€" 5c â€" SUBsex. Su.saex x .Vew Hamp. .Sew Hamps. prompt delivery: 5c. After April 20th: 5 '.ic. May 1st to May 10th: 8c. Rhode Island Reds 4'»c. Rock X Leghorn and Sussex x Leghorn 2c i^ehorna Ic. Faat Feathering Rocks and Rnck X N.-W Hampa to May 6tli 6c. May 1-1 Oih: Tc. To receive these apeciala encloae thia Hd with order AM prices subject to change wichoui notice. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHKRT. London. Ont. IM.\1ED1ATE delivery chieka. dayold. started. Vt)ur neiKhbora may later wish they hud more e&«3 and poultry for the markets ready tor them. Be wise, be sure you have enough. Bray H;tt<-hery. litO John X., Hamilton. Ont. FREE! 100 HEAVY-BREED COCKERELS with every order ot lOu puileia. Large T>t>€ While Leghorn pullet? $2S 50. New Hamps. $2S.OO To receive this special encloae this ad with your order HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY. LONDON. ONT PCLUET barsaina while they laat. 5 week old: Barred Rocks. Black Ausiralorpa. White Wyandottes. White Rocks. New Hampshires, N\*w Hampshire X Barred Rocka 50.95. Black Minorca X While Leghorn. Wliiie Leshorn. Brown Leshorns 53.95. Aaaoried Breeds 1.00 per hundred! less. .\lso 6 week olda, two and three and four week old pulleia. cocKerels and non-aexed at bargain prices. Day old cockerel barsaina: While Leghorns. Black Minorca X White Leghorn 1.00. White Leghorn X Bar- red Rock. -.50. Also heavy breeda at reduced price;'. Send for complete prk'elisC. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries LimUe<l. Fersua. Ontario. BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS All double blood tested, banded and inspected. .Many cuatomera liave had years of contmuoua success, with Lakeview chlcka. You can too. From John Coles. Gravenhurst. Ontario â€" "Many thanka for tint- shipruent I have 100% livability." "Wonderful success. 75 to S0% production with your Sussex. " reports Arthur Aryert- . i^i-goode. On tario EGG SHORTAGE Totai chick hatchings down 50 % from year ago, Feed prices wil be lower and egg prices POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reports show cocKerela atarted to date down TO to 80 % from year ago. 3-4 lb. broilers are aellinK for 35 to 40c lb live weight. The margin of profit is Kreai-»r than *»ver. PROMPT DELIVERY 50,000 Lakeview chicka weekly. Wg can arlve prompt delivery In moat breeds Give 2nd choice of breed. If possible. Breeds available Sussex. Sussex x N. Hamps., B. P.cck x Humps., Barr»'d Rocka. N. Hamps.. Rhode Ldand Bc-da, Large type W. Leghorns. Rock x Leshorn. Sussex x Lechorn. N Hamp. x Leghorn. STARTED PULLETS 4 wks.-24 wks. Get a head start with started pullets or book order for future delivery 3 weeks to ready to lay. It looks like It will be ImnoHslbla to buy well-Ftarted pullets later on. .\M older pullets raised on frer ranse under Ideal condltiims. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Ttiousands available weekly Send tor special low prices on larffp o-d(»rs CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE There la good money in raising Capons. Sell for as much per lb. sa tij-ke>s. 35 to 40c per lb. alive now. Send for large illustrated cntalogue and man- agement book and weekly siwclal list of day old. started pullets and capona. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY FILL your brooder houaea with May or June chicks. It isn't too la to to start Winter layers, if you select Tweddle early maturing chicks. Tweddle chicks have extra vitality and stamina to live and srow rapidly during the hot weather. Tweddle high Droducing strains have the characteristics needed for profits. Gives you more eggs, more meat. We can give prompt delivery on all popular breeds and crosa breeda In day old. atarted two. three and four week old. alao older pulleta eight weeks to laying. Send for reduced price- liat for May and June. Free cataloicue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus. Ontario. 12i4c â€" Hurondale Chicks â€" 12^/20 All Breeders double-bloodtesled and banded, backed by high pedigreed foundation atock. Many customers report "Beat chicks I ever had. and prices so reasonable". "The chicks I had from you have done splendidly" repuris Janiea Wright. Owen Sound. Pure Sussex mixed- 14c; Sussex x New Hamp, Rock X New Hamp. Barred Uock and New Hamp mixed: 12Vjc: pulleta: 24c. Rock x Leghorn. Sussex x Leghorn. New Hamp x Leghorn to May 20th: mixed: 14c. pulleta: 27c, cockerela. -c. After May 20th, Mixed 12Vic. Pullela 2 4c. Large type White Leghorn Pullets 24c. mixed 12'yc. Fast Feathering Rock and Rock x New Hamp cockerels 6c to May Ist; Suaaex X New Hamp and Broad Breasted New Hamp cockerels to May let" o^c. May I - 10th: 6c. Assorted Mixed chicks lie. assorted pullets: 2Jc. Assorted heavy cockerels, 5c when available. .\ll prices subject to change without notice. 100 '^o Live Delivery to your Station. Jl.OO per 100 deposit, balance C.O.D, Order from and enclose this ad. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY. LONDON. Ontario. 5 WEEK old' pullet barfiains while they last! New Hainpshires. Barred Rocka, White Rocks. Black Auatralorps. 49.95. Black .Min- orca X While Leghorn. White Leghorn, 52. Sa. ;Vsaorted Breeda 1.00 per hundred lesjj. Also four, three and two week old pulleta, cockerels and non-sexed chicks at reduced prices. Day old cockerel barsains; White Les horns, 1.00. Black Australorp X White Lenhorns. 2.50. Also heavy breeds at bargain pricea. Send for complete pricelist. Top Notch Chick Sales. Ciuelph. Ontario. DYEING AND CLE.AMNG Have XOV anything needs dyeina or clean- ing? Write to us (nr information We arc glad to answer your questions Department H, Parker's Dye Works Limited 791 Yontre Street. Toronto, Ontario. FOR SALE HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts (ind Service. HerK S Koim.Jy 41* ColloKO St.. Toronto A1.LC.\ N ADIAN Milking Shorthorn Bieeder'b Sale ''-Mil at Aldorlea Farm. Hanillton. May 27th. . > choice foni&lea. 8 outstanding bulls For ciU.ilogues write Aian AKIerson. Rte. 4 Hamilton. Plan to attend. rOB gAIJi #AIU.T KeUosc Premlar StrswbuTtM. Tso Di^u it.os Looo iio.oa. auin lat*. ii.oo 100. C. a. amlth, Scotland. Ontario. ^HIZZER motor to put an 7our own bi- oycls (1(0.00. Whiuer. oomDiets vttb Chieftain baaVT duty bicycle, with heavy dtjty tires, he&vy duty BPoke« ond heavy duty avrlnx (orks. (275.00. Corsl paratroosera Coldlnc motorcycle, t3SS.OO. Francis Bamett power-bike. (297.00. Fronds Bamect "Merlin" motorcycle (mads In Englund). (460.00. We pay sblpplns charges. Rae J. Watson. (67 Wellington St.. London. Ont. Official cycle headouarters tor Western Ontario. BROAD-BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Also SMALL WHITES and BHOAU- BBEASTEO BUU.NZK % SMALL WHITES And SMALL B.B.B.'S TH13 looks ctie year to moice real money Id turkeys. Send for our Turkey Guide and let- ter to get alt the details. There la a sood American market and demand. The duty Is down t cents per lb. Feed prices are somu down Quotations for May delivery for grain are down H3.00 to $17 00 t>er ton. Ameri- can Breeder flocks are down 40-50 per cent Poult production will be away down. It \m expected that Canadian poulta will be shipped to L' 3. A by Suay or before at good prices Plan to raise po jits! This la the year' Book your order now! Big discounts for April delivery Send tor Turltey UatKu;oment Guide and ctrculat which tells all aboiii profits, preveriion of diiiease and pearing mpthnds LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Buy Suuerior Quality. Extra Profit, day-old chicks and ducks. Our chicks are purebred and healthy. Coming from flocks Inspected. approveJ or certified biood- tested breeders. The reproducer* are R.O.P or descending from R.O. P. cockerels, assuring at the same time healthy and riKoroua chlcka. well known for laying larffa eees from 24 to tt ounces per dozen. Tou can always depend upon a full ee« basket when you order your chicka from us Ask for our pries list. For immediate or future delivery. Wilfrid Lefebvre, 1036 Amherst St.. Montreal. 2t. BARGAIN ! STOCK REDUCING SALE NEW uoi-type cjueeii Oil Burning Uiooder stoves, new 120 00 or $2' 00 delivered to four station. Act quickly, while they last. Subject to change without notlcs. To receive thts bargain price enclose this ad with your order. Also ROOM H£:.\TERS as low as $.12 Od and New Pot-Type wCEEN RANGE OIL BL'RN- ER3. US '.10 while th'-'v last' LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO lil-POWERED R:rtt'3â€" Write for descriptive folders and prices. 3C0PK 3AI.E3 CO.. 328 Queen St.. Ottawa, Ont. EAT HONEY. Nature's finest sweet, we will supply a caae of 12 four-pound cana of de- licious fine flavored clover honey for only $10.00. Order today while this bargain price lasts. Big Rock Farm. Mllle Roches. Ont. WEED control with chemicals la easy, quick eCfectiva and economical with use of Han- son spra.^'era and chemicals. WrI te for In* formation to George White A Sons Company Limited. London, Ontario. n HIGH PRICES - USED BAGS Minimum Quantity 200 bags. Write WESTERN BAG k BURLAP COMPANT 87 Front Street East Toronto. Ont. MACHINERY NOW IN STOCK. Beatty de«p and shallow well prestmra systems, dsep well Hand Pumpa, and Pump Jacks. Air Compressors, all sixes both stationary and portable. Complete line of woodworklns machinery. Electric Motors, all sizea in S6 and 10 cycle. Portable Blsctric Welders, liO anip. capacity. Write for prices and descrlpiivs literature to: Mlltcrom Glectria Limited 79 Kins Street We«t Hamilton. Ontario ROOFING â€" SIDING Bargain â€" Mill Ends â€" Factory Sacond* 110 lb Asphalt Shliiglna 14.75 3a. i:s lb. .\3ptaalt ShingWi l.)5 Sd. Coloura â€" Green. ReJ. Bl'je. Black. Orseo Blend. Red Blend. H" Ihli-K Brick suing. Red or Red Bland S3. 95 S<1. Smooth Rolled Roofint «5 lb. 11.(6. St lb. ii.l<>. Rock faced 90 lb. Roofing tS.tS So. Rod, Green & Black. T.O.B. Hamilton. Tlie^e are real vauea at the above prlcoe. Onler ^'o^w. Stock Iimite>l. ROBERT JONES LUMBER CO. HAMILTON ONTARIO ART HALHWELL AUTO WRECKERS ALL H.\RT3 Thorousbly gruar.anteed, wrecked and oatalogTi- ed. Shipped with no mistakes anywhere. Uall orders a specialty. All corr^apondencs an- swered dally. N'o part too hard to »et. Try our fast and accvrate aervice. We clean, re- pair, or record a: y make of radiator. Glass installed while yoi' wait. Lakeside 443S, 1405 Bloor St. \V.. Toroiro, Ontario. Write \\ Ire Phone l-'S .\i,'RES. Welland County, one mile from Lake Erie. Clay loam,* SO acres hardwood bush, 3 acre^ soo^l fruit trees, plenty of water. Larite br)ck house, barn 33 x lOO, shed SO x 7S. concrete alio 12 x 40, 2 hen houses, S brooder houses. Rich land. Farm owned by sanis family smce 1325. Advancintr ase reason for selllnic. M. B. Bar- rtck. R R. 2, Walnfleet. Ont. 5 REGISTEREO Lincoln ewee. With large lamba from Oxford ram. First $200. takes them. M. Johnson. R. 4. St. Catharines. FOB S.lLIi: UODSRN Cement Block Oarage â€" fu^^iy i»,i:u ped Includlntr hydraulic hoist. . y..J bouse with bardwotid flours, balCi, '• .n^.a. lunchbar, icardeu. In villaxe <-*>! P*'t ve<l i a;< J to Scu«o» Lake. Evelyne E. Cooke, Bni!:er. Newcastle, Ontario. Phone â€" (^larke A-C-1. REQISTERED Red poll three Heifer rriives. also some cows. Evan M. Quantrjll. New- tonvtile, Ont. WHIZZER motor to put on your own biocU tUO.OO. Whtzxer. lompleie with Chieii:i.u heavy duty b:cycle. with heavy duty tires. heavy duty spukea and heavy duty spniie forks. 1 275. 00. Corgi paratroopers fohl iu( motorcycle. Sl'SS.OO. Francis Burne.t pcwer- bike. J297.00. Francis Barnett "MerMn** motorcycle (made In Ensland), J4 50.0i'. We pay shipptnK charses. Rae i. Watson. 3S7 Welllncton St.. London, «Jnt. Otfit ;al tycle headquarters fur Wf-t.-rn 'Jntario, HA1KURBS81NU LEARN Halrdressins the Robertson met nod In f urmatton on request rega rd t ng clo.-^ ses. Robertson's Hatrdressmg Acailetny. 137 av» nua Road. Toronto. HAIRDRES.SERS start a business of your own giving .-Vrle Coid Waves in the Homes. Arle Cold Wave Co.. '0« Adelaide St. W. Toronto. MEUKAl GOOD RESULTS â€" Kvery bufferer from Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin. Ottawa Pnsipa.d Jl 0" Thousands Enjtiy New ^'icor FER-BEK TOMC TABLETS contain ln)::edLenis necessary for a feeling of "WellbeinB" and tor vigorous Good Hesltb. 15-day*i supply, postpaid Si. 00. BEK HEALTH PRODUCTS Box tS, 8tatii|D K, ToriMito. TRT IT! Every sufferer of Rheumatic Paine or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Uunro's Drug Store, 325 Elgin Ottawa. Po*t- paid 11. 00. OPPOKTUMTIES for ME.N and WOMEN EARN MONET AT HOME Spare or full- time money-makms. Learn %m make candy at home and earn as you leami corresiwnJence course. National Institute of Confectionary Reg'd. Delonraler P.O.. Box 152. Montreal. Que. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WdMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA S LEADI.N'G SCHOOL Ureal Opi>ortuniiy Learo Hairdressme Pleasant dlgnlded profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduatefl. America's greatest system Illustrated cat^ logue free Write or Call MARVKL HAIRDRESSINQ SCHOOLS S5t Biooi St. W . Toronto Branches: 44 King St.. Haoiilton. A 74 Rldeau Street. Ottawa. PATENTS FSTHKRSTONAUGH k Company. Patent Solicitors. Established 1S90. 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of information on request. PHOTOGBAPHI FREE enlargement with roll 30c. or with 10 reprlnia 35c. Include thia ad. Art Photo, Box 173. Station B. Montreal. FREE COLORED ENLARGEMENT ^ beautiful 4x6 enlargement, hand colored hi oils with aach order. Films developed and printed 30c. Reprints 4c each. Daily aervice^ quality guaranteed. Sun Photo Serv.*ce. Sta- tion H. Toronto. STAMPS 75 UN30RTED Newfoundland 26c. Real value. Majrfolr Stomp Co., Station L. Toronto 10. Ontario. H£LF WANTED PROTESTANT teachers wanted for Township School Area of Kennebec. Stat* QuuUnca- tions. namt of last inspector and aalary expected. DUTIES to commence Sept. 1, 1948. Apply J. E. Hughes, Sec.-Treas., Arden. Ont. WANTED: Nurses and nurses' aids for sum- mer relief and permanent staff. Full main- teaance provided. Apply Superintendent <^ Nurses. Freeporr Sanatorium, Kitchener. Ont, CAPABLE axperienced girl, general house- work, fond of children, private room. Refer- ences. 423 Palmorston Boulevard, Toronto. Wanted â€" Elderly couple, no children. Man to assist with farm work and chorea. Sep- arate new flvs-room living quarters with bath. Slectrlclty. fuel, heat, garden plot furntshed. John Skelly, R. R. No. 3. Prescott. Ont. The term hawk is applied in a general way to all the diurnal birds of pre\' with the exception of vultures, eagles and owls. BOXER puppies, brtndld. S months, cnamplon sire. Henry Staiueryhanns. R.R. No. 1, West on, Ont. C.V^E pickup baier and tractor side rake. good condition !â- Â» highest offer. H. Russell E.i'ly. Scotland. Oiu Right, the First Time "Why, Winifred, it's wonderful to see you! Tell me about yourself. Are you married?" "Oh, yes," said the matron. "Imagine it! You said you would- n't marry the best man on earth." "I didn't." ALSO AVAiLABU IN % POUND TMS POPâ€" Exactly By J. MILLAR WATT 0»mi^TMANT ? «r> STEP THIS > »7 WAV I •rd »r n« Bell tir«dlia«^ ^HX. 3-Xh'*^

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