Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1948, p. 8

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^ J Wednesday, Mav 1*). 194S THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads BT^'' HELP WANTfl.) - Kiuhen lu-lp fo,- a fow hours daily.â€" Firtside Lunch LOST â€" Tire, rim and whei-1 foi 11>3'1 Chevrolet, tirf size l'J-5.50.â€" (Ici). Johnson, phone 87 Fleshcrton. ..«'AJMTED - Ajiunaiji fultable to: mink and fox Xe«d.â€" Bert Mcintosh t^uifvaiK, ph»n« Kevershf ' 1 6r26 FOR SALE â€" -Hoover" Special electric sweeper, price ^20; can be si/uii at The Atlvance olVic«. FOR SALE â€" To Yearling Rhode L-sland Red hens. â€" Ross Gillette, phone l.'lSwl Flesherton. olpl FOR SALE â€" Sow and 7 pigs. â€" Alex. Dtir.can, R. R. 1, Ceylon, phone Flesherton 40J4. 51cl FOR SALE-- 2 Ri-gistered Hereford bulls, ready for .service. â€" Lurton Hudson, Fevcrsham, phone 7r4. TOR S.AJ.E â€" A few bags of good potatoes. â€" ^Fred W. Brown, phone 33J4 Flesherton. 51p2 FOR S.-\LE â€" Holstein heifer calf, 2 weeks old. â€" R. Spemcer, Eu- genia, .phone 1 lUiw5 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Lady's black wool tailored coat size IJ8-4., goo<l length and suality; spiiiig weight. Cftti be seen at The Advance. NOTICE â€" Trespassing, hunting and fishing on Lot 24, Con. 7, Art- ean«««, strictly prohibited. â€" Harry Ge»«e, Flesherton. Mrs. Jack, son hs s list... FOR SALE â€" Qiumtity mi.xed hey; Ajax oats and O.A.C. barley, also (4»aB»ity alfalfa .'»eed. â€" Aloox Bto«., i»fcone aSwl .Markdale. PASTURE â€" 100 acres to rent foi pasture for summer season. Apply to L. 1. ThistVettiwaiK', ^3* Roose- velt Kd., Toronto U. 42t.f. FOR SALE â€" Barn 40x60, steel roof, in goo<i repair, steel track, On Lot 14, Con. 5, Osprey.-Luther Mills, Fevei-sham, phone 17rl3. FOR SALEâ€" 1930 01(ls.mobile coupe in g-oo<l condiition. â€" A. G. Pickles, R.R. 4 Markdale, phone 1.'}8J3 at Flesherton. 50c2 NOTICEâ€" Durant car parts for sale; good 10x5.00 tire.s and tube.s, rims, good gearings. -- Biuce Young, Euxenia P.O. 48c3 FOR SALE-3-burner co«l oil stove; battery radio in good condition with new batteries. â€" W. .J. Mc- Ma.stcr, Flesherton. 50p2 As Convenor of next week's elmreh social, she has a lot of telephone calls to make. But she never forgets that hers is a party line â€" she spaces her ealls so as to allow the other party to use the telephone. PARTY LIKE COURTESY IS CATOIIIKS... Putting it into practice on every call you make is your hest fiuaraiitee that others will do the same for you. 1. Keep colls briof. 2. Spoce your calls. 3. Give right-of-way to emB.^geiicy calls. FOR SALE â€" Saddle mare, 5 years old, broken both single and double and .wund. â€" Bill Clark, phone lo-W> Fleshcrton. " .51p2 i THE BELL TELEPHONE I COMPANY OF CANADA mia» ADDITIONAL LOCALS FOR RENT â€" 7-rooTO hou.se and good size garthii with apple trees and .sonic small fruit, Lot 14, Con. 5, Osprey. â€" Phone 17ri:i Luther Mills, Fevcrsham. 50c:i WANTED â€" Ice regrigerator, any hou.se size; also large capacity ice cream freezer. We have ice for sala. â€" S. L. SUuilfcr, phone57, Flesherton. 50p2 LOST - Metween Flesherton and Fevcrsham, small express parcel containing bottle.s with fluid. Xny person finding same ))!ease notify Laurie Sevvcrt, Fevershain. 5fl|).'! PASTURE FOR RKNTâ€" Lot -J. C-on. H, Osprey Town»hi|), farm of thr late Jos. .VlctJradi'. running watei luid plenty of .shade, Apply Mrs. Wni. Madden, 'Ireenvvood, H.C. P.O. box 515. 48p4 FOR SALE -~ 1 Heintsiman and 1 Williams piano, both small sizes also lienclu's; and some othei juiaki:-. VVillar<l lllakey. Proton .St;, I ion, phone 1 '.K'.wl! liuiida!!;. ITpS WA.NTKI) Man for steady travel among conHMiiUMH in (iiey County. I'irinaneiit connection with huge manufacturer. Only reliable hiust- ler considered. Write Hawleigh li.-l.t. \llW-R-i20'.5-i;U, Moiilnal, (^le. .â- idcli HARRIS & DUNLOP BARIIIHTKHS, HOLKITORH, Et«. Phone 3H MAKKDAI.K Mr. iJunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:80 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A 81JRGKON Qtaduate of Toronto tJnIvprtit; Office; Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flwhtrton CHARLES J. BELLAMY MIJNICIPAI, CLKRK lanuer of Murrinxe LironNCR CONVEYANCER WillH MoHgage?, etc. Deeds AsrrccjTientii A comimlRaioin«r for taking nffidavit.* Offic*", Toronto Street, FleBherton St. .JohnV W.M.S. will meet this P'riday, .May 21. st, at ;i p.m., in the Sunday School room. â- Mr. and IJfrs. Gaylord Kaitting and little son of Detroit, Mich., spent the ween< en<l with the form- er's i>arents, Mr. and .Mrs. Wni. Kaitting. .Mr. and Mrs. .-Mbert H'/»ckburn and .Mr. and Mrs. .John (irummett and little d^aughter id' Hamilton were week end' guests of Mr. and .Mi-s. T. .1. Fisher and other district relatives and friends. Mr. and Mis. Kmerson .Xdams of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Fi-ank Leavel] of CollingwxMKi, Mr. and Mrs. .Jack .Vchnns of Welhindport and Mr. and .Mrs. Hub Ueil of Ivlnivtde visited on Sunday with uMr. and .Mrs. D. W. .â- \dauis. M'r.s. Hell remained for a weelt. Spring Changeover (ireasing. Washing, olc. M.-A. .•^TA'liON Phone 63 Flesherton Sl(t( K, IMPLIC.MKNIS, HOI SK 1 1 KNIT I m;, i;rc. PKICEVILLE W. I, HOLDS THEIR ANNUAL .MEETING (By Prieeville Reporter) The arjniuil meeting of Prieeville Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Jack Whyte on May «Uh, with ;i good attendance. Mrs. M. McLean pi-e.sided. Considerable business was tian.sacted. Mrs. Win. Meads presided for the election of ecicers, as follows: Mrs. M. McLean was re-elected Presdont; Mrs. Boice, Vice-Pn.s.; -Mrs. Moody, 2nd Vice- Pres.; .-Xnna Shortrewi, Sec-Treas.; Citizenship, Mrs. Ken .McArthui-; -•XgiicuHure & Canadian Industry .Mr.-. Will. Beaton; Social Welfare, -Mis. Jack Whyte; Home Economics, .\rrs. .Art Leith; Di.strict Director, .Uiss H. Watters; Pianist, Mrs. J. C. Harrison; Publicity, Mrs. R. H. Mc- C.mkey, Mrs. .Jim McDougall, Mrs. \. L. Hincks; Directors, Mrs. Archie McKechnie, Mrs. Beaton, Mrs. Gil- lies, Mis.s B. Watters; Historical Research, Mrs. H. Karstedt. Mrs. Joe McKee won the prize for having the largest meeting. Mrs. M. McLean, Mrs. McKee. A. Short- reed and Mrs. A. L. Hincks each re- ceived prizes for having attended all the meetings. Mrs. Wm. Moody gave a short talk on the districts to l>e divided. All were pleased to have Mrs. Royden Burnett of Dur- ham, a former member, present. The report of the secretary stated that twelve meetings were held dur- ing the yea)', with 63 membeis on the roll, and a balance of |5*1.82 on hand. KAV (JEN OK â- \i!l M-U bv pai'blic auclioii ;il EUGENIA SMI'ltDAY, MAV 22NI), 1918 at 2 p.m., the fidlowing: LIVE ,-.lX)!OK - llrindle Cow, S years old, fiesh; lUack Cow, milk- ing, 5 years old; Hriiulle llidfer, 1 jcar ii!d; Durham Calf, (i weeks old; .1 Ewes with lAmlbs; 126 Le«:horn- Itork liens. IIMIPI.EMEINTS. Etc.â€" Road Cnrt; (ultei; RenfriAV Cream Separator; Comlbinalion Buzz and Ki)) Saw; 6 Steel Barj-els; (iasoline Engini- ;} h.p. NfW Sap Pan; 111 .S<ip Hiickets; Steel Window .Sasb with glass; I'ump Jack with motor; Si-t new Driving Harn- ess; llorst" Collar; Army Saddle; Electric Itrooijer; Chicken Trough; Qiianlity HanlM-<l Wire; Keeilers; • iuaiitlly of Lumber; No. of Brick; Shovels, Forks and ot.her articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Taco L'.ingi'; tiueilM'c Heater; Day I'oucli with .Mattrens; Kitchen Cabinet Por- celain top; Kitelien T'able. (hairs and Riilfet; IWd, Springs and .Mat- Iress; Several Odd ('bairn; Table Cliurn; Numliivr of Dishes. TEUMS; (^ash. â€"GEO. E. Ul'N( AN, Auctioneer DISTRICT HALF HOLIDAYS .Arthur Wednesday .Mliston Wednesday Barrie Wednesday ..CollingAvood Thursday Cre€Bio«-e Thursday Dandalk \\\ day Thursday Durham Wednesday Elnwale Wednesday Fle.sherfcou All day Thursday Gland Valley .. .All day Wednesday Hanover Wednesday Markdale All day Thursday Meaford Wedne.sday Midland Wednesday Orangeville Wednesday Owen Sound Wednesday Shelburne Wednesday Staynor Wednesday .Airplanes are much safer than automobiles â€" to pedestrians. A beauty item suggests using the hair l)rush often to train the hair propwly. This also applies to the heir. PAINTING PAPER HANGING Interior and exterior painting. and paper hanging. Let me give you an estimate. J. A. CARSON Phone 2r2 Flesherton Pricovlllc Local and Personal Mi-s. Robt. Alexander is spending a week in Collingwood. Miss Kate Macniillan is spending a couple of days in Toronto. Miss Shirley McCraeken of Ovvc'i Sound was home over Sunday. Mr. Wm. McKechnie of Brampton is spending a week with his son, C. J. McKc-chnie, and family. .Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kelhir of Toronto spent several days last week wtih Mti-. and Mrs. Ken Kellar. -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crossley and John of Toronto sjiont the week end with Mrs. W. Boyd! Mr. and Mrs. Xomian Stoddart and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. McKechnie visit- ed in Owen Sound on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kennedy of Lindsay spent a couple of days this week with the former's brother, Mr. C. J. Kennedy. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McKee and daug^hter and Miss Joanne Wood of Hamilton were guests of Mrs. R. Bentham on the week end. Mr. O. W. Phillips, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibson of Ceylon, spent the week end with Mr. Frank Phillips at Seaforth. .Mr . and Mrs. Harol -Bates and Beverley of Hamilton spent the week end with Mrs. Bates' mother, Jfrs. J. J. Brown, who returned with them for a couple qf weeks. Mrs. W. Honer of South Porcupine and her brother, Mr. Geo. Jamieson, of Timmins have returned to their homes after having stpent the past three weeks in towii. Mr. and :\Ir3. Roy Thisilethwaite and son, Bernard, Mi^e Beatrice Thistlethwaite and Mrs. L. Brown of Tororrto and Mrs. L. G. Brown df Brighton spent the week end in town. Miss Genevieve Mili»e left the first ©f the week for Malton Hos- pital, where s'he will be iiitermng for two months in occupational therapy. She sjient the past two weeks at her honie in to^sti. ilds. W. Scrace anj kwo daugh- ters, Elizabeth and Catherine, of Tudmorden, and Mrs. W'm. Bell of I.aiiibton were week end guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett and family, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ho'.lingsheari of Fevcrsham. m.itored to Burlington or the week end and enjoyed the fine display ot peach blossoms in the Niagara peninsula. Recent visitors with Mrs. tieorge Hutchinson were: Mr. and Mrs. F. Smith and son, Bobby, Thaniesville; Mrs. R. W. Foster and daughter. Dianne. Mt. Albert; Mr. and Mrs. R. Wragyett, Dundallk; Mr. arul Mrs. Qilvin Hutchinson and Linda Jane. of the South Line; Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acht\son, Proton Station; Mrs. Art Blair, Grand VaHey; Mr. and Jlrs. Lloyd .Acheson an<l three child- len of Dundalk. L F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Grocery Bargains THAT ARE MONEY-SAVERS Heinz &. Ay liner Baby- Fruit & Vegetables 5c tin Assorted Meat and Fish Sauces Bottle 10c Dalton's Artificial Vanilla 2 oz. bottle Sc .V.ssorted Custards pkg. 5c .Assorted Soups 2 for 15c Cut Green Beans 20 oz. tin. 2 for 15c V'iau .Soda Jii.scuit:-;. 2 lb .pkij- 39c each Kamenol Soap Beads, 20 oz. pkg 24c Candy Saw Logs 5c each Standard Peas, 20 oz. tins 2 for 25c Cream-style Corn, 20 oz. tin 19c each Bishop's Tomatoes, 28 oz. tins 23c tin Assorted Blenied Juices, 48 oz 2 for 49c Red Plums, 20 oz. tin 2 for 25c Choice Pumpkin, 28 oz. tin 2 for 25c Grapefruit Juice, 20 oz. tin 2 for 19e Pickled Beets, 16 oz, jars 2 for l5c 9i*i*«tt's Pea Soup, 28 oz. tin 10c eack Aylmer Plum Jam, 12 oz. tin 19c each Purkv Flour. 98 lb. bag- 34.25 F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd, Phone 7 Markdale SI >;^ NOTICEâ€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY .\S HIGH AS JUl.OO FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS .\ccording to size and condition â€" Small animals renvoved free. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER f > V â-  No wonder .she looks pleased! That's quite a ttely little sum she's managed to save. And, of course, there are things she wants to get with these saving)!. That's why she opened a Savings account with us. Open a Savings "account with us nowâ€" for the things you will want tomorruu: Become a Savings customer with our hrancb in yiHir miylihvJurliood. Our Manager ill welcome you as a customer. r 4 THE CANADIAN Bi^K OF COMMERCE t FIe.<luTiuii I'.r.im-li: K. H. tK\u»l, Manajfcr

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