i 5 4 4 4 f 4 * 4 4 * A 4. m I â€" t t-« 1 ®J)je /ksij^r U*n ^ttrtranc^* VOL. 6<S; XO. 2 FLESHERTOX, ONT., WEDxNESDAY, JUXE 9, 1.948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers,, CEDABSIDE BAiTiST CHURCH Vocal Contestants Take Rev. Wm. Alton White, E.D. Services next Lonl's Day â€" Wor- ship at LI a.m.; Church School at No«n; Prayer and Praise Service Wednesday evening at 8:30 p.m. ROCK MILLS â€" Worship at a p. m.; Church School at 2 p.ni. Future Events •WHAT DO YOU LfV'E FOR?" Hear this question discussed at St. John's United Church on Sunday imoming, June Sth. It will be of special interest t« young people. EAST GREY COUNTY L.O.L. The semi-annual meeting of Eaat Grey County L.O.L. will be held in the Oi-ange Hall, Eogenia, Tuesday, evening, June loth, at 8:30 pjn. All members are asiked to be present. â€" W. E. McCullough, County Rec. Sec. DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION Keep July 1st open for *he big celebration at Flesherton, s5)onsored by the Canadian Legion. Ball games, footraces, bicycle races and dartcmg. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES Bwangelistic sei-vices will be held at InJstioge Chui-ch fi-om June 20th to July 2nd, boih days inclusive, conducted by Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan Wallace. Services each night at 8:30 daylight saving time. PLAY AT MAXWELL •The Festered Lily" will be pre- sented by Dundalk C-ommuniuty Club in the Orange Hall, Ma.xwel), on Thursday, June ITCh, at 8:30 pjn. under auspices of Maple Leaf L.O.B. A. Admiasion: 35c and 20c. Lunch booth. Prizes At Musical Festival Sheila McKillop took first prize in solo for sills 7 and under, with 30 in j the class, while Janet Uacpherson took third place in her class. I» the opem duet class, in a field at 6fl, Mar- gai-et and Janet Macpherson took 82 marks, and Doreen Adlam and Jean McGee 77. BiUie McMillan of Eu- genia and Douglas Peebles (if the Springhill school came first in the boys' vocal duet. Biliie MtMilian also won first place iii 1«he boys' solo otass. Others taking part iji the various age groups from Flesherton were: Harold Haonilton, Marjorie Richai-dson, Heather Macpherson, Barry Scarrow, Roddy MacDougall. Sandra Foshei", Patsy Gorrell, Donna Jean HajniJton and Donna Boden, and Ruth Walker of Eugenia school The first place winners {n tke var- ious ciasses in the MusioU Festival took part in a concert in Owen SouTid on Tuesday evening. FLOODUGHT OPENING AT DUNDALK Attend the grand opening of Flood- lights at EhindaUc Community Park, Thursday, June 10. Men's softball Uurnanient at 2 p.m.: Dundalk. South Line. Flesherton and Rediokville. Tournament play-ofF in evening (6.30) and two senior ladies' teams will play under floodlights (8:30). .Admission 35c and 10c. Dance in .\rena to Collinsrwood Geoi-gians 8-piece hand. Admission 50c. .\dded attractions: Bingi, Midway, Refreshments. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cox wish to annowwe the engaigemenC ot their only daughter, Jean Helen, to Wil- fred Clarence, son of Mr. and Wrs. Alfred' Hawton, all off Feversham. The marriage will take place the latter part of June. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Whyte of Prieeville announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Margaret Agnes, to Mr. William Lome Hiltz. eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hiltz of Proton, thi^ nianiage to take place th« latter part of Juns. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Somberger of Wasaga Beach wish to announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Isla Evada. to Hugh James Threndyle, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Threndyle o£ Walker*on, the marriage to take place the latter pai-t 0(f June. It depends on whether you're walking or driving which you hate â€" pedestrians or autoists. It taketh age to make a sage. The wise no longer doubt it: The older ^'^'^ g:i"ow the more we know And the less we brag about it. F. R. Oliver Given i His Largest Majority With the greatest majority he has ever had, Faitjuhar R. Oliver, Lib- eral leader, swept South Grey in the Ontario eiectior.s on Monday. It was a real vote of confidence that the people gave him after his 22 years as the meanber for this constituency. His main oppsner.t was Howard A. McCauley, who was making his se- cond contest for the Progresisve Consei-vatives. Mrs. Alic« Katool, CXTJ., and -â- Arnold Russell. Social Credit, were well back in the race Oliver's candidates throughout On- tario were not so fortunate, as they only gained one seat in the House, makir.g i2 m«m:bers who will sit in the new Legisature. Pi'em>ier Drew's Government was returned to power with 53 members, and the official op l»osition will now be tJie C.CJ". with 212 members and oth«rs three. Pre- mier Drew lost out in. High Pai-k riding to the C.C.F.. which almost swept Tory Toronto. E. B. Joliffe, C.C.F. leader was elected in South York. In Souti Grey Mr. McCauley had majorities in three municialities Flesherton, his home town, with a majority of 17, Holland w-ith '62 and Euphiusia with 16. His majority in Flesherton was surprisingly low and many think that the people dC' the village were reniiss in theii- duty in not giving him a substantial vote. Miss Agnes Macphail was success- ful in East York and will be the enly women member in the Legislature. W. J. GiaHnmett again won C-ochi-ane South. He is an old Wareham boy. Joihn MacVicar, formerly of Price- viUe, and running on. the Liberal ticket in Toronto, was last in a field of three. Following are the retiims as com. piled Mo«day night to the bes-t ol our ability. The candidates were: Mrs. Alice KatooJ. C.C.F; H. A. ilfc- Cauley, Pi-ogressive Consei-vative ; F. R. Oliver. Liberal: Arnold Russell, St>oial Credit. ARTEMESIA liENTI.NCK K Mc R 1 .... 11 4A 45 62 1 â- •) â- 1 1 -J .... 33 65 -I .... 11 53 71 « 5 .... 17 31 SJl 16 a .... 10 20 W S i .... 1 39 90 1 8 .... 1> 22 100 *) 61 260 621 31 EUPHRASIA K Mc O R 1 27 24 1 â- i 5 43 34 4is 28 3 .... e 4 .... 8 51 S5 1 6 6 3G 34 6 .... 6 50 59 7 .... 1 94 5;2 2 8 .... •1 i4 4o ') Vauideleur Ground Hog Shot Wtihout A Tail Prominent Citizen, S. W. Sloan, Died Last Week (By Vandeleur Reporter) I Mi-- 9. Walker Sloan, a nativt U Should "tails"" only be considered I Eugenia, and for the past seven or should -tabs"" also be couneed in years a resident of !• ieaa«j*jn. 30 4;il) 42J decidsag *e score in the ground hog hunt, is now a debateable question. One day recently Howaid Graham shot a ground hog that didn't have either. If the arjmal ever had a tail there was on evidence of it, not even a scar. Now, the question is. was it boiTi that way. did it meet with an accident, or was it an amputation case from a previous war? If so. is the enemy so hard pressed that they ; have to use these kind of troops, or are Aey just adopting modem tac- tics of removing their valuables to a place of safety for the duration. In any case, it is an interesting "tale" and Howard thanks it should be eonnted. HOLL.\ND K Mc R 1 .... 4 51 76 ^•> SO oS 3 o .... ...... 3 1©0 46 4 .... 12 44 1 1 5 .... 14 93 68 6 .... 1 38 6J* - SO be 3 S 2 2S â- â- i2 1.) 'Small Advt.' Users In The Advance Aciiieve Results 36 515 4teo OSPRET Like Home Baking PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE K 1 6 2 2 3 3 4 1. 5 5 6 1# 7 5 8 „... Specials This Week EMERALD MINT CAKES MAPLE WALNUT CAKE also Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Turnovers Date Squaers Cocoanut Squares CHERRY CREAM CAKE Scarrow^s Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON J Mc 53) 34 29 46 56 19 50 41 ;'>2S 76 "4 45 76 165 63 133 40 662 R 1 1 1 2 2 _... 4 3 1 4 5 '. 6 6 7 3 8 1 9 10 Mc 26 63 5S 45 40 IS &1 23 15 do 3S« O 27 104 S>Q 57 47 66 25 :M 47S K 1 2 D 3 1 4 2 5 3 6 8 PROTON Mc â- iO 24 23 20 47 13! 26 21 14 204 »S 141 141 61 55 63 46 56 651 XORMANBY K Mc 1 5 16 2 .27 105 3 2 16 4 5 24 6 3 13 7 3 :;7 47 247 94 325 103 76 49 75 70i) ECJREMONT K 1 7 2 â- > 3 12 4 2 5 5 6 4 Mc 74 13 .59 22 Jo 2ti GENELG K Mc 1 IS :i 3 3 J* 4 1 5 9 40 51 10 S3 20 34 17S S4 126 191 117 115 97 730 O i2t; 107 492 10 1) R RECAPITI L.VTION K Mc O Bentinck 61 250 621 Durham 3& 244 566 Chatsworth .. ly S6 113 Proton 14 204 651 Gleneig 40 178 4iX2. Osprey 35 ;i39 478 Xormanby .... 47 247 700 Hanover 2l>2 294 1126 Hol'mnd 3t5 615 483 Euphrasia .... 30 439 423' Egremont 32 2« 730 Fleshenon £ lofl 139 Dundalk 11 Ijyi 236 Neustadt 33 21 UV> Maikdaie i£ 21i>! 244 .â- V.neMnesia .....37 328 662 -Advance Poll 5 1 R 1 1 4 R 1 1 1 R 31 That many people derive real ben- efift from using The Advance "Small Ajd%-ti." was evidenced hy rwo o«ses wkich are a few of the many sa*!?- fied usei-s. Mr. Geo. Moore of Vic- toria Comei-s had two cows for sale and disposed of them the day fol- lowing tthe publication of the paper, and also sold two other cows fi-om the same buyer. Robt. Thompson had a steer strayed last week and on Friday knew of its w*iereab<JUti There are only t\vo cases of satisfieti users. The "Small Advos." are read by everybody and you are assured oi a laige audience through the me<l- ium of The .Advance. Mclntyre - Mather Spirea. honeysuckles, white j and tulips formed the setting quiet bat pi-etty wedding in United Church on Satui~ady, lilacs for a Bervie Juno passed away at hi* home oh Tk»f»» day, June .3rd in his iOvt year. H« had been in poor health for the yast sevei-al years, but was able to b« ai-ound until the week prior W kia death. The late Mr. Sloan was the last surviving meniber of the f«>mily ol the late Jacob and Margaret Sk»» and was bora at Eugenia, whene ke spent the greater part of his Lfe. He \vas married to Maigaret Gorley of Eugenia and *-ould have eele- brated with Mrs. Sloan their ilik anniversai-j- this July 1st. He uwnei a sanvmill at Eugenia for a a«ul»et of ye«-s and was an expert a« scmI work and dther ornaments lor •â- iid- :ng«. 30 (.'oninior. some years 8^. He i-esided at Mt. .Alkert f«r tt/oM years, where he condwrted a swr* and for a number of years wan vatf ployed by the C-N'-R- F>iloww>g .>tjs retirement he lived for a tJi»e a* Eugenia arji moved do FiesJier»o» sefven years ago and coiwhicted a wood-working shop n«ar his haaa. svhere he turned out many fin« or»r ament-s for the home that were ootd useful and ornamental. Be enjoyed his hobfcy, which was also a re«n«- erative one. He was of a cfuiet dio- positioii, real i-ead on rar-oiis »afe- jects and it was always a ptea*»r« to converse with him. He was hcf ' ly '.-egarded by all with whotm iS came in contact. Surviving to mourn are his wife, one son. .Albeit, of Chatham, iwm daughters, Leila (Mi-s. Kinuner+y) of Toronto and Donaida (Mrs. Leslie Ferrie) of Windsor. 11 gnsndehilctaeil a"d four great grandchildren. The funeral wa* held on Satuiilfty afternoon, with se'.-vice at hJt- kit* residence, conducted by R«jv. A. & Macpherson. pastor of St. Jtkafw Unitied Chui-ch. Inteanient w-as m*^ in Flesherton Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. A. ,B. Ferris. Frank Thibaudeau. F. W. Duncan, C. J. Bellamy. Ernie ?!â- »«- 72t> 3l«0 79'>8 Majority for CHiver .... 3977 (Above totals ont official) 3 4 6 12- 155 4 1 5 â- 1 o 4 247 5th. at 2 o'clock, at which Rev. Chas. D. Cox officiated, when Dorothy Je-an, youngest daughter of Mr. and i Mi-s. Wm. Mather of Prieeville, '^- 1 came the bride of Robert Alexander | toi^ and Russell Park. j Mclntyne. son of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Mclntyre of Glenelg. The biide wore a gown \yS heaverJy blue crepe, street length, trimmed â- with brilliant nail heads. She was attended by Miss Lavina Stevens ol Proton Station, who wore a gown of pink silk jersey, street length. with white acceswries. Thomas Mather, brother of the bride, was best man. InrmediautJly folWwimg the cere- monv and signir.g the register, a wedding dinner was served at the '*>â- ^"^ d-uisbter of KnnOerK the The flo^ver beai-ei-s were; .Ajt Pr»c- tor. Han-y Voice. Ronald and Reflfe KiniTner'.y. .Among those, besides the immed- iate family, who attended the fn«er- al were: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Voice, Watertmvn. N.Y.: Mrs. D. E,",.i.ns, Chatham: Ross Kimnierly. Ottr.wa; Ronald Kinwnerly. Toron>; R'bert Miller and M'iss Charlotte Miller, Shelburne; Wm. Heath, Mr. and Mrs. Will Gregory. Mr. and ^Irs. Haney Hi!!. Markdale; and Mr. Edga.- dor- h, Manse. The groom's gift to bride was a double -string of pearls; ! Adjusting Ourselves to Factg to the bridesmaid, a Chatelaine pin. I SOFTBALL STANDING R 1 1 Won Flesherton 6 South Li:-.e 4 Eugenia 2 DundnM< 2 Marktlale 1 Fevershaim Lost 1 Pts, 12 s 4 4 rr. tiA i w AV t CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily acctssiblt by the city'i leading auto- mebilt and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks i-UNERAl (HAPEL l^;Aviiiiii; Rd KI.4344 Games Played This Week Fleshe^rtOTii 3. Markdale 2 &>uth Line S, .Ma:-kdale 3 Dundalk 21, Eugenia $ Games This Week Ju.".e n â€" South Line at Eugenia Markdale at Dun*ialk June 14 â€" South Line at F!es»herton .^lark<!aJe at Eugenia June 15 â€" Feversham at S«nith Line and to the best man. a gold tie clip. The young couple left on a wedd- ing trip to Niagara Fails and To- ronto, the bride Wavelling i-n a pale green and bVaok ti,g«i'ed dress, with blue coat and h:»t and white acces- sories. On their return the yourg couple will reside on the groom's farm at Prieeville. VALLEY ROAD SOUTH We are living in a time "-t great changes. a::d some of theni are n»t a! all pleasant to face, yet it is .we- less to gi-umWe and lame«t tkr «•»« cadence of our day. for. no wuisser how loudly w^e lament, the w-orld will not change its w-ays to satisfy us. We had better adjust ourselves to tke I chiinge of the day, and learn to ikUw jthe best of it. We can't go ba^k t» L tallow candles, no matter how madi we mav wish. We Jo not refer to , evils which creep into society, aad and Mi-s. Rovden MclVnald | against which we should always k-ax, Donald, i-eturned to their but refer to changes which hav« the north, acc^vntpanied by little moral significance, ye-. wkWk reach our lives and afftjct \ inii- pow- erfully. We think that the wise â- »•• should learn to adjust his ?i;i !s t» the wind, rather than to hope aad pray for the wind to adjust i»»dl to his sails. This is our age; 'ct us make the verv best of it. â€" OuwanL Mr and son h<-ni(' in Mr. ;iJ!t.i Mrs. John Wickens. who are spending a month v-acation with them ;il Ear Falls. We are sorry to i-eport Miss Bon- •ta VVard on tht? sick list. We wish her a speedy i-ecovery. Mr. and Mli-s. Wally Fawcett spent Friday in the Duirdaki district visit- ing with friends. Mr. and Mrs. .Allan Shoitt cbildi-en spent Sumisiy with Mr Mrs. Merle Weber. and an<l United Church Notes Rev. .A. G. Macpherson Minister mah ,v:i.-; asked. mule, mah -An old coloured n)an was comp- laining about the raili-oad refusing to pay for his mule which had been ki!:ed by a train. "Dey wont pay for De.v \vo>rt ov" " .-ixii-. rope. "W'l;!' r-ipe .' ' he "Why. sah," he replie<!, '•dc rope ah d<>ne us? to tie d*" mule on de track." CARDS OF THANKS Mi-s. S. \V. Sloan and fanuiy wish to extend their sincere thanks to- their friends and relatives for their kindness in every NN-ay during tk« illness and since the death of their iK'ar husband and father. nlsv.i R«r. .A. G. Macpherson and Prince Arthwr Lo^lge. No. .333, A.F.&.A.M. "The Three Cix>wns is the theme of the semion for Sunday. June 13, at Flesherton and Etigenia. It will be of special interest to young petvple. Inistic^re is holding its •Flower Sei-vice" this Sunday. 3 pm. St. .Tohn's choir practice will be held Friday. June llth, at 8:15 p.m. in the church. The Saoi-ament of Baptism will be "Swni. doesn't that mule ever ki<lt av:vl:ibl(> o»i Sunday. Jun^ 20th, at i you?" I desire to thanik all my friends and neighbors for treats, cards and letters ret'eived while I was in hos- pital, and since my return bf^me. also for the many kind iiK|uiri*s. â€" Mrs. Bert Ma?ee. St. John's. Parents desirig to dedi- cate children, please notify Rev. .A G. !Mncpherson a" soon as possible. "No sah. he ain't nevah don* kicke<i me yit, bat he d > « f kWt often wheah ah rocentlv was."