Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1948, p. 1

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M 4 s 4 4 4 « 4 ®l)je /tei)^r U*n ^^irtiancA VOL; 68; x\0. 3 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, JUXE 16, 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers, • ^•T^Osprey Council Raises Maintainer Operator's Pay Osprey municipal Council met in regular session Saturday, June 5th. with all members present. A letter was rea<l from the Department of Public Worlcs in refereiuce to the es- teblishine off "The Nottawasaga Valley Consei-vataion Authority.'' rius was actxid upon by the appoint- ment of Mr. A. Buie as a i-epresen- tative of Osprey for the same. The matter oif the maintainer op- erator's salary was given consider- able discussrioft, which resulted upon giving him an increase of 10 cents per hour. The Oisprey .Agricultural Society utd tlM Fevershua Athletic and Improvement Association have made formal agreeiments toward the es- tablishment of a community liaU and atMetic field on the Agricultui-al Society's grounds at Feversham, and the Clerk was instructed to prepare tihe necesisary by-law to have same vested in the municipality, as pit)- vided by the "ComMnunity Hall Act." The Road Superintendent present- his voucher- No.- 6, amounting to |S5o.03, whdoh was ordered paid. General accounts ordered paid •were: Mrs. J. Smith, care of E. Mil- ler (May) Â¥54.25; B. Neff, sheep claim |20; H. Dickenson, vaJu«r $2; J. W. Robiason, account E. Miller $10.35; W. Wilson, sheep claim $23; K. Hawkins, valuer $2; J. Hargrave, sheep claim |18; W Da-vison, valuei |2; Canada Law List Co., amend- ments to assessment manual $3.75; Letter Shop Supply Co., office sup- plies $7.15; F. F. Hale, memiber of Court of Revision $5, expenses re Markdale Hospital $5; A. Buie, member of C.OJl. $5, sheep claim $40; Hy. Thompson, member of CO. R. $2; E McCutcheon, member of C.O.R. $5t L. 0. Moore, memiber of C.O.R. $5; Wm. L. Tayor, raaniber of C-O.R. $5, equalizing 3 U.S.S. $15; Treasui-er Pi-ovince of Ontario, in- . sulin $3'.7€. ^ Coundl adjourned to meet Satur- day, July 3rd, at 2 p.m. 4. V ~ 4 â€" > â- ^ 4. 4 « ft '' * > .4 ^ 4 -«T| Boy And Dog Bring Home Tail; Nine Hogs Shot In Less Than 30 Minutes (By Vandeleur Reporter) Bajry, 4-year-old son ol Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gili-ay, was the proud boy in the comimunity one day last week wihen he came to the house carrying a. ground hog tail. He and his dog had been i-omping in a near. by field when tli« dog made the kill. Barry removed the tail like a vet- eran and presented it to his father, who is a oub-captain of one of the teams. The same young gentleman presented our better half with a cup of wild *ta-awbei-»i€« a week ago, which he had picked. On elec- tion day his mother asked him whom he was going to vote for and he named your correspondent, so we ai-e just about as proud as Barry. Mr. Lome Ormsby shot nint ground hogs on his farm recently in less than 30 minutes. Mr. Jack Hill secured five tails to bis credit when he eaime upon a nest while re- moving a pile of wood. All of which may, oi- may not, be a recoi-d of some kind. We may have other tales to tell when tihe tails are counted at the Coarjm'unity Day on June 22. The decision of tiie judges wiM be a feature of the progi-am. GRADLWTES AS NURSE Engagement Mr. and Mi-s. Hugh MacDonald of Durham wish to announce the en- gagement of thefr only daughter, Jessde Elisabeth, to .\x-thur Pedlar Fisher, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. George Fisher of Holstein, fonnerly of Ceylon, the marriage to take piace the latter part of June. BEND m TOUR RENEWJO^ Black Knights Confer Degrees At Feversham .â- \n eventful night in the history of Fevei-shaan Royal Black Precep- tory, No. 343, was held om Wednes- day, June 9th. when Sir Knights ol Che eounties of Ga-ey and Bruce gathered for degi-ee wx)rk, when 20 candidates received the Red Cross Degree in the Black Order of Ire- land, ably conferred by the Dundalk degree team, and with the lantern slides, was vei-y impressive. Sir Knight W. J. MHUer of Bognor, Past Grand Master of Ontario West, ex- pressed his views that the work was exceedingly well given. Seventy- Sir Knights wei-e regiistered, with memibei's from the following places: Chesley 8, Tobei-mory 14, Owen Sound lO, Meaford 9, D^irham 3, Dundalk 16, Feversham 13, Following the degree work and business of the meeting, a banquet was providted by the Preshyterian Laides' Aid of Feversham, and on motion of a Sir Knight from Tara and seconded by Sir Knight Bi-ons- comb of Chesley the ladies were giv- en a hearty vote of thanks for the splendid i-epast. Like Home Baking PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE Specials This Week BANANA /^ak:F MAPLE WALNUT CAKE also Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Turnovers Date Squaers Cocoanut Squares ScarrowS Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON J. Mc William Installed As Master of Prince Arthur .MISS LILLIAN POOLE Reecnt graduate of Grace Hospit- al. ToiMnto, graduate of Colling- wood Collegiate Institute. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mre. VVilbert Poole, CoUingwood. formerly of Max^vell. Union School Section At Victoria Comers Til',.- installation of officers of Prince Arthur Lodge No, 333, A.F. &.\.M., was held on Friday evening, with Wor. Bro. W. G. Watson actiig as installing officer. The following were insUiUed in office: I.P.M. â€" R. E. Jarick. W.M. â€" JJohn McWilliam S.W. â€" R. B. Heard J.W. â€" W. E. Belts Treas. â€" F. H. W. Hickiing Secretary â€" C. J. Bellamy Chaplain â€" Rev. W. A. White S.D. â€" K. G. Betts J.D. â€" P. S. MacDougall. D. of C â€" W. R. Meads S.S. ^Roy Fenwick J.S. â€" A. E. Sparks I.G. â€" H. W. Kernahan Tylerâ€" VV. J. Chard A Past Master's jewel was pre- sented to the retiring Master, R. E. Jarick. by V. W. Bro. M. S. McLeod. Fox Pup Caught With Hands Makes Fine Pet An application ii-om residents of S. S. No. 4, .\rtemesia, and nearby propeBties at Victoria Corners to the .Xrtemesia Township Council to make a union school section, was handed over to an arbiti-ation boaixl, consisting of Roy W. Piper of Cey- lon and In.>pector W G. Rae. The final meeting was held last week and the arbitration board has given its decision. Lots 191, 192, 193, 1 S. W. Township of I*i-ot!on, formerly in the U.S.S. N"o. 15, A. and P.. will be transfen-ed to be a pait, together with the school section known as S. S. Xo. 4, Artemesia, to be known as .Union School Section No. 4, A. and P- The above nained lots in Pi-oton will still be liable for their share of debentures on the new school for U.S.S. No. lo, X. and P-, until the loan is repaid in full. That the terms of this award shall be- come etFectivg on Dec. 25th, 1948. The application was made to the Council, as these lamit? are adjacent to the Victoria Cornei-s school and pupils from these homes were at- tending this school, in preference to the Proton Station school, which w;i> a mile and a half distant. DIED F.A-WCETT â€" .\t his residence at Eugenia, on Tuesday, June 15th, JaniL's Fawcett, in his 9l)th year. 1 Restinig at the Richards Funeral [ Home. Flesherton. Seivice in the I Eiigtnia L'nited Church on Thurs., June ITth, at 2 o'clock p.m., inter- ment in Salem Cemetery. Old Ceylon Resident Passes One of .â- Vrteniesia's better known citizens, Sangster Hratphill, passed away at his home at Ceylon Thurs- day afternoon, June lOth. following a lengthy illness. He was in his 82nd year. Deceased was the last sui-viving member of the faawily of the late James and Mai-garet Hemphill ami was born at Mt. Zion in 1866. .\s a young man he learned the black- smithing ti-ade at Raft'cnna. He moved to Ceylon in i890 and mari-ied Isabelle MlcKenzie, who predeceased him by 28 years. The late Mr. Hemiphill took a great interest in chui-ch work and was a member of the Gospel Workers' church at Feversham. Sui-viving to mourn are three daughters: Maud, at home; Myrtle (Mrs. Chas. Irish), Toronto: Reta (Mrs. Emerson Wright), Feversham; and one son, Pei-cy, of Ceylon. An- other son. John, predeceased him in July, 1923'. The funeral was held on Sunday afternoon, with service at his late residence, conducted by Rev. C. Bell, and assisted by Rev. F. Dean, a for- mer minister. B\' specwl reojucst Mrs. C. Bell sang "The Last Mile ol the Way." The casket was banko'l with many beautiful flowers. The pallbearei-s were: Messrs. K Rutledge, A. E- Goessel, J. S. Mo- Dermid. G. E. Jaynes, .\ngus Whit- taker and M. T. Hogarth. The flowei- bearers were eight grandchikh-en, Isabelle, Fred, Bruce and Norman Irish, Ruth and Leoii- ani Hemphill. Stanley and Shii-ley Wright. Relatives and friends attended the f'uneail from, Woodbridge. Colling- wood. Wiarton, Berkeley. Clarksburi; King, Maple. Thornhill. Schoniberg, Toronto, Lon^- Branch, and district points. â-  A young red fox runnmg about his farm home, is the high-light on the farm of Mr. Clare Davis, east backline. .A.rteniesia. The fox was caught on a neighboring farm when it, and another little one, were seen playing around their den. Mr. Davis lay down beside the hole and waited until the fox pup poked its head up to see what was going on and it was immedkuDely g-iwbbed by thp head and made prisoner. .A.t first the pup snaa-led and was not a bit friendly, but with kind treatment it has be- come quite tame a'^d will follow the children about the farm. When it wishes to enter the housei t will sit at the door and bark. \ sui-prising thing is tjhat within 24 houi-s after the fox was taken home it had for- gotten its wild ways and would allow the children to pick it up and pet it. We did not know that a fo.\ would tame as easily. The a.nimal is (luite an oddity for a pet and is the envy of the neii?hiboring youngsters. John EHivis, li-year-old son of Reeve J. A. Davis, wants his father to get him a fo.x pup, too. Flesherton To Use The Colored Strings of Lights Flesherton village Council paiMwd a resolution at the regular meeting on Monday <'vening to again use me colored lights for decoi-ative purpos- es at nights, to be tuined on, l^ fli-st of the coming month. Dr. T. D. Pai-k tendered his resignation as Medical Officer of Health, â- \\'hich w*i6 accepted by the Council. The a«p«r- intendent aad F. Gon-ell were ap- pointed to attend the meeting of the O.M.E.A. in Toronto Monday ne.xt. Card of Thanks The family of the late S. Hemp- hill wish to take this means of per- .jonally thanking all friends for their iiKiny acts of kindness tendered in many waj-s during the illness tof Kheii- father and in tilieir bereave, ment. An agency says man-ied men the best eollector-e. Perhaps they know all the a-'iswers. SPECI.VL THIS WEEK FuB fashioned pure silk hose 96» at Hickling's Store. Flesherton. Future Events VA.NDELEUR PICMC 2:30 to 4 p.m.. Children's picue, refreshment booth. Decision of tiie judges in gi-oundhog hu»t; ^a^^ipes and otlier special features. 3->btt comedy drama at 9 p.m., preseB*»d by Dundalk Community- Centre. 8orn ED\V.\.RDS â€" Ax Toronto Gener- al Hospitjil. Burnside Wing, Friday, June 4th, l^4S. to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Edwardj=, a son, Thomas .\lbert. LEE â€" -At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home. Flesherton, on Friday, June 11th, 1948, to >Li-. and Mrs. Wm. Lee of Dundalk, a daughter, Sharon Marie. McMlULLBN â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Ho>me, Pleshert«n on Tues,. June 15th, 1948. to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen of East Mountain, a son. James .\llan. SHTER â€" .A.t Mrs. Xuhn's Nurs ing Home, Flesherton, on Sunday. June t5th, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shier of Portla^v, a son. Nomian Frederick. AT HO.ME" TO THEIR FRIKNnS Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McMaster wil! be ".\t Home" to their friends on Monday. June 21. fi-om 8 to 10 p.m., the occasion being the 10th anniver- sar of their w-e<ldiiig. EAST GREY COUNTY L.O.L. The semi-annual meeting of BMit Grey County L.Oi. will be heW m tihe Orange Hall, Eugenia, Tuesday, evening, June 23nd, at S:30 p.m. Al members ai-e asked to be present. â€" W. E. MtCullough, County Res. Sec. AUCTION SALE Mrs. Cary Irwin, Ceylon, will htjid an auction sale of household effMta and furnishings oa Saturday, Ju«« 26th. at 2:00 p.m. â€" W. F. "McKay, .AuctToneer. DO.MINION DAY CELEBR-VTiON Keep July 1st open for the bi^ celebration at Flesheiton, sponsor**! by the Canadian Legion. Ball g&tmm, footraces, bicycle races and Janci»g. S. S. CONVENTION The annual Sunday School Coh- vention of ^larkdale, .\i-temesia and Kk-sliei-ton will be held in St. John's United Church. Flasherton. Thwi-s- liay. .June '24tii, with afternoon and evening; sessions. Rev. C. J. Fox, provinical representative, will be the guest speaker. SOFTBALL STANDING Won Lost Pts. .. 7 14 .'J â- i Flesherton '• South Line 4 Eugenia 3 Dundalk 3 Markdale 1 Feversham (Include Momiay night games > Games Piayed This Week Euigenia 7, South Line 4 Dundalk 11, Markdale 10 Flesherton 0. S^'uth Lino 5 Games This Week June IS â€" ^Markdale at Feversham Eugenia at Flesherton June 21 â€" J""lesherton at South Line Eugenia at Dundalk In Memoriam Soane folks suffer in silence- ithers have ;, flock of children. HE.A.THCOTE â€" In memory of a dear wife and mother, Mary Heath- cote, who passed away June 20, 1946. It is not at the tin>e the tears are .shed That tell of a heart that is torn, Hv.t the lonely tears of the aftei years .A.n<l remembrance silently borne Suii-oundod by friends we are lone- some. In the middle of our joys we are blue. With :i smile on our face our hearts are bi-oken. Ijonging, dear mother, for you. â€" ^S-idly misised by her Husband, Hair.v. and Daughter, .\nnie (Mi-s. D'tsi.n). DOMINION DAY Thursday. July 1 HOLIDAY- WEEK END SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between all points in Canada and to all I'nited States border points. FARE AND ONE-THIRD For the Round Trip (.iO: anv time Wc>dnesday, June 30 until 2 p.m.. Thursday. July 1st. RETURiN: l,-:ive destination not lat- er than midnight Monday, July 5. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE .Adults or Children 30c Full particulars from any agent (3aMaM4XH9cuU4lc EV.\NGELIST1C SERVICES Evangelistic services will be held at Inistioge Church from June 2(ltll to July 2iid, both days inclusive, conducted by .Mr. and Mis. J. .-Mlaa Wallace. SeiTices each night at S:30 daylig-ht saving time. CONCERT .\T PRICEVILLE Kno.x United Church choir of Dur- ham will present a musical enter- tainment in St. Columba United I'huich On l-'riday, June 25th, under the auspices of che W..\,, to^com- nience at S:30 p.m. .Admission: â- '!5c and 20c. PL.VV AT MAXWELL "The Festered Lily" will be pre- sented by Dundalk Communiuty Clufe in the Orange Hall, .Maxwell, ob Thursday. June ITtth, at S:30 p.m. im.iei- auspices of Maple Leaf L.O.B. .A. Admission: :j5c and '20c. Lunch booth. r The cute eustoener aPP'oached the floor-iwalker an-J asked: "Do you have notions on thi."! floor?" And the flooi-waiker leplivd: "Yes. madam, but we must supp- ress them du'ii'-' business hours." CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily acctsflibl* by the city's leading auto- â- lobllt and street car thoroughfares. Bates ^ifd N^atttfdcks FUNERAL CHAPtl |?4 Avriiiif Rd. Kl.43^4 Planing and Chopping Mill Division INSUL BRIC, Jasper Blend PLYWOOD INSULATION BATTS LUMBER SHINGLES XXXXX, No. 2's and No. 3's GLASS HARDWALL PLASTER WHEAT OATS and BARLEY MIXED FEEDS O. & A. Co-operative Phone 8 Flesherton, Ont. NOTRE TO PLOTHOLDERS MAXWELL CEMETERY A meeting: of the plotholdi-i-s of the L'ited Chucrh Cemeteries, locat. ed at Ma.xwell, will be heU: in tSie ehuivb hall, Maxwell, Fridav Jxim â- -^6th. at 2:31) p.m. D.S.T. for' srener- ;i) bus-iness. â€" Jas. Long. Chairman; Ceo. W. Hnss, Sec. -Treas. ANMVKRSARY SERVICES St. John's Cnited Church. Flesh- erton, Sunday. June 2th â€" U a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest .speaker: Rev. Keith McMillan. B.D. Special musir '>y the ehoii. Everj-one welcome. AUCTION SALE Albeit Edwards will hold ;i credit- auction sale of fann stock ;ind rniple- •iients. inchuiiiig 7 horses., 3 siiddle horses, pun.v, 54 head of cattle, 30 pigs, and tractor, on Highway 24, ':; mil<< north of Sn^hanipton. Fi-iday. •lune 25th. at \::V0 p.m. Temis. â€" Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. ANMVER,«*ARY SERVK ES AT ST. ANDREWS. PRICEVILLE Sunday, .lune 27th, at 1! a.m. and E::50 p.m.. in St. .\ndrew's Pi-estoy- terian Chuivh, Priceville. Rev. .\. .1. Simpson speaker at both .services. Ciaiden part.v, Monda.v, June 28, with supper from 6 to 8 p.m. in the chucrh basement, followed by .'^-act play "Grani(!])a's Twin Sister.'* by Kno.x (Normanl>y) Y^.P.. in the 'W.l, hall. Admission: 75, Children 3Bc.

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