Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1948, p. 4

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>*iiwt(ii.i,iiw...iiii'ftaii Wi'fliU'Mlav, luiU' U>. Vm THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE F. H. W. Hickling DEPARTME NT STORE Thinking of a New Suit? We can fix you up to your entire satisfaction, either in Ready-to-VVear or Made-to-Jvleasure pirments. Ready-to- Wear Suits, from $29.50 Tip Top Tailors' Ordered Suits $42.50 Odd Trousers, Shirts, Pyjamas, Biltmore Hats, New Neckwear, Light Underwear, Smart Hosiery Hickox Belts, Smart Black and Brown Oxfords. New House Furnishing Items Congoleum Rugs, Congoleum, Window Shades, Cretons, Homespuns, Monkscloth, Marquisettes, Lace Curtains. Celanese Curtains, Frilled Curtains. The Drapery selection is particularly good this season. ~B-Tl PAINT A complete stock: all new colors. If you think of painting your house, contact usearly. SUITABLE JUNE WEDDING PRESENTS Lace Cloths Luncheon Cloths Wabasso Sheets Pillow Slips Flannnelette Blankets Wool Throws Bed Spreads Chenille Spreads Tea Sets China Cups and Saucers Fncy Glassware Dinner Ware THE STORE WITH THE STOCK VANDELEUR Unfortunately, the chemical that will dissolve fog doesn't work on those whose minds are continually in a daze. An Oregon man has eaten pan- cakes every morning for 25 years. He certainly believes that one good turn d«*erves another. A man who married three women claimed insanity. Any argument? Vimdeleui- Women's Institute spon- sored a cliurch rwifde on Sunday, when members and former nieniber.s attended Vandeleur church in a body. Moniibers of the Farm Forum were ttlso present. The pastor, Rev. W. M. Lee, preacher an excellent ser- mon, based on the story of Mary and .Martha. Thi.s is the 45Lh anni- versary of the founding of the local branch and the pastor paid tribute to the service rendered a«d the lead- ei'ship tfiven to community projects down through the years. He also stutod that this parade was the first o( its kind of which he had any knowledge and might establish a precedent. Special music was rend- ( leu by the choir and Mel Buchanan rendeied a solo "My Task." A bap- tismal service was held, when the infant daughter of Ml', anitl Mrs. Alex. Gilray was baptised. Officers and memtoers of the W.I. and F.F. have held' several meetings and committee meetings during the past two weeks, making prepai-ations for their big entertainment on June a2nd. They aie to be congi-atulated on securing "The Festered Lily" by Duniial'k Dramatic Chtb for ^heir evening- jirogram. Mr. Jim Oargoe has returned home after sipending a short time in Toronto. Miss Dorothy Doran of Owen Sound was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Meil Buchanan. Mr. Isaac HoUey has returned to Saskatchewan, after spending a short ime in this district. Mrs. Lundy Johnston is home after spending a week in the Markdale Hospital. and babe of Collingwood spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Brownridge. Miss Uuris Smith of Barrie visited at her home on Saturday. PORTLAW Wife: "John, what is the differ- ence between direct taxation and in- direct taxation ?" Husband; "Why, the difference be- tween your asking me for money and goiii$r through my trousers while I'm asleep." NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10.00 FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS According to size and condition â€" Small animals removed free. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER (Intended for Last Week) The June meeting of the W. A. was held Wednesday • afternoon, June 2nd, at the home of the presi- (krt. Mrs. Will Johnston, who also presided for^the meetTng. The de- votional period w^as led by Mrs. Saim Fitzsimmons, and the topic "Women of tlie Bible a Challenge to Women of To-day" was ably preseHted by Mrs. Lundy Johnston. The roll call was answered by the name of a Bible woman. Mui-iel McGee con- ducted a dime contest, which was won by Dorothy Johnston. During the business section of the meeting it was decided to secure a play to be. presented in the church in the netfl- "future. A delicious luncheon was sei-ved at the ckwe. Mr. and M^rs. Norman Jackson and Betty visited a few d'ays in Hamilton. Mr. Ed. Patton, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Patton and family of Dun- dalk were recent visitoi-s with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Patton. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wes I'hmt were: Mrs. Mabel Kcklin, Thornliiil; .\i'r. and Mrs. F. Davis, Willowdale; Mrs. Lyrni Egan and Mrs. C. Kerr, King; Mr. and Mr.-i. Cecil Watson, Schomberg. .Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Lyons and Mrs. Florence Lyons visited in Toronto. .Mrs. Lyons, Snr.; who has been vis- iting in Toronto, leturned home with them. Visitor-s during the past week with MV. Jas. Pedler and Mr. and Mrs. E. Talbot were; Mr. and Mrs. Eimerson Wickens and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn McFadden, Flesherton; Miss Laurene Talbot, Dundalk. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt and Miss Janet Lougheed spent an avenLng with Mr. and Mrs. John Blakey, near Rob Roy. The McN'ally femily are sporting a new Chevrolet truck. Miss Evelyn Fisher spent a recent week end w^th her girl friend in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Russell, Flesh- eron, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linton and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher. CREAM Now that we are at the peak of production for this year, why not deliver your cream to us and receive that extra cent. Your cash will be ready for you a very short time after receiving- your cream. 4f » -ji Poultry Many a grievance is washed awiay with a little application of soft soap. LADIES: READ THIS- Unwanted hair removed instantly from face, arms, legs, with Flash (Hair Removqr. Harmiless â€" ' leaves skin soft and smooth. You can't lose. Money promptly refunded if hair grows back after third application \rith no questions asked. Complete trelatment -2 postipiaid. (C.O.D.'s â€" Postage e.vtra). KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 8S5 liox 22. Station B, Montreal. Que. EUGENIA The Farmer's Favorite I : ! I Machinery in Stock ? i ? ? I Y ? X I :j New 7-foot Itind.rs 2 New Mowers t New SculTlers New 2-furr.»» 'I'riutor Plow 2 2-fnrro« Wiilkinn I'lows I'sed 2-fiirrott rrail<ir I'low, ,S|>e«iial I'rice StiO.OO ( reiim Scimralors, hand-power or ele»(rio Milking Miichineit Builders' Supplies 'â- â- '<l '""«'' •lin-l ShinKles V-Lock Shingles Kiilhricli InHiilhrik, in various colors Insula I ion KiiiUling Vkimth Hardware and Electrical Appliances \ilniiral HefriKcralnrs aii<| KadloH. We |nvi|,. voiir iivspeilion. HiiMKen and Uannen.'s IJeclric Irons ToaHlcrs SunHhiiu* and (naham llol I'lalfH %!MVS u|> to SI.I.VS Cook Stoves Clnre Jewel <i<M)d Clu'er l'".ni|>ire frhiCcNti l*Bt Cnlenian Oil .Spaae llealerH and .Vppliaiu-es Screening .Soreeii OoorH <'(mibinati«n Doors Window .SerecnM We have a good hIikU iin hand. Wo believe voii will And it lirofltnbU; to call on lis boforo buying, A J. M. STAFFORD | Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery \ Phone 4r22 FEVERSHAM ^ i I Mrs. Elsie Park and son, NoiTOan and friqnd of Denver, Colorado, vis- ited during the week end with the former's brothcj-, Mr. Thos. McKie, and Mrs. Mclvee. We are sony to report Mrs. Mary Proctor ill at her hom-e in Kimber- ley. We hope that she will soon be improved in health. .Mr. and Mrs. T. McKee, Mary and Isobel, visited friends at Noittawa On Sunday. Mr. and MIrs. Edwin Purvis of Toronto week ended at tl^eir cottage. Another ootta.g:e is going up ne.xt to Haix)ld Best's cottage near the lajke here, being erected by Nornnan Scarraw of Flesherton. IVIa-. and Mrs. J. Patteiteon and Mrs. Jiwnieson visited in Toronto. Mrs. VTm. Pinkerton attended toh Deanery meeting of the Anglican Church in Thorn-lniry on T^t-sday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mkirtin visited with Mrs. Thos. Lever at Fleaherton on Wedni<s.diiiy evening of last week. Mj's. I^ver, who fell a couple of weeks ago, was progr(issing favor- ably, when she sulferwi a heart at- tiuk on Wednesday last. Mr. Clarence Williams, who spent Uhe past couple of weeiks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams, returned to Toronto Monday to re- sume his work plasteiing. We are sorry to report Mr. Jas. Faw«ott not enjoying very good health at present. Mr. Kiwooil I'urvi.s of .Malton is ere^-tirvg a garage and dwelling on the Pui-vis property on Inkerman St. Mr. L). L. Wol)er [s engaged at the l)uilding at iiresent. Cong-rntiilkil.ions are oclencted to two Kugenia young people on their success at the musical festival in Owen Sound. Rutih Walker won se- cond prize III eiglU and uiulei' elass witli her vocal solo, connpeting with â- 11 others in the class. Hillie Mc- Millan took first iiliice in tihc vocal H<)lo vith 8ti marks and also was winner («f the Golden Valley award of $r..l)l) t'or boys. Uillji. and Hou- gla« Peeliles of Spriiigliill won first place witli their voeal duet. .Miss Jackui.line ('ninninbell also made a s|)len<lid etVort in the vocal solo. BUCKANGHAM Mr. ami .M'l'.s. 1), ,\, Hristow and Miiall son of Strongfield, Sask., are visiting the l4it,tor'.s aunt, Mrs. John nn>wn, and attending the wedding in Sarnia, the iwisl wenk, of Mr, Itrirttow's niece. Mr. Allan Tiiii>ling of Toronto is .Hpen.liiiK' a week's holiday with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Tupling. Mr. and .Mr.-*. Alex, Mullin and KInici Mltended tile frnenvl of Mr. H. Ili-nvphill at Flesherton Sunday. ,Mr. and .Mrs. Lorne McQiiay of ('ollii\g«oo<l wi'io recent visitors with Mr. aiid Mirs. Jim Heitnwin. Mr. and Mrs. Briiie Hrowmidge X We are in the market for your fowl and are paying top market prices for good fowl. Either deliver them to us or call and our truck will pick them up. iThe Creamery is open every Wednesday and Saturday Xight during the summer months. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario » * « « 4' « « < < * « It * 4 <-:'*:~x~:"X~x~x~XK~x~>«x<'><~XKKKK~x«<K~K'^*-x~>*«<>4^><><^>*«^ * Light heads too often are behind headlights. Closet hooks are where all but mother forget to hang things they forgot to put down the clothes chute" Charles M. Schawb, while getting some steel contracts in Great Britain once wasa sked concerning a yotuig man who had been with him on » previous visit. "I'm sori-y," replied the steel mag- nate, "but he was killed by a revol- ving crane." "My word," gasped the Britisher In flabergasted amazement. "What fierce birds you have in -Ajnerica," A i Watch 4 * # * « f .« A 9 t -♦ I Oow yoiir money by regular deposits in a Savings Account at The Caniidian Bank of Commerce, and watch it grow. As your savings grow, so does your ability to buy the things that require planning and ready cash. Start saving today. You w ill he glad you did. THE CANADIAN BA|«K OF COMMERCE I'lcslicrloii r.ramli: R. I'.. Ikard. Mauasfr l7V-« k" > « »â- â- " 1- 4 .t' T

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