Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1948, p. 5

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i â-  '• • » •â-  *â-  « â- *- 5 : »- *â-  • « THE FLESHERTOX ADV.\NCK Wednesday, June 16. 1^+8 m^ SeWING MACHINE SERTICB AU Work Goannteed. lUdiiiieB Elcetrifed Needles sad B«lta OiJl DUNCAN'S HARDWARE FhoBC M Flesitetna A ipong-,^i \i a ffellorw with 3 pro- positiori that won't bold water. In a small Muskoka town, a tour- ist called to an old native: "Hey, uncle! How far is it to Bracebridge?" "I dunno, miater; hh used to b*? "bout 2.5 miles, but tfee way things has gone up around here, may be â- ear 40 bj- r.ow." z « % Ik t « « « •I 5 4 < 2 •J 4 » Â¥ m m The Goodyear DeLuxe by actual test will give you 34 'v- more mile- age than the big mileage Goodyear it replaces. Buy it! Get a better tire with the super-traction dia< mond tread. D. MacTavish & Sons FLESHERTON AUTHORIZED GOODYEAR DEALER MAXWELL We a.ve pleas^id to report that Mr. Louis Kerton has returned home from Mark<Jiale Hospital, , where he has spent the past four weeks. Mr. Hugh FerT*ick, who suifered a heart attack last week, is d^'in;; as *'e!i a» can b« expected. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross accom panied ilr. aad Mrs. Renfrtd .\che- sor. oa a motor trip to St. Joseph's Island to Tisit with Mr. and Mrs. Ja^k Caintpoeil iJeitn Ross.). Mr. and Mrs. T. Ferris visited on Suncay -.vith reiat^'es at Gianils. Mr. Rubt. Priestley lis visitiag for a few days -sith relatives here. The 'W.I. regular meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. ilor- riion On. Thursday of last week, with just a fair attendance. The roll caE was arsswered with " names of chree people Id tiike "o mee-t." FiEiai ar- rangements were made for the dis- trict annual nieenng ck". Wednesday. .A.n iavitaition vrais read from the Flesherton WJ. to visit with th-em at -heir July meeting, which was accepted, after whi*:h lunch, was serve^i by the h'-^etess. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .\ik1- rew Palllster the past week were: Mr. and Mi-s. D. .A., 'wino-rs. Mr. a^d Mrs. Foi-.vcet; a.id Miss Helen Lank- tree of Cl'arksburg; Mr. and Mrs. Vem Pallts^er aiii two children', Mr. Guy Pali:;«r.er and ilTss Sanderson ;>f Toronto. PRICEVILLE Let's an be real quiet and maybe V)iS will slip by without a non-stop dancing Or. roller sikaang coctest. â- -â- i-- The Federated Farm Women met Wednesday at the home )f Mrs. M. McFadden. when d ladies '.vere pre- sent. Mrs N'euibauer gave a splen- did paper On Country vs City Life. Mrs. McFadden rendered a sole •".Apple Blossom Weddimg" and Mrs. Beaton conducted a contest, prizes 'â- -â- erie woa '^y ifts. I. B. Whitcaker and Mrs. Brudey Irwin. It was ie- tided io siag "Dropping Per-mes" the month -.f your birthday. Lunch was se'Vcd i»y the hostess Jind 'ner assistants. i ridiiv evening a recepuon was held i-'"- the hail for the aewly-we<id- ed couple Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mcln- tyre, when a large crowd was pre- sent. The evening was spent ;n dancL't'sr, music 'oeiag supplied by Mr. and M-^. Thos. McD-jigali. Bill .McKechnie. Neil MeKinnon acd Mrs. Archie McCuaig. .A.c the midnight hi:ur thi^ bride ar.d groom recetved ma.'-.y twautifcl guts. Bob voiced h;s appreciaton on. behalf of aimseS and his wife, for ail the gifts and 'oesc wishes. Best wishes for a long and happy wedded iife are e.xxended ;o the V'jung couple. The W.I. waai heid Thursday after- noon, at the home of Mrs. .Art Leith when 2*5 ladies were present, Mrs M. McLean presiding. Roll call was answered by naimiog a project you would like your Institute to carry out. Dr. Eoyden: Bttmetx of Dur'oam was guest speake-- and gave a very interesting and hetpifui talk on "Cancer." He stated th'at it could be cured if 'ietected in :be early stages. Mrs. D- L. Mac.Axthur gavs a iplendiid paper on Pauline Johns- t^^n and Mrs. .Aagus Mc.\rthar gave a pu.per on the motto "Life is like a garden: it bears the irait you sow." MJs» .Anna Short reed cocduoced a contest, the prize being won by. Mrs. John Ritchie. Several of the Jadtes are planning to attend the d'-stnc: annual meeting at Maxwell on June ItJth. .A.n invitation frciQ Flesjierton W.I. to meet wtih them on July 7th was accepted. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison j and fsmiily visited Sunday with he: sister at Lisle. Mr. and Mrs. .\rchie MacCaaig visited •wuh his brother. Mr. F-ni- lay MaicCuaig. Malock. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Carson :-r^ family of Toronto visited .-'ver ".."ve week end with friends here and a: Elugenia. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Mc.A.rthur and Eleanor visited in Toronto Sunday. Mrs. .Aldcorn and Mrs. Joe McKee received wxTd of the death of their brother Lachie McKinnon ir.' Calgary in his !*4th year. Sj'TMpathy ;s ex- tended to aill who mourn his passing. Rev. and Mrs. Simpso;: and babe spent a cotiple orf days list week .n Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jiim Stiarrjek jpent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher at Holstein. Miss Margaret Stothart of .Aber- dee.T. Washirjgton. State, is risicing her brother. Mr. Jotic Stothart. MSiie Margaret Meuser of Owe« Soand spent a week end with her sister. Mrs. .Archie JlacCuiig. Mr. and Mrs. Han-y Pedlar. To- ronto, visited here on Wedne«:day. Mrs. Jack Cars«>a acompatijed them home for a vi-sit. Mr. WiMis Sayers» in company with some friemis, left last week on a motor tip to British Coliimbia. Mr. and Mrs. Dan CamptbeL. Wal- lace Meads. .A. L. Hirjcks and Shir- ley spent Sunday at N'is,gara Fails and visited friends. Mr. and Mrs. John iScFariac-r and sons of Toronto spent Sun-iay wi-.h her parents 'nere. Hubby wirut out with tte oty.j eae night and b«?fore he realized it th« morning of the n-rH day had iawmed. He hesitated to call iionui and tell his wife. Finally he hit i^on an idea. He 'pa.>Ded his wife and. wiies ab*- answered, be shouted; ••Ftn. jack. Don't pay th-? ra.-S'>"- '" I 4 V « r « '♦ v~ â€" 4 â-º " -> i â€" K^" Y" k" * 4 ** . •• % > From its styling to its stamina... from its road-action ta its ride.. IS FIRST ! 4 I . ^mj - jw *-^ T a Nowher. .it* b.ow»ir Hl«. thi»l N«w styUnfl N.w colon! N.w upholiferv fobricj! AH rtiU add»d to Ihe b«'<: 8"«-Car luxury of Ch.v- rolet'i fomoin Sody by Fijh»-, R»Ti»mb»r â€" tlui body U .xdujiv. K> 0>«»roi.t and highw-pricd cc"» Yo»'ll .nioy much gr^at.r COnlfoit in 0(.vroJ.t fof 1948. It brtnQs you th« BJ9- n.tf ond (Ood- tr.adinctt of lf>» U'>iiit«d Kn..-Actk>n Clid'i 3 Rid.. AnoH>.f ' f.otv^i» fcond ooN '" Ct>*vfOl»t ond niof . •»?•'«•»• con. First in all-round quality in the entire low-price field! How yo« and your family will enjoy owrtenhip of this newer, snior/er, finer Chevrolet for 1948! If brings yoo BIG-CAR QUALITYâ€" not In one item onlv. bot In every phase of sfvling, engineering ond constrvctioo â€" and brings it to vOi) AT LOWEST COST, os well. That is why more people drive Chevrclets, occording to official registrationsâ€" and more people v»ont Chevrolets, according to seven Independent survevs â€" thon any other mcke of car. That is v.hv vov, too, wilt agiee that CHEVROLET AND ONLY CHEVROLET IS FIRST in oll-rowd value! thof will tKiil Ih. most »\p«i.«.»d «.i»-»f. Ir> th. C". :^vs.- p*i 'orOKj.:ia vilt e«-vof^ of Ch«v.-oler> Vatv9-;r.Head pisir? â€" CwxH^'i mo-* »horo«<)Ny cioivd cv'otofiv* pow«r- plaint. VoN»in-H.<jd B'ljtoei. *oo, a:e .xcH.- I \ fi A rtoouci or GiHSfM *IOtO»$ Jwst en yow wd( fwd nv •9wal for 0<>noJ.t Jollcr- x?J^;«, 5C vci w"'1 rir*d :s.^ eqvcl fc. 0«r cvft^K-is.d 'L. ^ ^ Oi.vrot.f i*rY»c.. Sot.- Qvord yoÂ¥r Jrci*«oo*- <jho« oy brin^if-j vow pr.»«Pt ;e- 10 i» for »»;"«d ».<»'«. "Hjw and o» r^julo' inf.v/a;«, po-J:^9 d»i=v»f> Cf >ow FL5HI>'G EQUIPMENT -Aleotk. Laight & Westwiod lish- ing ta«kle and .ther sporting goods. REG. R1DEN B.-.A, Station Fle-sherton COAL YOUR F.W'ORITE FUEL PROMPTLY DELIVERED Sam Wright & Son Phone M.vRKDALE •^-^•>-w-KK•<-^*<<K•<-*->-^-^-^->^>^^-^•»-&<•â- ^4^<-c•<-^<•<->c-wK->-:-:K•^^^ j Shingling I NOW is the time to look after your roofs iknd % to apply asbestos siding. x Kay Roofing & Shingling Corp., Ltd. I :> Local Aijenc: G. B. Wekon. Flesherton % ^^C^ LEAV£ FLESHERTON (Davlijjht Saving Time'* To TORONTO 9.05 a.m. d 7.40 p.m: TO OWEN SOUND d 12.05 p.m. g 4.05 p.m. i 8.40p.m. d -Sunday and Holiday only i - Dally e.xcxept Sat s: - Saturday only. Bu« Connections at Brampton for London and at Toronto for Montreal, Ottawa and North Bay FARES ARE LOW Roanat Trip • Tax Included - S59.65 WIXXIPEG 29.60 REGIX.-\ 46.70 CALG.VRY CH VRTEKKD BUSKS FOR PRIVATE PARTIES VT LOW FLUTES TICKETS .WD LNFORM.\TI0N .\T FIRESIDE LUNCH - R. BODEN Phone 63 Flesherton, CVt. ^UEBKC HALIF.XX ST. TOHN $5a05 61.30 81.35 Roofing ASPHALT SHINGLES. 210 lbs. per square WINLOCK and ARROWLOCK. 125 ibs. 12 lb. Felt Paper Insulbric Siding It vou are going: to use utiy of these materials it will pa\' you to order now. Ol'R PRICKS .\RF RIGHT EDGAR BETTS 18 inch Rolls. 95 lbs. RoUbric Siding Phone 46J FLESHERTON. Ontario

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