Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1948, p. 8

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Wednesdav. June 16, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" 2 bags of flax seed. â€" H. Richardson, phone 3^wii. FOR SALE â€" 11(28 Chev. coach, ^^xi tiri's. â€" .ManscU Atkinson, phoiie Flcsht-non U(JvS-12. Sc-" JTANTEJU â€" AuunaJ auHabie to. mink and fox feed. â€" Bert McintoM Gu^niK, phone Fe'-erahr i 6r26 FOR SALE â€" KiU-hen stove, good bilker. â€" -Melbourne Phillips, phone 1U)'W-12 Plesherton. • 3c2 STALLION FOK SKKVICE Local and Personal HEU' W ANTED â€" Girl or woman lor g«n«i^al house w»rk,â€" ^ilrs, y, C"ol)r«in Markdale, phone 180J. FOR iALE â€" Oendron baby carriage co'lapsible, in pood condition. â€" >ir;. i . H. W. Hickling, phone 91. FOR SA1.E â€" Quantity of Chippe- wa i-ai-ly .Mill |H>tatot?s. â€" Geo. Armstrong, Fk-slieiton. FOR SALE â€" Stroller go-cart, good Hi new. â€" -Mrs. \)kk Stewart, phone 4fcJ Dandalk. 2p2 FOR SALEâ€" McClary coal or wood range. â€" Boib Phillips, phone 3(hv Flesherton. 2c2 ^POR S.\LE â€" Model A Foid coach in good condition. â€" Mervin Mull- ir.. phone 10r4 Eevershani 3c2 FOR Sl\LE â€" Good kitchen range, price |10. â€" Norman L^nicks, Flesh- erton, phon« 73J3. 2p2 FOR S.\LE â€" Yorkhsii-e swv with 10 p>gs 5 weeks old, also 7 chunks. â€" A. 3. McVicar, PriceviHe, phone 13yJ2 Flesh^rton. 3c2 LIME FOR SALE â€" Kjln of fresh burned, ready by June 25. â€" Barl Fenwick, Eugenia, phone 23r43 F*vershiiim. 3c3 FOR SALE â€" Siver Hull buckwheat 3 cents per lb. eut of bin o«- J2.00 p*T bu. cleaned. â€" Luther Love, phone 71J4 Dundalk. Ip2 FOR SALE â€" A few young Short- horn bulls, eligible for registra- tion. â€" H. L Graham, phone 626r2 Mtirkdale. .â- ip2 PASTURE TO RENT â€" Known as the Andrew Graham farm. Lot 23, Con. 11, -Artemesia, to rent for pastnrc. â€" Jack Wilson, Kimberley. FOR SAL,E â€" Bfiatty hand washer with wringer, good condition, also Aiaddin ia.inp. â€" Mrs. Emerson Par- ker, phone 6r3 Feversham. 52p2 WANTEDâ€" Middle aged woman for lighl housekeeping, good home, remunaration. Ajiply at the Ad- vance office. 2c2 Premium Black Peroheron Stal- lion "Done Emblem," enrolment No. 2401 for service at the stable on Lot ICO, 2 N.E., Artemesia. ROSS STEVENS Phone .'{2.12 Fksherton COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA The fiivt sitting of the Court of Revision on the 1!)48 Assessment Roll will be held in the Town Hall, Flesherton, o>i Friday, June 18th, liHS, at the hour of 1 o'clock p.m. All parties having business before the Court are notified to attend. â€"A. B. CHARD Clerk. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Esther Uowler of the Village oi Flesherton, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Esther Bowler, late of the Village of Fleshei-ton, in the County of Grey, Widow, leceased, who died on or about the 23rd day of May, lit48, at the Village of Fle- sherton, are i-equired and hereby not- ified to send prepaid to the under- signed Solicitors for the Executor, On Or before the I8th day of June, llMiS, full paj-ticulars verefied by sta- tutory declaration. Immediately after the said 18th day of June, 1948, the Estate will be distribute<i among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to tihe claims of which the Solicitors shall then have had notice. Dated at MaAdale this 26th day of May, 1948. â€"HARRIS & DUNLOP, Markdale, O^t. Solicitors for the Executor. HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Etc- Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr- Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday fr«ni 6 to 8:30 p.m. DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Giaduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton FOR S.ALE â€" Young Yorkshire sow, bred, choice of 3 â€" A. 2Jajacz;kowski Euigenda. Lot 35, Con. S, Ai-t- emesia. STRAYED â€" Fiom our premises on oj- about May 2'.tth, 12 yearling cattle. .Anyone knowing where- abouts please contact Cliff Allen, phone 45wl Flesherton. Ic3 FOR SALE â€" "Number of cows and heifers, fresh and due to fre.shen; drop-head McCormick-Deering hay loader in Al shape. â€" Dick Car.son, phone 22M3 Flesherton. 2p2 FOR SALE â€" 3fi acres near Fle.sh- erton, or. which is good house and barn; excellent drilled well; 14 acres fall wheat, lO acres g-ood .swamfp. Apply to K. G. Betts, Flesherton, phone 8. 3pl Mrs. R. Bentham spent the lui.st week in Toi-onto. .Mr. and Mrs. J. Brackonbury and .Mr. and Mrs. F. lirackenbury spent the week end in Toi-onto. Mrs. J. R. Wolstencrofl is spending a coui)k' of weeks in Toronto with her (laughk'r, Mrs. Art Orr. Mr. Ray .Andrew of Sheiburne vis- ited his sister, -Mrs. Emerson Bell- amy, over the week end. Miss Ruby Aikenhead of Toronto is vl.siting for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. VV. Hickling. Mrs. Daisy Morgan of Owen Sound spent the week end in town with friends. Rev. W. A. and Mrs. White are this week attending the Baptist C.onvention at Windsor Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Colquette of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with .Mr. and Mis. E. J. Fisher. Little Miss Barbara MacTavisih, daughter of Mr. and Mi-s. Ted Mac- Tavish, had her tonsils removed ir a Toronto h'ospita.1 on Saturday. Mr and Mrs. J. C. Mitchell Nancy, Map>' Jane and John, of Thombury visited with Mr. antl Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Toman of To- man of Toj-onto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Kennedy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hai-ol Bates and daughter of Hamilton spent Sunday with Mrs. Bates' mother, Mrs. J. J. iBrown. Mr. and Mi-s. Lloyd Findlay and Mrs. A. L. Anderson were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy. Mr. and Mi Art Wilson of Sas- katoon, Saj^k., spent last week erd with Mr. and Mi-s. A. E. Bell and other friends in Dundalk. Ml-s. a. D. Blunltham, Dick and Janet, of Toronto are spending a few days with Mrs. R. Bentham. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hannilton, Blanche, lona, Ronnie and Larry, of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton. Mr. and MVs. Walter Russell and Mrs. Wni. Tui-vey are enjoying a two weeks' triip to Kirkland Lake, the former in his work with the Ontario Department of Agriculture. CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER Wills Mortgages, etc. \ Deeds Agreements A commissioner for taking " BOWL United Church Notes Rev. A. G. Macpherson Minister Anniversary services at St. John's on Sunday, June 20, as follows: 11 a.m., morninig worship conducted by the minister. De<iicataion of Bap- tismal Font, presented by Miss Kate .MacMillan. Parents desiring the .Sarcaiment, of Baptism for their children plejise notify Rev. A. G. Macpherson immediately. 7:30 p.m. â€" Evening worship conducted by Rev. G. Keith McMillan, B.U. Spct- iail music at both services. .Members ami adherents please remember the finnivc'i-siwy offering. Proton Station will hold it.s regu- lai- 3 o'clock service as usual, but the evening service at Eugenia will be withdiawn in favor of St. John's anniversary. Special evangelistic Sei'vices at inisticge begin on Sunday afternooi, June 20Ui, and continue every even- ing during the week. All the women of the coirumunity are -invited to the W.MjS. meeting in St. John's Thursday, June 17, when there will be an interesting set of slides on "The Bible Thi\)ughout the World," followed by a Swprise Tea. Members are asked to contribute. CEDARSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wm. Alton White, E.D. Services next Lord's Day â€" Wor- ship at 11 a.m.; Church School at Noon; Evening iSeivice at IfSO p.m. The B,Y.P.U. will ta;ke charge of this service. The mid-week prayer and praise service on' Wednesday at 8:30 pan, ROCK MILLS â€" Worship at 3 p. m.; Church School at 2 p.m. You are wekome to all these HVBM) ^ affidavits Office, Toronto Street, Flesherton CEMENT HAG OR CAKLOAl) CEMENT BLOCKSâ€" ANY SIZE Plain 01- Rock Faced McDonald Cement Products Box 208 DURHAM F. T. HILL & CO., Limited See Our Grand Showing of Misses* and Women's SUMMER DRESSES Waslial)Ii' spims: .sizes 14 i<i 4-1 $4.95 r)iir new fitting-- rooni.s and rc'nioclcllin*^; makes .sluipijiii^. a plcasinx' in llu- Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Dcpt. Men*s Sport Shirts Semi-dress. Itin}^ sleeves, sizes for all Priced fmm $2.95 to $5.95 Our New Foundation Dept. Features «GOSSARD» All Sizes; .All Slypes; All Prices Come in and have a correct fittintf F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale Hello Homemakers! June is burst- ing out all over. The markets are radiant with bo.xes of straaviberries, with greens ami plants of all kinds. .Strawberries are the specialty. No netd to mention the family's please,\ e.xpressions as strawberries are serv- e<l foi' dessert. The first and fore- most thought is a dish of these lusc- ious berries simply cleaned, sprinkled with sugar and chilled. . . . Pass the cieaan, please. With an ample supply, preserve them; do not let strawberries perish. TO CAN STRAWBERRIES General Proportions: 'A fjuarts strawberries 'I cups water 3' cups granulated sugar. Prepare fruit, boil sugar and water 5 niiniitos. .4dd berries to syrup, bi'ing to boil and simmer .S aninutes. Covo)- and let stand overnight. .Skim and pour into sterilized jars to with- ,n one inch of the top. Do not reheat berries or syrup. Place sterilized nibl)ei- rings, glass and screw tops on jai-s. Screw down tightly, then turn screw tops back two inches. H«jve oven temperature at 275 deg- r"es F. Place jars 1 inch apart on i;u:k in oven. Process pint jars 25 minutes, quart jars .-^S minutc>s. At end of processing period, remove f oin oven and .i^crew tops down tightly. STRAWBERRY JAM 5 cups strawberries .'1 rups puijar '^ large lemon (cut in .slices) or 'i cup Icmon juice. Put ingredients in presej-ving kettle. Put on range and stii- until s-.p-T,. is dissolved. Boil at a full roll- lirg boil for l2 minutes. Remove Ic.non s'licos and pour into .sterilized iiirs. Seal with paraffin when cold. Yield about I'd pints. Makes a soft iajn. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIP RRPUSR DUMPINr, ON ROADS IN ARTFfMBSlA TOWNSHIP All persons \\\\, hei'cby notified to cease dumiping tin cans, rubbisih < anything op the i-onclsl'l?? in .\rte- im'sia TmwtiRhip, unde)' penalty of piosecution. â€"By Order of the Road Supt. FOR Fire Extinguishers and Extinguisher Service SEB REG. BODEN B-A Station Flesherton Top Market For Poultry THROUGH THE CO-OP'S POULTRY PLANT Highest Prices for Live, Dressed Poultry We will receive Live Poultry Each Week from Monday to Friday Dundalk Partners Co-operative Creamery 4\ Phone 66, reverse charge DUNDALK, Ont. 4 -»v. * 4 ♦ ♦ •r 4- *--' <* « % 4 » « * DONT SiND TO FOR GOODS UNUSS . . . . '. you have flnt corauited your nearest Customs OfFice. The import of certain goods is now prohibited in order to conserve owr U.S. funds. If the article you wish to buy is on ttiis prohibited list, it vrill not be allowed to enter Canada, aven DMwgh you hove paid for it. Don't be disappointed . '. . Before orderins goods from the U.S. or other countries, consult your neorest Customs Office or write lammii liprt taM MMi, HtFlMn. OttML KBI t * I Just I r I ♦ * * « Ev< k'erybody finds costs up these days . . . much higher than befor<; the war. Your bank is just like you in that respect. » For example, for every two people on bank staffs in 1939, three are now required to handle the expanded banking business of 7,000,000 customers. For every two dollars which went into bank payrolls in 1939, nearly four are needed today. Taxes have doubled. Everything your bank must buy costs more. Yet bank charges have not advanced. On the contrary, lending rates have been rcdtieed. » -I â- ~ 4 -i â€" 4 ** 4 ,4« \ '^ S ;• O N so H li l> U Y YOUR BANK

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