Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1948, p. 3

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* ' i t f « 4 » f 4 » f ^ « < -I v hi -4i > i^. t Ship Cattle in Aerial 'Noah's Ark' â€" Two by two, like the animals boarding Xoah's Ark. cattle move to the ramp of a DC-4 plane flying fropi New York to Italy. This shipment of animals, weighing 11,000 pounds and believed to be the largest ever flowri overseas, included seven bulls, two heifers, 50 pigs, an English setter, two cocker spaniels, two fox terriers and 15 leghorn chickens. All were pure stock for breeding purposes. '/ A SixbitCqiTic Baseball is one sport that has al- ways had more than its share of downs and screwballs. Some of them â€" like Nick Altrock. "Goot'y" Gomez and Al Scliacht â€" were actu- ally very smart characters, piilling on the laugh-getting stuff deUberately •nd keeping many's the customer from falUng sound asleep during one of those "pitcher's battles" which lound so thrilling in print, and are so dreary to watch nine times out ot ten. * * * Dizzy Dean was another of this type. He popped off in print and icted the buffoon on the tield in such I -»i3»aortfr that many considered him just a trifle nuFty, to put it extra politely. But the same Mr. Dean knew what the score was- at all times, in addition to ser\ing up some of the . imartest pitching the game ever knew. * « * Then there's the other kind of clown â€" lads with natural ball-playing ability but whose mental reflexes are somewhat slower than their physical ones. They are the sort who cause managers' hair to grow prematurely gray, like the character they tell about who came up in the clutch with the bases loaded, and his team seven runs behind in the score. » • « Naturally, in such a situation there was only one thing for the player^â€" a really good long-distance hitter â€" to do. That is try and wallop the ball out of the park. But when he went into the hatter's box he kept glancing at his manager who was coaching at third. The manager paid no attention to him being engaged iii trying to rouse the crowd's enthusiasm and start a rally. « * « Finally before the first ball was pitched to him, the batter called "Time" and walked down the third base line. Bending to whisper into the manager's car he said, "What, do you want me to do here f" Uhe manager looked at him in mingled amazement and disgust. "What do I â- Â»aiit you to do?'' he said sarcastic- ally. "Whyâ€" strike out, of ceuise." So the character strode back to the plate and swung wildly at the first tlirtc pitclies, missing every one of Ihem for a foot or so. * * * This "Yogi" Bcrra â€" who upeiales for the New York Yankees and who •laiiy win recall, from last year's World's Series, as the catcher who almost let the Brookl\n Dodgers rteal the championshi[) â€" appears to have the makings of a real screwball. He really can powder that horschide, however, wliich is doubtless why so many of his catching mistakes, both mechanical and mental, are over- looked. « * • There was a time, according to Eddie Froelich, former trainer with tte Yankees, when Berra got the idea that it was his duty to drive in all the New Y'ork runs. He was swing- ing at anything and everything until finally Manager Bocky Harris said to hini, "Wait until the ball comes over the plate. Take a base on balls once in a while. When you get up into that baiter's box. start thinking I" « « * So the very ne.xt time Berra went to bat and let three strikes go past him, right down the middle. Then he came storming back to the bench and broke his bat on the bat rack. "What happened?" asked one of his team mates, sitting in the dugout. "What happened ?" Y'ogi screamed. "How can they expect anybody to think and hit at the same time'." « « • And while we're on the subject of baseball, a word of e.xplana- tion and apology. Some weeks ago this column had something to say about Babe Rutli's book "My Hits and My Errors" written in colla- boration with Bob Considine. For the most part we praised the book as a really interesting addition to the sports shelf â€" which it really is. * * * But in the course of our "review" we did â€" or attempted to do â€" a bit of mild kidding about the wav coauthors had ended their tale, hold- ing it up as a glittering example of the tendency of athletes, and sports writers, to slop over from sentiment into sentimentality. The whole trouble was that, in some mysterious maimer, our quotation of the final sentence in the Ruth opus failed to appear in print, which must have caused some of our readers to wonder what we were trying to get at â€" if anvthing. * * * ~ So here it is! "For. above every- thing else."- writes Mr. Ruth with an assist from Mr. Considine. "I want to be a part of and help the deve' pment of the greatest game God ever saw fit to let man invent â€" Baseball." Hot dog ! ! I "Ignorance ..." "Once and for all I want to know who is boss in this house," the irate husliand demanded. "You'll be so much happier if you don't try to tind ou.t," replied his wife, sweetly. CEMENT U. S. A. No. 1 Standard Portland Immediate Shipment Carloads or Truckloads Alderwood Building Products Company 28 Browns Line LONG BR.\NCH ZONE 6784 ROLL YOUR OWN BHTER CIGARETTES V/ITH CIGARETTE TOBACCO WUATGOES ON IN THE VORLD Nortaau Blair France In regard to what is to happen to Western Germany, there seems to be a basic disagreement with France on one side, Britain and the United States on tl:e otlier. In Washing- ton and in London they think tliat Europe as a whole needs German production â€" and that to get Ger- many back into production is the best way to help all Europe and to cut down the heavy costs of occupa- tion. To this view tb.e French have consistently made t!ie answer that they must put their own security ahead of all other considerations â€" and wlien one tb.inks of what the German menace has meant to France in the past, they can hardly be blamed. From the French viewpoint, the most important issue of all is the Ruhr. France has long battled for complete allied control of that great industrial basin, because she sought to obtain thereby the coal she needs for her steel industry and because she thinks control of the Ruhr would be the best guarantee against Ger- many's rebuilding a war machine. In the accord reached at London an international commission â€" on which France would be represented but not Russia â€" would control the oper- ation of the Rulir and supervise the allocation of its coa!. coke, and steel. In such an allocation France would be generously treated. General De GauUe, has stated flatly that he is willing to assume supreme power in France â€" but it is doubtful if he, as head of the Gov- ernment, woulii obtain any more pledges of British and .\nierican aid to France, in case of war, tiian have already been given. What the Frencii really want are definite and categoric military pacts to protect her if she is attacked â€" but, as things are now, it is extremely doubtt'ul if she will get them. Meanwhiie, the De Gaullists and the Communists have joined in op- posing Foreign Miiiisler Bidault's propo;,al for National .\ssenibly ap- proval of the London agreement â€" surely as queer a combination as you could hope to find anywhere in this haywire world. Australia Australians view with certain misgivinos the United States atti- tude toward Japan, and there has been considerable criticism in the Press regarding General McArthur and his views. These critics think they ean'notice a growing tendency on the part of America to go ahead with plaii> for .lapan's recovery without consulting the .\llies â€" and are not a bit enthusiastic about the idea of building up a former enemy into a "bulwark" against Russian Communism or anything else. Such bulwarks, they think, are very likely to go striking out on a line of their own sooner or later. American emphasis is all on the restoration of Japanese industry â€" and of recent months the United States .Army and State Deparement appears to have lost interest in an early peace treaty, and to be settling down for an indefinite stay in Japan. Six great airfields which the .Ameri- cans are constructing â€" airfields cap- able of accomodating the latest type of long-range bomber and going far beyond what is required, for normal occupation purposes â€" certainly are not any indication that General Mac- Arthur and his forces have much idea of leaving Nippon at any early date. Some of the things which the United States Army has done in Japan, and which have caused real concern in .Australia, are permitting the Japanese to arm certain vessels for coastal protection without eith.er consulting or informing the .Allies, also, in sptie of repeated objee: a by Great Britain and Australia, allowing the Nipponese wiiaiing fleets to sail into the Antarctic. For Australians are not so naive as to believe that the Japs have had any real change of heart since the end of the war. Czechoslovakia Since the Communist coup last February, things have been moving fast in Czechoslovakia. Dr. Benes reluctantly agreed to a Red-domin- ated Cabinet, probably because he saw civil war as tl'.e only alterna- tive, but ir is reported that he pri- vately told friends that the situation could "only have evil results." -\ new Communist-written Con- stitution for a "Peoples Democracy" was shoved through parliament and sent to Benes for signature; and tiections were held in which the only candidates were Communists or pro-Communists. On the last day left to him for signing the new Constitution, Dr. Benes â€" instead of putting his signa- ture to the document â€" sent a brief letter to the Communist Premier tendering his resignation. The I iovernment attributed the resignation to Benes' ill health and announced that he would have the Presidential country estate and the Presidential salary of SiiO.OOO a year, for life, as a reward lor his great wor'K. WILMAC (Made in Canada) Canada's No. 1 - 4 Wheel Garden Tractor. Powered 'oy a smooth 8 H. P. Engine. Wilmac Engineers have built a smooth, fine, economical tractor of finest material. The small land owner, nursery operators, the truck gardener, orchard owner, and others after seeing the "WILMAC" perform say â€" "Just what I have been looking for". Price (1 yr. guarantee) WILMAC ENGINEERING LIMITED p. O. Box - 503. Windsor, Ontario. Phone • 2-5169 Attention â€" Garagemen and experienced farm equipment salesmen. Several good territories opened. $595.00 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGiiLNTS WAJ^T£U â-²OSNTa wanted to mU a fin* quality man's dlamund waul hoHu. Newcoast A«wicie«, 208 TranHportatlon Uuildintf. Montreal 1. OILS, GREASES, TIRES, injiectlcldea. Clev-trlc Fencs Controllers, UoUAft and BluTi Paint. Roof Coallngl. «tc. Deal- sri wanted Wrll» Warco Greaaa * Oil Uml ted. Toronto BL'SINESS OrPOKTfMTlES aOIA â€" GIRL-Sâ€" .\DLLT.S. earn •Itra money with Wonder .Shuve. amazing new shavinv crtiam In powder form. Sell :0 packa«ea at 2Sc. Keep (2, tenil me >3. Every man a prospect. Write today In sincerity. K. Clarkaon. 34 <*.j':«>-11 Ave.. Toronto. HABY CnirKii "bargains - HEAVY BREED Cockerels. Thuusantla available weekly. Send for spt^tal pr'ces! Rock x Leghorn: Sussex x Leghorn: New Hainp t Leghorn cockerels, SH cents. These me'iimn breed cockerels ar© just the thing for broilers. Huromlale Chick Hatchery. LonJnn, Oniario. BTT chltka now fnr good ees anj meat mar- kets â€" 8tarte<i pullets for earlier esga. You'll make money with Bray chicks bought now. Bray Hatchery. 130 John N. Hamilton. Ont. 1054c. HURONDALE CHICKS 11 'jc. ^Vasorre'I heavy brevd raixeJ chicKb. U'sc. -IRortftl U«ht breed raised lOc Pure Sussex Sussex X New Kumps, New Hamps. niixe<l 13c: pulleis ::::c. Barred Rock. Rock x LeiihoAi. New Hainp x Lt»ghorn mixed lie; Nv»w Hamp lie. Ri>ck x Leghorn. Su»: ex x pullets 24c. A.ssorted hea\-y breed pullets 20c. Assorted li^ht \n---\ puP.e's :3c. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY LONDON, ONTARIO STARTED L-h.cKJ will help you citch up and we have the following two and three week old pullets for immediate delivery. "While Leghorns. Light SuLsex. New Hampshires. Barred Hocks. Barred Rock X White Leg- horTi. Black Minorca X White Leghorn, New Hampshire ."^ Barre-i Rock, Light Sussex X New Hampshirea. free catalogue. T>p Notch Chick Sales. Guelph. Ontario. LAKEVIEW CHICKS For June anJ July, also Summer and Pall chicks. Prompt delivery if you act quickly, but book ahead for Summer and Fall. 8 breeds and crosses to choose from. Started Pullets 2-4-S weeks to ready to lay. Book yours now â€" they will be very scarce and eggs will be high in price. Ready Made 4 week old Capons â€" Capons are more profitable than cockerels available dur- im? July. Buy Lak-view chicks from a real bree-Jinff plant fir best suocesf. LAKEVIEW FARMS & HATCHERY PHONE 78 & 92 EXETER. ONTARIO DOK'T let the ^:hance so by you. With beef prices soarint;. we look for high ess and poultry meat prices this Fall. We have four hatches a week and can sive prompt delivery on day old. two and three week old pullets, cockerels or non-aexed chicks. .Vise pullets eight weeks to laytngr. Send for cataloerue and July priceltsl. Tw«Mldle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fervus. Ontarin. 22c HEAVY BREED PULLETS 20c .\11 hi*avv breed pullets 20c. See other adver^ tiaenient for narticulars. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY LONDON. ONTARIO CATCH up With these started pullets 2 and S week old for Immediate delivery. W^hlte Leghorn. New Hampshires, Barred Rocks, Light Sussex, Black A'-istralorps, White Leg- horn X Barred Ruck, Black Minorca X WTiIte Leghorn. New Hampa h i re X Barred Rock, Lit^ht Sussex .X New Hampshirea. Also older pullets eishi weeks to laying. Yv*^ cataloirue. Tweddla Chick Hatcht-riea Limited. Fergus, Ontario. 20.000 PULLETS S. to, 12 w-'vks oM to Ready-to-lay. For delivery In Juiy, August. September, and OciotH*r. These pullets are not surplus. They have been definitely set aside to meet the big demand for ihis age of pullets. All floor raised umler- the moat ideal conditions. Send for full particulars. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARMS WEIN BROTHERS EXETER, ONTARIO FOU H.ILK Circular Sawmill Complete Jack Ladder, Sloam Kickers. Stuam Leadw. StiMUD Nltfser, Heavy Duty Carriage with FrMJun Set Work. Metal Husk Frarae. Four Solfd Tooth Sawi 55" to 86", 8" Qunahot F«*d 42' lun«. Heavy Duty Edser. Blasb Tahl«w Turtla Back Chsltia. Trimmers. 1 Coval Auto* matlo Grinder. 1 Hand Grinder. 1 H.R.T, Boiler It" X W Tube 1 Sldecrock StauB Englna 16 x 2S", 2. 193S Maple Leaf Dump Trucks. Caznp E>iulpment to accomodate St men. UUl will be operatms until last of July. Last year's averase. 25.000* per day for thre€ million feet RUSSELL JOHNSON. MJNDEN. ONT. PLOW EH and Landscape palatine. Qow by man. thirty years experience. Write Bertifl Correspondence Studio. Box 74. Station D. Toronto. Ont. HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts ana Service Ben B Kennedy A 8oa 419 College St.. Tomnto IN STOCK for Immediate sale and dellverrt Allls-Chalmers HD-T hydraulic aneledoxar and rear winch approximately 600 hours: BO Clelrac with Sargent overhead loader and anglodozer. excellent condition; Caterpillar D-4 tractor with traicavator loader: General rubber tired tractor and front end loader; Hanson model 31 combination trench hoe and crane, rebuilt: Huber model 4 tandem srader. hydraulic controls and scarifier. Also ta stock. new Quirk- Way. Hanson. Buckey* shovels, cranes and trench hoes. Minneapolla- Mohne indu£trial rubber tired tractors and loaders, conveyors, power units, winches, lift trucks, mai^eis, buckets, rubber tired wheel- barrows, mortar and cement mixers, clndar and concrete block plants. Contraciom .Machinery and Enuipment Ltd.. 194 Barton St. E . Hamilton, OWING to fire that destroyed my home, am forced to sell my Springers â€" Trent ValtaV Breeding. Reasonable. Talbotcroft Kmnela Reg'd.. RockwooJ. Ontario. WARNING! We dont give you anytblns free, but we do guarantee finer photofinish ing al moderate prices. Laboratory controlled results will please you â€" 24 hour senrtce. Rolla developed and pr:nte«i 30c. reprints 03c ea.» 35 for SI 00. Gamraa Photo Centre, Box Tt, Chapleau. Ont V.K.0 REGISTERED lonis-eared black-tan Fox Counhound Pups, old enouuh for next Fall huntine. Write for information. Aimer Dnran. Casselman. Ont, ELECTRICAL supplies sold at wholeaaNk prices. Shipped within 24 hours. Writa for catalogue and pr:ce list. Trans Canada Mail Order. 543:: Waverley. Montreal 14. BEAUTIFL'L black and red Cocker Spanl*! puppiea. males and feniales. pedigreed, beat bloodlinas. Also two bitches, both bred tn champion stutft|f *3hou!d produce some beauti- ful puppies, ^wonable for quick sale. Muat reduce stcn-k. .\pply to sun Joy Kennela Hegil.. Box 5TT, Picon. Ont. HI-POWERED RIFLES \Vr:*,- f'lr ni.'\v Isis :i.id prices. SCOPE SALES CO. 3:^6 Queen St.. Ottawa. Ont. CATTERPILLAR Tractor D6 with Lapianta- Choate angle dozer and winch, completely overhauled. Price $7500 00. Apply ^Velden Motor Sales. Lacbute. Que. TWO Foxwell Air Guiders for handling clock 36 ' to 50" in width, coq^tete with floor aland and brass tube roll. Used for experi- mental purposed only. Apply Caldwell Lines Mills Limited. Iroquois. Ont. 3 K V A GAS Lighf.nff Plant, used 6 montha. Clayton Steinman. R.R. No. 1. Wellestey. Ont. Phone 2TR4. ENGLISH Cciilie Pups, parents excellent heal- ers. Males JS.Oit. 3 months. Express pre- paid. ^Vm. .Vidt-rson. Moorefleid. Ont. F.\IiM Trailers for immediate delivery. SlCt 10 $275. Waverley Motors, 146 Albert St., Ottawa, Ont. BAIRDBCSMJINO LEARN Uairdreaatng tLe Kobt^rtson meinod. Id format lun on request regarding clat-sea Robertson's Hairdressins Acatlemy. IS? Av» nue Road. Tormitu HELP WANTED IT IS NOT ton late la buy chicks. This is the ye.ir that you will really cash In with ec- » and poultry meat. We can give prompt delivery on day old chicks, two and three w^-ek old started. 12 purebreds and 12 hybrid 1'ro.ssef to choose from. vMso pullets eight w^H-k.s to layiPK. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chii'k Sales. Guelph, Ontario. W.\NTED 10 purchase pullets: Barred Rocks, New Hampshires. White Leghorns. Light Su; sex. .\ny .ige from eight weeks to laying. .\dvlse age. quantity atid price aaked. Apply Box No. 1. liM-l^th .St"*>et, New Toronto. Ont. UVElMi A\U CLEANING BaVS YOl anything needs dyeing or clean Ing^ Write lo us for tntormntinn We are gl.id tc answer your questions Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited 791 Tongf Street. Toronto. Ontario FOB SALE A RK.\L BL'Y. Men A Boy's Wrist Watch. Leather strap. Delivored C.O.D. all taxes, postage paid, l.l 25. Money back guarantee. Newcoast .Agencies, 203 Transportation Build- ing. Montreal 1^ ^ ^^ BEKKEEPER'S Outfit 100 boxes queen ex- cluders, extractor, wax foundation. A real bargain. T. E. Schoen. Uassey. Ont. BROAD BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Also Small Whites and Broiid Breasted Bronze X Small Whites. Lakeview Poults available during July. Also .\UK*ust, Septem- ber and later Fall if booked ahead. Meat Shoitaee â€" Thei-e Is a tremendous shortage of all kinds of meat In Canada and U.S.A.. ajtd with Cattle prices moving up it Is a -â- â€¢ure bet that turkeys will be scarce and high in price. Crops look good and grain quo t. It ions are much lower fur booking for Fall deliver>-. Wonderful Llvability â€" ".Market 17€ out of 200" â€" Harold E. Watson, Woodford. Ontario. "Ordered aOO for this year"â€" Bert Wilson. Lions Head. Ontario, Turkey M.masement Guide â€" which tells you all about raising lurUeys. prevention of dis- ease, and why raisiufr turkeys will be more profitable than ever this year. Also why and how it will pay to rnise Summer and Fsll Poults. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH AND ALL TURKEY HATCHERY EXETER. ONTARIO BIRDSELL Cl.>ver Huller No. 6. Deuta diesel power unit :ij H P. air starling. Preston Neala. Bethany. Ont . COLLIES "Of Elslow" combine quality, dis tNMition- Puppies available. Grown stock â€" studs Box fit , Dorchester. Ont. C OTTO N~TX)WELS^B AGS Bleachetl and washed cotton bags. Flour. $3. 25 per dor.on. Sugar. $3.50 per dozen. TOWELS HE.M.MER. ABOUT 17" X 84" Klour, S2.40 dozen : over I dosen, t2.2& doaen. Sugar, $2.65 dosen, oier 3 donen S2.50 dosen. By-Pr\nluot9. 93 Ontario St.. Toronto. DIETICIAN re-iu;red by ihe Kirkland an4 District Hoapiial. Kirkland Lake. Ontario, .\pyly to Su;>er:ntendent NURSES. General Duty and OR. required by the Kirkland and District Hospital. Kirk- land Lake Ont ario. Apply to Su i>tirintendent. ^GRADUATE NURSES For general duty In small hospital, 8-hour day. 6-day week. Good salary. Apply Supermtea- dent, Rosamond Memorial Hospital. Almonte, Ont. SINGLE or married man for dairy farm. Purebred Hosteins, on Sx and R.O P Apply Pomona b'arma, Thameaford, Ont. HOUSEKEEPER, with boy 14. for farm home. -Apply to Laurence Browe, Dalkeith. Box 54. Ont. TOWNSHIP school area of Wlddifleld reQuirea i: qualified teachers with successful ex- perience, 1 for one-room school 1') miles from North Bay, open road all year, attendance M, grades l-S. salary 11.700.00; 1 for one rx»om rt-hool 14 miles from North Bay on C.N. Railway attendance 14. grades IS. salary $1,650.00. Dulles to commence Sept. T. 194S. .\pply stating Qualifications, experience and name of last inspector lo Arthur Carmichael, Sec.-Treas.. Gen. Del.. North Bay. Ontario, MEUU'AI S.A.TISFY YOURSELF â€" Every sufferer ot Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remmly. Muiiro's Drug Store, 33S Elgm. Ottawa Postpaid $1.00. HUM>RKU!» ENJOY GOOD UK.\JLTH from the combination of ingredients used m FER-BEK TONIC TABLETS These Ingredi- ents are being used by medical science to cor- rect loss of appetite and run down condiitona. If you are tired, listless or run down, -if yoo feel 'he need of a Quick pick up SEND for FER-BEK today 2 week.'^ suppi.v postpaid $1 00 BEK HEALTH PRODUCTS Box Zh, Station K. Toronto IT'S PKOVEN-^Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, S35 &lgl«« Ottawa. Postpaid $1 OO OrPORTLMTlEi!* FOR WOMB?* BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LE.\DINO SCHOOL Grent Opportunity Learn Katrdresslng Pleasant dlgnltleil profession, good wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates, America's greatest system llluatrated cata- logue free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRKSSINO SCHO«1LS 358 Bloor SL W . Toronto Branches: 44 King St Hamilton. A 74 Rlde au Street. Otta wa "SARNIATGE N E R A L HOSPITAL SCHOOL FOR NURSES Opi)ortunltle»-ln nursint;. .Applications will h% given consideration. Date of class entering-^ Aug. 30, 194S. Educational requirement*â€" minimum requirements ^ II middle school papei s. Sarnla Is the Chemical Valley of Ontario. PATKNT9 FKTHERSTONAUOH A Company. Patenl Solicitors Bstabltshed 1S90. 14 King WeM, rcronto. Booklet of information on regueeL ISSL'E 27 â€" 1948 POPâ€" Dig! Dig! •r^^\s ts -vm Cs iNCO/aS T)fc9t J; / couvseroa** j^c 1. Office f ^|j §)^ n° r^ â- ^y 1 i ^ 3Phâ€" 11 By J. MILLAR WATT -1 UUST ^J/ANTBP "Tb free THE PBOPLE I'M

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