Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1948, p. 5

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THE FLESMKRTON ABVANCl", Wednesday, June 30, 194g Theve was a g^reat big spinster, a Bii<i4tte-«iaed spinster and a little kltta â- pijwter. They cam« home on« â- ig'ht »nd tibe great big spinster looked in her room a^d said ''Sotneboidy's been al«eprng in n»y bed." The nilddle- sieed spinster to«k a lo«k and cried, "And somebody's been ^«eping ia my bed." Thoti the little bitta spin- ster looked in her bed and y^led "Whoopee!" 12TH LINE, OSPREY > ^ <-' COAL YOUR FAVORITE FUEL PReMPTLY DELIVERED Sam Wright & Son Phone 170 MARKDALE (inteaded for Last W»ek; Mr. Alia;* Tupling of Toronjo was a holiday visitor wiMi hia paiHtite, Mr. a.n<i ^irs. LorHe Tuplac. and was acconipanie'd by his lady fiiernd. Mr. and Mra. Sutxi Lowe of Peter- boro spent a few days with the lat- ter's mother, Mi*3. -John Dobaon, and also visited wfth friends. Mr. and His. Harold Bensoa aad d;iug*hters were riaitors w<tk Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ferris, Flesi'.eiirjfi. Mr. and Jfrs. Ken Engles amd family of Gibraltar were Swr.day truests at tive Earl Maxwell kMne. Mr. and >Ii's. Ear! Maxweil aad boyv aiW Mr. and Mrs. Vi«t«r IPc- Kenzie book a motor trip to Barrie and called on Mr. and Mi-^. Cywis S»i(<t. Mrs. Har«ld Fox and litlie son. Jo+kn. of Ifeafor*! speat the we-.- holidaying with Mrs. G»i. Dobeon, a sister. Mrs. Louis Ward, Ravenna, visited her iister. Mj's. John, Dodbsoii, who Is ill at present. Mi-3. Burton Wi^jkens of Clarks bui-g spent a fe^v days visi^irig rel- atives On this line. Use Xiie Advance Small AdviB. in buying or suiting. VANDELEUR f « 4 4 $ t ♦ 1 I • « « 5 « 4 4 • * 4 ' 4 i * ♦ ^ 4 » < 4 « 1 r r %r% %' %,•%•%•%•%•%•%• V %*%r%*VVV%**»*%r% • • • • • * • • • • ♦ ♦•♦••••••••••"•••••• % Shingling ^ NOW is the time to look after your roofs and to apply asbestos sicfing. Call Kay Roofing & Shingling Corp., Ltd. L«cal Agent: G. B.'Welton, Flesherton f .t t * •> * W^fVt^»^>*\*W • • • • •^^^ ♦ • » • • • - • • • • • ♦ ♦ • • ' • •••.••^» •••*•••--â-  Mr. aad Mrs. Lusdy JokBsan and Mrjj. Geo. Buchanan, accompanied by Mn>. Har. »i Mariidale, aiie on a motor trip to the London a«d Samia disti-ict.-j. Mns. Dezeli of Owen Sound is spending a few days a* the home of Mr. Geo. BachanaB. Miss Fi'anccs BuchanaJi,B.A., has been ei-.§a^sd as jirincipal of KXxa- berley C»atiftuation School. Mr. aRd Mi-s._ Howard Graham and R^i»k viiited w;rti friend* at Swinton Pa»k reaeiiii}'. Mr. Howard Gi-aliAm attended the Su»day Scko.i convention in Fie«her- t.n on J-UKe 24th. Pupiis of the seiiool are to be con- gratulated on their success ir. recent examinations. Jean Caigoe, Francis Harvey and Blean.r Hutchinson pass- ed the Er*iar.ce *n their year's work, and aM the pupik in the other ckves- es were sueceasiul in the promotion examinations. (Intended f^r Last Week.i AmoHg t-hose who visited t!ie O.A. C. at Gueiph during fanne^j' week vere: Mr. l^â- . B. Johnston ata"! iom, Biliie and Dorwie. Messrs. Dick snd Carman Sewe'l aud Will Ba', HSc. Mfc'canies R. Freeman. G. Shaw. L. Ormsby, G. WyriHe, S. Harrey and R. Harvey attended the VV'. f. district caavention at Maswell on VVediveiav. June 16th. Quire a nuwiber from here atteni- e«l the Gr»y County Federation of .%riculure field day in Owes. Sound Or Thu!-s. Jufie 17th. Mr. Howard Graham of this place is president of the organization this year. &Fr. and Ifrs. Robt. Kii-ktoa. H^J- hwid Ce-ncre, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sewell. Mr. and Mrs.' Gordi»H Haw and fM>t. Bi-uce 01 Swinton Park visited vrn\l Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham. -Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hoggard and litt'.e SOT.- of Ravenna visited with Mij6. Ethel Hutchinson. Miss Myrtle Pawcett and other friends. CEYL®N rORONTO LINE NORTH revERSH.xM pubk school y^_ n Clean Up- Paint Up We have to help you SCREEN & COMBINATION DOORS SCREENS HOUSE & BARN SPRAY D.D.T 2, 4-D LAWN MOWERS GARDEN TOOLS C-V and SHERW[N-\V1LLL\MS QU.\LITY PALXTS and ENAMELS for inside and outside use Paint Brushes Roller-Koterj Johns-Manville Roofing, Shingles and Insulation Cedar-Grain Asbestos Siding Insul-bric Roll-bric Lime Hardwall Plaster LOOKING FOR GIFT SUGGESTIONS? See our displav of CHINA, DINNER SETS. PYREXWARE. EASY WASHERS and X'ACUUM CLEANERS KITCHEN ENAMELWARE Duncan's Hardware Coal - Cement - Electrical A|>pliaiices Phone 54 FLESHERTON, Ont. 8TH LINE. OSPREY (Intended for Last 'VT'eek'i Jh'. and Mrs. E. Xewson and twc daugOitere of Toronto, Mr. and Mi-s. Wilbert Poole of GoUingwood. Jlr. Ri«r Fer.'wick an«l daughter. Hazel, of Maxwell were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stephens. Mary and Jininiie. visited recently with Mre. France; Foster, Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Davidson of Toi-onto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Freti Hale. Mrs. Harold Fenwick entertained t^e Fever«>hani W.A. en Wednesday afternoon, when 11 members and three visitors were present. .Aftor ' !'".e business discussions were over, a dainty luiidieon was served by the hostess. Mrs. .-Vrthur White, James. Ruth and Ruby. «f CeUiHgwood spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. .'times Ottewiell. Misses Marion and Dorothy Feiv wick were g'ueets of their uncle and auHt. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert PocJe. at their Lotlge at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Jas. Ottewell is spending a week or so wth Mrs. C. .\rrtt5trong. Everybody eiy'oyed the wonderful rain Tuesday night. It just means another ton of bay for the famter. a* the gardens and grass were in n^ed of moisture, and niore would lie real welcome. MAXWELL INDUCTION SERVICE The induction sei-vice for Rev. A. E. MiUan will be held in Max^vell United Church Friday evening. July 2nd. at 3 o'clock. Rev. .\. G. Mac- pherson of Flesherton will be in charere 'jf the sei-vice. FOR Fire Extinguishers and Extinguisher Service SEE REG. BODEN B-.< Station Flesherton Mr. C«rson \Mieildon, Owen Sour4, \ \K-as a callv at ch« hone of Mohz | Rutledg-e on Sunday. ; I Me. Arthur WTiittaker of Ibromto ' I spent she week end with his b»o»her, i Angus, l»er«. ' j ; Mrs. Robt. Campbell of Caledon is I visiting thi^ week with Mm. Roddie | â-  Stewart. ; Air. a>id Mrs. Sid Smith aad child- re* of Collingwood, M'r. and Mrs. Lawson White ni Flesherton were Sunday visiters with Mr. "aiid . Mrs. : Douglais C-ai'-n^- \ Vis. Dors with JFr. and Mrs. Lu-thev ; Duckett we»e: Miss HiJda DacVest, I Iniin Ward, « Tovcnt), Mr. and Mrs. | I Roy Wagner, CoUlngwood. i I Wi3B Joan Doupe is spending a { week's h«tidlay in Toro«vc». I Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ge«oe attefld'»d the Bixon-Kingston wetidin^ in Maak- dale on Samrday. ! Misses Borothy and Ruby Camp- j bell visited on Sunday at the home j of John jrcWilliam. i Week end visitoj|5 wittt Mrs. M. ; Plester were: Mi« Beatrice Doner. Delbert Plester. Mr. and Mrs. Emer- son Plaster, Miss Ellen Watson and Mr. Russeli Le-ssis, atl of Toronto. Mlrs. >ie! Hogartii and two child- | ;-en and Mrs. .A.. Stewart visited wi>h I friends at Caiedon on Sunday, Mr. aad' Mrs. E- M, Schwietkaft of ' Detroit visited last week \vi»h Mr. I and Mrs. L. WHute^edd. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Matson, Miss j Ethel Ii-Ain and Miss ilar-- Hager.. ' a> 01 Touento visited on the week ! end with Mi-s. Mai-\- Ii-Ain. ! Mr. and Mi«. Jas. McMullen at-! â- ende^ the Mort.jr.- Marshall wedding! in Toronto on Saturday. i Visitors at the home oi Mr. and I -Mrs. Joe Staubie were: Mrs. Ki,ate Hayeis and Miss >rary Woore oi" Ft. Wnii.im. Mrs. Ar;.hi»; McArthur and Katherine of Pricerille. Mr. and Mrs. L. \Vhiteheed were at Kitchener oh Friday attending t'ne Purdon-Atkjnsom wedding. Visiioi-6 at she home of Mrs. John Gibson were: Mr. and Mrs. 0. Smith.! •Mr. ar.d Mrs. Roy Gibson of Toronto,! Mrs. Hannahson. Florence and Lloyd, Miss Edith Davis .-.f Mt. Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams of Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. Jk)hn Long and faim- ily of Toronto, 511^ -Janet Pattins<on and friend of 3larkdal8 visited with Mrs. Fulton last week. Mr. and Mrs. -Joe Ellis and son, Douglas, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Plester. (Intended for Last Week> Mrs. A. E. Goessel spent a few daj-s last week in Toronto. Miss M. E. .A.itken spent the week end at her parental home at Holstein. Mr. and Mre. I>alton Marshall and children of Markdaie visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutledge. Mt. and Mrs Ed. Genoe visited on Sur.«ta.y with the Latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs- R. Dixon. Markdalc. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McMullen were: Jean McMiillen oi - Owen Sound, M-r. and Mrs. Mairrice Wright of Colombia, South .-Xjnerica. } •Jack McMullen of Schreiber is sperjd- i a couple of weeks with his parents, i Mr- an»i Mrs. L. Whitehead, Mr. \ and Mrs. Isaac Snell and .\udrey ' visited with friends at Me>aford on Sunday. Miss Dorothy Snell 'of Islington visited last week with her mother. \Frs. Geo. Snell. Walter l>>upe of Brantford visited Sunday at the L. Duckett home. i MLsis Maud HeimphUl is visiting I with her sister. Mrs. Emerson Wright. Feversham. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jamieson and son. Ralph, oif Tjbtxxi^to spent the week end with Mr. and- Mrs. Ken , Stewart. SPIRELLA FOUND.\TIOX GARMENTS ! For Health, Style and Comfort. â-  wear an individually designed Spir- ! ella foundation gannent: measttre- j nients taken ovei- patented modelling ! garment eliminates all guess-work The orrect support makes you feed better, as well as look better. MRS. A. E. BELLAMY Cors«»tiere Flesherton, Ontario Mr. Fred W. he '.v.. i« a: present having insul-bric siding piaced oa his house. Miss Gertrude Lever «mte»tained a fe%v friendji Thursday evening last in hPnor of her mcwher, Mrs. Itar- garat E. Lever, who celebrated her *oth birthday that day. Mrs. Lever ha* not been exti-a well, but ii6 im- proving in liealth and able to be up ajid around again. A raisc«l!ane'>u3 shower wnaa held Monday evenimg in th« Oraagre Hall, Orange Valley, in h'-wor ♦f Miss ; Dorothy Brown, who is a bride this | week. Miss DoroAy Brown sp«nt a few i days wicli friends in Collingwood. recently. Mr. aad '^n. Jas. M«ir^n and family movad the last of the week to their new h-jme o* the high-way nortfc. Mr. and Mrs. C- Mfeirtin and family of Eugenia and Mr. Lloyd Partaidge of Rock Mills visited with Harold Lever and mother on Safjrday last. EUGENIA (Intended for Last Week) We extend our sincere s^-mpachy to the wife and family of the Late Mr. James Faw«e<t 'w. their 'oersav^J- ii>ent. Mr. \V. .\. ilarti;'. and sisters. Winneta and Carmelle, »f loronto were week ind visitors with riiei*' parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Marti^ Tl'.ey also visited at Rlesltrt*r. witff their gi-ajidniother, M:-?. T. Lever, who is ill. Miss Hilda Growe of ToBoriS^j is s!»ending her summer boHdays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. •Mr. Dave Genoe visated witih ifarfe- friends on Sunday- Miss Shirley Ca»-ns is visiting ivith Mr. and Mrs. D. Cairns, (^efrion. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. Passed- En tmwce on ya«r'» work: ilarioji Fe«wiA, barren Hannah; t« try Knti-ance: Jbaan Darkisoa, Hedge Tyier, Grade 7 to s â€" Norria Moore 63P, .Merle McMuUen 60P, Paui Hu.ieo* absent slirough illness proaioteu sn year's work. Grade 6 to 7 â€" Dorothy Fenwick rdP. MelTifle Wright TOP. Staaier Wright a«€ John Stewart 5i>P, Sadl« Stewaa-t -fc*" , Gerald Teeter -ITF. Gi-ade 5 to U â€" S»ephen ESjy 76H, John Pediar 76H, S. Wright o^F. Gi-ade 4 to 5 â€" Shirley Samjnons T»H, Che^-l Light 76H, Evelyn Pediar ooP, Ve^lda Teeter 62P, Gbir Blackbui-M 4gF. Grade 3 to 4 â€" J>>an Parker 83fi, ifoan Sh»rt «H, One McMi«llei» 78 H. John aed T7H, Robeis JaoksTO 85P. Ii-%vin Stewata tJOP. Eldward &nich 56 Rec. Grade 2 to 3 â€" Eleanor Slad SOH, Carman Wr^it 68P. Gi-ade 1 to 2 â€" Leela Sommona 7SH. Douglas Moore T^H, Harvia Sammons 68P, Jack Teeter i5«P. Numbers are year's Snai percent- ages; H; honor.*; P: passeci: F: fail- ed; Rec.: reaoMi-mended. Number on roll .34: average attendance 'iH. â€" Mrs. F. J. Seeley. Teachse. At the close of the school year «n Friday ilrs. Seeley waa pleasantly surprised t© i-eceive a gift f>f a water set from the pupils, and she wishes »o tharJc the ptipils f»r the lovely gif:. Little girls choose dolls fjr toys, Wlwie soVliers are the choice of rjoj-s; But w-he« they're grown u» you'll nn«i That each 'nas had a oha.".^ of mind. The giris prefer tfae soldiers then, .A.nd baby dolls attract the men. Teacher: "Jaimor. I ajn suiprisad. Do yom know air.- more rude joikea like -hat?" Junior: "Lots. t*aohar." Teacher: "Weil, stay in after sschooJ." DONT SEND TO FOR GOODS UNLESS . . you have first consulted your nearest Customs Office. Tlie import of certain goods is now prohibited in order fo conserve our U.S. funds. If the arHcle you wish to buy is on ftiis prohibited list, It will not be allowed fo enter Canada, even though you hove pcid for it. Don't b« disappointed . . . B«feri ordering ^oods from tt»e U.S. or atinmr cotffitries, consult your nearwt Customs Office or wHte Emumct lipri C«M OhiMi. D^RtiNM it Ftan, â- ^â- ^fr^fte^^-^^'"^'^*!^"*- â- ^ '.^j^^MS?^ Top Market For Poultry THROUGH THE CO-OP'S POULTRY PLANT Highest Prices for Live, Dressed Poultry We will receive Live Poultry Each Week from M-onday to Friday Dundalk Farmers Co-operative Creamery Phone 66, reverse ohari>:e DUNDALK, Ont. tHC BELL TlUWlbNCC^WPANY^F CANADA I A 'A r- 9^ "5 Betfer Seivke PARTY LINES enable us to serve thousands of families who would otherwise be without service. Considerate sharing of party lines is important in ensuring a high level of service for all. Supplies !n Stock BEATTY H.VV CARS HAY FORKS LONG SLFNGS SHORT SLlNGii Pl'MPS and PUMP ROD PIPE CYLINDERS ELECTRIC PIMP J.\CK DEEP WELL SYSTEM REINFRHW ELECTRIC and HAND CRE.\>I SEPARATOKS A numibtfr of small size reconditioned Cve>ad-ii Separators Washins: .Machin«?s »i\d Stoves Machines RUBBER and STEEL-TIRE WAGONS GOOD SEIONU-HAND W.\GON Z FROSr & WtX>D MOWERS SCUFFLERS HAY RAKES WHEEL SETS Builders' Supplies Insulbric and Rol-Brick Siding 3-in-1 2I0-1I>. Shingles Winlock and .Vrrowlock Shinnies Insulstioa BuildiivK I*i>P«r EDGAR BETTS PkoMe 46J FLESHERTON. Ontario r

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