^ns ssm smsB fwsm â- â- ^ilff \\\'(lncsdav, August 4, 1<)48 THE KLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Flesherton Advance eablisbed on Collinffwood St., Fl««hertou, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1,100. Pric« $2.00 a year in Canada, paid in •tlvaace; $2.50 per year in the United States. J. THUR.^TON. Editcr Mrs. Dave TaU>ot, Waterdown; Mr. an,l Mrs. Lome Hotigins, Mrs. Jos. Stainsby, Mis. Wm. Dingwall, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Wes Devor, Markdale. Wm. T. Moore Passes CEYLON (By Victoria Corners Ueporler) The death of William Thomas JBoore otcuwed a the home of his da«ghtei-, Mrs. Ben HodKins, Piolou Stadoii, Friday aiternoon, July 16. Mr. Moore had Ix'on in failin(ir heaUh foj- sei\'eral years and the end was not unexepcted. Born in Artenu-sia Town.<hip, Oct. 12th, 1873. on the farm now uccupied by George Moore, William was the eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. G«o. Moore. In 1904 he was married to Eva Gallauplier, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Gallaugher of Inistiofire, who predeceased him by 27 years. With the exception of the past four years spent with his daugh- ter, Miâ- ^<. Bert Hodgins, he farmed at Victoria Corners on the farm now oc<iipie<l by Elwood Stevens. He attended Iniftioge church. Surviving are three daughters and one soil; Vera, Mrs. Jack Batchelor, Bethel district; Emma, Mrs. Otto Lfe, Badjeros; Beatrice, iMrs. Bert Hodgins, Proton; Klvin, Victoria Comers, also U gramichildren. Two sisters. .Mrs. Robt. Acheson, Proton Station, and Mrs. Claude Akins, Flesherton, and two brothers, Robert Moore, London, and Charles Moore, Torono, also sui-vive. One sis- ter, Mrs. Wm. Talbot, Inistioge, pre- deceased him by almost three years. The funeral on Monday, July l!)th at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Bert Hodgins, vpas largely attended. The service was conducted by Rev. A. G. Macpherson of Ple.she'."ton Un- ited Church, who took his text from St. John's 14. Hymns used were favorites of the deceased, "What a Friend we have in Je.sus," and "Abide With Me." Interment was made in Flesherton Cemetery. Six neighbors acte<l as pallbearers: Geo. Ludlow, Wilfred Gallaugher, Ed. Stinson, Elwood â- Stevens, Cbas. Hodgins and Alex. Sherson. Among t'he many beautiful flow- ers were tokens of sympathy from: Pniton W'ornen's Institute and tht neighbors, and were carried by Rus- ftell and Gordon Acheson, Harry Akins, George Moore, Earl Talbot, Harry Montigomery, Emerson Gall- augher, Art Blair and L. Hod«in3. Friends and relatiyes from a dis- tance included: Robt. Moore, London; Mr. and Mrs. Lome NichoUs, St. TTwimas; Mr. and Mr. "^has. Moore, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. H. Gallaugh- er, Horniiksr'B Hills; M . and Mrs Art Blair, Grand VaBey; M^r. and Mrs. ,Iohn Talbot, Tottenham; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Talbot, Mitchell; Wm. D. Campbell Died Suddenly At Eugenia (By Eugenia Reporter) This neighborhood and surround- ing district were ast in deep gloom by the sudden passing of one of our liighly respected citisiens, Mr. Will- iam Duncan Campbell, in his (i-^th vear. His death occurred early FEVERSHAM Tuesday morning, July 2Tth, while attending the farewell party for the (lenoe family. The late W. D. Campbell was born in Eugenia and was the son of the late .K(»l)ert and Eliza Campbell. He spent bis boyhood days in this com- munity and for many years he w-as superintendant of the freight sheds of the C.N.R. at Toronto. Retiring two years ago, he and Mrs. Camp- bell came to E)ugenia to reside. He was a kind neighbor and friend, :ilways helping in any good cause. He was a member of the United Church and also of the Masonic and Oddfellow L(xlges. He took part in ! VVorl<i War I and served overseas I ing relatives, with a Highland Regiment, and was Visitors with Mr, Miss Banbara Mar-ihall is vi.siting Md. and Mrs. Morley Heath of Osh- awa and Dr. and Mr.*. W. Henderson at Oshawa. The July meeting of the Ladies .\id was held last week at the home of .Mrs. Robt. Rutledge, with Mrs. Mel Hogarth presiding. Mrs. Jas. Sinclair had cliarge of the program. Mr. Win. Meads gave a reading, Mr. J. .McWilliam and Miss Joan Copeland each rendered a solo and a contest was won I y Mrs. Kendal Stewart. Mr. Murray Marshall of Sharbot Ijake, Dr. and Mrs. W. Hendei;son of Windsor and Miss Laura Stewart of Bolton sipent the week eiui with Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Marshall. -Ml-, and Mrs. Grant Whittaker ot Toronto were visitors Saturday ^•i''n Mrs. .Anna Macmillan and Mr. Fre<l Chislett. • Ml. Arthur Whittaker of Toronto spent last week with his brothtr. .Angus Whittaker. This community was shocked to hear of the death of Mrs. J. K. Mc- Leod on Saturday. Our deepest syim;i>athy is extended to the sorrow- a mennber of the Flesherton Branch of the Canadian Legion. The funeral was held on Thursday, July 2?)th and was largely attended. Sei-vice was conducted in the United Church, where his pastor, Rev. A. G. Macphei-son, brought forth a very comforting message, speaking highly of the deceased. His message mas based on "I have fought a good light.'" Hymns used were "Abide With Me" and "Rook of Ages." The choir rendered "Face to Face." The floral tributes were many and beautiful, and were from, his wife, Eugenia friends and neighbors, the sister and brothers. Prince Arthur Lodge, .V<> :m, A.F.&A.M., etc. Interment was made in Flesherton Cemetery, where beautiful services were conducted by the Masonic brethren and the Legion. The pall- bearers were: Messrs. F. Cairns, Earl Gordon, Wilfj-pJ Magee, Duncan Williams, John "Williams and Garnet Magea. He leaves in -sad bereavement his beloved wife, formerly Mabel Smith, whi'in he married in England, two brothers, Stiwiloy and John Caaipbell and one sister, Lily (Mrs. FraitK Cairas), Engenia. Two sisters pre- deceased him. An otily son, Bill, was killed in Libya while serving with the R.C.A.F. in World War II. " 'Tis the entrance to our hoaic Tis the passage to that God Who bids his children come When that weary course is trod; Si»ch is death! Yes, such is death'' Keeip your young daughter at home, advises a judge. It might even set a (?ood example for the old folk. Fish are still being caught on river banks and dhn-lit living loonu. ? X The Farmer's Favorite I and Mrs. Ed. f lenoe last week were: Mrs. Jas. Pattinson and daughters of Owen Sound and R. L. Pali.ster, Hespeler. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bartman and Barry Tiffin of Toronto were callers Monday with Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jaynes. Barry remained for a long- er visit. Week-end vistors at the home of Ken Stewart were: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jamieson and son, Ralph, Mrs. Grace Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Clark, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Stewart and family of Bramipton. Miss Dorothy Snell of Islington .spent the holiday with her ntother, Mrs. Geo. Snell. Don't forget church at 8 o'clock D.S.T. next Sunday. Miss Isabelle Irish of Toronto .spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. P. Hemphill. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Goessel Keith and Margot Anne spent the wi end with Mrs. G.'s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Forre-ster Kincardine. Neil Wagner of Toronto, Laveme Parlhiiment and Miss Bertha Young of Duntroon, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M'c- Carthy, Stayner, Walter Shoupe, Brantford were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Duckett. -Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Hogarth and children spent the week end with the former's mother at Jarvis. Miss Nancy McWilliam of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc- WilUam of Toronto holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam. Miss Jean McMullen, Owen Sound and Mary Mc^MiuUen, Toronto, are visiting at their parental home. We are glad to hear that Mrs. McMullen is home from hospital, and wish her a speedy recovery. Visftors at the home of Jas. Sin- clair were; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cope- land^ uf Victoria Comtrs, Mr. and Mrs. Elldon Henderson of Blast Cor- belton, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Teeter, Misses Ellen and Pearl Wataon and Russell Lewis, all of Toronto, Bill Tomlin of Mt. Dennis and Bill Nich- olson of Huntsville. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tate and Lee of Toronto are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Black were: Mrs. Alice NicholU. Misses Lavina and Louisa Black and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scott, all of Toronto. We are sorry to report Mr. C N. Long not gaining in health the way we would like to see. Miss Shtjila Armstrong of Barrie is visiting her cousin, Stephen E"iy. Mrs. John Radley and girb ard Misses Keta and Annie, and Fied Radley of Clinton visited with Mr. and Mra. Albert Ottewell. yVr. Ted Pedlar is spendinj,' his hol'dayii with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery and girls of Dundalk vfi.'iited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rillies and children of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Heitm.^n. Mrs. Arthur White, Ruby, Ruth and Jim, spent Sunday with her bro- ther, Mr. Geo. Ottewell. Miss Irma Smith, Reg.N., of Well- and is visiting" her aunt, Miss Maud Smith. Feversham L.O.L. 1085 held a sue- ce-ssful field day on Saturday with | Flesherton winning the softball tournament, defeating Dundalk in the final game. .Messrs. Meivin and Don Davidson visited with their brother, Bert, who is ill in CoUingwood. We wish Bert a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mervin lavidson, Billy a. d Marjorie, and M'" Maryl'ii Lawlei attended *'ie Oinsmore fam'ly picnle at Buckingham's summer home on Georgian Bay, in honor of Mrs. Davidson's father, Mr. G. H. Dins- more, who celebrated his 7!*th birth- day recently. A writer says it'« easy for girls to find a husband. How about a single man ? SPIRELLA FOUNDATION GARMENTS .An lo-.va baby was bom with three teeth â€" and his father ilkely has been chewing about it ever since. F»r Health, Style and Comfort, wear an individually desigpied Spir- ella foundation garment; measure- ments taken over patented mod<;lling garment eliminates all guess-work The orrect support makes you feel better, as well as look better. MRS. A. E. BELL.AMY Corsetiere Flesherton, Ontario Machinery in 3 New 7-foot Binders 2 New Mowers 4 New Scufflers New 2-furrow Tractor Plow 2 2-furrow Walking Plows Used 2-furrow Tractor Plow, Spedal Price $fi0.00 Cream Separators, hand-power or electric Milking Machines Builder*' Supplies Evetrough .1-in-l Shingles V-Lock Shingles Rolbrirk Insulbrik, in various colors Insulation Building Papers Hardware and Electrical Appliances Admiral Refrigerators and Radios. We jnvlte your iiwpeclion. RangeH and Bangettes Electric Iron.1 Toasters Sunshine and Graham Hot Plates 15.95 up to $13.95 Cook Stoves Clare Jewel Good Cheer Empire Princesa Pat Coleman Oil Space Heaters and Appliances Screening Screen Doors Combination Doors Window Screens We have a good stock on hand. We believe vou will find it proAUble to call on us before buying. J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery PImmm 4r22 FEVERSHAM 4»»»»»»» » ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ^ ♦♦»♦♦»» »»<'»4'»'>»-»»»»<"t'»»<'*->''»<"XHC' » KIMBERLEY Kimiberely people are being treat- ed to a good share of holiday visit- ors, among them being: ,M!r. and Mrs. Jack Taylor and Mrs. Jackse- of Oahawa, iMrs. Earl iDillon and Mary Lynn of Sturgeon Falls and Mr. ar.d Mrs. W. iSproule and Mr. I.«s Lawrence, with the Lawrence families; with Mrs. Bail and friends are Mrs. Clara Sterwart, Mrs. WHlson and Mrs. Rehill (Hurd sisters), Mr. and Mrs. S. Biker and Mr. and Mr.- Will Lawrence, Mrs, Andy Andrews with Mr. ami Mra. Cbas. Graham; Miss O. Kirkpatrick with her bro- ther, an<l Mrs. Kirkpatrick. The W.I. met at the home of M'rs. Ran Hutchinson with ,10 .members present. A fine pai>er on friemlsliip WIS given Iby Mrs. T. Soul and a reading by Mrs. F. Weber on friend- ship. A diiwnission on a bazaar took place and it was decide<l to hold early in Doci>ml>er. Mr. Cairns has shown some very interesting pictures on Palestine on Wednes<lay nights in the Baptist Church. He has a numlber yet to show. He is also plea.sed with the oliildren's imectings on Friday even- ings and is looking forward to good children's meetings at Eugenia on Thursday evenings. He had been courting the girl for ten years calling on her every Wed- no9<l«y and .Saturday nig^ht. 'Why." someone asked him, "don't you nvarry her?" 'If ! did." ht answerod, "f would- n't have anywlu'ie to go, on thsse tvfn'mfH." (Intended for Last Week) Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith, 'Mir. and Mi-s. Bert James of Erin, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hall and children of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hendry of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Osborne of Hamilton visited her uncle, Mr. Chris Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Samnions and family have returned from a three weeks' visit with his brother, Harry, in the north. Mr. and Mrs. Lome McQuay and children spent the week end with he"" parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Heitman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McArthur and jrirls of iCollingwood visited hei uncle. Mr. Chris Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Annstrong of Thornbury spent Sunday with her brother, .M.ir. Geo. Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson and Miss Bernice Hudson spent the week end at Port Huron. Mr. iiiul .Mrs. Jim Robertson and sons of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Dobson and sons of Ravenna, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McQuay and cWldren of Port Dalhousie, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rice and daughters of Toronto vis- ited their mother, Mrs. C. N. Long, and their father, (who is a patient in the Markdale Hos(pital. This district was visited by a se- vere hail stonm recently which did considerable damage to the ripening crops. The following anorning the hail stones were shovelled from the ground where they had come from a bam roof to form a pile. 8TH LINE. OSPREY Mr. and Mrs. Will Blaschke and son, 'Ronald, of Preston and Miss Joan Crawford erf Toronto were the firuests of JVIr. and Mrs. Josiah Craw- ford over the week end. Mrs. Mark Murphy, 'Elizabeth and John, .ipent 'Sunday with the form- er's dau«'hter, Mrs. Frank Brown, in CoUingwood. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Fenrwick and dauighters, Marion and Doi\>thy, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Poole at Kairawan Lodge. Wasaga Beach. Mr. Jack Fadden and Mr. Jack Young of Toronto are spending a two week vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Davidson and family attended the reunion celebra- tion at Thornbury on Sunday. Mrs. Jas. Ottewell is assisting at the home of Mr. Elwin Boyd, neiir Rocklyn. Conjrpatulations to M<i-. and Mra. Percy Smith on the birth of a baby daugihter and to Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Boyd (nee Jean Smith) on the ar- rival of a son. Mr. Bill Crawford went to .\jax Monday, where he has secured a position with the Department of Highways. We wish him luck. Wie are glad to hear that Mrs. Maurice Merritt (nee Jean OttewelD is quite improved after undergoinc an operation on her back in CoUing- wowl Hospital on Thursday last. Mrs. Moison, Miss Didge Madden of Collmgwood and Mrs. Jim Haze and daughter. Estelle, of Buffalo. N.Y., were callers at the Murphy home on Monday. Mi.-is Bessie Din!»more of Thorn- bury »pont a fe»w ays recently with her sister, Mra. Mpi"via Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fadden of To ronto visited Thur«<iav with Mr. aad Vrs. Llrxvrt Stephens. Planing and Chopping Mill Division PLYWOOD LUMBER INSUL BRIC, Jasper Blend INSULATION BATTS SHINGLES XXXXX, No. 2's and No. 3'$ GLASS HARDWALL PLASTER WHEAT OATS and BARLEY MIXED FEEDS O. & A. Co-operative Phone 8 Flesherton, Qnt. t y y I i t CREAM Now that we are at the peak of production for this year, why not deliver your cream to us and receive that extra cent. Your cash will be ready for you a very short time aftw receiving your cream. -. ! Poultry :: We are in the market for your fowl and are paying top market prices for good fowl. Either deliver them to us or call and our truck will pick them up. iThe Creamery is open every Wednesday and Saturday Night during the summer months. 7 I Flesherton Creamery I Angus Avis, Manager I Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario "» If' i-l > I i i M ii mmm iiiiiiiii ni i nn j I TOPS I IN THE WASHER FIELD THOR FIRST IN 1906 FOREMOST IN 1948 OVER 4,000,000 IN USE TO-DAY Ask the lad/ who owns a, THOR SEE YOUR Authorized Thor Dealer Erskine Hardware » » > ... â-º - ;t f » ' Phone 43 MARKDALE ♦♦♦♦♦♦<»♦♦♦♦*<•♦♦>♦*•>♦♦>•><> >^♦^"^♦.^<H{.^.<M>.;..>4M>•J,l{.^.J^^.J«^,4<,4,^