Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1948, p. 1

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^ ."^ Â¥ •^ .ft' i A » r ®hje /l^gli^rbn \0xtancc« VOL. 68; NO. 12 FLESHERTOX, ONT.. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18. 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, PublisherSv. Before marriage she is a littl'- dear and aferwards too darn ex- pensive. Future Events SOUTH LINE - BLOOMINGDALE IN FLESHERTON SATURDAY The second game between Sou'A Line and Bloomingdale, near Kitch- ener, will be played on the Elesher- ton diamond this coming Saturday evening, Aug. 21st, at 7 p.m. Nine innings of ball. Admission: 25c. Don't miss this one. WEDDING RECEPTION A reception will be held in the W. I. Hall. Priceville, at 8 p.m., Satur- day, August 21st, the occasion of â- ^he marriage of Kathleen Jeanette, elder daiuighter of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling W'hyte, to Mr. James Arthur M. Cherry, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Cherry of Nobleton. NeigWbors and friends are cordially invited to attend. One Of Best Crops In Years Now Being Harvested This distMct is at the peak of hai-vesting one of the best crops in years. The oats are an especially good crop and a heavy yield of first class ^ain is expected. Some extra good yields of hay are reported, de- pite the fact that dry weather in May and June was expected to make the stands thin. One farmer told us the other day that he had 16 loads from one five-acre field and 25 loads from an 8-acre field. Yields of this size are exceptionally good. Saturday nig'ht another Artemesia farmer told the editor that he had 70 acres of grain cut and they are busy taking the "rain into the barn. He belieres that it is cheaper to grrow the grain than to buy it, and apparently the reverse been the case with many feeders in the district. Many have seeded their land for a hay crop. MacCanneii Clan Held GatheHng At Dundalk (By Pricevi'lle Reporter) j About 85 meniibcrs of the Mac- Canneii families met at the Park in Dundalk on Saturday, when a most enjoyable afternoon wa.s spent meet- \ng cousins, uncles and aunts. In the afternoon all kinds of games and races were enjoyed with prizes i Flesherton High School Upper School Results Grade are indicated as foHowa: lat 75-luO; 2nd, 66 to 74; rd, 60 to 66; C. 50 to 59. Marjorie Bumstead â€" Alg. C. Betty Hiiicks â€" Ed. Lit. C. Delores Johnson â€" -Alg. 3rd. Barbara Marshall â€" E. Comp 3rd, E. Lit. 3^-d, Alg. 2nd, Geom. 2nd. given. A splendid program was en- Trig, and Stat. 2nd, Phys. 2nd, Chem. DUNDALK LEGION FROLIC Thursday, August 19th, in the Park and Arena. Charai.pionship softball at 7:30 and 9:00, Shelburne, Flesher- ton and Dundalk Legion teams. Bingo and other games. Lucky draw for 6 prizes. Dancing. Fun for old and young. MONSTER AMATEUR SHOW AND CONTEST Friday, Auig. 20, in Markdale arm- ories, sponsored by Freedom Chap- ter, OE.S. New amateurs from other shows; plenty of prizes. Send your entry to Russell Hill, Markdale as early as possible. Old-time fid- dler's contest. Dance after show: round and sq>uare dancing. DANCE AT MAXWELL Dance in the Orange Hall, Max- well, on Friday, Aug. 27th, under auspices of Canadian Order of For- esters. Good music. Admission: 35e Flesherton Lady, 85, ^ Undergoes Operation Mrs. Sarah Guy, who is 85 years of age and a resideat of Flesherton, underwent a serious operation in the Markdale Hospital on Tuesday morn- ing Latest word received by her granddaughter. Mrs. Gordon Sample, is to the effec-t that she is resting comfortably and making grood pro- gress toward recovery. It is hoped that this estimaible lady will be around again soon. joyed, over which Arthui MacCan- neii of Toronto presided. A splendid address was given by Mr. Neil Mac- Canneii of Proton Station, who is 86 past and who is retiring fi'om the office of postmaster, which he has held for over 40 years. This Wed- nesday Mr. Little of Dundalk will take over his duties. Dan MacCan- neii of Proton Station, with his violin, and Teddy MacCanneii of To- ronto, with his mandolin, gave sev- eral selection and Miss Lois Mac- Canneii of Boothville rendered two lovely solos, accompanied by her • brother, Teddy. Gordon and .Alex. MacCanneii of Boothville also rend- ered two songs. Misses Betty and McKechnie - Stevens Owen Sound Play Ball In Flesherton Tonight The fouith wedding to be held iD Owen .Sound will be represented the historic Inistioge Church since here to-night (Wednesday) when the its erection in 1*71, was solemnized Sun-Times ball club will visit the ; when Marjorie Evelyn, only daughtw locals in Flesherton. It will be in- \ of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Stevens at tere.sting to see how the locals will Proton Station, became the bride <A compare with a city team. All the .Tohn C. McKechnie, younger ^on <A proceeds will go toward paying for Mi-, and Mr.s. John McKechnie ot the lumber in the stands recently . Durham. Rev. A. G. Macphenson, ist. r. A. 2nd. Fr. C 2nd. Emma Meads â€" Ed. Comp. C, E. Lit. C. Alg. C, Geom. 2nd, Trig, and Stat. C, Phys. 2nd, Chem. 2nd, Fr. A. 3rd, Fr. Comp. C. Eleanore Sparks â€" Alg. C. Marion Stauffer â€" E. Comp. C, E. it. C, Chem. C. Evelyn Stewart â€" E. Comp. C, E Lit. C. Alg. C, Geom. 1st, Trip, anil Stat. 3rd, Phys. 2nd, Chem. 2nd, Fr. A. C, Fr. Comp. C. Brace Thurston â€" Chem. 3rd. Betty Tucker â€" Geom. 2nd, Lat. A. C, Lat. Comp. C, Fr. Comp. C. Joan Turney â€" Alg. 3rd. Blanche Walker â€" E. Comp. 3rd, E. Lit. C, Alg. C, Geom. C, Phys. 2nd erected, the bill of which amounts to S130.00. The work of erecting them was donated. Be sure to be ' on hand, as the ball club would like to pay this bill as soon as possible. If anyone wishes to make a dona- tion they can do so by leaving it with George Armstrong. ShirKy Hincks of Priceville sang a Chem. 2nd, Fr. A. 3rci, Fr. Comp. C. BEST OF LUCK TO THE FAMILY OF LORNE TURVEY The people of the village of Flesh- ei-ton, after paying 'eepest respects pastor of tdie chursh, officiated io the picturesque setting of magnrfl- cent red and white gladioli. Baskets of colorful phlox and other garden flowers decorated the church. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor-leng:th gown of Duchess satin with train, and sweetheart neckline with Alc«n- On lace. From a fitted bodice ^t» toned down the back, the full skirt fell gracefully with satin panels ha«k and front and insets of Alceaon lac4 on either side. Her finger-tip Teil to one of its best known and most ^^-a* fitted to the head with a band respected x'tizens, in the person of ""^ "^''^"^^ blossoms. She carried a the late Lome Turvey, are pay- , ^heaf of dark red roses and whita ing glowing tribute to the family ! carnations tied with white satin and who have now gone back to the i s'l^«r ribbons. Silver slippers and same gravel pit in the Township ot ! P'^ar's. the latter being the gift <A duet with guitar accompanying, ; Gwendolyn White â€" E. Comp. 1st, Melancthon where their husband and the groom, completed her costume. TO RE-ORGANIZE L.O.L. 2855 FLESHERTON The I'e-organization meeting of L. 0. L. >'o. 2856, Flesherton, will be held in the Fraternal Hall Monday of next week. August 22nd, at 8 o'clock p.m. All former members are urged to attend. Visiting breth- ren cordially invited. The husband who Joesn't stay at home is very likely to be found out â€" with the bovs. The Home of Tasty Baking PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE COOKIES OATMEAL SUGAR CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE while step dancing was given by i E. Lit. C, .\lg. C. Geom. C, Phys. 3^d, Dan MacCanneii, accompanied with i Lat. A. C, Lat. Comp. C, Fr. A. Isi, the mandolin by Teddy MacCanneii. Mr. .-^If. Po-well of Toronto sang a solo and Ljmda Calder of Holstein gave a couple of songs, accomipanied by her mother with the guitar. Other numbers were given: a duet by Max- ine and Joyce MlacCannell; Ray Mac- Canneii, with guitar. Mrs. Robert McPherson of Pekin, III., brought greetings from that city and all were glad to hear about the friends there, Mr. John Galbraith Mr. and Mr. John Pollock and Laurena. She was followed oy Teddy MacCanneii, who graciously respond- ed with an encore.. The election of officers resulted as follows : President â€" Arthur MacCanneii. Vice Pres. . â€" Mrs. Gilbert Mac- Canneii. Sec.-Treas. â€" Mrs. A. L. Hincks. The register was then signed and pictures of the group were taken by Mr Alf. Powell, Toronto. A bounti- ful lunch was served to relatives present from Holstein Boothville, Swinton Park, Toronto, Craighurst, Proton Station, Thistletown and Pekin. 111. Fhre Brigde Had Run Flesherton tire brigade, under Fire Chief Harold Best, made a fast run to the home of Jas. W. McMullen on the west backline just after dinner on Saturday. When tffey arrived it was found that there was a severe Fr. Comp. 3rd. Local Residant Loses Sister At Valleyfieid father was crushed to death under | ^iss Joyce Patterson, cousin <A the iron cleats of a bulldozer. This ' ^he bride, as maid of honor, and Misa is courage! Of the kind only shown ^ilda McKechnie, as bridesmaid, by people of merit and it is our hope ^ were dressed alike in summery and wish that they can carrv on. as i ^o^wis of printed orgajiza. MaM we feel sure that Lome would have I Patterson's was blue. Miss .McKechr wished them to do. Good luck to theim in their brave and noble effort â€" Contributed. B cm Mr. LawTence McCracken of town received the sad news Thursday of the death of his sister, Mrs. Levi Robsoru which occured at Valleyiield, Que., that day. Mr. and Mrs. Mc- , MARTIN â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- Cracken and Bob. and Mr. and Mrs. j ging Home, Flesherton. on Thursday ing and attended the funeral, which j Martin (Leona Taylor) of Proton was held on Saturday afternoon at i Station, a son, John Frederick. two o'clock. Interment was made in Vallej'field Cemetery. Sympathy is extended to Mr. McCi*acken in his loss. EAST MOUNTAIN Harvest is in full swing in this community. Mr. Russell Welsh and family from the U.S.A., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rawlings. Mr. Leonard Haines of Islington visited over the week end with his wife and family. Mrs. Chas. Fawcett and son, Del- bert, have recently retilmed from a motor trip to Saskatchewan and report a very enjoyable trip. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen W(*re: Mr. ^ Earl Byutt- and Paul and Mr. Jim Follett, all of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. MENZIES â€" At Owen Sound Hos- pial on Friday, Aug. 13th, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Menzies of Ohaiswonh. the gift of a daughter, Linda Dianne. RUSSELLâ€" At Mrs. N'uhn's Nur- sing Home. Flesheron. on Thursday, .A.ug. leth. 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ruj^ell, Markdale, a son, Murray Donald. nie's was orchid. The low rouiK}Bd_, neckline was camght with a bow in fi-ont of the fitted bodice, from which the full skirt, fashioned with a ruffled bustle, fell into a train. shoulder-length veils to match the dresses were caught to the head with flowers. Each wore matching mit^' ,,, , ,, „ , , ^ 1-. -J 1 *'ns of the oiganza and nol^torre*";. ^Vesley Mccracken left Fnday morn-, Aug. 12th, 1948. to Mr. and Mrs. John ^„^. „^^,^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^ dainty shellwork, and silverT^aadal^ They carried Colonial ncpegays oi asters and fern. The pretty little flower girl. Mark lyn .\cheson. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell .A.oheson, was g<Hraed in yellow organdy with full long skirt and bow bustle. She wore a yellow veil and carried a white Finnish crocheted basket filled witi yellow and bronze snapdragon. Mr. Frank McMullen of Newcastle waa best man. Mr. Bill McKechnie, brother of the groom, and R. J. Patr terson. cousin of the bride, were ushers. Mr. Russell .\cheson. uncle of the bride, sang a "Wedding Pra.ver" during the signing of the register. Miss Mary McKechme, sister of the groom, dressed in rose GOOD NEIGHBORS fire in the chimney, which had been I ••^"'^'â- ^''' ^*'^'^.«* ""^^ Vernon, Mr. and I Specials This Week CAKES â€" Fresh Banana ,and Maple Walnut also Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Turnovers Date Squares Cocoanut Squares Scarrow's Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientelt without extra chaiga. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms. Including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks burning for a couple of hours and appeared to be worse. Smoke was coming out between the bricks and it looked serious for a time. The chimney iwas cleaned out before the fireman left the scene and no fur- ther trouible was experienced. Received Fractured Hip- Bone In Motor Accident Mrs. .Alex. Gilray of Vandeleiir, Mr. I and Mrs. Cecil Betts and faanily of Rock MilIS|f"'»isl«lbrating the 78th birthday olftheir mother, Mrs. Robt. M«MulLen. Master Bob McMullen returned home with Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett. Quite a numbej from this line at- tended tlie Derry Day celebration in Owen. Sound on Satui-day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellis and fam- ily of Kimberley visited with Mr. Sam Smart on Sunday. Miss Lois Thompson of Kimberley spent the week end at her home. Following x-ray pictures taken on Wednesday last, it was discovered that Mrs. F. T. Bibby had received a fracture of the hip hone. It wa.< thought at first that her injuries were only of a minor ntaure. }Irs. Bibby is confined to the Markdale Hospital, where ishe was taken fol- ! to lowing the accident, which occurred \ their kindness in remembering me near Temple Hill in Euphrasia town- 1 ship while she and her son Hugh were i?turning frciii Meafoid. CARDS OF THANKS I wish to exipress my gratitude neighbors and other friends for INJURED WHEN HIT BY BUS with cards, letters and treats during my illness. X special thanks is ac- corded to the neighbors who so kindly lielped in the work. â€" Wm. Kendall iMiss Mary Banks spent the past 1 ^^'â- â- ^ '" 'â- hank my many friemls week in Toronto. On returning home '^^"''" *o kiiully remembered me with Friday evening, Mary was str-uck f'"wers, caid.-* and enquiries during by a bus at the bus terminal in To- 1 '">' •'•'I'e'it illness. rcnto and suffered in.Hiries to her 1 â€" Chester N. Long leg and ankle. She continued honw ' and is now confined tto the house. | ^ ^^'^^ '" ^^^^ '"^^ opportunity to ' I thank the voluntary fire brigade ' of Flesherton for their prompt re- What does a pL-son have to do to be considered a â- -'•ood neighbor? In former times in man .• country towic' many people ac|iui'ea a reputation as good neighbo'-.-i ny doing such things as nursing- p? .oi.. whe„ theyi'^j,,,, ]^^.^^^ .^j^'^ ,,,jjp^ accessories and were >-ick. perhap; ciittmp up '' yellow rose corsage, plaved the wedd- woodpile. ,.0.1- the s.erng cr har-;;^ ^^^h, and accompanied Mr. vesting, or taking care of the cows pred Bell of Stayner, \viho plaved when the mvner was laid up. Frien<i- yj^ij^ ^^^j^ ^^^^^ ^^e ceremony. ly services still sho^v that a person, .^ reception followed at the home has a big heart. I ^j tj,e bride's parents, where around One sign of being a gooil neighbor ^fty gugg^g ...^^e received bv the that is highly valued in these times. ^ mothers of the bride and groom. IS an effort to keep one's home place jj..^ gtevens wore a two-piece dress in good condition, to keep buildings looking well, and the grounds in at- tractive condition. .A. place so kept is an asset in a neighl>orhood, and it makes the places near it more valuable. ONTARIO RURAL SOFTBALL LEAGUE TEAMS PL.VYINQ 124 Ave FUNfQRL CHAPEL ucRd Kl 4344 In Memoriam MAGBE â€" In loving memory of our duir wife and mother, Mrs. Wm. Magee. who passed away on .August 24th, liKW. C^ll not back the dear departed, -â- Xnchoifd i«afe where storms are o'er On the borderland are left her, Soon to meet and part no more. When we leave this world of changes W'e shall f^nd our missing loved one In our Father's Mansion fair. â€" Lovingly remeinibered by Hus- band and Family. sponse to my ciill for help on Satur- day and all others who assisted at the house in any .way. â€" Jas. W. McMullen So your parents made you go, and that turned you against it. But if that is true of the church, why not Of baseball and movies? The high price (.tf bread is a bur- den. Ma.vbe we could persuade (Grandma to bake up a batch. (Mom never learnwd haw.) of Queen's blue crepe with white accessories and a corsage of pink sweet peas. Mrs. McKechnie wore a gown of printed blue and black silk jersey with blaek accessories and corsage of pink roses. On the verandaih a four-tier wedd- ing cake, decorated with silver and topped by a single red rose, centred I tho table, while crystal candlesticks, Fleherton went down to defeat by j holding long whits tapers, ..nd bowls the score of 11-9 at Schombeig on i of flowers, flanked the cake. Monday evening and the return game' The supper, served on the lawn by will be played in the local stadium friends of the bnidal couple, was fol- Fviday evening at 6:.'30. They are , lowed by entertianing toasts: a soio two well^matched teams and there by Russell .Acheson "Bless This .should be a good game. The piayers ' House." and piano and violin masle were pleased to see a number ol . by Miss .M McKechnie and Mr. F. Flesherton people . residing in To- Bell. vunto, at the game. | To start a honeymoon spent i^ Muiulalk were handed two defeats ! Wpsaga. Sauble and points along in the O.R.S.A. play-downs by the Lake Huron, the bride wore a fast O.A.C. team from Guelph 11 to gabardine suit with black accessories. 2 at Guelph and 17 to 7 Tuesday The couple, on returning, will re. night at Dundalk. This eliminates si<k- at Durham, the champions of tihe Badjeros soft- ball league. i South Line were entered in the B series of the 0,R.S,.A, and met the Bloomingdale (near Kitchener) team Moiuiay evening and lust 11-8. The return game is eing played here at Flesherton Saturday evening. Even if beef never gets chet4)er we'll probably still have pork to- beef about. Mr, and Mr, Walter Dungey and two children of .\lliston were visitors in town on Saturday. NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON Owner of dogs in the Village of Fleherton will tak« notice that the dog tax is d«e to be paid at once to Wm, Kaitting. -<;. J. BELLAMY Clerk Ten stitches were taker in tJM head of an Irtdianna boy who forgot to use his head while driving, CEMENT BAG OR CARLOAD CEMENT BLOCKSâ€" .\NY SIZE Piun or Rock Faced McDonald Cement Product Box 20B DURHAM V

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