Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1948, p. 4

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Wodncs.lav. Aiigcst 18, 1048 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^ je^ THE Flesherton Advance c'i>bIi«h<Hl on CoUintrwood St., Plasherton, Wednesday of each 4reek. Circulation I.IOU. Price 92.00 a year in Canada, paid in •drance; |2.50 per year in the United Sutes. J. THURPTON. Editcr FEVERSHAM EUGENIA LADY BANK Mr. Clarence Hartley of Markdale has had u busy six weeks in this vic- inity fl'ith his well drilling outfit. He drilled wells for Wm. and Percy Sentplc, A. E. FoUebt, Walter Wilson •nd George Dobson. All were deep wclVii and good water was struck. Miss Sayers of Singrhampton is a ^uest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Walter Wilson. ill-. Chas. Semple of Calgary, Alta., is a goiest of his brother, Mr. Wm. Semple. Mr. Sesmple went to Calg«rj' wlien quite a young man. some 50 years ago, accompanied by the late Robe. Paul of Fever^am Sitic€ that time he has only made cne trip back to Ontario. He is at present spending a ferw weeks in Detroit with his sister, Mrs. W. J. Wyore, and family. Miss Doreen Pobson of Colling- â- wtod is spending a few holidays with htr grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. - Poole, and her cousin, Miss Shirley Holt. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Feanple spent Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Beryl McConnell, Kimiberley. Mr. Bd. Noble of Toronto has 'C«tnmenced building a cottage here tot Mr. FoUett, in place of the one detroyed by fire last December. Mr. JoA Cooper of North Bay is assisting with the carpentry. Miss Bi>niu3, a former high school teacher, called on some friends here recently. Miss Mary Mil* , Reg.N., spent a fow days at her hom« here. Miss Bernice Hudson spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs John Hudson. Messrs. Milton and Victor Shoul- dice of Massie visited ut the M'cKee home recently. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Forsythe ot Owen SouikI visited her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Heilj Bby, Stephen and Bobby returned home with them. Ml. and Mrs. Frank Hannah and Warren are on their summer holi- days in the north. Mr. and Mrs. Bon Shortt,and boys visited with her sister, Mrs. Emer- son Parker, and family. We are pleased to see EJmerson Parker able to return hame from his recent operation. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Oonron ol Collingwood spent the week end with his uncle and aunt, Mr. an«l Mrs. Wm. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Leopard and daughter visited his sister, Mr. and Mr*. Frank Light, and girls. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. McCormick of Yorkton, Sask., visited with hei schooi chums, Mr. and Mrs. George Ottewell. It is 19 years since they last met. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith enjoyed a trip to Niagara recently. Misses Betty Graham and Ahneda Tyler are spending their holidays at Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long visited on Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Harry Montgomery, at Dundalk. Carole returned to her home with them after holidaying here. LAY IN YOUR HONEY SUPPLY NOW We will be able to fill customers' orders up to Saturday, August 29th, end ceinnot guarantee to supply any after that date. Parkview Apiary p. R. Howell, Prop. Phone 94J FLESHERTON Sunday eveninjir. the Wom.in's .•\ssocialion had charge of the church .-.ei-vice here and engage 1 Miss Ber- tha Menaiy of Berkeley, a rclurned missionary from India, to give the address. She told of the Christian- izing of the people 'of India by the missionaiies and how the people needed our ardent prayctrs as well as all other help we can give. Service will not be held in the church for the next two Sundays. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee were: Mr. and Mrs. P\)rin Hahn of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Gowan of Creemore. Miss Marge Martin has returned home from her course at the Toronto Nonnal summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Patterson and Bobbie are visiting at Petrolia at the present time. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Manchip and two daughters, Mrs. Manchip, Snr., and friends of Toronto, who are holidaying at Wasaga Beach vis- ited one day last week with Wr. and Mrs. Joe Willian^. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and Miss Agnes of Toronto are holidaying with the McMillan and Jamieson families. Mrs. Walter McBride and babe of Tobermory are visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. Roy McMillan. Master Billie McMillan has returned home after spending a couple of weeks at Tobermory. Miss Annie Tudor from Heathcote spent the weeJc at her home. Miss Alice Tudor s^ent a week with Mrs. Elwin Boyd, Rocklyn. We are pleased to report Mr. J. A. Williams is feeling improved in Health. Mrs. Ross Lehman, accompanied by Nurse "Pat" Mullen and Mrs. Moffatt Campbell, of Toronto spent a week end with the former's father, Mr. Jake Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Hei-l) Smith of Markdale were also callers on Mr. Williams last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson of God- erich were guests at the Martin home one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis of To- ronto .ipent the week end with Mr. Robt. Pui-vis at the cottage here. Mr and Mrs. John K. Jamieson and children of Toronto and Mrs. Jamioson's mother, Mrs. Cheeney, of Ottawa, and daughter, Eveljm, of Toronto were recent visitors with Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Dell Theatre DURHAM South GreyS Most Modern Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY August 19, 20 And 21 RED SKELTON' in "MERTON OF THE MOVIES" Added Attractions "DR. JEKYM< AND MR. MOUSE" (In Technicolor) "PURITY SQUAD also "GLlMPvSKS OF CALll'ORNIA (In Technicolor) MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY * August 23, 24 and 25 Starring Esther Wtlliams and Jimmy Duranto in "THIS TIME FOR KEEPS" (In Technicolor) Added Attractions . "HOUNi^ HUNTKRS'" (In Technicolor) "SURE CURES" Coming Next Week: "THE YEARLING' h. (In Technicolor) (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Newman and daugh- ter, Mrs. O'Riley of Toronto have taken up residence on the property of Mt. Gannet Magce, the former I,ei>pard home, Sth line, which they recently purchased. Mr. Jos. Williams returned to To- ronto Friday, after spending the IMist wee'k with his parents. Mr, Edgar Logard, who has been visiting hi* uncle and aunt, and other rela- tives, accompanied Joey to Toronto and will visit there for a few days before returning to his home at Olenside, Sask. Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin visited on Sunday with Mrs. M. Lover and Har- old, near Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Williams of Milton spent a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos Williaims, Snr. Visitors during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee were: Mr and Mis. Hugh LeRoy, Mr. Sam Mc- Kee, M>r. and Mrs. Robt. ISflCee, all of Nottawa, Mr. and tl(rs. ,Roy Jam- ieiwn, Mr. F. W. McCartihy, Misses Mary and Isabel McKee, all of To- ronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ped'ar of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge Boyco and family of Collingwood were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce. Miss Jean Boyco has return- ed home after a three week's vaca- tion with her brother. Mr. HaroUi Williams and friend, Mr. Joe Bailey of Toronto spent a couple of days with the former's grandiparunts, Mr. and Mft. ^Joseph Williams, Snr. Mr. and iMVa. McCarthy and Mr. and Mrs. Lauighlin of Brentwood woiHS recent visitors at the Breadner home. Mr. and Mrs. D. Clinton of To- ronto spent a fortnight holiday with Mr. and Mr.s. Garnet Mageo. Mr. and Mrs. Oonahl Young, Carol and Susanne, oif Sarnia are holiday- ing witli Mr.i. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Duokett. Mis. K. Broadnoi- and grandson, ifit'orgf M«cl>on«ld, visited friends at Rodickville on Sunday. Mr. Nornwin Lowis and brother ot Toronto visited at the Stewart home over the week ond. | Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith visited (heir daughter, Mrs. KIwIn Boyd, at RiHkly,, ,in Sunday. We lire sorry to report Mr. Jake Williams ana Miss ,^dn Smith on tho sick lilt at present, \\n wish for thiMii II romijilote itvovery. Mr. and Mrs. |ljit»s Fnwcotl spent scTeral dmyii in Northern Ontarle on holiday*. PRICEVILLE lieoent visitors with Mrs. Steel and Mrs. McDonald were; Mr. and Mrs Hei man Bagell and daughter, Cath- eriiii-, and .Miss Sarah McDonald, who is now 82, all of Michigan; Mr and Mrs. F:rnest Fit/.gerald, Mrs.] Dan McKinnon of Ottawa and sister, i Masig-ile o*" Toronto; Mrs. John Black of Michigan, who is remaining for a longer visit; Jimniie Fallooii return- ed to Toronto, after spending the past five weeks in the same home. The Federated Farm Women met at the home of Mrs. A. L. Hincks on Wednesday for their August meet- ing, with a good attendance of mem- bers and visitors. The roll call was ans^vered by a canning or preserving hint. Mh«. EJmerson Wickens gave a well prepared paper on "Bad hab- its and what they lead to" was mi^h enjoyed. A contest of guessing mac- roni in a jar was won by Mrs. Merv. McFadden. Her guess was 218 and the correct answer was 220. Mrs. P. R. Oliver gave an interesting talk on her trip to Ottawa. Mrs. Emerson Wiokens donated a couple of tatted doilies for the draw- which was won by Mrs. Joe Stauble, the ticket being drawn by Shirley Hincks. Mrs. Stauble conducted a shamrock con- test and the prize was won by Mrs. Dick Carson. "Dropping pennies" was sung while two of the memibers having birthdays this month dropped their pennies into the box. A salad plate lunch was served and a picture was taken of the group. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Runcionian and family of Toronto are holidaying with his mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Don (Jarson, Danny, Vickie and Gail, of Toronto spent the past week here. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shortreed and son, Donald, of Pickering were visit- ors last week with his mother. Glen Hincks is spending this week wibh his cousin, Larry Oalder, at Holstein. Mr. Gordon Nichol of London anient last week at his parental home, he and his borther, Harold, enjoyed a few days at Ottawa during the Lib- eral convention. They were pleased to meet Mrs. F. R. Oliver, who was also in Ottawa with her hus.band. Miss Priscilla Sutherland of To- ronto spent last week at the hqme of Mr. H. E. Karstedt. Sacrament of the Loixi's Supper will be dispensed Sunday next in St. .Andrew's church. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas McDonald of Toronto are spending a couple of Weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kanstedt. Other visit- ors in the same home were: Mr. and Mrs. Ted MacTlaivish and Barbara and Mrs. Geo. MacTavish of Flesh- erton and Miss Pauline O'Brien of Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Colin McLean return- isi home Saturday, . after spending two weeks Wsiting in Toronto with their son, Innis, who accompanied them home and sipent the week end Misses Jean Whyte and Eleanoi Peele, Jim and Joe Whyte, all ot Torontoi Mr. Arthur Ch^rrj* of NoWeton, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. ^\'h>-te of Owen Sound were recent visitors at the homo of Sterling Wlhyte. Miss Mary Muir of Toronto is visiting with her brother, Mr, Allie MWr, VALLEY ROAD SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. Ted Patterson re- turned to their home in Toronto, after spending the past two weeks holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward. Jlr.s. D. Wickens, who has been assisting Mr.-?. John Wickens, who has been ill, has returned to her home in Priceville, where Delbert is working with the H.E.P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Mural Waber, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Short, visited the former's mother, Mrs. Wright, Osllingwood. Mr. and Mrs. C. Meldrum of Port- law visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Wickens. Mr. Pat Weber has gone to Shel- burne to assist D. L. Weber in his big bundling aontract. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Weber were: Miss Agnes ! Macphail of Ceylon, Mrs. Clare j Stewart of Reigina, Mrs. -Banks otfl Toronto, Mrs. A. Wilson of New I York and Mr. and Mrs. Fleming of Stayner. good/year Sure-Orip TRACTQR TIRES KIMBERLEY M.r and Mrs. EJllis Weber, Leith and Donna, visited part of the weak at Huntsville and other jwints in the north, returning Sunday. Mrs. Proctor is visiting with Mrs. W. Thompson in Owen Sound. Rev. and Mrs. West are on holi- days for two weeks. They will be home for next Sunday's service. Mrs. Jas. Kirfcpatrick and Miss Orlie are attending the CJospel Work- ers' caanp meeting at Clarksburg. I>onna Weber and Bobbie Kitchen had their tonsils removed at Coll- ingwood and are home again doin? real well. Sure-Grips pull better in any 8oU ... do more work on leas fuel . . . because the lugs of the Sure-Grip Open (Jenter tread, "bite-in" full depth and length . . . give super-traction in any soiL COM£ W fOft DBTAUSI D. MacTavish] & Sons Flekherton, Ont AUTHORIZED GOOD>^EAR DEALER ♦♦•><~M~>«>v<":-XK~><~X"K«<'<KKK'<«<"&*<«<~><~e~>««<'«^ CREAM I t Gream production is good as we are approach- ing tke time of year when cream prodnction starts to go back. We advise you to start feed- ing the cows extra, as butterfat is going to be a good price during the fall and winter months. TORONTO LINE NORTH Visitoi-s with Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Brown recently were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Peacock of Toronto, Mrs. R. Bennett of McTier and son, Mr. Elgin. Bcnneth of Wiarton. Mrs. Howard McGee visited with friends and attended the Old Home Reunion of Kincardine district. Misues Brelyn and Helen Brown of Tordnto ara holidaying with their paiHsnts, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Brown. Miss Iva Brown returned last week after spending her vaca- tion at her home. Miss Gertrude Lover returned after a two week vacation with friends in Richmond Hill, Barrie and Wiarton districts. He may dress to look young, but he is middle-aged if any kind ot colored shirt, regardless of price, .teems to l.im a work shirt. COAL YOUR FAVORITE FUEL PROMPTLY DELIVERED Sam Wright & Son Phone 170 M.VRKD.XLB EGGS H^gs are now a good price, but declining in quality due to warm weather. Cutting douTi on the grazing period, more frequent colUection of eggs and rapid cooling of same is, in our opin- ion, the best solution for a better grade. POULTRY We are in the market for poultry at all times and can pay good market prices. For your convenience the Creamery will be open Wednesday and Saturday evenings testing cr^am unutil 10 o'clock. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Managrer Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario I m i l ii iiiii n i mnummm < TOPS IN THE WASHER FIELD THOR FIRST IN 1906 FOREMOST IN 1948 OVER 4,000,000 IN USE TO-DAY AsTc the Ud/ who owiis a. THOR SEE YOUR Authdrized Thor Dealer Erskine Hardware I Phone 43 MARKDALE "* .. ' -^ ^ > ♦

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