Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1948, p. 5

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niE FLE5HERT0X .\D VANCE Wednesday, Augcst 18, 1948 r w 9. » » jT' : PORTLAW We are 3o:ry to report Mrs. Jas Hopps on the sick list the past week. Jimmie Love spent last week with his aunt, Mrs. Harrj- Stewart, at OrangeviUe. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson and Arlean, accompanied by Chestei and Delbert Plantt, viaited with Mrs. Wilkinson's sister at Glartson. Ken- neth Wilkinson, who has spent a week with his aunt, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dillon are vis- iting this week with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts. Mr and Mrs Vance 'Jerrett of To- ronto visited at the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wes Plantt. Vance also called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt and other friends. Mrs. Jer- . ert is an English girl and has been in Canada for two years. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee and June of Toronto called on friends tere at the week end. Mrs. Lewis Fisher spent a few days with her sister, ilrs. Londry, at Heathcote. Mrs. Loadry recently underwent an operation. The two little nieces of Mrs. Fisher came lK>me with her and will spend some ttnie hers. NOTICE TO THE PUBUC REFUSE DUiLPING ON ROADS IX ARTEMESL\ TOWNSHIP .\I1 persons are hereby notified to cease diin^jing tin cans, rubbiah t anything on the roadsides in Arte- mesia Township, under penalty of prosecution. â€" By Order of the Road Supt CAMERAS BOUGHT AND SOLD EXCHANGED OB REPAIREB REG. BODEN B-A Station FLESHERTON PIANOS .\U makes, some refinlshed, wltk benches. _ If interested phone 196w2 Dundalk. W. BLAKEY PROTON STATION 8TH LINE. OSPREY Mi-. Ed. Winger of Welland was a recent week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwick. Messrs. VJfra. Crawford and Nick Haley of .â- Xgincourt were at their parental homes on the week end. Mrs. Mervin Davidson, Billie and >rarjorie, spent the week end at Clarksbui-g camp meeting and also visited relatives there. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Som- ers througiiout the past week were: Mr. J.je Cook of Chatham, >Lr3. .A.lma Graham of Zurich, and Mr. and Mrs. Krumenacher of Weybtim, Sask.. Mr. and Mrs. Joe .\rm3tr0ng and Mr. and Mrs. Car! .Armstrong- and falmily of Thornburj- were visitors on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Proctor and son. Geoi-ge. and Miss Maree Park of Toronto were Wednesday gijesM of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Davidson. MVs. Millie Whitemore and son Jack, of Port Perrj- and Miss BaOagh of Hamilton were gu«sts of Mr. and Mrs. J. Crawford, Monday Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens, Mary and Jimmie, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Stephens' grandmother, Mrs. Frances Foster, Vandeleur. Mr. and Mrs. P J. Somers and family were at the Martyrs' Shrine at Midland on Sunday. We are sorry to report Mrs. M. Murphy not so well again, but hcupe she will be better soon. Mr. Vincent Somers of Brancford is spendiRg his vacation at his home. VICTORI.\ CORNERS P-'^sen^c o- nund on tile pa.-, of , CliJord po3*ibly saved faim. from ! The Sunday School picnic, held in! "*"«h greater harm, -^-faen he chang Rusdell Patterson's grove Tuesday j ^ ^^^'P^ ^^ ^^* ^-^ '^ '^^^ 'â- '^^ °^ afternoon, was a complete success. Games, contests, prizes and treats for young and old were in store in abundiin.ce for all. Tuesday efvenin^ was the farewell party in Proton Hal! for Mr. Jack Xeilson a.nd daughters. Leona and and Eleanor, and sons, Bunon and Keith, who moved on Thussday from their lifetime home about a half mn^ n.Tth of Proton Station, to EVtmdalk. .A.t an appropriate hour Mrs. Dijuglas Clarke read an address of best wish- es and Ed. Stinson. Doug. Clarke and Wiliard Blakey. on behaif otf their friends and neighbors, made the presentation of a studio couch. The ladies of Inis^oge W_A.. mot- ored to Dundalk Thursday aftemo»n for their regular meeting in the home of Misses Muriel and Lanrene Talbot. Invitations have been receiv- ed and accepted to meet with other Societies at Proton Station Tuesday, .\uig. 17. and W'areham, Aug. 26. Mrs. Jas. Forbes, Heather aaad Sandra, returned home on Thursday evening fr«m Toronto, where they the peak of the bam- Eiamiaation revealed t.he middle nnger ampu- tated at the first joint, the ring finger tapered toward the nail and ; the little finger at the nail. .Although : a painful injury, CKtford's physu;ian ; stated it was a kicky break for him to be 3i>ared his life ir. such a ride, i CEYLON CED.\RSir>E BAPTIST CHl'RCH Rev. Wm. Alton White. EJ). Services ne.xt Lord's Day. Aug. 22nd Worship at 11 ajn.. subject "Christ 3 Suffering." â€" ^Teit Luke 24:46, Service at 7:30 p.m. The B.Y.P.U. will c>''nduct this service. .AH are welcome. The mid-week Prayer sni Praise service Wednesday evening at §:30. ROCiC MILLS B.AJTIST CHURCH Services next Lord's Day, .Va.ar. 22. worsaio at 3 p.m. and Church School at 2 p.m. Mid-week Prayer and Praise serv- ice Thursday evening at S:30. Ycu will be welcome at all these services. had visited relatives since Sunday. Miss Doris Sammers. Toronto, is j' ^j^h Mr. and Mrs. G enjoying a two week vacation with her ancle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Xicholls. Mr. and Mrs. George M'o-sre and Garry were Sunday guests of Mrs, W. G. .Acheson and Ina in Doindalk. Sunday visitors with~>lr. and Mrs. Jas. Forbes were: Mr and Mrs. .Andy Mcilath of Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Ring-land of Markdale. The wee small hours of Monday morning brought much music to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Stevens. Mioses Marv Mc.MulIec. Mamr-st . when the newly-weds. Mr. and Mrs.j Robertson and Lucv Inslev reair^ed Jack Mckechnie. were serenaded by! ^o Toronto, after soending the past the chanvari ?ang. j ^, ^.^j^^ ^.-^ ..;^ former's par-! Mr .MUton Hutchinson and his | ^„., jj.^j,^ jj^ j^3_ MoM-.ilien. mother. Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson, of ; Mr. ^ad Mrs. Ernie M^MuUer. and ; Mr Fred Mc Mullen 31 Torooto are Mr. and Mrs. Jim Small of Hamil- ' ton were quests last week with Mr. ; and Mrs. Robert Plestex. I Week end visitors w-lth Mr. and j Mrs. L. EKickett were: Walter Shoup«e ' of Brantford. Mr. an.i Mrs. J. P. ' Stewart. Linda and Sandra. Irwia Ward and X. Wagner, all of Toronto, i Mrs. Rabt. Etaledg-e spent the j week end :n Topsnto. ! Mrs. F. D. Marshall is visiting a ' few days with Dr. ar.d Mrs. W. Hend- ers<>n a; Windsor. Miss Ruth Hemphfll returned on Sanday. after spending a few days ' at camp at Clarksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Marshal! of j Holland Ceatre vijiteri on Sunday • E- Jaynes. â- Visitors at the home of -John Mc- i William were: Miss Xancy McWiil- i ia.m of Owen Si-Hmd. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mc William of Toronto. Mrs. ' McWilliaim remained for 3 longe: visit. ; The Ladies' .Aid will meet at the! home '>f Mrs. John McWilHam on > Wednesday. .Aug. 25, at 2 pjn. I Mr. and Mr-s. Bill Ri-xkcan and son. ; Bobbie, visits with >Lr. and Mrs.; Ed. Genoe on Sunday. \ Fle.sherton were Wednesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Dancam Mo:-al for all meddlers: Russia is so busy trying to change aad direct her neigh'oors, she 'nas not tim« to j develop her own resources. (Inteaded for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacGregor and Maureen itf Preston had a week's vacation with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchelor. Their son accompanied them on their retm-n, after ^ month holidaying hjre. Mr. Harold an« Miss Hazel Jack- son have been holidaying with theit parents. Mv. and Mrs. .Art Jackson. Miss Christina Duncan attended =*t Ravenna, ard also with her sister ! the L\-on-Btin»ett pediling at Ventry ''^"'«- ^^^â- 'â- "^- Hutchinson. Thornbun,- holidaying with Mr Gordon McMuHen. ROCK MILLS Mr. Liiiwren.ce Phillips of Owea Sound spemt two weeks holidaying with his 'or<>cher. Ru'-^el'. Miss Margare: Park ;tnd Sheila Dobson holidayed last week with the former's brother. Mr. Hughie Park. Shingling NOW is the time to look after your roofs and to apply asbestos siding. Call Koy Roofing & Shingling Corp., Ltd. Local Agent: G. B. Welton, Flesherton | on July 31st. acting as bridesmaid. Durinit the week end Mi- .md Mrs. Ed. Stinson entertained: Mr. Edgar Toronto, mother, sister and lady | friend. Miss Towr.send, Toronts): Mr. and Mrs. Emerald Ludlow, Everett; Mr. .Archie Neilson. Weston. Other puests in the home were: Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright. Hamilton: Mr. and Mrs. Smith and Miss Mable Binnie. Cooksville. and Mr. and Mrs. Ra.vTOOtid Wellar. Sneigrove. Little Heien and Jean Stephens oil Feversham spent a few days with ' their gran<ipaaents. Mr. and Mrs. ' -Albert Wilkinson. Quite H number tr'j>m 'nere attend- ; Che Derry Day celebration in Owen, Sountf on Saturday and enjoyed the j good music and parade. I Mr. R, N. ,Armstrong of Paisley • and Mrs. >Iar.:avt.-: Whitmore of' Durham spent Monday with Mr. and Mts. Chas. Newell. They were on ' At a gathering of the young oev^le i "^^'"'^ ^"^J' ^"-* ^'^''"' * â„¢^'-'''" -'"'P in the home of Luther L^ve Thursdav ' â- ^"•'"'<h Western Canada. They hrft j evening. July 2£>th. Miss Marjorie j Stevens was the recipient of a tray, ^ sugar and creaoii set in the "corn- j tlower" cut glass pattern, previous I to her marriage on .August 7th. I Mrs. Frank Xicholb and daughter, I Janet, of Hazel Park. Mieh., toft this Dur'ftam the last week in July and went first to Port .Arthur, where they spent three .{ays wit'n Mrs. Whitraore's sister. M:-s. A. .A. Mc- Kinnon. Leaving there t'r.ey travel!-; od by the Trans-Canada Highway ', to Moose Jaw. where they spent a Litter Carrier WATER BOWLS BK.ATTY PEDLAR OTACO Yes. Folk, we can supply you with PedUr or Beatty Utter Carrier Outfits that will have you a tot of h»rd work. «l»o m*«y an inconvenience, when the yard is wet and muddy. .A boy. thM. can clean the stables as quickly as two men! We inatal if de«irca BEATTY PUMPS. Pressure Systems, shallow well $1J5.00 Deep Well Systems, installed $375.(W and up WASHING MACHINES RANGETTES RANGES Beattv, Easy and Gilson Washers Sunshine, Mi-CIary ami Grahani Rangettes I Pi-activally ne\v MoClary Rangette $45.00 WINDOW SCREENS STOVES COMBINATION and SCREI'*.- LXX>RS HE-ATFJtS ClRCrL.ATORS Clare, Jewel, Empire. Good Cheer and Harviston Ranges, He«ters Coleman Oil Sv>ace Ht-aters $7'3.»3 - $114.30 We have a good supply in stvvk. We believe it will pay vou to call on us. M.ASSEY-H. ARRIS MACHIN tUlY Good 18 (hsc Drill with Fertilizer Attachment, complete $IS5.00 Now lt> tooth Tiactor Cultivator 3 New anfurivw lU«avy Duty Walking Plows, that vri'l save you a lot of time and otfort. 2 New Siivglo Furrow Walkir»g Plows v Cheap used Binder %^.00 Cheap used Biiwler J. M. STAFFORD Dealer in Modern Farm Machinery Plnme 4r22 FEVERSHAM i Mon^iay morning for ' their hcine.l '"''"^^ '^'"^^ ^â- ^'â- - Anustroug's sister! after a v^k and a half in the homes! *°^ ^'^â- ^•_. "^^ also spent a few I of Geo. UIdlo^v and Merritt Xicholls. Of interest to their many friends here, Mrs. Xicholls toR us of her eldest daughter. Carol, having grad- uated as a nurse. Her other daugh- j ter, Gwen. is married and her only son, Jerry, is a moniber of the -Army .Air Force and is stationed in Texas at present. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Coon, Bobby and Billy, of .Acton visited a few days with Mr*. .Albert Stinson. On their return home they were accmpanied by Mrs. Stinson as far as Bellfoun- tain, where she will speini some tinw with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCutoheon. Mr. and Mrs. .Archie MacMillan ami Miss Peggy Unton of Owen Sound were %\-eek end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton. Peggy was a !ju«lst at the MteKechnie-Stevens weikiilig Saturday afternoon. .Mr. Wilfretl Gallaugher is visiting his son. Kii>gsley. and familj- in To- ronto. Guests in the Gallaugher home Sunday were: Mrs. Herb Crall- la'Jighter and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gallaugher. Hornings .Mills. Mr. ami Mrs. Ray James and Mar- lene, Toivnto. were week end and holiiiay sruests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Forbes. Returnijvr to Ti>ronto on Moiulay morning, they wore ;H'com- panit>i by Sheila and Euphemia Forbes. .An uivfortuiiate accident N>fel! Clifford Shopstone while unloading hay in the bam of Jos. Copeland. When straightenins: the ropo leading fixM'.i the hay fork after inserting it into a bumile of hay, his other bi-o- ther engaged in driving, failed to hear the stop calls and con>pIeteil his rxniinl of driving and eIe^-ating the bundle of hay. On returning to thf barn he discovered h« had t«k«a Clifford tho entire trip <.>4 the bumHe. 4ays at Chaplin. Sask.. returning j home throitgh the United States and j Saujt Ste. Marie, h\ all they travell- | 0^ ajbout S.OOO miles and 'nad a won- ; derful trip, enjoying it greatly. } Misses Jeanotte and Bonnie Lee of 1 London visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Phillips and Rodney. I Some from here have been attend- , itijr the Gospel Workers camip meet- ings at Clarksibulg. j Miss Marjorie Fenwick of Rechvit^ is visiting her cousins, Florence and | Dorothy Wilkinson. j 1 CLARKSBURG; Camp I Meeting Aug. 13-22 INCLlSIVE I C L ARMSTRONG i Houghton, N.Y, 1 EV ANGELtST Missionary Program ' DK. B. H. Pb:.ARSON, Director ofi tht' Oriental Misu«;ouary Soviety and? recentl.v fri>m Si>uth Anverica. j Services: Saturvlay night. Sunday 1 afteirnoon a"d Momlay night .X-.jgtist 15, 15. u" Song Evangelist PROF. KENNETH WELLS Chivago. 111. Mrs. Wells. Prof, .xf Spe<es.-h at the Chicago Evangelistic Institute, will 1 »ovoa^aK.v her husbwnj aad brinf j s«*r(«d rMSinfrs. Rev. H. A \\'hiting. Pres. Planing and Chopping Mill Division INSUL BRIC. Jasper Blend PLYWOOD INSULATION BATTS LUMBER SHINGLES XXXXX, No. Z's and No. 3's GLASS HARDWALL PLASTER WHEAT O.ATS and B.ARLEY MIXED FEEDS O. & A. Co-operative Phoa« 8 Fleshcrtoo, Ont There is No Substitute for GOOD COAL BUY NOW FOR COMFORT NEXT WINTER Coal cars wiM be short again this season. Go not be ca'^g'h: short rhis year. Order and rake delivery- or your coal when available. D. MacTavIsh & Sons 1 Phone No, 9 FLESHERTON Supplies in Stock Deeip aid Sai-or* Wei, Sys:e.".is. E^iI^lp3, Pipinff. Water Bowls. WindniilLs A cornplete lien >\f Stable Etjuipimaat FLEURY-BISSEL IMPLEMENTS Renfrew Separators and Stoves. Be sure to see tie nc* Electric Cream Separator ROOFING ND SIDING .A good supply >i F.oods^ and Siding oa aand ic ill liiaaa. 3 i- 1 Winlx-k a.^d .ABrt>wlx"k 125 ibs. RoiSbrie Sidin«f rXSULBRIC SIDIN'G â€" Red with white awrrar liae Jiiscer with white nK'rtar line. BUILDING PAPER EDGAR BETTS P%cne ItfJ FLESHERTON. ONT. Young Men Join the ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE GROUND CREW 17-30 years. of age. Jynior Matriculation or one year less AIR CREW 18 - J4 years of ao;e. Senior Matriculation Commanding Officer RCAF Station. Toronto nor .\venue Road Toronto Please forward, without obligiition. all en- listment information regarding Airgrew Oround- crew to: Mr. Address

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