Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1948, p. 8

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Wednesday, Axigcst 18, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" lOaS Ford coach, fair condition, reasonable, will sell or exchange. Phone 56w Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" young pigs ready to go. â€" Robt. Thompson, phone 73J2 Fit-shorten. 12c2 WANTED â€" ADUomm tultable foi minit and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclntoci EugeiMA, phon* Pevwrah*"! br2£ FOR SALE â€" Litter of 11 young pigs. -^^Joe Radley, R. R. No. 3 Flesherton. 12pl FOR SALEâ€" 38-55 Winchester rifle in good coniiition. â€" W. J. McMlas- ter, Phone 4J Flesherton. lli)2 For S.ALE â€" Xumber of pigs, six weeks old.â€" Ale.x. Duncan, R.R. 1, Ceylon, phone Flesherton 40J4. NOTICE â€" Will the person who boi- rc'wed the floor scraper from the Flesherton Planing Mil] please re- turn it at once. iii)2 FOR SALE - Blue collapsible baby carriage in good condition. â€" Mrs. .Vervin David.ron, phone Fever- .sham Or22. 10c2 Di)u.ble suggestion: Make your money first â€" then try and make is last! CREDIT AUCTION SALI i Aim SKX K. IMl'LKMKNTS, Etc FOR S.^LE â€" M.-H. No. 5 binder, 6-foot cut, in fair condition; G.-E. battery radio, 6 tubes. â€" Cecil Alexander, phone 41w2 Flesherton. FOR S.ALE â€" Sewing mnchine, elec- tric portable, excellent condition, complete set of attachments. Ap- ply by phoheing 95v.- Flesherton. LOST â€" Friday night, Aug. 1,3, on 8th line fill. Varden reel with tap- ered line. Reward. Finder please jnntHyG. B. Welton, Fle«herton. STRAYED â€" From my preimises in -Flesherton, Iwiy mare, on or about Wed., Aug. 4. Finder please not- ify L. W. Facey, phone 26J Flesherton. Ilp2 FOUND â€" Truck tire and wheel. Owner prove property and pay ex. penses by applying between 6 and 8 p.m. any night to Sam Croft, Flesherton. Ilp3 FARM FOR SALE â€" loO acre farm Lots 1G6-167, 1 S.W., Artemesia, . 2 miles south of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway.â€" L. R. Thistlethwaite 38 Rooseve lt Rd., Toronto. &t.f. FOR SALE â€" Pine, upn^g and ba|- sam lumber 2x4, 2x^, 2x6, 2x10, ,.^*^2 and a quantity oif inch lum- ber. Ileasonable price. â€" H. W. Hobbs, Proton Sfaton, phone 196J1 IHinJalk. jlpO D. J. GILLIES will sell by public auction on l.ots 14-15, 3 S.D.R., Artemesia FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1948 the following, at 1 p.m. : HORSES â€" Matched Team Black Percherons and Blood, 5 and 6 years old; Chestnut Yearling Filly. CATTLE â€" Red Durham Cow, S .ears old; Hod Durham Cow, 7 years old; Re,i Durham Cow, 4 years old; Brindle Cow, 4 years old; Holstoin Cow, 4 years old; Herofoni Cow, 7 years old; Hereford Heifer, 2 years old; Grey Durham Cow, 3 years old; Jersey Cow, 8 years old; (.All above milking and bred again); Durham Heifer, due in February; 5 Yearling- Steeis; Holstein Heifer; 11 Spring; Calves; 2 Early Calves; Polled An- gus Bull, 1 year old. PIGS â€" 11 Chunks of Pigs, 3 months old. IMPEENTS, Etc. â€" Ford-Fergu- son Tractor with Plow and Cultiva- tor, 11147 model; M.-H. Hay Loader No. 8; M.-H. Binder; Wagon Box; M.-H. Disc 16 Plate; M.-H. Potato Planter; M.-H. Potato Digger; Slock Rack; Buggy; Cockshutt Fertilizer Drill 13 disc; Cockshutt Mower 6 foot cut; Cockhutt Hay Rake, lO-ft; Rubber Tire Wagon; Flat Hay Rack; Set Sloop Sleighs; Other Hay Rack; Wood Heater; 2,(K)0-lb. Scales; New Logging Chains; Set Light Sleighs; Walking Plow, 2 furrow; Gutter; (All Implemeiits are nearly new); Churn; Set Team Harness with Breaching; Set Single Harness; Set of Slings; Saddle; Electric Cream Separator; Cream Separator; Fann- ing Mill; Wheelbarrow; and numer- ous other articles. TERMS â€" All sums of $10.00 and under. Cash; over that amount G months' credit will be given by furn- ishing joint notes satisfactory to the Bank of Commerce with interest at 5 per cent. Tractor to be two-thirds cash, balance on sale t:nns. â€"GEO. E, DUNCAN, Auctioneer S. Acheson & A. Chard, Clerks. A gangster's son often follows in his father's fingerprints. A goid golfer often is known Vy the club he blongs to, or the ones that belong to him. AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Mrs. Laura Neubauer will sell l)y public auction on' LOT 10, CON. 4, ARTEMESIA IV4 miles North-west of Ceylon THURSDAY, AUG. 26, 1948 tlic following at 1:30 p.m. Wi'iting Desk; Hoover Sweeper, like new; Baby Wicker Stioller, like iijw; Small T:'l)k's; Dressers; Elec- tric Cabinet Radio Stewart- Warner; 3 way Portable Radio, new; Kitchen Cabinet; 3 piece Carcassian walnut Hi'dioom Suite: dresser with niirroi .32x42, chiffonier with mirror 20x28, dri'Ksimg table, mirror 20x30; Up- i-ight Piano and bench, "a McPhail made in US. A.; ;} piece Mahogan> Bedroom Suite: dresser, Chiffonier, dressing table with large mirrors; Twin Beds and Double Beds com- plete; White Dresser with mirror; 2 Book Cases; Electric Utensils: lamps, toaster, coffee pot, iron; El- ectric Washing Machine; Hand Washing Machine; Mantle Clock; Kitchen Clock; 3 9x12 Bigalow Rugs with pads; 2-piece o erstuffed Liv- ingroom Suite, marson mohair; Up- holstered Tapestry Chair; Library Talble; Diningroom Suite: table with 3' boards, full size pad, 6 chairs and buffet; Small Buffet; Stepladder, High Chair; Small Kitchen Radio; Porch Glider; Lawn Chairs; Laanps; new (Beach) Range, coal or wood; 11 yards Hall Carpet (Bigelow) 27 in. wide with padding; Cedar Chest; Cedar Chest 125 years old; 2 pair Lined Drapes; Pictures; Chairs; Mirrors; Books galore and numerous other articles. 15 Cords 14 in. Diy Wood; 5 tons Hard Coal; Quantity mixed Oats and Barley; WTagon; Mower; 3 Rolls of Woven Wire; Steel Posts; Axe,; Saw; Shovel; Scythe and Snath. UVBSTOCK â€" i6 Oxford Ewes; Reg. Oxford Ram; Geese; Hens. TERMS â€" Cash. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer Art Chard, Clerk FOR SALE â€" L: rge kitchen range, good resei-%'oir and oven, burns wood or Alberta coal; heater, woad or Alberta coal; large iron gate; washing machine, can be run by power engine. â€" Beatrice Thistle- thwaite, Flesherton. ilp2 WANTED â€" Reliable man as dealer around Flesherton. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitaible business •where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Prod- ojcts furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-H-205-163, lllontreal, Que. i Ot- CARETAKER WANTED For the Beaver Fishing Club â€" commodious farm house, barn and stabling, running water and electric light. Anyone interested apply to A. C. Snively 15 King St. West, Toronto or see Mr. Randall at the property. STALLION FOR SERVICE Premium Black Percheron Stal- lion "Don's Emblem," enrolment No. 2401 for service at the stable on Lot 160, 2 N.E., Artemesia. ROSS STEVEiNS Phone 3)iJ2 Flesherton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITOUS. Ete. •phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Stock up on these MONEY-SAVING Grocery Specials CP:YL0N BULK BL4CK TEA 79c LB. AUSTRALIAN RAISINS 2 LBS. 29c STANDARD PEAS 2 for 25c BOILED MEAT DINNERS 15 oz 25c EACH 4 LB. PAIL HONEY < $L19 EACH PUMPKIN 28 oz 2 for 2Sc CUSTARD POWDERS 5c EACH RED PLUMS 30% Sugar 2 for 27c A.SSORTED SOUPS .„.,. 2 for 15c TOMATO JUICE, 20 qz.' :...,.^.. 2 for 19c APPLE SAUCE, 20 oz. ;....;. 2 for 25c GRAVKIS' APPLES, 28 o», , 19c EACH FANCY SANWICKE BISCUITS .>. 35c LB. 80-90 PLUMS 2 LBS. 2.5c. WHITE WINE and CIDER VINEGAR 45c GAL. A88orte<PPIE CRUST, PIES & ROLL MIXER .... 23c to 29c pkg. DATE and NUT BREAD, 8 oz. tin 2lc TIN PEANUT BUTTER. 16 oz. jar 35c JAR ( ATILLI SP.\GETTI, 20 oz. tin 2 for 29c VEGETABLE SALAD, 20 oz. tin ^.. 2 for 29c LARGE TIN TOMAtOES, 18 oz 23c EACH CREAM .STYLE CORN. 20 oz 23c EACH FARM FRESH E(;G POWDER 57c PKG. EG(; SI BSTITUTE. i lb. tin 29c CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS 45c LB. OLD POTATOES '. 15 LBS. 25c I Mrs. F. Taylor and Donald were in Toronto over the week end. Mr. Bruce Thurston of Wiarton spent Sunday at his home. Mrs. C. Douipe and F>a spent the past week visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Akins of Toron- to spent a feiw days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Akins. Miss Pauline Laxton of Montreal' is visiting her grandmother, M'rs. Lawrence. Mr. and -Mrs. A. E. Bellamy spent the past week in Toronto with the former's brother. Bob Bellamy. .Miss Pauline O'Brien of Oakville is visiting her unck; and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Macavish. Cpl. and Mrs. Ward Gammell of lOxeler visited with Mrs. R. Bentham on the weeik end. Miss Kate Macmillan spent a feiw days last week with a friend at her cottage at Minden. Miss Jean McCracken is spending â- i couple of weeks in Toronto and W.itford. Mr. and Mrs. Harol Bates and daughter, Beverley of Hamilton vis- ited last week with her mother, Mrs. J. J. Brown, and sister, Mrs. Arnold Bowler. Rev. A. G. and Mrs. Macpherson and family are spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. Macpherson's par- ents at Douglas, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Merv. VanZant of TBVnto spena a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ottewell. Miss Genevieve Milne is relieving in the Bank of Conwnerce in town, while Miss Jean McCracken is on holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McKee aid Mr. Vance Jarrett of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Oscar McKee and Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McKee of Haonilton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jajmieson of South Porcupine and Mr. and Mrs Robt. McCaskell of Toronto are hol- idaying at the Jaimieson home for a couple of weeks. Dr. Robert and Mrs. Morton and family of Pittsburg, Penn., have been visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Wm. Morton, who accompanied them on Monday for a vacation at Lake Rosseau. Dr. and Mrs. Turnbull of London Miss Wendy, nurse in training in To. ronto. and David visited M^r. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan over the week end and called on friends in town on Monday. They_ were on their way to French River for a vacation. The 4-2nd annual rally of the Grey County Women's Institute will be held at ."Vyton Community Hall, on Friday, Aug. 20th, with sessions at 9:45 a.m. and 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. (Harrington,, fir. and Mrs. Vic Vlggers and Rickey of Sarnia called on friends in town on the week end, while enroute to Bauble Beach for a holiday. Mrs. D. Boudreau of Newmarket has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Russell .Andrews the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Andrews and family of Toronto were week end visitors at the Andi-ews hoime. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. McCoiTOick of Yorkton-; $a«k,, have been visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Braokenbury, and are leaving this Wednesday morning on the re- turn trip by motor. The Woman's Missionary Society took the sei-vice in St. John's United Chuiich on Sunday; .under the lead- ership of • the president Miss Kate Macmillan, ably assisted by M«"s. â- Wm. MacMillan, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. E. Betts and Mrs. P. Duncan. NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10.00 FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS According to size and condition â€" Small animals removed free. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER INCOxNSIDER.VTION COSTLY Sidewalks may have to be provided along all rural highways at some time in the future. They would cost an enormous amount of money and pi'obably would introduce a compli- cating factor into the problem of road improvement. If sidewalks along rural i-oads are not to become imperative, a way will have to be found to protect pedes^ trians from motor speeders and road hogs. People afoot have equal rights on the roads with automobiles. Yet there are lai-ge numbers of drivers who ignore ped^trians' rights, imperil their safety and seem to take a delight in ibes^attering them with m'Ud or covering them with dust. Considerate drivers there are, but they appear to be few, and the walk- ing on the public highways is in grave danger from the large number of inconsiderate ones. â€" Hanover Post SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL PERSONS having nny claims or demands against the Estate of LACHLAN Mk;KEJsZlE. late of the Village of Feversham in the County of Grey, Gentleman, dec«esed, who died on or about the 16th day of March, .A.D. 1948, are required to forward their claims duly proved to the undeisigned Solicitor for the Estate, on or before the 4th day of Seiptemtoer, A.D. 1948. AND further take notice th after such mentioned date, the Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the assests of the estate amongst t'- parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to sucih claims as they will then have notice of. Dated at Collingwood, this 24th day of July, A.D. 1948. â€" iMIALCOLM McLEAN, Esq. Collingwood, Ont. Solicitor for th* Executors of the Estate of the said deceased. F. H. W. Hickling DEPARTMENT STORE Smart Patterns in Dinner Ware in KngHsh Dinner Ware. Dinner ware has been in short supply for a long time, and we were fortunte Just now we have a nice assortment of smart patterns to secure these. 50 Piece Sets $15.50 40 Piece Set $19.50 53 Piece Set $24.75 53 Piece vSet $39.50 66 Piece Set $39.50 97 Piece Set $39.50 A new assortment of English Bone China Cups and Saucers now on display Men's Odd Trousers A shipment hs just arrived which enables us to offer an exceptionally wide choice 'in Men's Odd Trousers. The range of sizes runs from 30 to 44 waist measine and comprises Tweeds and Worsted Cloths in good smart patterns. ALL REAvSONABLY PRICED NEW FALL SUITING SAMPLES IN THE ORDERED CLOTHING SECTION DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Oraduate of Toronto UniTeraity Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Fleaherton CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of Marrisge Licenses CONVEYANCER Willi Mortgagee, etc. Deeds Agreements A commitsiomer for taking affidavits Office, Toropto Street, Flcsiiertoa JUST ARRIVED \ Large Shipment of Floor Coverings I 6 'F widths in Inlaid, Jaspes, Moires, Canvas Back I 6 ft., 9 ft. widlhH in Felt Base Landca«treum. I A wide telection of patterns. I LAIVDCASTREUM SELT BASE RUGS I Sizes 6x9, 7>/}x9, 9xWVt and 9x12 i F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. I Phone 7 Markdale THERE'S ROMANCE IN OLD QUEBEC ...YOU'LL ENJOY GOING BY BUS 1r^..mm. FARES ARE LOW ROUND TRIP TAX INCiUDED Quebec $29.60 Montreal $20.80 Sherbrooke $26.00 (Subject To Change) Tickets and Information at BODEN'S SERVICE STATION 9 â- f r -^â- â‚¬-1 -1*

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