Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 25 Aug 1948, p. 8

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Wednesday, August 25, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads POB Su'VLE -- ytung P'lf» ready to go. â€" ^Robt. Thomptcn, phone 73ja Fleshtrtoc. lZc2 8MALL BEGIN^NINGS JTANTES) â€" Anâ€".j Double t«i mink and fox itA. â€" JBert Hclnt<Mb FOR SALE â€" Dressed hens.â€" Mrs. Jas. Steu-art, phone 33^4 Flesh- enf)ii. I2c2 NOTICE â€" OustoTO plowing and discing. â€" Grant Say era, R. R. No. 1, Price^nlle, phone inir)ii.m 273J1. FOR SALE - Pony. 10 years old, weig'hs about 500, <iuiet; also har- ness and saddle. â€" Robt. Ward R. R. 4 Fleshcrton, phone '74J3. FOR S.^LE â€" 29 Oldsmobik- coach. AppJy to Mrs. Eldiidge Boyce, CoJlingwood or Boyce Garage, Enccnia, phone 119Jl Flej-herton. PX)R SALE â€" Sewing machine, elec- tric portable, excellent condition, coroplete set of attachments. Ap- ply by phoheing 95-w Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Renfrew cream sep- arator and Philco battery radio in â- first class condition. â€" Harry Akins phone 41J2 Flesherton. I3p2 LOST â€" Friday night, Aug. 13. on 8th line fill, Varden reel with tap- ered line. Reward. Finder please notify G. B. Welton, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 1938 V- Fordor Sedan, good condition, good tires, Kasonable. â€" Harold Fenwick, Eugenia, phone Feversham 9r21. FOR SALEâ€" ]<t33 Master Chevrolet sedan or 1984 Master Ghev. sedan, in Tnuch better than average con- dition. â€" Clifford Allen, R. R. No. ". Flesherton, phone 45wl. 13c2 FOUND â€" Truck tire and wheel. O-A'ner prove property and pay ex- penses by applying Inrtween 6 and 8 p.m. any night to .?am Croft, Flesherton. Ilp3 A teaketjle singing on tihe stove was the beginning ot the 8te«m en- gine. A shirt waving on a clotht^ine was the beginning of a ballooii, the forerunner of the Graf Zeppelin. A spide web strung acroag a gar- den path sugi;ested the Binpen&i*n bridge. A lantern swinging in a tower wag the benrinning of the pendulum. An apple falling from a tree wa« the cause of discovering the law of gravitation. If you think you can't do very much, an<l that the little you can do i.s of no value, think of these things. The follow who waits for things to turn up may find that his toes do first. AUCTION m FARM STOf K. IMPLEME.NTS FARM FOP, SALE â€" lOO acre farm Lots 166-167, 1 S.W., Artemesia, 2 miles .?outh of Pleshert^n on No. 10 High-way.â€" L. R. Thistlethwaite 38 Roosevelt R(i., Toronto. 5t.f. WOOD FOR SALE â€" Hardwood slabvrood $25.00 for truck load de- livered; mixed so'twood $20.00; approximately 8 cords per load. â€" Walter Playter, phone 146J at Markdale. 12p8 FARMS FOR jSAlJE CYRUS SHORT Lot 8^ Con. 13, Osprey will sell by Public Auction on WED, SEPTEMBER 1, 1948 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES â€" Mare, 12 years old; Mare, IS years old. CATTLE â€" Black Cow, 6 years, due in Jan.; Roan Cow, years old. bred; 2 Spring Calves; Heifer 4 yrs. old, due in iMarch; Roan Cow, 5 yrs. old, calf Jit foot; Roan Cow, 2 years (lid. calf at foot; Red Cows, 5 yrs. old, calves at foot; Red Cow, 6 years old, calf at foot; 2 Red Cows 7 jrrs. old, calves at foot; Red Cow, 8 yrs. old. calf at font; Spotted Cow, 5 yrs. old, calf at foot; rt Jersey Cow, 6 yrs. old. calf at foot; 2 Part Durham Herefoi-ds. !» years old_ calves at foot; 2 Hereford Cows, 6 yrs. old, calves at foot; eHreford Cow, 7 years old, calf at foot; Hereford Cow, 8 years old. calf at foot; Hereford Cow, aged, calf at foot; (Cows alF supposed in calf. Calves run from 200 to 500 Ihsl-' 3 Yearling Cattle; Yeai-ling Hereford Bull; PIGS â€" 2 Young Sows. I.MPLEI.MENTSâ€" M.H. Hay Rake nearly new; M.-H. Mower, nearly Inew; 2 Wagons; Set 2,000 lb. Scales; JDeoring' Binder; Set Iron Harrows; 1 2 Single W'alking Plows; Hay Rack; jSet Heavy Sleighs; Scuffler; Cutter; jStonoboat; Wheelbarrow; Pig Crate; I Colony IIousi; New Scythe; Number I of Sap ids and Spiles. I HARNESS - Set Double Harness; Set Single Harness. HOUSE SUPPLIES â€" Renfrew Washing Machine; Lawn Mower; 8- piece Diningroom Suite; Lawn Mow- er; Churn; Radio; Quebec Hgater. TERMS OF SALE â€" Cash. â€" G£iO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer SWINTON PARK Mr. and Mrs. Lome MciHurdo of Owen Sound spent Sunday at the home of Fred Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMillen ) have returned to Toronto after th«lr holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McLeod vent the week end in the Park. Mr. and Mrs". Harold South and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Copeland of Mea- (lowvale spent Sunday with the Knox and Hardy families. - Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Tressider and daughters of Toronto spent the week end at the home of R. S. Hardy. A number from our vicinity at- tended the McCannell reunion at the Dundalk Park recently. A few took ii< the music day at Fergus on Saturday. Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Symon are visiting their si.ster, Mrs. Geo. Por- ter, for a few days. Miss Reta Porter is spending ;i few days with Priceville friends. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fell spent the week end in Owen Sound, Carman returning home \vith them. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wright moved to their new home at George- town lastf week. Local aod Personal 1. 00 acres, food seven-room brick house, bank barn, fair cindition, fine spring with nice site for trout pond, bush with good timber. 2. 160 acres, good roads, fair build- ings, 15 acres bush. 3. 100 acres. Highway No. 4, good house, barn needs repair, garage at road, plenty of wood. R. J. PUCKEHrNC Real Estate Box 174 Priceville, Ont. WANTED - ReliaJble man as dealer around Flesherton. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business wihere Ranvkigh Products have been Bcld for years. Big profit.'!. Prod- ucts furnished on crwiit. Write Raiwleigh's, Dept. MLH.205-163, Montreal, Que. lOc STALLION FOR SERVICE Premium Black Peroheion Stal- lion "Don's Emblem," enrolment No. 2401 for service at the stable on Lot ICO, 2 N.E., Artemesia. ROSS STEVENS Phone 39J2 Flesherton HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS. EU- Phone 38 MARK DALE Mt. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from a to 8:30 p.m DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Qradnate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flccherton CHARLES J. BELLAMY l> MUNICIPAL CLERK Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCER Wilds Mort-gageg, etc. Deeds Atgreements A commiSBlomier for taking affidsvit« Of Ice, Toronto Street, Flesherton The most neede^l auto necessity these day.s i.s a large bank balance. FOR SALE COTTAGE LOTS GEORGIAN BAY On Colpoy Bay in Bruce Peninsula, birch tree sites, good fishing, spring water, ideal lots at bargain price â€" Wib Mallory, 71 Burton Avenue, Barrie, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of Lome Turvey, of the Village of Flesherton, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of Lome l\irvey, late of the Village of Flesherton, in the County of Grey, deceased, who died on the 5th day of August, 1&48, are hereby ' required and notified to send prepaid to the undersigned S(ilioitor< to the Administratrix_ on or before the l3th day of September, l!t48, full particulars verified by sta- tutory declaration. Immediately after the said 13th (lay of September, li)48, the Estate will be distributed among the parties entitU'd thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the Solicitors .shall then have had notive. Dated at Markdale this 21st day of August, A.D. 1948. â€"^HARRIS & DUNLOP, Markdale, Ont. Solicitors to the .Administratrix ! F. T. HILL & CO., Limited READY-TO-WEAR AT Greatly Reduced Prices LADIES' SUMMER DRESSES 25% OFF LADIES' SPRING COATS 25% OFF TEEN TIMER ALL-WOOL SUITS Resnlar $10.95 to $12.9.S Sale Price $8.95 iGirls' Ages 6 to 14 "Back-to-School JUMPERS and DRESSES Reduced 25 % JUSa^ARRIVED • New Fall Millinery for MOTHERS and DAUGHTERS Color- Fast, Floral iPattem Housedresses Artists' Smocks ' Priced for Immediate Clearance Billie Aiberdein spent the past veek visiting in Collingwood. Mr. Wm. McMillan of Port EUie spent the week end at his home. Miss Elsie Caswell of Toronte is visiting with Mrs. Frank Taylor. Mr. and Mas. E. D. Bentham aad family of Toront spent the week end with Mrs- R. Bentham. Mr. Ted Dixon of Timmins is vis- iting Mrs. Edna Reid for a few days this week. Miss Betty Henry of Montreal is vi sting this week her sster, Mrs. Ted MacTavish. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Stanley of York Mills visited o" Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins. Miss Echo Strutt of Shawville is visiting wih Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Mc- Killop. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross and Heather of Oshawa are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts. :\Ir. and Mrs. Alf Hill were recent visitors with their daughter, Mrs. Ed. Edmunds, at Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Stevens, Ken- nith, Jimimie :.nd Darlene of Royal Oak, Mich., spent the week end with .Mr. and Mr.s. Ross Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCauley and Mr. Barry Thurston will be the guests of the Directors of the Can- adian National Exhibition in Toronto at a luncheon this Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Menzies, Ar- thur and baby daughter. Linda, of Chatsworth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaittir- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quigg of Har- riston, Mrs. E. J. Swift and daugh- ter, Mrs. Robt. Montgomery, of To- ronto visited in town this week with their sister, Mns. Archie Stewart, and called on old friends; Rev. L. P. Kipp of Toronto si>ent a few days in town last week visit- ing old friends, who were very pleas- ed to see him again. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Huctwith and family of Watford spent the pa'^t week with Mrs. H.'s mother, Mrs. S. McMnllcn. and sister, Mrs. L. McCracken of town. Mr. Alex. McEachnie of Clarkson spent Saturday in to^vn while on his way to visit in Markdale for the week end. .Alex, informs us that Mrs. McEachnie is improving stead- ily from the stroke of a year ago and her general condition is greatly improved. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lawrence of .Agincourt were callers in town on Saturday. Mr. Lawrence was a for- mer principal of the local high school The monthly meeting of the W.I. will be held Wed., Sept. 1st, at the home of Mrs. M. Hass at 2:30 p-m. Hospitalization fees will be paid. Committees â€" Program: Mrs. Geo. Lawler, Mrs. J. Cook; Lunch: sand- wich, Mrs. Pinkerton, Mrs. Jamieson' Mrs. H. Fawcett; cake, Mrs. Hamil- ton, Mrs. Teeter, Mrs. Dargavel. NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10.00 FOB DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS According to size and condition â€" Small animals removed free. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phpne Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER Sleep is fine, but it's advisable these not to be caught napping. How can a piiblLc office be an honor if fools and rascals have held it. I LARGE SHIPMENT OF FLOOR COVERINGS Inlaids, Moires, Jaspes, Felt Base Many, patterns to choose from. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS VILI>AOE OP: FLESHERTON Owner of dogs in the Village of Fleherton will take notice that the dog tax is due to he paid at once to Wm. Kaitting. -^C. J. BELLAMY Clerk CEDARSIDE BAPTIST CHLRCH Rev. Wm. Alton White, E.D. Service next Lord's Day: Worship a 11 a.m., subject "The Cross be- comes us." Text Hebrews 7:26. Rrayer and Praise on Wednesday evening at 8:30 p.m. ROCK MILL BAPTIST CHURCH sei-vices next Lord's Day â€" Worship at 3 p.m. Church School at 2 p.m. Prayer and Praise service on Wed- nesday evening at 8:30. We welcome you to our services. LABOR DAY MONDAY, SEPT 6 SPECIAL LOW RAIL FARES Between all points in Canada and te all United States border points. FARE AND ONE-THIRD For the Round Trip Go: any time from 12 noon Friday, Sept. 3rd until 2 p.gj.Mon., Sept. 7. RETURN: leave destination not later than midnight, Tues., Sept. 7. Times shown are Standard MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children 'Oc Full particulars from any agent ^J| F. H. W. Hickiins DEPARTMENT STORE Smart Patterns in Dinner Ware in English Dinner Ware. Dinner ware has been in short supply for a long time, and we were fortunte Just now we have a nice assortment of smart patterns to secure these. 50 Piece Sets ; $15.50 40 Piece Set $19.50 53 Piece Set $24.75 53 Piece Set $39.50 66 Piece Set $39.50 97 Piece Set $39.50 A new assortment of English Bone China Cups and Saucers now on display Men's Odd Trousers .\ shipment hs just arrived which enables us to offer an exceptionally wide choice 'in Men's Odd Trousers. 'i'lio range of sizes runs from 30 to 44 waist measure and comprises Tweeds and Worsted Cloths in good smart patterns. Ahh REASONABLY PRICED NEW FALL SUITING SAMPLES IN THE ORDERED CLOTHING SECTION r % *1 I I 3f ANADIAN rNATIONAL ' EXHrBITION AUGUST 28 ko SEPTEMBER 11 (Except Sunday) Reducted Fare $5.05 Children â-  $2.95 Round Trip includes Exhibition Admission cutd Bus Transfer direct into and from the Grounds Leave Flesherton Leave Toronto 9.07 a.m. b8.27 p.m. b9.05 a.m. a 12.45 p.m. c 5:20 p.m. a: vSaturday only - b: Sunday and Holiday - c: Daily except Saturday Tickets and p O^ J^-^ Flesherton Informtaion from . . ^» DOQCn Phone 63 .* . '4

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