Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Sep 1948, p. 1

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JJ)je fkB\)txii'n 'Mmnct^ FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers^ nee r vast that much parent lestioD One in BO r that ressive 1 ques- h ether Rabin- lot be : fre«- cannot ain as iplains How ;es out Its rES ices at unday, rell, at ion, at alk, at South lU are istitute Tues., n mind ;ement [amess Runn- ub (20 school and in ,nce at isident; Signed Glenelg Petition In Error Is Claimed Anti-beverage room agitation has liten the order of he day in Glenelg Townshp during the past week. Pre- viously there had been a petition to open up a tourist resort at the Curly Lake, just north of Priceville, and it is said that a petition presented to the residents of the township had been signed by approximately 60 pel ct-nt of the ratepayers. It later developed that not only vvas it the inten.i.m tf start * tour- ist resort, but that a license to dis- pense beer was also to be made. As many who had signed the petition v.-ere strong prohibitionists, the ;.ftermath. when the discovery was made was. to say the least, re- markable. Meetings have been held in Zion United Church and also in the United Church in Durham to try and offset the damage done, and the work is still going on. Glenelg is not a local option ter- ritory but there is ik> beverage room license in the townshifp,, and has not been one since the hotel at Dornoch was closed many years ago. There is a feeling of resentment over the petition, which some allege did not say anything about a license, and a determined effort is now on foot to block the issuing of a license in the area. â€" Durham Chronicle. CEDARSIUE BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wm. Alton White. E-D. Sei-vices next Lord's Day. Wor- ship at 11 a.m.; Church School at noon. Prayer and praise service on Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock. BYPU, Friday 17th, at 8:30 p.m. TiOCK MILLS Baptist Church ser- vices next Lord's Day: worship at 3 pm.; Church School at 2 p.m. You will be welcome. We hear that they are going to- gether: long on spending and short on money. Osprey Council Sets Rates And Passes By-law For Community Centre Osprey municipal Council met in regular session on Saturday, Sept. 4th, with all members present. A petition, sponsored by Messrs. Jas. A. Davidson, David Graham and. Dougald Stephens, with the signa- tures of 190 ratepayers askinp' that an area bf refined on which monies could be levied by way of debentures for the establishing and maintaining of an athletic field. This was acted upon by the Council and the neces- siiry By-law was passed as required by the Community Halls Act, 1937 and the area defined for same was:- That area comprising lots 10 to 25, inclusive, in Concessions 4 and 5; Lots 1 to 25, inclusive, in Conces- sions 8, 9, 10, 11, i2 and 13; Lots 1 to 26, inclusive, in Concession 14, and all of the village of Feversham and Charleston. Byâ€" law No. 10, setting the rates for the year 1948, was passed, and are as follows: County (general) 10.6 mills. County (pupils) 2.9 mills: General School 6.4 mills; Township 12.;i mills; Federation of Agricul- ture .2 mills. These rates are a con- siderable increase over previous years which can onlv be accounted for by the incerase in waees, salaries and services demanded by the public. Genei-al accounts ordered paid: J Rdbinson. account E- Miller ^.17: Mr?. J. Smith, care E. Miller (Aug.) 63.10; Sheep claims: J. Murphy, $20, S. J. Arnott $5, T. Sayers $15, C Winters $14, L. Hill $14. C. Monagh- an $30. J. Thomson $40. Sheep valu- ers; L. Cox S2. W. Davidson $6. E Davidson $4. K. Hawkins $2.; C. L. Vanwyck, auditing accounts (Treas.) $118.20, .schoob $97.50: Municipal World, supplies *7.91; Dept. Heafth insulin $2.1)4; Letter Shop, supplies .$13.50: C. N. Long, attending at Court of Appeals $5: H. W. Kerna- han. insurance on office furniture $6. General Road -Accounts paid were: C. Winters, work with tractor $7.50; P. Priddle, work with tractor $19.50; M. Hannon. respairs to trader $6.25; R. Blakev. grader operator $87.50 account $4; Canadian Oil Co., fuel oil $48.51 : Dailv Commercial News, advt. $6.75: L. Hill, wire fence $13.40; G. Ottewell, account $2.50; H. W. Kernah.in. casualty insurance prem- ium $63.45; J. D. Adams Co.. repairs for grader $;i5.64: R. Londrv, steel posts $11.84; Pay Roll No. 9 $144.80. Council adjourned to meet Satur- day. Oct. 2nd. at 2 p.m. Funeral of Late Mrs. Guy •<~x-:-X"K~;~:k~x-><~X'<~w-w-w-j-*<-<~><'«>*'>«***^**<^ The funeral of the late Mrs. Sarah Guy of Flesherton, who passed awav ; On Monday, .Aug. ilOth, was held on ; Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 1, with service in Ma.\:well United Church at ' two o'clock, conduced by Rev. A. G- j Macpherson. pastor of St. John's j United Church, Flesherton. Max^veâ- l] ^ choir rendered a beautiful anthem, i Interment was made in the Ma.Ywell j Cemetery. . } The pallbearers were her grand- 1 sons, Thomas. Guy, Vem and Harry j Pallister, D. A. Winters and Everette | Lawrence, while the nephews carried â-  the large number of floral offerings 1 of sympathy and regard. j .Among those attending the funeral i from a distance were: Mrs. Mary ' Guy, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Earl! Robertson, Mrs. Moffat. Mrs. Norris. i Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fisher, Mr. and j Mrs. Ernest Radley. Mr. and Mrs j Don Radley, Mrs. Frank Youngs. Mr. â-  and Mrs. .irmour. Mr. and Mrs. Vem i Pallister. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Pallis- I ter. Harry and Guv Pallister, Mr ' and Mrs. W. .J. Yearly and family i Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wright, all ci i Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. Oman Bowers. ! Downsview: Mrs. Brillinger, Weston: Wm. McDonald. Thornhill; Mr. an.' M rs. D. .A.. Winters. .Mr. and Mrs. E. Lawrence, Thomibury: Mr. and Mrs fa.<. N. Guv. Midland; Mrs. Findlev i Mrs. J. H. Scilley. Mr. and Mrs. H. | Minke, Misses Viva and M E. Scilie 1 \\] of Dundalk: Mr. J. Donnan and ! son, Elmvale; Mr. and Mrs. J. Mor- ! rison, Mrs. Leslie Poole, Mr. and ' Mrs. R. Hill. Collingwood. POULTRY Xow that we are approaching the poultry season, bring your poultry in or have our truck pick them up. We rre paying top market prices for good pouhry, either Hve weight or dres:?ed, so why not have us custom-kill them for vou. CREAM w m m m iaking COOKIES 0ATME.4L SUGAR CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE bis This Weei< Cocoanut and Crushed Orange hovers Date Turnovers Cocoanut Squares 3W*s Bakery FLESHERTON Former Residents Back After 43 Years' Absence (By Vandeleur Reporter) Many friend and realtives of Ira and Howard Holley of Vancouver, B.C., who are visitine their mother. Mrs. VV. J. Holley, of Holland Centre and other relatives in the East, were pleased to »enew old acq^uaintances one day last week. Their cousin, W. G. Bowies, went to Holland Centre and accompanied by their mother, and sister. Mrs. Kentfick, and Mrs. Ira Holley, who was born at Duncan, and took them around the community and also to Meafoni. Thornburv and other points. The Holley family were former residents of this place and went to school here. Mrs. Holley Sr. was also raised here and was a sister of Mr. Geo. Bowles. Their visit to the old community was a real pleas- ure. Ira Holley went tn Vancover in 1'.H15, before his youngest brother, Ivan, was born and this is the. first tinirt.' he has been back. Howard went West in 1912. An unique event in the history of the family took plaCe on -August 2'.>th, when the family vk-as all together for the first time. Flesherton Leads In South Grey Softball Play-off Flesherton and Eugenia seftball team sare having a close race in the play-offs for the South Grey League championship. The teams have met twice with Flesherton taking both games by scores of 6-5 and 7-4. The first game was played Friday evening, but owing to lateness in starting, only seven innings were played. Flesherton had the game on ice apparently at the end of the fourth 6-0. but in the fifth Eugenia connected with Russ. .Andrews' offer- ings for six hits resulting in five run.* and in the next two innings they unable to score and Flesherton did I not take their seventh inning batt- j ing. Russell Andrews had eight strike-outs and Leslie Seeley four. This Tuesday evening the second j game was played with Andrews and i Seeley again opposing each other, i Eugenia started off well and scored i two runs each in the first and second ; inning, while Flesherton collecte<: ' one in the second and two in the i third, one of the latter being a homoi run smash thix)ugh centre field bv ' Jack Milne. "Hank" Best collected two home run and Ken Betts one. ' with .Milne scoring another home run On an error bv the Eugenia centre â-  lielder when the bii'l bounce*! oast, i Norm Genoe pitched in the fourth, and fifth' innings. Notes: Leslie Seeley. besides being! a iTond pitcher, broke out into his old i batting strength in Tuesday's gamv ', and secured three hits out of four | tfips. Milne got three hits out of four trips to the plate. Best three out of four and Ken Beits three out of five, one a homer. In the first irami- Eugenia collected eleven hits to I Fle-hertbn's six and in the second o-ame both teams had eleven hits. Tom Bemrose pitched for Eugenia all sutmner with Seeley playing short, but blood poisoning in his hand benched him some eight weeks aso, but it is expected that he will hf ready to .go the next game, which will be played Friday evening on the Flesherton /diamond. We would advise our cream patrons to take care of their milk cows and stable- feed them, so as to keep the cream supply up, thereby reaping larger profits from your herd. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario <~:~>-k~vv><~:-:~:~k~:">':~:k~:~><~k«-x~v:~><~x~x~:~m~>«v><>«>«>4k~:~><^^ I : MEN WANTED Ase 23-35 Years Large progressive Textile Company has sev- eral openings for men willing to work shifts. Good starting rate paid, plus shift premium. Higher future earnings depending on ability. This is a real opportunity and only those seeking permanent employment need apply. Apply or Write Dominion Woollens & Worsteds, Ltd. HESPELER. ONT. Took Bowlinw Prize At Elora i II Messrs. Win Kernahan Howie Mc- C luley. Geo. MacTavish of town and Clitf Henry of Durham attended th» bowling touriianient at Eh'ia Mon- day and brxHiirht home the prizes for fifth place, a cocktail table each. They htid a high seore, three wins and .1 nhis of 24. while the first place winners had three wins with a phis i of 27. There wer(> IW vinks in th'' comnetition, the !ai-gest entry in On- tario this ye:ii-. anj half the games were played on the Guclph greens. A weoksgo this same rink went lo Oshawa. but did not place. Card of Thanks r Chap«l Dur clienteU without txtrs chatg*. pointed family reception rooms, orginist. and Maddocks UNtRAl CHAPEt U Kl 4344 IJnJte.^ CV>virrV» Nri*"t! Rev. A. fj. M,icnhw«or Minister "Come let us w'rshin and fii' down, let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker."'â€" Ps. !16. Ser\'ices on Sunday, Sknit. riih n- follows: 11 a.m., Flesherton (S.S. a- 1:1,'5 a.m.1: .< p.m.. Kneenia (S.S. .it 11 a.m.l Proton Station service is being: withdi-awn in favor of Bethel anniver'jary. Sund-av Scho<il will b held as usual at 2 p.m. The M. and M. committee of the Pasforal Charge is to meet in St .Tohn's Church basement on Mond-' evening, Sept. 1.1th, at R:16. A full â- itferdance is iimiportant. Some folk complain that there are no liberties left â€" perhaps because everyone is taking them. Have Maps of This Area From Dept. of Interior (By Vandeleur peP0rter> Ir was ihterestinir to. hear theart- de about Bowles- grulfy and how it ' ceivcd its. name en the map of j Canada, read oveu Neighborly News un Sunday- morninj!:. By the way, Messrs. Frank Davis and Howard l-'-'iam have secured copies of the !ii.w map showing this part of Grey (.'ounty. and it is certainly an intcr- estinir study.. Xot only is every road, river, lake, valley, town, village and hamlet marked, but also tho schools churches and even farm buildings. \'.\\\ the most minute deUiils, also ,v>> 'd lots and the land elevation. Th,' ;naD is published in section and 'li.' -.lint thc> local residents have se- cured is known as the "Markdale Section."' Public School Teachers In Artemesia Township S.S. No. 2, Mrs. Ethel McGee; S.S. No.3, Mrs. Lilyan Goheen; S.S. No. 4, Miss Marion Wilson: S.S. No. ti, â- .Irs. Mildi-ed Boice; S.S. No.. 7, Mrs. Irene Brown; S.S. No. S, Mrs. Flor- ence Lyons; S.S. No. y. Miss Chris- tena Hutchinson: S.S, No. 10, Miss Eileen .^itken; S.S. No. 11, Mrs Ruth Osborne: I' .S.S. 12, Mrs. Vlary Mc- Lean: S.S. No. I3, Miss Jovce I'atter- son; U.S.S. No. 15, Miss Dorothy Goldman; IT.S.S. No. 16. Miss Pearl Wilson: S.S No 17, Miss Jeanette Hass Flesherton â€" Miss Emma Oliver. Principal; Mrs, Marj- Bellamy. The family of the late Mrs. Guy wish to extend sinooie thanks and appreciatsofi 'to the friends and rela- tives for the many acts of kindness luring her illness and subsequent ieath, a'ld with special mention to the doctors 'and staff of Markdale Ho.-=- pltal, Rev. Macpherson and Mr. tlichards. You, toO, can afford a station wa- gt^TL. Just take any old car and nail a few boards on the side, and there you are. Recruiting Officer (examining: man fo)- the army^: "'How is it you are so small, my man?" Three-feet-six: ''I was brought np on shortbread and condensed milk." .â- V doctor favors a law ajrainst fao€ lifting. Wouldn't the ladies' faces drop if that haippened. •I" i Beatty Washers BOTH ELECTRIC & ENGINE-DRIVE MODELS N(n\' .W.\ll.Al]LE For Faster, Easier, Thriftier, Cleaner Washing BUY A BEATT.Y with the Safe Giant- Press Wringer BEATTY PRESSURE SYSTEMS HAY and BARN EQUIPMENT ~Duncan's Hardware Aibout the only use left for a nickel is to trade twc for a dime so you can buy sKunethinjr. Coal - Stoves Phone 54 - Bicycles - Electric .-\ppliances FLESHERTON, Ont.

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