Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Sep 1948, p. 4

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Wednesday. September 8, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Hesherton Advance PoblitlMd on CoUinffwood St., flaah«rton, Wednesday of eaek we«k. Circulation 1,100- Price IX.OO • year in Canada, paid in •dranee; |2 50 per year In the United States. J. THURSTON. Edi' : iioine of Mrs. Sam Fitzsimmons on Wednesday afternoon of last week/ with the topic "Success or Happiness or Both," beinjf taken bv Mra. Dane MuG.o. The president, Mrs. W. B I Johnston, presided and the roU call wa.s answered by each member don- atinir an article which was sold at a white elf'phant sale, the proceeds (if which ani()unte<l to $2.50. There was also a penalty of one cent an inch for the walsL-line measurement of the meml>ers, and the proceeds of VANDELEUR this was $;{-:i5. It was docided that | sale at the home of Miss Agrnes Mac- each memsber should lay $1-00 into! phail at Cfylon on &iturday. She the funds instead of havlnir the usual'- has sold hur property there and is sale of bakin«- Mrs. M«'l Buchanan muvimr to Leaside. To many of irave a readinjr entitled "My Comimj;] those present it must have seemed 2. It can let them go and bitivc public protest. Another possi^bility is that it will g'rant another relatively light in- IViliKht," and Mr.-;. Sam Fitzsiin iiions contributed a humorous road- intr, which were much enjoye<i. Elev- en mombiTs were present. Lunch was served hv the hostess, assiste(i by Ali-s. P'oster and Miss Myrtle Fawcott. A number from here attended the like the climax, or should we say crease shortly before the deadline. Mrs. W. C. Howies and dautrhter, Anna, Mrs. S. Fitzsimmons and Mar- fiyn, and Mise Myrtle Fawcett at- 1 tcndt-d the C.N.K. in Toronto. Mr. Sara Fitzsimmons and Mrs. | AnRUs Bowles visited the latter*s hi»band in hospital near Kitchener. Preparations are Iveim; made foi tfce anniversary services to be held In Vandeleur church Sunday after- noon and evening, Sept. 19th. B0T< Reynolds of Annan will be the jfuest preacher. Recent visitors with Mr- and Mrs. Loody Johnston were: Mrs. F. N Bowes and Douglas, Mrs. Milne and grandson, Jimmie Sheaff, Richard and Betinia Lewis of Toronto and Jack" Cottenden of Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Sr. havp re- turned to the home of Will Johnston, ater visiting: their duucrhter, Mrs, Mason, at Shrlburno. M&un. Andy and Veraon F«we«tt took a trip to Orinishy and N'iairar;> district last week. The September meetinR of the Wo- I's Association was held at the US for the NEW Tba wider, flatter traad diatribut«a I over a bigger area . . . test* prove It givea 84% mora mileage than tba big mileage Ooodyaar it replace* . . . it'a Canada'* moat popular tire. GOOD/Ve AR 2>^t^ D. MacTavish & Sons Flesherton, Ont. AUTHORIZED GOODi^EAR DEAIER anti-clima-t, of a note-worthy period in the history of South Grey. See Rent Lids Off In Canada By Next March with the qualification that the land- lord must give the tenant a two-year lease if he accepts. A Price» Board judge, who does a lot of travelling around the country, said recently he had found it was "the general opinion all across Can- eda" that rentals regulatioins will end next 'Manch 31st. He was Judge A. E. Doak of tbt boards rentals court. He spoke dur- ing a hoarinjr and he added that his oipinion was not based on fact, but "the government is anxious to get out of this rentals business, I guess.' Existing rent controls expire nc"ct March Si unless they are extended. One Prices Board official commented. "If Judge Doak says people gener- ally are feeling that way, than that's the way they are feeKng. No one is in a better position to size the situ- ation up. But it is no indication the government feels that way." The government is seom as haying these courses open: 1. It can ask parliament for an extension of the reat controls beyond March 3l3t. Honesty is still the best politics. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC REFUSE DUMPING ON ROADS fN ARTBMBSIA TOWNSHIP Alt persons are hereby notified to cease dumping tin cans, rubbiati o anything on the i-oadsiSes in Arte- me?ia Township, under penalty ol prosecution. â€" By Order of the Road Su?»t. f»X»W"M"X~W"M»<">'; ..x..X":..>->«H-:":~K~>':~:-:"X"W'***<«> % Koncy Special No. 1 Grade AMBER Honey 19c per lb. IN YOUR OWN CONTAINERS OUR FLESHERTON PLANT will be open to perve you September 15th to Sept, J 8th, each day and ea«h evening, until Saturday, Sept. 18, at 6 p.m. WHITE HONEY. 8 LB. PAIL |2J5 PARKVIEW APIARY PHONE 94J FLESHERTON, ONT. ♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ â- > » »* > » » > #♦ »»t K > m ♦♦> * »♦ >»♦♦*>♦»♦»♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦*♦♦ I y t t I t «> >- ** V "swasEWtafc ERES WHERE WE STMD >- / General Motors Deojers' ''Foursquare Selling Policy"" assures you a Fair Deal when you buy a new car et's bring this subject right out in the open. Many conditions still exist which encourage the **gray marketing" of automobiles. You don't like this â€" and neither do we. There's no law against "under the counter" deals •â€" demanding a bonus for early delivery. There's no law against loading cart with ac- cessories the customer doesn't want or need. There's no law against selling to buyers who make it their business to resell new cars at inflated prices. NO PADDING OF PRICES XT* guartmtea om tMivertJ prictt to amform wi$b tht mmth fsctmef's recommmdation tmd to co nu m notkmg bttt stmMUri charges which, of course, mclitde Sides md Excise Taxes. Yom receive en itemized bill of sele. All prices me en "Open Booh!* â€" $hey ere eveUable to yom end we sell et these listed fignret. NO LOADING OF UNWANTED ACCESSORIES All cers are offered with factorymsiaUed accessories only end prices are fignred to cover these. We pledge ourselves to add no "extras!' except those each customer orders â€" tmd to moid using "extras" to increase the delivered price. We wish to express our sincere appreciation co our loyal customers and friends for their patience in awaiting their turn for delivery of new General Motors cars. Although the popularity of General Motitnt cars is unprecedented, and the supply is lagging far behind the dematid, we arc doing our utmost to bo fair' sod equitable in their distribution. Buf we don'f do if because it's nof goocf business. All dealers buy cars at clearly established ftctory prices which with the exception of transportadoo, are the same, model for model, all over the country. All start on a fair and equal basis â€" and should therefore sell at these fair and reasonable delivered prices. So we're making public announcement of our code of fair dealing. Our foursquare selling policy, simply stated, i» this: TRADE-INS DESIRED- BUT NOT COMPULSORY We will take yom order for fntttre delivery, teithont reqniring a trade-in. However, we have many valned msedcar customers who also depend upon us to supply them with antomoMes. For this reason we wonld Uke to have yonr trade-in, end we!U give yon a fair and reatonahle allowance for k. NO COUUSION While we cannot prevent onr customers from reselling new cars, we wUl not knowingly be a party to snch trans- actions. Our only interest is to deliver new cars to bona fide customers. We present this pUtibrm because we believe it's good busineas to keep our customers informed. It's a platfacm (hat gives you a fair deal when you buy a new car â€" exactly the same kind of a deal and tKiataient you got before the war. If you w!ch additional informatian. it will gladly be supplkid by any dealer whose name it signed to this annoMMownmK. LOCAL DELIVERED PRICES of Canadian produced General Motors Cars including Standard Factory Equipment, five now typo low-pros- swro Tirss and Dominion Solos and Excite Taxes, but not including Licsnta Fee or Provincial and Municipal Taxes whore thoio apply. CBCVBOIST RaMU Oomlnloa Total Piic* Sain and Dalivand iMaTazM BxeiMTaxw Pric* STTLBHASTER - 118" WhMlbaa* Susinau Coup* tl3T9.77 S1U.23 tlStt.OO 5 Pa*Mai)«r Coup* 1454.41 191.39 1653.00 Town Stdaa 1464.08 199,94 1664.09 Sport Sadaa lS49.aO 211.10 176140 FLEETMASTEH - 116" Whaalbaa* S Paamngn Coup* 1537.H 110,14 174t.00 Town atdm 1551.90 J12.10 1764.00 Sport 3«lan ,lS3a94 - 22348 ltS4.00 FLEETLINE - 1 16" WIimUmm A*roa«dan „ 1591.70 si(.3o n9t.O0 SportmaatM SmUo. 1652.94 226.06 1179.00 OliDSMOBI&C SPECIAL SIX - 1 19" Whmlbaaa Club Co«p* tl9l7.44 S24I.S6 t206t.00 Club Swlaa 1927.95 JSaOS 2079.00 4 Doot S«Ua 1994.14 257.96 214100 HydramaHc D«v« la tntomai with OktamoMI*. at uKa coat PriOM tulijMt to ckaagt wilbout aoUc* FLOaMEltTOM OM-4tA D. MacTavish & Sons, Flesherton J ^ -r * N. t .:ii

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