Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1948, p. 1

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i ^l)je /kslj^riM ^40tiani;^* VOL. 68; NO. 16 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMER 15. 1948 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers^ t } m Car Burned On Street Late Saturday Night A car owned by Everette Wilson of Dundalk was completely destroyed by fire on Toronto Street aibout 11:30 p.m. on Saturday, as the owner was attending a dance in Flesherton. The fire was blazing fiercely underneath the hood when discovered. There was a short delay while the alarm was turned in and when the firemen arrived a couple of minutes later the inside of the car was a mass of flames, which were soon subdued by the fire apparatus. The chassis and tires were not injured to anv extent, but the body and the engine wiring was of no further use. Mr. Wilson told The .A.dvance that he carried coverage for fire. Future Events OPTICAL D. Campbell, Optometrist, will be at the Park House next Tuesday, from 1:30 toi 4 p.ni. Please call early. At Markdale. Tuesday, 28th. PIPE BAND AT KIMBERLEY Collingwood pipe band at Kimber- ley Friday night, Sept. i7th. Band concert 8 to 10 ipjin. Old-time danc- ing in the hall from 10 to 1. Ad- mission: 40 cents. CREDIT AUCTION SALE Unreserved Credit Auction Sale on Wednesday, Sept. 29th, of quality stock, including 31 horses, 25 cattle, 16 pigs, imiplements and household furniture, 2 miles north-east of Cor- betton. â€" Jack Grey, Prop.; Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Mrs. Mary McLachlan will hold an auction sale of farm ssock, imple- ments, etc., at Lots 49-50, Con. 2, Gl'enelg ^^wp., on Saturday, Sept. 28. See next week's ls»ue for full list. â€" Geo. E. Duncan, Auctioneer. C*^ U .AUCTION SALE Farm stock, implements, etc., on Saturday morning, Sept. 18th, at 9 otlook, on Highway 24, one mile south of Singhajmpton. Mrs. Eliza- beth Barker, Prop. â€" Geo. E. Dun- can. -Auctioneer. Where Is Mass Production And Mass Destruction Leading These Days? (By Vandeleur Reporter' Mr. T. Stewart Cooper, in his ill- ustrated address in the Vandeleur Community Hall a few weeks ago, made at least two statements that should meet with general approval One was that action should be taken to mark the birth places, or child- hood homes, within the county ol persons of note. He mentioned Sib Wm. Hearst, Nellie McClung, Cora E. Hind, Isabelle Lougheed and others, whose early life was spent in Grey County and who have achieved fame in one field or another. Not only is it the least we can do in re- cognition of services rendered, but would be an inspiration to the rising generation and good advertising for the county. Other places are not slow to capitalize on things of this nature. Just recently we read that in Prince Edward Island a memorial is being erected to Mrs. L. M. Mont- gomery, author of "Ann of Green Gables." The other statement wa.s "better care should be taken of our forests and wood lots." In this connection we might add that a forestry expert in South-Westem Ontario predicts that the majpie tree will soon be ex- tinct. The chief causes, re remarked, were mismanagement of the wood lot and the increase of disease. It is truly a heart-break to lovers ol nature to see he way in which some wood lots are being slaughtered, but at the same time a person cannot help but marvel at the efficiencv of modem loyiping methods. In this community, at the present time, the timiber is being taken from a farm in the valley and roads have been rr-ade down into ravines where it was difficult for horses and sleighs to go even in winter time. Huge trucks go right into the bush and in a few min- utes are loaded by a mechanical de- vice, with as man,v as 30 large logs. and within a couple of hours they are 40 or 50 miles away. Yes, this is an age of eflFiciency, with mass production and mass destruction but whither is it leading? FLESHERTON GREY LEAGUE CHAMPIONS Flesherton won the championship of the South Grey SofbBall League on Friday evening by taking th«. third straight gaiiie from Eugenia Trout Kings by the score lU-1. The two previous games re-sulttd in- the scores of (>-5 and 7-5. Errors on the part of Eugenia was the main cause of their downfall Friday night, as Tom Bemrose pitched a good game and had six strike-outs to his credit, to three by Russ. .\ndrews for Fle- sherton, but the' nine errors did not help his cause. Flesherton had seven his and Eugenia five, but .Andrews did not allow a walk and Bemrose gave three free passes, one of which lestilted in a run. In the three games the team batt- ing favored Eugenia with .251, aigainst an average for Flesherton of .244, but Ken Betts o£ Flesherton had the highest batting average of .o'S&, with Leslie Seeley, Eugenia, ne.x.t with .500. ''Hank" Best, Flesh- erton, and Lloyd Partridge, Eugenia, were tied for thii-d place with .454 average and Jack Milne, Flesherton fourth with .428. A home run on a technical strike- out was the oddest event we have seen this year. Jack Milne shot for first base when The Eugenia catcher dropped the third strike and was safe when the pitch went wild to first and into the outfield. Jack Dedication Of Conununion 1 Table At Feversham Church The dedication of a communion table in Burn* Presbyterian Church, Feversham, to the glory of God and in loving memory of Mrs. William Moffat, was made by her two daugh- ters, Mina and Gertrude. Burns Church was filled almost to capacity when Dr. Shein, assisted by the pre- sent student-veteran, Granville Tay- lor-Munro, held special service as memorial ""for all the saints who from their labors rest." Mrs. J. Cra\vford (Mina I attended the ser- vice to represent the donors of tht tfift, iierself and Mrs. W. A. Blaschke iGern-ude) of Preston, who was un- able to be present. Dr. Shein took his text from the prophecies of Habakkuk 3:18 (Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will juv in the God of my salvation). He show- ed a parallel in the promised despair and catastrophe for the people in the day of the prophet, to that of our own day of wars, new and heavy burdens, and pendinsr disaster. Hi pointed out that there were three reasons why the prophet could giv'.' I such a brave witness in the face oJ nich (lark prospects: he had a stead- fast faith in God: he appropriated Cod's view of history; he saw tha' j hi= life is governed primarily by ; moral and scriptural laws. Dr. Shein | even though exhibiting a highly in- : elleetual philosophy. speak.s a lan- Bom ^~ STODOLSKI â€" At Markdale Hos- pital on Fi-idav. Sent. 3rd 1348, to Mr. -.nd Mrs. E. Stodolski otf Price- ville, a SOI). The Home of . . Tasty Baking PIES CHERRY DATE RAISIN FRESH APPLE COOKIES 0ATME-4L SUGAR CAKES LIGHT CHOCOLATE went to second and kept on to third I uuage that the christian lajTnan finds rounded thii-d base and the throw-in most challenging. "Prophets of old from the outfield again eluded the I contrary to popular opinion, were catcher and Jack scored. Just an- | not fortune-tellers, but men who other of those things which helped j spoke the 'Thus saith the Lord' often to lose the ball game and can happen' against heir o^vn wills"; and ''Social to any team. FoUowin"- is our scoring during the three games for times-at-bat hits and batting percentage for both Eugenia and Flesherton: EUGENIA At Bat Hits p.c Leslie Seelev .... 10 5 .500 L. Partridge 11 6 .464 Bob Clark 13 5 .385 Doug. Cairns .... iO 3 .300 L. Russell 10 3 .300 G. Breadner 8 2 .250 Fred Boyce 13 3 .230 Don Smith 5 1 .200 Thos. Bemrose ..7 1 .143 Geo. Bemrose .... 5 .000 B. Benson 2 .000 yospels of our day are often just childish 'Whistlings in the dark to keep GUI- courage up"." were two of the statements made by Dr. She'>- who preached a powerful and grip'p- ing message from the Scripture^. The peo- 'e of Feversham communitv will remember him and his term of service for his quiet and effective re- sults in new appreciation for the things of God. â€" Cent. FLESHERTON At Bat Hits p.c Ken Betts .... 13 7 .588 B. Thurston .. 2 1 . .500 Harold Best .. .... 11 5 .454 Jack Milne .... .... 14 6 .428 R. .â- Andrews .... .... 11 3 .272 Bob Tuvney .. .... 7 1 .143 C. MacTavJsh .... 8 1 .125 F. Pannon .... 9 1 .111 Norm. Genoe 9 1- .111 Bob Phillip.-; n .000 B. Dargave] .. .... n .000 Flesherton Greatly Reduced Hydro Allotment For Flesherton Hydro Commission has received instructions from the On- tario Hydro Commission to drasti- callv reduce the amount of electricit% used in Fleshei-ton until further notice. The new regulations were read at the meeting of thn Vilhigo Council Monday evening. Last year Flesherton was allowed to use 1200 killowatt hours from Monday to Fri- day, and this year the amount has been re<luced to '<00 k.w. This mcuns that every householder and user uf power will have to keep otf as n- 'tw light.s as possible and use power .•<•- cnomicaliy if thr desired saving is to be achieved each day. otherwise power may have to l)e cut off at cer- tnin houis each day. The new regu- „, Ti . 1 ' -iiti^^"^ were published in last issue l<lesherton and Dundalk are play- ; ^f The .Advance and hydro consum-* ing a post-season series of the best ,,rs are ui-ged to look over their copv Flesherton 6, Dundalk 3 Specials This Week CAKES â€" Spice Cake and 'Bajisna Cake also Apple Sauce Turnovers Date Turnovers Dato Squares Cocoanut Squares Scarrow's Bakery Phone 60 FLESHERTON , in five games and the first was â-  played in Flesherton Tuesday even- I ing, with Flesherton coming out on top 6-3. The locals scored three in I the first, two in the second and one ; in the fourth, while Dundalk put a Jesse Grununett Hale And i run across in the fourth on two hits ' 1 ;iiiii an error, and in the ninih they ' counted twice on two hits and two U'irors. With two en in the ninth j and two runs in Bus Springgay. who ; had three hits out of four trips t'.' the plate missed his chance for glory when he hit a long fly to Bannon in left field with two away, which ended the irame. .A home rim woul.'' have tjed it up. Bob Phillips v,-is the "Kinir of Swat" in this gam with thrie hits out of four. The big three on the local team onlv hn.l o'- hit between them out of fourteen times at bat. Not so good The next ga:iie will he nlave j Dundalk Friday night at S p.m. n; der the flood-lights. ly Our Chapel is at th« disposal oj|.c°ur clientele without txtra charge. It contains weVi-appointed family reception rooms, Including «|?^an and organist. ates and Maddocks f-UNfR/iL CHAPEL l24AvpnueRd KI.4B44 THIS TfME BARBER GETS TRLM .-V man walked into a barber .shoi: shop at Fort Erie with a small boy and had a hair out. shave and sham- poo. He breezed out, telling the nnd become familiar with th«' ref 1- lations in which they must com.olv. Hearty At 90 Years Of Age (By Ma.xwoll Reporter) We extend our congratulations to Mr. Jesse Grummett, who celebrated his uOth birthday on F'ritlay of last week. Mr. Grummett is hale and lit;:rty and able to lock afer his (|uite lairge .irarden iiimself. which wu iiopc- ho will be able to keep on planting ^uch spring tor many more yeai' fb come. Mitchell Family Re-United â- â- Â»*«»*»Aj.V»Vt%'«-i«VA«*«»*M»****«AAA»*ja*jA.*--*-- *- -*- -• --*-- »--•--»â-  -*- -*- -»--*-->- -* --*.a*. -*--*-- »--*--• -•â-  -*- -*â-  -»- -*--*â-  A 1*1 A POULTRY BRING YOUR POULTRY TO THE FLESHERTON CREAMERY. or Have our Truck call and pick them up. We pay top market prices for both live and dressed poultry. If you w-ish to sell them dressed, have them custom-killed at the Creamer}-. We accept poultry any day of the week except Saturday. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avia, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario â- : MEN WANTED Age 23-35 Years Large progressive Textile Company has sev- ersd openings for men willing to work shifts. Good starting rate paid, plus shift premium. Higher future earnings depending on ability. This is a real opportunity and only those seeking permanent employment need apply. Apply or Write Dominion Woollens & Worsteds, Ltd. HESPELER, ONT. Leg Broken While Playing Look At Your Label Little Elizabeth Thomson, dausrh | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Bmersim Thom- son, had the misfortune is break a bone in her leg while playinK with a friend in town on Friday. The wa ridinjr a bicycle when she fell otf and in some manner the bone was frac- tured. The lee was placed in a ca-t and ElJza.beth will be forced to re main out of school for a few weeks. The .â- \dvance mailing lists were corrected Mon<iay and all payments by subscribers up to that time should have been credited. If such has not been the case kindly let us know. There are a number in ai-rears and if your paper is due we would be fflad to receive your renewal, as with such hiffh prices prevailinsr t<idav we need every subscription paid in ad- ; vance. Your attention to your ren- r* A c Tu I i-'y-'ail wouKl be appreciated. Price of Card ot 1 hanks subscription is $2.00 per year. I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for their lovely gifts, cai-ds FLESHERTON L.O.L. MEETING treats and kiildnoss during my stay in hospital home. and convalescing at â€" Audrev Whyte. The regular meeting of Flesherton L.O.L. 2855 will be held in Fraternal , ^ . , on Mondav evening, Sept. 27. All .A.n Ohio reformatory pro^^des • . â-  •.. » radios for the cells. Making the former members and vvsitors ui-«ed Mr. Kendall Mitchell of^Chicago, George Mitchell, .\leda Mitchell and M:.-i Otto Clipperton, all of Toronto! wx're Cillers in town on Saturday ! :'n<! renewed old friendships. It was a plea-ure to see thorn again. Since W'.n was here the la^st time, prior to the death of his father, the late Geo. MUchell, he took a squadron of the nunishment fit the crime. I to attend. barber: "Fix up the boy and I'll settle I l-''ii>^'d States .Air Force to the pacific when I get back." The barber cut the boy's hair and as the lad w i!k • out. the baibir reminded him to wait for his father. "He'.^ not -nx <"alher," snorted the boy. â- 'Xe^tt'i . :aiw him befo.,-. He sU^tipod me on'"'" .vears 'he street and asked me if I wanted, I haircut." in the Xew Caledonia ai'ea. The abive four members of the family .â- â- I'd .Mrs. Geo. Goldsborough of St. Cri'harines were ti'trether in Toronto ;::i Sunday for the first time in over !â-  Engagement ^'â- '' Church Notes Rpv. A. G. Macpherson Minister Mr. and .Mrs. David Wil! am* an- nounce the engagement cf 'heir only daughter, Eleanor Pent! to Mr. Harold Franci.« Barnes, c- of Itfrs. Fred Hardv.'ick and the late Harvey Barnes of Eimr-nle. The marriage will take place earlv in October. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT DUNDALK F.\IR Thursday, Sept. 16th. Harness Races: open and 2:27 classe«. Runn- ing and Pony Races: Calf Clui (20 entries); free admission to school children in parade. Pipe Band to attendance. Concert and Dance at night. A. D. McAlister. President: Herb Corbttt. Secretary. I "Unconditional Sui render' is the I sermon theme for Sunday. Sept. 1!> :it Flesherton and hiistiogu. T^e I service at Eugxmia will be conducted hv Rev. Glen Eairle of Creemore at S:.'?0 p.m. Please noto the change of hour fov this seiwice. St. John's W.M.. m«>ets this Fridav ^ifternoon. Sept. 17th. at :! o'clock in the basement of the church. .\11 women ai-e cordially invited. .All voung people of St. .John's .ire nske<I to meet in the basement of the church on Monday. Sept. 20th. at S o'clock p.m., to organize a Young Peo^jle's Union. • MARKD.ALE FAIR DATES Mjirkdale Fall Fair is boine hold this year on Mondav and "Tuesdav, Septemib«-r 27 and 28. I Beatty Washers I BOTH ELECTRIC & ENGINE-DRIVE MODELS I NOW .\\.\!1,.\BLE I For Faster, Easier, Thriftier, Cleaner Washing BUY A BEATT.Y with the Safe Giant- Press Wringer BEATTY PRESSURE SYSTEMS HAY and BARN EQUIPMENT Duncan's Hardware | Coal - Stoves - Bicycles - Electric .\ppliances X Phone 54 FLESHERTON, Ont. |

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