Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1948, p. 5

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•«*. '» THE FLESHERTON ADVANCI- Wednesday, September 15, 1948 â- 4 s â- 4 t « ^ ^ r A" I r : I : â-  A 4 ; ^ .A ' *- M ». Supplies in Stock Deep and Shallow Well Systems,' Pumpa, Piping, Water Bowls, Windmills A complete lien of Stable Equipment FLEURY-BISSEL IMPLEMENTS Renfrew Separators and Stoves. Be sore to see the new Electric Cream Separator ROOFING ND SIDING A gecd supply of Roofing and Siding on hand at all times. 3 in 1 Winlock and Arrowlock 125 lbs. Rollbric Siding INSULBRIC SIDING â€" Red with white mortar line Jasper with white mortar line. EDGAR BETTS Phone 46J FLESHERTON, ONT. EUGENIA Mi-d. Oliver, Mr. McRobb and Mr. and Mrs. Wynejrarden and son. Win, of Brantford spent the week end with the latter's aunt, Mrs. Wm. Pinkeron, and Mr. Pinkerton. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKee and daughters, Mary and Isabel, and Mr F. W. McCarthy visited with friends in N'ottawa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe and fam- ily of Bracebridge were week end visitors in the village. Mr. W. A. Martin of Oakville, Misses Winneta and Carmelle Martin of Toronto and Mis Marge .Martin, teacher ni-'ar Singhampton, were week end visitors at their home. Mr. and .Mrs. Edwin Purvis and sun, Robert, of Toronto were week end visitors with the former's father Mr. Robert Purvis. The Martin family visited wit^ Mrs. T. Lever and Harold at Flesh- erton on Sunday. Mr. Jake Williams vi.sited with his daugrhter in Toronto the past week.- ence and Ernie Williams of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Partridge oif Hes- peler were visitors during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Miss Carmel ilartin of Toronto spent the week end at her home. Miss Patsv Stewart, accompaniii; 'by Miss Patsy Hargreaves i>f Owen | Sound, visited at the former's par- 1 ental home on the week end. Pai.sy , remained to attend high school. Mrs. Geo. Stewart, who spent a couple of we»k3 at the Stewart home returned to Toronto with her hus- band, who was a week end visitor. Mr. Burton Campbell and Mr. Gor- don Sttwart of Toronto vi.--it(,l fir p fe^v days at their respective homes. Miss Jean Tudor has gone to Rer. frew. where she h'.fs accepted a position. School re-opened Tuesday with 12 pupils in attendance. Mis.< Joice Patterson is in charge again for this year. ROCK MILLS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martin and two chidren returned home Sunday. after holidaying; for a week with relatives in the north. They werv accompanied on the trip by Mr. and Mrs. Everette Talbot. The Baptist Mission Circle will holJ their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Earl Croft on Tuesday, Sept. 21st. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Partridge of Gait were week end visitors with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited on Friday with relatives at Durham and attended the Fall Fair. Mrs. Ned Croft visited with friends at Bartonville, Grimsby and Hajnil- toii last week. Miss Iva JEntrish of Toronto holi- dayed for a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. .^lex. English. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hargrave. Mv Arthur Bailev and Mr. Jack Porteous spent a day at the CNE. Mr. Bill Laushlii has left fo> Shellburne, where h? has secure<i work. FEVERSHAM I A common loader is a good bad example. -An artist's wife was granted $100 monthly alimony â€" teort of a draw- ing account. -Mr. Eli Robinson, John Robinson, Misses Amelia and .A.nne Robinson, accompanied by Mrs. Dick Fadden and Jo .^nne of Barrie, spent a few i days at North Bay, where they at- j tended the post office convention, when Mr. Robinson was presented with a medal for long service as a postmaster. Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Hudson at tended the weilding Saturday even- intr in CoUingwood of their cousin. Miss Lillian Poole. Mr. and Mrs. Howard McKee snen a few days in O^ven Sound. School re-opened with Mrs. Frank Seeley as public school teacher and Mii^s Norma Lloyd for the continua- tion school. Mr. Chas. Weldrick spent a few days with his wife at the home of their dauerhter. Mrs. Wm. Fulford at Clarksburg. Mr. ^arry Burke and Mr. Oscai Deadman of Owen Sound visit'" with Mr-=. Geo. Burke. JMr. Chris. Thompson and Jas. Davidson visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson at Todmorden. Mr. Thompson remained for a visit. Miss Dwreen Weldrick is attending business colleg:e in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mr-=. Herb Eby and Stephen visited in Owen Sound on Sunda'-. The old story that it's the woman who pays no longer holds true. She has it charged. The office grouch says: "Why marry ".' I can hire a "cook; find siiiigl^e girls for company, and teach a parrot to nag me." Nature balances things. By the time a woman loses the charm ot girlhood, she is wise enough to eharm men of middle age. li two people disagree about an oral agreement they made, it is be- cause both were talking and neither Ifstening. Every man fails in some degree. Why worry over it? If failure was important, all losers in sports would crack un. NOTICE Take notice that I will not be re- sponsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Laura Plester, after this said date. â€"ROBERT PLESTER. Ceylon, Ont Dated August 3tlst, 1948. CAMERAS BOUGHT AND SOLD EXCHANGED OR REPAIRED REG. BODEN B-A Station FLESHERTON MAXWELL The W.I. held their regular meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Bert Port- eous on Thursday last, with a la. attendance. The roll call was wered with a pickle i-eei:"e. and Mrs. Porteous <;ave a paper on the cuttiii./ and care of cut fl»weis. .-Vrrange- ments were made for the annual mas- <uierade dance on Oct. 29th, in h of Hallowe'en, further particulars of which will be given in this oaper. Mr. Frank Kerton of Caletion E-is' visited his brother, Lewis, and sis- ter, Mrs. Hugh Fenwick. Mr. Roy Grummett of Toronto vis ited w'ith his uncle. Mr. Dannie Grummett, and Mrs. Grummett over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Kent and and Mrs. Earl .Axworthy of Kent- ville. St. Joheph's Island. vi.Mti' with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Ross on the week end. iVIr. and Mrs. Hugh Parker of De- troit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sled last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Ferris attended the wedding of Miss Lillian Poole at Collingwo<Kl Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. Telford Ferris spen' Monday at Niagara Falls. 8TH LINE. OSPREY PIANOS AH makes, some reflnished, with benches. If interested phone 196w2 Dundalk. W. BLAKEY PROTON STATION Miss Joan Crawford of Preston is visiting this week with her parents. .\Ir. and .Mrs. Cy. Crawfrod. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwick. Marion and Dorothy, were guests at the wedding Saturday evening in the Trinity United Church, CoUingwood, of Lillian, daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Poole, to Mr. Hugh Best of Niagara Falls, N.Y. Mr. Mervin Davidson spent a fev days in Toroiito the past week and attended the CNE. Mr and Mrs. Walter Lawler and f:;niily attended the C^E Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sephens. Mary and Jimmie. and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottawell visited on Sunday with Mr. Jack Coulter and Joan. Chatsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wright of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fenwick. Mr. Wm. Crawford has a position in the Bank of Toionto, Preston. He spent the week end with his Barents. IMr. and Mss. Wm. Blaschke and Ronald of Preston visited with her sUter. Mrs. .Tosiah Crawford, ovei the week end. % \ Shingling NOW is the time to look after your roofs and ^- to apply asbestos siding. Call Kay Roofins ft Shingling Corp., Ltd. Local Agent : C. B. Wekon, Fleshertoti (Last Week's Items) Mr. and Mrs Joey Williams, Clar READ . â-  HERMANN GOERING'S OWN STORY as dictated by the No. 2 Nazi in- his Last Months of Life VICTORIA CORNERS NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10.00 FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS .\ccurdiBg to size and condition â€" .Small a:'.imals removed free. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk l-ko â€" Re\ c.-^e Charges NICK PECONL OWNER { J Read It Every Day in THE OWEN SOUND DAILY SUN-TIMES Commencing Monday, Sept. 20 (Intended for Last W,-ek i Mrs. Georjre Ludlow returned from Orangeviile Hospital Friday evening after spending the past three days under observation. Monday morn- ing she returned to the hospital for further observation, pending a possible operation. We trust the trouble may not be too extensive and that Mr?. Ludlow may soon be re- stored to better health and an early return home. Durinjr her absence Mrs. .Albert Stinson, who came back to her home on Saturday after a month at Belfountain. wHll attend to the household duties and be a com- panion to her brother. Geors'e. Mr. .las. Walker and Miss WiWa Wills. Hamilton, were week errl inti holiday euests of the former's bro- ther. Sandy, and family. Week end and Labor Day :ruest.« in the home of Geo. Moore were: Mr. and Mrs, Walt. Arnold. Bobby and Pe-jgy .\nn. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Me- Grath of Buffalo. X.Y. Misse.s Doreen and Elda Reid ot Braniptcn visited during the week •nd with Mr. and Mrs. Russell I,;n ton and other relatives. Mr. Jos. Gallauarher attended the CXE the latter part of the week. Hi." little nephew, Keith Gallaugher. ot Wareham during that time sta-»'ri with his irrandparents, Mr. and Mrs Wilfred Gallaugher. Brincins her mother home fwm Belfountain on Saturday. Mrs. Bill Coon, lior husband and sons. Billie and Bnbby. of .\cton remained ove: the week er.ii and holiday. Mr.-i. Chrysler of Orillia is vaca- tioning with her daughter. Mrs. Jack Go'vanlock. The town hall, Dundalk. was the cent!-e of a satherin" of friends and pe'uhbor.; of Victoria Corners com- j niunitv (in Friday niarht. Sept. :?i-d. to honor a recent groom and bride. Mr. apd Mrs. Howard Gillies (Marjorie J'"kson) if Toronto. Miss Joico Patterson read an address of best wishes -mi, an envelope of money was pre-ented to the young counlei ^i^^. ^*^- '^f''^... In TWO short years we have added over 257,000 telephones, put in hundreds of switchboards and trained thousands of people to extend and improve your telephone aervios. We Eire adding more telephones to meet the continuing demand for service just as fast as equipment becomes available. All this is being done in the face of rising costs; Yet, up to now, there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 21 yetuB ago. For you, this means greater value than ever beforsi for us, the satisfaction of providing "the best telephone service at the lowest possible cost"; THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA HANDS AT WORK...,.,ow««,« LEARNING MACHINE ASSEMBLY Oi% JF 'vV KM WW i9 products are dmired and piircha«ed by people all over the world and the capacity to produce such goods largely detrrmiiira the economic welfare of every man. woman and child within her borders. BecauHc the sale of every article produced in Ontario brings valuable dollars into this Province, we all are more asoureu of job ju-curity . . . and we and our children can have more of the better thin|p) in life. But to produce such goods in sufficient quantities, skilled labour is vital. That is why evcrv single one of us should be glad that war veterana are coiistantiv being trained to provide the skilled hands so needed by industry. They receive ON THE JOB training imder expert instructors iu our Ontario facKiries. This training, provided through the co-operation of the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Federal Department of Labour and the Ontario Dj-partruenl of Educa- tion, starts the veteran on the road to skilled craftsmanship. In assembling business machines, for exam|ilo. veterans must have a thorough knowledge of eln'tricity and must learn to perform intricate work on pn-ei.sion machines having thousands of separate parts. I'lieAe Canadian-uiade busiu<-s^ machines are .sold in all parts of the world, creatin;; new wealth f«»r (.'aiiada and Ontario. Therefore every effort of these ne»i\ «killed veterans liel|>s to make Ontario a finer place in whi«Ai to live and coiitrimites to the Mflfare and happiness of all her citiaens. ^ THE BREWING INDtSTRY (ONTARIO) John N. West. 25. of Tortmto. a Royal C!anadiun Navy veteran, is siiown here making an adjustment to one of the 1().IXH) parts in a business machine designed for a New Zealand firm. Various types of burtiiiess machines uro pr(Nluc<.><l in Ontario fac- tories. Bei-ause of their in- tricate mechanisms it is es- sential that these machines be checked bv expert craftsmen at every stage of their production.

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