Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1948, p. 8

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Wednesday, September 15, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads; FOR SALE - 76 Hantd Rock rmll- ets. â€" J. Bnyd, phone 287J Durham. FOR SALE â€" Clyde maw, 5 years old. â€" Wilfred Majrte, phone 5r33 Feversham. i6c2 JAiJTED â€" AJiiin»l« sulUble fo! mink and fox feedâ€" Bert Mclntof.* Eug<em». phoD« Veftrahr i 5r2/ FOR SALE â€" lOO LtKhcm pullets 4 months old. â€" ^Norman Wjlliajns, Singhampton. FOR SALE â€" Black and tan fox hound, 6 years old, well broken. - G. B. Welton, phone 3 Fleshertoii. NOTICE â€" Custom plowing and discing. â€" Grant Sayers, R. R. No. 1, Priceville. phone Durhi.m 273J1 COAL YOUR FAVORITE FUEL PROMPTLY DELIVERED Sam Wright & Son Phone no MARKDALE P a R T L A W Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Garniey f Oi-ono were recent visitors with Mr and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts attended the CNE and visited with their fani ily in Toronto. Mr. and Mr.*. Fro Betts and Cheryl have been enjoyinf a holiday with Mrs. Letts' parent in Winiiipeir. Ml'. .Arthur Betts and "â- irl frier spent the week gid with the fonn it'.s parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt and Chester. Mr. Wes Plantt and Bob NiehoUs attended the CNE. Miss Mae Majuries and friend of Owen Sound visiti^'' with Evelyn p-iisi^ -r here. Bveiyn aceampanied them to Owen Sound and will work at the hospital there. I FOR SALE â€" 58 Light Sussex pul- lets.â€" Mrs. Wm. Campbell, Ceylon, phono I04w5 Fksherton. ]5c2 VOTERS' LISTS, 1948 VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON FOR SALE â€" Pony, 10 years old, weiphs about 500, quiet; also har- ness and saddle.â€" Robt. Ward R. R. 4 Fleshertor., phone 74J3. LOST â€" Truck license C43340, be- tween Priceville, Flesherton and Markdale. Finder phone E. Stod- olski, Fksherton ]39r3. ]6p3 FOR SALE â€" 29 Oidsmobile coach. Aipply to Mrs. EJdridge Boyce, Co]ling\\-ood or Boyce Garage, Bujjenia, phone IKUi Flesherton. IX)iST â€" Black and white collie pup, Bhort tail, answers to name "Pat." Finder notify Ken Wickens, phone 2(h-4l Feversham. I4c3 Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of ''The Vot- ers' Lists .Act" and that I have post- ed up in my office at Toronto Street, Flesherton, on the 11th day of Sep- tember, l'.t48, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Munici- pality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection I AND I hereby call upon all vot';vs t(i take immediate proceedings to have any omission corrected accord- ing to law, the last day of appeal l>eing the 5th day of October, 1943. Dated at Flesherton the 14th ('" of September. A.D. 1848. --CHAS. .T. BELLAMY. Clerk of Flesherton FOUND â€" In Flesherton some time ago, purse with small amount of money. Own*r can secure same at The Advance office. FOR SALE â€" 1931 Model A Ford sedan, heater, deluxe horns, doubU windshield wipers, sunshades. Ap- ply at 369-^th St., CoUingTvood. WHITEWASHINGâ€" Contracts tak- en for whitewashing barns, hen houses, etc. â€" Geo. Boyce. phone 9CJ4 Flesherton. I6c2 FOR SALE â€" Cockshutt 3-disc trac- tor plow in good condition, also a quantity of dry elm and spruce lumber, i and 2 inch.. â€" Laverne Morwood, Kimberley. I5p2 FOR SALE â€" Kitchen or dining- room suite, -walnut finish, buffet table and 4 chairs, practically new. â€"Mrs. Walter Rufsell, R.R. 1 Fle- EhcFton, phone 7.5\v5. 14<;2 FARM FOR SALE â€" loO acre farm L?ts 166-167, 1 S.W., Artemesia, 2 miles south of Flesherton on No. 10 Highway.â€" L. R. Thistlethwaite 3« Roosevelt Rd., Toronto. 5t.f. FOR SALE â€" Cows and young cattle Apply to Ellis Weber, phone 78Jo LADIES: READ THIS! Unwanted hair removed instantly from face arms, legs, with Flash Hair Remover. Harmless â€" leaves skin so(ft and smooth. You can't lose. Money promptly refunded if hair grows back after third appli- cation with no questions asked. Com- plete treatment $2 postpaid. (CO. D.'s â€" Postage extra). KAPEX PRODUCTS (Dept. 335) Box 22, Station B, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE COTTAGE LOTS GEORGIAN BAY On Colpoy Bay in Bruce Peninsula, birch tree sites, good fishing, spring water, ideal lots at bargain price â€" Wib Mallory, 71 Burton Avenue, Barrie, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of CHRISTOPHER THOMSON of Flesherton, Ontario, Retired Farmer, who died January Twelfth, l!»4i8, are required to fife their claims with me prior to Sep- tember thirtieth, 1948. â€"J. H. McQUARRIE, Durham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix FAR.M FOR SALE 100 acres, Lot ?. Con. 5, Artemesia r, . . ^ ; • I owned by istate of the late John K Flesherton, or Gordon Wilson, MacLeod; windmill, deep bored well, Kimberley, phone 627rl3 Thorn- ' ^^â- ''^•''' puniped to house; soft water 14n2l""'' ,^\>'<'i<' i'l house; 18 acres hard- Iwood bush; medium size barn. Apply at farm to E. J. Glenister bury. WOOD FOR SALE - Hardwood *labwood 125.00 for truck load de- ' ' livered; mixed so'twood $20.00; 't approximately 8 cords per load.â€" | 15p4 ( Intended for Las:t Week) .Mrs. Herb Betts is si)ending a few (lays with me'mibers of hei' family in Toronto. Misses Maude and Irma Smith of Feversham and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mfldi-um nf Toronto visited with Mr. and .Mis. C. D. Meldrum. Mrs. .Amanda Lyons of Wareham spent a day with Mrs. Harry Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parkin of Wal- ters Falls were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldrum. Guests a1 the home of Laurie Ped- lar were: Mr. and Mr.«. Melville Giummett, Mrs. Roy Grummett and Gail of Ottawa and iMr. and Mrs. Lloyd Grummett of London. Mr. Fred Taylor has returned to his home after an enjoyaible two weeks holidaying at M'jiden. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Love and Gladys visited a day in Orangeville with (Mrs. Harry Stewart. Mr. Jack Gibson and daughters of Durham spent a dav with Mr. Jas. Pedlar and Mr. and' Earl Talbot. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher and D. A., accomiDanied hv Mr. and Mrs. •Alvin Grummett and 'Robert of Hatli- erton enjoyed a trip in their new Chevrolet to Hamilton and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Black- burn and Mr. and Mrs. J. Grummett. Ml-. Walter Russell Jr. is taking down the brick house standing on the Cullen property and intends erecting -.1 new home in Flesherton. Mr. Geo. .Akitt. fwho owns the property, took (he barn down and sold the timber. Donald Meldrum is enjoying him- self these days at the CNE'and visit- ing with friends in Toronto. Local aod Personal It is probable that all politicians sincerely try to sei-ve the people. The trouble is that some of them serve the wrong people. "What does a man get for all the money he wastes on tobacco?" asks a reformer. Well, for one thing, a bawling out A-hen he spills ashes on the floor. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, I.AIl'LUMENTS, Etc. The undersigned auctioneer has been instructed to sell for the BERT BUADEY ESTATE 2V^ miles South-east of Markdale On the east backlime on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 at 2:00 o'clock th(^ following: IMPLEMENTS â€" Binder, mower, liay rake, 2 plows, set harrows, â-  drill, sculfler, ruhbei-tire wagon, cut- ler, rubber-tire buggy, set of heavy harness. HORSESâ€" Young team of horse.-, matched. CATTLEâ€" 4 eowes, 2 heifers. POULTRYâ€" Turkeys, geese, hens. (Mv.AaiNâ€" (Quantity Oats 194« croji Numerous other articles. TERMS - Cash;. (JKO. E. DUNiCAN Auctionee; Walter Playter, phone Markdale. 146J at 12p8 FOR SALE â€" Modern furniture, good as new; 6-piece breakfast suite, chrome; 2 occasional .chairs, chrome finish; baby bathinette.â€" Mrs. Mei-vyn Crane, Munshaw House, phone 3. I4p2 WANTED â€" Man for steady travel I among' consumers around Flesher- ' ton. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable haistler considered. Write Rawleigh Dept. MLâ€" 1-206-131, Montreal, Que. ]4e5 HARRIS & DUNLOP BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Et«. Phone 38 MARKDALE Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from 6 to 8:30 p.m DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Oiadnate of Toronto Univertlty Office: Kennedy Block Phone 77 nesherton CHARLES J. BELLAMY MUNICIPAL CLERK iBsuer of Marriage Licenaea OONVEYANCBR Wills Mortgages, etc. Deeds Atfreements A fOTtwnissicMier for taking affidfivita Office, Toronto Street, Fleehcrton BE ON HAND TO MAKE THIS THK JiEST FAIR YET HFJ<b Feversham Fair \Vl'.l)Ni:SDAY and THUKSIMY SEPTEMBER 29th and 30th Bring Your Produce to Show at The Fair HORSE RACES ON TRACK SADDLE OR BARE-BACK RACES KlUS'l' RACE IH'JEH-I'OR-ALL Open ii) horses from Township of Osnrev. 1st prize by Cana<l- Brewoies, 2nd prize by John W. itobinson. 1st prize by John W. Rojiinson 2Md prize by Athletic Improve ment .-V.-sociation. Open to anybody Prizes $1U, $5, S3 Prizes $15, $10, $5 Entrance fee is a mcinibership t cket. The l>est 2 out of 3 heats. Bring out ^'our horses and try tbnew '^-Mile T\i-ack. SPORTS Bingo Midway Children's Races Refreshment Booth Machinery Dis])lay CONCERT SECOND NIGHT OF FAIR Held in Agricultural Hall Good Talent Lucky Darw during Concert Hour J. V. Wrght, Pres. D. vStephen.s, Secty. Mrs. Ed. Graham of Clarks.burg i* visiting with Mrs. G. Lawler. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. MacTavish were in Toronto for a couple of daye last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar, Guelph, spent the week end with the foi-mer's parents, Mr and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Edwards and Betty of Weston were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted MacTavish Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips of Port Dover visited in town last week. Fred Hardwick of Elmvale iMr. C. D. Hutchison of New York spent the past few days with his brother, J. A. Hutchison, and Mrs. Hutchison. Mrs. Myi'tle Shiw of Lions Head is spending a couple of weeks with her mother, Mrs. W. H. Thurston,] whose health is not improving. Mr. Reg. Hutton of Guelph spent] the week end with his family, who i retume<l with him, after spending the past irfonth at their faiTn on the ea.st backline. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Halp pid. "^^'s Helen of Sudbury and Mr. Bill Blaii of Toronto were guests of Mr. an(.' Mrs. A. E. Bell and relatives ir Markdale during the past week. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Genoe were: Mr. and Mrs. WiV Cariuithers of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs .las. C. Pattinson and familv of Ower Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomp-nr of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. P- Genoe of Gravenhurst and Mrs. Ed Graham of Thornbury. INSURANCE Companies represented are: Grey & Bruce Mutual Insurance Wawanesa Fire Insurance Co. Waterloo Mutual Insurance Toronto General Ii^surance Co. Zurich Insurance Co. All types of GENERAL INSURANCE D. G. MacARTHUR Phone 82J FLESHERTON F. H. W. Hickllns DEPARTMENT STORE SCHOOL DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN WE ARE WELL- PREPARED TO FILL YOUR WANTS FOR SCHOOL WEAR >' 4i ^ Boys' and Girls' Sweaters Boys' and Girls' Jerseys Leiather Footwear Canvas Footwear Hosiery Shirts and Underwear Students' Suits Tweed Caps Odd Trousers Wind Breakers -at- â- St. ,-*> Smart Patterns in Dinner Ware i in English Dinner Ware. Dinner ware has been in \ short supply for a long time, and we were fortunte i Just nov, we have a nice assortment of smart patterns ; to secure these. ; 50 Piece Sets $15.50 40 Piece Set $19.50 53 Piece Set $24.75 53 Piece vSet $39.50 66 Piece Set $39.50 97 Piece Set $39.50 A new assortment of English Bone China Cups and Saucers now on display .A* Jk> «k K 5v -« *~ â- 4' «- â- <â-  ffc^ *» ^â-  M It's a jotiMm^ matter Lour bank is there to serve you in a personal, private way. When yovi make a deposit your passbook is closed to anyone but you and yoiur bank. When you arrange a loan, that is strictly between you and your bank. When you discuss private financial matters with your bank manager, you know they will stay private. Such privacy is the very essence of Canadian banking. It permits you to deal with your bank and to use its many services on a basis of complete confidence and trust. •^1 BFO N aOMM D MX TOVH BAMK .« ^

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