Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1948, p. 8

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ipii IPW .Wednesday, September 29, 1<)48 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOK SALE â€" Taco range in good ahape. Phone i M Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 2 spring ca^lves. â€" John OtU-well, phont 45J3. 18cl K>R SALE â€" M-H. disc plow. â€" Jas. Allen, phone 4r)w3. lSc2 FOR SALE â€" Scotch collie, 1 yeur old. â€" John Whyte, PriceviUe, phone 4aJ4 Fleshfrrton. I&p2 l-OR SALE â€" Benci, mori.-l UeLav,il cream separator. Knciuwo at The Advance office. 18c2 JTAMTEf) â€" Kumatua ti^UJble fo; mink and fox f»e>d. â€" Bert Mclntoaii Eugenia, ]»hon« Pvershvi 6r2C FOE SALE 15 cords split soft- FOUND â€" Set of keys. Owner can have am* at The Advance office. FOR SALE â€" 100 Hampshiw^-Rock or Barred Roc-k pullets, .starting to lay.â€" Aixhit McKechnie, PriceviUe phone 92w2 Flesherton. 18c2 "wood in iihed. Contact Lou Teeter iphone Flesherton 4h,vH. I8c2 W)R SALK â€" Black and tan fox hound, 6 years old, well broken.â€" G. B,?SVelton, phone 3 Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" 10<J0 feet of good soft- wood lumber. â€" J. W. R. Lever, phone WiJ'2 Flesherton. ]&p2 LOST â€" In Flesherton district, huh cap for Studebaker car. Finder please leave at The Advance office and receive reward. 17p8 LOST â€" Truck license C43340, be- tween PriceviUe, Fksherton and Markdale. Finder phone E. Stod- olski, Flesherton 139r3. 16p3 FOR SALE â€" Choice Oxford Down ram lamb and Yorkshire iaw due to farrow in Oct â€" W. J. Hincks, phone 104wl flesherton. I7|p2 FOR S.\LE â€" 3-piece bedroom suite, including matti'ess and spring; 6 good kitchen chairs. Apply to Mrs R. J. Wilson, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Reg. Oxford Ooviv. ram lamlb and several grade.- reasonably priced for quick sale. â€" 'Kendal R. W. Hawkins, p- Feversham 80ri2. V FARM For SALE â€" lOO a«i*e farm Lots 166-167, 1 S.W., Artemesia, 2 miles swth of Flesherton on No. 10 Highw||y. â€" L. R. Thistlethwaite 38 Roosevelt Rd., Toronto. &tJ. FOR SALE â€" Cockshutt siii«le fur row riding plow and 3-year-old G.-P. maro. â€" ^Isaac Snell, Ceylon, phone 44w2 Flesherton. ISpl FOR SALE â€" 40 cords hardwood $4.50 per cord at the bush. â€" Gor- don McMuUen, R.R. No. 1, Ceylon, phone Flesherton 44J3. 18p2 bar(;ain 4,000 yards Mercerized Thread â-  $1.25 Ideal for sewintr by hand oi- ma- chine, dressejf, quilting, etc. 2 Big 2000 yd. spools, black or white. Price $1.26 postpaid. C.O.U. postage extra. Moneyback if not delighted. Elwel Distributing Co., Dept. 46 .%6.3 Park Ave., Montreal, Que. « VOTERS' LIST 1948 TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY .Notice is hereby given that 1 have connplied with Section 8 of "The Vot- ers' Lists Act" and that I have post- ed up in my office at Feversham, on the 23rd day of September, 1948, the li.>=t of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. AJ^ I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any omissions corrected accord- injr to law, the last day of appeal being the l4th day of Octoher, 1948. Datetd at Fevershajn this 27th day of September, A.D. 1948. â€" C. N. LONG, Clerk of Osprey Twp. AUCTION SALE OF HORSES Auction Sale, Tuesday, Oct. 5, 20 Clyde and General Purpose mares: 12 spring colts; l rcg. gelding. Pro- perty of Harold Lougheed, 4 miles west cf Dundalk. Sale commences at 2 p.m. Terms: 6 months' credit on approved joint notes bearing interest at 6% per annum. â€" Geo. E. Duncan. Auctioneer. TENDERS WANTED eTR.A.YED â€" From premises of A. McLean, 2% miles tsast of Max- 'well, 2 sheep and 2 lamlbs. Anyon« knowing their whereabouts cosn- nwinicate with Telford Ferris, Max- â- well, phone Feversham ' 4iS. 17c8 WOOD FOR SALE â€" Hardwood slabwood |25.00 for truck load de- livered; mixed so'twcod |20.00; approximately 8 cords per joad. â€" Walji,r Playter, phon6 146J at Markdale, ~., 12p8 WANTED ~ Man for steady travel among consumers arcpnd riesher- ton. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable ] hu.?tler ccnsidered. Write Rawleigh Dept. MI^â€" 1-205-131, Montreal, Que. 14c6 ]IpUSE FOR SALEâ€"Brick, 7-room, furnace heated, running water and bath; Knial) bfwn and about "4 acres of Janii; iw)m4;diate po.s^ession; also 9-picce diningrooim euitc, tolid walnut in "good .condition. â€" Mrs. Lome Turvey, Fl«?h«rtop, phone 95J for full particyiar*. ♦ Ji87>3 APPLES â€" Any<?m'' wishing to se- cure winter supply No, 1 appks: Mclntoih, Spy. phyne G. A. Mav- Tavjsh !» or 71, Floi&hwtOn, or •vwitfl direct, to Fred R. Palletl. R.R. 1,- I^lin'gton,. Ont. Mcintosh ioa<ly now, Spies at later date. /' We deliver ,jto Flesherton. .; Drder your apples c-nrly to avoid dis- appointiTif nt. lf?(.2 â-  'â-  â-  I HARRIS & DUNLOP ^BARRISTERS, SOLK ITOKSj, E»e. Phone -.18 MARKDALfe Mr. Dunlop will be in C. J. Bellamy's office every Sat- urday from fl to 8:30 p.m DR. T. D. PARK . PlIYSinW 4 SIRCEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedy Block PhOiie 77 Flesherton â€" I'l I â- â- â- * ii»i-i III -â-  •• mn-m H I I .. -n... .â- â- â-  -I I â€" â- â- .â€" __ CHARLES J, BELLAMY MUNKIPAL CLERK Issuer of /".Marriage LicenscH CONVEYANCER ''f\ Wills MortgHges, etc. . Deeds Agieoments A ."ommisslon'er for taking affidavits Office, TnroMto Street. Flesherton Installation of elevator, altera- tions to building and plumbing in the Centre Grey General Hospital, Markdale. Scaled tenders marked "Tender" will be leceived by the undersigned up to and inclnding October 12, 194i8. Plans and specifications can be seen at the secretary's office, Markdale. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accelsted. ' '• J. A. Davis, T. S. Cooper, Chairman. Secretary. Provisional Board Centre Grey General Hospital. INSURANCE Companies represented are: Grey & Bruce Mutual Insurance Wawanesa Fire Insurance Co- Waterloo Mutual liiBurance Toronto General Ii^urance Co. Zurich Insurance Co. All types of GENERAL INSURANCE D. G, MacARTHUR Phone 82J FLESHERTON liREIliT AyCTiON SAi.> FARM .STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Fri«MTURE, ETC. KEN STEWART will sell by pubic auction on LOT 156, 3 N.E., ARTI^MESIA THURSDAY. 0CT0BE:R 7TH, 1948 at 1 p.m., the following: HORSES â€" Grey Horse, 8 years old; Black Horse, 4 years old; Bay Horse, 10 years old; Bay Horse, 15 years old. CATTLE â€" Grey Cow, 8 yrs old; Hol>tein Cow, 9 yrs. old; Part Jersey Cow, 10 yrs. old; Grey Cow, 4 yrs. old; Hereford Cow, 5 yrs. old; Red Heifer, 3 yrs. old; White Ck)w, 7 yrs. old; Grey Heifer, 4 yrs. old; (above cows supposed in calf,, dates given at sale); 4 Y^earling Cattle; Regi.s- tered Hereford Bull; 3 Calves; Balby Beef. PIGS FOWL â€" Reg. Sow, due before sale; Yorkshire Sow, due Oct. 31; ]0 Chunks; .30 Leghorn Hens; 7 Ducks. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. â€" Cockshutt Binder, nearly new; Cockshutt Disc Hanow; Hay Rack; Cockshutt Scuff- ler, nearly new; M.-H. Seed Drill; M.-H. Cultivator; M.-H. Land Roller; M.-H, Hay Loader; M.-H. Manure Spreader; Peter Hamilton Hay Rake; McCoi-miek Mower; Canthooks; Int- ernational Walking Plow; Fleury Walkin(g Plow; Neckyokes; Turnip Seeder; Tongues; Drag Harrow; 2- fun-ow Gang Plow; Stoneboat; Pig Crate; Doubletrees; Power - Driven Pump; Cutter; Ruibber-tire Buggy; Sleighs; Wagon; Fanning Mill; Ren- frew 2,000-lb. Scales; Grain Bags; Logging Chains; Brooder Stove; Quantity of Sacks; Numerous other articles. HARNESS â€" Set Heavy Work Harness; Set Plow Harness; Single Driving Harness. *"• GRAIN, ROOTS -^ Hay, Grain; Potatoe.-; Quantity of Turnips; Quan- tity of Mangels. FURNITURE â€" Bed with Spiing- fllled Mattrefis; Bed and Springs; Dresser; Kitchen Buffet; Desk; Sev- eral Small Tables;; Stove; Kitchen Table and 3 Chairs; Table and Cup- hoard suitable for summer kitchen. TKR'MSâ€" Huy, Grain, Roots, Fow' and all sums of §10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6' months' credit on joint notes satisfactory to Bank of Commerce, Flesherton, bearing 5 percent interest. â€"GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Udell of Toron- were visitors in town on Friday. Mrs. Geo. Field of Inglewood was a â-¼isjtor in town on Saturday. Mr. G. \. MacTavisn enjoyt d a tiip to Manitoulin Island over the week end. Milss Ruby Aikenhead of To ento is visiting at present with Mr. <tn(i Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. Mr. Earle Thurston of Campbell- ford is visiting at his parental home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard cnj'iv-d a trip last week to Montreal and Ottawa. Mrs. E. D. Bentham, Richa'-.i and Janet, of Toronto spent a couple i days with Mrs. R. Bentham. Mrs. H. V. Gaudin of Toronto vis ited friends and relatives in this district, returning home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ma Tavish, Bai- baia, and Mrs. G. \. MacTnvi'h vis- iteo at Dixie on Sua Isy. Mr. Jim Wilson of Owen Sound spent the week end with his father. Mr. Mark Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. An<?ns Avis attended the funeral of the Iai.»-;:'s mo' her at Port Elgin n" Mond.i.x . Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Aiinstrong and son, Edward, of Toronto spent the week end at their cottage. Mrs. Eleanor Wylde and friend. Mrs. Jewel Anderson of Chicago, 111., are -pending this week with Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milligaa and Mr. Geo. Ai-Tnstrong visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. Keys at Huntsvilje over the week end. Rev. W. A. White of Fler.herton was elected president of the past.irs' and laymen's conferences of the Owen Sound Association of Baptist Churches held at Wiarton last week. Mrs. Angus Avis returned home on Friday from Saskatoon, Sask., after spending two weeks with her son. Bob, who is attending the Uni- versity of Saskatoon. Mr. Wesley McNicoll has returned from Markdale Hospital, where he undei-went an operation and we are pleased to know he is improving ii health. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Betts were: Mr. and Mrs. Goi-don Gallaugher of MansAeld, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scrgant from near Shelburne and Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead, Ceylon. •Mr. and Bert Best of Grand Prairie are on a visit with relatives in this district. It is almost thirty years since Mr. and Mrs. Best left for We-tem Canada and this is their first trip "back home." Their many friends and relatives in this district are pleased to have them back again. Mrs. Best was the former Ret?. Fisher, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher. <.«-><»{«fr^<.^<,«^^<-«-8-e<<«H'«*<.«>*<«««0«»*<'«*<-0<-0"«^^ A new specy of mosquito has been discovered by a scientist. And we don't want to hear any more about it. Day' and night, more dependable than ever Today, telephones are four times as free from "trouble" as twenty years ago, and there are twice as many of them! Each month 10,000 are being added so that soon all may have dependable tele- phone service and the security that goes with it. This is being done in spite of rising costs, yet up to now there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates eBtabliahed 21 years ago. For you, this means greater value than ever liefore; for us, the Katisfaction of pro^«^ viding "the best telephone service at ^g lowest cost". THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA p FARM FOB SALE 100 acres. Lot v. Con. 5, Artemesia, owned by estate of the late John K MacLeod; windmill, deep bored well, water pumped to house; soft water aT\d Hydro in house; 18 acres hard- wood bush; medium size barn. Apply -at farm to E. J. Glenister. 15p"4 AUCTIO.N'ltr S'lXXik, IMPLEMENTS. ETC. MRS. M.McARTHLR will sell by public auction at LOTS 45-40, 2 N.D.R.. GLBNELG SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2ND, 1948 the following at 2 p.m.; HORSES â€" Brown G.-P. Hor.sc, ll years old; Bay Gelding, »> years old; Chft*tnut Gelding, 5 years old. CATTLE â€" Black Cow, 4 yr.s old duo in March; Red dnv, 3 yrs. old. due in .March; Grey Cow, l> yrs. old, dui' in .'\pril; Red Cow, 7 years old, <|ue ill March; Red Cow, 6 years old, due in March; Hereford Cow, 8 yrs. old, due March 14 (above cows sup- posed in calf); Heifer, 8 years old; 5 Yeariings; 5 Spring Calves. IMPLKiMFJSirre, Elc.^. jMcCormick Binder, 6 foot ?ut; P. «g W. Mower, 5 foot cut; Noxen Seed Drill; Hay ,Rake; Gnn|i> Plow; Wagon; Cutter; RiiJggy; Sot Spring-tooth- Harrows; Renfrew Cream Sopiimtor; Bug'r\ ; Fanning Mill; ;'.' Hor.sc Collars; Drag Htu-n^v.x; Sug;\r Kettle; SidtSboard; I H.Tnge; .Dreftser; Tnbic; i5 Tons Hay; ] N'lmterou.s Other artii'les. ; i"\KM KOi; SALE- The lOIJraere fnrni will be offered for sale! at the -smV tijiie- oiibject t^o reserve bid, t' i-rns t.0 be announced at jinlflr TERMS qF $,y.E - Cash. ,. â€" 'P«n: F.^rNCAX, Auctioneer t CHANGE IN Creamery Hours In order to help out in the saving of power during the present shortage, This Creamery will be open on Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 7 tuaa. to 5 p.m. Wednesday and Saturday, 7 a.m. to 10 p.nt. Thursday from 7 a.m. to 12 noon dose Wednesday nights at 5 p.m. Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario ^4,^^4,^.j^^^^^rr.'yO<><'^>^''>jyfj-<f'><-<f^^ * ' :: NOTICE â€" FARMERS 24 Hour Service WE PAY AS HIGH AS $10JM» FOR DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES and COWS Aeeordingr to size and condition â€" Small animals removed frte. We do the loading. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OLD HORSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER fTL ALFALFA HAY WANTED • HIGHEST PRICES PAID Trent Oebydi'^f^ Products Products PHONE 17 MARKDALE F. H. W. Hicklins DEPARTMENT STORE SMART FALL Top Coats If you're looking for a really smart garment in a Fall Top Coat, there are a few sizes in stock in Gabardine and Covert Cloth Top Coats. These are good values and styled right up to the minute. NEW SUITING SAMPLES FOR "TIP TOP TAILORS" ORDERED SUITS We shall be glad to show them â€" there is, of course, no obligation to purchase. Men's Reliable Work Boots The stock is very complete and includes: Standard Screw and Goodyear Welt Types. All f fom reliable makers and all reason- ably priced. 'ji^ LADIES' VELVALEUR SLIPS This line has been very difhk;ult to obtain for some tinit. A db^nient has jusl cc^me m and all sizes from 32 to 42 are now in %\.<kV. They ars the popular Bra Top Style, new length and full sweep skirt, madf. from a pure white ncn>run velvasuede fabric. *'^' ., ALL SIZES $1.79 I ll a:

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