r AVcdncsday, December 29, 1948 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE Hesherton Advance Publi»be<l on Colliajfwood St., fle«hert.cn, Wednesday of each week. Circulation 1,100. Price •2.00 a year in Canada, paid in »4»»c>-.<; $2.60 per year in the United States. F. J. THURSTON, Editor TORONTO LINE NORTH Hisses Evelyn, Iva and Helen Brown of Toronto spent the holiday â- week end with their parents, Mr. and Mt». Fred W. Brown. Miss Gertrude Lever spent the past •week at Richmond Hill, assisting at Iha post office during the Christmas rush, which was thu heaviest any year yet. Mr. and Mrs. C. Duke of Hamilton were recent visitors with Mrs. Thos. Lerer and Harold. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wickens and Mr. m»d Mr3. M. McFadden spent Christ- was with Mr. and iMi-s. Fred Mylos at Owen Swtrtid. Mist Evelyn Stewart, nurse-ln- training at Owen Sound, viiited her fwents, Mt. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart, inring the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McGee and daughter. Glenora, were Christmo... foests of Mr. "and Mrs. Wm. Ratcliffp at Vandeleur. Miss Lois Sparks of MonticeHo is jpendint' th*- Chi-istnias vacation witli hiT parents, Mr. and Mrse. A. Sparks. »;.1MB£RLEY .•Vnyonu wishing for snow for the lliristmas season, really received their wish. Visitors in the village over the Cliriiitnias week end were: Misses Joan and Eleanor Ellis, Collinigwood and Garry of l.slington, with Mr. and .Mrs. Elmer Ellis; Leona Kirkpatrick of Toronto and Gei-ald of Is''ngton with Mr. and -Mrs Jas. Kirkpatr^ck; All-, and Mi.-. Mansel Cjok, Owen Sound, and Dalton Ferguson, Isling- ton, with Mrs. .M. Ferguson. Mrs. Mary Proctj- has irone ;o Kuucnia to s j<^r,,i tho winter months witr her son, ^iirn.o, and Mrs. Marg- aret Burritt 'o Cheeseville to the home of her son, Norman. The Christmas entertainment giv- •^11 by the school children in the Com" munity Hall was largely attended and greatly enjoyed. Santa Glaus arrived at the conclusion and dis- tributed the gifts to the children. Mr. \V. C. Harris spent Ohriat.iia; with his daughter at Midland. L.A.C. Stan Hutchinson and friend of the Centralia Air Force station spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ran. Hutchinson. Mr. and Mts. Ted Patterson and Iwys of Toronto aiui !»•«• â- wi«^«»n» wt Meaford visited ,over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward. Mrs. Wayne Weber and children have gone to Kearney for a few week.';' vacation. PRICEVILLE Dell Theatre, Durham Thursday, Friday, Saturday - Dec. 30, 34, Jan. 1 also Friday Mid-Nighi •♦MAN FROM OKLAHOMA" also "Rancho Grave" Monday, Tuesday - January 3, 4 "TIME, PLACE AND THE GIRL" Dennis Morgan Jack Carson in Technicolor Wednesday and Thursday - January 5, (> "HOLLYWOOD BARN DANCE" also "Secret Enemies This community wa.s shocked wlu-n it learned that Mr.-. Karquhar Mc- Kimion liud pa-ised away Monday afternoon while sitting in a chair. She was 71) years of age. A faller account will appear next week. Emerson Meads of Guelph, Bob and Emma Meads of Toronto are spending this week at their home. Miss Betty Hincks of Lisle is holi- daying at her home. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. iMacCuaig of I>urhain, Mr. Ken Nichol of Ottawa wore Christmas visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sayers and family, Guelph, and Willis Sayers of Toronto spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sayers and Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Bill McKechnie spent Christmas at the home of Wm. Mc- Leod at Durham. Misses Lottie Whittaker and Muriel Spicer of Toronto were visitors ^ith Mrs. Spicer and Tom. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Karstedt were: Mr. and Mts. Doug- las MacDonald and Misses Eileen MacDonald and Isabel Karstedt of Toi-onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Braden of Shelbume. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims spent Sunday at Fergus with their family. Miss Betty Tucker of Toronto is holiday'imt at her Koono. Me.ssrs. Grant Mnir, Ross and Jack McConkey of Toronto are spending their Christmas vacation at their parental homes. " BOWL A sultan got mad at his harem, and invented a scheme to scare 'em. He caugfht a smaO mouse, and let it Ifflse in the house. The oonfuisdon is called harem-scareni. BIG CASH OFFER EVERY WEDNESDAY NEW YEAR'S SPECIAL LOAV RAIL FARES Between all points in Canada and tu all United States border points FARE AND ONE-HALF far the round trip Good going daily until 12 noon Saturday, Jan. Ist Return: leave destination not lacer than midnight, Monday, Jan. 3, 1949 MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE Adults or Children 30c Full particular> from any agent Buy tickets early â€" avoid congestion CaMMJ M i ONTARIO NOTICE TO ONTARIO MOTORISTS Re Unsatisfied Judgment Fund Fee Under an amendment to the Highway Traffic Act enacted in 1947, provisioa was made for the creation of an Unsatisfied Judgment Fund out of which will be paid, in the nuilner prescribed, judgments for personal injuries, and property damage .sustained by reason of the operation of motor vehicles, which cannot be collected in the ordinary manner from the judgment debtors. The method prescribed for creating the Fund is the collection of a special fee, when required, from each person to whom is issued either an operator's or a chauffeur's license. Ahhougli to date no fees have been collected from tho.se operating motor vehicles, the legislation has. been in effect since the 1st of July, 1947, and many judgments have been paid by the Department pending the creation of the Fund. Effective with the issue of 1949 motor vehicle operators' and chauffeurs' licenses, an additional fee of 50 cents ('50c) will be collected from each person to whom is issued a 1949 license, which fee will be known as the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund fee and will be set aside .solely for the purpose of creating the Unsatisfied Judgment Fund. This is not an annual fee and no further fee will be collected from motor vehicle drivers for this purpose until the Fund is exhausted or so nearly so as to indicate that there is not sufficient in the Fund to pay judgments for a period of at least one year. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS GEO. H. DOUCETT, Miniitw Happy Nervv Year! Ring out the oldâ€" Ring in the new! How wonder- ful to have recollections of a happy Christmasâ€" a day full of well-being. As we look forward to a second hol- iday family gathering, let us resolve to practice the generosity and good- will which made Christmas such a success, throughout the new year. MINCB TARTS 2 cuips mincemeat Pie paste for 2 pies. Line tart tins with pastry. Fill % full with mincemeat. Bake at 425 degs. for 12 to 15 mins. Makes about 15 tarts. FRUIT CUP . 1 can sliced pineapple 1 can drained cherries 1 pint sliced peachea 1 pint eliced pears 1 cup sliced Tokay grapes Mix and chill. GLAZED HAM Cured hams by packing companies do not require soaking or parboiling and need only aibout three quarters of usual cooking period. (Farm butchered hams require soaking out brine and parboiling for Vi hour). Do not remove rind; wi'ap in cello- phane. Place fat side up in uncov- ered reaster and bake in electric oven at 325 degrees. 8 to 10 lb. ham (bone in) requires 25 mins. per lb. 10 to 12 lb. ham (bone in) requires 22 mins. per lb. Near end of cooking period remove rind from hot ham; score fat in squares and stud with whol« cloves. Combine 1 cup brown .«ugar ,">' tbsps. flour, 2 bbsps. orange juice, 1 tsp. orange rind and spread over surface of ham. Return ham to oven and tun. temperature to 40(1 degs. for 20 minutes. SPICED C.VRROTS Grate scraped carrots on coarse Kiiiter. Put in casserole with 'i;- inch water. Sprinlde with salt and a dash of nutmeg. Dot with butter. I Cook at 32S degs. for 35 minutes, i SNO\VBALL SUNDAE } Scoops of ice cream are rolled in I linely shredded cocoaiiut, served with niarshmsllow sHuce spooned over each. PEPPERMINT PATTIES 2V^ cups sugar 1 cup milk 2 tbsps. butter Vi tsp. cream of tarter Peppennint flavoring Green coloring Place sugar, milk and butter in a heavy saucepan over a low heat. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Bring to boil; add cream of tarter. Cover and cook slowly for 6 mins. Ren cover and wipe off sugar crystals from sides of pan. Cook to 238 degs. or until a soft ball forms when a little of mix is dropped in col water. Pour on a cold, wet platter. Do not scrape pan. Cool until slightly . waiTO. Then work mixture with a pancake turner until it be- comes white and solid. Add a few drops of mint flavoring and tint slightly with green coloring. Knead with hands until creamy. Shape into small Iballs and press flat. Makes 4 dozen. A Happy New Year To All It hae been a pleasure doinp: business with the public. On behalf of the policyholders of Farm- ers' Central Fire Insurance Co., f thank the Company for bonus cheques sent in 1948. GARNET MAGEE General Ins^rance - Confederation Life EUGENIA NX f f I I Cook s Radio and Sound Service wishes you May happiness and prosperity be yours A Happy New Year tliroughout the coming New Year. John W. Cook ♦<K«<~X«4K"K~><KKK~K"K~KK~:~t~X'<><~><~X'*<K~:~>»>X~X"X-<KK"^ GREETINGS To All Our Many Friends and Customers It has been a pleasure to have served you in the past and we hope our s'ood relations will continue through 1949, and we wjU continue to serve our fine food. Last, but certainly not the least, A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all W.A.Hawken Groceries FLESHERTON The time has come when dad is perfectly willing to let someone else use the sleeping porch. X Tigers in India kill hundreds of people each year. Think What the blind ones used to do in this coun- try. It was Farmer Brown's first visit to the big town. In the window of the Department Store he read a sign: "Ladies' Ready To Wear Clothes." "Gosh." hv said, "It'.s about time." Music Teachers and Pupils ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC OF TORONTO MIDWINTER EXAMINATIONS THEORY - February llth and I2th PRACTICAL -As arranged Applications and fee^ must reach the C;onserv8tory not later than JANUARY 10th. 1949 135 College Sitcct, Toronto 2B â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- iann»iiiiiHHHHai •:~x~X"X"X-<"X"X'^<«<~x~X'*<KK~x~KK~X"X»<*<~><"XK~:«<>*<~>**<">*> X A Hoppy New Year ^ At the end of another year, with all its uncer- tainties, we send you g'reeting's. and our best wishes for the coming year. We deeply appreciate the confidence shown in us by our customers and friends. We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. WILF. ADLAM Service Station FLESHERTON ^•♦♦♦<K~>'X"M">^'>»><'<«'>'X'<"X«<">«X">»>»X~X»<><'<»<«<H.><i.>.j.4i«j.^M5M{b^ <~>»:«<"X"X~:~x~X";"X~X"X"X'*<'<««>^x~><~><«<~:~>':«»x«:~x><«*«>«><{>«>*<><'<~> Happy New Year . . . Compliments Of The Season From Reg. and Mrs. Boden and Family and Staff OF FIRESIDE LUNCH ♦♦♦♦♦•x«<">«:"><*<'0-+*->'>'>><'^<»«><«<»*<r<'<*<*<'<*'><"H~:"X«<">*'M"M>*««><<>^