Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Jan 1949, p. 1

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r ije /ksij^rUm '^Jtianc^* * VOL. 68;- NO. 34 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, VJANU.VRY 19, 1949 1<. J. Thurston, Publisher Geo. C. South Elected Warden ot Grey County (ieoi-g'e C. South of Heathcote, 37- ^'eai-okl Kt'L've oi ColiinyvvooU Town- ship, was elected Warden of Gcey County when the â-  county council opened its January session at Owen Sound Tuesday night. South wone 28 to 14 votes over Reeve Julius E. Kuhl of Sullivan Township. Ken Betts Rink Wins i'lrst Local Bonspiel PAPER LATE WHEN POWER LiNLS DOWN 82-MiiLE HURRICANE DAMAGES PROPERTY iAKTEMESIA COUNCIL APPOiNlS Oti-iCEKS I FLESHERTON COUNCIL HOLDS F'IRST MEETING s f f f * FLESHERTON OLD BOYS AND GIRLS ANNUAL MEETING •* â-  * % « * « > » All Fleshertun and district people residing in Toronto are urged to at- tend the annual meeting of the To- ronto Branch of the Old Boys and Girls Association at the Central Y. M.C.A., College St., Toronto, Friday evening, Jan. 28th, at 8 p.m. Your pre.sence ia required to make -the gathering a success and plan for fu- agtivities. WANT NEW LOOK FOR COMPENSATION Compensation for cattle approp- riate to present day values, and to be increased on the same relative basis for grade cattle as for pure- ( bred cattle, was asked by the annual ' meeting of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture in Toronto on Jan. 7. Future Events EUCHRE AT EUGENIA Progie.^sive euchre will be held at the Eugenia hall on Friday, Jan. 21, under auspices of L.O.L. U18, to .commence at S:.?!! p.m. Cnncth pro- vided. Admission: 25c. Flesher-ton Curling Club held a club bonapiel Monday and Tuesday this week and the rink skipped by , Ken Betts won out with three wins and a plus i>f 21. The rink of Fred Gorrell came second with two wins and a plus of nine and Howard Mill- igan's rink received the consolation award. The rinks were composed of ihe following: Frank Duncan skip, Jack Kennedy, Wallace Hamilton, C. MacDougal. Ken Betts skip, Howard McCauley, Fr:;nk Thurston, Wilf Adlam. Reg. Boyd skip, Bob Phillip.-, Geo. Boyd and Art Chard. Howard Milligan skip Les Chard, Doug McArthur, Joe Rad.o Ernie McKillop ikip. Bill Welton, Doug. Cairns and Ray Richards. Fred Gorrell skip. Cecil MrtcTrvisn M;u'k Duncan and Merv. Crt'ne. Barney Welton skip, Geo. Mac- Tavish. J. MacLean, Rusk. A'ldrewr.. Harold Best skii), Emer=on Mcivil- Inp, Bob Dargavel. Jack Mi ne. Scores in the games iverc; 1 .St Round R. Boyd 12, H. Milligan 8 K. Betts 12, F. Duncan 3 ^ B. Welton 8. H. Best 6 F. Gorrell 6, E. McKillop 5 2nd Round Bett.^ 15. McKillop 3 Best 10, Boyd 3 Welton I), Duncan 6 (Welton won oi^M|>y-off) -MUligaiu 11, Gofrcll 2 3ra Round Betts 10, Welton 5 Gorrell 14. Boyd .T Dunean-McKillop defult Best fi. Milligan 5 It's easy to get credit for being sooil. Getting ca-h is the hard nart. ->.?<..>X">'V><.<K~:"X"X~:"K"X-:"><-^<'-x~:"M~>-:'-:":";"M~ The Home of Tasty Baking I I •»• V ? X ? I T ? V 1- X I ? ? ? % Specials This Week SPICE CAKE TRY OUR FRESH IX)-NUTS Delivered while hot each Friday; phone orders PIES Mincemeat Cherry (fresh frozen) Apple Raisin Date CREAM PUFFS COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c CREAM BUNS JELLY ROLLS Flesherton Bakery I I I ? ? ? ? X I i ? I i •:>o This week The Advance is a couple of days late in reaching its subscri'J- tra, due to the failure of the supply of electricity to operate the linotj no to produce the news. Electric po.-/- er is used to heat the lead used in the electric pot for setting type. The power was turned on at (i:30 this Thursday night and after an hom used in heating the metal we were able to get to work completing thi.-. issue of The .Advance. It was like going back 35 years before we used electricity to the extent we do to- day. There was no power to drive motors for heating systems, electric stoves were useless and water sys- tem would not work and the people had to resort to using the old pump again (those who had them) and carry the needed water supply. Many homes in town were cold and some had to rely on neighbors who invit- ed them in for meals. Such is life with modern conveniences. This was a real black-out and the people re- sponded nobly. We did not hear any complaints from those unfort- unate enough at a time like that to have their homes completely equip- ped with modem conveniences. DIFFERENT SET-UP FOR PENSION BOARD Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientele without extra charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks FUNfRAL CHAPEL ^124 Avenue Rd KI.4544 The local boards set up for consid- eration of applications for old-age pensions asd mother's allowances have been abolished in accordance with the provisions contained in tlie regulations under the new Ontario Old- Airic Pem»ion.s a n d Miother'a Allowances .Acls, B. W. Heise, an- nounced this week. Mr. Heise, in communications .sent to board members, stated that the total number of persons in receipt of pensions has increased to the highest point in the histoi'y of the province. .\ complete reorganization of pro- cedure is necessary to handle the volume orf applications, Mr. Heise stated, because, under the new fad- era) act, pensions must be paid from tRe fiivt of the month, following the month in which they are received by the provincial pension authority. This new procedure will include the Grey County Board dissolution which met each month in Owen Sound, and of which Mrs. k. E. Ball of Hanover has been chairman, dur- ing the past year. • During the past the county moni- hers appointed by the Provincial government and the County Council, with county clerk, .Mrs. Rutherfoi-d a.? secretary, heard original applica- tions from tho.-e seeking- old age or blind pensions or mothers' allowanc- es in the county, and after consid- eration at their monthly meeting held at Owen Sound, made recom- mentuit'on to the department at Toronto. The cleik of each municipality made out the application and was paid a sum for each individual ap- plication. All county board members received remuneration and mileage for each meetini;-. Ju=t what method will replace this foi-mer county board system has not yet been announced. .\n 8*2 mile an hour hurricane hit this di.strict Tuesday night and be- t'ore llie niciit was over many barns were unroofed, hydro lines were flattene<l and considerable other damage was done. Fifteen poles on the Hydro line to Fleshei-ton were broken on the road to Eugenia and this entire ditti'ict was without light and power for almost ;j7 hours. The repair gang was on the j«b early Wednes- day morning and worked throi<gh the night and all day Thursday to restore electric service, and the high wind and snow did not make the task any pleasanter foi- those oil the job. A number of poles south of Markdale were blown down, but service was restored there Wednes- day nig'ht. The lai'ge barn on ' tlie property of Robt. Clai-k nil the Collingwood Gravel, formerly owned by Lewis Pedlar, was entirely unroofed and spread around, while Mr. .fas. W. McMullen's barn had ten feet of roof ripped away. The ham' on the fai-m of Geo. Moore, near Victoria Corn- ers was carried away by the high wind and narrowly missed dumsiging the residence. We understand that George had wind insurance, which should help considerably in making repairs. Ward Harrison, south of town, had part of the roof carried away and many barns had their large doors torn from their hangers and damaged. Roy Piper on the west backline had his windmill fan completely destniycd when the vane broke ofT and went into the works; making it useless to work. Roy is now g-oing to use electric jiowei- t'l l)ump water to his stables. The steeple on the Anglican Church at Myrk<lale was toppled to the grounil and one of the large s"moke stacks at the Durham Furniture Companx mill at Rock Mills is minus con- siderable of .its length. Trees were l;lown arross highways, distrupting telephone service, most of the long distance lines in the Fles-herloii central being out of eoinmission. The stoi-m has been compared to the great Novembei- storm of I'.ll:! and the notorious Good Friday storm of a couple of years pievious to that time. This one vyiir not soon be t'l rgotten either. This was the first ri'a! interruption oli electric .service I'lesherton has exjierienced since Hydro was brought to the village thirty-three years ago. Thu inaugural meeting of Arte- mesia Townsiup Council was held in i'leshenon town hall, with the fol- lowing members subsciibing to the oath of otfice; Reeve J. A. Davis, Councillors Clifford Allen, Donald Gillies, Howard Graham and Donald Whyte. Communications were reatl from the following: Hydro Electi-ic, le improvements to Priceville Hydi-o System; Ontiirio Good Roads A.ssoc, advising the annual convention will be held at the Royal York Hotel, Tcronto. February 22 and 23; Assoc. I of Rural Municipalities, asking for membership fee and advising con- vention dates of Feb. 21 and 22. The inaugural meeting of Flesh- oiton Village Council w^as held Wed- nesday evening of last week, whea all the members were present to at- tend to the large amount of busi- ness on hand. Accounts passed were: H. Beet, account fire hall S4.G0; the Clerk, "postage a!)c, reg. B., M. and D. $!>â- >; Municipal World, election .supplies and tiog tags $<).85; Wm. Turv«y, snow plowing .'30."j.25; F. H. W. Hick- ling, relief supplies $24.85; B. Best, shovelling snow .$10. A grant of $50.00 was made fw I'lee skating for children Siitoirday :il"ternoons to Flesherton Strvicft Club. Membership fee of $5.00 wa» Eugenia United Church Holes Annual Meeting The ;,iiiiuiil meeting of Eugeiii;! Imited Church was held WiMinesday evening, .Ian. 12th, with Rev. .-V. G. Macjilierson presiding. The reports revealed an encouiag-ing progress in II departments. There were four ; .ptisms during the year and : â- iu-rease 'in ;idult nienibership of four. The total funds raised by the con- gregation and its organizations foi Kcal purposes amounted to SIOGO. for Missionary and Maintenance Fvnd SliO and Ui\- other benevolen- ces S]2..'j0. The electii)n of ollMceis was a? follows: Board of Stewards, Earl Gordon, .John Campbell, E. Proctor, Xoival Uetts, W. .Magee. R. Parsons. Secfy-Treas., Mrs. .1. A. Cairns. Organists, Mrs. F. Cairns and Shirley Caiins. A vote of thanks was t.endered the minister, the organist and the secre- tary-treasurer. iSiMwice.s- of worship during the' winter months are being held at 11 a.m., with the Sunday School at 15 o'clock noon. Artemesia District L.O.L. Elect, Instal Officers Otficei's of .\iteiiiesi:i District L. O.L. were recently elected and in- called for 1!)4;). as follows; P.D..\I.â€" E. McCullou^^h 1045 W.M. â€" E. Blackburn 2855. D.M. -- N. .Jackson 244. Rec. Sec. â€" (;. \V. Littlejohns ,5im. Treas. â€" W. A. Hawken 2855. .Marshall â€" Ait .lackson 244. i.st Lcct. â€" W. .\iXon 244. 2iid Lect. â€" Wilbert Fisher n;i2. 1st Com. " Wm. Lemon 1045. Allan Lemon Master t^range Valley L.O.L. P.M. â€" CliUonl Littlejohns. W.M. -- Allan Lemon. D.M. - .'oiin A, Uavis. Chaplain â€" Alex. Miller. Hee. Sec. - tJ, W. LittIe,iohn^. Fin. Sec. H. Levei^. Tieasurer â€" Wm. Kinney. Marshall -- .1. E. Bowles" 1st Leel. â€" H. 1. Graham. 2nd Lect. â€" ,Iohn Dillon. 1st Com. â€" John Bennett. 2nd Com. â€" Geo. Bowles. â- â- frd Com. â- â- - Wes Littlejohns 4th f^oni. â€" C. Hamilton, otb Com. â€" W. Hamilton. M"-'.r-t: Won And Lost Flesbeiton midgets lu.sl ,i hockey game at Markdale last we 'k 8-7. after being in the lead 7-3 at one time The players were: goal, Roy Park; defence, Richardson, M -Kech- n'e; centre, Pat StautTer, wings. MacMilhin and Brii.-e iJoettgor; al- U^iratev. Ale.iu H 'n ie.-.scn, Rcyden .ror.nston, Walter St^w,n•t .fim Slod- i':ii:. Pill Ab^rd^-ir \nd liob Teotj!- This same team ^ame bark .-iKmg tbis Thursday ni'rht u; I wiiii from Markdale on local ice M-6. A -locVpHfit says an extravagant rhls makes a poor mother â€" not to mention a poor husband. By-law No. 1, confirming oppoint- P»'d lo the Ontario Rural Munici- ment of the following officers was l'"''^i'"' Association, read require<l times and passed; 1 ^^'''f- Adlam presented a requestt Auditor, Geo. Buchanan; High School) ^i"' permission to scrap cars, p.ji<f Trustee. Wesley Smith; Board of M^'''"" ^'''sher requested pei-mission. Health, M. S. McLeod; Sanitary j ^^ ^^'"^"^^ "» "â- ' »"*! g«s storage Inspector, Thos. Genoe; M.O.H., Dr. i 'itwti""- The request for stsitutory â- i. E. Milne. Stock Valuei-s: Wm. Hincks, Geo. pass a ing of a new by-law Blford Walters, Buchanan, Clare Foster. Luther Love, Jos. Watson, John Campbell and Stanley Patton. Fence Viewers; John Ritchie, Beit Irwin. Albert O'Dell, Wm. G. Bowies' Xorman Burritt, Wm. RatcHH'e, John W. Gallaugher, Porter Beard, Lome -Atkinson, Stewai't Miiir, Earl Goi'- don and Harry Fisher. Weed Inspector. Elwoud Bowles; School Attendance Otficer. .Stanley Camiibell; Pound Kei'.pers: A. S. Muir. W. J. McFadden. Harold Quig- Uy. Wilfred Lever, Porter Beard. Cecil Meldrum and .\. F. Pedlar. By-law No. 2, lSt4*). to authorize borrowing of s:!().000.00 was read the required number if times and passed by the Council. The Council has been asked ti. by-law authorizing the issu- debentures for §22,500.00 for school at Priceville, and i for 85,000.00 for repairs to Priceville Hydi-o System. The Road Superintendaiit was in- structed to advertise for tenders for thf crushing, hauling aw. spiralling of jr;avel on the Township roads of 7,001) yai-ds, flat rate, for both ' and -'4 -inch, tenders to close F^'b, 14, 104!!, at 2 P-m., and to purcbase li culvei-ts ;{ 12-inch and :\ IS-in.'i from the Pedlar People Ltd. The following accounfs wc:e ord- ei-ed paid: County of Grey, cduii y rate, 50';, of S8,04(i.(i,i; Aubrey Foster, fox bounty account $43.50, 174 foxes at 25c: Ivan Waller, re- fund On snow club account; Ontario •Assoc, of Rural Municipalities, mem- bership fee S6; P. Hemphill, Decem- ber relief S50.H1; Hairy Scott, bal. Assessor's salary S50; Herb Corhett. i!og tax refund S2; J. .\. Davis, com- mittee work and telephone iSX.oO; (Garnet .dagee, i)remium on road in- suiance policy .SlSS; Road Supl., pa.vment voucher No. 1 8731.(11; The Clerk was instructed to write to a number of machine companies and secure prices on various sizes of liulldozers also to prepare a deben- ture by-law coverin°- the cost of Priceville Police Village Hydro re- |iair-. It was moved and seconded that the municipality otfer to purchase one acre of land, more or less, in any school section, to be used for the piirjiose of windbreak where -oct'oii is willin.g to undertake le.-^ponsibility of planting trees municipality to purchase fence, such windbreak to be along ;i where snow drifting munity to build fence ing to be under the the Zone Forester. Eldon to erect an station. The grant for road subsidy was signed and sent to the Ontaiio Deparenient of Highways. By-laws Nos. 1, 2 and 3, to ap- point certain officers, to borrow moneys and to appoint Dr. Milne as M.O.H., wore read the required nuni- oev of times and passed, while By- law No. 4, to borrow mone.v on deb- enture was given second readiii'j; and sent to the Deiiartment if Municipal Affairs for approval. Blades were or<lered to be puroh- ;'.M(1 fv • the snow plow. .A. rebate of Sti.27 was re'-eiv:-,) "or street lighting in l!MS from the Hydro Electric (^ommissi.in. It was moved and se'?onded that thi, se<-rctary and superin* Mda it of â- the local Hydro Commissron cake stock of all material am, tools own- ed by the Coniinission and all pur- ihasing hi- done tbrougn the sccve- taiy, an<l a record be k'pt by him of all outgoing and inciMiing stoi'k. Tht f I Mowing com nif'ee? of the Council were appointed for the yf/ar; Finance and Welfare â€" Betts, Thurston and .Avis. Streets â€" Gorrell, B :â-  ""Kenbiiry and Betts. Hydro â€" Br.ickenbury, .Avis and Betts. Public Property Thurston. G-^rrel'. Fire and Park â€" Thurston. and Biii'd;n'-,'S â€" BiMckenbury. .Avit, r; irr.->'.l n:'id Bo rn the the the and road is bad, coni- and thi' pl;iiit- supervision of ANDREWSâ€" At Orangeville Hos- pital on Thursday, .Ian. i;3, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Russell .Andrew." of Flesherton, a daughter, Ailene Cicely. DAVISON â€" At the Nuhn -Nurs- ir.g Home, Flesherton, on Salui'day, Jan. I,5tb, 104<l, to Mr. and Mrs. .Newton Davison, of Maxwell, a (iaunhter, V'eina Elizabeth. .Mac.ARTHUR --- At the Private Patients' Puvillion. Western Hos- pital. Toronto, Thursday. Jan. ];?th, I'.'l'i. t,, Mr. and Mr.-. " D. G. Muc- Artliar, a daughter, Penny Georglna. TURNER â€" At Newmarket on Kiiday. Jan. I4th, I!t40, to Mr. .and Mrs. Harolil Turner, a son, David Kihvard. ('iii)stiuction man: the afternoon ot"f- to with my wife'.'" Foreman: "No." CM.: "Thanks." 'Can I have go shoppinsT V.\NDP:LRUR PROPERTY SOLD The property at Vandcleur corner owned by Mr. Thos. Skinner, has I been purchased by Mr. .A. Arnott of Toronto, the sale liein.g made by R. E. Priiigle of Flesherton, real esta e broker. In Memoriam (X'LLEN - Ever in deep at;d afl'ectioTiate remembrance of a very dear bi-othei-, William Leslie CuPpn. who departed fiom u? on Januarv 2;iid, 1948, â€" Greatly missed hy Sisters and Brother. If every nose stuck into other people's business were snipped off, 1 wouldn't we be a funny looking, race. 1 C O. H. L. HOCKEY •n the FLESHERTON A REN \ Sat., Jan. 22 ERIN FLESHERTON Erin has a very good team and last year gave I'le.vherton a real good game here and won at Erin. The boys are out to cop this one t oo. -Admission: 35c .and 20c (Reserved seats extra) » * t

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