Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1949, p. 1

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®l)je /tel)^tU*n %mmicc. ; VOL. 68; NO. 38 FLESHERTON, ONT., WEDNESDAY, FEBRjJARY 16, 1949 F. J. Thurston, Publisher "^Fonnefr Flesherton Couple 55 Years Married i « ^. â-¼ 3(2 Indian Rd., Toronto '* Editor of The Advance: * Dear Sir,- Kindly allow me through â- * The Advance to communicate tht.' **• heart-felt appreciation otf myself and "' Mrs. Buskin, to the Flesherton Old "* Boys and Girls in Toronto, for the ^ beautiful box of flowei\-i i-eceiveU to â- ^ help us enjoy our 55th wedding aiuti- '*â-  ver&ary, and Mrs. Buskin's biithday •â-  On St. Valentine's Day. Believe me, » your thoughtfubiess will be long re- •*• membered by us. It is a wonderful jr feeling to know thai you are not for- ^ gotten. We have just received in- sti-uctions to be at Reta's (Mrs. ^ Regan on the afternoon of Feb. 13, to be congratulated by the Rebekah MT Lodge, and your floweri will go with ~ ns as a symbol of old times. â€" ^Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Bu- kin Future Events EUGENIA EUCHRE A euchre will be held in the Eu- genia Hall on Friday, Feb. 18th, at fe:30 p.m., under au.-pices of L.O.L. Appointed As Toronto Branch Bank Manager The appointhiest of William E. Siewart a.'^ manager of its King and Vonge Su-eet.-i branch was awiounced on Fi-iday by uie Bank of M<jntreal. Mr. Stewart took over his new duties on Monday of thi.s week. Bill, as he is known by his many friends here, i.s a son of Mr. and Mr-. John Stewart c-i' Flesherton and jointed the staff of the Kank of Montreal when a bi-anch of the bank was located in Fleshei-- ton. He has s.pBnt some years in the head oiTice in Toronto in charge of various departments and two years ago went to the main branch of the Bank in Montreal as assistant man- ager. No'.v his apopincment as man- ager of the King and Yonge branch is a reward for splendid work wit' the" Bank of Montreal. We are look ing for Bill to reach the heights in l^ankinig. Congratulations. ilH ACTIVITIES AT SKATING RING FOR COMING WEEK Wed.. Fet. 16 â€" 11.30 to 12, and 3:30 to 4, High School; 8 to 16, Lhin- da'k vs Proton Semi-Pro. Thui-sday â€" 11:30 to 12, 3:30 lo 4, Carnival And Ice FoUies Enjoyed By Large Crowd Featuring a display of figure and' â- fancy skating by memiber> of the Georgian Skating Club of Owen Sound and the Markdale Figure .â- Skating Club, the Flesherton Ice FoUies and Carnival attracted the l.irgest crowds of spectators and contestahts ever to jam the Flesh- eron arena, held Thursday evening of last week. The ga-aceful exhibi- tion of Miss Jean Shears of Owen Sound won the acclaim of all, while little M,is3 Margaret Cherry of the Markdale Club showed pi-omise in hei- display of figure skating. Miss Jtarion Pigeon, leacher of figrure skating and Mr. Htigh Mercer of Markdale, both of whom are mem- bers of the Georgian Club, gave an exhibition of free, skating and a few aqixybatics that were smoothly per- foi-med. Other single numbers were given by Misses Gwen Burnside- ami Barbara Wright of Markdale. Othei-s taking part from Markdale wer Lois taking part from Markdale were Lois Summei-s, Georgina Whitney. Max- ine Parliament, Ruth Alcox, Ruth Peters, and Peter Thibaudeaw. The new link was officially open- ed by H. -^. McCauley, president of Inter-Church Youth Service | Osprey Council Meeting Held In St John's I Osprey Municipal Council met in Speaking specially w youth at St.h'^^sular se.sum on Saturday, Feb. 12, dav^ lowing business wa.- U'ansacted: A grant of $10.00 was made to the .John's Unite.1 Church last Sunday^ with all memiiers present 1118. Adnnission: be provided. evening. Rev. Paul Christen.son of Dundalk remin<led that- everyone must go through the "Valley of De- cision.'' He urged the young iJeople not to spend too long there, but lo choose the Way of the Cross as iheii way of life, and to let the great Pioneer of the Christian Faith U-i.d them. The large congriga'.icn iijii.ded visitors from neighboring yJU v; people's groups, as well as thi; inem hers of St. John'.s. Lieanor Spa.v;i conducted the seivic^i. assist.;! .;-,â-  Jean McCracken and Erma Aber- Bros., sno^v plowing $730.00; P. Sap.- derson, snow plowing !f 102.50; L. Young, u-uckittg %5; Wm. Neil, snow plowing $114.50; Pay Roil No. 2, 1896.68. Council adjourned to meet Satiu-- day, March 5th, at 2 p.m. Siuvalion Army Rescue Home. The Treasurer was authorized to pay a ix-unt-y of $1.00 for each fox skin Ijresented to him and after which was cti.ly marke<l. The Reeve, Mr. Buie, and Mr. McCutcheon wei-e appointed as delegates to conveation to be held in Toronto, and each to receive S25 ;.s expenses. The Clerk wat- instruct- ei! lo advertise in li>cal papers for an .Aspessor to prepare aar assessmen, i< 11 for the year VJoO. By-law No. 2, to provide for an ex- John F. Stothart Passes (lein. Misses Emily Acheron and > pe„(jjture of $35,000.00 on TouTi.-hip Muriel Spark-- contributeti to the j i-oad-s for the year l;)49, was read the 25c. Lunch will High School; 7:30 to 8:30, senior the Flesherton Service Club, under SINGHAMPTON DANCE Dance in Hammill's Hall, Sing- hampton, Friday nisjht, Feb. 18th. to -*â-  miisic by Dermott'^ Oix:hestra. Danc- -" ing from U to 1. .Admission 50c. RE-OPENING OF PRICEVILLE W. I. HALL â- *- The official opening of Priceville -» Women"? Institute Hall w^ill be hied » Friday, Feb. 18th, at 8 p.m. Pro- ' gram and Dance. Music by Sharpe s •• Orchestra. Draw for blanket. Ad- •«• mission: 50c, children free. Booth. â- practice; 9 p -^ . Feversham ^s Fle- sheron Sewii-Pro. Friday â€" li:30 to 12, 3:30 to 4, High School; -2 t@ ;:.', free skating for children und'sr school age or begin- ners: 7 to S p.m., Priceville Mid- gets practice; S v^ lO, public skat- ing TO mu^ic. .SaturdJ.y â€" i2.30 to I.JO, Midget hockey pr.i:tice; '1 to 4. f-ee s'Kat'ng for children: .< to 10, watoh for whose auspices the rink has been enlarged, and Reeve K. G. Betts. Mr. McCauley stated that there w;i a balance of $2000.00 yet to be rais- ed to complete the payment for th community centre and witli the con- tinued whole-hearted support of the people thi; objective could be real- ized in the near future. Reeve Betts welcomed the lar.i-j gathering anti iiemarked that the new community cnj .vment of the service by a lovely duet, accoanpanied by Mrs. J. E. Milne on the pipe organ. The offering was taken bj' four young men: Messrs. Roy Best, Bob Stodiiart, David Mc- Gee and Bruce Thurston. Rev. A. G. Macpherson made the announcements and extended a warm welcome to every one present, and invited them back next Sunday to the special Boys' and Girl.i' Service. A bouquet of beautiful flowers graced the communion table, in mem- ory of the late Mrs. Wm. Moore. re<|uired nuniber of times and duly passed. This will be foi-warded to the Department of Highwa.vs for tl'.eir api)roval. The folloAving general accounts were ordei-ed paid: Mrs. J. Smith, care ot E. Miller (Jan.) ^5.10; Sal- 'ation Army, grant $10; County of Grey, indigent hospital account $5.63; X. Monu-rhan, sheep clahm 8110.00; E. Davidson, valuer S3'; Hy. Blakey. ;>l>eep claim S40; L. Cox. valuer $2; (By Priceville Reporters JoQin Ferris Stothart, one of Pri«e- ville's most highly respected citiaeiB, passed away Simday morning, Feb. I3th, at hks late residence, in bis 72nd year. Death came as a resmlt of a paralytic stroke, which he suf- fered a week prior to his death. The late Mr. Stothart was b»m »n the farm where he passed away, aiid was tlie younge.-t son of the late- Thomas Stothart an<i Mary Smith anet spent most of his life at Price-viUe. Ho wEWi a membei- of St. Commba United Chui-ch and was alw: ys irr .attendance when health permitted He wUl be arreatly snissed in the home and community. He -srae a successful fanner and ateo a cartte- drover. Deceased leaves to mourn ki^ passing, tw« sisters, Margaret .Reg;. X., of San Francisco, and . Rachel. Mrs. .Albert Donaldson, of Weet Palm Beach, Florida. One sister. Minnie, who kept hoiKe fe»- biskr j Piovince of Ontario, insulin $2.91 j -Municipal World, account $1.50; Os- j died Feb. 27th, 1920; Jemdma. M». , prey Municipal Telephone System, Kamsdell of New York, died Sep*. j office rent and tolls $26.31; M. Men- j 21, 1947. and a brother. Alex., paas- , zie, Don. Mclntp-e and M. Gibson $5 j eil away March 0th. 1048. at Abec- 1 each as fence-viewers. I jeen. Wash., (ieneral road -ecounts ordered paid â-  Two nurses were in atten<iance , ., jwere: J. D. Adams Co., repairs fori <'urine his illness. Marjorie McLeod. Mrs. J. J. Brown, was held Wednes- , g^^^^^. g^g go. r„,perial Oil Co. fuel' R^-^N.. of Swinton Park ard Mis-. "ay atternoon, with service ;n St. The Late Mrs. Wm. Moore The funeral of the late Mrs. Wiham Moore, who passed away oii Mon<iay. Feb. 7-th, at the home of her sister, John's United Church, conducted by her pastor, Rev. A. B. Macpherson. centre belong to the people of v this i Members of the choir assi-ted in the TiVtice eitlier hockey or skating. Sunday 11 a.m. Baptist service; district fcr their enjoyment and j singing of "A'Dide With Me" and 7.30 United Ch'.uh ser-/:c°. AH these- events subject .'t weather iperniitting. Y The Home of Tasty Bakins Specials This Week MAPLE WALNUT CAKE TRY OUR FRESH DO-NUTS Delivered while hot each Friday; phone orders PIES Mincemeat Cherry (fresh frozen) Apple Raisin Date CREAM PUFFS COOKIES Special This Week 2 doz. 35c CREAM BUNS JELLY ROLLS :5 5: I X I ? i looked forward to the time when it "Work For the Night is Coming." Fleshert^p '5 « •:•%♦%•• r r Our Chapel is at the disposal of our clientele without extra charge. It contains well-appointed family reception rooms, including organ and organist. Bates and Maddocks FUNfR/iL CHAPH l24AvBnueRd KI.4344 could be t'iirned over debt free for their use. Tliere was a wide variety in the costmnes of the skaters and some weo'e ocf e.xceptionally fine quality. We might mention those of Mrs. E. J. Fisher in Japanese costiune ^nd Emery as an African negro, and Fred Gorre! who was dressed in a Dutch costume with Dutch skates, which he had braught hack from Holland at the close of the war. The judges for the carnival were Hugh Mercer of M'arkdale and Dr. A. D. McAllister and Hugh Carter of Dundalk. The gsiyety of the evening was further enlivened with music hy a pipe band, which played throughout the evening and led the grand par- , nde of contestants at the close of j T '*^''^ ''"'^. ^^''f' ^'"' the judging. A broonilial! o-ame by the high school girls, played with a rugby ball, had the big crowd almost in hysterics as play ranged from en 1 to end. The girls were eomple'ely outfitted with all the paraphernalia pecxiliar to hockey players. Th: v.-hites won the game 1-0, the only â- goal being scolied by Eleanor ?i:;nks. This w.i> followed by a rriock fig-ht by the girls when all ( ngaged in a free-for-all, nrueh to the amii-senient of the erov.c. Prize winners were: Younc-jsc ikiiter. 7 and under, Sandra Fisher, Lynn Andrews, Joanne Sctirro.v; 8 to 12. Roddy MacDougall, Heather i>;acv>hei-»t>n, Peter t^oheon: lost skating couple. Rev. .A. G. Mucohe.'- son and daughter, .Margaret, Roy Be.t a.a 1 ..'can McCracken. best or- iginal oosturie. I.-^;-. ChaAl, Jack Biinnon*, besib comic, open, Haroift Best and Xormtn Scarrtw, Eldim ]-"awcett and Pat Stautfer: best com- ic. um^T 12. Handd Hamilton, Jenn Magee and Barry Scanow; best i-nc'c adT? -tising display. George and Ml". Bcyd, Joanne Seanow; best fan-c-y dress, under 12, Margar- et MacT.'.v'ish ; best hard times, i Barry Scarrow, Harold Be t: bes!: ' fancy costume. Mrs. Win. Turvey, â-  Mrs. \. Scarrow, Mrs. H. Best; best I patriotic, any ]|ri-oup, Geoige -Arni- I sti-otijg, Mr-. J. MacLean and da'tgh- j .tor; best patriotic utxler 12. Pat. ^'acLonn, Peter Goheen, Heather Interment was made in the Fiesher ton Cemetery Chapel. The casket bearers were: Messrs. G. B. Welton. F. W. Duncan, A. E. Bellamy, C. J. Bellamy, Reg. Boyd end John Thi^blewaite. .A.mong the many beautifhl floral tributes were messages of sympathy from St. John's United Church, the friends and neighbors, and St. John's W. A. group. The tiower bearerjs were William. Fred and Goidon IrwLn, J. T. Parker Ted Lyoni, Ellwood Stevens and Filfred Graham. Among tho^e attending the funeral from a disitance were: Mr. and Mi's. J. T. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lyons, all of Brampton; "Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carter. Mrs. Mary Carter Mrs. Etfie Davis, all of Ti-'ronto; Mrs. Walter Duggan, Flint, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. John Petty, Miss Agneis Petty, Durham; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Irwin and Mr.-. T. Gilchrist of Budjei-o.= ; Mr. and Mrs. Andtew Walker, Chesley; Mr. and Mrs. W. i'.. Graham, .Markdale. and Mr. and .Mrs. Haroi Bales, Hamilton. The late Mrs. Moore was the for- mer Margaret Jane li-win, daughter oil S4S.65; Townline work: Me!anc-I Smith of Feversham. The funeral thon .-ULei, Nottawasasra ^7.1.5. Art-j -s being held this Tuesday afternoon emesia SU- W. Hamilton, work withj "-Ith interment taking place in Mc- bulldozer S52..50: Burlington Steel ! ^'eiU's Cemeter>'. Co.. bridge steel .?213.2i>: C. Young, trucking $70; Slaters', repairs for grader $14.6.'^; Maxwell Garacre. re- pairs for grader S.'^n.2o; R. Blakey, grader operator S2;W.20; Mc.\rth'.n .\ Tennessee man had Ms tros toi-n off in a traffic accident. T?« -was l<>ft just shorts of total embaTras- ment. .V.%.%.%.V.>M%.*M^.^.*. â-ºâ€¢â€¢â€¢â™¦*•♦*•♦•♦••♦••♦••••*• •:••*•<••>•>.> t Spring and Ho^se Cleaning t t are JUST AROUND THE CCRK^k WALLPAPER â€" \Vf now h;ivc m,, (ii.^play .. full range oi 1^49 WallpapcM-s, also Cleaner. Remover and Pa.>Jtes. PAINT â€" Xeptalac i'ainis anil \ a1-ni--iT.-- !,.r .i. pose.-^. once used, always u>ed â€" I'aint Brushes. er-^. Crack l-'iller. Turpetitijie. ore. KEMTONE â€" rhe new miracle oil and iniisli, u.-^ed on all surfaces, covers with oiie c; of the late Charles Irwin' and "^Jane! '4 <"^1"''- ^'''^t^^ in one hour. Full ul i-ur- R-.ll- ll, Uti lours. Sharp and was born in Flesherton on May. 3'lst, 1869. In 1902 she was maVried to William Moore, who was a harne-s-maker in Flesherton and 101 many years carried mail and ex- press between the station and the village. Mr. Moore predeceased her ii: 1034. Deceu.-^d was very active in church work, especially in the Wo- man's .\ssociation and VVoman's Mis- sionary Society and also taught '-."a i-^ Sunday School for m-Miy year-, and wa* a member of St. John'.s United Chui-x;h. Surviving are her sister. Mrs. J. J. Brown and two nieces, Mrs. .-Vrnold Bowler of Flesherton and Mrs. Haro! Hates of Hh mi lion. DIED CULLE.X â€" A his hoane 71 Ra- vina Cresc, Toronto, on Monday, I Feb. Uth, 1049, Th.-^mas Cullen, son I of the late Mr. a.n,i Mrs. Johnston I Cullen of Felesherton, hu.=band of ' Vabel Dora Cullen, and dear father I of Honor (Mrs. John.-ton. Interment ' Macpherson; best patriotic, single '« ^'^""^ Pleasant Cemetery Wed- ,-r i.\--vh\: George Ann.*tron<;- and "estiay, Feb. 1 th, at 2 p.m. M"rs. MacLean. Mr. and Mrs. Russell , Andrews: best animal, Bo.b Long. â-  (f p.iiJ admissions were realized. Bruce Thurston and Bill Aberdein, I Dii-cctor of Ceremonies for the Ken Betts. Reg Boyd and Billy | evening's pr:'ceedings was Mr. Bcb Boyd; all-Canadian costume. Shir- Phillips, who pi>oduced a commend- ley Aberdein, John Cook; nurse^ry 'jyh]^ perfoi-mance. iliymne cotume, Norma Betts, San- I ' dra Fisher, .Miss A. Wilson; oldest It's e nice knack to be able to dis- kater, Jos. Radley, llowar*! MoGee. agree without being disagreeable. Prizes for the winners were don- i fitcd by the Ple.-hcii-iton busine.ss- \ grown-up u-sually means about men. The ticket sale was a record hili he sayv, and a youngster says for the Fle-rherton arena and $280 about half he means. run to match. ♦ ELITE â€" Ca.sein paint for interior surfac. • >-. ;> I FLOOR COVERINGâ€" Just received ;i ^mall shipment t i of l-'Ioor Coveriui^- 1- yd. Printed Linoieiun, fnlaid ? I Linoleum: 2 and 3 yards Rexoleuni. Feltol and Con- •> '> .yoleum. A y-ood assortment of Rusjs to choose from. |> f W (Hild advise jmrchasing now, as floor coveririir is •?• ;: still on .^h(>rt supply. •:♦ } RUGSâ€" .\xniinster Kii-s 9x12. OxlO'o. 6x9. ; ...o-6. t ;:. alsn Scadder Ru5s. Rug: Shampoii, Moth Crvstals. i Kui: Pads. J WINDOW SHADES- Linen. Fibre and Pajv n J cre:nH :'nfl while: !")r;'.pe Arms. Dra]ie Track. I \ENETION BLINDS- -AVood. aluminum and Meel <! â€" -reinuvable slats, all colours, tapes to match. 10- days .^I delivery. (.'.i\ e u^ ytuir measurement. We do the 'Cst. ♦ SUNDRIES-^Siair Treads. Hall Runner. Li<!uid and •j; Paste Wax. Pillows. Our usual cuiu])lete line o\' ^« .'^i)rini:s. Mattresses. T>eds. Studios: nedrndin. Chest- ;|; erlleld and Dinetle S^iites : Lamps. Shade--. I'li'^is •> and (X-ca-iional Furniture ^ F.lectric \'acuum Cleaners, Refritrerators. Ranjres. Rang-ettes. Toasters. Irons. Washinj.; ^fachines; <.kis and Electric Fixtures: Wiring- materials of all kinds. X t I I I "If it is for the Home, we have it" Richards Phone 78w FLESHERTON We Deliver I

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