Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1949, p. 2

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He Getrf Big Money, And Certainly Earned It. â€" rutiiiij; his "Jo!u) llcmy" (ill tin- dotted line is l.(ni Hoiidreau, playing manajjcr of the world ihanipiojt Cleveland Indians haschall Icam. Although exact terms of the two-year contract were not revealed, it is l)elie\ed that Loii will make about $65,000 a sea'^oni which put him up among the game's top money-makers. That's F'resident Bill V'eeck of the Indians looking on. ^VHATGOES ON IN THE yOBLD ^Norman Blair .mM -is'fA ic ,6Wlit.«9it<1ft*M ']).!â-  . (i.jilrs oi tlic I iiUA King- 'MfllM" ''-^-^^^^ W'"^' the world as a wliolr .#f3nrfrMI11l-i>i kp8t a rat.' of over $2.60U,UUU.0()(I ;iniui- »Il.v. When llie Marsliall^|jj^j,.jys, hrM put '"t" opcriiliiiii. tlir .1 .S. .Slate JJepailineiit estimated lliat fliis diliiitâ€" during tlie 12 months beK'niiiiiK .inly 1. 1''48â€" niiglit pus- niLly he rrdiued by aronnil 40 per cent. Kilt b.v tin ciul oi latt year Britain was heating that estimate at the rate vi A BILLION DOLL.AKS OK lidUE per anmini. It was hitting the Cripps export target of 50 per lent above 19.38. The excess of ex- ports o\er imports was the liighest In all history. Britain was again •arning its own way, or was very close to it. Smh seii'-alional gains r( lleets. in targe part, wliat one ,\iiieriLan writer talis "telf denial." more •Iringent than any other democratic ronntry has ever imposed on itself in times of peace." They also reflect In part, the reduction in Hritain's overseas military expenditures. At all events, although Britain is (till running a deficil against the Western llemispliereâ€" and although the will lontimie to need nohie aid Iron) the Marshall plan for a time â€"the all-over picture is decidedly •nroiiraging. Those pessimists who were â- 'selling Britain *hort" and •aying that the Old Country was worn out and done for are beginning to eat their words. If loine of the oilier Western Kuropean beneficiar- let ol the Marshall plan would use the tame sort of utrcnuous efforts to put their houses in order, the gen- eral .state of alTairs on the other lide of the .^tlaiitii would be a whole lot more hopeful than they actually are •I present. Also from Urilam comes news of a "blindfold margarine test." Br. Edith Siimmerskill is the Parlia menlary .Secretary to the Ministry of Food. .She is also a lady of de- cidedly definite opinions, and is well known for her positive views about what i.eople should, anil .•houldn't Ml. Not hmg ago she announced that nobody could tell the ililTerence be- tween margarine and butter, and •hallenged all present to come to the Ministry's kitclieii and take a blindfolded test. An Oriel College nndjrgradii.ite, t'oliii I'resti:3e, ijii- ' mediately. acce|iled. ,\t latest advice Prestige hadtit got round to cilling on Pr. Suinmerskill; hut both the I^ndon Uailv Mail and The Daily Express bad liim tried out. They leported that Prestige had distin- guished between butter and its »ub- ilitnle rxaclty lix times out of lix. And when the Daily Chronicle sent a gill reporter around London, armed with mpjilies, nhe found that aiott of the house wivv could »1 o Mil the difference without too much Itniihle. Modest ( i.llegc ahiinni attending a dinner III Kaleigli, .N.C., were asked In name ihrir profcsion?. fine shy yining umlerlaker, fearing the de- rision of the rrowil when he, told his railing, answered smoothly, "I'm a kcuth'rn i>lantcr." The United States They've b<<ii doing a bit oi food testing on this side of the .Atlantic as well. Taking part in these tests were 2M> numbers of <i4 urban I'eiuisylvania families, all in appar- ent good hi.ilth. .And the tindings may have farther reaching and lon- ger-lasting results than a lot oi the news which makes ihe ironl page headlines. For tluse were by no means "under luivileged" families. Two thirds of tlieiii had incomes of be- tween $2.sO(l and .$.S0()0 per year. The other third had > over $.S0OO yearly. .Ml lived well and ate well â€" or at least ate what tluy thought was proper food. Yet until they were tested by representatives of the year-long nnlrilion study conducted by Wesl- ingliouse h'.lectric and I'lnnss Ivania State (dllege, these supposedly healthy anil intelligent people never even suspected that they were eating their way into poor health, 'let only 28 per cent of the families consumed enough food to meet proper caloric re(|uireineuts; and few' had enough protein^, min- erals and vitaniins. Here arc some of the hudings. .Adult women made the poorest showing. .At least .S8 per cent were underweight and more than half of them had less than three fourths of Ihe highly necessary calcium. Adult males scored higher ihan females on everything but \ ilaniin "C"â€" this being a reflection of gen- eral dislike for raw foods such at salads. Teen age girls copied their mothers in faulty eating habits. Fifty per cent were underu eight, Teen age boys showed better t'ating habits than their sisters. Children under 12 made relatively good shouings, but close investiga- tion revealed that many were un- derweiglii and lacking in hone developiuenl. And the proof ol the lunlding REAI.r.V WA.S in Ihe eating. To insure accurate results, the families included in the tests began eating under a controlled plan. Dehnite (luanlilies of foods were prescribed accoriling to individual needs. Housewives weie taught how lo niarkel, how to cook food to retain ihe greatest amounts of minerals and vitamins, also how to store food (iropeily. In spile of the increase in meat, milk, eggs, and fats, food costs under the new iilan ro:,e only around ^\.^S per week for each family. .And in the end proper foods properly cooked brought amazing results. All family meinhers reiioited that they felt better, looked better, did not get irritated lo easily, noticed less fatigue and had fewer colds. Individual medical ratings rose «- much SI M per cent, Adult women were'itill in lowest |ilace when the survey fiui>hed a ttubhorn 14 per cent of them were J '1 eating less than three-fourths of the reipiired calories, Cnlike their motherf, 75 per cent of Ihe teen age girls reached standard weight, .Men and boys iliowed iinpiovement in ne&ily all parts of the rating. Children under 12 impioved islisfactorily, and by the end of Ihe year none wad »eriou~lv underweight, "All apple a day" may not be a guarantee of "keeping the doctor away". But it would seem as though proper eali'ig, all along the lint, would make medical attention far less ntrtisary. 2v A SivBirC Now it there is one phase of the game of hockey about which we claim to be something of a con- noisseurâ€"what language!â€" it is the art of goal tending. There are sev- eral reasons for this. Back in the misty past, when we used lo play hockey, we were always chosen â€" - by Ihe unanimous vote of our teaiii- inates^to tend goal, only we called it "gool". • ♦ * 'ibis choice, we niainlain, was because of cnir superior agility, keen eye and coolness; although there arc some of our contempor- aries who basely claim that it was on account of a habit we shared with a one-lime N.H.L. referee, whose name we wiU^kindly suppress â€" said habit being that of doing our skating principally on our ankles. <k * « I'erforining on one's ankles, if done in its proper sphere, can win a man botli applause and wealth. As The Scarecrow in *'rhe Wizard oi Oz" the great Fred Stone used to do an eccentric dance on his ankles wiiich wowed theni iroiii coast to coast. But as a forward in hockey â€" or even as a defenccnian â€" the ankle stuff has its drawbacks. And so we became a goaltender, on one memorable occasion com- ing within a hare ten goals of scor- ing a shnlniii a;.'ainst keen cipjiosi- tion. • ♦ Hence, we have always taken a very special interest in the actions of the stout fellows who guard the twine. I-'ate has forced us to do a lot of our sport-watching from I'ress Bo.xes and similar spots; but from choice, we would sooner sit at the end of the rink where â€" espec- ially in the days of stick-handling and combimation â€" you could really see what is going on. (.And if we've told you all this before, think no- thing of it. Slick around long enough and in all probahilit-\ we'll <lo it again and again. I _ â-  • * We have watched pretty marly all the really outstanding goalies in action, and with deep appreciation, our nicmories dating back to the days of Percy LeSeuer, Clint iJeiie- dict, (jeorge llainsworth and others too nunicrous to mention. ( Clint Benedict was called, disparagingly, "Praying Benny" because of his custom of dropping to his knees. to smother siiots, which wasn't considered exactly "cricket" in those days â€" and we wonder wliat lie thinks when he sees those mod- ern goaltenders Who seem to be staiuling on their ears more often than on their skates.) • ♦ » We have also been liuiU'red by the personal Iricndsliip ol several of the top hands in goal iindiug; and have heard them discuss con- hdentially the intricacies of their prol'essioii. It was from them that we learned that, technically, a "left handed goalie' is not, as you might think, one who holds his stick ill the sinister paw. A right bander is one who uses that fm lo do the catching, grasping his warcliili with the left. A • * lust wlui v\ .ilf tliai cicH »as the griatcst of all lime, we don't in- tend to go into liere. It's all a mat- ter tU opinion, and something like tr\iiig'lo cmnpare .lolm L, Sullivan with Jack Deinpsey â€" there's no de- linile line lo go by. But as we staleil previously, we think we know <iiougli to appreciate really high class cage-guar<ling â€" and we are here lo say that the <lisplay staged by .Mr, Chuck Rayuer, of the New York Kangers, in 'iorouto iXcnlly, raiiU-d with the very best. • * ♦ It's taken us over a long and torlnoiis course lo arrive at what we started out 'to say â€" hut sluick' space has to be filled, somehow or other. But Kayner was really worth going a long, long way to watch. .At limes it looked as though the Maple Leafs couldn't have scored him with a liandful of huckshot. And if hrankie Boucher's New Yorkers fail to land in Ihe playolTs, one man they won't be able to blame for their plight is Mr, Raviui. • • • Possibly it isn'l any ol our l>usi- ness to try and wedge ourselves into what looks like a private battle; but in the rumiuis taking place be- tween the Toronto Male School Teachers and the yueen City edu- cational aulhorilies, wc find our sympathies, for once, on the side of lite teachers. CPriily, age imi.st be softening us up greatlv, to say I a thing like that.! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING A(JUNT8 WANTKD Bit' VOUR OWN BOSSt Dlatrlbutt. on Part Ttm* or Fill) Time baala. nur IBO products: Toitetrli'ii. Vitaniinn. Extract!, 6picta. Bakiiic Powtl'-i . t7ak»8. Dou^hnuta. (J lass. Sitv*-i. Furniture and Shoe Pollahaa. *tc Bacb IntJlvtduHl u cuuiomvt. k^xceiltstii opportunity to (eH( your hunln^so •'nbllltlea tVrlta foi frpb detnlta and catalncii*â€" FAM ri.RX. IfOO Delorlnuf r. Montreal. lUK ^.\1,K M KSKKV >IO( k AOK.NTS: Hell dire* t to hou8v\viv*a ihtr 4- way "Wonder" f;rl(I()I*'-Orni. Writ*-; Es- qulro Balea Comvitt\y. •station K, Toronto, Oniitrlo. MAKK KVKItY U.'iy .( [';•> *)iiv! Tiilst- *.r«lfr« for niir mnde-in-meamire r-loihfa In your roniiituttiiy. i'oiiii'lete auinplu tslL vupplled. IdcHl «'i-i*ort unity tn ut.-irt >niir own biislnef s bachrd >^>y «atal)ll8hfd ni.'intirartdrer. Write: Frniil^liii I'ark t'luihtfa in*-., Kl'A .St. Catherine Str''('i, KiiHt . M<>ntr*^.'t!. Qiir-h#^. BAKV CIIU'KS T}fK Most aurcfsr'fiil i>r»iiltrymeii flre Ihoae «iu) arart with chicka from high iiroductlon â- t(ii k. When >ou buy T(»p Notuh thicks you buy liik'h fKit ytelfl, ihst'K ivhy otir cnatomcra reitort low hen houae inortHlliy. ThouKanda of ouHK'ttifrH have leanied f i oni experience that Top Noti h rhlrka are bom with a brfd-ln-profit record and born of proved 1 era on both aides. Also a to 24 wetik old piilletf. Turkey poulta from OiVfinment Approved atork. Free Catidojcn*'. Top Notch Chirk Sales, Guelpb, Onunlo SrART NOW â€" START KHillT Dm idft now to own a better flock. Begin with Kood Quality cblcka from a Quality hatchery. 1. A ranada Accredited Hatchery. 3. 3rd nucreaaive year 100 per cent pulorum clean. S. Kslabllahed 22 yearo. 4. Operatlns under Hatchery Approval, and Ontnrio Approved Hatcheries AsaocUtlon. Write for our 1949 price list and catalogue. and see view of our New Modern Hatchery, one of The country'a finest. Gatnforth'a Hat- chet y. Trenton. Ontario, producere of OOOD HAKY THICKS Kince 1927 BAHftKD ROCK Chlcki* $13.00. Baned rock chickH. the commercial pouHryman'a favour- ite, noted for year romul production of blE eKBH. vjKour and larRe body aize, they will put profit Into your poultry enterprise. Prompt shipment . Cox IB. 00, ptilletH $23.00. Mixed $18.0(1. Blp Rock rarni. Mille Roches. Ont. Box W. * TOCR MUb poultry profits ilepeml on the qimlity of chlcka you btiy, Yi . know tLat 100 (jimlfty layem will produce aa many e^SH as ISO iioor layera. Why feed those extra £»0 henn 'I'weddle chirks are famous for living and laying. 2B years experience keeps Quality high. lariie chick capacity keet>s our cost low. 12 pure breeds and 13 crnasi»reeds lo choose from. Try our Austra-White crossbreds. they are as rugged aa a mule. .Also pulleis eight weeka to laying. Turkey poults, all from (lovpriiment Approved breedfis. Free cata- logu'" Tweddle (.'hick li.-it'.heiles Limited. FVrKiifi, (mtario. POl'l/FRY BUYERS â€" succesa In raising baby chicks for meat and egg production means satisfaction from your Investment. To receive dividends on your investment, you must he certain where yotir money Is invested. We offer you baby chlcka from a poultry farm with every breeder Pullorum tested and gov- ernment-banded. Write for our 194B cata- logue and prices. ke advantage of our early order discount. MoTikion Poultry Farma. .VIonkton. Ontario. (,'Oi'IiRANE'S guvernmei Approved chicks. Hiured Ho*' j«, Parraentei's Rhode Island Reds. Punish Brown Leghorra. Write for prices. Cochrane'* Poultry Farm. Ridyetown, Ontario. Ontario Governnu ni Approved Hatch- ery. ^^ GOVfc:RN.vikNT approved ducks from Inlood tested breeders. Two great breeds. Light Sussex. Fant feathering iiarred rocks: MIXED $11'. SO: I'uIletB $:'3.40: I nx S3. 00 per hundred. .MrlniKsh Chk-k Hatchery. Berwick. Ontario. HDSINRSS OrrOKTI'MTIKH AN OKFt^H to every mvenloiâ€" Lisi of inveii tlona and full information sent free The Ramsay Co Registered Prt(.-T.t » L.tneya. Z":* Bank Stre**! Ottawa DVKlNti AM) ri^KANlMi HAVK \OV anything needs dyeinc or clean- ing? Write to us for mformatfon We are glad to answer youi questions Department U Parker'fc Dve Works l,tM)t'...i 791 Yonge Street. Toronto Oniarut KM l'IX>VMENT WANTED HOLLAND LMMKIK.WT families with one or more workers Arriving early spring. Apply .NETII KRI-ANDS IMMl- liRATlO N Committee. P-O. Hox 1'34. Chatham. KAKMS ^FOR S.\I,K"~ " 35 ATRE.S liny louni. ' ; hurley tobacco. cnni t>r soybean land iri Essex Coimly. BiiildiriRM cannot be t»uill fi»r Ihe pi ii-e being HHked House la rue eiuuigh for two fiimiltes. HepaiHMcd. repainted. $6,500 cash will swmg Ihe di'.il. I'oysi-HKinn at once. MUKt he sold to close thf Jack Miner Ksliit**. Ted Miner, or Manly K. Miner, .xc.nli.rs. Tliird rnn.-.-.HHion. KlngKVllIe. Oitl. WHY WORRY about your child when you go T's'tlng? fir do you 'xpe-.t your friends to auM'i- litth-li.ffrs" 'KIDDIE-KROME" CHAIRS ARE VOHTMH.r. W<i1k1": 10 M.S. They fold into a coiiveni»'nt bundle for ca'rrying. Easily stored away when not !n line. For Illustrated folder write Box l.'S. 123-18ih Si,, New Toronto. NEARLY .NEW Veasot Hl-«peed Ballbearing Oat f;ri)l«-r K X 18 in. rolls, Veasot 16 In. hall-ljearing grimier. Conrplete portable grind- ing mill 13 In. plate, made to fit McCormlck- P'erlng **M" tractor, will sell with or without ? Diesel tractor. Apply Gordon Stutt. Forest. R. L'. «.)n t a n o. .S.NOWPIMNE. demonstrator, in new condi- tion, can be used under all snow conditions, vefy fast and economical. Half price. $450, $60 with order balance upon delivery. Write to P. Foucari ft Son, Buckingham. Que. GCNBLL'. the gunamlth's method. Handy kit now available to give your old gun a gleam- ing new Hniah at home. $I..^0 with inatruc- flons. Timber line Troducta. Box 14-B, North Bend, b ' ' ^ TWtl UNLV Kohler MotlTls A21. I ti K.V.A., lis Voltt'r single phase. 60 cycle A.C. fully automafi'" lighting plant. self-reguIatlng t>pe complete. lf;HB atorage tank. C>ne only Kohler 5 K. v. A , 115 volts, single phase, 60 cycle A.C. fully automatic lighting plant, seif- iegul»u'ng type complete, teaa storage tank. The A. II. Williams Machinery Co. Ltd.. $4 Front .SiiPt-t West. Toronto. APFtONf) for butchers, bakers and candy atick ntakerji, "Be. Only 5 dozen left. Max Feller. 15 N icholas. Ottawa. FOR HALE two section 6.000 Jamrsway Electric Incubator nearly n w. equipped for hatching <-hJckena. turkeys. also Battery Brooders. Allan Shaw. Thorn hury. Ont. BASEil.M.L. .Softball team jiianagers, low prices, good service. Write for prices. Ted MANOREK SPORTING Co-mIs. J JO Ottawa North. Hamilton. Onr. PROORESSIVK FARMERS I Each year »• mall to our fncreailng lis ^qf cuatomera «a Kiitl'S farm price Mat and a sprlnc catalogue offering first-hand prices en /arm seeda of •bpprlor quality Write now and get on our mailing list. Bishop reeds limited. Rellevill*. Ontario, GLADIOH.S Bulbs, ('atalogu*^ free upon n- Queat. Ralph A. Wr ight. H arrow. Ontario. CALLI.N'O ALL gardeners. There are no priorities on plant matertala for thia aprlng except what your early order and* our supply imposes. Send for descriptive price Hat on •hrubs. roses, etc. Special offer to early buyers, so N»-nd .at once. Its Free. Watt's Nurserlea. Fenwick. P.O., (mt _ NURSIXC BEIXEVfE CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL IN BEALTIFL'L ST. CATHARINES, A home away from home. Graduate nuraea; male and female: night and day duty Excel- lent meals, prices moderate, private and aenil- prtvate rooms available. Our specialty la nervous, aged and convalescent Our aim: courtesy and service. for information apply to aopei iniendent or phone 5-835.1. RUBBER-CANDY-MOLDS Fcir iiiakiriK ' 'atidy of ail kimln. Anyone can niske candi**B fast and eoFily at home or for resale at a nice profit with our imported Voorhees rubber candy molds. Ask for free 1 lust ruled ("aialogue with directions ALSO: ALUMINUM CAKE MOLDS You (Jtii Lake .Nnveliy Cakf-s iii;it will be the talk of your friends for Kawter and other occasions like .he Big Kgg. Rabbit. Heart. Chicken. .Shamrock. Bri ge-set and others. Easily baked with free c»ke recipes, and decorated in original wajs for yeai-roiiud celebrations. Also for Jelly- -Meat. Jello. any- thing for i-a,viing. Ask for free folder of our Imported Renalde Aluminum cake molda. Chas. E. LePage. Distributor. Tl'-T4 Jac- Cartier Ave.. Quebec City, p y TANKS. f.To" 1.000. 47400^ fi.OOoT ToToOO , 15,0*Ki, -Wstt other flzes on hand. Imme- diate delivery. R. fit. GTrn.'iht «.^«R Pt Lsw- rencp. ,\loiiti»*al. Que. LADIES'~CARDIGANS $2.98 All wool. Pretty "shaiies of bin*'. Idack. Kiey, beige, green, while. From the sliop of quality In <*anada"R Metropolis. Ilefunil guarantee. Sybil's. 4.'i:'7 Wellington. Montrt^nl 19. PATCHES for patchwork guilts, strips for vugs: cotton, flannelette, wool, 3 lbs. $1. Wiltshire Wool Slock. 3 Sherbourne Street. Toronto, OPPORTIM TIES for .MEN and WOMEN BE~A HAIRDRESSER .lOlN CA.SADA'S LEADI.NG -SrHOOL Great Opportunity Lesrn Hflirdreasine Pleaaa n t d ign ifled pro fesston , (ood wages, thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest ayatem Illustrated cata- logue free. Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESPING SCHOOLS 3oS Sloor St W . Toronto Branches 44 King St . Hamilton A 7l' Rldeau Street. Ottawa. amateur" RjCdio] wireless, telegraph or railroad Code, self-taught â€" quickly, easily â€" In your own home. Low rental rates, 1. s or 5 months, for self-teacher Machine and Tapes fnr all speeds. Radio College of Pafiada. 6 4 Bioor Sr. W.. To ronto 5. ARE YOU A JOKER Party gags, tricks and magic. "84 Amazing Card Tricks" book will be sent to you with our catalogue. Mail 50c today In stamps or coin i to t-'oiiina Joke £ Magic Shop. 3T5 Somerset St W,, iittawa. RIDING Empire Tractors. t> h.p. reverse, 3 speeds. $550: 4 h p. forward and reverse. $450, Order before spring rush. Factory. 1160 Albert Road. Windsor. Ontario. R EgTsTER'eD, accredited Hereford Bulls 6 iw> 11 niontha. 15 heifers 6 lo 15 rnontha; 20 Oxford ewea. advanced registry Yorkshire* open end bre<l sows, we.inling to serviceable boars Gardiner "â- ' '^n?! Mount Forest, Ontario alction school LEARN auctioneering. World's largest school. Free catalog, terras soon Reisca Auction .Sc hool. Mason City. Iowa. F -S. A PLAY PIANO by Ear. A "SoUnD" system. Booklet free. Joe Bouchei'. Box J::. Ottawa. 'Old popular sheet music fnr s.ile. Old songs wanted. I'p to $:; paid. List free.) FREE! Threi' months' trial subscription. Send lOc ftu- mailing, to American RiiralUt, 506 N. f>aklnnd. Indianapolis !, Ind. FETHERSTONAUGH * ('ompan* Patent 8o- llrltnrs Establlabe'i 1890 14 King West. Toronto Booklet of mformaifon on regueat REPAIR WORK WATCHES. Clocks, Ronson and Thorens Lightens repaired, prompt guaranteed service. Mail orders flKed. Kling's, 401 Yonge, Toronto WANTED FARMING NOW 18 rHE TIME If you want earlier, better ami more oasiure. write for free literature. NO OBLIGATION. Greenlands Permanent Pasture Karle \belles, 154 Eagle Ave., Brantford. Ont. FOR SALK GODUVKAR endless rtibbt-r belt U inches wide 2'A feel long, perfect condition. Ideal for mill or farm. Wri te Box *> 17. Ilegpeler HI-POWERED SPORTING RIFLES MEDU'AI. DON'T WAIT â€" Every sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Reme- dy Munro'a Drug Store. 335 Elgin. Ottawa. Boat p a id J^OO. , A'lTKNTlO.V: Stomach, Pile jjiid Contttpa7ion KUfferei 8 You'll be delighted with Kerfo Laxative tablets. A special laxative wh!ch mak»-8 pas>age easy and pleasant. 15-day treatment. $1: GU-day ireatinent. $:t. !nii>*>iiat Industries. P.*> Box 901. Winnlpeg. HKriirTYRECOMMENDEDâ€"Every sufferer of Rheumatic Fains vv Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedv, Munro's Drug Store. S,15 El- gin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00 Z "~ N EKlT flon OK K NEEDLIcWORK RULLETINâ€" Good Ideas- ell ted by Florence Webb Mailed direct tc you each month Each Bulletin contains one. deslpn complete with instructions, needle- , work hintji. catalogue o^ patterns and stamped ' designs ^«rly subscription (12 Issues) 60c. ! Send to Florence Webb, Dept. B. I'oat Office. ! Drawer 489. .Adelaide Street. Toronto â-  NURSERY STOCK ; PLANT A Hedge This Springâ€" extrerael> i hardy â€"quick growing Chinese Elm â€" will I' Krtnv two feel the first year â€" enough plantF , (Sft to plant 15 feet Special price 2S plants for $11,98. 12-inch size: â€" or. 25 plants for $4.9.S. 2-root size Write for New Free Full I Colour Gardes Guide. Biookdale- Kingaway rserles. Mownmnville. Oniarin TURKEY GROWER We will buy your turkey wine feathers. For further infnrination write: Tillni:irk Archery. 10329th. St.. r.oiiB Branrh PROPERTY OWNERS' ATTENTION WANTED Fhmiis. Tourist Cabins. Summer Cottages. Suburban and City >Iumes of .all descriptions. I have clients interested with capital to pur- chase for homes or Invest for business pur- poses. Send me your listings describing your property now so I ciin prepare for early spring wale or exchauKe. What have you? H. Prag- iipll Realty. ir>5:! Dtuifurth. Toronto. CUTS, BURNS and BRUISES Healing, SoothiagaadAatisepric. Dr. Cha.«e's Otoimeot brings quick relief. Regular Size 69c. Economy Size. 6 times as much $2.23. A healer lor over ^0 years. Dr. Chase's Ointment I . SCOPE SALES CO. :i2t! Queen Si , tUt awa. Onl. arN.S. hfw. usetl. Sc(M'fs. juiununUion. Write for list. Ted SIANORKK SI'ORTINti Oooda, 220 Ottawa North. H:i iiiHliui. vMit. C A N A D 1 A .N A^PintJ V ED POCLTS for fcwieâ€" Broad breasted bronze turkey poults from Roveriinient approved and accredited stock. Foults from egga gathered on our own farms. We select for vittor antl meat type. Mc KINLAY A McCOl.L. Lamhtnn Turkey Hatch ery. It H 6. Fortst, f>nt _^ I LEATHERETTES I «'(>\TE1) l''AUUICS ; For niMitim furniture, rtiairs. ^'hesu-rftelds. t card iftbles. «-ic Wholesale and retail. I COOPER TKXTII.KS INC*. 1593 St. Lawrence Boulevanl Montreal 1 8 8 man power n»\v. used i>nly six xcelleut lev U'K». wond* or ice, t>l' .If cas.v to stliarpen. STKNN ti weeks, stuiulaid cross Write Hox sn. llespeler. PAINTS .Sew 11149. KnuuM-l .'<enii-t.:lotts. t-l.»l "*'t " .uriiliin imlnt. All Colors. Innltlii unJ out. J2 Sii HIT (iillfiri Quality »u.ni Hiileed or money refumlrrl, H. I.. Stellier. I' I KusSPlI .'^treet. Toromo Mall Ordeiw art'ept *->l DLK.M'IIKD white Hour unO nuirllr ban.. Sup- ply liny nUHUllty Flour $2.76 tier doRen: miKiir SS.oO per dozen. Hox i, I'osliil Siallon D, To n.iilii _ _ BIU'KKV*; t'ontblnHtion in<-iibHt(UH ft.r sale, rlieiii'. t>ne turkey et:B innrhine mid two hen fSK iiiiirhinea. Write for full iletail«. 'I'weOdle I'hirli Miiti-herlrH l.lnillH.I, Kwku»\ (itilBrid. M.M<K .MtlUK Tui.Ufy ti..iu . iVl.s In llUll! HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers .^ttentlon â€" Lonsult voui nearest Hariies.s ShoD about Staco Harness Supplies We sell our goods onlv through vour local Staco Leather Goods dealer I'lie goods are right, and so are our prices We manufacture iii oiii tac tories â€" Harness Morse Col lars, Sweat Pads. Morse Blan kets. and Leaflu i Travelling Goods Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Gouds, and vou gel sali^fat'tion Made onlv by SAMUEL TREES CO.. LTD. ♦2 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE EASE COMMON or â-  ORDINARY ' SORE THROAT RUB â-º Just heat and rub in MINARDS. and note the quiclc relief you Rct. GreBseleHs, fMSt-drying, no strong or unpleasant odor. I.A.RCC Get a bottle today: keep economical it handy. s,zk 65c 15-46 SAFES I'Kilii'l rout HOOKS aiiU CAMI rr«n> IIKK and TIIIGVKS. \Vr have a aUr )ind tupr of Safe, or Ctihlnei. for an> iUiriH)<>e. VUll u- m urMr f«i i.rir«'» •tr l«i llt-ot W J.6CJ.TAYLUHUMI1LII ORONTO SAFE WORKS \ Mft Iriiiu St K.. loronte H«tiihH«lied IKHH ISSUE 8 â€" 1949 ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES W/T// CIGARETTE TOBACCO /mhur Pointer â- ^ TRIXIE" SAID \iXi COULD BE TRUSTED ID PtLIVER TH6$E CAKKC SAfELY ••• I HAVE MY POUBTS ( ) I TRUSIEDVOU AND ( THEN ^OO ATE ALL BUT ! ONE .NOU'LL HAVE \ BRFAP ANO yUKMB. 4, I ( I w f >â-  ^

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