Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 16 Feb 1949, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, February 16. 1949 r 9 * T 1 -^ 't -. "» â- * '4 â- f 4^ Commerce â€" a family tradition From Grandad to Graadsoa, the tradition of saving, and otherwise dealing with The Canadian Bank of Commerce has â-  been handed down in many families. From 1867, when the B^nk was founded, the value of "COMMERCE SERVICE" has been recog- aized by succeeding genera- tions. Good service is a tradition of this Bank. Your family, too, will appre- ciate the courteous and efficient service which is avail- - able at over 500 branches of this Bank. VICTORIA CORNERS EUGENIA %. m j^i i ^ ,--^ 4 I v^r- 'â-  , \ 1 CcJJlL J r Bs.B \ CoiiiLm ^t\ WL p. il ..:â- ] M-ias Hazel Walker ie aecistia^ iot a tiiii« ia the hein« of Ross Irving, Cui'tevtoa dioiUict. Thirteen ladies oi the Iiiistaoge W. .\. met in the home of -Misses Muriel aii<l Laurene Talbot, D«n<^k, Thuia- (x*iy afternoon, for thtrii- Februax? meeting One hig-h- light of the meet- ing was the Valentine exchange. The Ittijitioge ja>ui>g- people h«W their nieeiiag in the home of Mr. John DuncuH on Friday evening. Rev. C'hrisienson, Dundaik, wa^ the aiiat speakoi-. , -Master Jimmie Love was removed ts Orangeville Hospital on Sunday evening and was underwent an oper- ation on Monday morning for a d^iible hernia. Latest reports reveal that, the little patieat is miakiag- a good recovery. His mother. .\l.j. Lu- ther Lo\e, lias been staying with hex sistep, Mr--. Harry Stewart, at Or- angeville to be near Jimmie. Other niexabsrs of the family have fre- qiffiMly visited tim during the week. t. is expectea that Jimime may oe able to return home on Wednesday of tills weeii. We are glad to know that Mrs. Wnj. Ludiow is steadily gaiuir.f!;. Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. George Ludlow in their re- cent bereavement of relatives â€" a ba-other-in-law, Mr. Wm. Orr, passed away at Whitby on Satui-day, Feb. oth, with intei-ment in Fleshert«n Cemetery Chapel on Tuesday, Feb. S; a ..'ousin, Mr. Oliver Ludlow, of To- ronto passing away suddenly this week in Toronto, due to a heart at- uck: and another cousin, Mr. Wm. Ludlow, Pontiac, Mich., passing away suddenly a week ago,, due to the after-effects of a motor accident. A caller dui-ing the week in the George LudJow home was his brother, Mr. Wm. Ladlow of Wood-tock. .A. farewell party was held in the Pi'oton Hall on Friday evening to honor Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haw. Doug- bs and Betty, prior to their depart- ure to their newly-purcha.~ed home in Brampton. Jack has secured a position at Malton. They were recip- ier.ts of an electric lanvp, electric iron and a cusliion. A number from here attended the Ice Follies at Flesherton Arena en Thursday evening. THE CANM)IAN bank OF COMMERCE KIMBERLEY Visitors with Mrs. M. Ferguson on Sunday were: Mir. and Mrs. M. Cook of Owen Sound, Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Baker oif Heathcote. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sproule of To- ronDo spent the week end with the latter'3 parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lawrence. A euchre party was held in the Hall Friday night with the high score for the men going to Harold Faweett and for Jie ladies to Mrs. S. Haines. Mrs. Rudney won t'.:e "Lost Heh" pa-ize. Mrs. T. Soul returned home on Thursday from Toronto, where she viis.iited with her dauighter, Mrs. D. IXjtIs, and fiimily. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts and Janet of Flesherton NTsited on Sunday at the home of D. L. Weber. Miss Leona Kirkpatrick of Toron- to spent the wee end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ward and family visitetl with Mrs. Wai-d's father and sister at Meaford on Sunday. .Apartments are kept too wann. according to a heating expert. What a lot of janitoi- friends hell pick up. Married women will tell you that men help most with house cleaning wheJi they stay away from home. CREAM 1 Now that the work on the farm is slack, why not deliver your cream and get that extra cent for delivering. Deliver your cream to Flesherton Creamery, where you get honest and quick service. POULTRY Now that the prices of eggs are down, why not cull out the flock and sell those hens that are not laying? We pay the top market prices for fowl and chickens, either live weight or dres,sed. Poultry accepted any da\' e.xcept Saturday. Flesherton Creamery Mrs. Jos. Williams id otiJl mi tte Sick list and under the do«t«c's outre. Her itoughter, Mi-s. Elvrood Part- • ridee, of Rock MMU was witk her ; lai.-t week, aJld ner dau^tw, Mr». \ Thoa. Crowe irf Peterbox'o, arrived on ; ilonday to (fare for her mother for \ a week or so. .Mr. Warecoe Will- 1 Jams of Tosonto spent the week end: with his pai'ents. I Mr. and Mrs. -Albert Williams of! Feversham visited on Sunday with | their daughter, Mrs. G. Bi-eadner. j Md.sfi Almoda Tyler (vf Feversham ! was a recent visitor -m. the Boyce i home. Mr. F. W. McCarthy and Misc^ Mary MeKee of Toronto are hoJiday- ii:g at the M^Kee jiome. Miss Mai-ge Martin was home : from Singhampton on tjie w«ek and. We are sorry to repont little Keith Rowe havii^ the misfoi-tune to break "is shoulder Isone while sieigh rid- ing. We wish the little feBow a •(/mplete recove:"-- The W. A. of t!ie church held a I crokiniile party at »he home of Mrs. ! J. -A.. Cainis oa Friday night. ' \ Mr. John Magee of the village had ', the miaforttme to lose all hi.« ho^ise- ., hold effects by fire recently. He had sone to visit his sister in Markdale that morniiitr. but only intended to i stay a couple of days. Xt one a.m. ; fire of mysterious origin destroyed ; the hou^e and contents. The house v.-as situated across the road from j the school and was oivned by Mrs. ' Calvin Boyce. We understand Mr. I Magee carried insurance on his I hcii-ehold effects. I Mrs. Lome Heeney and litt!-? ^ lin.ua-hter. Judy, of Toronto are ' --pending a fortnight with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Burton. Miss .Shirley Cairn*: wa.^ on th? sick list the pa.'^t week a!id unable to attend higli school. M:ss .41ioe Tuiior visited wito Heathcote friend; recently. Mrs. W. Pinke."ton is ••i?iting svit"i â-  riemds in Toroito. â- :->mmt^mii^i,^mmmiifmsmsmsmsm!!smmMismmatsmm:^fmy^ T^^i PQRITy U H i 5' YOUR MOST Nouai SHING gCONOWlCAL BP.SAKFAST Sj6-o-a •• VALLEY ROAD SOUTH The Beaver River has beea over- bowing it« banks the past week, wiiich u.ake t ditFicjJt to ?efc t»io j chOdi-en to sckool or to go to town, j Mr. Gordon McMullen, who has ' been hauling logs from the busii ' had the misfortune to have his foot ! jammed be«wccn two iog«. He had ; an x-ray taken at CoUing^voed Ht>s- 1 pital and it was found tha*; there wepej no bones broken but was severely j s praised. I Quoting is the order of the day in the Valley. Mr. and Mrs. G. WUey and Devonu •if Priceville visitod Mr. and Mrs. Joiin! Wickens on Svaiday. Mrs. C. W'ard bad the misfortune to fall on the ice and spri';u her ankle. Mr. Mural Wefcer and Mr,;. !,ila Wright, motored to Toninto Sunday Mrs. F. J. Weber returning witli them,, after spend ng the p'st si.'c V t?t?ks with her da-ighter in 'torcnto. Mr. Wi'; TVsber, who h» ^ bi?<!!i bed- fast with the 'flu. i< able to "i-? up and around again. Mr. Fred Wickens and I'-ene of iIe*ford visited wi* Mr. a»d Mbs. C. Warxl on Sunday. Mrs. .4tfc!n.son. yRjo 'a i a hi**rt attack is slowly inwrovir • We Y»i* hi?,r 4-^0 ^d health ajfain. Sir. Russell Ward of Toronio vis- itad his bro-her. CJifford, on tlte v.yek end. FEVERSHAM ISr. and Mi-s. Jim Robertson aavi it.ns \iisited recently with her par- ents. M|i-. and Mrs. C- X- Long. Mr. John Robinson and Mr. Ckas. Stevenson spent a fe^ days in Mon- treal recently. Mii-s. Henry .-Vleaander is visiting her dflughter, Mrs. Will Coquette, â- n Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Sewell vis- ited hei- brother. Mr. Harry Hill, :'.rd Mrs. Hill at Durham. Mis.s Eva Rad'ey vi-^ited her tuKle ;ind aurit. Mr. and Mrs. George Ottewell. Men's coats without pockets really -ore handy. You can thrt>w ail the odds and er.ds and *tuff away in. *e first pkce. r E Y L O ^' i Misses Ena and Frances A<Uims of j Ov.ea Scund spent the week end with • their parent:. JU-. :;nd jIls. D. .Vdams. .Vliss Marion Colliiison of Toronto + spent the week eml with her parents, i Mr. and Mr.-. J. F. Collinson. Mr. Ja«-. McMuUen and Jhillip spent the week end in Toi-onto. Geo. Jji.vnes of Toronto and Keith Goessel of OrangeviUe spent the week erid at thiir homes here. The Ladies' .A.id will meet in the school on^^Weduesday night, Feb. tA. at S O'clock, as guests of the Young i'eop.Vs Society. Mr. Archie Sinclair of Emsdale . pent the week eiui at the home of Mr. Jas. Sinclair. Mrj. Xeilson and Miss Joan Mc- Jlulien of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Jas. McMullen. This- community extends it deepest sjTnpathy to the Gilbert family in the deatli of their brother. BUCKINGHAM it's strictly between Angu« Avi«, Manager Phone 66 Flesherton Ontario • Intended for Last Week) Mr. Robt. .McAllister of the 1-Oth line visited on Sunday with his bro- ther, Dan McAUister at Gibraltar. Tlte Goniiiniunity Club met for the Febiiiary meeting at the home of Jlrs. Alf. Hawton on Thursday, Feb. 4th, with 14 memibers and vis- itors present. .After the opening e-xerciseis; cone pondence was read giving information regarding the adoption of a family in Britain tr v,-hom monthly parcels of food arid clothing would be forvvai-ded. T^ie •remainder of the afternoon was .*pent in cutting out patches for an, applique quilt, after which all en- 1 .joyed lunch. Mrs. Arnold Rulphj offered her home for tho MTu)ii meeting, the date to be set later. Mr. and Mrs. lloyd Hough wpr,-' hosts to the Eucjre Club o;: Friday: evening, when i -izes were 'voii bv .Mrs. A. R.ihih -.Ld .Mr-. A. Hawton for the bdie^ and -A.. Mullin -and Me vin Hawton •": r the men. M!rs. Wm. Sharpo ai\d son, Wayne, ro!l'ingwo<Kl, ;ire \isiting her bi-o- ther, Mr. H. Fveethy ^ Messm Bert and Stan Frceth,\ Sunday with their parents. TSIv. and Mrs. T. J. Freethy. Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDermid of Rob Roy spent Surdav with Mr. ard Mr-, Wilfred Hawton. Mr, Ivan Butcher of Toront.i is vifiitij^ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. TIenry Bittcher, eth line. Why is it tiiat some peorple forget that they were taijght when Kabies to stand up for thomsclve-. How much you borrow, how much you save . . . how much you put in, how much you take out . . . that's your business. Your right to keep your private affairs privxtte is a cherished principle of Canadian banking. N. ♦<"^♦*s'•♦<•^x^•^<••>*<•^^^^^'•<^'••^*<<*<•*'=^'â- *•^•'''*''•''••='•''â- â- ^^ â- V') Oregon .';tlck-up man got ."< nice <k- V of his- own medicine. He \««s ."tuck up for !() years. I EXT time you are in your bauk, notice ho'w many people keep their cheques face down . . . just like you . . . >vhile they make out their deposit slips. Notice how they close their passbiM>ks before handing them in â€" and get them back clostxl too. Canadian bank service is recognized by everyone as confidential. t\ery employee, when he came into the service of your bank, ttM>k a solemn declaration of secrecy. Your relationship with vour bank is the most vitally confidential business relation- ship you have. Contrast this Canadian way with conditions in lands where freedom is denied â€" where every bank is a political tool, every banker a public official working for the State! State monopoly of banking, proposed by socialists here, would open your bonking transactions to political intrusion. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK

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