Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1949, p. 2

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mxTims ON 4> IN THE WORLD 4' Norman Blair FRANCE AND ITALY Till' rrcucli and Italian Com- munist parlies have a membership of not far short of tlirce and a half million, and in both countries they have large blocs of stats in Parlia- ment. Coittnunists alio control much of the organized labor, and there are party members and sym- pathizers in the two countries' armies and civil services. So when there is a Communist move in either France or Italy, it means something far more serious than it would on this side of the Atlantic. And just a week or so ago chieftains of the French and Italian CP's said, in effect, that if Russia inraded those countries, the Com- munists must side with Stalin's mrmies. Just why such statements should be made at this time is not quite clear â€" but there is a general feeling that they are part of the Communist effort to discredit the \orth At- hntic Pact. Maurice Thorez, Secretary Gen- eral of the French Communist Party, did not mince words. ''If our country should be drafigetl, against its will, into a war against the Soviet Union," he declared, "and if the Soviet Army, defending the cause of freedom and socialism, â- hould be brought to pursue the aggressors onto our soil, could the workers and people of France have any other attitude toward the Soviet Army than has been that of the people of Poland. Rumania and Yufjoslavia." In tlie debate which followed in the French National Assembly, the attitude of the anti-Communists was bitter and many called the Thorez statement treasonable. Pre- mier Queuille even threatened to take legal steps against Communist chieftains for "trying to undermine the morale of the nation and the army." The upshot of the debate was a majority resolution condemn- ing Thorez, saying that his words were an insult to patriots who had given their lives to defend France's hjdependence. In Italy, the Communist chief- tain Togliatti spoke, a few days later, in almost identical terms. "I Aink that the Italian people â€" would have the evident duty to aid fa) the most efficient way the Soviet Army in order to give the aggressor the lesson he deserves," he stated. These two statements are being Interpreted in th light of the great East-West struggle. Both the French and Italian Communists •re playing on the people's fear of being caught in another war. Thorez and Togliatti are apparently trying to hammer home the idea that the North Atlantic Alliance is m move toward such a war, and must be opposed. They also seem to be pointing up that fact that â€" in case of war â€" France and Italy would be torn by a terrible civic conflict. GERMANY When a British film organization made a moving picture of "Oliver Twist'' the character of Fagin was based upon a picture drawn by George Cruikshank for the firkt illustrated edition .of Dickens' famous novel. Last fall, when the movie was scheduled for release in tfie L'nited States, there were so many Jewish protests against the Fagin characterization that the dis- tributors deferred Its release in- definitely. To those in Canada and other countries who saw the film, this •emed to be stirring up a "tempest in a teapot". After all, Fagin was the only Jew â€" and there were a doztn or more characters of Eng- Hah origin portrayed as just as re- pulsive as he, without any patriotic protests from the Mother Country. However, "Oliver Twist" seems destined â€" in this film version â€" to cause real trouble. A Sunday or lo ago the picture was presented in Berlin, where anti-Semitism is still a atrong force. The showing was Interrupted by a demonstration ataged by dii^laced persofis and Berliners â€" and at a second showinK «n the Monday a group of some fifty Jews charged police lines and, after a short but violent riot, forced the management to cancel the show. The film has now been withdrawn from German circulation â€" possibly with good reason. One correspond- ent said that showing such a pir- tUTC in post-Nazi Germany was "too much like leaving a bottle of whiskey in front of a recently 'cured' alcoholic." Man'i Best Friend Musician Arthur Nikitch used to be stopped on the setrttt by In- â- omerable admirers. Swooning la- dies would kiss his hand and tear pieces of his garments from hli body. They even begged for locks of his hair. To this last re(|uest he was always amenable, mailing a few strands to each admiring appli- cant. "At this rate," a friend warned hini, "you will grow bald In »o time." "Not I," Nikisch answered with a wink. "My dog I'' ^ W£i ^ |>_^:j^* 1 is' ..#.. pr\.;: , ,.», if 1 :»<»»>«*' ,3*::>« 'â-  â- --' ' â-  ->• ^>^'' â-  J. ^t3 It's All Done With "Mirrors" â€" Martha Mitchell isn't really skiing in the sky. It's simply that the c'oudy sky above is reflected in the clear water over which she glides. pv A SixbitCqitic Although, as wc tap out these lines witli two long-suffering fingers, tlic professional hockey races haven't by any means been decided yet,, already the baseballist? are beginning to work out tlic kinks from arm muscles weary with the toil of lifting food from table >o mouth at between-season banquets, also stomach muscles even more weary with the labor of trying to digest fried chicken and other comestibles served at such orgies. * * * And witli the hockey moguls promising to lengthen out still further their season, the golden era is fairly in sight â€" that much yearn- ed-after time when we shall be able to enjoy baseball every afternoon and hockey every night, all the year through. (We're trying to think of an apt quotation to stick in here, but the only one which comes read- ily to mind is the one that begins "Oh, Death where is thyâ€""). * * * But that isn't what we started to talk about. Fired by the success of our amazing January prediction that the Toronto Maple Leafs would positively make the playoffs, we now give the faithful old crystal ball a few preliminary spins and take a gander into the future, •specially as regards Big League ball. ♦ * * Jn the American League, wc might tell you that Cleveland In- dians, New York Yankees and Bos- ton Red Sox appear to be strictly contenders; but, heck, any of the minor prophets â€" the lads whose names you used to forget in Sunday School when asked to name the Books of the Bibleâ€" could have dislied out that sort of information. » * » â-  Always originalâ€" even at the ex- pense of trying to write common unse at times â€" we arc tipping you to keep your eye on the outfit known as The Philadelphia .\th- letics as a distinct possibility of taking it all. (Two minutes out here for loud, raucous laughter.) But such a prediction isn't as wide of the mark as, at first glance, It might seem. Last year the Ath- letics were in and out of top posi- tion all llirongh the nionlh of \\a^ stuck within reacliing distance throughout August, and only faded in the stretch run. And \Ir, Mack still has a pitching staffâ€" Phil Marchildon, Dick Fowler, Joe Cole- man, Lou Brissie, Carl Sclicib and a few like that â€" which is a distinct refutation of the old turf adage that "you can't keep a fast horse in a poor Cpaviiig) man's stable." â-  * » ♦ With just a little niore hitting power to back that sort of pitching up, the Atlilelics might very well have travelled the entire distance on top last season. And tlic canny Conny Mack seems lo have gather- ed just tliat bit of extra power, notably in Taft Wright, who used to smack out a lot of long halls for the Chicago White So.x, likewise Wally Moses, who will play a pinch-hitting role for Philadelphia, and could very well break up more than one close struggle. t • • So don't put down our hint to watch the Athletics this coming season is juit the idle wanderings of a morbid imagination. In fact If you hear of any of the future books offerlng^say â€" 3i to 1 or better ag«lnst them, take a couple of tickets on our behalf. We'll posi- tively pay off just as sonn ss we fet the proceeds from that Iriah weepstakrs receipt we're treafur Ing so csrefully. • * * In the N'ational League, we're atklng you tn take â-  glanre now Mtd than |t thf progress of a (cam •untied the Chicago CuU. Ifo we're not -aying that a club which finished a lovely last in 1948, trail- ing the Boston Braves by 27!^ games, will all of a sudden float to the very top. .Still, unless we're more mistaken tlian is customary, those same Cubs won't tinish the current scamper way down in the cellar. « * * The Cubs have been doing con- siderable trading and purchasing during the off months, and their infield should be a whole lot strong- er. They will have the veteran Frankie Gustine â€" a great early- season hitter â€" at third, which will let Andy Pafko go to the outfield, where he belongs. .\nd Emil Ver- ban, at second, should be far more of a help this season, as he only joined the club about halfwav through last year's. * * * .â- \nd the Cubs have made what appear to be tremendous strides toward greater mound strength. They have a tine lot of rookies, and have coralled two capable starters in old Dutch Leonard and Walt Dubcl. There's even a possibility that tlie ancient Mort Cooper might don a Cubs unie, and pitch a few wins for Charlie Grimm. » * ♦ So, between now and next Oc- tober, give an occasional look at Chicago Cubs and Philadelphia Atlilctics, is the nearest to feed-box info we can hand you right now. You may not be following two pennant winners â€" -but we think they'll be a couple of clubs who will provide you with plenty of action and interest. An evangelist shouted for all those in the congregation who wanted to 'go to heaven to arise. Everyone stood up but one man, "Don't you want to go to hea- ven?" the minister bellowed at the "Not ininicdiately," he replied, dissenter. TIRES t'aveiiiem-iiii) 'I'l'iul.-iiiH witti hlvh rroa^ii (GiinriuUeed) perfect corulltlon. AOOiIfl â€" SPRCIAT, (4.00 Tl KK.'i â€" A-l roxniTioM SI.OO .All iillier «lz.'»â€" $4.60 TRLCK TIKES niKli TiTiuls (r.imt-anleed) 7B0lS(l â€" 10 III}â€" (in. 00 Tuliea St.fiO SSRi'jn â€" 10 l>l.vâ€" »I7.B0 Tlltieii »S.OO Pltf^F: AiHninnlhr ami .*^P(»rt <\il;ilopu.' BEACON TIRE Corner Qiifrii & York HtM. IIAMII/rON â€" 23 â€" ONTARIO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AUKNTS WANTKU BB YOUR OWN BOSS! DIatrlbute. on Part Twiia or Full Time hRsls, our 250 rrnductd Toltoirlt^B. Vitamins, Extract!. Bplces. Bakins Powder, irokea. Duutfhnuts. CIuhb, Sllvui, Furniture and Shoe PoIlBhes, etc Bnrh tndlvlduril a customer Bxcelleni opportunity to teal youi buslnesA abilities Write U: frew detnlln and oatalnaue FAMtt.ICX. t«ft» Delorlmter. Montreal. SALKSMKN to handle Iho New LiL'htiiiin; udd- Ini,' Machine for only JIO 93. A dpsk model portable, preclalon built, fully guaranteed, every inch a buslnesH mucbine. Easy lu oper- ate â€" ("aBy tc «ell: bl:r mmmiH! Ions. Write to- day J^lfchtnlnR DliitrlbutorB of <_*anadH. 243 Montieul iluad, Ottawa. Uni. AGENTri wanted to ..-ll Iho rauuuiB Kx*<--1 rtrt; extinBii!«her«. Wriif KxcpI Fire, 1870 Mal- •onneuve St., Montreal, P.<J- RABV ClflCKS LOCK'S CHICKS Die husky northern chicks from our own flc-k of Government approved birds raised on our Poultry Farm. Barred Hocks, New HnmpB »iid crosses. Mixed chinks 115.00 per 100. Pullet chicks S26.00 and cockerels 17.00. Started chick:* at r'fafionable ratff?. LOCK'S POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY n.R.2 Sault Ste. Marie. Ontario MOnK AND MORE people are beginning to recognize the Importance of purchasing chicks with known breeding back of them. They recog- nlKC that only one extra egg per bird next Fall will pay the difference In price â€" if there Is a difference â€" between an ordinary chick and one of known breedng. More than 10.000 Tweddle cui.'tomers have learned from experience that every Tweddle chick Is born with a bred-ln- proftt-record. Also pullets eight weeks to laying. Special broiler chicks, started chicks. Canadian Approved Turkey poults. If you haven't received our new 1949 catalogue send for your copy to-day. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. MONKTON Poultry Farm Chicksâ€" All we can say is try them. Results tell the story. All Breeders pullorum-tested and government banded. Write for 1949 price list and cata- logue. Monkton Poultry Farms. Monkton, Ont, AN ORDER now for the d<-'livery date you wish assures you against delays In delivery and risk of price rise. If prices drop you get full advantage and you get only Top quality llvy healthy chicks from Top Notch. 'Wi- have 12 pure breeds and IS cross breeds , to choose from. All from Government Approved pullorum tested stock. Day old. two and three week old. broiler chicks, pullets eight weeks Ao laying. Government Approved turkey poults. Free cata- lof^ue. Top Notch Chick .Salet. Guelph. Ont. BOOKS BOOKS on DoKS. Cats. Rabbits, Aauarin, Bees, Birds. Pigeons. Poultry. Dairying. Farming, Fruit, Flowers. Fishing. Hunting. Catalogue Free. MorBnna. I^ondon. BL8INESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every Inventor â€" List of Inven- tions and full Information sent free. The Ramsay Co Registered Patent Afforneys. J73 Bank Street. Ottawa DYEIN G AND CLKAMNO HAVE VOL) anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write lo us for Information We are glad to answer your questions Department R. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Tnnge Street. Toronto. Ontario FOR SALE WIREHAIRED TERRIERS, purebred healthy beauties; two female pups â€" sire: Champion Vanity Huntsman. Priced reasonable, ^^abel Brown. Mountain Grove, Ontario. CLINTON OATS Heavy yielding, short strong et rawed, thin hulled, disease resistant power cleaned graded 1 seed 99% germination. $1.36 Bus. F.O.B. Cstrncroft Farms, Box 328. Brantford. Ont. Are you looking for a gift for the new baby? Something new, Fomething different? "KIDDIE-KROME" CHAIRS On the new low level are safer for imby and less tiring for mother. For Illustrated folder write: Bux 28. 123 â€" 18th Street. New Toronto. MASSEY-HARRIS 101 Junior Tractor. 39 Ford Truck, Reo buck- rake, quantity hay and straw. Jack Laldlaw. Hagersvllle, Ont. NEW FLEURY No. 21 plow complete with straight coulter or skimmer and two shares. Regular price $29.60 â€" our price $19.75 here. G. G. Kent. Delhi, Out. DRUG Business In Gait for Sale. Owner re- tiring on account of health. For particulars apply Cant's Drug Store, Gait, Ontario. FARMS FOR SALEâ€" It it is a dairy, chicken, tnhacco. or ordinary farm we have it. All slzen. All types. Contact Morris B. PERCI- VAL, Real estate, 2^5 Queen's Ave., London. Ontario. Western Ontario's Foremost Farm Sales Agency. QUEEN Oil Burning Brooder Stoves. $25, freitiht paid. Send $5 deposit with order. Geo. C. South. Heathcote. Ontario. ONE Horizontal Shingle & Box Board Heading Machine. Also excellent for making Basket Bottoms with simple and rapid adjustments and saw jointer, all uteol frames in excellent repali-. Also shingle I'acking Box. H. Roi^e. Brown Hill P.O., Ontario. GOODYEAR endless rubber belt 9 inches wide 23 feet long, perfect condition. Ideal for mill or farm. Write Box 617. Ht-STcler. HI-POWERED SPORTING RIFLES fillilfl.- )'l\<\ l.M, SCOPE SALES CO. 3:ii Queen St.. Ottnwn. Out. 'lesi-rlptlve ALUMINUM ROOFING & SIDING Cross-Cr imped Corrugated and ribbed styles. « tn 10 It. lengths. Immediate delivery from stock. Write for saniitlea and estimates. Steel Distributors Limited. 500 Cherry St.. Toronto. REGAL custom farm tractors, 3 plow size, powered by Chrysler Industrial engine, good territories available for denier franchise. Dis- tributed by Regal Motors Ltd., Brampton, Ont. BALE1> HAY, commercial bales, $18.00 ton at barn; $20.00 F.O.B. shipping point. Losds trucked. A. Iladley. 'Stirling, Ont. OILS, GREASES, TIRES Insecticides. Electric Fence ConlrollerB. House and Barn I'.ilnt. Roof Coatings, etc. Dealers are wanted. Vrlte Wnrco Grease & Oil Limited. Toronto, GILDED Wire Name Pins, 6 Ooâ€" 7 for VOo . Eagle Mfg, Co.. 4320 Francis St.. Van- couver. B C. USED International Hsy Baler, almost new. rubber tires. Write or particulars to: Dun- das Bros.. 251 Railway Street, Tlmmlns, Ont. GUNS, new, used. Scopes, ammunition. Write for list. Ted AIANOKKK SPORTING Goods. 220 Ottawa North. Hamltl.m. Ont. STICNN mio man rnwcr saw. used only six weeks, excellent for logs, wood or ice. â- tandurd cross cut blade euKV to sharpen. Write Box C17. Hesiieler. RUBBER-CANDY-MOLDS For making Candy of all kinds. Anyone can make candies fast nnd easily at home or for resale at a nice profit with our imported Voorhees rubber candy molds. Ask for free tlust rated Catalogxio with directions ALSO: ALUMINUM CAKE MOLDS Toil can tiake Novclly CakcH that will bo the tnlk of your friends for Ea.it er and other occtislons like he Big Egg. Rabbit, Heart. CMcken. Shamrock. Bi ge-set and others. IDaslIy baked with free cake reclites, and decorated In ovigirial ways for year-round celebratUms. Also for' Jelly-Ment. Jello, any- thing for casting. Ask for fre 'Tolder of our imported Reniildc Aluminum cake molds. Chfls. K. LcPage, Distributor, 72-74 Jaa- Cnrtler Ave., Quebec City. 1 Q. I'UU »A1.1S OPPORTUNITIES for ME.N and WOMitM WHY b« disappointed. Order Vour Maple Syrup now from a reputable proJucer for Bprln* delivery. «4.75 per gallon delivered. IJiscoiuit on lurtjer <iuantltle8. .Mall your chequo or inon^'y rder to Kayrock Farma. R R. .No. 1. nr*ebrl<lse. Ont. All orriere EABM MONEY AT HOME Spare or Full-Tlme money making Learn I* make candy at home, earn as you learn. Pr«t tools supplied. Correspondence course. N^,- tlonal Institute of Confectionery Red'd, D«l- orlmer P.O.. Box 152, .Montreal. Que. pron)pily aoknowledgcd. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Oresl Opportunity Learn Halrdresslng Pleaaani dignified profession, good wagM. BA.SEBALU Softball team manaKere. low prices, good service. Write for prices. Ted MANORI1.K 8IH)BTI>n Goods, J20 Ottawa North. Hamilton. Ont. PISHINO ^ET.S. Get our prices on smelt and elll nets. Minnow «elnc« and dip nets for siirkers and minnows. Dept. 27. Hallam Sporting Goods. Toronto. Ont. thousands successful Marvel graduates. America's greatest system Illustrated cAta. logue free Write or Call MARVEL HAmDRE-ISING SCHOOLS COMl'I.KTK .Sawmill Edger. Slabsaw, and kteam engineâ€" »1. 000. 00. Mall chain saw JtOO.OO. FrecLsion Bow Saw 1300.00. Camet 3511 BIOOT St W , Toronto Branches 44 King St., HamlltoB & 72 RIdeau Street. Ottawa. Westlnhe. Bi-eton. Ont PLAT PIANO Iv Ear. A "SOUND" system. HELP WANTED Booklet free. Joe Boucher, Box K Ottawa, told popular sheet music for sale. Old sonsa ME.N and boys to learn to become a railroad wanted. Up to S2 paid. List free.) altogether new inethod, anyone can learn. Write: Kchool of Telegraphy. Box 304. Port Arthur, Ont. FHEEI Three months' trial subscription. Sea4 lOc for mailing, to American Rurallst, 8v6 N. Oakland, Indianapolis 1, Ind. GOOD opportunity for young energetic married man with life experience In general farm work and dairying. Separate house with POEMS set to music. Songs copyrighted. Free examination. Send poems. Harmonyst, Box 68. Weston, Ontario, hydro. T. O. Doiaon. RR >ro. 2, Brampton. Phone Victoria 17-3-1. PAINTS MEDICAL FREE!â€" I Gallon Paint for best letter conUlB- Ing helpful painting hints. Bam Faintg, NATURE'S HEI^Pâ€" Dixon's Remedy for Rheu- matic Pains, Neuritis. TbousandH pralsina It. Monro's Di uk .'â- lor.- ;'.3.i lilgln. Ottawa. Postpaid n.OO. white, gray, green, tile red and Fence Paints all colors, $2.95 per gallon. New 194». Bnaag- el, Semi-Gloss, Flat, not a surplus paint. AH colors. Inside and out $2.95 per gallon. Qualltr guaranteed or money refunded. H. L. Steln«r. 21 Russell Street. Toronto. MaU Orders ••- cepted. FOR ECZEMA: •Monacad". the new match- leas and eJnuaolouB ointment. By Uall BOc. Trappist Fathers, North-RogersvlUe, N.B. "HOW to live and keep well." "Hnme Reme- dies." for every disease â€" »J4.6iJ. Free cir- culars. Levi Housser, Beamsvllle, Ontario. PATENTS FETHERSTONAUGH & Company Patent So- licitors. Eatabllshed 1890. 350 Bay Street, Toronto. Booklet of information on reaueet. IF TOU are a SUFJ-EREB from SINl'S. Hay- fever, Headcoldf., Catarrhal Deafness, you should use N.^MELESS Cold Reroe<ly. Con- vincing trial. Postpaid 11.00. Address Purity Products. Exeter. Ont. PERSONAL ASTROLOGICAL Readings. Sclentlflc. Ac- curate. Please write for Information. Bra WInfleld, 859 Thurlow, No, 206 Vancouver, Canada. STOP SMOKING without taking anything In- ternally or using any will power: For In- formation send 4c addressed en\*elope to Pierre, 442T Blrks Building. Edmonton. Alberta. "I AiM taking a course in watch repairing and I need old watches for practice. I would be IF YOUR SVrFER from SIM'S. HAY- FEVER, Headcolda. Catarrhal Deafness, you Khould use NAMELESS Gold Remedy, Con- very grateful to anyone who would send me some." Dollard Voutour, J. M. Sanatorium, The Glades, N.B. vlncng trial. Postpaid Jl.OO .address PIRITV BEPAIB WORK GOOD RESOLUTIONâ€" Every sufferer of Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dlxon"» Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- tawa. Postpaid tl 00. WATCHES, Clocks, Ronson and Thorens Lighters repaired. prompt guaranteed service. Mall orders filled. Kllng'a. 401 Tonge. Toronto, NURSERY STOCK STAMPS CALLING ALL gardeners. There ars no priorities .. plant materials for this spring except what your early order and our supply Imposes. Send for descriptive price Hat on shrubs, rosea, etc. Special offer to early ALL DIFFERENT. 600 worldwide 60c; 1.090 worldwide. $1.50. 20 Newfoundland iSo: Tokelau complete 10c; 1949 New Zealand Healths 10c. Nice approvals. H. F. Hughee. Shaunavon. Saak. buyers, so send at once. Its Free. Watt's Nurseries, Fenwick. P.O., Ont. FREE! Interesting stamps given as premium to any collector writing for either my Illustrated pamphlet showing world wide bargains con- cerning sets, etc., or for my splendid aborted approvals, and making a purchase, sets, air mall at reasonable prices, singles at one cent and more. P. Dufreene. 2557 Fullum St., Montreal. BUY DEPENDAJ3LE Seeds for your garden. New Catalogue now ready. Write for Free Copy. Ontario Seed Company. Waterloo. Ont. PLANT a Hedge â€" Reserve now for Spring de- livery â€" extremely hardy â€" quick growing Chi- nese Elm â€" win grow two feet the first year â€" enough plants (26) to plant 25 feet. Special price 25 plants for $2.98. 12-lnch size: â€" or. 25 plants for ti.il. 2-foot size. Write for New Free Full Colour Garden Guide. Brook- dale-Klngsway Nurseries. Bowmanyllle. Ont. TURKEYS FOB 8.ALE IF YOU want the best In turkeys all hatched from (Jovemment Approved Pullorum tested breeders, send for our turkey folder before buying. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, NURSING BEIXEVUE CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL FerguB. Ontario. IM BEATJTLFITL ST. CATHARINES. A home away from home. Graduate nurses: male and female; night and day duty Excel- lent meals, prlcea moderate, private and aeml- prlvate rooms available. Our specialty Is BROAD BREASTED Bronze, day old. and started. Government approved poults. Leo Paguln, St. Rose de Lima. Que. WANTED nervoUB, aged and convalescent. Our aim: courtesy and service. for Information apply to superintendent or phone 6-8353. BUTTONS OldCasbloned buttons. Also old postage atamps. 160 Evelyn Avenue. Toronto. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON ^ DIESEL POWER UNITS Brand new or reconditioned . for SAWMILLS . . . FEED MILLS . . . CRUSHERS COMPRESSORS CONVEYORS . . . PUMPING PLANTS . . GENERATING SETS RUSSEL-HIPWELL ENGINES Phone 2088 M.UITEI) Head Office â€" OWEN SOUND, Ont MACDONALD'S OiHCiUa's ftatidcJicl fmcf^z WEAK, NERVOUS CRANKY-';£S;>*? Then Try This Remarkable Medicine! Are you troubletl by tlistrrns of female functional monthly disturlmiicea'.' Does this make you sulTer, feci so nerwus, weak, tiredâ€" at such times? Then do try I.ydin K. Tinkham's VeKetaMetJoniiHuinil to relievo such symptoms! In a recent teat it proved very helpful to women troubletl this way. You on* it to yourwlf to try it. * rinkham's Coni|mund is what is known n« H uterine sedative. It has a soothing effect oit one of women's most impor- tant ort,'ana lor iivt 1 \trtis tlioiisiiiuta of i^irls nnd «»niâ„¢ have reported l-oneht Just see if you, too don't reixirt excellent results. Worth trying! NOTKi Or you mav prcfrr I.VOIV E PINkllAM'S TAIILE IS with «dd,..l iron. i '-«â- "â- â€¢â€¢ l•^^KIIAM•STAIILt^S„i,h.dd...liro„. ^ Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND^ By Arthur Pointer 4 â- 4 r X t 1^ t i 7- -A 4 â- :>:'

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