Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Mar 1949, p. 4

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.Wednesday, March 9, 1949 TH£ FLSmmRTON ADVANCE Spring Is Just ^ Around The Corner Some of these items will interest you: VVABASSO PRINTS WABASSO SHEETS and PILLOW CASES W A BASSO SHEETINGS WABASSO BROADCLOTHS Draperies, Curtains and Cretonnes Congoleum and Feltol by the yard Congoleum and Feltol Rugs FINE SHIRTS **Arrow" and "Forsyth" Fine Shirts, white and colors; all siees LADIES' and MEN'S TAILORED SUITS The new Tip Top samples are ready for your inspection. It pays to make your choice of a Spring Suit now, while the rang-e of cloths is at its best. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. with every order. J|*Sunworthy** Wall Papers for every room in the house. A wide selection of patterns. Paiats, Enamels, Floor Finishes and Varnishes F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON A mti^ critic says good music is bckTenly. The kind that comes from oezt ioot usually is unearthly. A znOM drew a 5-to-30 year prison >HiCl»ncc for robbing a frat.>mlty koiue at Dension University â€" about Ike fttiffe&t initiation we've ever heard A city boy and a country lad were ualkins down a street. Coining to- ward them was a product ol the lieauty parlor: permanent wave, scarlet fingernails, drug-store com- plexion, and gaudy lipstick. "Now what do you think of that?" a3l:_J the cit • boy. The farin boy looked carefully and i)l)served: "Speaking as a farmer, 1 should say that it must have been mighty poor soil to require so much top-dressing." end i^er\^ilnin<j nice puRiry ^^ , . . and easy to make at home . . . and easy to make at home Appetizing, (Qliifying, msnty-tavingl Maki up Ihli furlty Flour SwttI Bun dough and In quick lint* you can hav* hot bum, fruit bum, tplcod bum or lead buni...av*n froth. .V mi ROY FENWICK RECEIVED TROPHY IN COMPETITION Mr. Roy Feuwick of Maxweli at- tended the Ontario Hortdcuttural Society convention at the ICing Ed- ward Hotel, Toronto, held om March 3rd and 4th, and brougtit hoime the trophy presented to the prize winner in the Grey and Bruee Counties Winlbreak Competition, by Mr. A. J. Jackman of Owen Soand. Boy also won the 960.00 award aa first prise. EUGENIA s H^r. Len Latimer and daughter, Mrs. E. Proctor recerived a telegraw iiiiorming thom of the death March 1st of the former';:, brother, Albert E. Lati«€r, in Victoria, B.C., after a len^hy illness. The late Mr. Lat- imer was bom in the Eugenia local- ity, where he grew into manhood. He spent most of kis later li£e in the West and ia British Gokinbia. â- "•- .v'onj t,,,,, i.,-.rti,;)*:Viy ;•:, the ber- eavea relativM. Mrs. Mary Proctor is Mi with the 'flu at pre»e«t and Mr, B. C. Burton has afco been on the sick list. We hope both will soon be well again. M'r. Barl Magee kas bee» home the Faat couple of weeks ill with throat trouble. We hope that he has a complete recovery. Misses Mary and Isabel MicKee, Mr. P. W. MoCarthy and Miss Patsy Taylor of Toronto were week end visitors at the McKee home. Mr«. C. Martin, who has been ill for the past couple of weeks, is gtill under ^e doctor's and wiil be some weeks yet before her recovery, Mrs. Lome Heeney and Judy hi^e returned to Toronto and Mrs. Bill Thompson and Bonnie Lee to Owen Sound, ;-.fter a fortnight's visit at tJie Burton home. (Intended for Last Week) Over 50 ski-ers fron Toronto spent the week end at the EXigenia Lodge and other homes around the village and enjoyed ski-jng on the hilUs here. TTiey say the ski-ing here competed with that in other contres. Congratulations to Mr. Gordon Stewart, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Stewart of this place, who was married on SatiU'day, Feb. 26th, in Toronto to Miss Shirley Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tay- lor of Toronto. .Sympathy is extended to Mr. John Spanhousc, Snr., whose sister pass- I (I away recently, after being a pa- tient in hospital for 15 years. In- tei'ment was made in Gollingwood. Mi s Dorothy Gonoe and Mrs. Thora Cox and son, Jimmy, of To- ronto spent the week end with the former's father, Mr. David Genoe. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce, Fred and Jean, moved last week to reside 'in the Nottawa ditsrict. We wish them success in their new home, but they will be greatly missed in the village. We welcome to our midst Mr. Fred Taylor and son, Clifford, wife and children, who are now in possession of the Boyce property. Mr. and Mrs. Joey Williams of To- ronto spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams, who returned to Toronto with them on Monday to spend a couple of months in the city. We hope the esteemed old couple will soon be well again. Mr. Delbei-t Magee of Hamilton was a week end visitor with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee. PRICEVILLE Friday afternoon the World's Day of Prayer was held in St Andreiw'a Church with a s«od attendance from both churches, with Mrs. R. H. Mc- Conkey and Mrs. p. L. MscAztlMr acting ae leaders. The prognm loaflerts were followed, and prayera were offered by Mrs. John Nichol. Mirs. Donald Reiley, Mies Editli James, Mrs. Mould, Mrs. W. Meade, Mrs. P. Sims and Mrs. J. A. Nickol. Mrs. J. C. Harrison presided at the piano for the hyains. Mrs. Mould gave an excellent address on the value of prayer. The offering wm taken by Mrs. Boice and Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Baird and family of Durham were recent vis- itors at the home of Haory Tudcet. Miss Shirley Hincks spent th4 week end with her unde and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joihm Calder, Holstein. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Adame, Eaa, Jim and Jans oif Meshertom visited P"ndny "t th-" I'orro o* Dick Carlos Sympathy is extended to Mrs. J. McKeohnie and fasiily of Du>rham in the death of Mr. John McKechnie, fonmerly of Priceville. Miss Betty Hinaks of Lisle and friend visited Sunday at her home. Messrs. Clarence jjnd Jimmie Mac- Arthur of Toronte spent the week end with their mother. Mrs. Joe Gibson, Mr. and MIrs. John Meads accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Meads to Meaford and attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. W. Pindtey. (Mr. Wm. Beaton returned home, jgJ^aS*****^"*- I tit " sd I""""" "It 5^" V«ai) cot. , . SWEET BUNS â- "•â- "••n •so .„,. "Whomâ€" '' °<>'*n roll,. â- P ""' 'OPI WIN, Wliai a «iie thrill . . . what â-  thrill to (ct a recipe that mcana *o much wonderful food for %o little money. And tbii recipe calii tor Piiriiy lloiir . . . your favourite, the flour tbii) ipecially milled from fine hard wheal, the flour that means tucceiiful cakca, pies, cookies or buos, tvtrj lims, «// tb« limt. IJI-M fOu Nfio ONir OMI fioua PU RIT!I Fi:OUR tl buy, you Ihllamoul PURITY COOK lOOK wHh lit i7i rsilpii d«v«loti*d In lli> Pmlly Flour Kllchani. Stnrf to yovr naaratl PuiMy nsvr MIUi' oflica -SI. iohn, N.t., Monlrtol, Quo., Otfawo, Ont., Toronlo, Ont„ Wlnnlpftg. Man., Calgary, Alt*., Vancouvor, B.C. ^4«m• „. Sirool CHy Feversham Public School G<rade 8 â€" Joan Davidson 81, Nor- ris Moore 80, Phyllis Parsonage 75, Merle MfeMullen 72, Paul Hudson fSl. Grade 7 â€" Dtrothy Fenwii'k 73, Melville Wright 71, John Stewart 70, Stanley Wright 13. Grade 6 â€" John Pedlar 85, Steph- en Eiby 80, Sadie Stewart 71, Gerald Teeter 52. Grade 5 â€" Shirley Saninnons 90, Ohcryl Light 85, Shirley Wright 75, lOvi'lyn I'edlar 75, Velda Toctcr 69. (ir.'ide 4 ~ Tony Parsonage 97 (promoted to Grade 6), Joan Short !)(i, Joan Parker 87, John Sled 87, Gene McMullen 77, Rolbert Jackson <i7, Clare Blackburn 46, Irwin Stew- i'l't 44, Edward Smith 43. Grade 3 â€" Eleanor Sled 82, Car- man Wright 74. (trade 2 râ€" Leola Sammons 73 (promoted to Grade 3), Douglas .Moore 70, Harvey Samimons fiO, Jack Teeter 60. Grade 1 -^ Elaine McMullen 83, Carl Jat'k-on 82, Louise Biaeklmrn 80, Ruth MdLean 73, Diane Parson- age (15, Roibin Plummcr 20. Shirley Smrnmnns wa.s winner of monthly prize foy spelling, attend ancp and conduct; numbers are per- rcntnges; number on roll 30, aver- iijre attendance 37.15; the school was <ien 2" days. •Mrs. V. J. Seeley Toaeher It's o real treat to sit back and take it easy - to enjoy a close-up picture of Ontario's favored countryside, as trim farmlands, rugged hills, sparkling lakes, busy towns and villages roll by in scenes of everchanging inter- est. That's just one of the reasons you'll enjoy going anywhere by bus. FARES ARE LOW Oshawa • - - $7.05 Toronto - - - 5.30 Markham - . - 6.55 OrUlia . â-  â-  8.15 ROUND TRIP Tax included (Sulbjeot to change) "«fEK 'AND •ODfW's snnoN after ayendiiv a few dsjrs Tiaitiiv n Iteveat*. Mv. Soddie AAeBsdMrn aad hia motiker entertaioed the Mighbora on Friday aigiht at tlM home of Mr. sad Urs. Sk K. MeKiaaoB, wken aise taMee ef siMhre were in ylsF. Mrs. Rey ICsDermid and Hector SieBacb- era Jr. held hi^ scoresk Rutli kic- Deivoid and Jean iiMiiUan, who played as a man, won the eoiisola- tioa pdkKS. Sir. Wm. McArtbar left Saturday fer hie honie ia Alberta after visit- ing a few days with hie cou^b, Mrs. JIm Stearrock. He spebt tiw win- ter wilfc kis sister at Red Creek. The yooig people fcsswted play "Aoat Idmie tnm Ota" at KigobezJey «b Mday. DIED GROFF â€" At her reeideaiea WntA Mills, on Wednesday, Uarsk 9, 1M0. Marian Sayere, beloved wife e< W> vread Creft, ia her SWk year. Resting at her late residence. Sezv vice in Cedarside Baipitiat, rionjior ton, on Friday, Marcih 11th, IMO, at 2 o'clock p.m. Interment in Max- well Cemetery. It 4 -1^ r NOTICE -FARMERS 24 Hour Service WB PAT A8 men AS tte.oo for DEAD OR CRIPPLE© HORSES and COWS « «eerding to size snd conditien â€" Snail aiiiRMtIs reaisTeil free. â- ^ c do li ., . ^ -in • . HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOB OLD HQRSES Phone Dundalk 146 â€" Reverse Charges NICK PECONI, OWNER ^*^~^.^<K••^«^»K•♦4«:â- ^K":"KK•♦1M"&*<K•<~:•♦<KK~>4•^^ I NOTICE - FARMERS! We Require Unliinited Quantities of HARDWOOD LOGS /*â- - -r- â- -%'â-  V Good prices according te size and kind. We ako buy Bush Lots G. L. MAGANN CO., LTD. - PRICEVILLE Phone: Park Hotel, Fleshcrton « « YOUR MUSIC HOUSE POPULAR HIT TUNES 160 Acres in The Valley A Little Bird Told Me Blue Bii-ci of H.TDPiness Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain Bine Sliadows on The Trail Brush Those Tears From Your Eyes Buttons and Bows Boudiiet of Roses Down Among: The Sheltering Palms Fivo Minutes More Galway Bay Hair of Gold Eyes of Blue I'm Lookinff Over a 4-Leaf Clover Lavender Blue Linda Love Somebody My Darlinff. My DarlinR iMy Dream Boat is DriftinK My Happiness On a Slow Boat to China Powder Your Face With Sunshine Now 1.1 The Hour That Certain Party OLD TYME TUNES AND GEMS OF MELODY Alexander's Rae Time Band Apple Blossom Weddinsr A Tree in The Meadow Beautiful Dreamer Beer Barrel Polka Beautiful Ohio Barolina Moon Drifting And Dreamine- Easter Parade Empty Saddles Frankie And Johnnie Foggy River ni Holdl Y'ou in My Heart I'll Walk Alone Indian Love Call Kentucky Waltz Lay My Head Beneath a Rose Let Me Call You Sweethea.-t Little Duth Mill Mevicali Rose Moonliprht And Roses Moonligrht On The Colorada Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland Oh Ma Ma (Butcher Boy) â- Ole Faithful Only A Rose On'y Fovevev Penssylvania Polka Pist(.l Paikin' Mama ' Pretty Piindroon 'r-ut On Your Old Grey Bonnet Rainbow .\t Midnight Rose, of Picardy Russian Lullaby * San Fernando A'alley Silver Haired Daddy of Mine Sentimental Journey Side By Side Sioux Citv Sue South Of The Border Swingins On .\ Star * Tearr. On My Pillow The Anniversary Waltz The Desert Son? The Last Round-Uu The Little Old Church in The Valley * Tl'.e Old Spinning Wneel Thcs One Rose Tciipessee Waltz Ti.e Singing- Hills In The Garden of Tomorrow '."lifc Road to The Islfls The Sweetheart of Siffma GU * The Trail of Lonesome Pine * WeiL, A Rost And k'ou The World Is Waiting For The Sunri.se They Cut Down The Old Pine Tree Two Little Girls in Blue * Wagon Wheel ^ Waltz of Wind When It' I>amp Lighting Time in The Valley * When It's Spring-Time in The Rockies When Mother Nature Sings , Her Lullaby * When Mother Played The Organ ♦- When The Organ Played at T^vilight * When You Were Sweet Sixteen * Whisfpering Hope Will You Remember * You Are My Sunshine and many others too numerous to list. LARGE STOCK OF Decca, Musicana, RegaliRecordings All the latest song hits as well a.s the Old-Time Favorites and Cowbey Songs by DON MKS.SKIJ KRNIE TIIBB JIMMIE DAVIS RING CROSBt Complete Stock of Messer Recordings niuisc or your own voice. Recording* can now 1^ n^ ta â„¢i^rtS3K In perfect privacy at aU times. A^tudfo fadlHi^S S>.?S?nfeSes a.e at hand, including a genuine Mason ft Ris^ iSS^S ' John W. Cook RADIO and SOUND BNGINBBR FLESHERTON A X A -.1 i -» -^ «.-. 1

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